St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 02, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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L wmm. -
L. G. Smith has a Bulrk.
Mrs. Washburn speut the week
end in Scappooso. .
Mr. Gerlncli and family returned
from Carlsbad. Mexico, on Saturday
The McQhinn family moved Into
the Mrs. Lvnch cottage Friday
Mrs. U G. Smith Is In Seaside vis
iting her mother.
Mrs. Edgar Stevens is reported
Section for our city officers will
take place April 30th at Watts and
Price hall. . . . .
The new library hns arrived and la
..oiio,i t the church. Those de-
siriiiK books may obtain them. ,
Mr and Mrs. aHrold Hammaker
left on Tuesday for Tuochet. near
Walla Walla. Washington. Mr.
Hammaker has work there.
A party was given Saturday even
ing at the home of Henry Larsen for
the Miller boys. The usual good
time was had.
The Warren Construction Co. are
retting considerable material in, and
will be ready to start work in the
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob McKay gave a
house warming In their new build
ing Wednesday night. A large crowu
was present and enjoyed a pleasant
time. , ...
The social given by the Ladies
Aid in the hall Friday evening was
much enoyed. An old time spelling
bee was tried. Some of the costumes
caused unich amusement. About
ti wns realized on the candy sale.
The Lady Maccaoees will give a
silver tea at the home ot airs. u. r..
Freeman Tuesday, April 6th, at 2
t m Mm. Kilworth and Mrs. Gar
rison, and Mrs. Freeman will be the
Mrs. Klose who has been spending
the winter with her sister Mrs. Chas.
Wikstrnm is ill with pneomonia, a
result of influenza. Roy Wikstrom
is also ill with the grippe.
Mr. Grewell is suffering with an
attack of appendicitis this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W F. Rickert an
nounce the encasement ot their
dauehter Olea K. to Harlow D. Shel
den. The wedding will take place
Easter Sunday, April 4th, 11 a. m,
at the home of the bride's parents.
Yau may reserve Friday evening
ADril 9th. to attena the entertain
ment at the school. Proceeds to be
used to pay for the phonograph
There will be a miscellaneous pro
gram, including a good play. Of
course everybody will come, but come
early so as to get a seat.
The response to the Armenian
drive is1 not what it should be. Of
course we are tired of drives, and
Bure. the government should quelch
the Turks, but that doesn't fill the
hungry people's stomachs. The
Armenians are a worthy cause. Think
it over and do your part, regardless
of the other fellow.
Church notice: On Sunday there
will be a combination service at
10:30. The children will have Eas
ter exercises and also the brass tab
let for our service boys will be dedi
cated in the morning. The regular
services In the evening. Christian
Endeavor 6:45 and service 7:30.
Study club is every Wednesday ev
ening at 7:30.
The continued growth of the First
National Bank of Scappoose is grati
fying to the stockholders and is in
dicative of the growth of tho Scap
poose community and surrounding
country. A total of $215,327.22 is
now on deposit in tho bank which is
an Increase of $33,975.65 over the
previous statement of Dec. 31, 1919
r.nd the resources of the bank r.gsre
gato $270,053.12.
Mrs. Hyde and son Gus are pre
paring to return to Idaho to Bell
their property and then expect to
locate in Ariona.
A number ot Yankton citizens have
been visitors in St. Helens this week.
Circuit court and tax paying time
are two ot the reasons for their pres
ence, at the county Beat.
The recent bad weather has Inter
fered to some extent with farm work,
but with stormy March now gone
and April sunshine and showers ruin
ing, the farmers will begin to get in
good work.
Very little interest Is manifest in
the coming primary eloctlon. Per
haps it is yet a little early for us to
get enthusiastic for very few of tho
office seokers have been seen in this
locality. ,
The Standard Sewing Club will
give a cafeteria super at the Grange
hall Saturday evening, April lOtu
A feature of the supper will be a
program which will undoubtedly
please everyone. After the supper
and program, the evening will be
spent In games and a general good
time. Everyone is welcome.
Portland where she. has been taking
treatments. Mrs. Hulen Foley of
Banks came down with her.
The driver of the Standard Oil
truck had trouble at the Tide creol
detour and had one of his flnori
completely severed.
Last week Gus Johnson had 10
sacks ot wheat stolen from his place
on the Island. A light truck or
heavy touring car seemed to nave
been used.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Loyd, Mr. F
It. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.
Mills attended the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Warruu Co
operative association.
The Wcmans t.lub will hold a sale
of cookod and canned fruit mid veg
etables, children's new gingham
aprons and many other things each
Saturday during April in order to
raise monoy for the Deer Island
quota for the starving people of Ar
menia. Come and buy. Ionatlo;ii
of any kind are most welcome. We
can all do something and "many
mlckles make a muckie."
F. H. Adams went to Portland
Mrs. Andress and son Marlon were
visiting Mrs Nina Bush Sunday.
Mr. Dow, one time manager ot
Clover Hill Farms, was in Deer Isl
and Monday.
Mr. Wise came down from Port
land Tuesday to visit at the F. H.
Adams home.
Mr. Bishop returned from Van
couver Monday. While in Washing
ton, Mr. Bishop invested in a fine
Mrs. Slkes, who has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Hanson,
returned to her home in Napa Vine
i uesaay.
Mrs. Leon Jasper is home from
F. F. Tatro has been troubled with
lumbago, but is still utile to be about
Stop, look and listen! We have
one of the best scenic driveways in
the county. Try It for results.
Clarence Fowler has remained at
home the past few weeks due to
A soft blanket covered the ground
to a depth of four cr live Inches
Mrs. F. F. Tatro nas been on tin
sick list since last Friday, but is
improving somewhat ot this writing.
Mrs. Satavia and son are matting
rapid improvements on their little
farm near our city limits.
Plana are being made for an Eas
ter program at the school house next
Sunday given by the Sunday School.
Snow! Snow! And some to spare.
It certainly will be difficult to se
cure feed for the stock if it contin
ues much longer.
Mr. Gus Wittnebell has returned
to work in the camp after a brief
delay at home due to a fractured
wrist while working on the pile
Good for district No. 43 ! We havo
maintained our standard of 100 per
cent In all relief drives to date. We
are always ready to help a good
cause along. We have raised our
quota of $25.
Peter Serafin one of our progres
sive farmers, made a flying trip to
the city the first ot the week in a
part of his machine, wnich he let lo
have overhauled and h&fe a complete
car upon its return.
Mr. Wittnebell, another progres
sive armer in our district and llttlo
city is clearing his farm of debris
and building on to hs garage during
his spare time. He. will have a gas
oline tank and filler installed soon
Cal Howard went up to Portland
Tuesday to 'transact business.
Charles Barger has sold his farm
in Yankton owing to 111 health and
will move to another locality.
The Yankton grange will hold an
open grange on Saturday of this !
Mrs. Smith of tho Trenholm neigh
borhood has been spending some
weeks caring for Mr. Swygert's homo
and children.
Easter services will be held in tne
Yankton church on Eastor Sunday.
Sunday School at 10:30, preaching
at 11:30 a. m.
Carl Rylander made a business
trip to Portland the last of the week.
F. D. McNaughton of Portlaud
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Hyskell.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson, new
arrivals from Mini esota, wero ad
mitted to the grangu Suturday night.
Porter Loomls has arranged for
the erection of a confectionery store
on the west side of the highway and
will begin its erection in a few days.
A large percentage of the spring
farming has been done owing to the
dry March. Grain crops are being
more' specialized on than over be
fore In this section and will be the
principal crop, wheat predominating.
A number of farmers have planted
crimson clover for the first time and
Its success or failure Is keenly
A great deal of opposition to the
proposed visit, of tho degree team ot
the Evening Star Grange for the
17th of April is being shown by the
members ot the grange. Nol
on account ot any antipathy to the
visitors but because ot the lnado-
Walk or Ride at Fifty?
Tomorrow never comes ! The time to settle this ques
tion is TODAY !
Spend less than you EARN, lay away in the Savings
Bank regularly a stated sum each week-and long before
FIFTY you will be driving your own CAR or having
someone else DRIVE it' FOR you!
Can't begin too young. A dollar will start you then
try to see how fast you can make it grow !
Interest allowed on savings. Open an account without
of Scappoose '
Capital, $25,009 0 Uitt States Depository
The New Comfort
Talking Machine
We Believe This Machine Is Not Excelled By Any
Machine On The Market, No Matter What May Be
The Price
make of disc record exactly as well as the best standard talking
machine or phonograph on the market. Without change of equip,
ment, but simply by turning the sound box slightly for the vertical
and lateral cut records, one can play Victor, Columbia, Edison
Pathe, and all other kinds of disc records. This machine gives one
wider range of reproduction than Is possible with machines sold at
a much higher price.
The Reproducing Features of the New Comfort Talking Machln
are unexcelled. It ranks foremost among the world's greatest In
ventions, performing, as it does, the living reproduction of thfr
human voice, and of any collection of sounds. The New Comfort
renders the soft vibrations of the violin, the twee tones of the
clarinet, and the melody of the orchstra.
The tone modifier makes it easily adapted to any purpose. You
can play it in your home at any time of day or night without disturb.
LnUrvne,8h,,or8 ?nrt wlthout 8iK ny of the quality of the
music You can modify the tone so that it can be heard distinct y
In any part of a largo hall. This modifier is operated from tl e
outside while the machine Is playing. yw irom me
The NOW Comfort Tnlktno I.,V.I I
. . . - I.,, .,iui,iiiiio ib u Koua as any mAcmnA
mv,, nr";. j:"Z'Br 1 "aB Deen "aiea it has
wiuuiocu mm ttpproveu.
John A. King
, ........ ... ilmlr en-
quale uoomouuuuu. by the hall not M ng
pn.pi.rly equipped as to water I;
other iiocessnrles. In all prulmblK
ity the alfalr will be caiio-lltd. i
Mr. Hubert Spencer mi't with A
serious accident lust Thursday oven-1
iug when a log rolled over his foot j
and hroko both bones in his ankle..
Tim Kvaiigeltmicul Sunday School ,
Is planning a big Kastr program in
which almost all tho members uru
to partlripato. I
Mr. Oiiiur Spencer came In n wwi's ,
ago Saturday with hi two children,
to spend tho week end lth hi pur-;
onts. . .
Miss Florence Hartsoll who him
been working in Timber camo homo
Saturday night and speut the week
end with her parents. j
Mm. Christina John has hern In
Portland for about a week vIhIuiiR
and her many friends re expecting I
her buck soon. j
A surprlno party wss given Sat
urday night on Mr. and Mrs. Stanton. '
A largo number of people attended t
and everyone reported a splendid
time. 1
Mrs. F. E. Malmsien, tho captain 1
of tho Armenian drive for this sec
tion, reports ipiendld responsu oil j
the part or tne people or tne nniiaieiu
Valley 10 her plea for monoy.
Mrs. G. W. Brown entertulued Mrs.
Rediimm and Mr. l'g hint Sun
day at dinner. It was Mrs. Red
mond's eightieth birthday and Lloyd
Brown's eighth btrllidujr.
AM Kltll'AN l.KlilOX Mh'KTINIl
The American Legion Columbia
Post will meet next Monday, April
5, nt eight o'clock, p. m , In the Coun.
tv Court Hooin, Court House, 81.
Helens Oregon. All members uro
urged to be present as Important
business will bo handled In Interest
of the ex-service men. All ex-service
mon are urged to Join the American
Look at the eaves of your house, there around tl
rain-spout-look at those shutters and window-sills. Thtr
should be protected at once by Acme Quality House Paint
It is cheaper to paint than to repair.
Save the surface and you save all. Decay starts
the surface. So should protection. You insure your housi
against fire. What about decay? aTke out a little wn
Have your painter provide you with Acma Quafe
paint insurance. He can get it for you here.
Warren Co-Operative Warehcuu
1 j
In outstanding grace of line and
luxury of appointments, the Auburn
Beauty-SIX marks the ultimate
triumph of motor car designing. s
And Auburn performance is a perfect com
plement of Auburn beauty. In rough going
on country roads, at forty or fifty miles an
hour on the highway, or crawling along ,
crowded streets, the Beauty-SIX is unsurr
passed in comfort and case of control.
Five model, Five Pniicnger Sedan. $277 Four
Pjuengcr Coup,. $2775 - Five rW- g
Automot! Engtncert for Twenty Yean V