St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 01, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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or .. "...
Iaaued Every Friday by
O. D. HEILBORN....Vlco President
and Manager.
8. C. MORTON Editor
One Year $1.50
Six Month .78
Entered as second-class matter,
January 10th, 1J11, at the PostofUce
at St. Helens, Oregon, under the act
of March 3rd, 1879.
charge or public expense. The Joui !HOMK S.IVKI) 1JV
nal'a "economy' dirge is pathetically; MKXT
funny, all things cousidered. The' Portland, Oct: 26 (To the
county does not pay out one red ir. i itecomnienuultoii ny
cent for delinquent's
IMl.mhnH nt I'.. ...... UHMA ........
pUDllt.HlOli. - ul,nillt,.il t, Ilia vnlnrt for
The man who permits his taxes to. decision r.t the November election
go by default nloue must pay the tseeins to me wise and timely. 1'er-
blll. The county has nothing to do :nally. the writer has not hr.d time
.h .,,. 'to give the study that some of these
nn tne matter. I questions should receive, but pcr-
These are the things you never uonal experlenco has enpbled me to
see in the Journal editorial columns. Upcnk positively upon nt least one.
Who is discussing the tax bill on Its Through the publication of tho dp-
mprits Millionaire Jackson or ,ho I,nQu,?"t notice I wus apprlsod of
merits Millionaire jacKson or t e.,he ,langer ot havln mv cia famy
country editor? Who Is playing tin. home in Oregou City sold for taxes,
square game? The agent for the property, who
Show your contempt for such a looked after it for me, through an
oversigm, ianou to pay ine taxes.
When advertised a friend saw the ad
vertisement, and knowing that I was
in the east at the time, took . the
trouble to ascertain my address una
wrote promptly and iu time to pre
vent the sale of the property. In tlTis
system of poisoned propaganda by
voting "NO" on every bill that bears
the Jackson trademark.
Walter Pierco, democratic candl- instance tho owner of the property
date fcr governor. Is fervent in his. felt secure in having performed all
praise of his own patriotism He'of t'1 duties-of a good citizen, sup
willingly tells of how much wheat lio''f."1. t"M lmd, en p"'''' ",",J
. , i would have been put to considerable
raises for the soldier boys in Y ranee j expense and annoyance hut for the
and of the large r.mouat he lies In- advertisement of delinquency,
vnsferf in l.ihertv imn.u lmt im r. ' The present law seemn effect ive In
framed from sayMg the: he had l!" p?tfto,nh' tanth'i 'naUnca for
i DtSneilL Of thA nrnnfrlv mvnttr , w in
WHY NOT PLAY S Q U A R K, drawn more than $400 of govern- j was delinquent. Kirmly believing in
POLITICS l ment money for his services cs a j the. mr.xim. coined by Woodrow Wil-
I member cf the draft board In his son, that "the white light of pitilcs
Why cant the Portland Journal ; pub city" is one of the cures for
play a square game in politics? Why ., , . , , , ! Public ills. I sh.-.ll vote against the
. ,.v..j .!..!., j.iil"uu wllu iene lor raising mucn i "delinquent tax notice bill."
.v.. .u- u i . . i i ... i wheat and selling it at $2.20 per Mi. W. C. ADAMS.
, , . , bushel so the soldiers could have
camouflaging the points the voters ....
utcuu. uiiu uxs " no n lac iiiiusi t
should know, in considering the pro
posed delinquent tax bill amend
ment. Last Sunday the Journal devoted
considerable editorial space in dis-j
cussing the proposed law. The sum
and substance of the Journal's waU
portion of the immense amount he
received for his large wheat crop fn
The above r.rtlcle appeared In a
recent issue of the Oregonlnn. The
J.tckson bill (put on the. ballot by
. ' a 1 ' -.,.r--. .
the best and safest securities known. V ' ' y oi uic
Liberty Bonds. The mere fact thai' Joupnnn ,1,prlves tl,a ellnuont tax
he has raised wheat for which he re !P;lyer f Protfctl"
piaces mm ui mo mercy oi me "tax
I celved a big price and bought Liberty!
i Donds with a portion of the money
title sharks. '" To be on the safe side
was a hint that the Oregon press will , , v ........ , vote "NO" on both of Jackson's bills
. j , ... . ,,, ,. ., i does not.Viowever. indicate that he Is! , " w"
nnt dlnrilRR the hill nn ita merits
Nothing conld be further from the,any.more wtlo than the shipyard
truth. The press ot Oregon has been
j worker who has Invested a
discussing the bill on Us merits for
of his earnings in
several weeks, and all tho while Edi
tor Jackson, the millio.iuire proprie
tor of the Journal, who fathers the
proposed amendments, has cleverly
covered up the most important fee.-
. (The fact, however.
thr.t Mr
! BOARD when ho Is known to be a
wealthy man and dli'. not nee I the
i money, does not indicate thet lie li-
tura of the present bill.-
Has the reader ever seen it men-j rs palrtoti(: 88 80me who do 1,ot a
tioned iu the Journal columns Mku ftround 8nout,n8 s to their patriot-
ism. Evidently rierce has read the
Mr. Mayor and rcuncllmen: Now
you have the money to build that
public dock which the people voted
; for, get busy and have the plans,
i specific.-tiens and bids ready fbr
quick action.
And Mr.. Sherman Mllos,' county
chairman of the State Council of W-
Tense since iio council !i.u rcted.
f-.ivoi.ihly as to '.he wfsaes of tlie
reople and since il-.o money Is nvail-
rble for the dock, won't you plens
the nresent delinauent tax nublica-
tlon law nrovides for nrintlne the de- bib,e 8tory ,,icl1 refers to a cerlal
.... ... ... I tnin hMinP- lila Hcrht nnH oi n luiulml '
linquent list only after personal notice, "" . , " , ; l urry rlong tlio application far the
has been sent out to the taxpayer j - " '
ThlB Is the fact, and yet the ordinary, l"draft board, money" is one of tile
sane and in fact, the only inference! Ilgllt8 wnlcn wa8n t Intended to be
buildir.r: permit so there will bo h.
unnecessary delay, lit building this
r.ecessr.ry dock.
that can be drawn from the Journal's
editorials is that the great Sara v,n vi'iiwiui' SAFE AM) SANK
Jackson has devised a law to doi . . j . It the people of Columbia county
away with publication of delinquent; . . cannot aSree wlth rresl" wish- to be represented In the stuM
lists and substitute Instead a won deDJt ? ''8on that lt U P I legislature by a safo. sane and re-
derfully efficient plan of personal I fnd " Co,'re8S democrats in order, ta,,,e m ,
notification by mall. He would have
the voters believe that there is not
mail notice provided at present.
Let the present delinquent bill'
alone. It Is the fairest piece of legis
lation of its kind of any state In the;
union.' Why? Because It provides'
for a mailed notice to be sent out,
and as a precautionary measure, it I
provides that where mail notice 13 !
ineffective, then and then only, mayj
publication be made.
The tax collector's, books are filled ;
with mistaken addresses, people aru'
continually moving V.nd changing I
about. The publication in the hom '
paper will always reach them, either!
directly or through friend, relative!
or neighbor. !
The bill was passed by our legis
lature to protect the unfortunate de
linquent property owner from the
title grabber and others of his stripe.
Cut out the publication proviso and
you let down the bars for the title
grabber and shyster to "pick up"
some easy money and you foot the
The publication is not . a public
that the war pragram 's carried out !
according to the administration's
wishes. The slogan of the Republi
can party, and especially those re
publicans in Congress, lias been "win
the war," "back up the president"
and they have done it.
The war is waged for democracy.! TllB Wnrn.n
not democrats. The army is compos-p . s ., ,,,,,, ., ...
I" " H.,u.ic,a
their section men . oi Wnrrenton.
son I. llallag!i. He la a clean, honor
rble and progressive citizen. -He lir.i
l.'ved In Columbia county for tlie punt
j twelve years. His record Is beyond
reproach. . Ho is public er.iriled and
j dependable.
ed of citizens of tlie United States'
nnfl wllAn fitflittn tliu linnliad nnt!
" , . i -.possibly the company might bo pre-
cs are forgotten. The army Is In , val,ed upon , ,et Bome ,ecilnn.ann
p rance and Belgium to accomplish ; )lave te st imnnB
one thing-the defeat of Germany, ;a new d ot fra uc w
which means the salvation of tlitomodate comfortal)Iv, the people wll0
world This task is not the task of now ave (0 ' wltllPtlP m,flerl
only democrats, it is a task of all We accolIimo(!:Uions. If tho people
liberty lovn3 peop e. ,)f gt eIe w t . ' p
The people of the United States ; make a f t for a U) u d
have been squarely behind the presi-!get As long as they are content
dent in the war work. He has not .t . , , .
, .. . ' with the present shack, so long will
been considered as our democratic ! .,, , . ,
11 ... ,, " , 1 they have to use, this shack,
president, but as OUR president. Ho
i Before votlmr In favn- nf clihpr nf
wIdeithe Jackson bllh, peoplo siiculd ask
themselves why Jnckson Is so anxious
made a mistake when ho Injected
partisan politics Into country
To prepare for the Cold Weather. - Many of you came
and bought Heaters and n-.any of you are holding
' back. HEATERS will be no cheaper this winter, so
; you had better buy now and have the house comfort
' able. We have a large line gf Air-Tight HEATERS,
Universal HEATERS and Stoves and Ranges. .
Vote "NO" on Jackson's camou-:t0 hcIp the colliran People. He Is a
fluge bills. He has an ax to grind, j very weaU1'y a!" can well af
Don't grind it Tor him. I ford to Bpend KeTer:"f tiiouwnd .dol-
liars in putting these bills over,, but,
i Mr. Voter, why should Jackson want
to spend his good money to have
these bills passed .UNLESS HE HAS
the JACKSON MEASURES nnd loave
the question to tho legislature.
:A full Line of
Builder's Tools, Kitchen Utensils, Agri
cultural Implements, Harness, Shelf
and Heavy Hardware,
your wants. Try us.
We can supply
Telephone No. 97 '
St. Helens, Oregon
1U)I..NCK NO. 229 j
AN ORDINANCE to provide for the
Imhui nee and sale of City of t-1
Helens Municipal Wharf Bonds In
the sum of five thousand dollars;
($5000) for the purpose of rais
ing funds for the bulldii g and
construction of n municipal wharf
in the Columbia River at tlie east
erly termination cf St. Helens
Street In said City, providing for
ami approving the form of said I
bonds aud tlie coupons uttached j
thereto, ratifying, approving ana,
confirming the sale of said bonds,
and providing for the execution 1
and delivery thereof, and declar-j
Ing it 11 emergency. j
WllERUAS, Chapter VIII ot the
charter of said City as amended 1
provides among other things thai
for the purpose of raising funds
for tho building and construction I
of a municipal wharf iu the Colum
bia River at the easterly termi
nation of St. Helens Street In said
City tlie Common Council Ih au
thorized and empowered to Issue'
and dispose of bonds of suid t'lty;
in an amount not to exceed five;
thousand dollaru ($5000) par
value; and
WHEREAS, .no bonds have been Is
sued for said purpose and It has
now become necessary to borrow
money nnd Issue1 bonds Iu said ;
sum therefor; now, thoreforo
Section 1. That the City of 8tJ
Helens do Issue bonds In the name
ot and under the corporate soul of
ixilil City In the sum of five thousand j
dollars ($5000) In denomln.1ti.1ns of;
two hundred dollars ($200) each.!
cumbered consecutively frcm 1 to 26
Incluslvo, said bond to he dated1
September 1, 1918, to niaiuro Sep-i
tember 1, 1918, the City of St. Hel
ens reserving, howsvc;-, tho '.ght to .
redeem the sums, or s-iy t'loieof, at'
any tlmo after September 1, 1928,1
the entire Issue of five thousand dol
lars bends aforesaid to be-i- Interest'
ct the rate of six per cert (6 peri
cent) per. annum, payable ceml-nn-'
nuolly on tlie first days of March and 1
September In each year, both princi
pal ana interest to bo payable at the
Eiscnl Agency of tlie of Oregon
la Now York City, said bonds to be
signed by the Mayer and countersign
ed by the Recorder u:ider tlie cor
porate seel of said City, whereby the
t'lty of St. Helens shall be held ami
considered In BUbstarce nnd effect to
undertuke and promise to pay to the
bearer of each of said bonds at the
expiration thereof the sum therein
named in gold coin of tho United
Strtes of tlie presont standard of
value with Interest thereon in like
gold coin at the rate of- six per cent
per r.nnunii payable eml-i-.nnually
which bonds shall be known as
PAL WHARF BONDS." the interem
on said' bonds boig-represented b
coupons aunched thereto and each
of snfd coupons' shall bear the fac
simile engraved signatures of said
Mayor rad Recorder.
Section 2. The s?!d City of St.
Heens Municipal Wh?if B.mds here
by authorized to be Issued nnd tho
coupoi s attached Thereto shall be In
subKtar.tif lly the follov.-lng fo.-m:
Sectl-.n 3. Tho cnle cf ctild bouds
heretofore made ta Morris Brothers,
Inc., of Portland, Oregon, at pur and
accrued Interest be fiid the same
hereby Is ratified, approved and con
firmed. , Section 4. The Mayor and Record
er .ve heiehy authorized, et -.powered
t-nd Insiructcd .0 see to tho proper
executlcn of said birCs a:id the do
livery thereof to tho said purchaser
upon payment ot tho purchnso price
Section B. Thit Inasmuch as it Is
necessary in order to develop the In
dustries of tho City that this ordin
ance go into Immediate effect, and
that the development of certain In
dustries ure necessary for the Im
mediate preservation of '.ho peace,
health and safety of the City, an
emergency Is hereby declared to ex
ist, nnd this ordinance shall bo In ef
fect immediately nfter Its passage
and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Council this 29th
day of October, 1918, by the follow
ing vote:
Yens: Four (4).
Nays: Nono.
Submitted to the Mayor, Octobor
2 9, Jl 9 1 8.
Approved by the Mayor October
... . M. SAXON,
Attest: M-ivor
E. E. QUICK, Recorder-.
Bert Seffar'. of Deer Island, says it
Is a hard matter fo:' a newspaper
man ova banker to be elected to of
fice In Columbia county: Ho made
this remark to the editor rl3l.1t after
.the primly election. In our case,
his asetion vas correct and If it
holdT good ns to Bankor While and
Ed(tor Kautznian, ' ve will believe
Bert is some political prophet.
Romembor: 120,000,000
must eat with us.
I am much Interested In legislation
proponed In the sernte by Senatoi
McNary, and admire his earnest work
In ; Hi at body, r -No member of the!
senate is more faithful to tlie'
thorough .consideration1' of leplHlnilvn!
'patters,.' 'tie is'yery alert 'and lias oh U
jtained a high rank among his col
, leagues In tlie senate. United Statei
Senator New, of Indian?..
:, . United Stutes Senator Borah of
! Idaho, says: It is a pleasure to state
lint Senator McNary has shown rare'
Indepdendence of nctlon as a member,
of tho senate nnd his' work In that
body has been offoctlve p.nd charac
terized by Industry nnd a thoughtful
consideration of all measures coming
: before the senate.
Pierco, tho patriotic nhouter
Withycombe, tho patriotic doer. The
voter should not have much trouble)
in deciding which la the right man
for Oregon's governor. ' I
Rings! Rings!
We have just received an
assortment of beautiful
Our stock of . jewelry
complete and our goods
are the reliable kind
St. Helens, Ore. .
If You Want to Sell List Your Land
With Me for Quick Results
I represent twenty-three Standard Fire Insurance Compan.
ies, including Phoenix Assurance of London Agency
formerly held by the late Wm. M. Ross and Harold P. iJ
300 Close-in Lots at Low Prices and Easy Ternis
Rutherford Realty Co.
Deming's White Pine
With Cod Liver Extract and Menthol
A. J. DEMIN0 iffiS
I ,j:iL-ir't:te
THROUGH this sort of connection with the
COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK one is not only
able to accumulate cash but build up credit
standing as well. It doesn't make any difference
whether it is butcher, baker, grocer or banker the
business man recognizes responsibility and reliability
by the size of a customer's bank balance.
Nothing short of the BIGGEST and
STRONGEST bank in the community
will suit YOU.
Use Vegetables
They are healthy, nourishing and . are cheap foodstuffs."
We have a large assortment of FRESH VEGETABLES.
Lemonn, Oranges and other fruits. Fresh Oregon Celery
and choice Sweet Potatoes.
Quality Groceries
We handle the well known RED RIBBON Brand of
earned Fruits and Vegetables, and our GROCERIES arc
the dependable and satisfactory kind.
In addition to our excellent Bulk Coffee, which is freshly
ground when you order and which you may buy at 25c.
30c, 35c and 40c per pound, we have DEPENDABLE
and SCHILLINGS Coffees,. which are packed in 1, 2 and
3 pound tins.
If you don't trade with us we
both lose money.
St. Helens
Mercantile Co.
Phne 80 ... St. Helens, Oregon