St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 22, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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levant unthorln took place on
May oveniiiK at fcriruwirs hall
Oscar Krickson ana r. A. Hoyl
r host to a numner or war
pooplo. Muilr, carda and dane-
nl cnjoymi u u ma inviina
Tlio Warren ore nostra pur
the .iiuhIc.
c. Conor haa recovered from
Lent attack of sickness and la
it'ervlmc me work on ho
Uiuon, who ha boon driving
L'r and cart to the Ilttlo mill
mornln. naa aormoa mat u
Ibout aa niucb io keen horso
in to auppiy a rora witn (&
haa purchased one of the new
Ford. Mra. Ilacon 'Will bo fl
tilxd chauffeur In c few dayi.
rt Krei-mun will aoon discard
irae and buggy m he la about
tut In an automobile,
i Helen Mitarie of Portland, I
K nor school friend, Mlaa till.
llyaknll. . Mlaa Mado rode
Jortland on her anddle pony,
OrKn llnrkahlre company
d three nlio Rllta on Tnudiy
nut parta of Waulilnf ton and
man Brothers, Waning
u destroyed by fire rocontly,
hi duniaiu- about repaired and
uon bo making finish lumber
Vrcn In luted for lta Iniotulve
kc. but It la coming to the front
fit a wbnat aiH'tlon. There ore
ber of fcrmors here who have
I wheat enough o ship In car
lilt. JMph Krlckaoti, Br., iihlp-
I liled car on Tuosday to tlal
luthrlo cotmiany rnd C. O.
rrrn will load a car from bla
ii the near future. The when'
It of flue quality and a :ood
n i-nindon and Arth,..
old. Qrn ' ur".n
I.uiiu i.-...- V. au,'"'a
i-uiiiq nuniinv
Mra. l,u,', Ar lbs Id f n-.i.t.
er Island,. ,u .
11 r. i. "wa.
- ... i
trn'a Cc-oiKratlve Warohouac
Hon will bogln tl.e erection
tr h'llldlug at once. The plant
V 30i0 fovt with IS foot walla,
ha of hoialn IS crra of pro-
k car load of food baa Juat
mloadrd, aavlng the etock-
in aboil 15 or 3.00 par ton
I-uIcmI prices.
lire-) wilt have a chocso factory
pte ln(ortd have their way.
ri la the beat dairy auction of
ktla county and the dairy men
rmini'd .to utillie tho prod in t
i . . - i"riuinon
. MU Huby RtBiior of Jefferson
Oregon, visited wlth r ..J
tonnnll last T.-enday.
One of tba Mmi,,. .... .. .
Warren CotrucUoT'c
Uny Miller baa opened a confo'
tluiery and pool room In the J. a
fii. ndt v;lah hi -n aiiccear.
! J".!"!.rrd .Wlrk rert,:'
ifcn UI:iycd for ovm! .u... n
i rnei; and tho hnrd anrfac
win aoon bo laid. The brld;e com-
...... wuraing on the Tide Creek
IhHIkii and t be Imffin i,.. . ,. ?
d tour above tho bridge for the prea-
Hay Kalttena and llnrold Kngllah
Vfre Portlnml vla!tor Wednraday
Jim Socnrer. who hna been work
ing for tho Ionr laland Ixigglng rom
pally for tho nnat year, haa a position
at Olyri.,' l- Washington, and left on
Wedncaday for thrtt place.
judga i T. A. Mcllrlde haa gone U,
the MKenxle river for lila summer
t.OO .,aura,.0 on tho building. '
Kiv kiwi u lenuorca
Xn-S"!""- ornon Cooke at .;he!ll
dond m i" iJgram waa ren
o r d Mr. J'on.eroy and Mr. Holaday
11 a '"UtlfiiU .jlfture of
' '. in appreciation o
Kcv. and Mra. -30ko left Buturduy
mcmlng for thnlr new homo In Ch.
OEo. where Mr. Cooko hna acta ted
Walla Walla and ,,111 vlalt Mr.
Z'l 'frenU '" Denvtr OI ttclr
v.ay 40 ( hlcago.
A flie of unknovn origin Ftarte.l
in the orchard cf Iiule Kotok Krl
iay morning and covered about an
acre. Or . IMatchford'a water tank wag
a Mg help in getting the flro und:r
control. The apples were rooked on
ttte trccB. The nmnmil nt the orchard Is not yet dctc-r-
where lie Is working, spending the
day Sunday with bla brother. Roy
Heed, and other friends.
Mr. end Mra. J. N. Rice and lit.
e daughter. Serena, rlrnv Haw.
from Portland Sunday, spending the
day with friends In town.
Mrs. Kay Norvall and little dnugh
er. Mary Elizabeth, have been the
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Qoorge
II. Conyers for a week past.
Oale Hlatt of Portlr.nd, accotn
puniea oy a soldier friend, visited
Ms purents. Mr. and Mra. R i ui.
during the past week, going over to
.no inuiein vanoy on a fishing trlL
while here.
Mrs. Georgo B. Conyers and sob,
w.JUlu, u ner gueais, air. and Mra.
KrneHt E. Smith of Kan. ni.
Missouri, and Mra Par Nnrvol
little daughter, Mr.ry Ellz.-.beth, of
I ortlnnd, spent the day Tuesday at
conyers camp on the upper
.ainnanin. ChlOf.
M 1 r
Georgo Grant I. hvi hi. .... I ... lnere. ,eem 10 08 no good
dcnce:,ltd. AI, Grewell la dntn v I i,T,.?. w"?.5!?u"r and
h.- work iiiuaera cannoi launcn a
tnLpniKii i0r oeiter cream," frofeasor
Mr. and Mra. Soddenbcrg
family spent 8unday In Seaalde
Mr. and Mra. U. Jarvey motored
down from Portland Saturday and
apent a few hours with Mra. Jarvey's
ra. uny Ullllch. They then
V" M,lk'hu11 'amlly spent Sunday
In Seaalde.
Prof. Purcell waa a guest In Scap
po.)M0 he week end.
Ir. and Mrs. Watchford drove to
Salt in lust week. The Mlaaes Hoist
accompanied 'the:.i back to Scappoo-e
Vlvlun Drown Is homo aHer apend
ni; a week of hor vacutlon In Portland.
itev. i:. h. Johnson and
( nappoll points out. "I can see no
gooa reason why the country cream
cry miouia reguiariy maSe poor
were guests at the HolmUv I
Inn' week.
Mrs. McClure la visiting relative
this wo.-k In Portland.
Cooper Whitney was In town Mon
day. Ho cald thoy gat back from
Wisconsin lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pomeroy left
for Boncldo Saturday morning.
The lumber Is telng hauled and a
r.fw barn Isi'o be erected on the prcw
erty of John Wataon, that he ro
'cnilv nerchasod of h's slater, Mru.
B W. Scott.
Pasteurizr.tlon la compulsory, and
the acidity test and neutralization are
open to all, says the report for July.
At this season It la necessary for
most creamerlea to neutralize and to
rln thin nffn.lvAlv ft n aMlv. ... 4.
family j generally essential. Butter makers
iwho rely on taste or Just guess at It
often get either a neutralization or a
limy flavor. Proper neutralization
generally eliminates metallic flavor,
which cuts down the quality of
PoImod Ilult Gets Hoppers
An average of 139 dead grass
hoppers waa counted for each square
foot of poisoned area !n the upper
marsh district of the Klamath
agency as a result of the con col
campaign recently conducted by E H
Mra John s.-nti n i ,., u cmnpuigu recently conauctea oy is H.
PortUnd I Donald ti f I . w'" "'ihoPPe were also found throughout
rnm!?'. ""11' Jl "L hJ?" area. The farmers who spread
from France. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Bllla
tne poison were mostly stockmen
For fialn to Farmers Millrun
barley, timothy eeed, alsiki clover
and stock ealt. All at first cost to
stockholders. Warren Co-Op Ware-
ii u use Association, rbone 101F4.
For Sale on Trial or For Rent
One work horse. Also new potatoes
for sale at 3c per pound, delivered
Monday. A few more cherries. N.
Sherwood, phone 108-F-21, Warren.
Wanted To huv Whii tk..
pulleta and one fresh Jercev milk
COW. alMO aomn hnaa TyfA. r
Box 601, St. Helena. 38-39-4t
For Sain Whit. .nn .(,. . ,
aleo wesnlng pigs. B. C. Shafer.
uuuiiuo, uregon, Pbona 109F3
For Rent Good pasture. Cedar or
fir posts for aal anil foil
for sale. John Inaiv.l.... 11.
Oregon. ,.t
For Sale iimn.i
piano tn excellent condition Terms
to reliable party. Enquire' Liberty
ADDles for flaln ft,... i
come and get them. C. J. Laraen,
Warren, Oregon. s6tf'
For Ra la Vr.
1.1 u. . ures, cieareu
and highly Improved just oppoi.ite
en .V o , T. nenni load.
t,i,umblB Clunty Bank or
nnniM iai.v 11 n 1 -
' v --. onerman M. Miles.
Wanted Pv Mh ,
board In or near Scappoose. Address
Box 5, Chapman, Oregon. 36-6-2t
Wanted 10 head of Holstein
calves up to 10 days old. Will pay
good prion for good atock. Paul C.
ineS1. Warren' Oregon, Phone
10ms- 35-36-2l
Wanted Plan sewing to do. Mrs
Lena Rice. Box 63, Houlton. lt
LOflt HolHt1n Xar all kl.l- 1 .
" " UlUUft Willi
exception of white spot in forehetd
and White annta nn hi. A 1 .
-r -w. uuiu icri ana
under part of body. Some roward
for information. Erlck Pearson.
Yankton. Telephone to C. C. Barger
Sawmill f.n a . .1 . ...
. ... rtiiuunon :we Of
fer six million feet saw timber, two
mllea west of Scappoose at 12.60 per
thousand. A mm ..j aI,
, ...... ,vuu uujuer en
glne are on the ground. Can bo
rented tnr ti nn - . "
,7 rc --. vr mousana, to
cut the timber. Plank road to iw..
poose. Terms. Address Watta &
frice. Inc., Scappoose, Oregoc. 30tf
Loat Cnw wfih "Df v. a
right hip, white belly, brown aides.
i"rea DacK' wn,t8 rartrk on
right hind leg. Address, A. L. Rey
nolds, Rt. 1, Box 82, Warren. 36
Strayed or Stolen About three
weeks ago from Frank George's
place, two one-year-old spotted black
and whitn Hni.i.i. t..i-. j ,
ed. Any Information leading to re
covery nf com. wlll 1.. ii
. . . ul uo iiueraiiy re
warded. C. J. Larson, Warren, Ore-
II.VIUIVU uii i i luisannio. mra. illllcb ' Haiitfon, after vhn-h thn iHi-i 7n
Bern iiramed them aa fur as Rainier. ; vlnlt friends In Seialde
tl V H lannlilx. - .. .1 til . . " . .
all of Pnri and - . a ". Ko,. "hoc im. bo nearly cleaning up the
Mm nZ .n ' rTT.riDei hy d""rlct that the' hav " tO
Mr. AM.? " c'!U ,,week beBln ear" ne yar.and 'wmplete
wra. Aboy Smith of RenhilA i-'.i..
.,w.n,i:. . j . ... .. , " J"-
. ,, U,yP wln Mrg
Harry Kylo of Knyriort,
(ton, and mother. Mrs. llelga
kin, went to Portland Monday.
Kyle eirm-ta to remain In I'ort-
or tome time.
Chtilea Brown and llttlo .on
bending he week In Portland
ik relatlvea and frlonda.
and Mrs. George Knattka and
nd Mra. George Mills motored
rtlind last Friday.
)Uh the kindness of Mr. 8
r will again have the ton
ne of having aorvlco In the
i, Mr. Shaffer having offered
w of one of hla telephones.
Do! ten rod haa rented tho Bert
i bungalow and expects to
the whxer In Oregon wilt a
if locating.
lulu meeting of Deer Island
i ait Wcdneaday night. Vug
I. Due for the quarter uiid
Ctember 30 should be paid,
regular meeting of the Worn
lub waa held at the homo of
icoria Mills Wednesday after
Aiiguat 20, whh large attnnd
o'or 30 being ipreaunt. Roll
outht aomo very eplendld ce
i. A letter aklng holp for a
ulldlng for the Baby homo In
il was read and Inasmuch as
t never refused any call for
nmnilttee was appointed to
Hilda. The library from the
library of 71 volumes for tho
I of cluh mnmbora r.nd thotr
tt arrived and wilt bo at
mof Mrs. W. E. Clark.' This
Ibrary of American literature
noj.e our members and
W tako advantage of this
"Hty to study our classics. At
e of the regular program the
cr tnd vliltors marched to the
room whero a table loaded
'Mermelon greeted them. Llt
ownm McCartney played the
"liltora were Mra. Potorsoi.
J Weenia from Columbia Mty,
P'Kh, Portland; Miss Carol
w, Mra. George Jaapor, Mrs.
VJ- Judlm h Mra. Dally and
on. Ono new member waa
Hfi. Dully. The next mioot-
m te Wllh Mr. M A Intlrao
J, September 10 I
Mra. Stearns and lltt'e
W are visiting Mr. Stearn'a
r. ami Mra Nnrman Mer-
,BI Mra. Frank nIW mnlnrn.l
I "" Mrs. Bert Adams apent
F "Kh the Nnrman Mnrrlll
n the Inland.
Mlaa Homa Merrill has been visit.
Ing with hor aunt, Mrs. J, M. Bjrk
Itcad, thla week.
Mtaa lrliirn,A ..nH.l...l
leach party Columbia Beach on LJvI' a McKI'. Mlai,
SMiirday. . . yand Coore. motored to As-
Mr. and Mrs. J Jacobson and m . u .
daiifhter, Boiwle, attended the com-! i Mr auI Blrkonfeld and son,
ii.iiulty .r.lcnlc at the beach Wat Sun- re.0..ard'- ware ln . Portlnnd for a
day iwiupie oi uays early ln the week.
Mlrs Htlma Morton and frlenda I n "."j PVnuT '.! m a
eotored j Seaslda Sunday. I III ! lv , 1 and Edward to Von-
: . . .... 'cul Wodnesday to see the hla- elr.
Lloyd need was up from Wnuna,
A party waa given at the s hool
l.nuje Saturay evening In honor of
the returned aoldlera, Orln Johnson
and George Burdahl, Ainoclal even
ing was enjoyed after which coffee
and cake woie served. Sixty paiple
were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Peterson picn'red
In the Nohalem valley on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burkhead and
ihlldren inoCnred to Portland yeater
ony and rpent the day shopping
Home Lack Running Water
Of 660 farm homes reported in the
O. A. C. home demonstration survey
402 had no running water In the
house, but carried It an averago
distance of 36 feet. That cilia for
traveling 72 feet for one buckot of
water. The homes have no sink and
the water has to be carried out again,
perhaps about aa fnr. The practice
may make good walkors of the
women but It r.lso boosts tho hlgk
price of shoes.
Subscribe for the Mist NOW.
Mr. Hosteller and family are enjoy-1
lug a varn'.lon. They motored down ',
t. Ocean Bay where (hey own a large
timber trai t.
Prof. Ilullnird maved to Sca.:ooe
Thuraday, Into the l.uinborson cot
(ago. Henry White and family, Mls '
Khther Smith, the Garrlaon family, '
Ml Kthel Westovor of Kninler and'
!r. and Mra. K. K. Wist, motored.
If. Columlila Beach 8undny.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKay of
Portland, visited friends Inn Scai-1
pooae Saturday.
Mra; Caplea returned from Long
Leuch, Saturday evening. .
Kather Lynch apont the week end
with .her mothor.
Mr. Kat)k has sold his hill farm
to a newcomer from Minnesota. It
h said that $160 per aero was tho
purchase price.
The community extends sympathy
to KrnuHt Johtu:on for tl.e loss he
aii'itnlnnd by the flro that destroyed
his two large ibarns last Thuradny
night. Tho fire started In the bay
barn and was practically under con
trol when tho drain from an open
door tin tho flames shooting to the
top of the barn. The live stock, with
the exception of a few auiall ;lgi
van snved, but tho l.arucaa and moat
of the machinery are In ashes. One
of tho barns wnj stocked 'WV.h sacked
Cooling Items for
Hot Weather
-Lunches Ice Cream Sodas
-Salads Ice Cold Soft Drinks
-Sandwiches Fountain Specials
-Cold Meats ' Mt. Hood Ice Cream
Do you want good Lumber
at a reasonable price?
If so, give us an opportunity to quote you prices. If you
are going to build a house, a barn, a fence or will need
lumber for any use, call or write us. It will be to your ad
vantage. SILO STOCK
We are making a specialty of getting out silo stock. Our
prices are lower than you will obtain elsewhere. If you
will give us a trial order, you'll then be convinced that we
are telling you the truth. Make us prove it
Scappoose Lumber Co.
Have Your House
Painted ,
Wo do flnd-cliisa Interior or
OutHlilo IMINTlNd ami
llMSHINtl WORK. Also
Intimates gladly fnrnMied.
Ht. Helena. Oregon
St. Helens Flour
asssssaw (JBSSB s OTBTsssV m
I '
and the best pastry
Let your Grocer send you a sack
next time you order
, ai.HchrnkOr!
St. Helens Flour Mill Co.
Important Announcement
To Automobile Owners
We have decided to increase our shop equipment
and mechanical 4orce, and will accept repair work' on
all makes of cars. Your patronage is respectfully
solicited. .
Should you see fit to bring yourcar to us for any
needed repairs we will, on our part, absolutely guar
antee all work done in bur shop, and believe that we
can thereby keep your maintenance at' a minimum
and increase your satisfaction in the use of your car.
We will maintain a thoroughly equipped electrical
department for the repair of batteries, starting, igni
tion and lighting systems, and will carry a full lines of
tires, parts and accessories. , ,
Thanking you in advance for any patronage vou
give us. I am, J .
Very truly yours.
Shop and Salesroom la one block east of 8. P. A 8. Depot.
Merchandise Only
The! Toggery
W f 1VJ vi j
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
ri nn
in n t i rr '
Prices Always