1 CoV fiTRLS ANIl t1 onvs riMOATr.M , VICl"" mi county now have their organ- I lion pflrtcci en, uiiuur uiuuiriiniim (jOU. UIUIIIUIU IrtOlX Blr' n 7 "TU U1U 101- Lln. of flf"r: Ula Low i""'B ci'inuin t:oium- ujouniy H,li M'- K- Miller, Lulu ('oli""1''" county Victory TIlfiHCi iwo Will ciipiuui me L,t county, having assistants In U hlK ifliool, wtio In turn will Lt tlielr committees, Tim nullum If th dlfriTtMit nign koioui captain llo: yln Miili"! lvlo, captain 8t. !,ieni Victory girls. Mr. Muhiiii Urd, ciiptiiln Ht. Helens Victory Kjjn. i UlM Dnvli'd will huvo an her com ulllMtli" following: Aunelio Payuo, Hid Lynch, rlornnco Van Glldm, ifNR Walker, KIhIo Murlny. Dr. HlliTil will have uh Ii1h com , ...i..n vviiKlr.g. groul',,.r,!!tt',"i,lll0n U ' " Krout Lnlt(l War Work camplKn llBVlllg a(mum(!(, j P luota for tho county. WOMAN WORKER'S SIX SONS IN WAR One of tho inoHt tragls records of tlie wur I Unit of , - of Hib Hock Ului.,1 arse nl, four o. mx hoi., already have Kve tnnlr lives In the war hi., i. nr ( arton of 036 Twenty-slxt.. Btreot. Kock Islam! -I "PUIUIIVI, , the cloth department. ur the four sons who were kllleo, three wore incmliura n, Btul.is hnglneers and one of a Cunad Inn hutiallon. The two r,.m,.i.,i., sons are now In Krunce. Mm. Carton ha worked at tho mutual with tin. ...I... .. WMIMV nytiii. u pa trlotlo devotion that her sons showed hi iniiir service In the army. J. F. DOPPLMAIER THE TRACTOR MAN ST. HELENS, ORE. Save Money on Your Meat Bill Trade at Our Market and get Low Prices and Good Meats SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY I!ilii,j,' Mccf, cr Il . . 14c I'ft Roast, per U 17c Kill Roast, per lt . .". . 25c I'otk Rnast, per IT , . 30c Si.le I'ork. per II) .... 25c l'"i k Sausage, per h . 25c Mutton Roast, per lb . 25c Mutton Stew, per II) . 17c Vea! Roast, per lb 25c Veal Slew, per lb 18c I lambui ir. per lb . . 17l2C Liver, per lb 12'2c We also have a nice line of Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables The People's Market On the Strand, St. Helens, Oregon If you don't trade with us we both lose money. St. Helens Mercantile Co. MINI tOW. ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1918 -I am going to help you raise larger crops, cultivate your land to a better advantage and cheaper and help you help the Government tQ raise bigger and tetter crops. I have secured the agency for several of the BEST TRACTORS and have made arrangements so that I can let you have a TRACTOR on very Advantageous Terms. I will tell you more about it next week. If you are interested, write or phone me at St. Helens and I will call and give you full particulars. WANTB TO MEET COL UMBIA JXHJNTY BOYS University of Santa Clara, Banta Clara, Cal., Oct 20, St. Hl'Ihub Mint, St. Helena, Oregon,, DeDar Sirs: I am much pleased to hoar the BcappooDe newa, when I receive the Mint. I alBo like to hear about the boy I know, bo I will you to pleaxe tell me, If poBslble, th? namea of Home boya, who are at Camp Fremont, Menlo Park, California. I urn only a few mllen from the camp. I am in the R. O. T. C, : branch of service that fits one to be an officer. Sincerely youra, LEO SMITH, (Son of Frank L. Smith) (Ed. Note If any reader of the Mint has a relative or friend at Camp Fremont, pleaae Inform Mr. Smith). CLATSKANIE W. J. Fullertoa, Democratic can didate for county Judge wai circu late among lilu filondu In this vi cinity the lam of the week. , John Fogel, Claude JlllUbery, Les I ter Holmes, George Turner and Paul i Hedlund were anions the local boys I to report at St. Helens this week for ; their examination In connection with ; the dr.-vft. Lester Holmes went on to Portland for the purpose of enlisting I lu the automobile department for j special service. j Saturday, November 8th will be j the date for the next meeting of the Woman's Kellef Corps. The luspec ! tor will be present on this occasion An oyster dinner will be se:ved and j all members are urged to be present, i Miss Azelle Conyera, accompanied by Misses Eva Baylls and Mary Erlck j son, attended a county Christian En j deavor convention r.t St. Helens on j Saturday and Sunduy last. Itev.- H. ! F. Oelvln and Misses Elizabeth Mur ray, Irene Graham and Florence ! Mells attended the session on Sunda). I A citizens' mans meeting was held In the Eagle's hp II on Monday even ing for the purpose of nominating a municipal ticket for the coming elec ; tlon. The meeting rca called to order by City Recorder Geo. B. Con- yerB, Rfler which Dr. M. W. Mark- ham was selected as chclrmaa and Rev. S. Harlow Johnson, secretary Ily unanimous vote J. II. Lowls wan selected to head the tlckot as mnyoi. The names of C. S. Orwlg, Free Mann, Ed. Flippln, L. CulberUon and II. McKetl were presented as candl ! dates for councllmen. Ed. Flippln j was presented to withdraw his name at his own request and the remain Ing four were chosen without a dis senting vote. Geo. B. Conyers was again chosen as a candidate for the office o? city recorder; Dr. M. W. Markham, as treasurer; Ben Uirken feld, marshul; C. S. Bristol, con. stable and A. M. Myers of the Col umbia Agricultural Co., as Justice of the peace. George B. Conyers has served tho city in the capacity of recorder for four and one-half years. That he ha given satisfac tion Is demonstrated by the fact tha he should be the unanimous cholc. of the people for another term. It is not his intentioj to qualify as a can. dldate for this office, however, as he Is In the running for the office of county Judge, nnd In Justice to him self, ao well as the people of Clats kanle, ho will not permit his nam, to appear on tho city ticket. In liU aspirations for the county Judgeship he will without .loubt be accorde the same local support which he lies always received when seeking city positions. Clatskanie Chief. REGULATIONS FOR SAILORS' GIFTS Regulations concerning the send ing of Christmas packages to sellers In home waters and abroad have been Issued by the navy department. They follow something the same or der as the regulations for the soldiers overseas, but differ In some respects. Packages forwarded by parcel post for men in the navy must comply with the postal regulations and should be enclosed in substantial boxes with hinged or screw top cover to facilitate opening and Inspecting. All boxes shipped by express are limited to 20 pounds in weight. should measure not more than two cubic feet in volume, be of wood. well strapped and have a hinged or screw top to facilitate opening and Inspecting. All mall matter should be ad dressed as now prescribed by the postal regulations. All ' express packages should be forwarded in care of Supply Officer, Vleet Supply Base, Twenty-ninth 8tre'et and Third Avenue South, Brooklyn, N. Y. No perishable fpod 'product other than those enclosed in cans or glass Jars should be packed In parcel post or express shipments. All packages must be plainly marked with the name and address of the sender, to gether with a notation indicating the nature of the contents, such as "Christinas box"-or "Christmas pres ent." The supply officer at New York v111 cause each express package to be opened and carefully examined to see that nothing of an explosive or othei dangerous character Is forwarded. The shipment of Christmas pack ages for United States naval vessels abroad should be mailed so as to reach New York as early as possible end not later than November 15. Mr. Smith Recommend Cliamber lain's Tablets "I have had mora or less stomach trouble for eight or ten years," writes Mrs. O. II. Smith, Brewerton, N. Y. "When suffering from attacks of Indigestion and heaviness after eating, one or two of Chamberlain's! Tablets have always relieved me. I have also found them a pleasant! laxative. ' These tablets tone up the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. It you are troubl ed with indigestion give them a trial, get well and stay well. For results Mist Want Ads. Use Vegetables They are healthy, nourishing and are cheap foodstuffs. We have a large assortment of FRESH VEGETABLES. Lemons, Oranges and other fruits. Fresh Oregon Celery and choice Sweet Potatoes. Quality Groceries -We handle the well known RED RIBBON Brand of canned Fruits and Vegetables, and our GROCERIES are the dependable and satisfactory kind. COFFEES -In addition to our excellent Bulk Coffee, which is freshly ground when you order and which you may buy at 25c. 30c, 35c and 40c per pound, we have DEPENDABLE, and SCHILLINGS Coffees, which are packed in 1, 2 and 3 pound tins. WE ARE ANXIOUS TO SERVE YOU Phone 80 St Helens' reKon DON'T FORGET WE MAKE DAILY DELIVERIES "roup If your children are subject to croup get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and when the attack comes on be careful to follow the plain printed directions. You will be surprised at the quick relief which It affords. Rings! Rings! We have just received an assortment of beautiful RINGS DIAMOND RINGS BIRTHSTONE RINGS WEDDING RINGS Our stock of jewelry is complete and our goods are the reliable kind WATCH REPAiRlNti VON A. GRAY THE JEWELER St. Helens, Ore. DO YOU LIKE GOOD BREAD? If So, Ask Your Grocer for Dread from Our Modern Bakery IT IS CliKAX APPETIZING AND WHOLKSOMJ2 OUR BAKERY PRODUCTS are prepared In a clean, modern, sanitary bakery and our ever Increasing business la an Indisputable evidence that we produce "GOOD THINGS TO KAT" WEST ST. HELENS BAKERY S. HEITMAN, Proprietor Phone B-114 West St. Helens, Oregon THAT COUGH WITH Demings White Pine Compound With Cod Liver Extract and Menthol PRICE PER BOTTLE, 5C Cents A. J. DEMING S War Emergency Course and Certificate OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL T W i II 17 to tho nrn t fit v nf (...VrnM "v . . . " . j k nnbucia HIT) UiCgUd 1 U 'llllll BCHOOI ttrlll nffam - T ' . . ... a, Lun-rji-iny munie oi twenty weeks outlined by, the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The course will begin with each of the terms, commeuclcg Nor. 16, 1918; i"eb 8, 1919 and April 12, 1919. The Superintendent of Pu v- In struction will consMer It equivalent to the Teachers' Tr; ' ru Course and iscue a certificate upon it3 completion vah : to teach in the elementary grades for one year. This Course will be open to those who have had two yoars or more of high school work or its equivalent No age limit is required for entrance, but before a certificate can be Issued ap plicant must be at least eighteen years' of age. . All regular courses will be offered as usual. For' detailed information address, REGISTRAR OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL Come all you that labor and are weary and I will give you rest. "Restgood" Curled Hair Matresses will do it. $32.50 Other Mattresses from $6.00 up, priced right, and according to Quality. E. A. ROSS BANK BLDG. ST. HELENS -YOUR EVERY NEED- MENS WORK CLOTHES Our Una of Overalls and tork Shirts is giving exceptional ly good satisfaction this seaxon and our prices are reasonable. DRY GOODS A fine new line of Dry Goods has just reached na and will lie offered at particularly attractive prices for the next few days. SHOES Footwear for all purposes and all purses can be found In our up-to-date Shoe Department. , GROCERIES ' We want you to inspect our stock of staple and fancy Groceries. Prices that make quick sales. A. T. KIBLAN Phone 35 (Houlton) St. Helens, Ore. Free and Prompt Delivery. Roseburne Stock Farm Shorthorns 1 HERD HEADED BY Villager Sultan 2nd Young Stock of both Sexes ' for sale at all times A. H. TARBELL, Prop. Warren, Oregon How's Your Automobile? Now, more than ever before, you must watch your automobile and keep it in'perfect order. Automobiles are hard to get, parts are getting harder to get every day. So watch your car to see that it is kept in good repair. Don't neglect the valves, don't run with an engine knock. Keep the play out of the rear axle. The . St. Helens Garage is one of the best equip ped repair shops in the county and special work is easy fo. us. We handle lathe work, make small parts, battery work, besides all automobile repairs. ' ST. HELENS GARAGE Phone 57 H. M. TERRY . Prop, f- On the Strand