THE ST. HELENS ffRTHAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1920. THE ST. HELENS MIST Issued Every Friday by THE MIST rCULlSIUNO COMPAXV t'lTIZKNSHU" Judge Eakin in denying citiien ship .o two Russians or Finns al Astoria Monday, scathingly de nounced those who did not support ho flAnatll iiflnn nf tllA fniil'.irV 111 O. D. HEILBORN Vice President j whlch ,1PV k citiienshlp. The o Manor- .. Ludge Is not going to make any cit 8. C. MORTON Editor ;t?ng unleRg lt ls 8pparont lo him ' ! Hint the applicant wishes to become SniSCltirTIOX HATES a citizen rf the Inited States because One Year -.0cf tle ,i,mK8 (or which this govern- Slx Months 1.00 1 rlent gtanJs The Judge does not I tolerate disloyalty or a luke warm Entered as second-class matter. reeling towards our government, nor January 10th, 1912. at ibe FostoMce; does he intend to grant citizenship at St. Ileleas, Oregon, under the act to any applicant merely tiecaus sucn of March 3rd, 187. citizenship would bo convenient to the applicant. ! In by gone days, citizenship in ' T-"! America was easily obtained by Member National i-dfloriM Ao- foreigners who became citizens alu uo ,,, pror rur the lack of uuuuu ciuu uiti, Eot Decause ot a real love ior ihm Who can ever calculate tin country, but because of the benetils vaU0 0( ti. eotinlless brilliant Ideas' COCNTT OFFICIAL I'APEK Association. strength of the will Is weakened. Net infrecuetitly. tlio legit Imal course of one passion beeomos ob srurted by the violence of another, so that numberless good and great things are left undone. A mor common example of this Is not o be Mind. 1 think, than the lialtliiis of aiujition by me dalliance caused l,y fear odem-r, perhaps, by sloth. ' It one were to disclose tlio source of action in every Individual, he would disci. ver. I bellevu. tnal most deeds are aciuated by imitation " some kind god or bad. If one could discover and Inspect the deep wells of potential action lie would find (hut many worthy and valuable d.-e.t tiro Imprisoned In Stygian lat'knsi. by a cold stratum of (ear. They will never see the light of day, and our i ini'ii unconsciously, Mown MAKE PUNS XOW Sunday's Oregonian contained a:i article relative to the re-apportlou-nient of state senatorial district and intimated that at the next ses sion of the legislature, such re-apportionment would be made. Anions the changes likely was the joint dis trict (the Fourteenth), which com prises Clackamas, Columbia and Multnomah. The Mist hopes a re-apportion ment will be made and if it is not possible to make of Columbia coun ty a separate senatorial district, it will be joined with Washington or Clatsop. The former is now In the Twenty-fourth District with several other counties and the latter is district in itself. The interests of Clatsop and Columbia are identical and it might be better to be joined in a senatorial district. with that county - A H.!..ilnnn. nf Bttll fit Iven A It I n UU J. 1 I . Ill .1 Buv. t" Such citizenship was not appreciated because it was obtained too easily. The Red and I. W. W. movement throughout the country Is a demon stration of this fact. Foreigners should be taught that citizenship in the I'nited States is a great honor. It should not be cheapened by the granting of it to one whose loyalty to the country is questionable. MIST SKJX COMMIXICATIONS The Mist has received an undated letter postmarked at Timber. The letter which expressed opinions as to the game law and its enforcement, was unsigned. It is a rule from which we will not vary, that all com munications for publication must be signed by the writer. The name will not be published If the writer wishes It withheld. We are always glad to have communications re hi Columbia would five to any matter of interest and we be treated fairly by its neighboring welcome expressions and opinions county and the Mist believes tha:on public matters, but we will not every now and then a man from Col-! publish an anonymous letter. I; umbia would represent the county ! the writer of the communication will in the senate. Old pioneers recall send in her name (the writing looks the time when the late Judge Moore! like the handwriting of a woman represented Columbia as Joint seua-jwe will publish the letter, tor. That was some time in the late ! -SO's or early 90,s. Since that time.: REGISTER nn,1 nrlinm'H which lie supinely m timorous brains? Many fear the Jeering of the :iinb-liilnded multi tude: they shrink from criticism; they would rather smirk lnunely and tag the crowd than venture a strange idea; ethers fear the weather, th fluctuations of the market, the un reliability of courts of Justice; thotis .inds are petrified by an unreason .ihl fear of Failure; but most am bitions Hre dwarted. I believe, by a man's fear of himself of his In equality to tlio task proposed. Sloth, which is a ioriu of fear--tear of work likewise kills am bition. We are all familiar with the garrulous und omniscient citizen who ;s never know to work or to pro mote work except by sonorou i row n As of gratuitous advice; on a cold day he dozes precious hours a wuy beside the stove fretting nt th labor required to keep the fire alive; on u hot day, you will see him wail dling painfully towards the market shade-tree while the Impish suu beu'nis piny upon the glazed und bil lowing bowl of his trousers. Some men, for want of energy. are like a wagon-wheel scrunching in a rut, while oilier", full of vlgoi and ambition, though perhaps pos sessed of less native Ingenuity re smblo ships dashing sparkles from .-. sunny sea. JKHKM V KltAM. nltllAN K 2IS 'An ordinance K """.f.J"..' ' ,ou Council of b 'I'V . ',. ena. 'rego... to lease Krll..n ,t , tide lands !' THE CITY OF ST. III.I KNS I'"'- OltllAIN AS FOLLOW .v k." in i. t" "-. , ;,r;";: Council of l... CK.v ' J " Oi.KOII. be. and .he same hereh powered I., lease lo J W Ak ,11 of I he following de-nlbed preil es I,, the City of St. Helens. Columbia County. Oregon. to-IC llegl.ihb.g at a ldnt m the '""'' ll of SI. Helens Street produced North 7.1 degrees (r eusl. Mi 7 feel from the liilerseelion of SI. Helens Street and Columbia Street, hi tin City of St. Helens Columbia County. Oregon, thence from .ihl point ol beginning North Iti degrees 57' wc.l ;tli !il feet to point; tlienee .North M degdees Or east I'M feel lo II point; thence south 1 degrees f.7' ,. st r.0 feet to a point; thence smith 7H degrees 01' wesl 1 110 feel to ji point; thence North 1 degrees fi7 west 13.r,0 feel to tlio place of be ginning. For the period of 10 vents from the date of the passage if Ihls Ordl nance, lit the annual rental of T0 til) per year, for machine shop pur poses Said lessor to have opt Ion on ulilitlomil ten years term subject to approval of City Council. City r'i teimlnaie lease at the end of firm 1(1 year period, nil Improvement f bo paid for on appraisement. Itead the first lime in full Feb -'nil. 19M. Head the sen ml time Feb. 2ml, 1920. Head th third lime ami passed February 9th. 1920. Approved: February 9th, 1920. M SXON .Mayor. Attest K. K. yl'Ii K, Heel rder Avoid Disappointmem IN HUYING GROCERIES UY TRYiNQ J STOCK AND SERVICE We Satisfy our Customers That in one of the reasons for the lg incr VUI UU9II1CSH, FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS OYSTERS. CRABS AND Jj THOMAS H. ROY THE MONKY SAVIXiJ t.lMlCER. Phone 42 St. Helen, PRAISES McXAItY v """""" . .. . . ,c ,CKmra Important measures are to be Th nI, J a , n ?' Pad upon at the coming primary tpr 5 ?r?7tanh.I al"i election in May. Candidates are to terof re-apportionment began to re-jbe nonllnated for gtate and eoun,,. attenuon a few mon hs aKo.;officeg The le have h J ;nce;"haUvV b en h b -Th ho rd:."..'.." E"itor Sl' """ M'"' over senators and representatives ul'h 5!"',, , " sl(:' who hope to be re-elected this year. I ""'Zr nr..t Inrt v'inr J,?,v i As ,llis '' "n tnr ""P'! By the time the legislature assembles 's a" , y, ""'for the presidential nomination toss- again the census figure, tor Oregon Y.ft a re ' K U'"ir "a,s ,hP r"1R ,"' will be known and a tentative re- :f",r.l" J ?. 1 , . Mt " are'crop of impossibles in both parties apportionment bill be drafted." j V, -rll"r,,u ,u -dr enough to bring the blush of! From this it appears that interest ed politicians are now busy and this Th ranldlv irrnwin snherfntirm ! beingt he case, it seems to us to be i list of the Mist is gratifving to thei oi me utmost imDortance mat I ol-; r..,ni ( ,hi, i ... umbia countv should eet busv n .! "rZlW.u' .-J' ."J"" !.'""." knowledge,! lead. r in ''lanistivu r.n nnnn inn ..ion , hni"; . '. :v .. Ifor nrtcresslve measures and a mai nHin m sir uri. Tnt on, Drrnpi. ... shame to anyone who has a desire for clean politics. There is a hum who has stood fur progressive principles ami Is the ae- Ihe sena'e "tentative re-apportionment bill which will be more beneficial to Columbia than the present district ; properly represents Columbia county wuicu was creaieu in jerrynianaer proceedings in the senate in order that Multnomah county might have another senator, for we all know that as long as Columbia is joineu with Multnomah that a man from that county will represent Colum bia. Tim TI la r. HAi 1. -.1.1. r,lir lirMdnt Villtnnmqli nni.n.v ' .1.1- -- . ... u....v.un.i VUUU. BCU-.T. C II, o. If de.; iuiiui. oi. rieiens iinsi: make cf the Mist a paper which , . " r . " ,; . ,h 1 " V i . . ut'iuM' pan unu nan uvrn um uiuv ninli tini n I v r hope of all who look for this dis graceful session if congress for re lief. That man is our own senator, Charles McNiiry. I am surprised that the state pa pers have not been striving to gel him to become a, canillilatu, Wc would receive the Voles of all voters who put decency before party, and. in my t pinion, there Is not oue w ho has yei appeared who has Inspired OTIt F. OF KIWI. SF.TH.r.MF.NV IN TIIF. Cnl'Vl'V COl ItT OF THK STATE OF OltF.tiON, Ftllt THK COl'NTY OK coi.r.Miuv III the matter of the F.sUte 01 Uleiiii Wilkes Kllch. I ase.l Notice Is hereby given that I In. Kxoeiitor of the Last Will and Testa ment of the estate of Plena Wilkes Kilch. deceased, has filed Ills Final Keport ami Petition for 1 ilsi rlhutlou and that the Court has set Tuesday. March 15, 1920. in the Court room of the County Court In St Helens Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 o'rlocn A. M us the time and phi re ( hearing thereon, and any and nil persons Interested ure hereby re H n ins I lo be and appear at said timi and place und make objections there, lo If. any they have Unied at Sr Helens, Oregon, Feb ruary 11. 1920. 9-H-.M ti. W STAI'I.FTON. Kiecutoi Mist Want Ads for Kesults. PUBLIC FORUM n or ir n.inirQ rvnt it tita o cided preference (or a m.-n from t, Man' 38 )ou and 1 nave observed, Uie, "j1'"6 nftdiince for inlegrlty Columbia county, and when the "ten- h;m is, a mature largely composed j " ability, tative re-apportionment bill" is be-'ot Dassions: the passions figure j "urs r,,r rl,," government, ing planned, it hepes that Mr. Banks pron',inen"y ln 11,8 rulinS of thej J will see to it that Columbia, one ot worl(1, ,Vie 'mate pnda of even I .,,., ' ... ..... the counties he represents, gets just- man ,lcIds tlie PaRion to be sub-i rAKM lSKlltM A I loN ice and will do all in his power to fervlent ,0 tlie Intellect; no ratio.tal ! Arronhi. K ins , Jan. 29, 1920. separate us from the present triple,1 "K is willlnE that he Is Tho St. Helens Mist, ii . OVOt Mini ml larl J m. ....... .t . iu alliance (Tj, tne Joint Senatorial i "- aim ayeu at ease. m. neiens, Oregon. District of Clackamas. Columbia and .. P?8"'0" at least, not to evil. Multnomah. , ,el 11,8 Histories of families, cf clths The mn.te, lo ...,,... . fnd ?f "f'ionssuonlv an overwhelm- Dear Sir:- I enclose money order 1)4 00 i for I which mark mo up two years. l ou are putting out n very good J. T.SCOTT Photographor ST. HELENS, OltF.tiON YOUR HOME ... i i i. .... . . i nil i.ikc ui'.rc t ihc in it urn it Is nral in atrnr, auif, Ih.iIi on the clcrir am! interior. Pjinu I' s tin- ;iiicarniu-c of a huililiug ami prtifntf the win H I Mtk. I Bargain Prices on Paints W'f arc iiiakini; a clean up sale it mid and of .tcral makes nf FIRST CLASS PAINTS. I'anits wnrth $5 cr gal. wc arc isrllinj; at pw! moii $2.50 to $4.00 I l liis i. the tunc of ear that voti sltortM clean ? ami jiaint tiji atiil wc can save ymt a coiivdftik;r aimmtit on mir jiaint hill if you take .nlvatltitt ' tlii-i nffer. Shcrwin-W illianis Staitt ami Yarn! the j rti'nvfil a full line St. Helens Hardware H. A, HOWE, Proprietor Hu censor lo K. (. iilttoi Telephone 97 St. Helwi, Of. IS Of Sufficient im- ine bunion ,.f r.,.f . ..i ... i . . " v. w.vj.a iu nniiW II1HI KhTrjT l:!?"' rea80n d0 ot always direct the , home paper for y.nir home miule Commerce ot Cla skanle Rinir .ni PaSS10nS rU,e tU"m 1,1 ,llPiri Tn0 vul,ie ' ' ' tlio In St "lens for the Durnose of forim. ' course: Here "' 1 think. If we look formation 1 get about the local co, . ivat ng p an wherebv le L Ifr'," Urui th Cause a" l"v.-loPme, a, pos- ! of Cofumwi shall be arded from rtadlvidSfu"? lh6 "'"l""'"'",0' ' 1 a standpoint other than it has in ,in,"VdUal8 and of 'n'P't. ! A little more Information In re former years, that is so far as be themselves the fundamental ! KHnlli to land value, agrlciiltui.-l ing a convenient part of a Dol'itical ?a9s,ons are Kcd love and hatred, j TC-spfct. Income vuliio of thn vai lootball. desire and aversion, joy and sorrow i branches or fanning and the , hope ana despair, courage, fear ano 1 oiIrtuntti-fi offered to home seek- Englund will i.,i, rat sood. because each has U,,' w"ul,i of considerable value worlds Trr, h i . . t ,fc prop'" obJwt 88 8 far In the des-! to '"Htant readers, worlds largest battleship. Look. tiny of man. ThM f,.u . , ,?, I I.otters of f:,r, , back to tl.eWDrtwar b,s!l,,,y geU"'S Wh"n ,he liKhl of reason ! M.ccessful farmers In yo . ' uata 10 tne pre-war bas.s. . ls ob.-cured or withdrawn and the i V'C1'1 "f valuo. i ours very truly, AND HEW PEllltSON The Mist acknowledges thai It -lioulil have more lnfi.rn....t.,.., r.i h.. character that Mr. Pehrson aslts fLi jimd would be glad to havo letters ! from many successful farmer i iiirougiioui iiio county telling or their experiences. v() wm nWIIVH have room or make room for such communications, which undoubtedly will prove of Interest. I As the Counrry Grows We Progress OTHING is more indicative of the growth and 41 prospenty of the lower Columbia River country than the increasing deposits here at the Columbia County Bank. That represents centralized prosper- ny which can be put back on the job, so to speak, and cause more prosperity to be created. Another element in this bank's growth is its service ability. Feel free to come in and discuss your problems and prospects-whether you are one of our many patrons GHblumbii "- ep fin r?k.i IN THE COL'NTY COCIIT OK THK STATE OK OHEOON KOIl THK COUNTY OK COLUMBIA. Notice ls hereby given that the im dersigned has been appointed ex ecutor of the estate of Levi Hhow aller, docoascd, by the County Comi of the Slate of Oregon Tor Coluinbli. County, end bus tiualllled. Al per i.ons having claims against said cstiiie are hereby nolltied to present Hume duly verified as by law requlrod, to the undersigned ut the oflleo of my attorney, rooms 3 2-3 3-3 4-:t 5 l.nfay ette Huildlng. Portland, Oregon, within six months from th0 Out. hereof. 9th!ttmoand flrst puMlH,ie(1 ,a'"'"ry CLINTON A. AMIIHOSE Executor. Albert T. Elott, Attornnv. 4.8.51 Some Important Pointers ST HELENS OLD tQYM iwNr.l i Ground Gripper Shoes Can be ordered by mail for the whole family. The east, est and best khoe made today, A Real Corrective Shoe. GROUND GRIPPER SHOE STORE, W4 8tMl.,. At. T...m., W.,hlnrto, Automobile Owners, Please Notice ! Dependable Tire Repairs I,!,, .J;,,. ',,a' r "" W.ric .ml rur.l.rr lhl " '"l" "ItnZ 'm'.'1 "'' wi" "','1 "' their lilr .n.l "" ,I.;,,;J ,., .. . '"IK 1 l''c . ( I,,.,, ,irc n ,l,t c.l' Your Npvf TiV P..M.un0A When vi ti! uc 1 UllrllUOt; TvicC" vM..T,Mii, s,,f,uM '"' M-wwr ''nc'n.i,i,, :;' Ms V".u-:u a,i u. s. Ti? ,,, Tube,. v ... .1 . .. "'r.'""1 '"' will rut viiiir tir ert - TheV W 'i"'l Kunranicc. 1 AUANl1-'- tl,,y live up to their iciHiUt-o" A full lin r.t - last A full line of nir--,,u;v:t0;'.aaolee. 1,,nr wlu-n iiriiiieiK, :. n;'C V",,r far "l an.l help yourself. Tird ' , - . .111 , H'll. ' OPELAND AUTO CO. IN COUiMBI