r r Yr TF3 VR I I 1 I I n I U 4 . rUR new spring suits comprise every fashionable mo- TN the furnishing lines our stock is unusually mmipfp U del, mens' staple styles and young mens' snappy IshawingsMr designs with fancy touches, such as wa st seams, slash and a large varie ty of other thiJSn V pockets, military backs and other novelties. All popular fabrics in solid colors and mixtures you'll like them, be- We carry a full line of workingmen's clothes at most rea- causetheyarewelltailored,perfectfitandup.to-theminute sonable prices and invite your inspection Home of Hart, Schaffner and Marx STYLE, SERVICE, SELECTION, SATISFACTION lart fdnflfa Men's Durable Dress and Work Sox Fine Lisle, Silk and , Cotton 15c to 75c Black, White, Cray, Navy, Lavender, Palm . Beach and Fancy B. V. D. Union Suits $1.50 Dress Shirts FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Soft, Coat Sty!e, Military Col- f n lar, stripes and plain J)1 10 pZ.0U Soft Flat Collar Each $1 t0 $2.50 Whitman's Soisette in plain white .,, Each $1.50 Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs Summer Underwear B. V. D., Scalpax, Lisle. Cotton and Light Wool Shirts and Drawers, also Union Suits. $1.50 and Up Bathing Suits Suit Cases and Bags Umbrellas and Men's Notions. Come and see them. We delight in showing our goods. Dress and Work Gloves Clothing Guaranteed satisfaction in our Made-to-Meas-ure Department, by "Dick for Duds." A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE Engineer's and Firemen's Heavy Cotton Socks Black and Tan Special at 20 cents This is an exceptionally good number for hard wear. Union Made Bib-Overalls $2.00 Collars Stiff Collars, all shapes and sizes Each ..20c Soft Collars, pique and silk . Each 20 and 25c OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Union Made Waist-Overalls $1.50 Men's Work Shirts Union Made Hickory, Blue Chambray and Khaki. We specialize on the celebrated "Dreadnaught." "You all know. . oc? it." Price V.$1.J5 Overcoats Men's Fine Dress Pants DURABLE WORK PANTS in Khaki, Drill, Whipcord, Corduroy and Cottonade. Prices to suit all comers. Buy now. Lee Unionalls Union Made Flannel Shirts 1 STAG SHIRTS FOR LOGGERS COTTON AND FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRTS FOR MEN LINEN DUSTERS' Paris and Boston Garters Single and Double Grip. "FLEXO" ARM BANDS Cotton Fibre and Silk 10c 15c 25c Sealpax Union Suits $1.50 Golf Shirts A very large assortment just arrived, both Stiff and Soft Cuff, in Fancy and White. Never before in St Helens was such an ex tensive line shown Prices from ... $1.50 tO $3.50 Neck Wear 50c, 75c,;$t00 Hats All the best makes, including , Mallory Con queror. A large number of Crushers, Straws i and Panamas. ; Caps in Wool, Cotton - ' and silk :. 50c and Up? Wool Sox Our Clothing stock consists of a variety not to be excelled HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX All-Wool Suits $25.00 and up. Dress and Work Suspenders Silk Shirts MEN'S BELTS OIL CLOTHING ' ' - ' MACKINAWS and SWEATERS