1320 1 1 J S : - III- '2 ! t , MIST MISTINGS J H. Thatcher niado bua.a trip to Portland ThurvUy. '. . h. Bmtarttr cf St. JouJi. fcraer rsidn: nl H':n. a taller at the M':: ai x lburJ ! tifct la oc icOTe to fteiiisp l -n. Wiihitftcft. . The validity of ttc dog lin :St :.iin; b-a upheld C'ouatj sa'.cg of do Ucmse-i on Ta:. M Grac Howell wa a PortUtt'; Tii!or Tliurs-iay. T. S. While tratad buiin-- "1 Helen Ri .t up to Port- mcf oyer St. Helen, Tirv ,,-h Th.r , .rwcd snl day. T morning iv. o LarouAt uit - mita frinijs. Miss Mry McKinify of Portland was a -nd guest of ler sistei. Mr. Orin Shepherd. . Wusinpot Macaie has b?c qaite 11 during the fast week, bat fnenis will be pleased to know thai be U now muca better. Wednesday was Mr. Mary Myrs friends cal!i a: dunce to tender congratulations fjrryia a carta of 700. 'H-d f?et rf lumber, tr.e steamer Florence Olsen left out TneilAy night bouna ' tor Sin yrz'Ciito. V.i stecmer Ernes: H. M?yer bd en with S10.00 ixi of lanter r.r.J' t ilicf aild Wednesday ni;ht bocBdi fcr SNin Pedro. The 1". S. Enjergescy Board s eam ct Owitama. tfter trvkis; on l.SOO.-i 009 feet of railroad ties, left for Portland to complete her csrro. Secretary William Rasel! cf -he Columbia Post American Lg:cn in form, tfce Hiss there will be an !ta portant meeting of tee Legion Mob-'. day night at the courthouse. A full ' attendance of members is desire-J. t John L. Foote. an attorney ; t'ort land. decided that St. Helens was a promising field and has located her. He has his law oiicts in the build ing recently vacated by the First National Bank. i Mr. and Mr. H 1. Soathard spn: the week-end with friends in Par land, and while in Ce cetrc-poi J Mr. Southard took adTan'age o tie opportunity to attend the Shrtrers Ceremonial. Mrs. John L. Storla. prw.dent cf the St. Helens Woci:s Clib. attend ed the session and thiaqaet of General Federation of Wontars Clb the Benson. Hotel ias; Saturday tr tis oU home in IwJlocw, Iowa., evrra" weeks ago on axoaut cf the s?rious tilnesi of hi (a: he. rturrdi io t. Helens Thu-Vi'.a in-jruire. H:s I Lir p&d cay ,aii one day t or Vr Mason arr.rrd home A faulty g!ene burner in th- sabdued the flaxes which for a ti:u-. tr.r.'tened to destroy the buiiding. H. P. Heacock cf Trcadweil. Alas ka. arr.Ted In St. Helc-Ls Wednesday and is a gaest at the come of t.u nephew. L. R Rutherford. Mrs Heacock and daughter w-.l! arrive ecrly in the spring and possibly sake their home here. John Phillip recently secured in order fcr Belgian paring blocks atid started a sma'l for-o J', icen to work this week. Maurice Ricliardson who is study ing radio tegraphy at the Portland Y. M. t A. spent Saturday and Sun day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs D.'w. Richardson. He is progress ing rapidly and eit?c-s socn to be ready to take the government elim ination il Vis; has r.-ee.i rotr.ed ty t!.e V y: .'. A. In Por'anl t chaLt the addres of Joe McCoy li co Y. M C. A. New Tor City, as ?!r. Mi . ui been trausJ ;r:ed to t lat c y lai, wiii Ih ii-.-retii; nes rn :.,r many St. t-t-e f'ler.d CI Mr ;t"cy who fteravr"..-' tiugnt lu the St. Helens schools. The Copeland Acto Company haTi leered the Ramsey garage buildm,; and will moTe into tie new quarter in tie Lear future. Alterations are being made aad a large stock txom Miss rvrt'da IVViti is he,-pic f est in ittt it (e fouaty lerk icr M-ver! ia Mrs. J. Pt'enway ,3-1 dsac'tter of Portland sp-ct S-m-Uy witi Mr. an 1 Mr. D. W. R.'chariisot: .M . Ira Wassoa. tue Eew t-afhr cf EigliSb in '.Le hig! chj. ha tiken rooms with Mr Jack fVwt-i J W. Ki-e. A. L. Parker and at K Trn..Arce were air?oag the Vemcaii pcpSo a--.cd.cg Mart m St. H-in this week. Cour.t;. Sirrf-ri-tndnt J. W. Allea viil go to MtM:r.r.Tiile Saturday to spv.k t'. a Yamhill county local la st:: j:c M V.- i-line A!!c w:'I leave earlj neit week for FVItr.an. Washington to tv ititiaie-l itto the Iv-ita lv!ta Delta cit.'cial sirority at tfce Ya.h ngtcn Stile co.Iei. Char!e- Y'rvr. who w fora.erl. cor;r.ectl wita the Or-cn Mtt back in the '. di-'d at Gnn:s P. oj Thursday mora.r.g Ti funTal 5-rii-i wj-i ( fcrid riatskaie cunday afternoon at I o'clock GRANGE MEMBER SHIP INCREASES J J. Gagan. Secretary of Evwan Grange No. 5" J. it Chapman. ur S jn. writes the Mist that at a p?c:al mec-ting Jan. !3rd. 20. seven ni-jie trere prcp'3 metntK-rship. The rr.eet:rg was heid :n the new hall o! ;..e fnt.it which is a sabstactiai t ui'dicg and one whic the rid-'nt of the Chapman district take pnJv Ts Chapman Grf.r.g" was organ iied by crgisuer A. 1. Morris ahotit a year ago and its growth hs treL rap.d. v frr.TT,. Rrift.fi v u..i being built whici viil ;ive them am brittan entertained at a dinner pany pSo.P r - of Saturday night in honor of Mr md Mr ri tralt "ul Ei th;r Mrs. P. L. GrtfSn who left fcr their I f ri-: lirr toT fBr" Califcrnia home SandaT. TheT ixii out on the steamer Klamath. f Mis Bessie J. Fay, an eijrience r niiliner cf Pcnlind has bought tie millinery stock of J. T. Taber and v ill open a millinery e-s:ab:-..n:e-'t in the Hewitt building in the quarters now occupied by Benaett's bcrber shop. Mr. Bc-nnett will move to hi, new shop about Feb. lOta. Miss Hazel Brittan has accepted the position of Chief Operator in tie Astoria telephone ofsce. Her trans fer to Astoria is a weil merited pro motion. Mi33 GLidys Hobts succeeds Mia Brittan as chief operator in tie local exchange. Mrs. Thomas Istister went to Porv iacd Thursday to attend a birthday party given her friend Mrs. Garsea, who celebrated her T5ti anniversary. Mrs. G arson is an old time frtend cf Mrs. Isbister. in fact, she met Mrs IsSirter at the New York dock wha M.-sf L came over from Scotland and has ben her "Amer.caa mother ever since." Mrs. I sta'ed. T-e Fieldhoas Motor Company report a nuhing bssmeu In Ford ' ears. Recent deiiver.ea of new Fordi I were made to the follow lag: 1'amu.ie -Engstrom and Mn. E. Wellborn of Warren; A. E. Butts of Colunbia, City Invested in a sedan. The St .. .... , . ... . lity invested in a sedan. The St. J r . ! dance given by . Hel urj ttld Standarl w ITr-M riiT 'e:-- Oil Company eaci. bought ton tmck, I" etioyable affair and tn- ltd tocr,g ,,re je:tTerede to cortumes depicted real hard tim ?!rs. Mary Wellington and Dal- Perry were the prize winners fos having the most appropriate cos L. 3. Hopkins, Wist Brotiers. Oscar .Johnson. T. Nordbeck. H. W. White, C. Beoier. Gecrge Perry. J. M. Burk tead and Elmer Dodson. Mrs. G. Mrs. J. Lawrence of Portland wh Thomas chose a sedan. Mr. hn, been visiting Mrs. S. L. Butter i Fieldhouse expects to receive severe during last week, left for her uoine ; ear loads of new Fords in the ceit ..londay. Mrs. Lawrence fs a former luture and wi!l make deliveries as resident of Columbia county, 'laving fr5; 2 possible. lived fn the Deer Lslaad section Cor c. J. Larsen'was a caller at tij many years. J Misl of5c? Wednesday and statei hr Eye, that need glasses are en ! Is planning to leave in the near fu (aJ2 t't'd to specialized efforts. I tur for an extended eistera trip That's why Dr. T.iompsoa de-1 California. Texs. Oklahoma, Kansas, votes his entire time, thought and Colorado, and Minesota are some of efforts to Eye Examination and man the states he will -.!,:: iVliile on the ing of Quality Glasses which are: trip Mr. Larsen will wite freiuent Cround in one of tho best plants on . letters to the ii;t te.ling of inteie tne Pacific (oast. Consult hira about ing happenings of the trip and con your glass needs next visit, Wednes-. ditions as h? finds them in the states cay. reb. 11. Orcadia Hotel ail day. ; ho wiir visit WILL RECEIVE GUN FROM OREGON l"n!vrity of Or-gos. Eug'te Tho I'niversity c( Oregon Is soon to rueive from the Poget Sound navy yard at bremer.oc. Wuthir.g'cn. ul of the small furs mounted on ti.e battleship Oregon when she made her historic dah t:n San Francisco clear ap?und Suta America to pr tic.pate m the battle of Santiaro in 3?. A letter received at the of c cf Prn:dB Csmpbell from Rear Adsita! H. A Held, comtriniatt at Ereairrtoa. ?a the nrs that the piece wcu!d !s lent to tr.e l"a. versity if desired. It Is expected to arrive ia a few days Tue gun w.tich helped win the war wiilt Spain will be suitably inscribe; aad placed in an appropriate posi tion here as a m. mento cf Oregon s namesake vel. Tne I'nivecvty already has the old fag wfcich wn carried ty le Or-eon dari-.g thi war. Fur a long time the Bug hur.; ca the :oLi iour 3f S i a'.'aiais'r; tios building,. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Grade lioisteia bii.. Z years eld C. J. Lrea. Warren. Orejca 7-tf Hay for Pale First class mixed bs.!ed hay. JI p-r ton Joep:, Erick-on, Sr. W-rrn. Ore. " -4t 44 acre. iU miim out. 14 cleared. house, orcnard, IJ150 16110 down, balance eay terms. per cent. J B. Godfrey. 7- For Sale On account of leaving soon. 1 o"er for sale. Yellow len' grown in this coumy for a number of years. It grows large and niaturrs early. American Wonder, nur&ank. Netted Gem and Pruij of Multnomah County seed potatoes. One S fooi oak eitensicn dining table. Kitchen table, a few chairs find other house, hold articles. C. J. Lrseti. iWrr-n Phone 101-K1S. 7-1 .tTlt f. TV t.RNt.KI! Poxoaa Granre will meet win Go Me Grang- Stardar. Feb. Tth. at 1 - o'cltxk A. M. !J crdf.' of the Mas'er A K. TAKBELL XrTK II Ta l 1. rk s Off.c- w .1! Jgiia issue lot i,cva?s twgiarinj fb. :. l: J W. HI" NT. County Clerk SIMMONS IN" THE ClUCl'IT COt RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOK COL- IV HI A COl.VTY. K,Ja Foster. PlaiatlS. v Frank Ejs'er. IVfeadant To Fraik Eas'cr. the Ivefendatit abv named: la the name of the State i.f Ore gon yoa are hervby roja:red to ap pear and anwer cr other is- plead to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court -nd ccue c a or before tae 12th day of March ' 12. SAii date t'ing more than n we k sutweouect io the first publi cation of this summons, and if yoj fail to- so appear or aaower, for wan thereof the plaint;!? will apply to th Court for th relief prayed for In the corr.plxtat Sld herein. to-it: For a decree di.4o!vir.g the bonds of tnat .rinionjr heretofore and now existing bo'. ween the plaintiff rnd defendant aad ahHlu!ely uitorclng lie plalntiS from dfondant and r!or.i; ; pliii t.ff s maiden rnrne cf Rl-odi Em hum and for sach cit.er atid further re lief as to the Court rn-y ere Ju and ejui"alle Son lew of this summon, In made up- a jou by put!:caiion thereof pur-' mi-.r to an orler the Honcrrble J A. E-.km. Judge of t.-.o r.bove entitled Court, made and entered on the Istli dy cf January. !:. directing pub-l-'it uc t .ereof tn the St. Helens Hist, a newpapor of g-neral circu !.tirB. pr.nted and published in Col umbia v'tunty, tr"goa. for six con-srou'it-; k t-te of tn puhliratitn. Jt.iuan l?ie of list public.it.cn. March II. !:. n W TAYLOR. Att raey fr-r Plaintiff P't fifttce A4dros: 534 Chcmbr cf Cc-mmtrcw Hid?. Pcrb.-d. tire Try a M st Want Ad for crta n re sults i! you have xnythirg for sate. flASON'S FOI? LUNCHES CANDIES CIGARS TOBACCOS ICE CREAV. SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIALTIES HOT or COLD DRINKS MASON'S LIGHT on your eash resource, 1 al ways to be had from the stubs of ycur check bo:k. You know to a penny how mucli cash there ia iu the bsnk without bookkeepirg or less of time. That alone is worth opeiing a b-.ck account. But there ar-: many other benelits. We iall be glad to explain them to you in person if you will call. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve Sys'em CHAS. GRAHAM, President. H. A. CHILD3. Cashier. Let Us All Be Thrifty And produce more in 1920 than in any previous year. In the meantime buy your goods where your money goes the fartherest in Quality Groceries. THOMAS H. ROY Phone 42 St. Heleni. Oregon CHEVROLET 5 Passenger I ouring Car $875 F. 0. B. ST. HELENS COPELAND AUTO CO. St. Helen?, Oregon Phone 87 1000 Loaves of Bread That is the amount we are bale ini; nd delivering daily. jt means that several thousand people in St. Helens are each day eating our bread. They must like it and they should (or it is good bread. Your Grocer Has It Priced at 10 Cents - Just a little lower in price and better in quality than other bread. West St. Helens Bakery S. HEl'MANX. Prop, lloulton. Phone 114-( Wall Paper We have just received a beautiful line of wall paper. There are 27 different patterns and we can suit the most fastidious taste. It's about time to begin think ing of cleaning up the house for the spring and our Paint and Wall Paper departments can be of great assistance to you. We shall be glad to have you in spect this line. Gold Band China We have a very good line of gold band China. The pattern is tasty, the china good and the prices ex tremely reasonable. In entire sets or single pieces. A visit to our store will convince you that we carry everything in first-class hardware St. Helens Hardware H. A. HOWE. Proprietor (Suxissor to K (i. Iiittol Telephone 97 St. Helens, Ore. i"j-i IP LIBERTY Thf tU- of I he lWt In I'lrliuw Wm. S. Hart BORDER WIRELESS ON WEDNESD7, FEB'Y M William 5 HaiVt 'niO HILL HA HT" Plot a bandit, then m rcut of rotty glrU, then a navlof ot tlio govprnaiental .crt. and hut bent of all. ! llr for t'nrl 8am. IMIV T MIHH TII1H MOMIU. rr UIU AHV Sml UWHEN DO WE EAT" KEATl'KINO ENID BENNETT One &f tiio n,,1!lt c::.,rml,is tar on tij -re.i today. Tl KsitAV, I'KHItt'ARY rtnl "THE GIRL WHO CAME BACK" r'EATl'UING ETHEL CLAYTON Mi ( ;lytoi, portrayi the ro! of t!.e :au,'.r of a t'Hef v.n. rfirm thnngii lnB pow,p of Kr.it. t.tdn and luve. Wm. S. Hart IN "BORDER WIRELESS" Till It-SllAV, FKIl'V 5th THE DRAGON PAIN T'E'R FEATUrtlNO SUSSE HAYAKAWA . MtlDAV, KKBKl'AKV Ml The RADIUM MYSTERY WITH . To-rwl Wrutern Drama aa twu-rrl Comedy Watch for Big 'uns Comin' Mist Want Ads for Result Ml ; I';