fgyy!!! Fair at St. Helens On September 17, 18, 1 N C"N. II 17 III II II KLA fcrt I -l Atuarfwy,fff.j I I III II r II y II OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY PIONEER PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY Sib xxxviii. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919 NO. 39 1 i n IIS OF PIONEER DAYS Luiilx-rmm Tells of Karly la Columbia CoutHjr 8t. Oregon (Hf and Vancouver trading I'mIn Then. boon Juiit 74 year since tibarsoti, pioneer resident clod cltlzon of Wont Ht. knikd In Oregon. With his tl mother, Mr. and Mri. jnibcraon, he cam across In 1M6. Mr. loiuDeron nmwnilicr much about the tedious trip for he wai only old when the family tot L wonlwnrd and began the perilous trip toward the opportunity. Laniborson, her brief tour of the k and around Vancouver, kn, wltled on Oak Island, bn Rauvles Inland and near Lake. After a few yean. V moved to what la now and Mr. l.amberaon took kilon land claim. The place on and which the govern him, In now known aa the nrh ami It only a ihort lorth of Srappoosa. V Few Hi'ttlrm Tlir. iif to hi "beat recollec- len the I.amberaon family the Srappoose neighbor- it 184 S or 1841. there were tot t lor In and around that o country. There wai the name of McPheraon nearby nnd bachelor me Mr. Lamberton did not M on a homestead where i Jarkaon Creek Crsamery. r the Lnmhcrson's settled their log house, another same to the community. Hl l Edward Morgan and he mr In the saw mill entor Umhrrnon, Sr. The mill id on Rrappoose creek and ere foiled within 10 he mill nnd brought (o the i cut Into lumber. T Tower Waa Card. I time settlors were Ingen lled on tholr own re 'Necoaalty was the mother Inn," therefore the elder a nd h!s partner. Morgan, m In Scappoose creek, rlg wator wheel r.nd with this wheels of the mill were id the dlinlultlve saw cut hlch was rafted down the Srappooso liny and Into Slough nnd then brought lns whero It was disposed lain Knlnhton. who at that tho blfTKoat trader between Ity and Astoria. The mill ited for s number of years, timber wss cut from In pd It nnd thore being no pitmen to haul the logs In, pally abandoned and the filng cleared, farming took of saw milling. About that ftin I'nrry had built a mill Ilea from 8t. Helens and r could he brought to St. a icaaor cost, so the water Pmlll. Drolrablv the first plumbla county, was aban- oon full Into decay, Id to St, Helens. was "a fair sited boy.' pon said his father often to Ht. llolons to do the h trip was made on horse- lont a trail which skirted 1 D ml came In lust be- m na ion to thi water front Pom. Only one family lived PttPPOoae and 8t Helena In f (about I860. The fer fnrnlly who lived on " tho Honevman nlaco. Yrl hours to make the me LSlnlinrinn VinniA In at 1 t Was neceasarv tn make "ft In the mornlnr In ,wt homo before darkness AID IS GIVEN FOR nothing uncommon in ann or cougar, when making Close to Milton and at P" alons the h ihora oak tree and the bear J nan t 0f making this their rv. uurinv h rail - n.i warA tilnntlFiil r swupg off his horse, r'norjon. on his way home. fllinnl. vf ... .k. r ami iv. flmrnt Also at Mllinn , - fl thl RA'as a. 1- a - P were soveral residences. I a nn II,. 1 ... . JolumhiB County mill Is fd) and the residences U"r ,',,Kh ''"d. There was a I a ' ',"B "ooi. it was un ,T .8d,0"' '! this part a ' Mr. Lamberson "PPOoao there w- t,nm CT.. M- 1 1' ' " I . D Visits on Pacific Coast f - v'i r .1, . 1 1 The socretury of tho navy -.as a visi tor at l'ortlr.nd and Astoria Inst wcok he WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Quota for County AIiiionI In HIKlit Help Now ajul ('oniete thn Work Many have reaDondmt In ilia nm.i of the Mist for funds for the Ameri can ouien a nonpitais in France, Helglum and Korhla. Thoxn who h contributed are: The Bt. Holnns Mlat, it. J. 11. uonrrey, i; n 1. iium. nior. : L. J. VanOrHhovon, 1; E. E. Quick, tl; C. L. Wheeler, $1; Jacob (ieorsn. tl! II M If. Elsmsn, l; George Totter,' $1;' n. uaion, l; J. W. Day, 1 1 ; A. H. Ueorge. II: (inn I-onn. II: II nl,i. gren, ft; E. I. llullnKli, 2; J. I). Mc Kay. l; J. n. nunenn. fl; W. J. rullorton. 12.50: A. I.. Morrl. tl- Ur. f,. G. ItoHH. 11: Mm. A 11 Rpenrow, fl; B. M. Mllea, fl; T. S. While, fl. The 0 1101:1 nf isn in vat nbout $20 short. Without furthpr solicitation Dleasa nuikn out vntir irheck for tho amount you wish to contribute. Make the chock payable to the Amorlcjin Wcmnn's UoHtiltal and send It to the Mist. It will be forwarded to (he stnto chairman. Once more tho Mint axka you to put Columbia county orr the top. that both boys and girls were needed on the little farms to helu the onr- nls mnko a living. Hupplles were costly; 12 for a sack of flour was lot considered an cxhorbllant price, hut oftentimes flour was not obtain iblo and the family uxod potatos niid nritnln tuenl When tlil illnt hAi.nniA 1 lltllo stale, tho whole whont boiled nnd tnen manned, mniin a very good nreau. it was not a iiiuicuit ninuer to obtain moat, for a few Bteps from the door, one could bring down a denr, and tho ducks, goeno and other wIM frtivla wnrn nlnntlfiil In tho marshes and lowlands and there was sn abundance of salmon and sturgeon. Them unra mnnv Tniltuns ftrnund these parts In tho GO'S and CO's. They didn't stay In any one place very long. For Instanco, several hundred of them would como to tho Scappoose country In tho fall of the yenr and atftv iiinrn rnr fi montn or more. They gathered and drlod berries, ob tained n supply of camos and dug the roots of a plant which resembled he sunflower, Mr. i.amnerson sam. in inr.K nml IfiSfi the settlors thought there was going lo be an up- Islna- nmong tho Indians onu many of the settlers and tholr fnmllles hurried to St. llolons nnd took roruge 'n a block house which Blood where la nnnr I ha omintV COlirtllOUHe. NO loutbrotik occurred nnd tho sottlers roturned to tholr homes. Hut getting back to the early set tlers of the Scappooso neighborhood. William Walls came across the plains In 1862 nnd In 1865 he and his son ran a Bawmlll. Uimberson was a grown man then, and worked ti w.ita in the mill. The trail to St. Helens was bottor and there wore more sottlors In Bt. nolens, consequently young Umborson was . . - i at Unions every now and then and he met a young lady by the name of Susannaii She became his bride In 1866 and the happy couple went to Scoppoose, -nH.ioinit a dairy ranch . . i k..an aa the ItOBVOr place and adjoins the big ranch o Frank L. Smltn. iney nm MM , vl.es until 1889 when they came . .. .... mm lived on tO MOUllOn inn VV and the place which the bride of 6t and her mother settled on in BO- ", bride of 53 year, ago knows Inlewrt- ng fleia... o. m.- - . Cent issue of the Mist, hor story will appear. . LOCAL DEMOCRATS ARE DISSATISFIED Drawing of Heats for Wilon Moot. liilC Is the Cause Many of the Faithful Thinks FavorltiNm t Shown ('nuNlic Intern Follow. There Is a split In the ranks of tho "fulthful" of the Democratic party In Columbia county, and the split has doveloped Into a breach. The demo cratic earth has cracked until the polltlcul ground of the democrats re snmbles the earth around Vesuvius. No such eruption has occurred In years and tho cracks of the demo cratic torrestlol domain, as it splits and widens, It heard around tho county. The reason for the violent eruption and dlslntergntlon Is on ac- count of the disappointment of many of tho faithful In not belne the favored few who will hear Presi dent Wilson tell why his League of Nations should bo a leneue. A 'launch democrat who resides In St. llolons wrote to Milton Miller, poli tical boss of Oregon, and asked for several desirable seats for the "faith ful." Mr. Miller replied that he would do the beat he could, but gave no assurance that was In the least comforting to adherents of tho Jack sonlnn clan. Heats Given by Ixiltery. Wishing to give everyone a chance o honr the president, the democra tic committee In charge, which the Mist understands Is headc .1 by one Ssmuel Jackson of Portland, con cluded to have a wheel of fortune. To some It was a wheel of fortune, but to others, yes many others in St. Helens. It was snything but fortune, nd some of tho "faithful" do not think t lint "fortune" even placed tholr names In the wheel. They base he opinion on the fact that In sev eral Instances, did a single sppllca ton hrlnrmitthe little red ticket. Just how the wheel was operated, he Mist Is unable to Bay, but it can he truthfully slated that It was not operated to the satisfaction of many deserving local and county demo crats. Many ChIIimI Few Chosen The coupon requests submitted from Columbia county, totalled 146. Thoso who have received the highly prized pieces of pasteboard, number ed 30. From a mathematical stand point, the ration of admittances as to requests Is 20,548 per cent, a little more than one-fifth. Now this per cent or ratio of figuring has been nken into consideration by the dis appointed, doRervliig dlclples of the Tarksonlan creed, and they figure thnt soveral remarkable coincidences hnve occurred, and point out several 'nRlnnces. In one St. Helens family 'our applications were sent In. Four 'tokets came from the wheel. An other family sent In four requests, ind the wheel being accustomed to grinding out four tickets at one time, returned four little bits of paste board. Another family sent in two applications the wheel forgot Its 'four" rountlne and turned out two. This procedure was repeated. This brings on another bit of mathema tical calculation. Two families made elKht applications their percentage of ncceptnncoB or luck was eight as to 30 or 26.6C6 per cent, 't ne pro portion as to the total amount of ap plications filed would be 8 as to 146 or about 6.48 per cent. It can be Boon, thorefore, that figuring on a rorcentnge basis, there Is a differ ence of 21.18 per cent. Now the dis appointed democrats know that in SCHOO L BELLS MONDA HIH. Helens School Will 0tcn and targe Attendance is Hure Uulld liiK'omlte Enough to Provide Adequate Accommodations. Tho St. Helens schools will open on Monday, September 15th. A large attendance Is assured, but Superin tendent Wllkerson wishes to impress upon the parents the fact that If a student registers and begins the course of study at tho first of the season, thep upll will make better progress than If he had entered at a later date. Complete. LUt of Teachers Professor Wllkerson has handed In the following llBt of teachers who win be here on or before the opening date. He thinks that the school hoard will probably employ two ad ditional teachers. High School J. B. Wllkerson, superintendent; Aileen Townsend. mathematics; Mary Townsend, Eng lish; L. S. Hopkins, science. Grades Eighth, C. E. Lake; Seventh, Martha Razlaff; Sixth. Mrs. Elsie L. Dew; Fifth, Clara M. Ketol; Fourth, Norma R. Manning; Third, Mrs. Amanda Lake; Second, Wanda Lain; FrlBt. Mrs. Lois Barnett, Miss Winifred Howard. West 8t. Helons Sovonth and Eighth, O. L. Rhlnesmith; Fifth and S'xth, Lois Payno; Third and Fourth, Mildred Hodglns; Second, Mrs Effle r. Brown; First, Lillian Hodglns. LARGE ATTENDTANCE AT COUNCIL MEETING Prominent Citizens Aid Council in Its Deliberations Returns to America 1 I 1 tlmi . u,Bre wore- roin looki;prlva,e hool, but S?Jt,n P records and re- ; memory, he could not P records and ro- nihnr, however, that 'ties were limited nd ... an entertain The L. . U. U s, urd v I,. M. O. O B.IITO ... " -.,-h.m music The pronra... - ,by two good moving (Contlnusd on pags eight) A number of prominent citizens were at the council chamber Mon dny night to aid the council in Its deliberations. Those present were, Jacob Goorge, J. B. Godfrey, H. Mor bus. Gus Lope, E. I. Ballagh, L. J. VanOrshovon. S. M. Miles, T. 8. White, J. B. Duncan nnd J. D. McKay -f Scappoose, Arthur George, Judge Fullerton, Judge White, H. Dnlgren and J. W. Day. After Mayor Saxon called the meeting to order at 8:25, Marshal Potter reported on a certain rower. J. W. Day said the sewer In front of Mrs. Annie Cox's property overflowed and should be fixed. The matter was referred to the street .committee. Wheeler and George. Tangle. Councilman Charles Wheeler and 1 Jacob George had a wordy duel on the matter of granting a franchise o the Terminal company. George 'said the mayor had promised cer tain restrictions would be Included i'n the ordinance. He was assurred that the council would make the necessary reservations. They con tinued the fight when Wheeler asked that the marshal be Instructed to ihnve the gutters on the St. Helens hotel cleared so that the sidewalk would be passable. Mr. George re torted that If the mill company would put some kind of apparatus cn the smoke stacks, the gutters would not become clogged from soot and cinders. Henry Morgus also spoke along the same lines and on the same subject. The matter of consolidating sewer districts 5 and 7 was taken up and discussed. An ordinance has been prepared -relative to the work but Councilman Dixon objected on the ground that the trunk line sewer did not serve certain territory which would be assessed for the work. It was decided to draft another or dinance to cover all of the territory benefitted. ttfcN JOKKlPERSHlKS Who recently arrived in Now York and was accorded a royal welcome. NEW BOOKS ARE REQUIRED IN THE ST. HELENS SCHOOLS List of Books Called for by the State Text Book Commission By J. B. WILKERSON (Superintendent St. Helens Schools) When the St. Helens schools open next week, the patrons cf the schools wlllb e called upon to provide new books for their children. While not one of us may be able to see the wisdom of a complete change of the text books at this time, we seem to have no voice In the matter, and cannot now, secure any relief. The state text book commission in June Of this vear. adnnted nn cn. tirely new list of books for . the schools of Oregon, with one excep tion. No change was made in the geograpny, mo plan or the commis sion beinsr to ndnnt. a new hnnlr m this subject later on, that would eon tain maps showing the new bound ary lines of the countries whose Dounaaries were changed . by the world war. Merchants who hnnitla anliAAi books In Columbia county, have not been able, thus far, to have their orders filled for the spellers and the three advanced readers. However, It Is expected that these books will be cn Bate wiinin a lew days. The following list of the new dooks oy grades, as outlined by the course of Btudy, may be of some In terest 10 parents: First Grade Fassett; Beacon Method of Reading, Primer; Fassett; Reaenn Methnri nf P.ailln. Reader; Natural Primer; Wrttfng uensons ior primary urades. Second Grade Natural Method First Reader: Natural Method See. end Reader; Writing Lessons for rnmary urades. Third Grade Natural Method Third Reader; Hamilton: Essentials of Arithmetic, First Book; New Word Speller, First Book; Palmer Method of Business Writing. Fourth Grade Natural Method Fourth Reader; Hamilton: Essentials or Ant timet lc, First Book; New Word Snnllnr Soennri Pnnlr Prtttai. Jeschke & Glllett: Oral and' Written ungnsii, First Book; Palmer Method oi cuBiness writing. Fifth firnrtn Natural Mothnd Fifth Reader; Hamilton: Essentials of Arithmetic, First Book; Potter, Jeschke & Glllett: Oral and Written English, First Book; New Word Exhibits Will be the Best Seen Here and Entire Program Is Completed Halem Band Coming and xrge Crowds Expected. All is In readiness for the County 'air which la tn hx hnM Ofaitnuj.. Thursday and Friday, September n'. 0, ana mm. j ne management are ssured of the biggest and best ex- ilblts In llveatnek and .products that have yet been brought 10 me iair. rresiaent Fullerton says that the llvnatnek will ha ih M..t end best of any exhibit outside of Portland. The grounds have been fixed up, fences repaired, buildings placed in shape and several addition al ouuaingB added and the fair board has made ample provision to take care of the large number of ex hibitors and exhibits. The program as . announced ' by Secretary Allen is: Wednesday: Gates open at 11 o' clock. Stock narade. annrt. a mn a a. ments. The Orpheus club will aln Thursdar la an nll-itav nai.hntu. It Is Columbia County Day. In the iorenoon there will be snorts and amusements. At 2 o'clock Hon. W. Wheelwrleht will nib. an ad. dress on the League of Nations. The stock show will follow Wi and at 3:30 the Baby Show will be held. The Salem band will furnish the music. Frldav la thn rani tta- dav .1 v Fair for it is Children's Day. . The afternoon program will be held under the direction nf Tir ftmii n The Salem band. Orpheus Club, ProZ lessor unaneB south, Mrs. Ida Lid yard, Miss Clare Coakley and Prof. E. M. Cramer Will furnish mnaln and 80I0B. The school exhihlta wilt h better than heretofore and there Is keen competition among the schools as to the best exhibits. STUMPING IT!! GOOD PROGRAM FOR THE FAIR Speller, Second Book: Gordv: Stories of American History; Palmer Method of Business Writing. Sixth Grade Rnber and Ttm. dyke: Everyday Classics Sixth Read- ei; namuion: essentials of Arith metic. Second Book; PoUer, J-vchke A Glllett: Oral and Written Pn.11.1, First Book; W'nslow: Healthy Liv ing, Book 2; Gordy: American Be ginnlngs In Europe; New Word Spel ler, Second Book; Palmer Method of Business Writing. Seventh ftrndoTtaVa and Ti,n,. dyke: Everyday Classics Seventh Reader: Hamilton; Raaantlala Arithmetic, Second Book; Potter, jescnae & uaieu: oral and Written Enellsh. Second nnr.tr- Ma - ww. HHWV uvuwt History, 1919 Edition; New Word Speller, Third Book; Palmer Method 01 Business writing. Eiehth Grade TtaVav and irh.n dyke: Everyday Classics Eighth Reader; Potter, Jeschke & Glllett: urai ana written .English, Second Book: Davis: ProdnetlvA fin,l... Hughes: Community Civics; New Word Speller, Third Book;. Palmer Method of Business Writing. Besides the ahnvn . . vuyifio- mentary readers for each grade, were uuupieu oy me commission, but the School board will, nn dnnhf r,.,.. chase these. The Mist Will ndd A th tion given bv Profnaanr that it is not the fault of the school Doara or tne professor, that the chanees namnrt state text book commission are solely iu uiume. i ne cnanges should have been made in February, but for some reason action waa nnt lilm .n.il June. Conseouentlv hnnk daalara throughout the state hr.ve not been able to secure a supply of all the books. Much RflnnnrA and iIabamiI. -t va. .ou, bo, has been heaped on the commls- biuii, not so mucn zor a change In the text books, but Jor their action in allowing the book concerns to rob the DOODlo. On thn ai-eh" rt rra t Aid . ..0 " - v.u books for the tirvt I ho ar.h.i,.. lvalues run from three cents to 12 w is cents. For instance, W.atson ft wnue arunmetic have been used. Hamilton's is substituted. The new book costs fix (tAnta thai amaHaoIIv new' arithmetic whish will be turned in win Drtng the munificent sura of 3 cents. The Bchool patrcn is out 65 cents nn tho deal This la nnt Iha fault of. the retail dealer. The prices are nxea oy ine text cook commis sion and In the opinion of the If 1st, the caliber of the commission can be measured by the smallness of the amounts they have fixed for ex changed or turned-ln books. If pos 'hle, the Mist will ascertain the names of the commission and publish them so the people will know the parties responsible for the further increase in the h. c. 1. times. If the 'opinion of many with whom we have talked is a indication of the general sentiment of the school districts throughout the state (with the ex ception of Portland which would not 'stsd for the law and was allowed to act Independently) the Mist believes 'the text book commission acted un wisely, hastily and without thought of the welfare of the people.