ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27. lilt Mr. J T. Th to hi fonUM (a- ' V "a"" ' Mrt Hltat J-vaM, who aa-. fVff (:W J W llaat aamtS 'Hr 'AdXn Ca U Ihtai m tffCT IIICTIure a ra at l am af W Ja rartatma day wltt, Mra. Maat to I Portlaarf t InJtora Taauiar NISI NlDllftlfd . Jftaaafm, latt taMaf fw aar lum Partiaait. r .fens br,. ko irna ta ts Taak - . ' h ' ! , Mr aat Km Eraaat ion t'l" im loifttwlMtd, fWM Sc. Kuku': a,-f J' tf Kra A r ftaraaft laftcaibf ara -:.( tha luvlktar aaa-l frtoada ( krtatnn rTaf a'rM for artk M r-i .wit Mr J-vhaa aarrau f Ta a-laataf of Koala !. Oi-f fate, Wuhlaa-fy vaara M7 w'.(l, Mr anl Mr .V O Lar inl lahoata aa4 Jfe.alca artafa la If ft K a (, rf Port- Ina hoiuitr t' artatovka at Ts foli. caaata af'tttal of (all aaffraca ataua to Ua laarf frv4 a fhr1ama dar r aaalala rraak Jm. t' X 'thatr 4atcMr, rMMn to thai; fate to it. i . (:. K ftftrlra ftf tfca Mhrt fra, army, ha ui at (:t Mka.'etty. j It la naln4 taal lk arehiwwt! a nra4i a f rro1 I Fort- rartl hto laafta aa4 yfaraa4 ts jise ta rMif' of tvrl mt" arpaf4 la (iU!tt aUaa f ot laa t M HUv,a lrtM ! mmaatlft thia w.k h aehaol aalltiac. to ltttafc! Mra l IS fwxM, 4mM'f; fuwwna r. Morfow aaif (Una-, oi4 itlMf t bt aaMfcTta4 Thy ? rac an4 tht ff kiMlAMa hi fortlaail tm '". Ponhad, rra !-, r ero44 mc m unniit af iaw riUKd. i 7hr1T A at Ik noma of Mra. Mor- t... ..4 a tk fc ! iha aiaoai board will eall for keia. faoirral of M.i Mr Kiliul MaI Hata 1 ' tatarfc lb Mbx ftau of rortlaal waa'lM arv. to lo' l; .rr.J TT' JT..Z. T" aaa4, aat M to aK pnooabto a 1 to of Mr aa4 Vra W 1. m. t ataka tha 0rrva aa7 f It aa aa hv i " '"" yt bMa wlil b lakmKud tor It la rator4 UUC a kaak CI ba atartt at Warra Is tka aaar fatar a 4 00 lalo a to aiaraaaaii tiit aoeft: aa toatttatloa; vit b U aatroa- to4. Ray SpoaMlac 8. P. A aat. la tfeitttc kto aarvata aaar aaaulavj Carl Rrlaaaar la arttof a(at 4arta kto akaaaca. Cbrtotataa via aalorkbU elbr ad br all ua raabiaata of Wamaj with Maeh to ba tiuukfal for. UttM fomllr gatkartaca a&d a(ckbor aarttoa bm( aa4 axcbaacad tk ao'a graattnr aa4 co4 Uiiovaiiia ara444 ail koaaa. Tbom. HrkaU aa4 tfa of Fort ta4 aoast Ckrlateiaa at Ua Orcai. Barkahtrw cosacaira raaeh. Mlaa UUT Oiaos, IT. wao to oiLot4 is a Portlaisd tuinii. ka4 kr kaa4 ao ba4lr aunj ta a meat C7ta4r Cknataua awralac. t&at axsfucatloa aa acenaarr. Taa raaac U4r to a 4a(&tar of X. y. Otaa of lb la placa. T" ma at taa dm ot Mr jnor- M( , aa4 , f j tna arkooi boar4 win call for kw. C Hortoa. 1 w u , ' Rrrl anatraMora baa kai to at. ,t lhatt of It kafora puA Kltn,t. 1 klB or tka aitaatloa Iba ar M braak ot. all ' f" T.. '' llw to rok aa4 faoiratto airv.M to t t ' 11 1 aaind. a4 M to aKa -obabto mat f krlKtmaa Mr Hf Witt of fvntiB'J ' a at ta koroo of Mr. aa4 Urn. Jr,tt for( fftt A rw4 irr ir!lk ow. rtra rar oM A44roa W. U. (ktStt. 'X,rlf. Hlti, (rtttn f.41 Mr Khrm Mllaa of f'orfan4 ftl fhrlma -4 Thorvtar Kh fi. M)-i frln4. frr, i4 Mr A. f., t'fnrs t! Vnr Ian4 a-a f r.rl'v'ma (na ff In. a4 Mr A i, ff-l. ornataa Irf.a aratioa of ih LalMlof. A'amtftHr Mr. aa4 Mr MaroM V. Hroacbto f XIW Thomooa. gacardar, Ja- Tka tutntr, frank Stoat, la Taa oat f'hrbrtmaa 4r aa4 lha Mik arf 4tft. 4ar alht aa4 to takies oa a lambar ft 4 la Prnua4, tka ( of Mr 1 im1 K Hot'cla Iiaa'al ft ro ' '' dallrary to Cailforal riroahfoa oar.ol, Mr. a4 Mr; t. S. A. la St. M for a fa.'PAr., Tha Ifmho4lt Xm'U A 14 will arra a ipor Iff lha ehareh par. lora nfl Taa4a7 nlr, Imwaib Mrr 21, from to 7:24. KtT7- bo4r larilM. St Iflna I4a No. JI A. Y. k A. M , will mMtt on St. Jnhn't dar. and 1 wltk MmIoti rl'lMi Mr and Mr Von A. Oraf rhl)4rfi pnl ' hrltfrni dar r1M In frrMan4 fAu,r W. 0 ftnfV of lha flata kania f Mf, . a blnoM vlnttor In R( Mlfi T!ar4r AA alfirrn trir.-i4 In from 001 Xt Chria'rr, nltht, bronchi oat lha lira daartrnnt In qnkk tlma, A ehlmnar Sam. it , eama ap from Gobi ta 1 pn4 f:brttmaa and aararal dtra i with Mr. AIiaod(r' mother aad lwla for Man "rrtM, wr.r fc will pa4 Iba bolUlar aoaaon. Tha pohlk xnoola of S:. Hln., r.'Ll!?r?'r,ar' ,h '.' W. 8 t' Raa. a promlnaat attomay r'JJ1"' 'tiof l'ortla4. w 'bara Watiar 7. 1.- In. ,ht! moral traaatlB( l(al mattar. iorI P Mt r at Ua Mut offl-a. Mr and Mr fntrld of Port.' Iabr XT. at 7:l ft clok p. m . tr - b 1. a. u k a u 1 ... : 1 lani w.r 1 r,rifm. gi of .(""'" '2 L- - W. B. IJflpM aod "B. Bld i Tha dr4. Wahklakam. I work- . ; ' ..... K"" " Thar win; , o0 ,h MR4 bar whleh baa form- i" ik mm eioiMMi aowa n-ir"iin tomorrow or nomar ail m,4 aar tha Jattf, almoat acroaa from day alfhl aad rmaln4 eloaod for' aripnKr4 br of Mr. 1.14-int lil Tha chaaaal at that placa two dar n ordar eo lr Iba am-!far4 Km frlnd. who will ! mntm or . troabla aach rear, plora an ftpp'rtanltf t calnhratrj "pond oma tlma hara. Tha ArtK9 will ba working la that l.nrwran, 1 . flrainl Knur It In.k m ...,1 ' vlrinlf for tha Iwo atthi and Prof, and Mr. 0 r, Maalha, Otto: homa Halurdar. Ha ha rc1r4 hlIH thtn mora farther down tha . .... .. . ,. u.iiii. namrmr. n na racairao ni Manlha. Jr. warn ( h rial ma got honorahl dlacharga from tba iprnra of Mr and Mr, ( harla U Wha1, :dlvlkjn and will ruma hi old pol- rlr. flwi. f rir maim m rin m Wnr a n Tf h I n Mr f:hrl Oraham. another Port-Uu.n wiis tha u.i.. 1 . ' 1 .w n..r..H- lurnd ofil at Pnk (Wirga'a ra- land frlnd of lha Whlar". Joln or.r i it..k.hi.. k.. un..'.t. K1..1 No dmaa rnlta4. lha marrr party hrUtma day. Mf an( Mf j. (; Wt.. ,nJjJ7IIO. grandaon 'of lha famooa 'mmmmmmm - mmmmmmmmm i i mmmmmmmmmX f ' , ' , , '"' p , Illral Matehlrma Ilaroa; aga 21 land ChrlMrn and rant tha dir'm,lh w'h ' pound, la with frlnd. Ml lltu la homa for'frlm "'"dUton for aarrlea. H ta a lha holldty inaaon from tha U. of O i b, "bbon animal aad mut ba aean t Kugrrna j to M appraelatad. Will ll cheap, a., ( amp liwl, l hr to pnd t li ,., holiday. II d'M not know whan hai U'l"i'.ini.. 1 i.t. . .,11. r ih. win lit ftia.1,.... ii.L.t . 1 I ahingioB or anlta 01 Ina thon.h f w.i. aipdltlonary fore-a aulgned for though quit a numUr of mn ar . . K dii m.,.i.r. .1 ... . (aarfiy ronroy homa. cabled today by ' , . .. . 7 lOanaral Prhlng. eomprliiad 00 of- Happy New Year Y.'t ttitli tir many frirn! ;uul cttittiturr a Prosperous and Happy New Year May nil the ih tiling "f life fume to tljcm. w.iild lp extremely j tira I r f til if wc did tint rxifrc, our limrtfe-lt thank fir t lie kind ((iinidriiiiinii li(iwn ti during tliir past ytar. Wf liall riidravor ti merit a rriritimiancc "f your valued patronage during the year upon wliicli we are nlont to enter. Again thanking yon, wc are . Gratefully youm, Taber's Variety Store "ur. J. II. Klynn. county agent for iia well known MmwrH aulomohlle, da eaiahli.lieil i office and uile. room In the Hewitt KulMI'ir. In d dlllorj to lha Mntwell, "U;c" will handle aereral other mke of ,'ood automohlle. Prof. J. II. McCoy, Mr McCoy and daughter were 'hrltm."i guet 01 the Dlllard family. prof. Mc"oy, woo formerly taught In the lit. Hel en piihllc luhooln, now one of th evaporated milk. fleer and nearly 20.000 men. They Include the 44th, 0th and 4th coat artillery regiment and the 41th and J3t Infantry. Tha quartermaMer' eorp ha pur chased 47,000,000 pound of floui for two month' consumption by lha army at homa and abroad. Other purchaae were 4,000,000 gallon of ayrup, 100,000,000 can of aalmon and mora than 1 1,000.000 worth ol Liberty Theatre TIIK HOMIC OF GOOD PICTURES WK AUK lunch gratified to know that at I he "LIHEKTY" h on the up gra.le. There iniMt he it rcaion. l-"irt (iood, clean, whole Noinr picture.. SecondThe patroiiH of the "LIBERTY" me made to feel at home. Third (iooil Music. You will never ho dinppointcd nt the "LIBERTY" if we can help '' ALVA SMITH. Manager NEXT WEEK FRIDAY, DKCErVWEK 27 "VIVIAN HARIIN" 'I he dainiieM of all HCieen artistn in "VIVETTE" and Max Sennett comedy, "His Smothered Love."- If you don't want to laugh, don't conic, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 Sea Our Posters Later SUNDAY and MONDAY, DECEMBER 29-30- "DeMille, in Wc Can't Have Everything" I wo day for thi production at our usual prices. Also a Sennett t'omedy. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31- SUSSUE HAYAKAWA in "THE SECRET GAME" and Sennett, "A BATTLE ROYAL" Bring your grouch with you. You won't have it when you go awnv. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1- See Our Poittera Later THURSDAY, JANUARY 2- Ann Pennington, in "Sunshine NanM We arc going to have some dandies for vmt luring Janu ary. The "LIBERTY", wSlI cheerfully refund yout miney if you feel that yon have not had value received. Happy New Year ' The Liberty eiecullve itaff of the Y. M. C. A. In j rortland. J. V. Julmaon ha recelred let ter from Juatln Wilkin, In which Juntln aiild he had landed In a good Job. Me I In a government power nutlon. lie goe on duty at 4 o'clock I'l the nflernoon and I off at 10 at night. Juntln p.d "believe me. It I rar more pleaoant than lining there ct the fruit when thoa alien , were bumtltig around you." JukIIii cun apeak from eipnrlence, for he , waa aerloiiHly wounded by hrpnel at the hnl tin of Chateau-Thierry. Mr. Mmnle J. yeonmn, a former realdent of HI. Helen, died at her ! home In I'orllnnd Tunad.iy after I nofin. Mr. Yeomen came to Ht. Hot- en in 09 and lived here for aev ; eral yearn, later removing to I'ort- land. Deceased leave to mourn her I In, her liunhiinil. two eluter, Mr. IKrank Merer mid Ml M. ft. IIhI- high or Oltumwa, Iowa, a brother, Kdleoii I. Ilallngll of Ht. Helen, twn I win and a dmirhtar. The funeral win lie ikiiii on i ii find ay at Z p. in., from the Chamber & Kentworthy fun rural pnrlor, 248 Killing ave nue, Portland, mill the Interment will ho In the Hone City ccmelery. Mr, N. K. Walker received a let ter from her aon, tleorito Walker, who I In Krance nd In tha liopltg enrpa. The young aoldlnr, though having been In Nervine for nlnioat .wo year, renched France only a few day before the nrmlNtlce w lgmid. The fnct Hint he penk of being very hiiay Indicate he wr. mint to the fornl Una mid thor were in any wounded. Tha caumiullty lUt which are being piihllHhed from day lo day, hear out hi Mtatement. (leorge aaya bo wanted one more oconii trip, and wna nnxloua to lake It, but he hoped the ulilp on which ha traveled would be bended for the good old U. H. A. Hhnrlff Hum wood Inn till morn ing fir Mint for tha ptirpono of ar retlng nnd bringing to Ht. Ilnlnm. Iwo men who live In ti nt neighbor hood. Their name are Jim Jone and Mud llnldrlrti nnd they are charged wlih being Intoxicated on n pithlle highway. WARREN Iteath claimed one of Warren' moat reaperted citizen on Monday morning at I a. m. "Hetty." beloved wife of C. J. l.arwm paeaed to her re ward and from her good deed while on thl earth aha asanredlv won thu J'P reward of the choen rlghteoui. Mr.' laron wa beloved by everyone Ir renpectlv of creed or perion. At all time her hand and heart wa opened I to all needing either ympathy or, neip. nne win ne miKea iy ner many; iriiinn ana more expeciaily oy her fcmlly. Mr. Iraon and daughter, Ml Anna have the heartfelt aympa thy of tha entire dint riot Hha will be burled from tha family home at 2:30 p. m. on Hunday. Hervlce wilt' be conducted by Kev. Nymrom. The Dorca noclaty of the Luther-: ap church on Friday evening, will hold their Chrlntma auln. Chrlatma anrvlce were held In, tha Lutheran church on Chrlntma morning at 6:30 nnd tha children'; program took place In the evening at i 7:u. ' ! The auggetlon of the Mint that tha home guard take up the matter of callng on Hie alncker who refused to contribute to the Hod Cronn wan eUed with avidity by the officer of the guard and the "top sergeant" will look after the matter with promplneaa and dlp:itch. A detail of four men will be aligned to the dif ferent aectlon of Warren. Tha (range will hold a very lin i portant meeting on Rnturday even ing at whlrh will occur the annual election of officer and much Internal I I mnnlfeat over the reault. I'nte I.nmon and Mr. I'ete and 1 Mnater let apent Chrlntmr with Dad nnd Grandad K. F. Ljtrion, ! MiiKter I'ete had a great time pull-; lug granddad' whlaker which' cauHcd grandad to trim hi whUkor Homo. I Much Indignation I eipremicd here over the conteet of election of County ! Judge Fullerton and eentlment In very etrong for action of reprliuxl ngalnNt thona who are rewponiilblo for the action. A Happy New Year and Thank Yoil for the liheral patronage pivcii us. OUR BUSINESS POLICY for the coming lie the amc ns years. year will in former Fair Treatment Reliable Goods Reasonable Prices Again we thank you Von A. Gray The Reliable Jeweler ST. HELENS, OREGON Photos Let us make a Photo of the whole family. In the years n come, each one in the photograph will ap preciate having this photo. Think it over, :OOOD: Photographs Taken Day or N;ght Satisfaction Guaranteed and our prices are rcason-nhle SCOTT & LOVEJOY Photographers Next Door to Columbia County Br.nk WE WfSH YOU A Happy and Prosperous NEW TEAR May it bring to ymi and yours the hest of everything. We are very grateful for the liberal patronage bestowed tiKn us during the year about to pas and hope, by fair dealing ami a conscientious effort to merit your patronage during the year to come. -THANK YOU. A. E. AUSTIN Gem Theatre FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 "To Hell With the Kaiser" MATINEE AND EVENING also "FIGHT FOR A MILLION" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 MTo Hell With the Kaiser" - - Matinee Only EVENING "SUNLIGHTS LAST RAID" with MARY ANDERSON, and "Vengeance and the Woman," Kpisode No. 14. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29 BESSIE BARRISCALE in "PATRIOTISM" AND CHARLEY CHAPLIN in a two reel comedy. Matinee at 4 :30 p. m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 30 "The Studio Girl" V with CONSTANCE TALMADGE. A Select Picture with a Comedy. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31- Emley Wehlenr in "The Shell Game" and a Drew Comedy WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1919- MARY WARREN with JOE KING in 'THE VORTEX" The green-eyed monster sees red and a 2-reel . Keystone Comedy. "Happy New Year" THURSDAY, JANUARY 2- "TOGETHER" with VIOLET MERSEREAU ami a "Current Events" WATCH FOR Roy Stewart in "The Boss of The Lazy YM