St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, October 31, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 46
III. II 111 1.1 FLYINC prrnun O
i VI
n win
I Dm IkHiKlil ljr Yankton
Lrr Hm Itecord of Prodw-
10,11)1 round of Milk In (tan
Vr Ollir lluy fin Cattle,
i ( few month! ago Mr. John
of Warren startled Ms neigh-
and liluiHHlf when lie paid $ 600
kg of lb best Holsteln COWi In
In jiini anoui ma aania lime
rbellii of Yankton arouied Iba
Lnl of their neighbor and the
k th rounty in general, by par
lioou fur a wonderfully fine
idiii heifer. Now cornea Into
lilnt a Jerey cow, a veritable
Lagon and creamery combined.
Mm. Kadla V., and her owner,
A Murkkanen, of Yankton.
Wed to pay the um of $1600
Her to bring her to Columbia
Hla K. ha n record of 1 6.1 9 1
of milk and 179 pound of
fut at the ace of lour years
hioiitlis the world'a record for
l I he lime It wai made. At ill
of ki Kadla K, waa tested
anil made 73 pounds of but
: At (he time r. Markkanea
It hir aha waa milking 70
of milk a duy. Mr. Mark
Inn replaced hla entire herd
lie row with purebred of hlfcli
IIm waa awarded the cham-
lp at Hut county fair on one
two-year-old helfera. Columbia
V ilioulil watch with pride Iho
of Mr. Markkanen'a undertak-
le In ilartlm right and hi
III not only be well do
but a valuable eiample and
Hve to oilier ambltloua begin-
fier YaukUHl Fanners Buy
l recent tale, Mr. Than Drowi,
throe head of very excellent
fed cows, paying (660 for Elk-
lleauty, a aplendld two-year-
III a record of over 40 pound
In day. Mr. J. Vantasiel
knell a flue heavy produclni
hi Initial effort to ItnoroviS
Ird. MHr. Nulun and Jarvls
Mded another young cow to
herd. Mlaea Shirley and
ItrlKKn. daughters of Mr. and
red Hrlggs, each bought a fine
heifer with which they hope
In the boy and girl calf club
William Sktule or Warren, re
bought two young cow and
Me while Mr. N. Sherwood
f Ing with two.
I Men J entry OnU'r
0. W. t'urteman end on of
. ru laying- the foundation
pry fine herd of Jeney. Mr
n l fortunate In having
lor lil hoik located on adJoln-
fm, ll of whom are getting
In fine cattle. Together they
"uglit seven head of very ex-
youiiK cow. All of these
come from the very bet of
producing line. Mr. William
P purchased a very exceptional
ffar oid cow of the Meli Ann
or breeding and la contemntat-
f piirrhiHe of more In the neat
Mr. A. I.. Fuller, cashier of
inler state bank, U alo aatm.
hl love for the farm and live
W I'uylng two fine young
f lioldon Glow' Chief
ft the month of October, tfteni
ne.vt or high claaa purebred
cow brought Into the county.
f conscrvr.tlve value of Iheie
l would bo 18.000 and sine
V "rn. more than 180.000
t purebred cattle of the
""I, HoUteln and Jeraat
have been brought fn. Most
N animal went in to the hands
ni'glnnera aa foundation
Hy workia- with the county
DifHU new beclnnera in nrac-
Very case have mm red ilock
Mlenl quality.
count y court feel aura that
fund In the acveral dUtrlct
co tin i y for the year 1910 will
'r tl.iin in 1119. They ban
Minimi on -the fact that road
kh Imve been held in nractl-
f'ty dlHtrlct in the county and
Prii sentiment ha been for
a Bpechil road tax.
flu) llieetlttira will ha lindt In
r'l diHtrlcti by resident Uxoay-
r'l'K Novomber and at that
P'Vy Wilt lIulH, uno. m.llt...
levies and the amount of the.
"K VVhlta atatea that several
" nuva denlriad tn vnla tlm
M'lch l io mllla, o the pros-
' '"in the road building fund
County will ha .nfflolent tl
peeaod ImprDvement to the
f"H mid open many new one.
Pr Cliunnian. wtin hm haati tint
Fr of the at u.i.., irnlnn
I'nce it organlxatlon, hai re-
"HI DOBIIInn IT K.a nnt Ho.
. - . . , ...j iiwtm m
lUCllleil linnn Utm ..(.... nl.nn
Hlttckhum haa nmiil Mia
fment of the etore.
ox'iunt. a former reaMent or
lll. WD BrrAat Ma hnma
"iivflr, Washington.
Young Mtul ,-,,,. o iwn
AvUlor and K-ul,lui,l IWurtl
BteAvc;n ' '" " iHj,t.
ia n ' " rOU"K hout 2
year, of , ,ioW, Um ,
ori for h Igi, ,y,K. H ,0u j
While nndthe doctor, who were !
T! !!".'"!? V'.l - captalu
: " riinx corp mid had ii n in.lnnn . . " U
uiifortunatw y,,,,,,. ,. w '
about a hlXh a. be ntat.-d
AnntlK-r Htatement Wttii to (lie Pf.
feet that , ,,,,
um I k. I2.0UO.OOO , R,.H,
bank. Ilu wlnhed to no to SeHttk-, JU,
to travel In an ordinary Pullman did
not milt hla faMiidlous lame, no h..
ordered Judge White lttve a
'."iM1"!. '"HU,ttd of "n.plyln
with the request, t,n ,ard hearted
Judge furnished Mm with transporta
tion lo the state hospital at Kale.m
nd he wai taken there Monday
Mini camu to Srappoose about ten
day k and worked with the sec
tion crew for a few days lie disap
peared for a few days and then
turned up almost furnished. He was
taken cure of until Deputy Sheriff
Butler brought him to St. Helen.
He ha relutlve living In Hawson,
" "'i num. lie rouid glvei
no In formal Ion as lo his habit.!
health or present occuoation Tim'
doctors thought he may have been a
drug fiend.
On Tuesday, November lllli a
parly of high offulals of Oregon
Pythian will pny a fraternal uud of
ficial visit to Avon Iodise. (irand
Chuncellor Commander Julian Hur
ley, (irand Vlco Chn.ncullor V. J
Clark and Mrund heeper of Itecord
and Seals Waller 0. Oleason will bo
among those who will come r.nd E. I.
HulluKh, K. of It. k S., of the local
lodge, expect thut several oilier of
ficials who live In I'ortli-nd, will ac
company the grand lodge officers on
the trip to 8l. Helen.
There will be degreo work and a
banquet will he served. It I expected
Hint there will he a li:rge attendance
of member of the loc;l lodge and
ilso from nearby iiolKhborhoods.
In the last half century this country made
greater advances in all channels of human en
deavor than em were made by any country any
hall century of all time. The credit is due lo die
men and women who kept their shoulder to the
wheels of progress. And not the least of these was
Theodore Roosevelt, soldier, legislator, author,
hunter, ranchman, student, president
On the twenty-seventh of October k wall be
j?? ytn tJu" Theodore Roosevelt came lo
add his strenuous Lie to the up-building of civ.
ilization, democracy and justice in America. On
anniversary of hi birth the people of Rooetv
veil native land will lay the foondatioa of the
Roosevelt snemonal. and it will be memorial
worthy of a Roosevelt, for this foundation will be
laid so the heart of the men and women to whom
Theodore Roosevelt was one of the greatest
of American.
I! Pcopk of the United States w0 long re- If
II Mi booof e Roosevelt, who a year ace It
II laid down the burdens of mortal life. J
14.000 Pound of Powder 1,1ft 24).
OHM) Yards of Rock
The big blast which was touched
off laat Friday at the county quarry
Just north of Railroad Addition and
on the Lemont place, waa successful
and H. E. Abry, county engineer es
timates that at least 20,000 yards
of rock were made available. Th
Warren Construction company load
ed the two tunnels which had beeu
put in by. the county about year
ago, with 14,000 pounds of powder,
?nd according to eye witnesses when
the big blast went off, the big bank
of rock waa lifted up and broken
'nto boulders.
The company will immediately In
stall a crusher. and begin to accumu
late a supply of rock which will be
i.sfid to rock the highway between
Mcr.ilde and Scappoose so that when
the paving plant la ready for opera
tion there will bo no delay In laying
she hot stuff. The contract calls for
the completion of the paving by July
1st, 1920.
The tunnels which .the company
used were bought from the county
court at a price In excess of tin
Candidates are Getting Started .
Mtwtt KBtliiuiaaUc lot of Younv
Ladies He Ha Seen, Say the Con.
teHt ManaKer.
The Mist'a big subscription cam
paign has started off with enthus
iasm this week. C. L. Perkins, the
contest manager, and hla wife arriv
ed In town the first part of this
week and within a short time he
found a number of young ladles who
were very enthusiastic about taking
up the work. Tho peopl? ere warm
ing up to the contest Uke berrs to a
honey tree, and nenrly all of the con
testants are sure to find frlonds, who
are going to tun in subscription
that will bring them to tea. That
will count wonderfully well when the
final wind-up comos, ?s every new
subszribor obtained by a contestrjit'4
friend counts Just 's aa though
sue ooiainea mem herself.
All district surroundine fit. Hal
original cost and the company also' Br represented and the way some
pays the county a royalty on all roc
tnken from the quarry.
of the neighboring districts are going
iw biiuw up in me iinai results will
surprise those who are not in close
touch with the contest. This will be
done if the workers keep faithfully
on the Job, for their friends know the
paper una most of them want k any-
Prnfeufinr n O Mntitho nhv.l..1
. i v ' j .-'. VIV
ImhI.. a 1. XI ..It I. 1 .. v. .l waj.
on i;liui VI . villi muilUUUUMI C1UU Ul j .
Portland, at the solicitation of many' .K', a"y tad? who .may b
fit. Helens friends, will conduct the value of the reward In
course In social and aesthetio danc-! T.. ' y wwxan, me
" y, go ana loon at the
.Miiiu County Itoud llctwcvn Kt. Hel
en and rkaioose lo be 1'ut iu
Conilillnu for Winter Traffic
Wink Start Soon.
Council Awards Contract to Warreu
Construction Company for Improv
ing aud Paving Two Blocks on Col
umbia Street License Prepared.
THIS WINTER! It will be welcome new to the1
The most important matter acted
utrrV'fruVrur.l, o7 Zf i the was the warding to the Warren Con-
will operate during the entire win- "Tl Trt. rep.'"r ! r?d ' ,tTXictioa con,ra,!t t0 S0"
ter. Iu addition to huvlng a uumbcrl"0'1 ,ut " lu ,tt"'ly Kod condition for snn pave Columbia street from Cow
of unfilled order on hand, another !l,e winter iiiontli-. It Is plonned to B(reet The cogt of the ,mprove.
contract for (0,000 yard was re
cently secured. A consldiTatilo por
tion of the rock is being shipped to
I'ortland and from that place by rail i
to point on the highway throughout
Several tunnels have roomily been
uiude ut the quarry and Mr. Hawkins
plans to do some shooting Saturday
to furnish a supply of rock for tin
1 (.rusher. Twenty-two men are em
ployed ut the plant and the monthly
fuy roll amounts to a considerable
SI' m.
Officers and members of the 81.
Helens Itehekah lodgo are highly
pleased at the growth of their lodge.
One of the prominent and Interested
members of tho lodge Inform the
Mist, that the membership Is now
clos lo 120 and r. I most every night
so thut the roud will be scarified. A, ulenl De ooul "
scraper will be used ulong the sldei' was accepted on a basis of $2.00 per
of the roud und tho rock that has yard for filling where sand was used
been thrown from the road will be and $1.61 per yard for paving, the
brought buck to the roud. The roll-1 same to be 2 Inches thick. The int
er will then be used lo make thd' provement will not be made until
! proper sui fuce. According to Judge sometime in ine spring wnen mo
While and Engineer Abry, It la tlie cuiupuuy iiisihiis ub yurius piuui ui
intention to begin work us soon as West St. Helens. They claimed they
possible, und all of the road except! could do the work cheaper at that
that portion of It which Is the high- time on account of having all of their
wuy. will be repaired. There is little: machinery assembled,
money In the road fund and as com- Several of the interested property
plete a Job as Is necessr.ry cannot b-3; owners were present and Mayor Sax
dono, however, it is thought that thw on gave them an opportunity to be
repuirs contemplated will hold the : heard In the matter. Jacob George
road together. The truffle over the! stated he was not opposed to the ir
roud Is very heavy and Inasmuch as' provement of the street, but-thought
the paved highway will not bo open ! pavement unnecessary. If the street
until June or July, It was apparent! was graded, rocked and rolled, ho
thut some work had to be done on1 thought It would be sufficient.
ing In St. Helens, at the city ball be
ginning tomorrow afternoon.
Professor Mauthe is a member of
show window at Gray's Jewelry Store
wuere mey are on display. We feel
the National Association of Dancing! ""'f hat. ou 'u f80 they r aU
Masters and recently returned from!ati" cla,m.?1 for ihem. Talk with
New York where he took a special : Vjy- "e Hd to give
course In the latest dances. The! a" tornatlon regarding the
Winged M Bulletin, the official paper 5 T ' bf?re hM BUch ' ltot
of the Multnomah dub in a recent t .. b8en g,Ten awftJr thls
iD., i.. u,..l "hort time.
Mauthe said "Professor Mauthe is
showing himself a capable organizer
snd executive by developing a nice
corps of assistants and the interest
ing part of his work Is the close per
ronal attention he gives to all classes.
He seems to have an infinte ability
'or multiplying himself."
The prospects are that he will
have a large class here.
' Manager E. I. Ballagh of the Col
umbia River Packers association, In'
forms the Mist that the run of Bllver
sides and chums Is very good and
Hustler Will Win
In the outset of the campaign ws
would like to say to the contestants
that the one who wins tho greatest
reward will be the one who keeps
most persistently at the Some,
In time past, who have engaged in
a move of this kind, have made the
mistake of casing off in their final
effort after making a fine start,
thinking that It would ba easy to'
Jump in near the close and repeat
their successful beginnings, only to
find that some slower but more par
slstent worker Jiad Invaded the field
and picked up all the worth-whila
votes they thought would surely bo
meirs. u you want to win one of the
that many of the fishermen have De8t P"ze. you must keep at the
been makfnt excellnnt mtehfta Jnlin ' work in your spare time. You have
Dethman is the high man, having cnly fourteen days to gather In sub
averaged almost 300 pounds of fish "criptions.
the nights he fished. Some of the Two of the most practical prizes
other fishermen have been averaging! among those being offered are the
better than 200 pounds per night, i two scholarships In the Link Bust
The price of salmon is 10 cents periness College of Portland. This school
pound and chums bring 5 cents, so is known far and wide and its stand-
a several Hundred pound catch brings ing is among the highest of the
to the fisherman a tidy sum.
I lie road if It was to be used.
With the building and opening of
the highway, the present road will
be relieved of most of the heavy traf
fic, but the furmers living along It
K. A. Kotger enquired as to the
sewerage and gutters. City Engineer
VanOrshoven stated that he had
planned to have an open gutter run
along the west side of the street to
nnllKuilnna urn received from prOR
pnetive members. At the last meet- will always use It and it will have to take acre of the water from the hill
lug three applications were passed be inaintuined. and that a catch basin near the
upon and there are several for the! (Vmplnlnt on ltlrliway Work Kolava rooming house would con
next meeting. During the period j coniplainls have been made! ,l0c' wlth ' thfre
from January 1st to the present time I . M orr(ce relttllve ,0 tlie Others made enquiries as to the
our Informant stated, ubou i new COIUitn that exists at! cost ana general plans ana upon
the Krlckson place near Sly creek. j motion maue oy councilman
The contractors graded the center of j d -ecouded by Coalman Dixon
the road and left a narrow roadway '' ntracl wna awarded as stated
cn the west side of the road. Very,UDOye-
little rock was put on the temporary
road and It Is slippery and auto
drivers huve to use greut care to
members huve been added to mo
lodge's membership foil.
Deputy Sheriff Ilutler was at Clats
kanie Saturday night and arrested
Axel Olson and Carl Sundstroui, who
were at a dance and tholr appearance
showed they had been Imbibing too
freely. He found some liquor on tholr
persons so brlught them to He'
ens and before Judge Iluzen, who Im
posed a fine of $60 and costs on euch
of them.
License Ordinance Vp
The next important matter occupy
ing the attention of the city dads was
nrevent going over the bank. The the framing of an ordinance tor the
crossing over the concrete bridge at: licensing of certain lines of business.
Sly creek is also dangerous and sev- .About every line of business is taxed,
enil accidents huve narrowly been: Pool tables, billiard tables, circus
averted. Mr. Abry has called the mat- performances, public dances, ped
ter to tho attention of the highway dlers, hawkers, second hand dealers,
engineers and thinks that they will shooting galleries, theatres, transient
lake Immediate steps to put tlie road i morchants, araymon, expressmen
Tuesday, November 11 is a legal
school holiday.
Most ot our schools observed
Francis Willard Day, October 24.
St. Helens hns a real football team
ence more, under tutorage of Profes
sor Khlnesmlth.
The county superintendent has
Vlnttail nonflv all I h A itiinl anlinnl.
In the county end reports conditions1 Eleanor Iarsen
Northwest for thorough and efficient
methods in fitting students for posi
tions in the business world a young
lady can have no better fortune be
fall her than to have the advantages
of this school. ,
Read the contest page this week
for particulars on the first Bpeclal of
fer and the extra special offer.
List of contestants In the outer
districts, who are taking part in our
subscription contest, when we went
to press. The manager his not re
ported the names of the town con
'n general very satisfactory.
Miss Agnes Brown, one of the
Qulns' teachers, has returned : to
work after several weeks illness in
a Portland hospital.
Mrs. Bird B. Clark, one of the
nirkenfeld teachers, is temporarily
nut of school, owing to the serious
Illness of her husband at Vernonla.
District No. 27 tn charge of Miss
Elizabeth Murray, will close an eight
months' summer school on November
7th. ,
n'strlct No. 22, Natal, In charge of
Mtb. Ethel Ray, has newly painted
their room end varnished the seats.
School progressing nicely,
Gladys Garrison Scappoose
Mr. S. W. Nagls Bachelor Flat
Ora Hyde Yankton
Ivalo Tracy Columbia City
Erna Gill Deer Island
Lillian Brown Gobi
Dene Nelson Cbapmai
Mrs. Ernest Koble . ...Shlloh Basin
Hazel Malmsten Verooula
The list ot the town contestants
will appear In next week's issu with
tho test ot th.i contestants.
'n better condition.
county exchequer is in gooa suape.
In fuel there Is enough money to call
n nil outstanding warrants endorsed
up to und Including this dale and she
proposes to make a call next week.
The road district funds and the gen
ciul road fund are not in such good
Mr. and Mrs. 1-iank Shelor of this
city attended the fiftieth wedding an
ni..rv nf tbolr nn rents, Mr. and
Mr. A. C. Sheler, at Albany. Oregon,: ,., v Treasurer Bessie Huttun
October 21st. A number of children, gn(H tlllt the general fund of the
grandchildren and intimate n
gathered at the family home to ex
tend congratulations lo the couple
who for 60 years have traveled life s
path together.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Dillnrd motor
ed to Portland Saturday and were
met by their sous, who came down
from Eugene. Mrs. Wltard remained
the metropolis until Thursday.
The Epworth League, Christian
Endeavor and menmers of the senior
and Junior classes or the high school
had n enjoyable Hallowe'en party
lust night In the Methodist church
, Mrs. Sherman Miles went tf . Eugene
Saturday to spend a few days with
lier husband, who is then, on a busi
ness mission.
The Third Annual ito. t
nolo delivery, etc.. all have to contri
bute a license fee to the city. The
Ordinance will come up nt the next
meeting and probably for final pas-,
suge. , . 1
W. A. Ketel of West St. Helens ap
peared before tho council and en
tered an objection to the newsboys
unwrapping their papers at the depot
and allowing the waste papor to fly
all over the streets. The mayor in
structed the marshrl to look after
the nuisance and see that It was
The council disposed of several
minor matters befcro an adjournment
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob George re- was taken.
turned Friday night from Ilwacol . .
where they had been spending several
weeks und visiting J. E. Carver on
his cranberry ranch. Owing to an
early spring, tho cranberry yield In
that section was not as gooa as ususi
Tonight Is Hallowe'en, the night
for the goblins to make their round
and no doubt they have made ample
i. unit Mrs. George Nsnjoyoa tneir preparation anu pians io ioiiow
,.n'niinn vei-v much and Mr. Georgal "the usual custom." In celebration
ki... :.
r .. oirtcerg found a small . . ."""": ,7:,' 1Hmbers be-1
iMuaniity of fermenting mash rollmmit cloBes No- he
rerl Quart. rf .M.k. 1 sin November 2ud, aim
Residence of Bosquet. ' vember Hth.
caught many fish which, as he sny.
covered every vnrieiy mni me ryu
fic ocean contains.
Mrs C. M. Roberts or roruunu, m
of the night there will be several
social affairs and the kids well,
they will have their good times on
i the street unless the city marshal
ere on a
visit to her sister, Mrs. H.i and his deputy are too much In
- George A. Gore, president of the
(Columbia Post Amnrlnflti I.ptirtnn In.
Fifty per cent of our teachers areifnrm tlm mi.i thai mnn.v fnh.
members of the OSTA. Mr. E. D. ; Roosevelt Memorial has been com
Sessler, secretary-treasurer of the: ing m ln nlca Blzod amounts and that
-isoctatlon Is very desirous of mak-ithe quou for St. Helens has practl
i g Columbia 100 per cent. caiiy been raised. He has not received
Cards defining the requirements; uu reports from other sections ot
for a standard school have been sent Mkn ennntv. hm .i,.th.i ,th
to every school in the county re
cently. Every district should have a
standard school and maintain its
Legion' members are getting along
with tho work. . ;
The school children of St. Helen
District No. 14. Pleasant Hill. Mto! r-J e.?,a,Il e merits
Coiner, teacher, is giving a Hallow-, ' "J;Z1 iVL .
e'en party and are making extensive ,f d,hl! L . sufi.nt
reparations for the same. Tni9l cemmlttoe to see that the St. Helen
hu'ldlng has also received a tKlJ9
coat of paint on .the Inside and ,v Memorial essocliitlon.
other acre has been added to the' Advices received at state head
school grounds. ( quarter Indtcato thr.t the state will
Tronholm school, under the effi- 'so the quota assigned though thero
eient management of Guy Larkins,! Il9 bepn rae lagging in the work,
wo the first school in the county to I Mr. Storlr. r.t the Chamber of
make a donation to the Roosevelt : Commerce rooms, still has a supply
Memorial fund. Many other achools'.of receipts end those who have not
are planning to honor this great 'taaen a memoersnip in mo associar
American by eonrtibuting to this
School census should be taken this
week by all district clerks and sent
to the county superintendent not
Inter than November 1st. The coun
ty and state school funds are dis
tributed pro rata according to the
census which should be sent tn at
tlon and wish to Ao so, mr.y call on
Mr. Storla and he will attend to the
Father Clancy returned front Port
land Thursday evening, after a two
day's visit there. He waa accom
panied by his brother, John Clancy,
who after two years service with the
once tn order to be properly taken A. E. F. ln France, has Just returned
care of in the county budget. ' homo. ,