St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, February 20, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. John Newbold entertained at
tea Wednesday afternoon at thu
residence of her daughter, Mr
Harve Swensen.
Rer. A. R. Spearow attended a
meeting of the Congregational Min
isters of Oreeon at 1'ortland this
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilkfns nave week.
moved to the residence property re-j Tna woman's ciub will celebrate
cently vacated by rrank Wilkin. I Washington'! birthday at the home
Earl Perry, a former St. Helena of Mrs. Storla Saturday afternoon.
bor, wai here Friday, circulating Keh. 21st.
among bis old friends.
Coming out of almost a clear sky,
John F. Johnson took a day off'tnow began to full early Thursday
Saturday and Tint ted friends in Port
Mrs. A. S. Harrison returned
Tuesday from a shcrt risk to 1'ort-l.-nd.
After a visit cf ten days with rel
atives in Portland, Miss Amy George
returned to St. Helens Tuesday.
Friends will regret to learn that
Mrs. Robert Diion has been quite 111
She is much better at present.
Little Miss Maria McGorty ha
been on the sick list this week, but
is now convalescent.
Mrs. C. C. Cassatt Is in Portland
for a few days visit with friends an l
H. H. Bunting has purchased a
Chevrolet automobile and entered
the "for hlro" game.
Mrs. Eugene Mile of Portland was
a week end visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Decker.
Mrs. Thomas Roy and son, Thomas
Jr. are both sick, suffering witn air
uttack of grippe.
Marshal Potter celebrated the be
ginning of his fourth year as city
marshal on Monday
Superintendent Robert Cole of the
St. Helens Light and Power Com
pany was a business visitor in Port
land Tuesday.
The steamer Florence Is taking
on a cargo of lumber for delivery at
San Pedro and will probably get
away tonight.
in response to a message stating
that his brother-in-law, Arthur Ker
mick was dead, Roy Copeland left
Tuesday night for Oakland, Califor
Lla. to be with his sister in her hour
of distress.
In response to a message stating,
that her brother-in-law Thomas
Trenary was dead. Mrs. Martin White
left Friday night for Hamilton, Mon
tana to be with her sister in her hour
of trouble.
morning and before it ceased, the
ground was well covered.
Misses Emma Morton. Nell WerU
and Haiel Kippley, little Miss Serena
Rice and Paul C. Morton were Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
A. Eckstrom of Portland has ac
cepted a position with the St. Helens
Dock and Terminal Company and is
private secretary to manager Charles
The steamer Clackamas, after tak
ing on 1.100,000 feet of railroad ties
for delivery in England left for
Portland Sunday morning to take on
ccal and complete her cargo.
Mrs. H. Jarde and small daughter
of San Pedro arrived last wetk and
will remain in St. Helens while Mr.
Jarde is superintending the installa
tion of machinery in the steamer
A silver tea will be given on St.
Patrick's day. March 17th at the.
library by the club members. Some
of the late books of fiction are very
much needed.
Johi L. Storla. vice president of
the Columbia County Abstract Com
pany, was in Marshland Saturday
getting the necessary information
for abstract purposes for the diking
district formed In that vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Freman Younger whi.
have been residents of St. Helens
for the past year will leave tomor
row for Hoquiam, Washington, whert
Mr. Younger has accepted a position
similar to the ono he held at the St.
tns Lumber Company.
The Altar Society of the Catholic
Church gave a 500 card party at tin.
old tabernacle Tuesday night. Mrs.
L. L. Decker won first prize and Mrs.
William Russell received the con
solation prize. After the card games
were finished, refreshments were
The Job Almost
have been busy this
week transferring our
stock to our new location,
the store formerly occupied
by J. T. Taber, on Columbia
We will complete this
moving job by Tuesday at the
latest, and will be ready to
serve you in our new store.
We will be pleased to have
you call and inspect our new
Home of Dependable Merchandise.
The s'.eamer Wahkeena arrived In j
Thursday morning nnd Is taking on;
a cargo of 1.000. 000 feet of lumber
for delivery at San Pedro. The J
Wahkeena is scheduled to sail Sun-
Jay night. l
Harked by 5 members of the .
Chamber of Deputies, Jules Guesde,
hr.s introduced a bill In the French j
Chamber giving women civil, polllti-j
cal and economic equality with men.;
Mi.ster Dan Lansing, son of Mi.!
and Mrs. Josses Lansing, Is In a
Portland hospital recovering from an j
operation for appendicitis. Mastei
Iv.n la .ul t In tr nlnnff nlfAlv ali.1
; . . 1 1 " , n r .. . . . .
' ah,.,1.4 l.a hark m-ffh lh. hnniA fnlk.l
in the next 10 dnys or two weeks,
i Marshal Potter arrested Dill Palnt
;rr Weduesday for operating a truck
i k-ithr-.uf huvinff obtained a rrltv 11-
; cense. The trial will be before thei
I recorder tomorrow morning. It is
I understood that Painter claims he
i was driving for Pele Hansen.
The Mist learns that a Pnrents
' Teachers Association is Id process of
.ciganlction in St. Helens. A speaker
will be sent down from Portland In
jthc near future to address those in
terested in the matter and aid in
j the organization.
This entertainment will take place
: at the School Auditorium next Thurs
, day night at eight o'clock, Kebruury
; 2tn. i icKets may De purcnaseu arm i
i reservations made at the Chamber of ,
! Commerce. No extra charge for
! The machine shop building which ;
j Is being erected adjoining the cltyi
j dock by J. W. Akin is going up fast 1
and In a few days, work will have
I progressed to that extent that a roof,
jean be put on. The building Is 50 x
! TO and substantially constructed. i
Roy D. Laws, son of Mr. nnd Mrs ;
I A. T. Laws nnd Gertrude Large, '
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Large1
wero united in marriage at the home I
of the bride's parents on Saturday, ;
Feb. 7th. The couple will make '
their home In St. Helens where they I
ere well known and have many
friends. j
Tho Junior basket tossers from i
Columbia University at Portland will
be here on Friday of this week to
meet the Catholic Boy Scouts quln-
tet. The game w ill be played at j
the St. Helen hall (formerly oil
Tabernacle) and will commence ni
8:15 p. m. Father Clancy ' young-j
sters are working out daily and ox-
pect to win. The midget boys and'
girls will play a preliminary. j
, J. H. Wellington is making im '
i provements to his building on the
Strand. New underpinning has been
pluced nnd the floors and walls rs j
paired and before Duke gets through
with the work, tho storeroom will
present a far better appearance tin n '
lormeny. jie lias had several en
quiries as to renting It, but will ait
until he gets througn remcdelii g be
fore leasing or renting.
Commissioner Judson Weed did
not attend the special meeting of the
county court ps lie is quarantined lr.
his Nehalem Valley home. Hik son
Judge Oscar Weed and tho entire
family' lave been quite 111 with the
flu, and ev-n if it had been possible
for the commissioner to escape the
nuarantine,' he would not have been
able to leave home on account o'
sickness in the family.
Last Friday Judge Eakln senten-l
ced Dana Campbell to serve not less ;
than ono year in tho penitentiary. I
Campbell was convleted of tho charge ;
of non-support of his wife and son. 1
The defendant was allowed six day
hi wnicn to rue notice Tor a new
trial or appeal. The time is up to
day and unless the motion Is filed,
Camnhpll will I, a t.,bnn . ,
, j in,? peni
tentiary to begin serving his sen-l
An Immense crowd gathered on
Shrove Tuesday evening at the St.
Helens hall for the last social event
to be given by tho Catholic parish I
until Easter. Progressive 500 was'
played and refreshments were served
Several entertaining musical mini-:
bers added to the general enjoyment. 1
Tho affair was conducted by the'
Ladies Altar Society, i
S. C. Morton left yesterday for!
Eugene to attend the two days ses- I
sion of the Oregon Nowspaper Con-
ference of which he is president. '
The rnnfpritnra uiu v.n ,. i.. i ...
o .. aiieuuiMl ly 1
many newspaper men of Oregon and '
the program arranged Is Interesting
and of help to tho country editor or1
newspaper owner. The scribes will j
be entertained by Hie Eugene Chain-!
ber of Commerce and the faculty of
the University of Oregon while In tho
University city. i
The Warren Construction Company!
have their crusher running full tlnw'
auu um lining uie nuiikers with rock
preparatory to starting work on the
highway between Mclirlde and Scap
pooso. Engineer Collier Informs the
.Mist that tho highway department
let a new contract with the Warren
people which calls for a 8 Inch deep
road. There is to be three inches
of macadom, three Inches of a black
base and a two Inch top. This Is
much better than tho pavement that
has been luld which had only a two
Inch black base.
Nudo Ham nnd Hilly Ryan are it
Jnll and their fruck is in front of the
courthouse with Borne of Watts ano
Price sawmill outfit in it. The men
took the liberty of moving a consid
erable portion of the mill equipment
without having first bought It. Some
one saw them nnd notified Watts and
Price and their arrest followed- It
is understood the men claim they
were sent for the stuff by other par
ties Their preliminary trial will
he held on the 21st. Ryan Is a
Portland pugilist.
C.eorge Mcllrlde. the moving spirit
In the furniture factory at Columbia;
Cltv was here Tuesday and Informeu
the Mist that within 10 days or by
March 1st. at the latest, be expected
to have the factory operating. It
was necessary to move several ma
chines so that better work could be
done and when this is completed a
force of 10 or 12 men will be put to
work mnking up samples and later
the force will be increased to at least
ti men.
Mr Mcllride will use much locai
wood as the supply of maple and
alder iu the Columbia City and Deer
Island section is ample and the lim
ber suitable- for furniture. Of course
a large amount of fir and oak will
also bo used. A resaw Is being In
stalled to cut this timber nnd pos
sibly at a later date, the company
will Install a small veneer plant In
conjunction with the furniture fac
If you value your dog and haven't
bought a license for It. you had bet
ter get the license right away. In
another column of the Mist Is a no
tlce to dog owners by Sheriff Ijillare
to the effect tliut after thirty days
he will proceed to enforce the dog
license Inw in other words and
Deputy Sheriff Duller expressed It.
"after thirty dnys the slaughter will
begin," which means that the strong
arms of the law will kill those of
fending or unoffending dogs whose
owners have not provided license
for them. The license fee for male
(logs is II, for females 2. Coun
ty Clerk Hunt or his obliging deputy
H. K Veazie will promptly issue Hie
license upon application and surren
der of the necesaury amount of li
cense money.
visitors this week.
Fourth (infer.
Tho attendance in the fourth
grade has been very good this week
compared with last week. Tho grade
Is Interested In the studies of the
lives of several greet men, Lincoln
among the number.
The pupils enjoy marching In and
out since the drum came Into use.
I If Hi firmle.
The fifth "A" class ha begun the
study of wheat, and all are much In
terested In gathering pictures and
articles for a real good composition.
The atend.uice Is much better
than last week.
Mtth t.railc.
There have been only four out
of this grade during the week.
Class "A" I'.na completed the Ore
gon booklets whirh I hey started last
semester They will exhibit these
at the county fair next fall.
William KnigiUB . 7-
na on.w.,hli pares?.1
In the Mventi, tr?T
pupil, .re making r M
i rmuna;. "i
The hva I,..- ,
baseball , ... .JU,t WiiiJ
challenge ny' ? ty,
Harry Itubens I. th, J i J
m Intending , p,'.
grade of the u--.... "' aJ
"-ii-q get,...-
Th airlift, .. , r""
- iiiii a
eral review r
or writing and w,f, '
covered this m.Mi.h ' ' i
main feature, of t,i. . "
7 j.Mu wit--i cia-s offltjjj1
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wax vtlev motorc!
to Pot 'land Saturl xv
Mr. McTaggart bus sold his home
to Colon Crouse, and moved to As
toria. It has been whispered abroad lint
Cupid has wounded a true heart with
his loving dart.
Hev. Johnson of Astoria Is expect
ed here to conduct Sabbath servlc?
ut the Adventlst church.
O. L. Khlnesnilth and Lawrence
I'razer were Portland visitors Sat
urday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
( ripe, Sr., will ho pleased to know
they are convalescent after a severe
attack ot flh.
The services of the Free Methodist
church have been well attended and
Interesting. Uev. Ilean of Alaska Is
a man of wide experU-i ci .
The picture slides of Northern Af
rica exhibited at the M. K. church
by Hev. Hisey were very Interesting
at:d Instructive.
Colonel Parks of Portland was
her in the Interest of his new rsi
dc-nce to bo erected on lllgnwa"
Mr. Charley Laws a dentist of
Comas, Wash., visited home folks
and attended K. of P. annual roll
ci II.
The Catholic entertainment at the
Tabernncle Tuesday evening was well
uttended and everyone called It :i
wonderful success.
Mr. Wolf of Aberdeen hns purchas
ed the Oliver Ilulldlng He Intends
to put in a nierhandlso store In the
lower story and apurtmenl In the up
pe; story.
A quiet wedding was soleninet
at the home of Mrs. Large Saturday
Feb. 7th, when her daughter was
married to Roy I). .aWs. Their
many friends wish them well
Start a Bank Account
Savings deposited with us are as safe as an investment
in a United States Rovernment bond, while the tan,
inn power of your money placed in our vaults is
er than if invested in government bonds.
A bank book showing an ever increasing savings k,
count is one of the most valuable things you can poii
scss. It carries with it an assurance of independtnet
and a relief from worries for the future.
The saving habit should be cultivated as a virtue, md
you will find in it a pleasure that far exceeds your expectations.
Get the habit now. Take a part of this week's eanv
ings as a beginning.
Start a bank account with us today.
Member Federal Ilratrv. System
( HAS GRAHAM. President. . x. CIUI.D8.
Mi I
Mrs. Harnett as been absent from
her room for several days on accoum
: r- n weorgn h:i;
chargo of the room during her nh
sense. The attendance Is about
four-fifths the number enrolled
High lint.
The atendatice Is vey poor on nr..
count of the "flu". There was some
Improvement in this direction thU
In reply to the question by tho
eacher as to who tho president ,
, -..onnicu, i ii cm Warn.
Necond (irmU:
The number of absentees are re
duced from twenty last week to sev
en this week.
The second grade Is working on a
project for the county fair which
consists In furnishing ttnd e
Ing a miniature house, made by Mr
Chronic to mudwn taste
Third f;rade.
The attendance in the third gnwlv
?h.Tn Kf d"rl"K 1,18 Hre y" r
They have taken up the study of
inmie"i' lMn KH.n
cently. an "'"rn"'K re-
ri ' " " "" oy
Mrs. Spearow and Mrs
"Auction of Souls'
f.t. turT,U,4 k, It,. .ffcylVZl"i
Produced ly W. A. Sellg fur
tho American Committee
for relief n the Neur East.
from ll,o sensational book,
"Ravished Armenlu."
Aurora Mardiganian herself in
"Auction of Souls"
I''xre. It will be held over for two day..
Weekly rW
Frlir'y 20, KrkW
"Ttio lUdiaai
" im t jfl
western dramtif
IIin (.IIm. ut)
reel Comedy.
Frbr'y 21, Halartif.
1loi IMm 1
Tlirrw llUrg
ml two-rwl feil
h'fbr'f HaadtH
"The lt.d
Ntrlht,, festim
Ixuis Ibni.iMsi a
I WO -reel Mill riM
Frbr'j Sil, Muadi(
II. II. Warwr 1
Hie (Jray W
.lMH,t," 1 Br tori
February LMtb-UH
"A union of nk'
I Vlir'y IMi, Thwdif-j
The Trrnbliir
liu r." !
what a grscloM
gentln young boB
rnlcl III I hi It
of a shell ton
;erge Iane Tucker' a production
"TIIL ........
M.' M; ("""1"- A" ' dmlr.ble and
" II v l 11, w. 'i? '",r t of living, you fln I"
I'll Mllt.K i.k M.W" coming to the Liberty soon.
- 'Ji'
Portland pugilist. ,B T I
. 1 Mr8' fcI'earow and Mrs.
1- . , '
f?-..rt f... JL 1 1 JP' I I ail kKirti ua. Wi -
HOME O'Ot notice rr.. rr! -twomtwow c? v "om rrZ7- , 5
' j S I T ' .