PACE FOUR OVER THE COUNTY SCAPPOOSE GOBLE Harley Currie and mother motored to St. Helens Saturday on a business tr'jack Marvee and family are back cn their ranch in Heaver Homes. J G. Currio is boss pipe-fitter at the Prescott mill. Tho Uerlnch family havo r. new Kurd. Arch Duncan left Tuesday for Ku geno to enter the gargo business there. j ,,t. McKay moved into their I. t,nrnvlnr nn.1 started to work m'w building this wreK auain Monday The home of Mr. and Mrs. It. IX Fowler was completely destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning. Ylrtuull) everything burned. The sympathy of the community goes out to them in their loss, as Mr. und Mrs. Fowlei are neither one very well at present. Mrs. C. M. Sitlith and son Ernest Mrs. E. Zimmerman has been nrs- : have mnd'0 sovenll trips t0 town ,,is Ins a broken wrist Din is giiuue wcek Bnd report ,he roaia almost along quite nicely at this date. ; impassable In some places. " i Attorney Ueorge A. liore, who is BACHELOR FLAT making the raco for prosecuting at . torney of this county on the repub- The Internat'.onal church drive is Main ticket, has tendered his resig on The quota for this district Is nation as commander of the local $100. Mrs. Lillian WHO lias wei , post OI uie aiuuriraii itrniun, nnu iib Velma Lynch Is stl 1 I.; the hospita but improving uicol. Mrs. Weaver Is vlsitng her pureulu i ' . ;h() ocu -,u,l.r of t orn Mr. and Mrs. Urnnt. i ' , ' ' r resl- CAMPAIGN NOW ON INTERCHURCH MOVE The campaign for fu'l ',,r "'e liiterchurch World Movement Is It. progress this we. k. next 2d being Hie final day of I he official C"The'qota for Coliin.bH county U 1T.00 and tho rampaign here Is under thu direction oi Ji'ini w-- Mrs. Anna Lynch, a firm di nt, is visltng Mrs. Cuples. Wilbur Miller mid family of Mini ton spent Sunday with !iis parents, The county has been platted Into ...... i. .lutrliM embracing s school d 'strict Kuril district hi.s a CIRCUIT COURT JURY FOR MAY TERM The Jury for the M y term nf tin. circuit court was drawn by County Clerk Hunt and Hherlff Ijillnro In the clerks office April list. The nuim-s of the Jurors follows: j it. Sullivan. Clutskinle. farmer; John A. Watson. Hmppooao, farmer; William lwyr, Itulnlei. farmer; David 8. Vlnreil. Iloulton, farmer; t w Tandy. Marshland, farmer; v'.irtiri V. Zimmerman. Itulnter, farm er; l H Thompson, St. Helens, car miter: George W. Waters, ('lata ' . .I. i. ..t -. flnlilii iro.n.nunliy director. The plan is io,khui. ""''': " ' V. X : .""V' Mr. and rs. J. K. Milor. , Vass ail frlendlv citizens who are; farmer; Krunk Hull. Yankton, lurm- n..vid Wilson, uss stunt cns'.iier of u" v" f iv church and who er; Karl l.udwls. Ya-ikton. farmer; cur bank, hr.s 'returned from New ?, lt , "y church. Merles t o. k ClulHkanl., laborer; Ywk where ho went a inonlli ago to ,,ro IT H. " .''7--l11' J JBH""' ' ""r ' "'' ,wrl"cr: be married. Con? ratul uier.s and 1,0 ""'om'1 """" ' An.os Krl.k n. CluUkaiile. farmer; IMMir llllyra V, i.,i... i . .' '"ninr: . j " ""' r island. f,, f.rfcfe'l own, laiiKton, farms., SCAPPOOsTh FIRST ELF.f Today U election day tl The municipal or,,'". VJ i.ffi-ira of tho :.,: town will be il.,,wa. 'arN inn culminates appointed chairman will appoint hei j likewise resigned as a member of the committee and pet busy very soon. suite executive board. This move on Miss Elizabeth Hyskell of Warren the part of Mr. Oore was made neces-w-'s a guest of Miss Esther Hollings-, sary from the fact that it is In direct worth Saturday. I violation cf the principles and con- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berdahl had ; stitution of the American Legirn . .. i -. A IIm At1 t fn. unt .iia.i,!,.. tn liftd ittita in fliu IIS llieir guesis an. ami ii "j ... w ...... w...v ........ . ... snili wlnwx lirotlirr v. ... ..,iiv e.m.luv l.Mrlnn nnd nt the sam tinin seek or!P,l," IO " "' Whose oroin. r . 1. . T . I. am 1 l.n.l n.,Klln nttXna llAnAa (hn m. . 1 f II I It 8 daughter Bessie motored to Portland nation. best wishes. We underutaiid this t-J bo a war romance. ' Tiu (iarrison, Wli ts -i id r'reer.ian families were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Kilwurth Suiuliy. ' Quite a firco at work on tho Vlk-( stron: gar::ge aiiu it ts going hp rai'tdl. I It. F. Xivlock tho Charles : Lum'jerson reslden.'o this week and will occupy r bout tho 1st of Juno. Tho community eiteud their sym- Kr'.day. was killed at hiigone las Charles Shultz was firebar. Working in conjunction with Sec retary Storla are -.he foil, wing com munity directors: Kev. A. It. Spearow Sr. Helens, Itev. Howe, Italnler. Ilev. 8. 0. Johnson. Clatskanle. It. V Mhlock. Sciippoose, Iter llnrtsell. Yemenis; Italph Tarliell, Warren. Couimunliy directors of the several school districts are as follows: Mrs. M. J. Mills. Peer Island. 3; iTrucv Tardier, Itainl-r. 4; Mrs. J i II. italics, tlohle. : Mrs. James I Armstrong. Marshland, 10; W. P. Macl , Columb.a City. 11 ; i. i Wllburn. talnler. 12: Mrs. I ns. 1. I , n.t ,- .... i . ,i . i ItUWIM Tnesdav and sncnt the day shopping. F. A. George is a business visitor "f. . . " ,VKl,y.,JT,,M . " . ' Holsvert. Clatskani .. " I ,irl,inrl i rv.. ,..ii ,..a., Rlll'.'il u.v iill e. iiosio.i i uie locomoi-i . , .UTS. MOIiaUtl mm i,( iuc rfti.ii uiciiurLiia iu.iuj . Lois visited at the John Masten home ! v. J. Fullerton was up Portland l:i Iloulton Sunday. I way Thursday on a business trip. Mrs. Harry Sherman was a guest of j a. L. Morris was transacting bust lers. Guy Lilltch last week. ness in Portland last Thursday. Mrs. Wra. Sodderberg spent a week j 'n Portland visiting relatives and DEER ISLAND f . lends. Mrs. Masten was a guest of Mrs. Porter Loomis of Warren lrst Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skuzle accom panied by a number of relatives from S Helens motored to Clatskanio Columbia county Pomona grange. Deer Island, May 1st, beginning at 10:30 a. m., will be held in Artisan hall. Al grangers are urged to come. A lecture will be given in tho after noon by one of O. A. C staff to whicn 'r day and enjoyed a picnic dinner. j,he pubIic , nv'itecl MlfS Bene r. oniogue v.s.ieu. chestcr McConnell came horn-fr'.-nds In West St. Helens ednes- f Portland Saturday where he CX ive boiler. He visited his brother often t.nd was well known here. Wln.n til. Bi.f.ittifl nntill!il flri.rron Jersey Jubilee is held next week, , May 4. 5, and. 6th. They will start the celebratltu by vlsttn? first the famous Sunny Hank farm owned by Harry West and managed tho lust two years by U. G. Smith. Sunny Hank ranih is tho homo of one ot the finest herds In the state. The guests will leave Portland ut 2 p. m. arriving ut the farm 3 15 und re turning in time for the banquet at the Portland hotel 6.30 p. in. ( . II. Woods, uuinier, lariiii'r, r ru t'lilman. Beappooso. farmer; W, l Colvlii, Murshland, farmer; Grunt ('. Kobe), lloultou. farmer; Krunk lllshop, Gnhle. merchant; Charles Morr s. Iloulton. fHrmor; John llry int. May gei, farmer; A. II. Tarbell. Warren, farmer; Ad. Iph llranl, Italnler, farmer; Meco Woodage, HI. Helens, sawmill -nun ; Clrtrles J WhII'h. Yankton, farmer; Frank Hrown. Yanktoe, farmer; "'lenirs Goble. f irm DlAr.K.11 ' Ireanurcr, V UldoriiiHK i 1 nut t ""Ill, official ballot, .r. V. M.n nuiyor. J. u. w...." C K. C.thwrt: fo,"' nui ii n ; tor W iml , 'Iiuu U'lfc. ' W, niiiliufill, At. Pr'ce. i no voters win beciuj .elm on. mayor, on. Z Z ii.ri.nnii, nun irersunr ui dermen It Is underitcodl very llttlo or.smo,; I. named and U ,, ceoea mat all tluM .hJ appear on the bt.t will T JJ .... . -irrilt.ilu,V form a at rone omn JV armer; O. J.I the young municipal, 7 L1 or; Albert Ad- early .(ages of It, ' urS 15; Mrs. It. N l.orelace. Italnler. 1: Mrs. loiu Watts, lioble, 20; Chirenco I.eep. Chupinan. 21; Mrs. Nettle 11 Peter- Mist, 22; .Mrs. Ilerlmi rlunrer, Muvger, 23; Harvey Hrown. yuliiry. 25; Mrs. J. S. Stint ti. t'l.ilsk-tile, SO; ! Mrs T. in (irsitt. Sciippoose. 2S; Guy iTarbell. Yankton, 30; Mrs. Gladys iCurteinan, Itnlnier. 32; Mrs Clay liore. Peer Island, 34; Johu Dowd, Yankton, 36; M r Amy Snyder, liolile, 36, Fritz Anliker, Gohlo. 37; W. I.. Hrown, Apiary, 3; Mrs. I. h. I.ufkln, Iloulton. 39; M. K. Kri.kson. ... Firwood. 40; J. I'. JolinstJii. Hlrk- 'VII ....j , , ... ... . , ... , the Important herds between Port- da". Mrs. Harry Sherman was called to Poith.nd by the severe illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burkhead and f: niily were guests of Chas. Loveli of Yankton Sunday. Mr. Jacobsen accompanied by Miss Cessle went to Goble last Saturday nud brought home several stands of bees. We are all very glad to hear that Alice Sherwood who is very 111 is si ghtly Improving. has been attending an automobile repair school for the last six month. Clyde Hanson, engineer for the Deer Island Logging company, was etifcld, 12; Mrs. Gu Larktns, Tren iw.i... j 't u I f 11. ,,., 11, .. Mr. Tertek returned from the St. ' ; "" ",vlP r,l-,'u4uV K Everybody's Gardening IV 1920 promises to te the greatest gardening yw J known. It is realized that the only way to beat thf Ii of L, is by individual production. Your garden oKens most practical way 10 accomplish thia. Our Garden Tools will help you to put your ground in better conditkn a big production. painfully injured last Sunday while i of bIood poisoning caused by running I T'ml"""' "i A..l)uruall. VERNONIA Wcrk on Charles White's new butcher shop Is progressing rapidly. W. F. Hattan returned from a short vis.t to Portland Saturday. tiarley Van is the proud owner of r. naw Ford car. l.oo Rodgers, who was taken to a II lisboro hospital a week ago, is re ported to be a little better. Over $100 was taken In at the bucket Boclal last Saturday night, d ,v;n at the Mist school. T ho W. Ws. aro Intending to crown a May queen at the basket social next b. lurday night. May 1. ihe Y. P. A. of Vernonia have f'nished their contes', and the Blues Hero defeated. Miss Ellen Enstrom. caj.iain of the blues, is planning an c. ..'l orate banquet and program to le rendered next Friday evening. 1). F. Lane and Wm. Brown have moved into tho new pool hall, and Messrs. Duncan, Orwig and Ward working cn his engine. The tendons of the left knee were badly wrenched with perhaps other complications, the fingers of one hand several days ago and two of them are giving him serious trouble. Jim Andreas is critically ill at the home of his brother. Mr. Andres has been ailing for many months but took suddenly worse last Thursday and no hope is held of his recovery. Dr. Cliff was called from Portland and all that is possible is being done. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Mills who were seriously ill are both reported better. Mr. and Mrs. Stone of Portland were guests at the Albert Adams home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams were In Portland last week on business and pleasure. Grandpa 'Wise who has been a guest at tho F. i a splinter In his leg while working at the mill In Llnnton. YOUNG ATTORNEY UP FOR DELEGATE! ! CATHOLIC BOY SCOUTS i (By Carl J Tucke. ) The Catholic Iky Scouts held their weekly meeting lust Tuesday. 13 The M'st takes pie 'suro I:; present- i wore present out of 27 of which 8 are ing this week the candidacy of Walter, from Italnler and Deer lsl.uui. L. Tooze, Jr., ot Mc.Minnvtlo as a Many different kinds of business dclule to the republican national wero discussed. Official uuliorma .onventlon nt Chltitv. i were ordered, patrols wero organ. zed Mr. Toozo has adopted for his with the following pstrol leaders, slogi n : 'Hepublica.i victory supreme jeo. Kosasco, Thus. Kotel, Curl importance; for president Tucker, Harney Kosasco. our choice my choice." Ho has! The hlko In tho near futur. was been an active party workrr ir. this considered. A trip to tho Nohuli-m for eight ycais on the repub lican sti-.te central comnilttoo. Briefly, this is Mis life hiKtory He was born in B itteville, Marlon "ounty, Oregon. Feb. 24, 1887: grad uated from Bishop Soott Mllltarv Academy in Portlr.t d In 1904. and H. Adams home re-l'i-nm th I'ntversity nf Michigan law vi lley or to Oak creek In Washington will bo taken. Then the old bugle' will blow und eviry body will know; It's time to get up for breakfast In' tho morn in ir 1 Our Garden Seeds will help you grow more and better vegetable! ihorf before. If you are in the market for CROCKERY, GLASSWARE or ALUMINUMWAI it will pay you to look over our showing. Larsen & Co., Grocers Let Us Be Your Grocers You Will Be Sauft Telephone No. 27 Free Deliwj turned to Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bush are down from St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Parcher and little son of Clatskanie visited with Mrs. Freeman Monday. Harie Beaver was operated on at Good Samaritan hospital Saturday morning at 10 o'clock for appendi citis. Members of tho Womin's Club met at the home of Mrs. Homer Stewart department at Ann Harbor In 1908 installed a butcher shop in tho! last Wednesday raid snem tho h,.v eld pool hall. i making and mending little garments 1 : for that most busy little mother. WARREN i Mrs- Stewart served them with a fine . i dinner but insisted they really earned Mr. Mattson who bought the Von!u- We were also Invited to repeat Cray place last fall and spent the our vlslt which we surely Intnd to do. w .ier in Alaska has returned and) The correspondence for last week"s w,.l tarm his newly acquired ranch. ' Pper was mailed Wednesday after l:c has moved on tho place. I noon before six o'clock but was not Morris Bros, have sold the church received by the Mist until Saturday. and the ground it stands on to the! Moral: Don't put your trust In a bwtdish Baptists. The new congre-1 "" U.ititn are planning a goodly number ! l. repairs and expect to occupy the t.iurch in the very near future. et'te S. White of Yankton has Lcutht the Dolan place and will be- - improvements on the land at OUl L. H. Bevins of Portland Is vlaiu ing with his Bister, Mrs. English. He has been quite ill from the effects cf the flu, but is much improved. Mrs. Allen Noyes, Is down for the Porter Loomis has bought a tract !!umm?r' 'lth her Parents, Mr. ami ct lund fro C. O. Uahlgren and will Liu the erection next week of faitie building. They will deal In t.gars, ice cream and other summer u 1 cacies. The building will be the on the new highway at Warren. Mi-, and Mrs. Clint Miller of Port- 1t, 0....J.. J O..-A... .,.t ! m : i " "7: u u ouuua w"n i surface as soon as It settles. Mrs. A. E. Butterfield Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bloyd returned to camp last week after a two weeks honeymoon. A few more nice days and the work on the Tide crek fill will be com pleted ana win be ready for the hard Miss ella Benduro is at Portland undergoing a slight operation . nier F. M., and she were to spend Lome time In California and were abcut ready to go when Miss Zella tcok ill. . The ladies of the Swedish Baptist cl.urch met at the residence of Kev. E. B. Jorkquist on Wednesday and organized a missionary society. A goodly number were present. TRENHOLM Yes, the time for sassafrass tea. nr hisses and sulphur are here. tv.iryone is improving the good v.-r-ither and trying to finish seeding cn'. plant garden. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tatro i-pent Saturday in the county seat. Clifford Fowler celebrated his Thirteenth birthday last Sunday at t;-o .Aiwler homa here. A bounteous dinner was served at noon. Gus Wittenbell ha been doing somo fencing. Wanted. A good doctor to locate in Trenholm. The school board held a meeting naiuraay evening, the Z4th and elected Mrs. Orpha Norton as teacher for next term. We would like for the county rnurt and roadmaster to come out to rur city a few times a week to see ir our roads need fixing or ask Mr. Larabee, our faithful mall carrier who travels them every day. Mr. and Mrs. Jf. E. Smith of Milton creek spent Sunday here. F. F. Tatro has been real busy the last week plowing several of the gardens in the neighborhood. C. E. Tatro ha. been on the lick ine Misses Mary and Margaret TnHri rAtlirnnri tn ... 1 .. .1 !.... . 1 after visiting with their grandmother me past three mohthB. Mike Kaufmr.n In driving down from Portland last week In his new Auburn, skidded, running Into a tele phone pole, damaging his car badly. Mrs. Thos. Connell, Mrs. Blanchard and son Thomas wero visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Connell the las; weok. Mrs. L. J. Jaspers and children have moved to Banks, Oregon, for tho summer. Mr. Jasper Is working there for the Murphy Lumber Co. Mrs. Albert Adams was home for a few days last week and reporn that she la much improved In health Have you noticed the rapid growtu ot the Mist Want Ad column. Mr. Tooze practiced law In Dallas Polk county, from 1908 to April, 1917, when he heed id the call of his country to arms anil entered the of t'cers' tr. Inlng split ol at San Fran cisco. In Auiriiflt 1917 ho was commiss'enod a cat tain of infantry and wns nsslgnod to tho 91st division at Cnmp Lewis, wi n wh'ch he re-i t I v- ra f I C$F- it S s . U alter L. Tooze, Jr. T Service UUv ' It. mtined for a year. In July. 1919, he received his discharge at Camp Grant, Illinois. The Bubjoct of our skotch Is a law partner of Sep"tor W. T Vie'-i at McMlnnville. Ho has been city attorney at Dallas arid tans and has been an active worker In till state campaigns since the close of his school days. Ho desires to gc o the national convontion and will appreciate your support. VIItO'H 2.I)-H M) KTOItK (mkIm ItuuKlit, Hold and K.v- rhanged, liousekeeiiinit rtwims i 't KurniHiied and Unfurnished 1 lioonm. k. Iloulton .... Oregon 4 tt i,i,irlliil,H NOTICE Having traded my old car for a new Seven Passen ger, I am now prepared to take day or night parties sight seeing, on business trips, to dances or any old' place. I have also secured the services of a good barber and am now prepared to attend to your wants in that line. Am still selling Speedless and Castoline. I re spectfully solicit your patronage in the Barber Shop and with the car. Respectfully, E. L. MORLEY Houlton, Oregon. Leads in Quality and Service What yo-.i get for yovr money is the important thing. What you get d he economy question for you-not what ycu pay. It will ever be the aim of this M-rve , customers wuh the best-best service, best in quality and at the . dlways ce Qur r,casilre tQ wrve men8 furnishmf ff with everything that the words imply. ih. .ST6 SCC 7 Sty,CS for sPrin- Comc. looking tor what you will . the money you can afford to pay. Leading Store in Men's Furnishing SHOES Difficulty in providing comfcrt in foot wear without detracting from style h been overcome in our new Spring and Sum mer footwear. Drop in and let us show you some of ihe latent lasts. Silk Shirts Broadcloth silks, Crepe de Chines, and Jerseys, as well as cotton grades and all find a shirt to fit the price you want to pay. "ell made and serviceable. You can always E. M. HELON Successor to FRED MORGUS Phone 158-W lUt the past tea dayi but at present 1