ER LAKE VISITED THE Midi &miuK LtlDUd from tint () rfull moon shading It radl 1 .... ...!,. h rnin. a beautiful and Imprei- P"t. . Si flilai nf M.,1. jniui v-. - - HQ BUUIV W " 1 w Our Hardy, president 01 turlul association, responded. L uiks were than given by O. fcvhsrd of OruH Pee, Pro-r.-i vininc of Aihland and Mr. Btoel gave) ilia ot the Uka and bis address brnor uicu. fa-. Hunrino on Ik W morning tha gueeta wara t all UD lu ufiriav hi. srtnr which moving plo- Ind a panorama picture was ( S otliwia mu ! mmv. rekft, the guests spent an . (wo viewing mm iaae ana ht and those who did not n to the water's edge tha ,fore, nisue me trip, many boitlm and fishing on the pronounced ina scenery ue- bciitn tearing tha lake .10 and tho last car loft ai jJ-Tf -Iri.-.r... I Vir scene In tha famous Ore tus near Urania Pass. I m. The trip to Ashland was hsr a good road as far aa Fort lh. From there to Pelican I road was rainy grod and at Urns the autoa atoppod and easts partook of a lunch which an prepared and placed In tha Many of tha tourists stopped tan l)r iouge ana inspected Its built by the late K. H. Wn and some of tha edltora j ride ou beautiful Lake K la te rellcan Bv the "Dead In roa4 was followed and thla Ms through magnlflcont for kd oror bl;h mountains and Aihlind, where tho dusty, but Utie editors were entertained' splendid dinner In the famoufc Psrk. Ik 10 products en- were snrved and Ashland i. Jam, Jelly nud fruit were id. After dinner the gccits I the Ailihtnd Chautauqua I and Inspected the beautiful hey left on the special train . Jock and arrived In Portland ! 0 o clock Wednesday morn- djtort, aftor visiting Tacoma ni Kilmer, will hold a bul-: ion In Seattle today. From) ey will go Victoria. I). C. and P ths session at Vancouver. ; fat place thoy will start home-1 COMPLAINS MADE ON NEHALEM ROAD WORK Vartionia, Oregon, August 6. 1919 Dear kMitor of the Mist: 1 hopo you will publish this letter. It I Intended for the Interest of the Pittsburg and the St. Helens road I Plnt out to you the condition In a way thla district I. run. The work II s&ll Unlfl Atnm In at.. .. of the district. Instead of working -' m di. neiens they are working up to get tha road com plated to Timber, because we have a commissioner living up there. It ooes not look rii,i i ..... .ii . , T. up ,'hero- It shows whore his ...v..i Bna our preont ro1(1 "l""""UI oe"g or relation to him. they can run thla district, with thuir own relation, and If I should make any remarks or say I think big tax payers waa entitled to a days work u win say -non of your business Who I Cet to work n, .1.... 1 work." That la Urn wv I h... been called down, so you see they have got everything In thuir own hands. I have no doubt that Mr. weed will work very hard to keep llert Mills In r.i.H ...nn,.i.... Cause they run this district anion iiioiimiihi una ineipeopio down here dare to say anything. Mr. J. Weed has talked In favor of this Plttsbura road to St. llolmis, but his work shows to the contrary. They have been putting the work In the upper end of the district, and at the same rate they been rocking the road they may got the road rocked to Ver nonla In ahout ten years. You don"t need to tske anybody's word for thla. t'oine over and aee of you don't think It Is time to Change these con ditions and when you get a road to Timber you have got no place. Run up to a railroad station up In thb mountain, that la tha end of the road, and we may have a depot at Vernonla before the road Is done to Timber. Yours truly, ANDHEW PARKER. The editor of the Mist does not question the sincerity of Mr. Parker, but It believes he Is mistaken. The editor of the Mist knows, by his former official association with Commissioner Weed, that the St. Hel-ens-Pittsburg road liaa his unquali fied support and moreover, that he has worked hard' to accomplish what little has been dona on the road. The idltor also knows that Bert Mills did his work so satisfactorily that siveral county courts have retained Inn aa road supervisor. In the words or the Immortal Mr. Raatas of the Mine Klin Club, "we disagree with Hrother Parker," and we believe it he Investigates tha situation, he will acknowledge that he la mistaken. ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY, AUGUST IS, 1919 COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES Lm''a An1nul Teachers' Institute llll.r0, " St. Helen? Jum . ,n t,ie new auditor- um as a sort of a housewarmer. The I lliree nnw niii.iio i...u. In Cllumnia county are fast nearlng c.,mP etlon ,nd It is hoped that there will be little delay In their comple tion beyond the stipulated time. In order that they will be ready for oc cupancy at the beginning of the school year, September 1st. These schools are a two-room at Stehman four rooma nt TII,.lr,At Hlilrtevn room at Ht Union. . new ornclul directory of tho v.miui uiucera 01 Columbia county will soon ha out Tha i.. . i laws are being sent out to the clerks uu tn.iruien 0i eacn district. Other directors mav hv om . i. .. ! lug. KXAmlnntfnn fn .m held August 1242. All teachers wlshr no- a permit must take the examlna tion at this time Text booka must ha exchanged, jour old books will not be used ai text books again. What Is the use In waiting to tho Inst minute? Dealers should order early. Those who delay ni mis miiLer win Mnu M.av..Ai.. much annoyance. ueer island will erect a fine new piny shed very soon. So fur ahnul nn lnn.. i have been employed In the county, leaving a vspsnrv nf t.i - ruui. UIUDIBQII teachers, with many applicants for these positions. Vacancies are re ported in District No. 2, 7, 11, 16. 26. 30. 36, 46, and 64. ust 17th and the 14th. Epwortb League and Sunday School will be held as usual. CHURCH SERVICES Plymouth runirregathmal Cliurrh The "Wide Awake Church" Willamette and Columbia Streets Ilev. A. It. 8pearow, Pastor 8undsy School, 10:00 a. m. Morning Hour, 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Eventnc Hour. Iilii m Prnyer meeting Thursday night, s:uu p. m. Methodist Episropal Cltnrcli "The Friendly Church" St. Helens and Houlton Albert 8. Hisey. Psstor. There will be no preaching at the meinoaisr'cnurcb on Sunday, Aug Free Metiiodlst Church Houlton, Oregon D. M. Hlgbee, Ptstor Order of Services: Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preaching Service, 11:00 a. m. Song and Praise Service, 7:30 p m Evening Service, 8:00 p. tn. Prayer Meetln, Thursday evening. 8:00 p. m. The nubile Is cnrriliUv lnll..1 n .. . HI attend. Seventh Day Adventlst Church West St. Helens Regular services held on Satur day. ; Services following at 12 (noon). Weekly Prayer Meeting, Waanea day, 7:46 p. m. . H. M. KNIGHTON, Elder. A. T. LAW'S, Deacon. NOTICK MICHIG.W'DKKS The Mlchltan people of Columbia county will hold their annual basket picnic In Godfrey Park. St. Holena, on Thursdr.y, August 28th. Dinner will bo sorved at 12 o'clock. All Michi ganders aro mcst cordially Invited to attend and bring ;lcnic lunch Effie Wilson, Secretary. 34-38-31 NOTICE CtV MKKTIfi itv linant. OK KQt'A IJZATIO.V rX)K (X)L- Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for Columbia County, Oregon, will attend at the Court House In 8t. Helens, Columbia .County, Oregon, on the second Mon day In September (Monday, Septem ber 8th, 1919) and ex amine the assessment roll for aald year 111S and Mrrtrt !! umn in valuations, descriptions or qualltiea oi isnas, iois or otner property as sessed by the Assessor; and it shall be the duty of persons Intereoted to appear. Petitions or applications for the reduction of a particular assessment shall be made In writing, verified by the oath of the applicant or his attorney, and be filed with the Board within fifteen days from the time it Is by law required to meet; and any .petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be con sidered or acted upon by the Board. C. W. BLAKESLEY, Assessor. Cure for Dysentery. "While I was In Aihland V..a. a gentleman overheard me speaking' of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Kemedy," writes William Whltelaw. cf Dee Molnfts. Inara "Ha tnlH m in detail ot what it had done for lilt. lamuy, out more especially his daughter who was lying at the point Of death With m. Tlnlent nf A. scntery, and had been given up by mo tamiiy pnysician. Some or his neighbors advised him to give Cham berlain's Colio and Diarrhoea Kemedy, which he did, and fully be hoves that by doing so saved tho life of his child. He stated that he had aiao used this remedy himself with ST. HELENS ROUTE Vi. WilleMI. SlMsb THE PEOPLES BOAT STR. AMERICA leaves Portland dully - -2:30 p. m (Sunday 1:30 p. m.) Arrives St. Helena - 1:00 p. m. (Suuday 8:30 p. in.) leaves St. Helena - - - :16 a. m. Arrives Portland 10:16 a. m. H. HOLMAN, Af.nt Mukes all way landings. Wharf foot lder street. Phones: Main 8323, KItANK WILKINS. 81 Helena Agent ST. HEIENS-PORTIAND AUTOIIKE FIUXK 81 1 EPA III), Prop. HCIIEDL'I.H A. M. P. U. l.r. St. Helens 7:30 1:20 Warren 7:46 1:46 Scappoose 8:00 2:00 Ar. Portland 8:20 8:20 Lt. Portland ..10:00 4:00 Ar. St. Helens 11:60 6:60 Saturdays and SunJiivs 8peclal trip leaving St. Helens p. m Iave Portland 11 p m. For certain reaulta at a small cost there la nothing can equal a Mfnt Want Ad. Advertising tn the Mist pays. Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold at Market Quotations ""eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai SHERMAN M. MILES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAYING AND TRANSFER All Busineaa Promptly Attended To PHONE IS WAf. H. DAVIES - - Prop. ST. HELENS.ORECON pIER PRESIDENTS WO. Onut anil TmvUxM fA. m. from Uie lU-tcuUr Armjr Jher the great war will pro- !naiaie for president text T not be actually known uu-1 aomlnstlons are made, says tain Cappers Weekly. Oener-I I and (Jenornl Pershing, both ' u miiitiiry men, are men- wuntry has had soldier prea out none from the regular Kept Orunt and Taylor, and M not live long enough to fairly established In office. Oram's administration did 1 a record to Impress the I The scandala were many, V ths unquestlonod Integrity Mlnninif redeemed It from discredit. 'Hon was a man of affairs, Blank had had a day off, and when he returned to the office the follow ing morning his pals wanted to know why he looked so d'sjruntled. "Ev erything went wrong," grumUed Blank. "How was that?" one asked. "Ever go fishing with a girl?" "Once." "Did she protest against hurting the fish?" "No, She said she was sure they were perfectly happy because they were all wnggicg tholr tails." a great business administrator, nna not a professional soldier, though a great general. Jackson wrs a soldier for only a ahort Intervnl and not a profeeslonal soldier. Ho had had con siderable political experience aa Uni ted States district attorney. Justice of his state supreme court, was rov ernor of Florida nd senator from Tennessee, ss welt ns congressman for the state before he became pres ident, Harrison wss a volunteer sol dier, but he served In congress, wss governor of the territory of Indiana and later senator from Ohio and min ister to a South American country. Even Grant, educated for the army, hod left It before the civil war. In England there Is a firmly estab lished tradition against a profession al soldier In high civil office. And not only the English, but the French are wary ot the professional soldier In a post of great civil responsibility. Ex cept In the case of Kitchoner, no British soldier has been elevated so high In civil administration as secre tary of war. Not for a hundred years haa a nrltlsh soldier occupied the of fice ot secretary of state, or for foreign affairs. II Harrow ii ;nIu hari ' O IMf-n a . I Of all ths work on ths frm Th ? I harrow ins is probsbly ths uanlmt jj I I eo soar sbass. 3 I Dust works la bttwMa ths f III snuks arrlnf tha UsUwr and lfl racslng amok dlaoomlort to too it H BEKGMANN Jy SHOE OU. a airMlod as tow sheas makes tana k iU& to mr sheas makes Um pllahls, aula Um srsoks, akM thorn waterproof and a joy to ThM. Bercmana bo Mfg. Co. rOKTLAND, tWtrOOM ale ate C1 .si Pat aJ at Skas Is it Possible to Legislate life and Brains? Swift & Company is primarily an organization of men, not a collection of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and ifteful ness are only outward symbols of the intelli gence, life - long experi ence, and right purpose of the men who compose the organization and of those who direct it Will not Government direc tion of the packing industry, now contemplated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, ex perience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of the industry? What legislation, what politi cal adroitness could replace such life and brains, once driven out? Let ui tend you a Swift "Dollar." It will interest you. : . Addreit Swift ft Company, . Union Stock Yadt, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. TMIl SHOWS WHAT BECOMES 0 THE AVERASE DOLlAJt RECCIVEP BY r SWIFT & COMPANY! rsoM the aurar hut . . aNBSY MSDvcrs St Clsrt mis roa tni UVI ANIMAL ii. as cf nt, raa uasa R. CONSTANTIN PLUMBING, STEAM HEATING and SHEET METAL WORKS Stationary Wash Tubs and Bath Room supplies. Central Meat Market We handle and sell none but the choicest of MEATS. Cleanliness and Safety is our motto and when buying from us you are assured of getting only the best WE WILL BUY Beef Cattle, Hogs, Veal and Poultry and pay the highest market prices. Trade at home and save money. Central Meat Market RAY MORTON and GEORGE WILSON, Proprietors Phone 60 Free and Prompt Delivery 3 x TIMET? 111 I I I will have 50 tons of MENDOTA COAL FOR SEPTEMBER DELIVERY I have handled Mendota COAL for several years and know it is a good coal. It lasts longer and gives more heat than many other brands of coal. $7.50 per Ton Delivered at your residence. At this price, COAL is cheaper than wood. Do not wait for the cold, rainy weather to lay in your fuel supply. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW And you will be assured of prompt delivery and your fuel troubles will be over. Frank Williins Dock Phone 86W Store Phone 86J Res. Phone 32J ST. HELENS - - - - OREGON lUpalr 8h.s end ' Quod ttna. SXacNlca BMW rwvmm Q'nr 8 Ions S.S HNTI IIWIM Mist Want Ads Bring Results . SwsT 4 COstaAlff aw at aav iv IA Bkaa, Ons. Hardwaro aad