When You Trade at Home You Get Two Chances at Your Dollar. Try It OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY PIONEER PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY VOLUME XXXVII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918 COUNCIL HOLDS AN INTERESTING SESSION PHONE RAISE DISCUSSED ( out nirlorx Ankrd to Muke IIIiIn on Hrt l ull of City Ihn k. Notwithstanding the dense fog wlileli hung ovnr tlie city, til the counelliiion and tlin mayor founa their way to tlie city hull and the Hmilon vn hell en uhuuI. After the reading and approval or tie minutes, the mayor callod (or report of officers. Nulthor Jou l)u or Wul'or Ulakesley had any report to make, that In, nt Unit particular limn. Ills honor ihould know better thun to call on either ot these offi cer right off the Jump, for they ' never Ret really warmed up beforw the KPiHion I almost ovo' and ru. porta of'Other officer are heard. None of the councilman hod any re tort to muke and It auenied thut the nHNshui would he n very tamo one, brt McDonald Inquired of tlie mayor an to what he had found out an to telephone service and telephone rate. Wait on Portland DtM-Ulon The mryor Info-tncd the council that In an Interview with the local manager here, It hnd been suggestea, thut St. Helena take no action until' the I'or'.lund cent ro verity w.ia nettled, ai thin would apply to Kt. Helena and other Oregon towns as well a I'ortlnnd. Councilman Allen thouKht ll might be a good plan to follow thlH nugfeHtlon. McDonald linked u to the service and exteralon of the (.hone linen. The in .yor said If tin. telephone company could get per MlKnlon to string their wlrei on the electric llKht poles, they could In n'rll additional phones. During theno h, 0. I. tlinen, each pole hole would coHt about ISO r.nd the tele phone company did not think the tn ntallutlon of n few phone Juntlfled nny rucIi expeniie. The natter, for the prevent won left In abeyance. Muilholin Hlioutil lie Killed Walter UlakeMley. who when first called on for a report, wai afflicted with stage frlKht, now necmcd to have regained hi unual composure and reported on the many bed mud ! hole which can be found In moat of the city atreeta. He thought a few loads of rock should bn dumped Into the hole ho the atreeta would be1 passable. ! .Mayor lUte Not Approve Mayor Saxon did not approve ot j the auKfteatlon of the marshal as to repairing; the streets. He waa per fectly willing, he said, that the cross walks and street crossings should be repuired, hut was unwilling to ex pend tho taxpayers money In flxln up street which should be fixed by the adjoining property owners. McDonald shared the same opinion as the mayor. Mud hole near his property, he said, had been fixed nt liln own personal expetiHC. Walter llhikesley then Inquired a to how people and delivery wagons would manage to navigate the streets, and the mayor' prompt response was thut they had better get boats. He reiterated hi former statement that the street should bo repaired by thoso who owned property on such thoroughfare or waterways. y Catawatnptis Htreets F Councilman Allen then Joined tho illncusslon and it waa learned tn St. Helen has such streets as "cata wampus atreeta." JuBt where they are, Mr. Allen did not state, but he wutited to know how the property owners could be assessed for repair ing the "ontawampus street" which tan "thla way and thBt -way," and followed no general direction. Tht mayor disclaimed any responsibility for such "calawampua atreeta" and mild they would have to remain as at . , . - li ...1 tin l.v tlin nrn- in mem. uillUBS iiauii u w " porly owner. Phone Question Hobs Aguln Councilman Chnnman. who haa not taken a part iu the proceedings, evidently became a little "het up by this time. When It was spen that no action would be taken as to the niudholes and caqala, he asked the council to reoonBider the telephone question which had been so abrupt ly shelved. He callod on the city at torney for his opinion and after due consideration, the attorney, gave It as his opinion that tlie council should go on record as opposing a phone rate raise, that the council bIioiiUi advise the phone subscribers or cu. Helens not to pay the lncroaiied rate when payment of uch Increased rate was demanded. The council thought the attorney' advice wa sound, and thereupon, unanimously voted to ad vise the people NOT TO PAY TUB INCREASE IN RATE until the mut ter had been settled. This important question being settled, the council wa ready for more business. Dock Illds Called For Councilman Chapman, after hav ing been so successful with his form er motion, decided to try again, and he moved that the council advertise for blda tor the construction of a city dock. A general discussion fol lowed, and reports of the various of ficers showed they had not been able to locate the missing dock plans. However, it wa decided that bidders should furnish their own plans and' bid on the beat dock they could (Continued on page eight) SPECIAL ROAD TAX VOTED SATURDAY Other niMrl.u Will Have Meeting Tomorrow Afternoon All road districts except St. Hel ens ( District No. 12) which held iiieir meeting Saturday lust, voted speciui ioiuI tuxes. Hoad District No winch Is that territory between warren and lieer Islind, Kt. Helena cuy limits excluded, voted about 1 nuns, which will be spent on the several roads In the district. ltoi'd District No. 8, tlie Mist neighborhood, voted a 10 mill tax for special work. The valuation In the district is $1,391,785, so ap proximately $14,000 In addition to the regulur county levy will be avail able for use In that district. Kond District No. 6. the Ooblo neighborhood voted about $8,000 or a special und Itoad District No. 9. the Vernonla country, voted $13,00u speclul. No speclul tax was voted in St. Helens. A few who were opposed to any special tnx, met at the city hull, mil made a motion that no tax be voted. There was a prompt second to tlie motion nnd It was unanimous ly carried, A complete report of this meeting, s well as others, will ap pear In the next Issue of the Mist. A meeting is scheduled for Hoad Dlb trlct 1, Scappoose; Hoad District 6, Rainier and Road District 7, Clats knnlo, tomorrow ; 'te-noon. It Is probable that special taxes will be voted In these districts, with the possible exception of Clatsltanle. FATHER ACCIDENTAL LY SHOOTS HIS SON A nnen Ixivell Dangerously Wounded by Ills Tather A distressing and serious accident occurred Wednesday afternoon when Ansen Lovell, the 12-year-old son ot Charles Lovell was accidentally snot. Mr. Lovell and his son were on the way to the harn where they were to kill - pig. The futlicr ccrried a 22 callhie rifle which was to be used to kill the pig. llefore reaching the harn, the elder Lovell saw a skunk which ran under a pile of boards. Father and son tried to dislodge the skunk from his hiding place and it, tho effort to move the boards, the rifle was discharged and the bullet struck the boy near the heart and passing through his body, came out under his shoulder blade. A hurry cull was sent for Dr. L. O. Hobs, who responded promptly and dressed the wound. The injured boy was resting easy at last reports and Dr. Ross thinks he has an excellent chance for recovery. J. UVHUNT KltM'tcd County Clerk THANKSGIVING DAY QUIETLY OBSERVED Thanksgiving Day was observed In St. Helens by a cessation ot an ousi nesa activities. A union Thanksgiving service wob held In the Methodist church Wednesday night and was at tended by many. A number of St, Helens people took advantage of the holiday and visited friend in other places, and there were many visitors from other olaces who spent Thanks giving in St. Helena. Khaki clad sol dier boys were much in evidence, Many of the men who are at camp some dlBtnnce from St. Helens, were given a four day furlough, while those stationed nt Vancouver and In Portlund were given two days' leave, In order that they might spend tne thankful day with friends or rela tlves. SCHOOLS ARE OPEN ATTENDANCE SMALL The schools of- St. Helens were opened Monday, but the attendance was not more than half of what It was when the "flu" ban wa Ira. posed Some of the grades had only three to five pupils in attendance. They were the lower grades, how avai and the higher grades had . .. . jij it., fnlrlv s-ooa Buenuuuue, an utu i" high school With an in the "flu" situation, , It isi that the attendance will be r A . .-: I. ' GOVERNMENT CANCELS CONTRACTS FOR SHIPS HELD AS HASTY ACTION l-WMltfards Affected. Hut Knonuh I'ork on Hand to Keep Going The government ha cancelled a portion of their contracts which canea ror the building of govern ment vessels. The St. Helens Ship building company loses contracts for two boats, but the other vessels, which are under way, will be com pleted and turned over to the govern ment. The Sommarstrom yard is not af fected. They have four government contracts and work is under way on each contraot, so the boats will be finished and turned over to the gov ernment as per contract. They now have between 600 and 700 men at work and do not anticipate making any great reduction in the working force. Instead of trying to secure further government work, the com pany will turn their attention to pri vate contracta and work will continue at the big yard the same as hereto fore. H. F. McCormlck, manager of tho St. Helen Shipbuilding company does not feel alarmed at the situation nor does Ills company expect to maku a reduction In the working force. Severul vessels are on the ways, ana when they are completed, other con tracta will be forthcoming from private parties, or it Is probable the McCormick Interests will build other vesseU for their fleet. The City of St. Helens was sold, the Allard lost and it Is possible the company will replace this tonnage. In that event, work will continue at the yard as ih the past. With conditions as unsettled as they are, It Is not probable that eitn er yard will take on any new con tracts for several months, but Inas much as both yards have enough work to keep them going for almost a year, it Is evident that there is no occasion for alarm at the shlpbulld Ing situation, so far as St. Helens is concerned. MEMORIAL ARCH IS SUGGESTED To commemorate and honor the memory of sons of Columbia county who have given up their lives In the great war, It is suggested that a memorial arch be built In the court house square. E. I. Ballagh is the party who suggests this to the Mis: und wishes to head the list ot con tributors by giving $10 or more It necessary. Mr. Balagh'a Idea Is to have an arch about the middle of the square and over the fountain. The names of those soldiers from the county who have made the supreme sacrifice. would be on the arch. The Idea Is worthy ot consideration and the sev eral who have been Interviewed are heartily In favor of it. The Mist would be pleased to have some ex pressions on this subject. CALL FOR SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING The directors of the St. Helens school district hnve called ' for a special meeting of the legal voters oi the district to meet at the city hall Saturdcy. December 7th. At thh. meeting1 the question of authorizing the directors to submit a proposition for borrowing' $25,000 for the pur pose of building a new school build ing, will be considered. There are many who favor the construction of a new and modern school building and it Is sure there will be a large turnout at the meeting. HOME GUARD TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT Captain H. S. Mason of the St. Helens Home Guard has . called v a special meeting of the company and they are to meet Monday night at 8 o'clock In the basement of the court house. Since the war Is over, there has been some talk ot disbanding, but there are some members ot tho guard who think the organization should be kept intact. The purpose of the meeting Is to discuss (his mat ter and every member of the Home Guard should be in attendance. The steamer Wahkeena, carrying 1,000,000 feet of lumber for delivery at San Pedro and San Diego, sailed last Monday night. The Wahkeena recently completed a fast voyage to Honolulu. Nine dayg after leaving the Columbia river the vessel an chored in Pearl Harbor. The cargo of lumber and piling was discharged In four day, and then two day more were consumed in taking on fuel oil and a cargo of 1,100 tons of sugar. The trip to San Francisco iroui io from ' the island port was made In iv, . k.d rn,.i- Belleson is naturally qui' proud of I tn. record ot the steamer nnd the good time she makes when at sea. ST. HELENS GIYES MUCH IN WAR WORK DRIVE $4543.02 IS CONTRIBUTED Hplcndld Work by Campaign Cap tains tiring Fine Results The managers of the camoalen In the war work drive, feel Droud of the response by St. Helens people and are grateful to the campaign cap tains who did such good work in soliciting fundo. The total amount pledged arid collected Is $4543.02. Ot this amount $4429.02 was col lected in cash and $114 was oledeea to be paid at a later date. Something like $18,000 is the total subscription of the county, which give It the fine standing ot 181 per cent. Few coun ties in Oregon made a better show ing than did Columbia. Following is the reoort for St. Helens: Captain Mr. John Sten Mr. T. Isblster . . . Mrs. H. Blake3ley , Mrs. C. W. Philips Mrs. J. O. Prtngle . Mrs. Blnkemore . . . Mrs. O. Shepard . . Amount $ 690.20 931.69 311. 20 214.70 48.65 1.00 67.60 (9.60 212.10 142.70 9.60 1630.35 35.00 132 85 9.00 123.53 13.70 Rev. Wm. Hampson Mr. H. P. Hudson . Mr. B. I. Plummer . Mrs. Smith St. Helen Shipyard Mason Dlllard .... Miss Mabel Da vies . Mrs. Doleshall Miss M. Dixon Mr. Chas. Wheeler . $4543.0 PIONEER CITIZEN ANSWERS CALL Hazeklah Caples, a pioneer resi dent or the Columbia City nelghboh nooa, aiea at nis nome just across the river from that place. Wednes day. Mr. Caples had been in feeble health for sometime. Deceased had lived in or near Col urubla City for about 60 rears and owned a considerable Dortlon of the Columbia City site. Living in the state of Washington, he wa In the county affairs and some years ago was commissioner of the county iu which he resided. He was a member of the Kalama Masonic lodge. In addition to his wife, whom he married several months ago, deceas ed la survived by several sons and other relatives who live at Columbia City. The funeral was held today and the interment was In Liberty Hill cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by members ot the Ma sonic lodge. WHISKEY MERCHANT ADMITTED TO BAIL Tom Douras, who a few weeka ago, was tried in Judge Philip's court foi violation of the prohibition law ana fined $760 and. given 60 days in jail. Is out on ball. After his conviction, be was taken to the Multnomah jail by Sheriff Stanwood. After arriving in Port land, he secured the services of a Portland attorney and habeus cor pus proceedings were Instituted. The case wr.s tried before Judge Morrow and Columbia county was represent ed by District Attorney Glen R. Mets ker. The defense claimed that Judge Philip was not legally a justice of the peace, and had no right to sen tence the defendant. Judge Morrow over-ruled this and decided In favor of Columbia county, but an appeal was taken by the defendant's attor ney and pending the hearing of the case, the defendant was admitted to bail. SOME OF THE THINGS THE U. S. HAS DONE Here are some of the things the United States ha contributed to the triumph of the allied armies: A war chest of $57,000,000,000 tor expenses up to the end ot tho current fiscal year. Ot this $7,017.- 000,000 has been extended to our allies In the form ot loans. An army of 6,000,000, authorized strength. More than 2,000,000 are on the battle ground after being trans ported 3,000 miles through submar ine infested waters, white another million and a quarter were training and embarking here at the moment Germany surrendered. A navy ot 1,000 fighting ships that has protected our stream of trans ports through the war zone, and at the same time helped keen the kais er' fleet harmless In German ports. Fully 18,000,000 tons of food stuffs, shipment ot which saved out allies from hunger, much ot which represented the cheerful self-denial of America. Countless article of latest arm) equipment, including some of the mightiest engines of war yet develop ed, wrought by a peaceful nation suddenly becoming an arsenal. Nearly 7.000,000 dead weight tons of merchant shipping and trans port to help overcome destructions by U-boats. . ,. The Red Cross end countless other relief workers, giving food, medicine, clothing ana comfort Incalculable RECALL ELECTION SEEMS PROBABLE Petitions are Now Being Circulated tor Recall of District Attorney That Columbia county is due for another recall election seems quite probable. - Petitions have been pre pared and are being circulated and in some instances, freely signed. The petition, which is addressed to J. W. Hunt, county clerk, set forth many allegations, the principal onea, that he "beat up" S. E. Smith two years ago and that last July he "beat up" and assaulted Ham Kautzman. It is said that the petition was drawn CLEX R. METSKER District Attorney, for whose recall petitions are being circulated by a Portland attorney, who has been employed to defend Kautzman, when his trial come up in January. The Mist leerno from reliable authority that Attorney Fred Her man of Rainier, has consented to run against Metsker. Two years ago Her man ran against Metsker for the dis trict attorneyship, but was defeated. In order to have the recall elec tion, it is necessary to get about 450 signers on the petitions, which is 2 per cent of the vote cast for judge of the supreme court, and those cir culating the petitions claim they will secure this number and more, so It appears that the county will soon be mixed up in a heated recall electiou. LOCAL STORE CHANGES OWNERS Dewey Harrison has purchasea the Central Grocery from H. Stokes and taken charge of the business. The new owner has already added much to the stock ot goods and In tends to further increase the variety of articles carried. Dewey should make a success of the business, as he has had much experience in the mercantile line and has a wide circle ot acquaintances in St. Helens and surrounding country. I J. VANORSHOVEX Re-elected County Surveyor LOCAL INSTITUTE AT VERNONIA Will be Held in High School Build ing, December 14th County School Superlatendent Al len has Issued a neat program of the local institute which will be held m the high school building at Vernonla, Saturday, December 14th. The pro gram wl.ich vu3 ay-ranged cy Protes tor Wllkerson, Is us follows: Morning Session, 10:30 o'clock: 1. Sons High School Girls 2. Dramatization . . Primr.ry Pupils 3. Pi:' no Solo ..Miss Louise Bruce 4. Primr.ry Language Mrs. Ethel Ray 5. Intermediate Lnn gunge Work . . Mrs. Glayo G. Spilth Afternoon Session, 1:15 o'clock 6. Vocal Solo Miss Dorothy Deerwester Language (7th and 8th grades) ....... .C. W. Brovm Selected Subject Sunt. J. W. Allen 7. 8. 9. 10. Sorg High Schocl Girlo "What Should the ruptrs Report Cards Contain" Prcf. J. B. Wllkerson 11. Souk Audience It is expeced that quite a number of teachers will be In attendance, as well cs these Interested in sc'iool work- who live ir. Vernonla and Other p;.rta of the Nelmleu valley. VERNONIA SERVICE FLAG NOW HAS GOLD STAR S U P R E M E SACRIFICE Edwin Smith Falls In Battle October Twelfth Edwin Smith, age 30 years am: son ot Mr. and Mrs. John Siult.h Ver conla, has made the groat sacrifice fcr his country's sake. He was kil led in battle In France, October It Mrs. Smith was rejoicing that tho war was over and that her son would soon return to her, but on November 20th, she received word from the war department that the young man had been killed in action. The soldier was in the July draft, and with other boys from Washing ton county, left for Camp Lewis. He went over with the 91st division which has seen bo much hard fight ing since their arrival In France. The news was a great shock to Mrs. Smith and to the many friends young Smith had in the Nehalem. He was well known in that section of the county and also quite a few here iu St. Helens were acquainted with him. The dead soldier was born August 16th, 1887, at Portland and came with his parents to the Nehalem val ley when two years of age and had lived there until called into the army Service. Besides his father and mother, he, leaves to mourn his untimely end, three sisters and four brothers: Mrs. C. J. Hunan of Portland, Mrs. E. D. Peterson of Mist and Mrs. V. L. Powell, who resides at Vernonla. The brothers are Charles W., Gar field B and R. C. Smith, all of whom live in the Nehalem and Leroy Smith, who is in the 63rd infantry and stationed at Camp Meade, Md. Thirty boys have gone from the Vernonla section to serve in either the army or navy and a gold star has been added to the service flag of that community.. ' Barbering Under Difficulties Ed Lynch recently received a let ter from Louis Muhr, which gives a tew details as to the difficulties a company barber encounters when the Germans turn loose their big guns on the Yank soldiers. The letter which was dated October 15th, says: "Just a few lines to let you know that I am still all right. We are now seme distance back cf the lines for a rest. Wcs up there at the front tor some time, but do not know when we will have to go back. Kt. Helens Boys in Buttle "I saw several of the boys from St. Helens up there, before we went in, but have not been able to find out where they, are located now. We all have to take our hats off to the American doughboys and in my judg ment they have no equals. . Shells Stop Barberwork "3'Well, I am still compa: y barber, that is, when I have nothing else to do. I will tail you of a circumstance that happened when we were at th, front. We had been up there foi some time and one afternoon I tried to do a little tonsorial work. Frlu had been shooting some heavy ones over us all day, whea all of a sud den a number of the shells fell short of their previous objectives and landed so close that well, I closed shop for the day, and I clos ed up so hurriedly that I don't re member if the laBt man paid me or not." - Louis is in the ambulance corp and has been in France several months. George Vanvolkenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vanvolkenburg, former residents of the Nehalem, at last reports was In the thick of the fighting. His parents have not heard from him for some weeks and they fear he has been wounded or killed. George enlisted in the Ore gon National Guard, but before his regiment sailed from New York, he was taken sick, and was left in New York. Later he was assigned to an Alabama regiment. Many of the southern boys were In the big drive at Argonne forest and It is possible young Van was with them. The young soldier Is a nephew of County Commissioner A. E. Harvey. : ; A letter recently received from Corporal Clifford Stokes, stats he was at Camp Mills, New York. His qeglment expected to be on t-he way over before he wrote his letter, but the little matter of the kaiser say ing he had enough, had changed their plans, for they were still held In New Yokr. Cliff wanted to be re membered to his many St. Helens, friends. Charles F. Heacock la visiting hi parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. P. Heacock, and his cousin, L. R. Rutherford. Mr. Heacock is chief electrician on the transport, Great Northern, and is here on a ten-day furlough, while the ship is being repaired. He has made eight trips to France. The Great Northern holds the record for tlib fastest round trip between New.Yorll and Brest, France. ' - ; Fred Morgus came down from Van couver Wednesday, night to eal Thanksgiving dinner at home. He ha,; been assigned to the supply depart ment at tho army post. normal tne coming week