St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 05, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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CHURCH SERVICES""illi roimrritUimnl Cliurcli
fha "Will A vnu.--cu
,lltnietta anil toiumuia mreeis
u.r A. H. Spearow, Tastor
uj, school. 10:00 a. ta
Knli.g Hour. UiOOfc m.
Fhristlsu Kndoaror, 7:00 p Hour. 8:15 p. m.
frnrer mooting Thursd.17
A n III.
trvico for the month of Soptem
Jumluy. Hop""" "or orjfooujf
mo to I (10 miiiuuuiBfc vuuruu lur
ri'fulur morning find evening
mca. 1 ne nu'iu7 buiiuui uun
kii Inn Kmiiiuvor win do noia at
t in t ho Congregational church
Mi'IIkmIInI KplNroil Church
The Friendly Church"
St. Helens and Iloulton
Albert 8. Ulnar, J'astor.
si llln
tiiday Hchool. 10:00 a. m.
mine Horrlco, 11:00 a. m.
b worth l.caguo, 7:00 p. m.
F i a.nA -
(t'lllllg orYii;., O.VV P, III
yar Mooting, Wednesday aeii
S-.00 p. III.
imblll.'d Borvlce, 1:00 P. Rl.
r. Kilwnrd T. L.utner, lormerly
rut tlilx church will be a visitor
tiiornlng sarvicoa. ilia many
da in Ht. unions, win want to
anil greet him again. Ha will
tlm message at the morning
Lv hour The pastor will apeak
kn evening on "Booing the In
le official hoard will hold
lily mooting at the church
Free Methodist Church
lloullon. Oregon
I). M lllgboe, 1'astor
Kli-r of Services:
hidiiy School, 10:00 a. m.
tachliiK Service, 11:00 a. m.
vrtliik' Service. 8:00 p. m.
fryer Mootln, Thursday evening
p. m
U public la cordially Invited to
brcnlli ly Aontla Cliurch
West Bt. Ilelana
jgulur services held on Satui
fiicm following at II (noon).
kckly Prayer Meeting, Wednes-
:45 p in.
LAWS, Deacon.
Mint bna rocolvod the follow-
ftter which will bo of Internal
ny from thla county who aerv-
tha Cuiinillin forcca:
lens, Oroln, U. 8. A.
krwit muny men who served In
kn.nil Inn Army are now re I dent
Cnltcil Steles, particularly on
uclflr conat.
rior Hie orkl'.al Ordor In Coun
ting with the payment of War
to (irutultlea, mon who did nol
frvirn in Frutee r.nd men who
discharged pravloua to tha
I of i ho armlstlo on Novem-
Hh, 1918. wcro not entltlod to
pate In anmn.
Her a recent Order In found)
tu 1 1 ii I- hua been chnngod and
rho come under the above
plrntlon urn now entitled to
pnt of Critulty.
AsHlMttint llrlot Paymaster
t ma Hint a gret many men
re entltli-d to gratuity under
kriler have not yet filed applica
tor aume.
Iliould nppreclnte It very much
could aoe your way clear to
theae facta public through the
ln of your miner In the hone
fhey mlKht he rend by some of
pen Intercatcd.
My man who cornea under the
csleicory will write me endos
copy If hla dlacharge certificate
bo pleased to furnlah him all
ulsra reeardlnr thla Gratuity
Ilia neremwry application forma.
stume you In anllrlnitlnn. I
rl Serretarv. n C. It ol urn ml
'Mar Commlaalnn. Pnrllamnnt
IWInKH. Victoria. B. C.
OlthlV.WCH NO. 238
Nlnancn giving to the Bt. Hol-
Iwk and Terminal Comnanv.
t'lrpornl Idll. II a anrenaiinra mil
Elitna, tlm perpntual right, prl
and frnnchlae to lay down,
struct and enuln. own. maln-
nd operate railway tracks
"lile trucks, aud to ooerate
pmotlvea and cart thereover by
pm. elocirlclty or other power.
-I'Mi, ovor and acroaa all or
uni bl ii Street aouth nf the nnlnl
ptO ('Uluilllll!1 IllMAl InlAMMta
1 Hi ft aoutherlv tin nf Pnwlllz
N end nlao all of Tualatin
r6'. rlymouth Slrnnt rnnnniiii
F8'. Ouk Street, Winter Street,
ptner Street. ItmMiin hi root
Et Street.
f at Plymouth Stroot, and pub-
DlaCPR Us til. It at... - M 0
n i wiiii mo viiy ui oi.
PUnH, ('Olllllv nf nl..mkl. Oi.ta
. irf v a. t uiuiuuui, OlillV
n.B 5 ht nnd or PRwengera, and
rltlotl anil m.lnt.n.nn.
"i lirlllffna Qlallnn n.liu
Fjwry nnd convenient things
I"19 'onHtructlon, maintenance
fopprr.tlon thereof.
talk a .. '
4 1 .
hereby rBniV lfi' a"l
- - u : 1 1 ci 1 ia u
""ruon 1. T i.
tock and Termln, "( , :,;, y ',!
-MWB Ul 111(1 H
u li
ne succes.orn
perpot uul rlfht.
chlao to Iny down
own, nm Ma n 1
u iiMHlKiia, the
prlvllixe , fr
coiiHlru?t, nqiiip,
rack, end ..dolracaTnTh, :!!:
.ocomouve. ,n,l cnril thnnr T"
"team, o entrl.-iiv v"r "y
. "miit Dovnr. In
trnnaportatlon ,t frn,Klli U r "
.P.'J':!!,,'.."d .heco : Kor Sule-Drv f,M- . ....
southerly I18 f (.ow,'lu
Mlrll T,""",ln Hlr""t- '"'ym
7'reet. ( aHeniiu Hireot. Oak hi.
winter Hlreet.
. i i , Bnl1 mulnlnn-
nnce of depots and alatonll
JiTiSf i "- T'r wl,nt MmnwrnJ
if Orel; ( .U"'y f r'"'"". State
nireei aoulli of t in do nt whern r..i
umbla Hireot Intor-J. WJ.T f.''-
and i
mouth I Ouk Hi rntit 1
SlMliftinr RtrA..t it I
Ula . it, IMIIU-
i "in nuu r.nnr h fnn .....t.
the north linn of I'lymo.ith' Htr.-..
Becllon 2. That Ht llwlona
hock and Terminal I OlllllflllV llu
mcceaaors and aaaliriiR i.ii' i..
down, conatruct, maintain and ,..
te said tracks ao aa to conform to
the grade of the afrooia
.nld trncka shall he
in iiirli manner an kKhII w.
. " ai, lllll'l-
h-re unneceaaarlly with the nubile
an llirr.Mll anil In t ie Mi.nI
i ue
nn.l 16-lnch. 1'rompt dollve'ry. Will
I! Vr ?;T"4 or clab wood for
a. njoraon, Box 492. rit
,,,"""w' 38-41-41
For Kent Good pasture. Cedar or
fir posts for sale and fall soed oats
or saie. jonn Jasaphson, Warren.
wregon. 36tf
Kor Hent 39-ncre farm on good
roau, wen located, fine place and
running water In house. Iteasonable
Harms. Jtutnerforq Realty Co. 38
i.Jfn 8 A. m halr b,'y for
, . a u:i uHna only a few
21.? i 18 tn' ,n oxcellont condition.
u . ' "-'"ur ui meat market on
Strand street. 38-39-2t"
For Bale GOO bus'iols bluo stem
V. L . i ., conls pcr Pound; 260
i. . . , Blam w"eat and votel
.f Jn m 6 C"nl. "-r T,o:'ld: 100 'on
d..rk K. !.'.U 118 Pr ln: tt" f 0 t;
dock ht. Helots; 30 head dalr
...irnariH, iiolHtclns and Jer-
"va.ii riceu rrom 170 to $86. Dave
"....a, nonuiana, Washington.
aai.l l lir Of Ht. ii al.nll
clinnne or alter the ?rB1l
nf said alreet or atreela. tlio auhl Ht
Helens Dock nnd Terminal Cnmpanv.
(ts succeaaors and aaalgna, will rear
range Its tracks to conform thereto.
Mectlon 3. The en id hi. iii.
Dock and Terminal Comnany. Ha
eurcesaors and aaHlgns. shall have the
right to tlo all the excavating, grad
':ig or filling for the const met Ion. re-
urir or maintenance of anld
bu' all portions of anld atreeta ao ex
"avatttd or graded, or thnt may now
be paved, must be replaced In their
original condition aa nearly as nrne.
tlcabln. Anil said Ht. Helena Dock
nnd Terminal ('ompany. lis auccea
anrs and aaalgna. shall keep lis por
t'on of aald streets upon which tracks
ire maintained. In as good condition
ef repair as the remainder of aald
streets are mnlnlalned. The specific
nnrtlon of anld atreels to bo ao kept
n repair being the apace between the
rails and for a anace of 30 Inches out-
Mde of each rail.
Section 4. The anld St. llolens
Dock and Terminal Company. Its
successors and assigns, ahull not per
mit unused or dead cars or enxlnra
o stsnd upon or acroaa any streets
-ver which anld privilege la grnnted
onger than la reasonably neceaaarv.
Head flrat time In full. Auguat 11.
Haul a"Poed time by title onlv.
urusl II. 1919.
Head third time and n.iHaed the
oiincll. August IS. 1919.
Approved Auguat 1. 1919
M. HAXON.ctao
E. E. Ql'ICK,
Filed Auguat 11th. 1919.
For Sule or Trade Overt..nH fi
. . .1 nilHHIIIIVni. ftn h I nnn.
mat :, " . ""ii inree n-sw
tires, good running condition, price
reasonable or vlll trade for lighter
fr. I. M. Jllghlo, lloullon. 38
Sule Straw In iim .i.i, r
O. Dahlgren, Warren, Oregon". 38tf
For Sale Young pls, Chester
w h le; brood sow. registered Chester
hlto; young sow; timothy and mix
ed hay. baled or lnn- i,ni.i .
tracks., loose alraw; Gray winter seed oats;
mi., w-ier.i; ne.1 Hussian seed
wheat; cord wood. C. J. Larson, War
ren, Oregon. 38tf
For Sain to Farmers Mlllrim
barley, t'mothy seed, alniki clover
nnd alork (alt. All at first coat to
si ocr holders. Warren Co-Op Ware
house AsMHlatlon. l'hone 101F4.
Stayed Twe-year-old Holsteln
heifer, black with white face ana
flanks: about the 19th of the month.
Liberal reward for Information lead
ing to recovery. Phone 107F2 or ad
dress J. W! VanNatta. Houlton. 37-3
Wanted Plain sewing to do. Mn.
Icna Rice, Box 63, Houlton. 37-8
Wanted To buy White Leghorn
pullots and one fresh Jersey milk
tow, also somo bees. Poter Dama
K E01. St. Helens. 36-39-4t
Money to loan on approved secur
ity. J. B. Godfrey, St. Helens. 18tf
Mr. Farmer Do you need a light
delivery truck? We have a Ford,
practically new. Will sell at a bar
gain and give terms. Morton & Wil
son. St. Helens. 32-tf
Lost On Shephord'a Portlaud-8t.
Helens auto bus, a patent leather
pocket book containing about $10.
Finder please rot urn to Miss Amy
George, St. Hoiens, Oregon.
Lost Holsteln cow. all black with
exception of white spot In forehead
and white spots on hind lep:s and
under part of body. Some roward
for Information. Erlck Pearson,
Yankton. Telephone to C. C. Barger.
For certain results at a small
rnst nothing can equal a little MiJt
.Want Ad.
SaleGood cows.
St. Helens, Oregon.
3 7lf
For Sale Almost new
piano in excollent condition,
to reliable parly. Enquire
Apples for a-ilo Cheap If you
come and got them. C. J. Lnrsen,
U'Brrcn, Oregon. 36tf.
1'or a Wrwk Nlomacli
The great relief afforded by
'humherlaln's Tablets In a mult Kudu
For Sale Forty acres, cleareu
and lilRhly Improved Just oppoulto
my placo on Warren -tit. Helem toad.
Call at Columbia County Bank or
phone 102-F-15. Sherman M. Miles.
For Sale on Trial or For Rent
One work horae. Also new potatoes
for sale at 3c per pound, delivered
Monday. A few more cherries. N.
Sherwood, phone 108-F-21, Warren.
For Sale Range with colls. $5 On.
Also heater, nearly new, $4.00. Cull
telephone 163. ltl'i-3t
For Sule Ford touring car, juot
nverhnilli.H lift? Inh 1 hna Vol.
itc ases hns fully proven the grent -,,,, ,,
electric tall light, first cbiss comh-
value of this prepirillon for a weak
stomach and I in im I rod dlgeal'on. In
ninny cases thla relief haa become
liermanent biuI tho sufiurers have
been completely restored to health.
$4 85 cash Call
The United H tales
(rain Corporation .
Announces that It will sell
"Straight" grade flour, to all
purchasers, in carload lots,
In 140 lb. jute sacks, gross
weight, delivered to any Rail
way Station In Zone 10, com
prising the States of Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, at
not to exceed $10.00 per bbl.
net cash. Purchasers will be
supplied from nearest avail
able mill, which may result In
slight saving for buyers' ac
count. Wholesale and jobbing pro
fits on such flour must not ex
ceed 75c per bbl., and retailers
profits must not exceed $1.26
per bbl.
Address all communications to
United States Grain
610 Board of Trade Building
Portland, Oregon
The Annual
Coumbia County
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Sept. 17, 18, 19, 1919
Three Glorious Days
In which fun, sport and pleasure
will be provided for all visitors.
This is the event of the year. You
should plan to be in St. Helens
and help make this the biggest
and best fair ever held. Start get
tingour exhibits ready now.
I CSTH f . I Y I
Premium Lists may be secured by addressing W. J. Ful
lerton, Warren, Oregon or J. W. Allen, St Helens, Oregon
37-3H 3t
Salem, September 22-27--Sidndld
agricultural, livestock, and Indus
trial exhil lts, hct of ati't'somctits. an
excellent r.'.clng card, bigger and hot
ter than ovor. A. II. hea, Secretary.
Salem. :ifi-4)-5t
For Salo A nearly now Bruns
wick phonograph, a dresser and a
small range. Mrs. Flora Owen. 37tf
Will Trado A 6-passenger Ford
touring car, excellent condition for
a Ford truck. H. W. Cado, Bor 55,
St. Helens. 87-4d-4t
should he applied in early fall and 'winter.
OUDKIC SOW to avoid delay in alilpnient. Price $2.60 per ton, f.o.b.
at Gold Hill. Minimum order 30 tons. Cash with order
Free Show and Lecture
You are invited to attend a Free Show and Lecture at tho
Liberty Theatre Satu'd'y Eve.
This is given under the auspices of the
Loyal Legion of Loggers
and Lumbermen
and all members of the 4-L's are expected to be present
and bring the adult member; of their families and their
friends. There will be a good four-reel play, a comedy,
which will be followed by an interesting talk by one ot
Oregon's best and widely known speakers.
St. Helens Local L. L. L. L.
School Opens September 15th.
That boy of yours will get dressed up and present himself at the school room. You want
to be proud of him, don't you? You want to make him proud of himself and take pride
in his accomplishments and appearance.
Start Him Out Just Right
Buy him a serviceable school suit He will be pleased at his appearance and take more
pride in his work, and you will be all the more proud of him.' . .We have the famous
XTRAGOOD suits for boys and youths. They are priced from $10 to $18 and we
have them in all sizes and the most attractive patterns. Bring your son to our store and
see how quickly we can fit him with a. good serviceable suit. And there are other
things he needs; Shirts, Underwear, Socks or Stockings, Shoes, Neckties, Collars,
Waists, Garters and other articles which are necessary. Let us help you on outfitting
the boy with just what he needs in 'Strong a nd sensible articles which will make a strong
and saving appeal to your pocket book. Our stock is a large one, but we would advise
you to come at your earliest opportunity a nd select the articles the boy has to have.
P receive a limited num-
lT of students in artistic
an.0 Plavintr a ika ka.
f Mrs. Richard Cox on