INDUSTRIAL REVIEW jj Nortli Hxiiil Comon labor gets w8Ie raised from 3.00 to M OO per da)'- Sawmill established In Polk county to in hardwood chair material. Portland Slnco December 10, 191(1, 137 wooden Rhlpn liuvo been launched In Oregon yards mid those ,t Vancouver. Wash., ttavlnn a capa city of 4 83,300 toim, according to figures of Portland Chamber or Commerce. Thirty-four tool hulk ,o launched during HiIh period. Killing tlio Bulinou cunning liulun try on tlio Rogue river a proposed by a Trunk law at com Inn election l.i s dlxftrncn to any Hluta oiid Hliould b rejected by the puoplo. Prlnevllln $18,000 voud nhov Ornclio dam complntod. Portland 700 nhlp carpuntora and wood workers to bu laid off. t'unyonvlllo Work started on 11. mllii link Pacific highway. Gold Hill Mines association ton itamp mill ready November 1 Hrtli'm Journal "Tlio voters of Oregon w'11 '8 ltlIJ wluely If they iwat nniHt of tlio Initiative Mils on the ballot Kood nnd" Coon Hay launched two Ferris typi. wooden vossola liiHt week. Iloavcrton Potato flour IndiiHtry tuffers for lack of labor, Help U carco, wagos digit. Potato grower harvesting crop with women aim lrl. Ralfin NlRbt shift tnl(o:i off b Spauldlng sawmill for Irck of laboi. Vancouver Government unalilti to lecirn sufficient nurses duo to labor shortage. Culd Hill sawmill that ban thut dcwu for lack of labor, resumes. Cranberry crop grottest In hlH'.ory of Pacific coasl. Jord: n Volley Irrigation develop, mmit project well under wry. Lebanon Lebanon Cunning com pany purchases 25-ucre trcci In San valley for development of a racdi'l bovry farm. Canby Oregon City bus line now In opori'tlon. Florence Hun of salmon on Slu ilaw continues good. Eugene Fruit Growers association tin ml 1 1 ii k largest tomato crop In hls tory. Ilosehurg KoodHport Lumber company to Install 1 00-liorHpower bailor and D0-horsepowur engine. TITLE GRABBERS NOT SATISFIED Oregon- H,mt,.h, i,M.rty tMUU I)rlv ' Wl u-Hm,n A slrlklng illiiBtratlon of the valuo of publicity has romo to llKbt In tl. pat lliroo weeks. Tl, llluHtratlon bears a morul which ,i,0Uld bo of In terost to evory voter. Tlio Htato Liberty I,oan sent out pledKB cards broadcast over the state to notify patriotic citizens to como Ii, ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1918 HOUSEHOLD HINTS Uli il w I I I fold a hot cloth around the mould and Jolly will leave the mould with out sticking or breaking. A pinch of salt thrown on eggg will make them beat lightly In about half the time usually required. ' Eggs will keep fresh several days If burled In wet salt and set in o box or crock on the cool floor of a cellar. Holding a fruit Jar over bolllna: nnd volunturlly nurehn i ! 1 r ,H 8 K00d wny to P It. as Uuml .1... i . .. ' : II nuiior week" ornrnn i"K uiu erncieut ci-.mpalgn. imii mo voters respond? They dl.l lemon thor- sponge and lie steam softens tl.n makes It easy to open. liy rubbing a fresh oughly into a soured rinsing It several times In lukewarm water It will becomo as good as new. When your broom gets shorter oi one side than the other dip It Into hot wr.tcr, trim It evenly with the shears and you will have an Im proved broom. 10 Keep uncooked meats fresl. not In fact no attention was paid to the cards by 0 per cent of the people. The situation became desperate when on tkn evening before September 28. the state wns short about five million dolluru In bonds. Then a new plan was tried. Tlio loan organizations sent "uersonm ! nvnrnlirl.i r..i. .i. .. .. (, - " ' viio DUIIdbQ WCJI1 Willi .otl,eU mil throughout the news-) mixed oil and vinegar and set In a papers, by publishing the names of i cool place covered lightly with c few Portland slackers and some damp cloth. others ov, the state. To keep vegetables fresh eoak Within three days Portland ami them In cold wmr ...m the state nt large slid over the top. loosely In wet cheesecloth and lay The mall notice It can be seen, Is noij In a draft of nlr, or place In a tin or ..)! viiecuvo. Tim Portland Journals campaign to eliminate the publication of the delinquent tax lists Is not meeting with the approval of the taxpayers of Oregon. In tho first place ii is a Surprising how much you can'n of malice, of spltework,! '"to a small closet, against tho pror.s of tfte state. In j Ureat saving of time and strength the second place tlio existing tax j ' washing may be found In the usi. publication law of Oregon Is fash-j f tho small B-cent vegetable brushes, "lied to serve the tixpayer nnd notTbey arc Just the thing to rub soiled tlio tltlo grabber. The presont law nock bands, wrists and all badl) provides piibllcaUon, but only nflei j aoiled garments with. mall notices have been sent out and The llattle Fleet The moment we have waited long Is closing on us fast. When, cutting short tli turret gong, We'll hear the cordite's battle sonh That baila the Day at lait. The clashing rams come driving forth To meet the waiting shell, And far away to east and north Our targets steam to meet thy wrath, And dare the gates of hell. We do not ask thee, Lord, today, To stay the sinking sun Hut hear thy steel clad servants pray And keep, O Lord, thy mists away Until the work Is done. "Klaxon" In Blackwood's Magazine. earthern container with a tight cover. If you are scarce of closets Just have a pole or old piece of gas pipe long enough to reach from one side to tho other and sse coat hangers. pui saving and wasting sugar Si-.vo by I'bIiir: Dates, raisins, fli;s to sweeten pud ding:! nul cereals. Kiul'. and nut confections for cr.ndy. Honey, sirups, mr.plo sugar and molaKHog In cakes, cookies end alt desserts. Less sugar In beverages. Thinner si.-ups or no sirups In can ning. No frostlngg u tilers inado without ugar. Waste by Losing: Sugar dregn In coffee cups and lcid-;oa tumblers. Sugar loavlnits In cereal bowls tnd saucers. Rugar spilled in little lots In cook ing. Sugar iipeut to mnko caramel fo flavor or coloring. Hood sugar spoiled In scorched food or by cnrelusn cooking. . Pieces of enke or cookies or any weetened dessert loft to be thrown away. have failed to notify. . Publication la not for '.hose who pay, but for those who have failed to receive propel notice. Could any fairer scheme be devised? Let the present law alone. It works KEEP AIR MOIST "Keep the air moist,' Is the advice of the fuel administration In sugges tions for warming houses. Just cs on a summer day, beat Is more notlct- to your rdvantage even If It docs not able when the r.tmosphere Is heavy ploaso tho title grabber. "SAFETY FIRST" IS PATRIOTISM Heiiiembor: 120,000,000 must oat with us. Allies "Every air pilot bt.g to learn 'safe ty first,' " writes Louis Albert Lamb, In the safety bullentin of the Illinois Steel Co. "It Is ot a matter of per sonal caution merely. The air pilot r willy expects to be killed sometime. The chances nro moro than 50-50 that he will be killed. "Safety first with the nlr pilot, and with everybody else Just as much, Is In the Interest of patriotism nnd perfect service. I "Tho man who Is killed la of no more im to bis country. The man ' who Is blinded, loses an arm, band or foot, or even a finger. Is to thai extent useless to his country. j "Evory time an nlr pjlot tr.kcs u chance, be does more than take u chance for himself. Ho takes a: chance that be will deprive the I'ni-, tod States army of a necessary fight- j Ing or bombing plane. The loss of on ! alrnh'.ne may mean the loss of a bat-1 tie; the loss of n battle may mean the loss of a campaign, or even defeat In the war. Safety first, therefore, meanii more than the personal pro toctlon of tlio pilot or workman. It means a decent respect for the rights of other airmen, coldlers rnd work men. "Any soldier who tnkea unneces sary rlnUs brings danger to lilmself and to his comrades. Any workman who thinks safety first second. In stead of safety first, does an unpa triotic as well as a foolish thing. Saftey first Is good senso nnd j real patriotism too." I with moliiture, so Is the warmth more perceptible within doors lr. winter If the air Is damp rather than dr When the air Is dry, the heat from stove, register or radiator, striken through this dry air readily without being absorbed and rises quickly to the ceiling, whereas in a moist room the beat Is absorbed and the general temperature raised perceptibly. A bowl or open Jar ;? fresh water In each room will suffice to give the air a chance to absorb moisture. Politeness Pays "Eliza," said the mistress, "please! go next door and ask them if they will kindly stop playing for awhile. Mr. Humphrey has a bad headache. But be polite about It be sure to be! polite." A minute later Eliza wag admitted next door. "Missus' compliments,'' she said,! "and she'd be obliged If the person: tryln' to play on an out o'tune planna would darn stockings or something."! "But this is our house," returned j the mistress of It, "and we are no. : debarred from choosing our own ! amusements." "It's a pity you ain't," from j the top step. "When any one ain't! satisfied with two hours plckln' out 'Keep the Home Fires Burnin',' with two fingers on a planna that ain't; reliable, It's hljl;h time Bomebody i Interfered an' told you them fires had got to be dampened down a bit. And you are Jolly lucky I was told to do It polite." The Maxwell The Handsomest The Most Durable The Most Economical Automobile on the Market Quick Delivery J. H. FLYNN Agent for Columbia County Office at Independent Auto Co. ST. HELENS, OREGON "Guard against waste of wild meat," should be the slogan of every hunter this year. All edible por-; Hons of the animal killed should be i utilized. Good sportsmen will ob serve conservation as well ns game laws. For Results Mist Want Ada. Glycerine Mixture for Appendicitis St. Helens' people can prevent ap pendicitis with simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad-ler-l-ka. ONE SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract so complete ly it relieves ANY CASE sour stom ach, gas or constipation and prevents appendicitis. Tho INSTANT, pleas ant action of Adler-1-ka surprises both doctors and patients. Leaves stomach clean and strong. A. J. Doming, Druggist. -YOUR EVERY NEED- MENS WORK CLOTHES Our Una of Overalls and Work Shirts is giving exceptional ly good satisfaction this season and our prices are reasonable. DRY GOODS A fine new line of Dry Goods lias Just reached ns and will be offered at particularly attractive prices for the next few days. SHOES Footwear for all purposes and all purse can be found in our up-to-date Shoe Department. GROCERIES We want you to inspect our stock of staple and fancy Groceries. Prices that make quick sales. A. T. KIBLAN Phone 35 (Houlton) St. Helens, Ore. Free and Prompt Delivery For results Mist Want Ads. Come all you that labor and are weary and I will give you rest. "Restgood" Curled Hair Matresses will do it. - $32.50 Other Mattresses from $6.00 up, priced right, and according to Quality. E. A. ROSS BANK BLDG. ST.. HELENS War Emergency Course and Certificate OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregoa Normal School will offer a War Emergency Course of twenty weeks outlined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The course will begin with each of the terms, commencing Nov. 16, 1918; Feb. 8. 1919 and April 12, 1919. The Superintendent of Public In struction will consider l: equivalent to the Teachers' Training Course and lscue a certificate upon its completion valid to teach in the elementr.ry grades for one year. This Course will be open to those who have had two years or more of high school work or its equivalent. No age limit Is required for entrance, but before a certificate can be issued ap plicant must be at least eighteen years of age. All regular courses will be offered as usual. For detailed information address, REGISTRAR OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL TO A WORKER A National Demand Especially Applicable to St. Helens, where Industries are Hampered by a Lack of Sleeping Accommodations USE YOUR VACANT ROOM FOR PATRIOTIC PROFIT See ST. HELENS LUMBER CO., Phone A-91 The Government Says Save This applies to your house as well as any other property or article. You can save and conserve ty having Your House Painted We do first class interior or outside painting and finishing work. Also decorating. Estimates gladly furnished. . J. A. LARGE PAINTER St. Helens, Ore. DECORATOR Roseburne Stock Farm Shorthorns HERD HEADED BY Villager Sultan 2nd Young Stock of both Soxes for sals at all times . A.H. TARBELL, Prop. Warren, Oregon Quick Results-Mist Want Ads