Become a Member of the Chamber of Commerce Aid in Upbuilding the County Mr H n mmi&mi i trsir OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY PIONEER PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY VOLUME XXXVIII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1919 NO. 8 J ti it ALLAGH INTRODUCES MORE LAW MEASURES SOME ARE GOOD BILLS On Asks tlutt the Halary of the IHb- trlrt Attorney Im Incream-d EdlHon I.- Ballagh, representative from Columbia county, ha Introduc ed several bill In the legislature during the past ten days. Anionic them wu a bill to Increune the itulary of the office of district attorney of Columbia county from $1300 to $2100 per year. The salary com mlttee In the legislature cut the mount to $1800 nnd the bill will (o to the annate as amended. It la stated that the siilnVy appor tioned to the district attorney's of fice for Columbia county Is much less than 90 per cent of the countlea In Oregon, and thnt while the records submitted to the secretary of state how that the district attorney'a of fice In this county had had much more work than a great number of the county attorneya In other coun ties, that the emoluments of the of fice arc not commensurate with the work pai formed and far below the average paid by the state for attor neys who eerve In the capacity of dis trict attorney. i House lllll 148 Amrndod V Ballagh's bill In which he magna nimously rained the salurles of cer tin officials and deputies far above rhat had been voted at the budget, was amended to read "The county court of Columbia County shall fix ad determine the salary and com pensation of all deputies In all county Offices of Columbia county and they ' ball regulate the number. This mendment was In line with a Mil ttroduced giving all county courts , ich authority. Iterall Resolution Introduced Mr, Batlugh, on January 31st, In todueed House Joint Hesolution No. It, which amends Suction It) of Article II of the Constitution of the 1 Jkte of Oregon. The meat of the resolution Is that while every public 'leer In Oregon Is subject to recall ,1 the legal voters, rnd 26 per cent ( the number voting for Justice of t 1 Supreme Court must sign the pe- on demanding the recall, that ' 1 25 per cent of legal voters shall property In the state or elector, i Jlstrlct. as the ense may be, as 1 . irn by the last regular assessment. 1 i ether words, a mnn or woman who 1 ia a recall petition, must be a r erty owner. The present law 'ides that such person shall be a 4 voter. It Is understood that , . resolui'on meets with the ap- al of mnlorlty of the house final members and It Is quite hie that It wilt be passed. I Monday, which was the last for Introducing bills, unlesk were referred to the committee consideration by unanimous con- eome 125 bills wore Introduced. Ig them was House Hill 370, duced by Ilullugh which pro I for essessmoMs of minerals l oils separately from real estate. ' object in this bill, as explained le Mist by the parties who ad- ;ed It, Is the elimination of the ' rrved rights on tracts of lands. '. i bill has some merit and should 14 (.used. . . j,::ik BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY Ciorge A. Link of Goblo, who was r ited last week and charged with E' taring cattle not his property, w. t given a preliminary lion ring bo fol Judge Huzen Monday. The e vi de was against the young mnn. rsRs Iduntifind the hide of the ;htered cow as the property of r'- ler party, Link did not admit the hide, which was Introduced Idence, was the hide from the e had butchered and sold, but 'med that It It was not his cow, 1 guilty of making a mistake a t guilty of stealing cattle. . A. -t hearing the evidence, Judge HaiflB stated that he was not satis fled as to the Innocence of the dt, f ndant, and would bind him over to t rrand jury. Bond was given and 'etendant went home to his His trial will probably be the May term of court. T OFFICE IS v IN NEW QUARTERS I St. Helena post office la now id In the bank building In the ,ers formerly occnpled by E. A . After the mail was dlstrlbU' VedneBday night, force -of men made quick Job of mov he fixtures and supplies from Id quarters and Thursday morn he patrons of the office were d in the new location. The ar iment of the office Ib far bet ann in the old quarters and the has a more "citified" appear- .' A. Ross, the house' furnisher, taken the quarters vacated by ostofflce and In few days will i position to serve his customers i same satisfactory manner I ha did In his former location, Representative Ballagh on the Job at Salem j : 1 1 :r22C - UU YOU WANT I K ALL FV SoMJ . I ; lit jjffc J.. silf A f SOME-OF THAT CITY'S FIRE TRUCK IS NOW ON JOB IS A FINEMACHINE Fire KlKlitlnn Awr.itus Con! Ing :I750 Has Un a IK Iivcrt-il I St. Helens, at last, has a fire Liifllr f. mmltA Mnnilnw H.A.nlnal and was the center of attraction.! The truck Is a Hrockwny truck equip ped with American LnKrnnco equip ment and the price delivered In St. Helens is $3,760. The truck was ordered last March, while K. I. Tinl l:gh was mayor nnd was chosen over numerous other trucks at high er and losser prices. The truck has a wnoel base of 144 Inches and the wheels are equip ped with solid tires. The motor Is A No. 1, a Continental and develops 35 horsepower and the truck Is capable of a speed of 30 miles per hour on good road. Its weight, without equipment, is 0,000 pounds, and with hose, fire fighting equip ment, driver, etc., weight will bn about 8600, so It Is not thought It will be possible to get to places not on well Improved streets. The truck was ordered by Mayot E. I. Uallngh, who was at that time mayor, last March. War condition. prevented the delivery of the truck, and .the council extended the time of delivery. Before the truck was accepted, the 'mayor and each mem ber of the council took a little joy rifle on it, to see how the "million dollar beauty" acted. Apparently tney were perfectly satisfied, as an acceptance was signed and the truck became the property of the city. The mayor Is now "endeavoring to get some one to look after and drive the truck. He does not think thnt the city should spend $3760 for a ploce of machinery without having some one to look after It. It Is proh- able that an attempt will be made to i with the work. As the Mist umlor reorganlze the firo department, so! stands the matter, the estimate ot In caBe there is a fire, the $3760 i several years ago, amounted to about truck can be of some service to the! $80,000. This included a concrete city. The payment of the amount of! inaenteaness incurred in purchasing i the truck will take 40 per cent ofj the entire tax money levied for this it knknnvm ti,a ; have some one to look after this ex - penBlve fixture which la now the property of the city. K IS TO START SOONi SURVEYORSARE BUSY state Kntrlnccrs Now Cross Kertlon. Ing to lYvpurc for lilds Tlint work on the Columbia High- between Scoppooso and Deer Is- lnnd will bo begun at an early date Is Indicated by the presence of several engineers from the state highway de partment who are now engaged In' crosB sectioning the proposed road. Their work is for the purpose of fur nishing data so bids may be asked for the grading of the road. The county court states that prac tically all rinht of way between Scsppoose und the Mcllrlde fill, (Just south of Peer Island) Ii03 been obtained, and there is nothlnc. bo for as the work of the county court Is concerned, to prevent the state highway commission from pre paring estimates and advertising for bids on this section of the highway. It is understood that satisfactory sr rongements hllve 1eon made for the securing of the right of way through the Hegele farm near Scappoose and that the county court has also made arrangements to move the buildings In Houlton which are In the right of way. Although nt the last meeting of the highway commission, this road work was not Included with other ropd projects In Oregon, It is absolu tely certain that the commission has It under consideration. Those In formed as to the situation say that the reason the commission did not take action at thtolr last meeting. was on account of the fact that alt. of the right of way had not been secured and It was not advisable to ndvertise the matter until tho coni msslon was n position to go ahead bridge over Scappoose creek, with. moor ana supplies now mucn nigner, it is probable that the work under contemplation will cost more than $ifinfinn Tiiia mnnna thnt mnrti ! labor win be employed anu tne ais- trlbutlon of the money moans much, I to the community. I ' t COUNCIL WORRIES AT MONTHLY BILLS THEY ARE TOO MUCH Wlu'u PayliiK Ullls City Council Ap- proves of Kconomy About the main item of excitement at the meeting of the city council Monday night was the payment of bills against the city. In the first plnce, the mayor's feelings were ruffled when a bill was presented by the Independent Automobile com pnny for gasoline and oil furnished Walter Bhtkesley (at that time depu ty marshal) and the mayor wanted to know why Walter bought the gas oline. Walter was not there and the matter could not be explained, so the bill was held over so Walter could explain why he bought gasoline and charged it to the city. It Is quite probable that the oil was used on the Ford car which Potter and Blakesley found out in the city park, but inas much as the bill didn't state that fact I, WAB hnlH li n fni furthor ftnnaMoi. ation and Recorder Quick was in-; structed to ascertain what Blakesley did with the gasoline. Hill for Cull Iaka ' a Mil u-o. roooivo fmn, n- ton & Wiggins In the amount Of $125.00. It was for the four cull logs which Mayor Suxon ordered for the floating dock. The amount ot the bill, when it came time to pay, must have sent cold chills up ana down the spine of His Honor, for he i ne Pa8t 'ew $f was brought about ordered the bill held over until th I h the distribution of pamphlets by logs arrived. Another bill which ??me'?n J?w wl' came l?.st .aomari riutnrh ti, nn.ii - Helens Wednesday. The pamphlets telephone bill of about $9 00 There woo a hninnca rarriad fnrworH or.,1 the council could not understand what ' the "balance" represented, neither could Recorder Quick eluci date on the matter except to statu utiit) uii nm umiLor vAiroin iu amiu that "probably it was something that wasn't paid." The councl promptly disposed of this matter by cutting" off thA "hftlRnce" and navlnir whnt wu ,jue for January " , itllflin p.rmKa Aki n ,!? , T T . t , , , Tne Columbia County bank asked for a permit to make necessary re va,,a lu mmr: (Continued on page eight) I THE SALARY RAISE . OF COUNTY OFFICERS TAXPAYERS PROTEST The Mist Is Illumed for the Whole lilamet HuhIithm A few of the county officials are peeved at the Mist. This; the Mist regrets, but, such peevishness could not be avoided. It appears that some of the "high up" officials . are the least bit sore because the Mist dared to .criticize the Ballagh salary bill. The Mist has no excuse to offer, but It will make this explanation. In the first place, the county .officials thought a raise of $200 for each of ficial and $200 per year for each -deputy, would, In a measure, meet the "high cost of living" times. Thlh was suggested to the county court and they, being agreeable to the pro position, prepared the budget, so far as the salaries of county officials were concerned, along the lines Bug gested. The budget was published and few taxpayers, at the bud get meeting, opposed the raise In sal aries. But neither did the county court or the budget meeting know the Ideas of Representative Edison I. Ballagh. Had they, undoubtedly he would have been invited in for con sultation. Ballagh's ideas, however, is that neither the county court nor the people at the budget meeting knew their business. The straight raise of $200 per year for each of ficer and each deputy did not appeal to Ballagh. He thought there should be further raises, so he introduced his bill No. 148, which added $1000 more to the taxes and disregarded the wishes of the taxpayers. But then, that Is not the question. The Mist is blamed for the scrambled up conditions of affairs and just be cause It dared to take issue with Re presentative Ballagh. The Mist be lieves It was serving the people when it dared to comment on Ballagh s bill which was directly opposed to the wishes of the taxDayers. Thi. Mist has no apology to offer to elthei Ballagh or the office holders who in velgled him into submitting a bill directly opposed to the wishes of the taxpayers and the Mist maintains that the taxpayer's wishes as expres sed at the budget meeting should have some weight with Edison I. Bal lagh, representative- from Columbia county to the legislature. It is possible that Ballagh may succeed In slipping his bill through both the house and the senate, for Senator Banks has said that he will abide by the wishes of Ballagh. In the meantime, however, the peo ple of Columbia county may bring pressure to bear upon both Ballagh and Banks and inform them tlia they were elected to represent the wishes of the taxpayers of this county, and not their own personal wishes, and it Is possible that Banks might decide that as he is Joint senator from Clackamas, Columbia and Multnomah counties, he owes some consideration to the people of Columbia county. Should he wak to the realization that he is supposed to represent Columbia as well as Multnomah county and if he has a conscience, it Is possible that he may pay some attention to the numerous letters he has received. If on the other hand, he does not think he is duty bound to represent ColumbU and does not heed the wishes of the taxpayers of the county, the people, as a last resort can appeal to Gov ernor Withycombe and ask that he veto Ballagh's bill. llallagli vs. People So far as the Mist can ascertain, It Is now a question of who shall be heard; the people of Columbia coun ty or Representative Ballagh. It appears that Ballagh now has the inside track and unless the people awaken, he will have hia bill passed notwithstanding their wishes or what they voted for at the budget meeting. CITIZENS COMMITTEE IS ORGANIZED Combat ' Holsheviki Movement Movement Wlilch is Started i An Assembly of 100 people, Ameri- can citizens, met at the courthouse ' ury msm iu uistura way uuu means of combating the baneful in- fluence ot the Soldiers and Workers council, which is being attempted in St. Helens. v The meeting, while considered for i'n Question advocated the taking 1 over of all industrial enterprises una ' the down faH of cama and the! placing of nl industrial and govern- ment functions in the hands ot the council. As every shipyard worker ; ----- .... L came from the dock, one ot these uiui 1110 , response was that at least 100 of the workers gathered at the courthouse n ... 1 .... A 1 1 I ... . t. actions of the agitator. At the meeting last night, a com mittee was appointed to keep In close touch' with the Bltuatlon and every man in tne ussemmy signea the roll to be ready to answer the call ot .America and do his utmost CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GAINING MANY MEMBERS ALL ARE INTERESTED Regular Meeting Attended by Many and Muclr Interest Hhown That the St. Helens Chamber of Commerce fills a long felt and need ed want was forcibly emphasized Wednesday night when 35 men from all walks of life gathered at - the rooms of the Chamber to dlscusi ways and means of furthering the development and interests of Col umbia county. President Morton called the meet ing to order and asked for the read ing of the minutes of the previous meeting. The proceeding was ap proved. Executive Secretary Storla made a report on matters of interest. He reported that the St. Helens Com mercial club had assigned all the.i rights and interests to the newly formed organization. He also read . reports of the committee cn legisla tion. The bill introduced by Re presentative Ballagh as to mineral and oil rights on lands, was read, upon motion, the Chamber approved the action of Mr. Ballagh In intro ducing and standing for the bill. Membership Increases C. L. Wheeler of the membership committee, read a list of those who have become members of the Cham ber of Commerce. Almost 100 names eppear on the list. He stated that oa Wednesday, 24 more members had been added to the rapidly growing list and he was sure that at least 100 more men who were interested in Columbia county, would soon hrvu their applications in. Judge Puller ton and Commissioner A. E. Harvey both spoke on the road situation in the county and gave Interesting In formation as to the building of the Columbia highway from Scappoose to Deer Island. Both of them thought the construction would soon b started and would give work to many men. School Matters , Representing H. E. LaBare, chair man of the St. Helens school boaiM. Prof. King interestingly outlined the plans of the school board as to school work in St. Helens. He stated, also, that the board had advertised for bids for the construction of the new schoolhouse. He asked for the co operation of all citizens Interested in the growth and development of the city and county, to back up the schools, for these institutions were essential for any good community. Social Session Next After the disposal of several other matters. President Morton stated thnt the board of directors had dt. cided that a "social session" would be In order after every regular meet ing. He appointed Charles Wheel er, J. H. Flynn, Sherman Miles and A. R. Spearow to act as 'chairmen of the evening, for each successive meeting of the Chamber and to pro vide so me entertainment after the regular business session was con cluded. J. W. Day. J. W. Allen and A. E. Austin were appointed on the re solution committee and it will be their duty to properly prepare all resolutions of the Chamber. A motion was made and carried that the St. Helens Chamber of Com merce take no part in the troubles which have arisen or might arise be tween employer and employe. Many other matters were brought to the attention of the men present, and acted upon. On the whole, it was a very successful meeting and the interest manifested was very gratifying to the officers of the body. The next regular meeting is Wednes day night, February 19th. ALBERS FOUND GUILTY BY FEDERAL JURY A jury in th9 Federal court in Portland, returned a verdict of guilty. against Henry Alber, million aire miller and a German sympa thizer. Coming up from California, Albers became intoxicated and made "remarks against America and In favor of Germany. His arrest fol lowed. He was charged with making seditious remarks and violation of the espionage law. The defendant, who has lived in Portland for the i iui ia years, pienu uruuncuness a an excuse, but evidently the jury did not consider this In arriving at a verdict. to combat the influences which are trying to tear down the principle ot the United States government. No trouble is anticipated In St. Helens, but the red blooded Ameri- cans seem to be prepared In case i the Bolshevik! start trouble and it is the purpose of the organization just formed to rid the community of j those who are seeking to hinder the l government and city work. . From all reports, those who at- tended the meeting Thursday night. are in no mood to stand for any ac tion which is against the government, and they are pledged to "carry on", the work ot aiding the government,' wliAthai it ha naiM llrnm nr war times. Many are of the opinion that the Workers and Soldiers Council ia but a return of the I. W. W., disguised under the new name.