St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 25, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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J. E. Cafver was a Portland vlsl
. tor Sunday.
Have you subscribed for your
Victory Bond.
L. L. Frazler was a business visi
tor in Portland Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hr.rold Beaver spent
Sunday with relatives in Portland, j
Mrs. Bertha Woods spent Sunday
nnd Monday with relatives in Port
land. Have you subscribed for your
Victory Bond.
J. G. Strange of Portland, was a
Sunday visitor at the home of hisj
sister, Mrs. Roy Gill. j
Mrs. Harve Wilklns, who has'
been visiting relatives In Portland!
for the past week, returned to St.
Helens Sunday.
County School Superintendent !
Allen has been in the lower end or !
the county during most of the week,
looking after school matters.
Captain Orin Shepherd went to
Portland Sunday to meet his wife,
who has been visiting relatives there.
They returned to St. Helens Monday
Mrs. J. W. Day returned from
Portland Sunday evening, bringing
with her little Miss Jane' Day, who
has been visiting with friends in
G. C. Tichenor and family ot
Portland, were Sunday visitors a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. La
Bare. Mr. Tichenor is a brother of
Mrs. LaBare
i nas. m. i nompson received &
tlegram Friday announcing the ar-i
rival of his son, Frank, in New York.
Frank his been in France since'
November 11, 1917.
Sherman Miles left Wednesday at-,
ternoon for Eugene on a business
mission. In order to see the con-;
ditlon of the Willamette valley roads, j
lie made the trip by auto.
The steamer, Wapama, Captain
Foldat, sailed Monday night for San I
Pedro and San .Diego. Her cargo'
was a round million foet of lumber
and she carried a heavy passenger
list. I
Monday, St. Helens was like a
deserted village. Every one who
could possibly get away and had !
means of going, journeyed to Port-:
land to see the air circus, and all felt!
well repaid for the trip. I
Mr. and Mrs. Martin White were'
in Portland Saturday to attend the j
funeral of Mrs. White's niece, Mrs.!
Edward Carlson, who died at a j
Portland hospital Thursday night, i
Deceased llvsd-in Mayger and was u
sister of Guy Lillich of the Bachelor,
Flat neighborhood. '
St. Helens friends of ;
Charles Reiner will be glad to hear1
that he has been made a lieutenant j
commander .in the navy nnd is in;
command of one of the big freighters
plying between Nsw York and!
trance. Captain Reiner for many
years was in the employ of the.Mc
Cormick company r.nd' is well known
J. Hammer and W. E. Clark,
prominent residents of the IVor Is
land section, were In St. Helens on
Married The wedding of Charles
M. Boll of Wtlkensburg, Pa , and Miss
Edith L. Clark, of St. Helens. Ore.,
was solemnized yesterday afternoon
at the parsonage of the Methodist
Fpiscopal church. Rev. Christian It.
Carver officiated at the ceremony.
Ogden (I'tah) Standard.
The Woman's club mot Tuesday af
ternoon and listened to several In
teresting and instructive talks 01
the Irish Home Rule question. Mrs.
Isbister gave a brief history of Ire
land. Mrs. Hisey spoke on thr.
home rule question. Mrs. Scott fol
lowed with an outline of Ulster's
reasons ngnlnst home rule.
The county court wll ' meet In
special session today. Several road
bids are to be opened, among them,
the hid for Improving St. Helens
street between Columbia nnd Winter
streets. Other matters of county in
terest are to bo taken up and dis
posed of.
Martin White was agreeable sur
prised the other day when he re
ceived from the V. S. pension of fire,
a check for $374 which was back
pension money rnd was advised that
hereafter he will be allowed the sum
ot $20 per month by Uncle Sam. He
receives the pension on account of
hnvlng fought In the Indian war in
Kansas in 1869.
J. H. Thatcher, Dr. J. H. Flynn, h.
J. VanOrshoven and J. L. Storla
motored to Portland Wednesday
night to meet a committee from the
Artisan Lodge and make further pre
parations for the big Fourth of July
celebration which will be hold in St.
Helens. The committee In chcro
have had several meetings and plans
are taking a definite shape.
The residence of Have Vincent,
midway between Houlton nnd Yank
ton, was totally destroyed by fire on
Tuesday night at about 7 o'clock.
The fire started In the roof of the
house and nothing could he done to
save the building. Neighbors helped
to move out the family belongings
nnd that was all which was saved.
The loss amounts to about $1000.
The stork was in St. Helens Fri
day night last on one of his period
ical visits and left at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Phil
lips, a fine young fellow whose name
is Hayden Hull Phillips, and who,
though his residence in St. Helens
has been for the snort space of n
week, has gained enviable popularity,
and was accorded a most hearty re
ception on his arrival.
Mrs. W. L. Goin, Clarence nnd
Francis Goin and Stanley Carter re
turned Tuesday evening from Yaki
ma, Washington, where they visited
relatives of the Goin family. The
trip was made by auto, r.nd consider
ing the distance nnd some bad
stretches of road, good time was
made. Yakima is almost 300 miles
from St. Helens. The party left St.
Helens on Sunday and arrived in
Yakima Tuesday noon. Returning,
they left Yakima Monday noon nnd
arrived in St. Helens Tuesday evening.
J 11 Godfrey returned Tuesday
evening from a week end visit t
Port laud. , ,
Mr and Mrs. Clou R. Melskor, who
have been seriously 111 for the past
week, are convalescent.
The M K. Ladies Aid society will
reive dinner in the church parlors.
1-ri.lav evening. May 2:trd.
Mr' and Mrs. S. C. Knighton are
packing up and getting ready to
move to their new liunu at Keslll,
The twelfth anniversary of tlu
Methodist Ladies Aid society will h"
held in the church parlors. Thurs
day afternoon, May 1st.
L. Rosaseo. manager of the Col
umbia River Canning Packing
coinpanv. is In California on busi
ness for I hoc oinpany he is connected
with, lie will return to St. Helens
next week.
Cashier A. L. Stone of the Col
umbia County bank, is cavortltik
around the streets In a brand new
Maxwell roadster, which Dr. J. II
Flvnn. the local agent for the Max
well delivered to lihn this week
C. M. ltupe, special agent of the
Hanover Fire Insurance company,
was here Thursday. His headquar
ters are in Seattle and be represent!,
one of the strongest fire Insurance
companii s In the world.
Orvin Barton, tho Infant sun of
Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Ih.rlon. died Sun
day and was burl'd Tuesday In the
Warren cemetery. The funeral
services were conducted at the Con
gregational church.
(Continued from pa-
Tv7iity per c.iilT..ror'beforo Au-,
""rwefiiy per cent on or before Sep-;
teinber 9 . , ., ;
Twenty per cent ou or hefoic -j
''"rwe'iitv per cent en or before No
vember il. wilh accrued Interest on
d ferred installments.
Thus Is will be seen that Hi" '
scrlhcr will have six months to pay,
for his bonds. If. fr example, he
takes a $100 bonds, he will pay !,
on Mav 10. I0 on July 15. IjlO on
August 12. $20 oil September J, -
on October 7. and $20 on November,
'''Vile 4 per cent securities lire to
be exempt from state and local tax
at ion excepting eslule and Inheri
tance taxes uud from normal rales
of federal Income taxes; the i per
eeat securities are exempt from fed
oral, state and local taxes, except es
late iiiid Inheritance taxes.
(Continued from Pnge I
meat for any city, nnd Prcy Hard
.ion who has h.'ott histrummilnl In
l etting the bund started. I In hopm
that u number wll tun out at tho
icxt meeting.
Sydney. Australia Charges that
Gorman who hindled Rod Cross par
cels for Australian soldiers III Ger
man prison camps robbed tho pris
oners of nil th Ued Cross parcels,
urn iiiiuIk by Captain Alexandor IHm
nldson of the steamship Matunia. Ho
was captured w hen the Miitunga was
taken by tlm German rulder Wolf,
mid sent to n prison camp In tho
Msrlii in,.
was an ol ! r ,g u'j "l!!! tt, 1
. of n,hhi" ,,
parrots About M i."1
went astriiv " MM a
d sorg,,fM,n ,BT!.th
Krlt.' w, M ,h,VM
from tho sutio 'lJ
For Hnln A fl.T"
Kmt and . SfVS.
City Grocery. ColuibM
Have y .ub,cr A
Victory Iioml. I
I M .
i:iv.kj It. WIST
Special Showing of Spring
and Summer Underwear
a x n . -
Ladies' Bodice Unicnsuits. l ight or QCf
loose knee X) 1
Ladies Mercerized Unionsuits d ey E? rfc
Per garment . ..p.DU
Children's Unionsuits
Per garment, only
Men's light weight, bleached Union
suits, short sleeves, ankle length. to nH
Very comfortable and serviceable
No other store in
Columbia county has
the exclusive line of
Millinery and Coats
that you will find In
our Btore. Your In
spection la Invited.
we arc exc
ive cigents in St.
Helens for
Cashier First National Hank of Scap
poose. Ilo is a prominent youu:;
man of Columbia County.
(Source Myers, a resident of the
Spitzonboig noiphhorlioi'd, v;:s In St
Helens, Wednesday. He rci-cnll)
disposed of his farm i;i that nelub
l.orliood and will move to rortlanu
.".;r. Myers Is a II. A. li. veteran end
In the civil war nerved hi the 7th
Illinois Ci'lvary.
I S. C. .Morton left hist nli;lit for
I KuK-ene to attend the joint meetnK
of the Oregon Statp Ivlitiirial asso
ciat'.m, the Willamette Valley Kill
torlal association ami the I' ty
of Oregon S: hool of Journalism, lie
I. as hern designated as one of the
j speakers cn u topic of Interest to tii
' newspaper fraternity.
Tho wcddiiiR of Miss Dolores ( liam
; herllu to Mr. Mr. Wesley (Jotelier on
April 15, came as a surprise to their
friends. Mrs. Cotcher Is the unl
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cliam
j berlin of Fast Portland ami Rrantl
j daiit'hter of h. I). Hheelcy, one of
Columbia county's oldest pioneers
Tho youtiK couple departed Tuesday
for Aberdeen, W.sliititon, where
,Mr. fiotchor Is en;a(;eil In the ship
buildliiK industry.
No more opening base'.nll game,
j for Freil Watkitis, I,. Ci. Koss or .1.
! K. liatusf y, if it has to bo a rube
team Kfthnred from the sandlots of
f'tillfornia by Walter McCredie. Alt
of these gent leriien, c.rdent f;itis, are
of tho opinion that the MeConnick
team of the Shipbuilders' lea;iie
could have walloped both the Port
land and Vernon teams. A number
of others fans journeyed to Portland
to see tho exhibition. Most of them
left before the. Rc.tne was finished,
nnd II is the advice of ; II to go ana
see the hh:h school hoys play r-:tt
bi ll instead of paying a hii? admit,
sion to see the dubs McCredie hat,
picked up. I'ntil such time as Mc
Credie gets soma real players, Freii
Watkitis says It isn't worth while to
journey to the Vatichn street grounds
nnd Fred knows, for ho Is a real
baseball expert, In fi-.ct, he has been
an umpire.
Earnings for 1918 Ei:rrs.teJ
at $12,000,033,000 by
Treasury Dep.-.risruTl.
The farmers ol the l:iiiL:d s;a-.fc
alone could Bub-eribc r,,e (-iitlr
umoiint of j:.,c;io.i!i,r;.i,ixi m u- tkcii
for in tho Victory lap l:Ph u
be oiioncd by the r.ovu, uioeni April
21. Figures j;lvcn out by the ln&jrj
: '!e;iartnictit show thai t-0 rarnuigi
i of Amorlcan farmors for latt m-aflwl than JI2.f)C0.C00.0O(i.
Ability of the A;iicii(in n
meet tho obligaUons or lis ;-oieriiii.ent
Is shown through figures Issued by Ibr
treasmy doparttnon! p.i.ouinK iho care
Ins; power or the nation in 1518 r j aT
been In excess of $73,000 .cxti.nrifl n
would havo taken iota limn two uyt'
cnmlngs of the American pc-offc. in
isy all the Interest charges on all ih
l.llierty ltonds oulslandlnr during (hat
There Is far more gold burl, of
United States government bond Mian
that standing behind bonds of thj ol
the others of the allied na'.iens
America's total wealth Is cnllins:pl at
jr.O.Orm.OOO.OOO. The part ol (be
world's monetary utock held In (hi,
country Is $:s.u;a.000.000. an liint-afl.
of $l,l!)2,no,000 since the beglnniM
it the war. e
It Is 'aaier to supprn (he fir t fl
aire than U aatlufy all ;i,at tc L
Pete llaiis'ii returned from ovei
seas service Sunday nigh. w,,u
over with the fist division, but was
transferred to Hie artillery and
served with the Itiilth. He was ti
member of flattery K His batler
gave the Huns a liberal dose of high
explosives an. I was instrumental In
getiing the Hermans out of France
After the iirmtst lie was signed, he
was In an artillery outfit that oc
cupied Herman territory for about
two months The Herman I pie,
Pete said, were very nice to the l S
soldiers, but II was probable a case
of "have to" Hansen expects to
resume his regular occupation us a
t Isheruiall.
After IS months In foreign serv
ice, Penny Copelaiol returned to St.
Helens Saturday He enlisted In the
rviatlon corps and after several
mouths training. -'s sent across
He was In charge of a (lying field
and was Instructor for tho aviators
"just breaking In." as he expressed
It. France was nil right. Hen said,
but the good old I'. S A Is a whole
lot better and he Is glad to get hone.
Wednesday nlg::t II ere was a tueet
ii ': of those Interested I:: organizing
a hand. Prof Philip M. Hick, a pro
l.'is'on: ! handm .ster. was here to
. ss'sl the brys and a good practice
vas h'-ld. Hick l.ld.ird was el (led
mail lger II. K l.all.ire, hern
tary. It Is the purpose i f the newly
lunie d org anU'il !oti to have weekly
I radices : nd their lo'xt meetl-.g wdi
be Wedn. sil.iy til;. hi.
A K 1 hand Is a good advertise-
For Children.
Kvcryotic knows the "KOVERALL" trandof
ctiililt cn's play suits, for they have been on th
mnrkcl several ycarH and have made friend b
eviry home where they have beer. used.
The same manufacturers have put out tr
"UUKRTY IJELLKS" dresses for little girit
r.n.l t!icy have put the same standard of work
manship and materials into these as they do is
ilit Koveralls.
Vc were fortunate in Retting the agency lor
for we find that our customers appreciate goods
cf quality.
I ! h p r f v
Ilollie of (.imiiI Pli lurev
W'e take a pri-n ib-.l of
pleasure) In aiiiieui'i'iiig jt
the patrons of tin- l.ll.erly
Theali-i- that the week 'h .
('inning Friday, April -.'.:h
and ending with I'bui-s lay.
May 1st, ho'.ils ino-i- S.i e.
ial Attraction-, than any pre
eee.ling week. An lAtri Pro.
Knilll liverv la).
We especially reipn si 'jour
intent ion to our Siindei mill
Monday program, when tte
present that story of adven
ture that p-aches beyond the
frontiers of your Imagina
tion nnd Is held to the
Sunday and Mondav
TWO HA1H Al'ltll. 'J7.UM
KlKhl full r, ...
... - - - . ... m v
I'.lghl full i.-...i.. i m
nrl.i. i "iiiieij iroill tlio
rouulu with Mm., l.l,,co. K
darkey and 000 others In the wild-
Alva Hniitli, Mun'
Friday. April lM
Stewsrt In
The Silent tiit.
and .vcryboi!r'i
If" Arburkla h 1
-.Saturday. April
rrlno l alvrrt Itt
Also dsndjr Cctf
r. - u Unn&il.
nuiliinr "M ",u g
i 7 - 2 8 "TA B ur "i
Tuesday, April
Kalliljn Willi""
A 'AL '?k.T ,kf' T-n-Wirri v
April 30th
An Extra
and at the
same old
Li 10c and 20c
r7 tttz i ioc and w
Tavlor Holmpc i "itq a ncAR"
ti.i iu ,r, ww m. j r ULinn
Mborlv ,.,'.. 'T"U'" 1",VK burn relenHod last ii.nn.h nn the 16lh. HO t1l
you don't f..ol llko lauglilnV'V,',?,'. "'lH 1",'R,uro' h niado for liiKbs only, "
Irali.e.l I i.... ' li. . """I sen this lilcl
itiiW Will niiiUn i,,... i t mo buiiiu ,
- vni Willi 1' I lie HI... I. In ! I IMIII UUU
. . ..-II
One diiy only,
wl.oI.Hon.,, tho iory K 7. VlU ,aUl,tur
2WMH. AIho r two-rt-ol (Toiift. tMniX Cun Bt!0
most unin.liiK, slupenduoiis
film production In tli ti
world's history
Tarzan ol the Apes
n Wednesday, April mitl
we. present. T,(. ,.,;
' b.H latest laiiKh-prou,,,..
"ig feature comedy
, "IT' A BEAR"
The Idberty ',et,. ltt ,.
ways on tho tt1;rt for
V'y best pictures -Wlal
Jsoooot) m "r"'" nl a -'t '
n scenes M;!'y.,hrl!1,,,K ,w '"-
Moiiii,.. , ., ' '" Two "I"""" n
'""'day H(iirtli,K Ht 7,(B ( t
Me. Adullg arc. I.OKQS 60c.
Hi" Z ?l i," r1"01 10 "T"
..f C;..n?lr; lo,.b ". t
nilsH ti,nu . ' ""l ,0- "ut don t
88 Uvm lw" wondurful pictures.
It rts in l"
The CostotHifj,1
..... Mr 's
Also R 2-r'