PAGE TWO r- ' ST. HELENS. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 28. 1920. I I irifui to Mhow you I -."T'- - THE ST. HELENS MIST Issue! Kverjr Frltlay ljr TUB MIST 1HUI.ISIII.NO COMI'AXY O. D. HEILBORN. . . .Vn President and Manager. SI MM IKY VV UK.PI HI. K'AMSM'io S. H. Thomas, land In Sec, 20. T, o.. ,.. m n.i,, I N 2 W.. IHUtl.rJ. . .. , The late Senator John M. Thurston'," j; ' yK - ' j,' et ux to HIHSCWPTIO.V KATK8 One Year 2 Fix Months 100 Entered as second-dugs matter. January lOtb. 1918, at the rostoffice at St. Helens, Oregon, under the act of March 3rd, 187. COCNTY OFFICIAL I'Al'KK Member National Editorial Asso ciation and Oregon Stato Editorial Association. EXPKK1MEXTI N(J ACAI X The Mist regrets that the voters thus summariied the cardinal loneia of Republicanism twenty yuars ago; the statement still holds m.l us ur outlino of the party fundamentals': The supremacy cf tho lonstitutlon of the lulled Slates. Tho maintenance of law und ordt r. The protection of every American citizen In his riht to live, to la'-ur and to vote. A vigorous foreign policy. The maintenance of tho Monroe Doctrine. The restoration of cur merchant marine. Safety under tho Stars cud Sliipc.i on every sea and in every land. Revenue adequate for all roiuo l nble government expenditures, and the gradual rcductiou of ilm public debt. A currency as sound r.s tl o jtovern nioi.t nrt a'a untarnNhcd hs 'lie na- w hero d l'iar. v eiuer Charles K. noddy et ux, land In Sec 17 T 6 N. H. 2 V.. i25 0l. I oiutn- i Mu Timber t'o. to King 1. linker et ux. h.nd in See. 17, T. 6 N. K. i W., j fliJR.OO. Cidfry Von Platen to) Milton Creek l-ogglng Co., land In Sec. It". T. 6 N., K. 2 U, $10 00. V.arv K. Wooden et ux to l.?na A. Mariiham, lot 3 Hoick 0 Cl.ilskanie. , $10.00. Minnie l.oe Itelkmip et , to Ceorge II. t o.ivers et ux. part of. lot 2 Klippins 8ill.divlKloti of lot 1 Tu lienor's 1st Add. to Clatskanie, $1.00. lloo. H. Conyers et ux to Minnie liellump et ux, part of Lot 3 Kllpplns Subdivision of Lot 1 Tlchemr's 1st Add. to Cl'itskanlo. $1.00. Minnie Lee llelknap et ux to Addie Priest, land In Clatskanie, $10.00. Emma U. Whlto et a: to Cau Claire, land In Sec. 29, T. 5 N. K. 3 W., $10.00. I j. C. Stewart et ux to Clnr.1 M. Colo, 1a1 3 lllork "H" Itoxy Park. $1.00. May 8 Columbia Agricultural t o tional honor: where d iuar. cold, tinner or silver, ahull iiav-3 enuu of Columbia county did not see fit purchasing ami (T.-m ii g I - ,0 0 g i.mignluiid, Lot A Tract 11 to return to the legislature uepre-itii in mm mw.. Clatskanie Drainage District. l.- sontative Edison I. liallugh and ltj world. " ..,.., 320.00. J. C Watts et ul to Snip further believes that by not doing A protective tar ff porse Lumber Co.. land In Sec. 6 T. so. Columbia county will suffer. , with reciprocity that retip. a. utcs , xv $lu00. Itrlx Sand Uallagh made a good record in tho : thereby securing the bes, ma. l.U-Uoi & (,q ,0 w Vric n, ,., legislature, notwithstanding some of j American products and op uim, (. v 3 f ()0 the false rumors which were spread j American factories to tho me voin- M;(y 10AlllKl i hm:II1 t0 , m. about election time. He Had tlie . age of American mnsu. ..' lieattv. land in Sec. 14, T. 3 N. H. 2 confidence ol ins coueaguus, hard working, consc lntor who Eave his enti consideration of questions which he comrades. '"" ub V, ,.,! i.rions Ileatty. lanil in ec. n. i. .i u. i leagues, was a A pension polic just und i.onci pi s f ,lf00 00. Wm. ijrtler et ux iencious legis-,to our living heroes am to t e , Uav T(vnol(l!tf ,.m(l (ll sc. 25, T. lire time to the. widows nnd orphans of tlieli iii-aa fi j 2 w j 1500 ou t M.1X. mraues. wo1 to Mrg Margaret J. McVey. lov Government si pe rv is J - , ,ilot.k 3 ro,llni,,:i , ity, $1.00. rl of transportation ine, . n I rates n William Phillip et ux The protection or tho , pub , K Mclntire, l,.t 11 and 13 I unlawful combination; i and n: ulork 4 Midway U,!s. $10.00. actions of an aggregated canul , i2Tlicmas llasso to linslavo thought of benefit to the state anil rarticularly to Columbia county. Tim voters of Columbia county will realize the mistake they made, but jail then It will be too late. Columbia i exi , ou iwnnl will Kpnil an inex- mil rornorated power. perlenced man to the legislature audi An American welcome for every iastead of beginning where Uallagh! ocd-fenring. liberty loving, Constitu left off, he will have to begin at thejtion respacting, law abiding, tndustn bottom of the ladder. For tho life 0us, decent man. of us, we cannot seo why the voters j The exclusion of all whosa beliefs, wish to experiment, neither can ve character, teaching and practices see why any good republican or clt- would menace the supi-emucy of fret- laen of Columbia county ana pro-i institutions, tnreatcn me sumably with the interest of the county at heart, wisnea to run ngainst a man who made good for the county and was acoomplishing good for the county, unless It was purely a selfish purpose American society or lessen tho oppor tunlties cf American laoor. A deathless loy?.lty to all, thnt Is truly American, and patriotism as en during as the stars! should be cherished and undoubted ly Ballagh does cherish it and he deserved it. Ballagh can look back to a record. ,,.ri.-i.-i v mkvikw OK 1,1'MBER of good, honest service and he can ' ' tn., rviITIOS always point with pride to the flat-j Tlt.VDb tOMmu terlng testimonial expressed by the; hn.inem accented bv 131 voters in the city in which he lives Cargo b "sincss f0"? Really, such a testimonial from his lumber ; mills of "tern W hington fellow citizens is worth much and f'fr1 ,'dr1V JHl .hn,ii,1 h cherished and nudoubted-' ended May 15 aggregated 14,-49 feet, according to the woCKiy parom- eter of the West Const Lumbermen's Association. Of this volume 11,- 531,291 feet Is destined for Califor nia delivery and 2,715,000 for ex port. The cargo business continues an important factor in thd Weast Coast industry. Orders for both export and domestic delivery have main tained a high avorago through the last few months. At the same time domestic rail business is steady. Orders for rail delivery last week were 4 2,240,000 feet or 1408 cars. The mills have a balance of 9116 cars or 273, 480, 000 foet of unfilled orders on their books. Total new business of all klndc for the week, was f9,136,7 20 feet. while shipments were 79,755,090 feet. The same standard of production that has prevailed through the last1 several months continues. The cut for the week was 92,249,701 feet at the 131 mills contributing to the report. Th!s was only 2,560, 29k feet or 2.7 per cent below tho normal production for the onme period. XON-PARTISAX LEAGUE DREAM The rising Interest rates are giv ing the Non-Partisan league organ izers new campaign material. The arguments are advanced that in North Dakota the farmers pay only 6 per cent and that state owned banks operated with taxpayers mon ey would lower rates to ail. I hay say that if the government borrows money at less than 5 per cent, the individual should get it at the same rate. Here is where their argument fd'.s flown. Due to changed world con ditions the government cannot get money at 5 per cent, let alone for less. Its treasury certificates to meet current expenses are selling at 5 to hVt per cent and Liberty bonds are at a discount to net around 6 per cent or better. The strongest industrial corporations arc paying Irom 7 to 8 p9r cent. All the Non-partisan loaruc Mat owned banks cannot chauge the world interest rates, though their arguments to tha uninformed mav collect $16.00 dues. Non-Partisan league 'airivrs and Industries in North Dakota will find they have to pay going ir.teieiit rates and that even Pr-M. Townley would not loan his f'inds In Von: A. Martinson, lots 9 und 10. Qulncy Tracts, $10.00. II. K. Wltlir.m to Asa 11. Cutler, land In Sec. 20, T. 7 N.. U. 4 W., $10.00. May 13 O. A. Kitan et ux to John V. Cheldelln et ux, laud in Sections 8, 9 and 17 T. 5 V, II. , $10.00. Lora Haines Co k el ux to Ucnson Timber Co., land In Sees. 4, 7. 8, 17 and 18 T. 6 N, K. .. W., $10.00. Mattl Nii mola et ux to Abraham Wirkkala et ux, land In Sees 27 and 34, T. 3 N., II. . $500.00. Eder T. Wallace to A. E Jones et ux, land In Sec. 13, T. 6 N , U. 5 W., $10.00. Alfred W. Atkins o Levi Alley et ux. land In Sec. 2, T. 6 N, It. 3 W., $500.00. May 14 Prank E. Shay to C.eonte X. Etzwiler, land in Sec. 21. T. 7 N. R. 2 W. Helga S. Freeman to Sophia K. Kvle and Walter U. Freeman land In Sees. 8, 16, and 17 T. 5 N. II. 1 V $5.00. S. D. Vincent to David C. Eccles, trustee, all of lot 2 Block 5, Rose Add. to Veraonla, $1.00. May 17 Minnie P. Kelley et ux to T. F. Robertson, lot 12 and W '-t of let 11 Block 2 Georgetown, $10. 00. Andrew Nelson to Grace M. Malcom, land in Sec. 17 T. 6 X. R 5 V., $10.00. Nevada McDonald to W. T. Simmons et ux, lots 6 and 7 Block 7 Clatskanie, $1.00. It takes I960 pounds of rose petals to make one pound of the oil which '.a used as a baso for rose perfumes There are now more than 2.250 women students In the medtea schools of Great Britain. LIST OF TRANSFERS Reported by ' Columbia County Ab stract Co. April 28 Ora D. Lcvender to I Dakota for 6 per hm ne can j Helmer, land In Sees. 32 & 33 T. ! get 7 to 8 on perfectly sov.d irivale R. W., $3,000.00. CMas. W and government loans. THE SPCIt OF ADVERSITY. George Matthew Adams in Arco Weekly Bulletin: . The man with his back to the wall concentrates. He picks out es sential values only, for the real sup porting things of life at stake. Much of people's worth and sound ness is hidden in adversity. Most battles are won just as they are about to be lost. Happiness, e-. well as success, must be tempered. And while the tempering process is going on we are apt to get bitter, or cross, or discouraged but adversity makes only those worth making, somehow. The wisest men in the world are cble to reason but a little way into the depths of the whys that face us all. This U the condition and adver sity understands it. And when we me to realize thai adversity isn't evil, but a sort of turning about of things, then we will : decide always to set our stakes and fight the battle of ourselves cut com pletely to a good winning. For it will be a winning. Adversity comes to us all, in lesser or greater degree. Usually the finest and strongest are those who have known the most about adversity. Ai,d so to such her spur is the greatest. No one stumbles Into big things. They are all striven for by way of sweat, and disappointment, and ad versity. S'.me one, or some thing, Is always spurring us on to better things, we not knowing. I believe that we should all enter into our tasks from day to day and not ask their names in advance. Let's do It! .uuiunger ei ux to i nas. U. Wiiite E of lots 9 and 10 Uori 7 Ver nonia, $100.00. Gust Eillun 1 to E Taylor, lot 2 Block 2 Columbia Park $175.00. April 29 Kolai.c' Master! tt u to J. F. Dopplmaia, lot ) Block 4 Railroad Addition. $100 '0 I T Alexander et ux to it. K. 'Uimlv, Wm, in Sec. 29, T. 7 N XI. ! H , $;i) oo Geo. R. Kelly et ux to Chester D McConnell, all of lot Bii-ck 1 lieei Island, $150.00. Albert L. Thomas e ux to Elwor.d Logging Co , ;and Ir, Sec. 5, T. 5 N. It. 5 W., 81.0u0.00 Columbia Agricultural CV to Jaspei H. Lewis et ux. Tracts 7, ti. , 10 11. 12 Magruder Drainaso District. $11,901.90. Apr.l 30 W. S. Francis nt ux tc Tide Creek Lumber Co., laud In Sec 10, T. 6 N. R. 2 W., X10 (Ml. Clirit Beseotis et ux to Tide Creek Lumber Co., land In Sec. 10, T. 5 N". It. 2 W., $400.00. C. J. Larson to Swed ish Evangelical Lutheran of Warren Oregon, land in Sec. 19, T. 4 N., n. 1 W. W. O. Cooper f.t ux to Peter McGcrty et ux, lot 15 Bolck U St. Helens, $425.00. May 1 T. C. Rucker to Ray Jen nings et ux, land in Sec. 30, T. 7 N . R. 3 W., $600.00. May 3 Lucy A. Wharton bt ux to E. D. Eoyce et ux, lot 12 Block I Columbia Park, $000.00. Martha E. Coleman to W. O. Galloway, Lind in Sec. 8 T. 4 N., R. 4 W., $100.00. Charles A. Greenlund et ux to John W. McCully, land I- Sec. 7 T. 4 N . a. l w., $3,000.00. May 4 E. A. Phillips to O. L Graham, lot 10, 11 and 12 in Bolck 20, Columbia City, $10.00. Clnrlet D. White to Louis riiegert, Eya ol lots 9 and 10, Block 7 Vernonla $1168.72. David Davis et ux tc David C. Eccles, part of lots 10 anc II Block 5 Rose Addition to Ver nonia, $1.00. B. F, Rogers et ux to Lou Ann Rogers, land in Sec. 12, T. 4 N., R. & W., $10.00. Delia W Beilstoln et ux to Israel P, Spencer, President Wilson advised the dem ia ? B0- 4 W. leaetta without reservations, which t ,Ma 6 John H. Dart, C. C. Cas was about the same as making a; sett, Executors to Ida P. Dahl at ux, motion that Chamberlain be declared 3- Aih 10, Dlock 18' St the unanimous choice of tho d o. p."e'ns' S'?,''?.0'00- . .. for United States senator. And the! May SKBIrger Mlsen to M. F. president Is not madly in love witbJ"azej; f- ux'.1,0t P U!ock 78,, CUT THE H. C. OF L. WE MANUFACTURE Fresh Butter Milk DAILY. 10 CENTS A GALLON CAN U BEAT IT? St. Helens Co-Operative Creamery Assn. a PHOTO FIRST-CLASS Is most appreciated when smn ( our loved ones arc called nwav. It can only be obtalue-l whllrt we are feeling our best Life is uncertain and tomor row may be t I'Ue. Do now - today. Scott'sStudio St. Helena, Oregon, .'.., HKvavs iilad to how you tlm I'oidwn Tractor and ilemons run It to you. It Is one of Ilm fl"t ad ditions to your farmliiK H.iioiit that you can buy. I' "'" uo U'H, .i.. '...., t.L.wliiir. fill Jour alio, cut ,iir wood und. In tet. do anything wher power Is needed on tho farm Kliililhuso Motor i o iH-tf a . " v niijiii. n SMMUli n KI. HoUKl.t, H0, JJ rlmiiKiMl. Itoum krm,u,. Itoiilloa , 1 J -L 1 J J S v j i WHY? Why spend your time and strength in laundry work? Why subject your fam ily to steamy smells? Why use fuel, water, soap and time? When the St. Helens Laundry for a few cents per pound will do all the work and save vou the worry? WHY? ST. HELENS STEAM LAUNDRY W?W AU Seeds Tested for Purity and Germination w i A Wc aim to carry the best tested varieties ol seeds that arc grown in this section of the country and arc pleased to advise and offer suggestion! on eultivatien, production or quality of any variety WE OFFER GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS. GRAIN FERTILIZERS AND PLANTS Columbia River Canning 4 Produce Company J. H. FLYNN Auto Supplies am Ac.-ranorief Expert Itepnlrlng und Hhop W'irk V. 8. L. IUTTEUY SERVICE Shop: Ons block east of 8. P. & 8. depot. St Melons, Ore n .... ... . r , .... . MriM Why You Should Wear Tailor Made Clothes - fy. A Your form Is as different as your foatures. Vou cannot ect a hand-tne-down or ready-made suit to fit you no more than you Cnn got another man s picture to look liko you TAII.OI5 0'MALI.EY, , St. Helens, nPn,n It's a Good Time To be Saving Money P VER YON E should be putting away part of ha earnings in a safe, convenient and profitable p!w for he never knows just when opportunity or 4 versity will knock at hia door. Preparedness therefore is a good thing tn in) event. And the man or woman who is not saving never prepared. The Columbia County Bank offers a splendid m-ans of saving through Hs Savings Department, and th: liberal interest ptid rewards one for saving. - I Mlil.t.h.l i . OKI-"' IN ctfl. 1U1 George.. St. Helens. 110.00. M. F. Hazei. et ux to H. E. Samuel ot ux, lots 19, 20. Block 78. fit Hnlena tm fin The birth rnta in the United States Josnnh Rich to M. h. Hiitchin.nn i n t a .AAA .... 1 . 1 ,1 , .r. H 1 ' ih .o per iuuw yupuiuiiuu uau moiiana in sec. t i. a n., h. l w., s700 death rate Is 14.1. This Is encouraR.' s. d. Alexander to Ber E MIntvr ing. Universal race suicide Is not In land Li 8ecs. 15 and 22, T. 6 N., R.' evidence. J8 W, UO.QO, Louise M. Anliki It Makes the WhoIePieLook Prosperous SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Prepared Mht 1b tho rlKh combination o( paint InRrcditmts th h.. t,..- proven the best In fifty year, cxn"riwirfl i ir i .h- f of tho highest qualityalnt an rvS,H 'ha aM'" SVfV beautifies, protects and Is Oconomica! Bafore painting your home get In toucl w ih u. can give you some valuable Inof rmatlon on house pahulng8 St. Helens Hardware Co Telephone 97 c, .,... THE UNIVERSAL CAR Mnrch 3. 1920. tho Kor.1 Motor Co. advanced the prlej ford curs hnruiiHo ,f tho Increased cost of lrd.uc,1,1"": Mt snwlflc nnnoiinci nifiit wub dnnmed noceniiary nt the il1 Ml I nan d. vli,,.(l that mfRrfpresoutatlons and nits'iu'"1 tlKJso advanced prices have boon anj ure liclnn Rlv;n "...oismiru UIO puilllO UKUllint the evils 0: .UIrrK w. herewith give tho present prices: A. Runabout - $JjJ lth dual electric starting and lighting system Touring Car ' with dual eloctrlo starting and lighting system Coupe I' with dual elenirlo starting and lighting systom nd A- mountablo rims..... Sedan W7i with dual einctrlo starting ond lighting systom nnd mjJ mountablo rlras 'T Truck Chassis, with solid tires and clincher rims (With pnoumatlo tires and domountabla rims, u' Thono prlecs aro all f. o. b. Detroit. j'OnWn Tract.,, 850.00 f. o. b. Dearborn, MlcbH.'""' . we will bo ploased tn recelvo your order, pled"1 10 eurnnce of the best possible promptness In delivery. t INSIST ON GENUINE FORD PARTS.