St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, December 27, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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North Portlund One acre factory
Ite served by five railroads secured
. Bi.iv Hound Bllo .compuny. ii!r.
North I'orllBiid seeiim destined lo I prov., . will reo-.nn the' Mond y tol-
The ichool was aaln cltI!ed tho
first of the weok, owlur; to r.n la
creasing number of cases of lufluen
a which kept maay pupil, at home,
tiimiy more remising away (or fear
w.n.apion. Bliouh! c;r-.dltlons lm
become ruciory ci-mer 01 rurtluiii
,, to itH unusual irunsporlatlon
facilities. , , ,
(lived Htnte highway for Coquullo
to MilrHhflold authorized.
Kluitiiith Full hue monthly pity
roll of 8000 and expects rullroun
MuiHhfli'liI mills have been busy
with government contract and fearn
dinted as to thulr continued opora
Iton but a cull for 200 men ha been
bund to rcpluce soldiers who huvo
been employed In the iuIIIh.
Kh.mtith Kails Kansas City capi
tal to build Hawmlll at Goose Lake.
KoMKhurK I'lutliiuin and koIcI
cIuIiiih In the Randolph district locat
ed and will be worked on a lurge
linker Development or old Hon
nt:i mine being pUHhed by driving a
U nil foot tunnel.
I'ortlitnd Willamette Iron & Bteel
plimt him orders for hollers from
Kn-iirh flrnm 10 employ (I force for
all of 1919.
oil hi ruck near Burns In Harney
I'orlliind rncinn Marine Iron
lowing Ch.intmt.ii.
Ir. W. w. VouiiKBon was down
rrom I'ortlimd on Tuesday, spending
thu day wllli Ry S. Harlow John
on. lie cp.iFie for the purpoHe of con
ducting the qua.-terly conference
for the year at the local teethurtlst
church, but owing to many of the
inmuers noing confined to tht-lr
noiiiPH on account of the Influenza
I he meeting could not bo held. Thw
same conditions prevented the con-f-rt-nce
being held In lta:nlr the pro
ceeding night alr.o.
Mr. Mid Mr. Pi ul Salmle received
a telegram from the war department
notifying them that, their son, Albert,
hud been killed In action with the
American force ovorneas on Novem
ber 9th. Young Salmle two uls
ter end one brother heiddei bin
parent, to mourn Hk deuth, p. well
a many young frlond and neighbors
who grieve over the ad new and ex
tend their heartfelt eyuipathy to the
bereaved family. Albert wac the firm
young man from Kerry to be killed
In battle. The flug will be held at
half maid for a week In hi honor.
I he many friend of Dave McDon-
Oregon Agricultural College Cor
valll When the Oregon Dairy as
sociation convenes at lilllsboro Jan
uary 14, a number of big men in the
dairy and related Industries will be
on hand to peak. J. A. Klernan, in
charge of tuberculosis In the U. 8.
department of agriculture, will epeak
on latest method of controlling the
tubercular menace: Dr. U. T. Slmms,
veterinarian at O. A. C, will discuss
control of contagious aoortion. Sol
omon Flue, Instructor in dairy pro
duction at the college, will report re
sults of feeding tects with the college
herd. And some of Oregon's leading
dr.lry men will deal with their specialties.
Workn pluiiH floating concrete dry I""' who was for 12 years a resident
dork to accomodate vi-hiioIh up to of this city, during which time he wns
6010 tmiii. I proprietor of the Ornnd (Central hotel.
KoHcburc to WlnchcHti-r highway! will lie pleiiHod to know of his sue-
to be rebuilt and paved at font of r"' '" 8 slmller buslne enterprise
$2,C00. In MolKon, a new town situated In the
Hiilem Work on paving from this northern part of Wellington. The
city to Aurora will sturt by first oi town Iihr nn elevation of Home 4000
1919. ; feet and I a shipping point for grain
Onturlo Eastern Oregon farmers nd cattle. It Is the best town In tin
lnkl:ig tp dairying. ! county in which II Is located end is
Tillamook county's record for east lively mid enterprlHlng. Mr. and Mrs.
five years In 1000 per cent IncreaKe McDonald re m iking a great aucees.,
in number of ror;lMtered dairy cattle ' 'he hotel buHlnoH. their establlsh
nml 900 per cent lucreaHe in number "lent gaining quite a reputation "all
of breeders of renletered dairy stock, down the line- a the boys say.
Myrtle Point Ooos and Curryi The (1 A K. and W. 11. C.. enjoyed
mantles' total cheese production for!n? f P"P"" R"1 t mea on
1918nmounle, to 1,820,760 pound, I 5'. v , ,'"! nieetlng In "me for
worth $600 000 dinner, which was served at the noon
' ' . ,,, . . I hour. Hoth tho post and corps had a
Albany Pacific Highway to bo , Mrtlirlny to celebrate, ho the occasion
paveu irom nere 10 jerrerson. .n. ,,) a joint one. therebv eddini
Kalrvlew firm wlnu fat teei to the pleasure of the day. Comrade
premiums at Portland livestock show. Wllxon confessed to another mlle-
The Dalle Wrsco Milling com-! "" ' "''" Journey, being passed,
trnny running full capacity; three K-l1"' Mr- lwell, of the W. 11. C,
hour shifts. I plead guilty to the same charge. Food
lloH.-'.urr-I.ocal breeders pur-1 ulllon" h'? le8 relrlct
cre ,8 blooded cattle for COu en "STlt IS
Hend Sheepma: buys 3009 acres disposed of being proof of It quality,
grazing hind for about $50,009, jA heautlful birthday cake was eon-
lloHeburg Work on Couuelte c-n-i trlbuted for this occasion by Mrs.
America will be paying war taxes
until 1925, Bays the Kansas City
Treasury plan show that tho
heavy burden of taxation rnuiit con
tinue at least six years more. The
end lof actual fighting has cut the
1918 cost by six billion dollars. Se
cretary McAdoo announced,' but im
mediate war expenses will continue
to come. It is for those tli-it the nation
will huve to provide funds, accorrtini,
to official.
Facing the treasury for the pren
ent flHCul year were expenditures of
18 billion dollars: for the fiscal year
ending June, 1920, five billion dol
lars and for the next Tour years the
government expense will range
around eight And a half billion dol
lars After January 1, 1925, expendi
tures should settle down to approxi
mately two billion dollars a year of
ficial estimate. This figure, how
ever, will depend somewhat on amor
"zatlon plans developed to pay off
the great bond Issues which mature
after 1930.
In the Matter of the Estate of An
dreas Anderson, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administrator of the
estate of Andreas Anderson, de-i
ceased, has filed his final account in '
the County Court, of the State of
Oregon, for Columbia County, and '
that Saturday, the 11th day of Jan-t
uary, 1919, at the hour of one o'clock ,
In the afternoon of said day. at the j
Court room of said Court, at St. Mel-1
ens, Columbia County, Oregon, has
been appointed by said Court a the'
time and place of hearing of ob-l
Jectlons thereto and the settlement!
thereof. Dated and first publishes. ;
December 13, 1918.
Administrator estate of Andreas An
derson, Deceased.
J. W. Day, Attorney. 62-4
In the Matter of the EBtate of Jessie
Nilsen, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administrator of the
estate of Jessie Nilsen, deceased, lias
filed his final account in the County
Court of the State' of Oregon, for
Columbia County, and that Satur
day, the 4th day of January, 1919,
at the hour of one o'clock in the af
ternoon of said dc.y, at the Court
room of said Court, la the City of St.
Helens, Columbia County, Oregon,
has been appointed as the time and
place for the he?.rlng of objections
thereto and the settlement thereof.
Dated and first published, Decem
ber 6, 1918.
Administrator of the Estate of JesBie
Nilsen, Deceased.
J. W. Day, Attorney. 61-3
If Ho, Ask Your Grocer far Bread from Oar Modern Uukcry
are prepared In clean, modern, sanitary bakery and our ever
lucreaNlnK bushiest. I au lndiputable evidence that we produce -"GOOD
S. HEUMAN, Proprietor
Phone B-114 . West St. Helens, Oregon
E. A. ROTGER, Prop.
Julius A. Bitterll.-.c, Plalntlf.'.
Esther Bitterllng, Defendant.
,To Es'.her Bltteilinr, Defendant.
I In ilia noma nf fl,n Ctnta f Own
'Shut that door!" yelled the rough Kon. You ir harehv rfinnlrfiH tn nn.
Where were you raised, in a Brw, .,.. ,nmnltnt
The man addressed meekly ,.,, vnl. . ,,, ,h nt,,prt
suit, on or before the last day of the
.mHiMtiM-.jf ai4 tvM""-- --
1 1
American and European Plan
Kati All Busses Call at Hotel
Everything Modem steam Heating Plant
Hot and Cold Water in Rooms
Makes Him Homesick
and silently compiled, but the speak
er looking at him n moment later pb-itlme preBcrll)e(j lR tho 0,de"r for th
DAMiAfi I It a i l. ninat In 4Ana flnlno " ...
publication of this Bunmons, hereto-
yon .'oiul under way
A.itorh. to demand new depot of
railway compnny.
Pendleton $ 1 80,090 app-oprlaled
to (travel 30 miles of road In I niutll
l county.
Hend Siiuaw Creek Irrigation sys
ti'in k'IIk for $96,000.
Hood River Deschutes rnrchers1
Dora Pury
daughter Of Comrade
Hum Knutzman of the Columbia
Herald wa here last Saturday lining
up recall matters.
Several residences in Rainier are
wiling rlfulfn for $20 per ton In tho i ''""'"'f1 ,lmla J110 X)?S
at:i-k ! warning to the public that Infill-
I enzn ha taken up temporary quart-
,, .... ier there and that the general public
fold Knees and leel nre (( k(1lp the KruHg on pain of
a iuii, powerful young soldier In from $5.00 to $100.00 fine
mo uniiorm or a Scottish Highlander -,.
T I .. T I , I mill Ka,lr nt
. . . , . 1 ll JlltUlinOli-lTTIU mill unm '
mrded a street cer In Toronto the!,,,,, ,uco down Wednesday
ot her day and oxc ted considerable j Venlng until after the New Year. Mr.
,,,u!Reld stntes that tliey liave consider
able repairing to do on the mill and
aiiniirallon, eupecially union r
omen, no sat In a seat opposite a
young man and his sweetheart.
Though her escort wr.a very attentive
to her, the girl could not reHlst c-st-hig
sly glances at the soldier In the
plt'tures(ue Hcotch uniform, .whose
bare knees shone lust below his kills
The young man noticed the girl's
giianceB end clearly showed his an
noyance, "I think that uniform I niot rid
iculous, ' he said in sarcastic tones.
"That fellow's knees look as if they
were frozen '
Tho Scotchman heard tho rer.ierk.
ami, glancing contemptuously r.t the
young f clow's clvllli-.n clothes, ho re
Mled: "Well, young iran.'it Is a mire
thing my knees aren't as cold as your
served that he was in tears. Going
over to his victim he apologized.
'Oh. come," he said, aothicgly, "you
shouldn't take It to heart because I
aBked if you were raised in a barn
'That's It
other man
that's It,'
fore made and filed herein, to-wlt:
on or before the 4th day of January.
1919, and if you fall to appear and
answer, for want thereof, the plain-
sobbed the
I ptlof fATtiunilaH In tlio rnmnlnlnl
and It makes me homesick every time it0.wlt. f0r a decree dissolvins the
I hear an nss bray. Boston Trans- rarraBe contract now and hereto-
crlPl- fore existing between Plaintiff and
defendant, and lor such other relief
The annual report of JoMvhuM,
Daniels, secretary of the navy, de- ! .P.b,,.!..cfu
Clare 924. 578 American troop were; nlpn. Mlllt npWnnr nf n
transported overseas In United Statea a "tBP2er ?f Becnt
f . j v iti,j e,,. eral circualtlon, published r.t St
vessels and convoyed by United States, .. ,,,' 7- . ,
war ships without the loss of a single ! "?"- r" i" 1 V," B"o' '
ITll: f "tbHn,d ! Morton'county Judge of ColuSbta
other vphrpIk that were tomedoed 1 Te"luBr. "" uuu luB ua ul l"B
'Lrr;8 tI!r!.S2S .nrt ;t publication herein Is the 22no
day of November, 1918.
again put In service. ' nU.ciui,
u-i.-t tit i iFivpnt Aim.-iiilti-lH Attorney for Plaintiff; Residence
- , j ri . in . .1 .1 T-. : j.. .
AUure&B, naiuier, I
H. soooea uie . ff w, Bpp,y , ;.a,d Court for t,,e
as raisea in a parn!leef demanded la the
e American troop ship were "' & a""lr f h "i. mH .nH Kh
on return voyage. The navy lostj """fr ' ?J,?e?? h J? 2 JS?
St. Helens' pec.ple should know 'UBlull,l;o
simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, ' 49.3
etc., as mixed In Adler-1-ka, flushes;
the ENTIRE bowel tract so complete-j SUMMONS '
lv thnt nnnpndinlt Is is nrevented. ONE tm it nynrTTY nnnn-p rvu-' u
, . .. 1.- n. .la I, t t ' - " ' - - 1 Ill U tllUAll VyVylVl J F 1 11U
oinnr iiiipruvrim-iiin iu io iin.uo .nu. anrmNCrii AiltRr.i-kn relieves ANY
win kBBn tiw.m I.iihv until thev eet OONr AQier-l-Ka relieves aini
How's Your Automobile?
Now, more than ever before, you must watch your
automobile and keep it in'perfect order. Automobiles are
hard to get, parts are getting harder to get every day. So 1
watch your car to see that it is kept in good repair. Don't
neglect the valves, don't run with an engine knock. Keep
the play out of the rear axle.
The St. Helens Garage is one of the best equip
ped repair shops in the county and special work is easy foi
us. We handle lathe work, make small parts, battery work
besides all automobile repairs.
Phone 57 H. M. TERRY . Prop. On the Strand
(Ireece was given a credit of $28,-
will keep them busy until they get
started up again.
J. W. McMillan was called to Port
land last Wednesday to attend the
funeral of Mr. Crane, an old time res
ident of this place. The funeral was
under tho direction of the locul Ma
sonic lodge to which ho was a mem
ber. Nearlv all the logs which went
down tho Cowlitz I'.urlnj last week
freshet, have been picked up on the
lower Columbia. A. E. Hoylun, sealei
for the 8llver Lake company is on the
lower river conducting the salvage
operations and has several boats
working on the Job.
CASE sour slomach, gas or constipa
tion because It removes
The bureau of crop estimates of
704 3ti bv the treasury. This made California. In a report, states that
the (olal of Iho Greek government's the 1918 ornnRO crop of California
loittiH from the United State 1 3.1
f 5 4 , 0 :t fl and the total of all allies'
loans, $8,220,340,702.
will be In the neiuhborhood of 14,-
322,000 boxes, the 1917 production
hnving been 7,093,270 boxeB.
matter which clogged and poisoned ju g " skiff, Defendant. 1
your system. The INSTANT cctionjTo Louise E. Skiff, Defendant. 1
surprise both doctors and patients j In the Name of the State of Ore-
1 Dpminc n-Ufffist i boh . iou aro iiBreuy rcquueu m p-
J- """"US. u-ugfi'st- j pear Rnd angwer the complaint fileft '
-' i ' ncrnlnut vnn in tho nhnvo AntltloH
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE r-nurt and cause on or before the 18tb
STATE OF OREGON FOR COUN- dcy of JanuarVf 1919 tnat belng the
TY OF COLUMBIA. fir!)t )dioiH dnv nfter the last dav
In the Matter of the Estate of:fcr tlie Dbllcation of summons as
Johanna Welnshenk, Deceased. j prescribed by the Order of PubUca
Notlce Is hereby given that the
tlnn nf Siitnmnim liAraln. Anil If vnn
nderslgned has been appointed ad- ,.. - , . nnit nnswe- an here-
minlstrator of the estate of Johanna ,n d,rected, plaintiff will apply to
Welnshenk, deceased, by the above-itne ab0ve entitled Court for the re
entitled Court, and has duly quali-cf prayed for In plaintiffs com-
fled as such. All persons Having , pjaint, to-wit: for a decree of the
claims against said estate are here-inbove entitled Court dissolvins the
by noiinea 10 present uie same uuij , bon(,a 0( matrimony now and here
verified as required by law at the tofore existing between plaintiff and
office of Charles J. Schnahel, 600 defendant herein.
Chamber of Commerce Building, summons is served upon you
Portland, Oregon, within six months by vrtue 0 an order made by the
from the date hereof. i Honorr.ble James A. Eakln. Judse of
The Maxwell
The Handsomest
, - The Most Durable
The ost Economical
Automobile on the Market
Quick Delivery
Aeent, for CoiumDia County
Office at
Independent Auto Co.
ALL foul ' Fred W Sklff' P,alnUff'
The Government Says Save
This applies to your house as'well as any other
property or article. You can save and conserve
by having
r Your House Painted
We do first class interior or outside painting
and finishing work. Also decorating. Estimates
gladly furnished.
Dated and first published Novem
ber 29th, 1918.
the above entitled Court on the 2nd
day of December, 19 18,, which pre-,
aprlhoa thnt t?m niimtminfl In thin suit '
Administrator of the Estate of ghall be served upon you by publica-
Johanna Welnshenk, Deceased. i t)nn thereof once a wes for a'.x oon-
Charles J. 8chnabel, Attorney, ; BeCutive weeks in the St. Helens Mist,
600 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. !a newspaper in general circulation in
Portland, Oregon. 60-2 the County of Columbia and State of
" , Oregon, and thnt the first publlca-
BUMMONS In thnvnnf he lint! on the 6th dav
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THEio pecemher. 1918. and tho Inst pub-
STATE OF OKKUUM f uk inn Mention on the 17th day of January,
Attorney for Plaintiff, 633 Pittoclt
Block, Portland, Oregon.
Date of first pub., Dec. 6, 1918.
Date of Inst pub. J.-.n. 17, 1919.
Ruby Miller, Plaintiff,
Joseph R. Miller, Defendant.
To Joseph R. Miller, the a:;ov
named defendant:
In the Name of the State of Ore
on: You are hereby required to ap- voTirrc OF FINAL ACCOUNT
pear and answer the complaint filed ; In U)e Mntter o( the Estate of Mat.
against you in me thew J. Stunkard. Deceased.
on or before the last day of the time ; Notice Is herebv aiven that the un-
prescrlbed In the order for the pub-! derslgned, as executrix of the estate
ucauon oi inn uuimui "" Matthew J. Stunkard. deceased.
Roseburne Stock Farm Shorthorns
i4 r
tn? ;. .
Villager Sultan 2nd
A Careful Inspection of
Herd and What We Are Do
ing in Shorthorn Produc
tion ia Cordially Invited. -
Young Stock of both Sexes
for sale at all times
Warren, Oregon
mnde and filed herein, to-wit: o.
or before the 4th dny of January,
1919, and if you fall to appear nnu
answer, for want tlvereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for tho
relief demanded in the said com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolv
ing the marriage contract now inn
hna filed her final account in the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Columbia County, nnd that Sat
urday, the 18th day of January,
1919, at the hour of one o'clock u.
the afternoon of said day, at the
Court room of said Court in the City
nf St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore
heretofore existing between plaintiff hag been npp0inte(j a8 the time
and defendant, and for BUch other Rnd place fop tne hearing of object
relief as to the Court may seem Just. ,on8 theret0 and the settlement
This summons is published once a t,,ereof
week for six consecutive weeks iit Datej gnd f,rst published Decem-
tne ai. jieieus mini, u iioaimioi i,er 20. 1918.
general circulation, published at Si
Helens, CoiumDia uoumy, uregon,
by virtue of on order of tho Hon. 8.
C. Morton, County Judge of Columbia
County, Oregon, duly made and fllea
In this suit on the 21st day of N
vember, 1918, and the date of the
first publication herein is the 22nu
dr.y of November, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff; Residence
and Postoffica Address, Rainier,
Date of last pub. Jan. 3, 1919.
Executrix of the Estate of Matthew
J. Stunkard, Deceased. 1-5
Mrs. Islejr's le(ter
In a recent letter Mrs. D. W. Isley
of Litchfield, 111., says, "I have used
Chamberlain's Tablets for disorders
of the stomach and as a laxative, and
have found them a quick and sure
relief." If you are troubled with In
digestion or constipatlcn these tab
lets will do you good."
Theres a
Salesman from
who was chewing and
swapping yams with the
men on the Post Office
corner. "Have a chew,"
says he to Jake. Jake
doesn't think he's chew
ing unless his cheek bulges
out like he had the mumps.
"Call that a chew?" he
snorts. "Sure!" says the
salesman. This is Real
Gravely. That small chew
satisfies, and the longer
you chew it the better it
tastes. That's why it doesn't
cost anything extra to
chew this class of tobacco.'
, mi uiu & tow f -
nt atrt ml.
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each piece packed m a poucn