LIST OF TRANSFERS hieuorted by Columbia County Ab t,rl Company. March 4 ...Hi Trimt Co.. to Liiimol lluncork et ux; Imiu in iwciiuii , i' i lii 7 worm. lunge Wt urn llryant et ux to Ne- .1 Vullnv Tout of kl....ntlnlR! Lot 3. Mock h, Town of lllrkcnfeld . . March B .... (looi-ll & Co.. to FIkS NlelHon, land In Soc- a. Township . ( k'..rll, If II II If O 2 WOBt . . Lis nIdIhoii et ux to Akor- ,,n Uooeh ft t o., lann i, Section 35. Township North, Huiik" 2 Want ml Section 2, Towimlilp it N'nrili. limine 2 West M. Ilellen ot ux to elm. . Anderson ot ux, Ixjts , 3, 4, K, ni!l 6, lllock 4 Veer IhIiiikI. uImo liintt In R.KtloiiH 7 mid H, Town ship 6 North, Itanxu 1 9,'l'Hl March 7 II. (illlee et ux to P. A. Luinhnr: lend In Sections il, 20 mill 21, lownshlp North, HiwiK wosi A. I.umlmr to 0. J. yiii!itK""'ry; land In ctloim 10, ZD on (l 21, fiiwimhlp North, feature 2 Wont n llmirlk Wnlkuma ot x to Leonard Haiirl; Ip.nd li Suction 2U, TownHlilp North, uaiiico 4 west . mule 1". folllnn et ux Kditur K. Co'vln; U1 1.4, uml & of Whlttens uliillvlNion of Ixt or tract 3 Tlclicnors 1 Ht kilitltlon to ClutHkanlo. March 8 HolslioiiMor to Klltn- L-th Kluhror; lund In lortlon 32, Township 8 fcuMh, HniiRo 3 Wt . 10.00 100.00 10.00 10.0U 600.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 EXAMINATION AT COBLE ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. MARCH 14. 1919 500.00 J us United Stall- civil service commission ImH announced rn ez cmlnntlon for the county of Colum bia, Oregon, to be hold nt Ooblo on nil."1. ".'..""V1 U to the position of rurnl curie,- at Uohlo and Warren and vacancies that may latiT occur on ru'ul routes from other poMt offices In the above-mentioned county. The examination will bo open only to male citizen who nro actually domiciled In the tern lory of a pout office In the county and who meet the other requirement ret forth In Form No. 1977. This form and application blank may he clilalned from the office mentioned above or from the United Htales Civil Rervlce Commlioilon at Wash ington, li. C. Application Hhould be forwarded to the Commission .i W'BMhliiKton at the earliest practi cable date. 1 IXAl. NOTICK .!' II KA HI NO t) llU'nl'i'ili IN TUB COPNTY COUIIT OF THIS BTATK OK OltKOON FOIl COL- UMMA COl'NTY. In the Matter of the Estate of K. I. Kester, DecenHiid. Notice I hereby given that the un derHlKiied u the executrix of the es Inte of K. V. Keler, deceaHed, ha filed In the above entitled court, her final account In uld estate, and ald court ha et ald account for hear ItiK on the 12th day of April, 1919, at the hour of tn nVlrwk ,.r ...m ,i ..' . . . v . ..' en nu iiuriun interested in laid estate 0f April, v,v i.M.ii;i iu iiiq lllllir oo JectlotiH, If any, to ald nccount on or before Bald date, or be forever bar red from assorting amo. Date of first publication, March 14. 1919. Date of lunt publication, April 11. 1919. JOHANNA E. KESTEIt, Kxecutrlx. Hl'MMO.NH ,NTi!lijyu??,i:E conuT n,s- 7mi.kINO ONK. COLUMBIA COl'NTY, OHKUON. H. !. Uren and E. 8. Karsen. pullers 011111 bUHlllOM a Lumen Co., 1'lalntlffs. 0. W. Moore and Jane Doe Moore, true name unknown, husband and wife. Defendant. To (. W. Moore and Jane Doe Mooro, the above named defendant: In the name of the Htate of Ore- Kon. you are hernhv ran. .1-0.1 ... pear and aniwer the complaint fllea acclnat you in the above entitled fourt and cauo on or bedore the 26th day of April, 1919. gald day belnu after the expiration of alx weok from the date of the firm pub lication of thin Hummon; and If you full to appear, for want whereof, the pliiluttff will apply to the Court lo the relief prayed for In their com plulnt, to-wlt: For a Judgment agaltiHt each of ou In the um of $86.60, and foi their cohU and dlebumoments of thin action. Till Hummon i publlHhed by or der of M. F. Hazen, Jutitlce of the I'ouce for District No. One, Columbia County, Oregon, which order was made and entered on the 12th day 01 March. 1919, and the time prescribed for the publication thereof U rix week. boKlnnlriK with the liwue of the 14th day of March, 1919, and ending with the home of the 25th day iam. M. V. IIAZKN, JuRtice of the Peace GLEN It. METSKEft, Attorney for Halnllffs. Itenlilence and Post Office addreB. St. Helen, Oregon. XOTICK UV Ht'llVEY TO lift MAIK ItY tXlXTV HCKVKYOIt To J. O. Llbol, J. H. Aldrld?o, Mr. -una wniuig, uavld Vhittlg, H. Jopmin, J. A. Van Volkenberg, Mr. 8. B. Stewart of the Nehalem In veHtment Company, Anton Blrken feld: Notice I hereby given that pur suant to a notice and reijuent thai the location of the center corner of Section 15, T. 6 N., It. 5 W. of W. M. Ib uncertain and cannot be ascer tained without a ' proper Hurvey of the center line of ald Rectlon, and the owner of part of said section re quested that the center lines be sur veyed and the center corner of sal.; Section 15 be ., permanently estab lished and marked. Notice Is hereby given that on the ith day of April, 1919, I will pro coed to makn rnirli n,, ,i ,.. tablish the center corner of said Sec- won iti and mark the same according to law, of which you and each of you will take notice. I. .T VlMnilQllnvcM County Surveyor of Columbia Cotin- 1, uregon. 13-15-3t Mad Taxte in Your Month. When you have a bad taste lu your mouth you may know that vonr digestion Is faulty. A doso of Cham berlain' Tablets will usur.lly correct I the disorder. They a' so cause a gen tle movement of the bowels. You will find this to be one of the best medi cines you have ever become acquaint ed with. Mist Want Ads for Result. mnih Sag Ainumttat (Elmrrlj WEST ST. HELENS SUNDAY, MARCH 16tb,7:30P. M. Modern Spiritism DO THE DEAD RETURN? DO THEY MATERIAL IZE? CAN SIPIRTS OF THE DEAD BE PHOTOGRAPHED? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? Small CostQuick Wont Ada. Hesults Mist CHURCH NOTICE I) mouth CoiiKri'iJiilliiiiiil (luirrli The "Wide Awake Chit ch" lllumetto and Columbia Street Itev. A. It. Spenrow, Pastor iimlny School, 10:00 o, in. ruing hour, 1 1 .00 n. nr. uliJiTt, "Human Orguus." In. Mr. r.dgar M. Cramer. Iirlstluii K:ideavor, 6:30 p. m. liihji'ci. "Knvy and Covetousness." 11 K Kirvli'i', 7:30 p. in. mlor, Mr. Oleiin Wood (lelvln. Iveiiing Hour, 8:00 p. m. iiliJi'H, "A Fool There W11," bi Hiiliji'ct wan announced for Inst 'lay, March 9, but because of the nil service held on that date wo 01 continue that subject till com .inliliulh evening. Come and x your friend. Weekly Activities .iriihi'iis Club. Mondny. 7:30 n. 111. rruyer Meeting, TUurml:-y, 7:30 holr Ilehoprstil, Friday, 8:00 i MrtliiKllst Kpiscopal iliurt'h Ht. Helena and Houlton Albert 8. Hlsey, l'nstor "Xt Sunday, March 16, will brlnt ices of unusual Intoroiit to all. uiidiiy School. 10:00 .1. in burning Worship, 11:00 n. ta. iitiililnatlou service at Houlton. 0 p. m. pworih iAmgun, 6:30 p. 111 vonlnir Sorvlcus, 7:30 p. in rnjiT Meeting at Houlton. Tecs- . 7:110 p. m. lid -week Meeting Rt St. Helen. neMiiiy, 7:30 p. in. I lie morning sorvlco will bo con- "'I In the literem of the child .-en. Chlldritn'a Choir, which has in under the trnlilng of Miss I .a lor severul weeks, will make Its 11 P pea ra lice. Parents and In n are Invited to nttend. Where 1 wll'le. let the paront nnd children! together. In the cvenlns we will a popular evangelistic service. "Thu Friendly Church" It l VI.' UTlTL'XIt'll' ( barter No. 11200 . Iteserv Ileport of Condition of f If 1 1 . .in. 11 r. rinni .ha r I II .n A I, II A N K nt St. Helens In tho Btate of Oregon, at the close of business on March 4th. ItetHiurce a Loan and discounts. Including rediscounts (except thoso shown In b and c) $54,389.95 Overdrafts, secured, f none; unsecured $38.76 1'. H. ImhiiIh (other than Liberty Bonds, but In cluding t?. H. certificates of Indebtedness): . a U. 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation ( par value) 25 f U. 8. bonds unit certificates of Indebtedness 000.00 000.00 owned and unpledged 1 i.iiicriy 1 .on 11 iioiuin: a Liberty Loan Bonds, 3, 4 and i per cent, unpledged 2,600.00 IUhiiIh, Miurltlco, etc. (other than U. 8 ): b Bond (other thnn U. 8.) pledged to secure postal Ravings deposits 9,500.00 e Securities other tliun U. 8. bond (not Includ ing stocks) owned unpledged 6,169.83 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. 8. Slock of Federal Heserve Bank (50 per cent subscription ) .... a Value of banking house, owned and unin cumbered : 4,169.41 h Equity In bunking house . .' Furniture and fixtures .awful reserve wHh Federal Heserve Bank.. Cash In vault and net amounts due from na tloual banks .' Exchanges for clouring house Total of Items 14. 15. 16, 17 and 18. 6,419.14 Itedeniptlon fund with U. 8. Treasurer and duo from U. 8. Treasurer Interest earned but not collected approxU mute on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due Other assets. If any: Due on War Loan subscription $ 64.389.95 38.76 26,000.00 2,500.00 15,669.83 860.00 4.169.41 jl J.UBD.Uil 4,981.99 6,353.30 65.84 1,250.00 949.69 1,046.15 The Boys POOL PARLOR EVEN IF YOUARe" MARRIED You can take her a liox of Chocolates At Our Store You will Find a Dip; Line of ISulk and Bo. Chocolates. ICE CREAM EVERY DAY The Boys M'IM)AH A PETEIWOX, Pmrietor St. Helens, Plioae I27W Central Meat Market We handle and sell none but the choicest of MEATS. Cleanliness and Safety is our motto and when buying from us you are assured of getting only the best. WE WILL BUY Beef Cattle, Hogs, Veal and Poultry and pay the highest market prices. Trade at home and save money. Central Meat Market RAY MORTON' and GEOKGE WILON, Proprietor Phone 60 Free and Prompt Delivery Total Liabilities 24. Capital stock paid In 26. a Undivided profits 1,056.24 682.81 27. 30. 104.00 Ncvontli )y Advenllst ( IihitIi West St. Iloluus. IRulur services held on Sutur- liililmtli School, 10:45 a. 111. rmces following at 12 (noon), r 'kly Pruyor Meeting, Wodnes- p. 111. II. M KNirniTtw T- UVS, Doucon. NOTIrK Tti CXIN'TllAfnkHM UtUnw ri..... iaw 1 n k . "" 111 11 run mi, iviv. t . - t-w(lmp i nui fnnuu e urn "'y Uurt of Columbia County, gUII. HI l ll-l ..... , - xivieiin, wreHUU,. Ullfl urseii "Propona for Oolng th ln Work In Columbia County, w": Happier Koad. Station 24 to I 1 t01l(1 I'lHtrlct No. 3" will bo ."lynd ,,v "ild County Court until !' M., April 2. 1919, and 1 thereafter, and nt that time will p ublicly pI1P1H,d nn(, road ah propoHiil must be made upon !".K. f'r"iH. to be obtalnod from "onuniastor. at his office In St. ' im. Oregon. Must give prices 'Posed boti, )n wrltln Hn, ftK. ' '!'". ,,n"Ht be "iKiied by the bid. "" 11 is undress. ' "in and Bpoclficntlons are on file may be oxnmlned In the office the ( otinty clerk. Mich bidder shall deposit, with his ' - cortlflod check for an amount At Iniiul ri,.A . . . ! ii per com or 111s . .. " l,IB ouniy t iers, I'V. Bhl111 be forfeited to the Coun- ... .use mo award Is made to him, 1 HO shall nnirloM r 11 n. f11?1,)1nrlo' of five day after audi r ' rl Is nimin in i... . . lint . . w 1-l VUll- It ,J .f"? 1,18 'oqu'rod bond. a ah bid rved to reJoct W. J. FULLEIITON, County Judge. JUDSON WEED, Commissioner. A. E. HARVEY, CommlssloneV. H. E. ADUY, noadmaster. 1 a o Jl Wl HUNT, M"3t County Clerk. h Less current expenses, end taxes paid Interest and discount collected or credited, In advance of maturity and not earned (ap proximate) , Circulating notes outstanding 35. Cmililer's checks on own hr.nk outstanding ... Total of Items 32, S.'l, 34 and 35 IM'tiinml di'tMmitH (other than bank (leiMiNllH) subject to Itescrve (deposit payable wltliiu 30 duyB) : 36. Individual deposits subject to' check Tot ul of demand deposits (other thnn bank) deposits! Bubject to Ueuerve, Items 36, 37, ' 38, 39, 40 r.nd 41 63,010.09 Time li'MmitN HiiliJiMt to HrHi-ne (payable af ter 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): 42. Certificates ot deposit (other than for money borrowed) Postal savings deposits Total of lime deposits subject to lieservo, Items 42. 43, 44 and 45 6,347.93 Liabilities other than those i.bovo stated Accrued Interest $121,354.91 25.000.00 373.43 568.87 25, 000. 00" 104.00 C.1,010.99 44 no 2.779.63 3.5C8.40 949.69 Total $121,354.91 State of Oregon, County of Columbia, ss. I, II. A. Chtlds, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear Hint the above statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. H. A. GUILDS, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: CHARLES GRAHAM, SHERMAN M. MILES, J. W. DAY, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 12th day of March, 1919. (SEAL) A. L. STONE, Notary Public. My commission expires March 29, 1920. Roosevelt said- "BankYourCash" In many speeches in his strenuous career, President Roosevelt urged on his hearers the desirability of bank accounts. He said bank depositors make the best citizens. Are you one of the best citizens? Are you a bank depositor? Start an account with us today. No account is too small, none are too large for us to handle. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, $25,000.00 CHARLES GRAHAM, President H. A. CHILDS. Cashier. 3! REMEMBER A few things when you buy a car. When we sell you a car we can give you the best mechanical service afterwards. "Our shop equipment cost us several thousand dollars to equip it to do the best work that can be done. We don't sell you a car on the street corner and never give you any service thereafter. We are here to stay and at your service always. We have the County Agency for the below cars Ford, touring ... $613.95 Chevrolet, touring, 845.00 Velie, all models . . 1725.00 Dort 1085.00 Ford Truck 637.50 Bargains in Used Cars DORT 5-passenger, 1918 $ 850.00 FORD BUG swell car 525 00 1 FOND DU LAC TRACTOR 675.0G 1 FORDSON with plows, new 1135.00 1 1917 FORD Touring ; 425 00 1 1917 HARLEY MOTORCYCLE-com- plete electric equipped, tandem, lamps . . 1 CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLE-1918 . 300.00 150.00 TERMS TO SUIT ON ALL CARS Independent Auto Co. PHONE 71 JOS. L. COPELAND, Manager ST. HELENS, OREGON