ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1919 5 on Irt II ire 101 Ab-li 7M Hot Hurt Sidney Searlea, aged .rl.'i. aged t;Bnni alilt AftW t lf the buyi enlisted In CMjCftry, ii at a ...... hmrta. earij 25 and D. C. dlnn veterans, week on n vlitlt to Iloih At tn 116 unci were lent mm tu A urn. mo wiiii mo .'7r.H1 Canadian battalion. Arriving in KnltlHiKl. the battalion waa broken ' '.mi they were assigned to the "V " ....ll.. uhlrh mam limn l.n- JlKt HSU""""" "M , . tKnin recruited after having lout .,, t of He officers end men. Itoth of the boys w active serv-! .... in fact, after hearing aome of storl". very active service. They were v v 1 iuij Uldne anu wn i w ,vcr the top n w. . iut the amnery nau wruunm inn nsdlsns took the ridge and held it, llhougn ai a greav com. "' ""' in the great alruggie ai ipros ,M the battle of St. Riot, flldney re ived wound in inia name anu i pres. waa gassou. ma orunn'r mi f,.ittr and lost only a part or a ring- A Clime 'all n. C. Searlos, the younger brothei ad a very clone call at viuiy. vv nei. barring a (Jerniun irencn, mere iv an nanu 10 nu ui """ ml a "big husky uerman ununriooa, 1 put hlH nayonoi inrougn ma Blind Inn soldier's head. Searles Id a "quick duck" ai ha expressed uiul the only wound he suffered ' a ! ' n,,rt ot e"r ""I ,.all wound. The German, when lu, unfrfd at Bearlea, pitched forward, 11 4 before he could recover himself, itarlcit had a bayonet between hi lioulditrn. Thla waa the cluneal call n had during me wnoie rigni. Tim older hoy cannot recall much t tint riclitlug. He aald that It untied that he had loat hla memory. (a attributes thla to ahell shock and he long nurvlcn In the trenchea. Ill lr han turned tray and a broken Ight foot still botliora him. The oungor soldier waa sent iiome a lew inntlia before the armistice wai lined, lie had a bud attack of rmich fever and waa recuperating hen peace came. lki Not Tlilnk of Itaath The aoldlera who had gone over if top ao many times, were asked hut waa the feeling just Derore aklng a charge and at the time. Americana Were Big Help Both of the aoldlera give all credit to the American troop. They Bay that the American arrived Juat In time and were good fighters. To a certain extent, they were like the Canadians because they fought "In dliin style" and every man looked out for himself. In thla respect, the Kngllsh aoldlera were aomewhai handicapped for aa the elder Bearlea expressed It "they were always right under the command of their officer, and seemed to have no Initiative." "The Canadian," he aald, "when In battle, fought their own peculiar style ot fighting and the Uermun feared them more than either the English or Australians." Americans In Canadian Army In their battalion were several American who joined the Canadian army just for the love of fighting, and both ot the Boarle say that the American cow-punchers from the west were "some flnhters." It I stated that almost 25,000 American CRAZY MAN INSISTS ON BEING JAILED About 8:30 Wednesday evening, a young mun came to the court house and Inquired for the sheriff, saying he had committed a crime and wanted to give himself up. Tht sheriff not being there, Harrison look him to the jail, searched him and locckd lilin up. - He said he was hungry, so a lunch was procured for him. After eating he sat aulet- ly for some little time when he sud denly got up from his seat and started for one of the Inmates of the jail, and a desperate struggle com menced. It took the combined efforts of four men to get him into one of the cells. The struggle lasted tor fully 15 minutes and every little while chapel which It Is planned to dedi cate next Saturday evening, Febru ary 6. at 7:46. Thla congregation has overcome many difficulties In order to obtain a meeting place and it la with a feel ing of no little aatlsfactlon that they Invite the general public to come and attend thene dedicatory exercis es. O. E. JOHNSON. For small cost and almost tain results there Is nothing equal a little Mist Want Ad. cer-can Dreadful Cough Cured A severe cold Is often followed by a rough cough for which Chamberlain' Cough Remedy has proven especially valuable. Mrs. F. W. Olsen, Marys- ville, Mo., writes. "About two year ago my little boy Jean caught THE TOGGERY Hart, Schaffner $ Marx Clothes joined the Canadian were good fighters army, and all II hands would stop for a rest, and vere cold and coughed dreadfully like the follow who ran from the or da'' 1 trled number of cough ghost, as soon as they got their medicines but nothing did him any breath, they would go nt It again. At;Kod unt" 1 Kave him Chamberlain's i one time It seemed that he would ' tougn uemeay. it relieved nia cougn get away altogether. right away and before he had flnlsh- AfiAv I wan Bii UA. i. A ...- ' erf tftklnz one hott I a he was eiirftd. That the Uormnn troonr. had heen u'a " 11 """r ""f."V "u .i.iu. u i. i... i. . i.iih. .. ,. . - . -ff. 1 I i iiiruugn laugning ai ine way , iun- w tiiun lie came ror Kd mislead by their officers as to Ameri ca's sympathy and help for the allies was established by captured Ger man. Young Searle stated that lie had talked with prisoners after bar Ing assisted In capturing them, anu they (the prisoners) thought Ameri ca was coming to help the Germans. When they found out that the dough boys were on the ground and ready to help the Germunsa the morale of the kaiser's army was badly shaken up. Htorles are True The stories printed as to the atrocities of the German soldiers, both as to the military and' clvl. population, are true and each oi the soldiers told of Incidents they had seen which would hear out tho truth. Germans from the different parts of Germany were quite dif ferent, according to the younger Searles. Homo of the "square hencln" were "quite decent" he said. He had known of many Instances when stretcher bearers had not been molnnted when bringing the wound ed men in from No Man's Land. In other Instances, he had seen the stretcher Hearers shot down when succoring the wounded, and in other Instances, he had seen soldiers wear ing the white band or the Ited Cross bnnd around their arms, shot down 1 when helping the wounded. (iliut War Is Over Itoth of the soldiers are thankful that the war Is over and they can re-j turn to the atock ranch in Alberta. Miller. Owen Carle said "r ine, bring us a wild mau every day; we need the exercise, only next time put the gloves on him so we can do It right." The young man gives hla name as Moacham and his people live at Bprlngfield, Oregon. He haa been working In the shipyard here. Ifllio Bam lilui iiiv . v ww - . Vf.n.i or min la via I li mA tltm mes aoldlors lost, all sense of fesi . . " . - A nd went out and over with just the mine feeling as one starts to work fter getting Into the thick of It, he nit all consciousness of danger and out about the buslnent of killing urniana. The younger brother, who i a well educated fellow and a iilundld talker, aald "It's no trouble r bother to go over the top. A fel- knows he s going over at a cer In time and he wants the 1 1 mo to me so he can start. Of course, a in might get a little nervous before ie start, but after he I started, ho 1 rgotn everything except to kill 1 nrmans and try to keep them from tiling you." He said that the worst rung that comes to a soldier Is to lying In a "funk holo" or In the i-tich waiting for the Germans to large them and knowing that they re coming. "A man can't help but t a little nervous then" he said. hut lie lunes It when he sees the unr heads coming over and begins o set buny with his machine gun or llle." experience, hut wants no more of It.j end the elder brother says It "all i seems like a dream to him." A thlri! brother, who went at the same time. Is In a convalescent hospital In Van couver. He has been wounded severe-! ly several times and will probably be I an Invalid the remainder of hla life. I All of the soldiers expect to go to their farm and re-begln life. Caiuida IVovlrie for Hold lira The Canadian government, when discharging a soldier, allows six months "post pay" and the pay of a private la about 135 per month. The soldiers say this amount will keep them going until they have ngaln be come settled In their bcfore-the-wui ocupatlons. Doth of the boys arn happy that they played a part It. conquering the world's men nee and the hardships endured and the dan gers faced are now almost forgotten in the plans they have for the future. The soldiers had a pleasant visit In 81. Helens and left for their north ern home Thursday morning. LIST OF TRANSFERS Reported by Columhlu County Ab stract Company. January 28 Emma V. Hurrlson et ux to R. 8. Larson: Lot 3, Blk. 122, St. Helens $ 10.00 Junnory 29 Elmer Jolma et ux to Jack i'enttlla: Land In Sec tion 4, Township 7 North Range 4 West Tapp N. Nelson to John A. A. Llndgren: Land in Section 8. Township 7 North, Range 4 West . . Uonj. W. Lowman to George Forster; Land In Section 3, Township 6 North, Range 3 West . . January 30 John V. Logan to Leroy L. Lcvlngs; Land In Town ships 7 and 8 North, Range 5 West A. Ilergman to K. O. Nilson; Land In Section 36, Township 8 North, Range 4 West G. Nilson to J. A. Berg man; Land In 8ection 36 Township 8 North, Range 4 West January 31 Columbia County Invest ment Co., to H. F. Dunn, I'art of Tracts 126 and 128 Beaver Homes .... Columbia County Invest Co., to C. J. Dunn; part of Tract 117, Beaver Homes J. E. Kllhy to E. W. Kearns; Lot 12, Block Illanchards Addition , . . Kebrunry 1 W. Boyce. et ux to J. K 400.00 10.00 1.200.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 425.00 460.00, 470.00 ! HL'MMONH I.N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Mary Stock, Plaintiff, vs. William S. Stock, Defendant. To William 8. Stock, the above nam ed defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap-i pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled i suit on or before the 22nd day of! March, It 19, said date being more than six weeks from the date of the first publication ot thlc summons, and if you fall to so appear and ans wer said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court foi the reliet prayed tor In the complaint i to-wlt: I That the marriage contract and j bonds of matrimony heretofore and ; now existing between plaintiff ana defendant be dissolved, ' cancelleu and held for naught, and that plain tiff have such other and further re lief a to the -court may seem just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof, in the St. Helens Mist, for six consecutive weeks, the date of the first publlcu I tion being February 7, 1919, and the; date of the laBt publication being: March 21, 1919, In pursuance of the order of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of the above entitled Court, 1 and which order Is dated February j 6 1919. CLINTON A. AMBROSE, i Attorney for Plaintiff. : 31 3 H Washington Oregon. Street, Portland, E. Christ Can; Land In Sec tion 18, Township 7 North, Range 4 West. . . 950.00 Adallne Tyler to Lewis Ty ler; land In Section I, Township 4 North, Range 2 West 250.00 H. P. Barrlck to Geo. W. Smith et ux; Land In Tract 91 Beaver Homes. 1100.00 Help to Help the County The St. Helens Chamber of Commerce was organized and is for the purpose of developing Columbia County. The capitalist, the banker, the merchant, the farmer, the laborer and other men who are interested in Columbia County are invited to become members of the organiza tion. Full particulars may be obtained by addressing : ST. HELENS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE St. Helens, Oregon Note : If you live in St. Helens, make your headquarters at the quarters of the Chamber. If you do not live in St. Helens, please feel at liberty to use the rooms. The secre tary will be glad to see you. Th door is open during all the day. CHURCH NOTICE Reliable Merchandising It has now been tust one vear since we located in St. Helens and began to serve the people at our store. Dur ing that time our business has increased and the customers of the firm have increased in number. n - Our Policy Of selling only merchandise of recognized quality and treating our customers right ia responsible for the large business we have enjoyed and we thank you for your con fidence and patronage. Beginning our second year in St. Helens, we wish to inform our patrons and friends that the same policy we have practiced will be adhered to. Thank You! Larsen & Co., Grocers Tlephone No. 27 Free Delivery Plymouth Congregational Chnrch Willamette and Columbia Streets Rer. A. R. Spearow, Pastor February 9, 1919. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning hour, 11:00 a. m. Subject, "What the Lr.w Could Not Do." Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Lender, Mr. Kenneth Howell (a returned soldier). Song Service, 7:30 p. ra. Leader, Mr. Olenn Wood Gelvln. Specials Choir. "I Saw the Holy City;" Orpheus Club. "Returning Faith;" Solo. Mr. 8. B. Ingham. " Evening Hour, 8:00 p. m. Subject. -The Knot-hole In the Fence." Are you getting the best out ot life? .If you aren't you are cheating yourself. We are at your service to Bee that you do get the best. Come and enjoy our services with all the other good people who are enjoy ing them. Ask someone who at tends the church It they enjoy tt and net upon their answer. Our aim la to please God by doing the right thing by the human beings that It ple?-:ed him to create. You're one of them. Meet us half way. Weekly Activities Orpheus Club, Monday night. Bible Study, Thursday night. Choir Rehearsal, Friday night. , Methodist Episcopal Church Albert S. Hlsey, Pastor Services for Sunday, February will be as follows: Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Combination service at Houlton 2:00 p. m. Epworth Lengue, 6:30 p. m. Evening Services, 7:30 p. m. Suhiect for tho morning ser mon. "First Things First." For the nvenln-. "A Reasonable Religion." The four fold objective of the Centenary continue to be the goal toward which we are moving. Our aim Is that every communicant Bhall be a praying, paying, loarntng serv inir follower of Jenus Christ. No place shows more clearly than any other the growing Interest In the program of aggressive Interest more than the prayer meeting. Come once. You will want to come again. Booster Club boys and girls, will meet Saturday, at 2:30 p. m. A cordial welcome awaits you at nil the services of "The Friendly Church." NOTICE OK SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MULT NOMAH COUNTY. Annie Payne, Plaintiff vs. B. R. Rlchter and Bertha S. Richtei, his wife, O. W. Stubblebine. H. M. Seivert. W. B. Shively and Pearl Shively, his wife, P. E. Alvord Company, Inc., a corporation, and Everdlng & Farrell, a corporation. end J. F. Card, Defendants. By virtue of an execution. Judg ment and order of sale Issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 29th day of January, 1919, uoon a Judgment and decree render ed and entered In said court oh thn 24th day of aJnuary, 1919, in favor of the plaintiff and against the de fendant, B. R. Rlchter, for the sum of $24,903.90, with interest there on at the rate of six per cent pei annum from said 24th day. of Jan uary, 1919, for the further sum ot 113.40 coBts and disbursements, and tor the costs and expenses In this writ, and decreeing foreclosure or plaintiff's mortgage described In the complaint in said suit against all the defendants herein, said execution. Judgment, decree and order of Bale commanding me to make sale of the 1UI1UW1UB UUUUUDU HIIU UCIWIIUCU real property, Bttuated In the County of Columbia, State of Oregon, to-wlt: All ot lots numbered one, two, three, four, five and ten (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 10) In Section 20, In Town ship 3 North, Range 1 West W. M. in Columbia County, (save and ex cept, however, from said Lot One (1) in said Section 20, a 5-acre tract in the extreme Northwest part of said lot, rectangler in form measuring 209 feet easterly and westerly on Willamette Slough, and 1045 feet North and South. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment, decree and order of sale, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 8th day of March. 1919, at the hour of 10 o'-i clock a. m., at the front door of the: County Court House In St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, sell at. public auction (subject tc redemp-: tlon) to the highest bidder for cast. In hand, all the right, title and In terest which the within defendants and each and all of them tn the above entitled suit, had on the 28th day ot November, 1915. the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed, or have since acquired In and to the above described property, or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu tion, judgment and decree, interest, costs and accruing coBts. Dated this 6th day ot February, 1919. First publication, February 7tn, 1919. Last publication, March 7th, 1919. E. C. STANWOOD, Sheriff ot Columbia County, Oregon. of :X : t t i . . ! 1 if There is more in buying clothes herS than just the' clothes them selves. There is that after sat isfaction which brings a man back again and again as a regu lar patron of this store Overcoats and Mackinaws Sweaters Loggers' Shirts $6 to $ 1 2.50 "Dick for Duds" Clothing and Furnishings St. Helens, Oregon Seventh Dav Adventlst Church The loiial congregation ot 8. D. A's with the assistance of their friends have nearly completed a neat little SCOTT & LOVE JOY Photographers Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Reasonable ' Photo Gallery next to Colom bia County Bank St. Helens, Oregon Give Us Your Trade and We Will Save You Money Others have learned this and that is why we enjoy the patronage of a large number, all of whom are SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ROY & FREDERICKSEN GROCERS Phone 42 , St. Helens, Oregon . T i. A J r . D Ui. mist vv ant. rius lur rveauns ' X