I ST- HELENS MIST, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 g .AYED WITH SHELLS r,, Soldier Juat Kept a-Prayln' M-Kuniiln' mi lt.lo1iiiK ,..f. i,t hut work In tlia Una L il.n relink uh fervor of negro a which liovtT IB inr iniiii inu i, tul this nspnet of the flght- Liltl occupies a prominent place ),i rcnilliirlHm 01 wuunuuu hkiu ,.r returning to tlilH canton- TlU'lr stories Of inn nnu mm lli'Sl ll)Mll of the tight places were In ro Inged In almost ....... i.v ilia conviction Unit li.linrii Intervened In tlinlr pr- ..if k jiiMi I'rlH spotted UN hull bun ,,..u an" tu n Hum onrregon ret Urt In to a niKln' prayeh meetln" a HiTKount. Pen we oniiuiiieii ,l, l' Hul an win no iwn u ct I..IH H'rll.M. ilry Jes' ske- L'cv'y w'lch wnyii." into CliurK'H waiaer oi mo , liifuiilry. o "ruKln' prayeh " of olio, wbh cited for his ,,, to iimy !n ciirryliiK men under f!rn when ull tlia otliai rH or outfit hud boon kiiieu illlnll'll. j,.M- ki-p' n prnyln' an' a-run . i ..... i. I... .... I.I .... B, a imkik'o ( l,u ' Hie Hiirn kep' Kti') wld mo, nut l nun how ho ilono It. I Job hilly layl hide seek 01. irnK will sheila al ovnh France, In. lul wen i!n biggest of nil come i ppln' u Ion k I wiix riKlit out In 1. 1.' mi 11 li 1 1 1 hole iiIkIi. Hon Kiillln-KH, III! H'UI l'X IllK X WW 1 ili'in HlKlit mo Muru wliouli lilt ,:wiih'. I flop like a rulililt un iml.llii ili yi'lli reckon 1 land- iiIi Iiit'ii 1I11I ol' shell (Ilil. l.ilil llii'uli it-tiilkln' to JimUh i'. I ruiilil I'll a-walchlli' (lut ol' ull (In Hum. 1 seen httr fal'ly in' lii'xn'r outcti da groun' er- 111' In bus'. Mut. thank do good tin' unit er-huiiipln' an' er- 11111I cnii' off fo' bIki iiinili! inln' w'ut hIiu kwIiio do nex'." In' IQUSKHOLD HINTS .iter III which rice ha lii'cii IkiIi V a capital Hi IllK to una for mix- ke. w.'.yn keep yo'ir gas Htova per- p clean, tins can nut give out I'ui through dirty burners. 11 dlnhi'M unci! fur cook I un havo :iki ilihi iiliirml. run 'them wilii Kali until nil main In removed, huke put.itoe quickly, lot tlll'lll In 1 1 it 1 is Will r fur a fix huH before putting tliciii in the mil piirtx of parrnffln and I; r miiki) a good and cheap ftir- pullnli; he (iu re to Hliuke the lii-foro iihIiik. i: Ht it In m In linen should lie 1 In cold water never In hot, would niuku them uIiiiohI ini I" to remove. hn.'.rlilo boiled In milk, nor- custards, etc., wll autnniutlcnl t In HtirrliiK as the liiiild cooka, 1 prevent burniiiK. HANG ON TO YOUR LIBERTY BONDS NoIIiIiik abort of pressing npee. ally should lead holders of Mberly bonds to aell them. In some paru of I he country the mile of government i" iu piii'ciiaHn worthlei.g n doubtful MtockH IniM beeoniH an open Hcandiil. NothliiK In aacred okhIiihI the wlli'B of the rapucloun Hharka who nro lnilucln people to exchange their Rood Roveriinn-nt IhkhIh fur worllib'KH "Hecurltlea" not even the patriotic micririce mailii by their vlc IIiiih to aid the country In lt time 01 peril. In other eiiHea holde.-a of Liberty bondH nro tiellliiK them at a aacilflcr to buy luxiirli-H and Indiili-eureB TheMO people, perhnpH thouKhtlnaa ly, are eoniinltlliiR n .hree-fold vronR. They wrotiR their Rovern llient by heloliiir In luimtiinr ,l,.u,n credit. They wrotiR oilier holderH of roveriiiiieni iioiiuh, liecaui; every Bale him 11 tendency to Impelr the market value of the whole Rove'iiment Imbuo. And tliey wtoiir theniHi'lveH and their fa 111 1 1 ! by frlCerhiR nwr.y their aav- lllRK. IIoimIk nciiulreil by aelf-denlnl are In themHelves of great value; hut Oi renter value Ih I ho habit of hiivIiir Inculcaled In iiiIIIIoiib who never anved before. If that habit Hhould now be broken the men and women who break It will lone not only their biivIiikb, bul In till probability will be turnliiK from the road leading to competence and Independence to the I'lmroBe path of extravagance, which, though pIciHant for (lie mo ment. leaiU on to dependence, pover ty and a mlBorahlo old ai;e. a purty REDUCING THE BRITISH ARMY London, l.irch 1, The Hrltlah army at home and abroad, exclusive of the force In India, now numbera 2,600 ono men and l being reduced to r2,000, according to a while ra- per IBtiied ly tlia government today. The army of the Ithine, Including Iroopa In France and llelglum. will roiiBiBt, after deiiioMII.atloii, of 23, 000 olflciTB and 380.000 uien Ini's liua Bloppdu nmoking." at n where hla frlenda coin navlng money." XOTH'K OK UNA!, SKTTI.KMKXT IN T1IK COfNTV COirilT OF THE STATE OF OltK.OON KOIl COL t'MHIA COUNTV. In t lie Matter of the KHtute of I'etcr llorgrvn. Deceased. Notice la hereby given that tho tin deralgned, an Bdinliilatrator of Hit, eHlata of I'eter liorgren, deceaaed. has filed hla final account in tin. County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and that Sai unlay the 2th day of March, 181'J, at the hour of 10 A. M , of aald day and the Court room of aald Court has been appointed by said Court aa the timo and place for the hearliia of objections thereto and tlia set tlement thereof. Dated and first publlnhed I'ebru ary 2K, 1919. A. U. STONK, AdmliilHtrittor of the Entata of I'eter lloigren, Deceaauu. V. A. lIurrlH, Attorney. 11-15-51 "Dat ol' man o' yuhs la good provider, all rliflil " "Dut's where he ahows his gooo nnnsn," replied Aunt Chloe. 'll'rt rullier bah me ue this yero skillet for a uteiiHlle than a weapon." SIMMONS IN TIIK CIltCUIT COURT OF THE biaik t)F OHKGON FOR COL L'MIIIA COUNTY. IlfSBie Marie Hall, Plaintiff, vs. John M Hall. Defendant. To John M. Hall, the above named uerenaant. In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ud pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled sull and Court on or before the 12th of April, sum date being more than six weeks after the flrzt Duh- llcatlon of this notice and summon and for went thereof the plaintiff win apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for In her complaint, to wn: For b decree dissolving the IioikIh of matrimony now and heretofore existing between yourself and the plaintiff herein and dor permlnsion to nerearter resume her inalilei. name, to-wlt: Ilessle Marie Von Keggern. This summons Is served unon you by publication, pursuant to an order of tho Honorable W. J. Fullerton, Judge of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for Columbia Coun ty, made on the 27th day of Febru ary, 1919, and entered of record. First publication,. February 28 1919. I.ttHt publication, April 11, 1919 W. J. McMAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff Worcester Building, Portland, Ore NOTICK TO CHKDITORA IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL- UMHIA COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Emma liult, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the hi derslgned ban been appointed ad mlnlatrator of the estate of Emma Hull, deceased, by the County Court of Columbia County, State of Ore gon, and has duly qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned ai his residence in Columbia County. Oregon, Postofflce address, Timber, uregon. Dated and first published. Febru ary 28th, 1919. II. A. WILSON, Administrator. W. A. Harris, Attorney. St. Helens. Oregon. 11-16-51 Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold at Market Quotations SHERMAN M. MILES PERRY GRANITE CO. EARL PERRY, Mgr. 301 4th St. Portland, Oro. Designers and Manufac turers of Monuments Deal with us direct and thus save agent's commis sion. For Good Work, always the cheapest. OWN A HOME btart the New Year right by buying a Lot and building a New Home, or one already built at a bargain. Have cveral good buys at original low cost and on easy terms. Insure your home and contents against accident. Also insure your family against future want by a life in- rance policy in one of the largest companies. L. R. RUTHERFORD PHONES-Office. 123; Residence B-38 SUMMONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK STATE OF OREGON TOR COI-- UM11IA COUNTY. I.llllun E. Jackson, Plaintiff, YB. F. C. Jackson, Defendant. To F. C. Jackson, Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to an pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 2 1st of March 11V( that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order of Court for the publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and ans wer, the plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and apply to the Court above numed for the re lief demanded In said complaint, to wlt: For a dissolution of the bonds of matrimony eilsting between plaintiff and defendant and for the custody of the minor child. This summons is published by order of the Honorable W. J. Fullerton. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia Coun ty, made and dated February 0, 1919, which order prescribes that service of summons. In this suit, he made upon you by publication once a week for six consecutive weeks, which time will begin to run from the date of the first publication here of, to-wlt: February 7th, 1919. Last ruhllcMlon, Mirch 21, 1919. R. W. HAGOOD mid J. W. DAY, Attorneys for Plr.lntlff. Post Oflce Addross of R. W. Hcgood, 311 Journal liulldlns, Portland, Oregon. Residence and Postofflce Address of J. W. Dy, St. Helens, Oregon. NOTICK TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Notice Is hereby given Alit the uu derslgned has been appointed ao mlnlstrator of the estate of Stephen b. 1 line, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, fo. Columbia County, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly veri fied as by law required, to the under signed at the banking rooms of tin. Columbia County Rank, tn St. Hel ena, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Febru ary 28, 1919. SHERMAN M. MILES, Administrator. J. W. Day, Attorney. 11-16-61 ST. HELENS HOTEL K. A. KOKiKIl, Prop. WW WHsfatkMiktsAsMsMsw hvan and Kuropean Plan All Busses Call at Hotel Everything Modern Steam Heating Plant UPt and Cold Water la Itooma The Central Confectionery -ALWAYS HAS HOT and COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM and SODA FOUNTAIN DELICACIES HOT CHICKEN TAM ALES PLAIN and EGG MALTED MILK DRINKS CIGARS, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY The Central Confectionery ROY A. STEWART, Proprietor i SUMMONS KOU Pl lJI.ICATION IN KOUKCUWI UK OF TAX IJKS i IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL j UMUIA COUNTY. ; II. M. Wharton, Plaintiff, i vs. J. II. Drr.ke nnd also all other per B3ns or parties unknown claiming any right, tltlo, estato, Pen or iu- te'-esl in tho ronl estato described I in the complaint heroin, Dofend- 1 ants. To J. H. Drake, tho above named de- i fendant. I In tho Namu of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby notified that II. M. Wharton the holder of Corti I f Icate of Delinquency numbered 19.1 Issued February 17, 1917 by the lax Collector of Columbia County, Ore gon, for the amount of. Three ana 10-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent foi taxes for tho year 1914 together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon tho real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated In sala County and State, to-wlt: Lots num. borod Ten, Eleven and Twelve in Mock numbered Forty-five, In the Town of Columbia City, Oregon. You are further notified that said II. M Wharton has paid taxes on said premises for subsequent yearb ai follows: On February 17, 1917, he pulu 12.48 taxes for 1915; on January 22, 1918, he paid (1.76 taxes for 1916; and on June 8, 1918, he paid $2.07 for 1917, with Interest on saio. amounts at 16 per cent por annum. Said J. II. Drake as the owner of the legal title of tho above described property as the same appears of rec ord, and each of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that aald II. M. Wharton will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing the Hen against the property above described, and men tioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear with in sixty days after the first publica tion of this summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and de fend this action or pay the amount due as above shown together with coBts and accrued Interest and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable W. J. Fuller ton, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia, and said order was made, and dated this 10th day of February, 1919, and the date of the first publi cation of this summons Is the 14th day of February, 1919. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at St. Helens, Oregon. J. W. DAT, Attorney for the Plaintiff. SIMMONS I'Olt PirUI.ICATION IN 1 OIUCCI.OHITU: OF TAX 1.1 ION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE'; STATE OF OREGON FOR COI UMUIA COUNTY. Mis. Wm. K. Schneider. Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. Nick Larson, widow of Nick Larson, deceused; Nick Larson, Jr., and John Doe Larao:!, heirs of Nick Larson, and all cll.er jer-l soiih, unknown, if uny, having or1 claiming to have any right, title1 or Interest In tho real property j hereinafter described. Defendants. ' To Mrs. Nick I.r.moii, widow of Nlcit ! Larbon, deceased; Nick Larson,: Jr.; and John Do Larson, heirs' of Nick Larson, tho aoovo named ! defendants: In the namo of tho Stale of Ore-! Kon: You nre bereby notmea that! MrB. Wm. F. Schneider, the holder. of Certificate of Delinquency num bered 247, issued on the 6th day of October, 1918, by tho Sheriff of Col umbia County, State of Oregon, for the amount of $14,911, the same be-. Ii.g the amount due for taxes for the , year 1913, together with penalty, in-, terest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you nro the owner as appears of record, situated In said county: nnd stato, nnd particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the quarter post be- tween Sections 7 and 1 8, Township 7 north, Range 4 west of the Wil lamette Meridian and running thence south 1100 feel; thence east 441 fnpl nnd 10 inches: thence north 1100 feet, and thence west 441 feet and 10 Inches to the place of be ginning, containing 10 acres of land,: iu Columbia County, Oregon. You are further notified that Mrs. Wm. F. Schneider has paid taxes on said pioperty for subsequent taxes with tho rste of Interest on said amounts as follows: j Year's tax, 1916; date paid Octo bor 6, 1918, amount $11.83; rato of Interest, 12 per cent per annum, j Year's tax, 1916; date paid Octo ber 6, 1918; amount $10.30; rate of ! Interest, 12 per cent per annum. Year's tax, 1910; date paid Octo ber 5, 1918; amount $8.00; rato oi interost, 12 per cent por nnnum. j Year's tax, 1917; data paid Octo ber 6, 1918, amount $7.27; rate of interest, 12 per cent per annum. Said Mrs. Nick Larson, widow oti Nick Larson, deceased; Nick Larson,! Jr.; and John Doe Larson, heirs of; Nick Larson, decoased, as the own- j era of the legal title of the above de scribed property as the same appears ' of record, nnd each of the other : person above named are hereby further notified that Mrs. Win. F. I Schneider will apply to the Circuit! Court of the county and stale ufore- j said for a docree foreclosing thej lien agninst the property above de scribed and mentioned in said certt-i flcalo. And you are hereby sum j moned to nppoar within sixty (CO) I days after tho first publication of; the summons exclusive of the day ot j said first publication, nnd defend ' this action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costb ' and accrued Interest, and in case of your failure to do so, a docree will be rendored foreclosing the Hen of said taxes and coBta against the land and promises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable J. A. Enkln, Judge of the Circuit Court of the, State of Oregon for the County ot Columbia, and snld order was made and dated this 23rd day of January,' 1919, nnd the date of the first pub-' llcatlon ot this summons Is the 31st day of January, 1919. I All. process and papors In this pro ceeding may be served upon the un-1 derslgned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter; mentioned. j C. D. CIIRISTENSEN, j Attorney for Plaintiff.; Address: 1403 Northwestern Bank; Uulldlng, Portland, Oregon. : for LUNCHES SHORT ORDERS ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS FOUNTAIN SPECIALTIES CONFECTIONERY CIGARS TOBACCO Come to MASON'S St. Helens. Oregon Ji 7T Cut Glass We have received an elegant line of Cut Glass. Your inspection is invited. II II Clocks A good clock is an in despensable article. We are sv.re you can find just the clock you want if you will look over the many in our store. ii II Von A. Gray Telia. Is Jeweler Watchmaker ST. HELENS, OREGON IT II Seasonable Merchandise Our store is filled to overflowing with seasonable articles. DRY GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HOSIERY, ETC. A line of SPRING GOODS has just come in and await your inspection. The High Cost of Living May be reduced by patronizing our GROCERY DE PARTMENT. We handle none but the best of goods and our prices are lower than you can obtain elsewhere. A. T. KIBLAN Phone 35 (Houlton) St. Helens, Ore. Free and Prompt Delivery The People's Market Saturday Meat Bargains In order to help you save on the amount of your meat bill, we have decided to have special prices on meats EVERY SATURDAY This will enable you to get your supply of good, tender meats for your Saturday and Sunday meals at a lesser cost. We handle none but the best. GROCERIES, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Give Us a Trial and be Convinced The People's Market Phone 40 St. Helens, Oregon Try Tills For Hour Stomaeli. Gat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly. Eat but little meat and none at all for supper. It you are still troubled with sour stomach take one of Chamberlain's Tablets before going to bed. KIRK! 1'IRK! FIKE! I1UK! See E. E. Quick, St. Helens, and Insure your property tn the Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMlnn vllle, Oregon. Don't put It off. M. D. KUNUSON, Agent. Beds- from 6-75 up WE CARRY THE FAMOUS Simmons" Beds The 2-inch post beds are of sheet steel and nearly as light as brass beds Can be had in different finishes to match the dresser. If in need of a bed come and see us. E. A. Ross THE HOUSEFURNISHER MASONIC BLDG. ST. HELENS