St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 05, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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iroiiu of llawullun I-
!"j0 lu numl'r. extending In a
for hundred of mlloa, In of
An orll. l,ou",h "ol,,e of tl10
.ad ref are but the wave-
u tit V(llllfkilM
Lred ren""""
P . ... dlod out long go. The
M of fl'1 "",, ,,y
(oaleacence ui '"
The walla of the
L, volcano of Kliauea, on thU Is-
Lj ire broken uowu on who win,
LicceMtolUliike of fire. This
L0 baa "ot lwu, won K,,n"'
Laa. but It In " wu" "-
I . thB the vlnltor cun stund safe-
mtheMK" or hh ihtj m mm, 11
rolcino l motive, wutch the mol-
focK bollliiK a"" miouting luo
300 ft below. Homotlmee many
L.lllDI UiroW up juin Ul uwiiik
Luroua lva and light up with
kitlf (lre " irowiuim cra tnai
the crater. Tiiun, auuuuniy ana
h detfenlng detonations, the jute
L toiislhor mnl convert the lake
l burning. Beaming, roaring
,, mailing a scene to which few
itriln the world nre comparable.
LuaaLoa, on the liilund of Hawaii
l neighboring volcanic conn.
Im Kea, both nearly M.000 feet
Li the tea. are among the hlghnNt
Ld mountain In the world. On
other lalands of the Hawaiian
L9p thero are volcanic mountain
Iredjr lewi Intoreatlim. The Hum
ot Eaat Muul, 10,000 feet above
lerel, la one of the lurgeHt ex-
Itteratera In the world and la an
prmervvd aa If Ha fire had been
sfulihed but a few year, In-
tid of perhaps several hundred
n ao.
The active volcanoes of Hawaii
iwondirful demonstration of
ItHU by which nil these Inland
inlalna have been built up from
peat depths of the ocean. Since
dira of ('apt. Cook, gnulogiHtH
ldothrr who are Interested In tlio
Llrms of volcanoes have visited
Hawaiian IhIiiiiiU and written
lojt them.
Star I he bnHe of those mountains
Ifneoua rock lie flnld of augur
!, which aro Just now of spoclul
:emt. They are auppllcd with
kisr from mountain etreniiiH and
wella and drainage tunnel tlmt
unilcrKrouiid supplies, The geo-J
Kial turvey, In co-operation with
Territory of Hawaii, haa for aev-
yeara been atudylng the water
kogrcea of the lalunda with a view
liereaalng the amount of water
tillable for uao In Irrlgutlon and
therefore In the . I
otlier crops.
Beveral publish,,,,, Riving r,(r.
matlon on spodi.1 p,111H(.H f lh(.H0 )n
tereatlng hl,HU w, ,, B,.Ilt fr0 ,
application lo 1 1 Director of (he
flitted Stulen ieoloK,,t Kllrv..y .
purtnio.u of the irlori WllHlllll(.
ton, ll. ('. Among thewi are Water
Supply 1'opor 3l. -Water Ueoreea
of Hawaii, 190D-181 1," ,y w ,,. M ir
tin and C. II. I'lerce, and Water Sup.
Ply I'uper 330, "Water lteHllri.,.N of
Hawaii. 1912." by c. .
O, K. LnrrlHon. These pupera deal with stream measurement
and kindred subjects but contain also
much liiforiuntloii of general Inter
Ht. A paper on the water supply of
one or the neighboring Islunda H .
ho avullable Water Supply Paper 77
"The Wuter ItOHOtircei) of Molokal,
Hawaiian Islands." by V:,lde,r
I.lndKren. Tlila paper cohIiiIiim an ex
cellent map of the inland.
l'rofeHHloiial Taper S8 of the
t'lilted HtuteH CeoloKbal Survy, lie
partment of the interior. "I.avaH of
Hawaii and their relatlonx," by!
Whitman ( 'tohh, preaentn a Hiiminur !
of our preaent Hclentlflc knowledge
or the Ihvuh of the IhIuikIh. With the
exception of the introduction the
lax k is mainly technical. It coutulnb
97 panes and IncludeH an excellent ;
map of the Hawaiian iHlands and i
dlaKraum allowing the composition of
tint l.ivas. ;
A.i ndver'.liicmciit in n llerlln
newnpiper, reported by '.he 'luforma-i
tli n llelgeH," hIiowh Home .f the
many i:neg to which vm.w Ik being'
put In Germany: j
"I'rper a! tiff for tres:'.ea and up
ronti. "1'iiper Htuff for bushier milts.
"I'uper Htuff for manufiiciiiro of
HU'tlt. '
"I'uper Htuff for upholstery ami
"I'uper Htuff for trui:k nnd biigH.'
"l'tiper atuff for baga, plllowcuses
ami miittreiiHeH.
"Splendidly assorted lot for sale."
"Willie," said his mother, "1 wls
you would run ucroRH the r.treet nnd
Hoe how Old MrB. Drown In this morn
ing." A few minutes Inter Willie return
ed nnd reported:
"MrH. Itrown s:iyn lt'n none of your
buslnetH liow old alto is."
Mist Want Ad for llesultii.
' 2 theatrea, which I ( ourteny lya
cost over $:,ii(i.oiio In operation It. I The Irish soldier eaw a ehell coming
camps und eantonmenta throughout and made a low bow. Tho wiell mla
tho country. Nearly 100 vaudeville I sed him and took off the head of the
acts have been brought from the man behind him. "Sure," aaid Pat,
"c'umh. y6 never knew a man to lose any-
. tiling by being polite."
rn Von One of Tlicin? j
There aro a great many pooplej 8ave for tl,e cuntry' ake.
who would lie very much benefited '
h taking Chainberlalira Tablets for NOTIOK UK PIN'AIj A(XX)fJ.NT IN
u weak or disordered stomacli. Are BACON KSTATK
you one of them? Mrs. M. 11. Searl. ! Notice la hereby given that the
IliiblwIiiHVllli! n Y relates her r ' underalgned, aa executor of the ea
l erl.nce In tL u , . ? tate of J s- acon, haa filed his final
I- r u,,. I , the use or these tablets: ; recount In the County Court of the
l nnd a bad spell with my stomach i State or Oregon, for Columbia Coun
ii hunt lIx montlM ;..o, and v;a-. troiibl- tX. nd that Monday the 15th day or
ed for two or three weeks with i!anlJuly' 1918' at tl,e hour of ten 'clock
..,.. ,.. I . , In the forenoon of said day and the
u"d severe pains in too pit of my;Court rootn of Btt,d ()ourt haTe been
Htomach. Our druggist advised me to appointed by snid Court aa the time
tnke ('buniberluln's Tablet. I tookinnl Place for the hearing or object
ft bottle home and the Hrst dose l")eohereto and. the et-'ement
lleved me wonderfully and ept on j 'ned and first publlahed June 14,
taking them until I wus cured " 1918.
These tablets do not relieve pain, but ' J- H. SOUTHARD,
uf'.er the pain has been relieved mny Executor of the estate of J. 8. Bacon,
, .. ' ; lJocecsed.
prevent Its recurrence. . j w )ay Attorney, 26-6
I'lirsuunt to nn ord!r or the County Court made and entered on this
3rd day of July. 1918. notice is hereby given that the following described
t'minty warrants, which were issued more than seven years prhjr to the
llrst day or July, 1918, have not been presented ror payment and unless
presented ror payment within sixty days rrom said first day of July, 1918,
mnio win no cancelled ana payment thereof will be refused:
(ieneral I' und
Date Name Amount
Hth Series "A")
No. 401 Aug. 11, 1910 J. R. Nelll $ 3.10
No. 4 'Hi Auk. 11, 1910 Charles Culbertson 2.60
No. 4:i Aug. 11, 1910 It, Vlncento Hospital 14.00
No. 497 Sept. 7, 1910 John Johnson 2.10
No. 62fi Sept. 7, 1910 W. K. Hempstead 10.00
No. 571 (let. 5, 1910 Tred Waters 1.60
No. 572 Oct. 6, 1910 Albert Gardner 1.60
No. 573 Oct. 5, 1910 Joneph Udey 1.50
No. 574 Oct. 5, 1910 Chris Peterson 1.60
No. 675 Oct. 6, 1910 C. U. Waters 1.60
No. 670 Oct. 5, 1910 W. A. Craft 1.00
No. 7S4 Nov. 3, 1910 Tlllle Hugle 8.00
No. 892 Nov. 10, 1910 Meri Gp.ldrer 7.00
No. 921 Dec. 7, 1910 C. Riley 1.60
No. 922 Dec. 7. 1910 K. Hall 1.60
No. 92.1 Dec. 7. 1910 J. H. McDonnell , 1.60
No. 97 Dec. 7, 1910 (J. R. Houston 3.00
No. 1009 Dec. 7, 1910 John Wallace 6.00
No. 1312 Keb. 2, 1911 Lewis Sausner 7.60
No. 1 442 Mar. 3, 1911 Dr. J. C. O'Dr.y 5.00
No. 14S9 Apr. 7, 1911 Fred Springer 2.00
No. laor. Apr. 7, 1911 A. S. Nooning 1.60
No. 1.197 May 6. 1911 Joe Adams 1.00
No. IC.02 M: y 5, 1911 M. G. Smith 1.60
No. 1007 May 5, 1911 Welter Krarably 7.10
No. 1735 Juno 10, 1911 Noonnn 2.00
No. 1S0S June 10, 1911 Henry Ward 5.40
No. 1814 Juno 10, 1911 Carl Overlie 9.20
(ieneral Bond Fund
Dute Name Amount
(3rd Series)
No. 2299 Sept. 8, 1910 Chpc. Overlie 2.50
No. 2473 Oct. 5, 1910 I. Knowles 6.00
No. 2913 Jan. 7, 1911 Carl Johnson 3.00
No. 3125 Apr. 7, 1911 H. Dlppold 2.25
No. 3129 Apr. 7, 1911 W. J. Husey 2.60
No. 3470 June 10, 1911 Lou Lonkey 1.26
In witneFH whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the
County Court, thin 3rd day of July, 1918.
(Seal or County Court) J. V. HUNT,
County Clerk.
Not Kxeliaiigeuble j don't you exchange your little Bister
"I hear you have a little sister at foa boy.
your house," said a Chicago grocer to
juiiiiu reuecieu ior is minute, men
a small boy.
"Yes, air," said Johnny
'Do you like that?" was queried.
1 he said rather sorrowfully: "We can'c
. now. It's too late. We've used ber
"I wish It was a boy," said Johnny, . four days "
"so I could play marbles with him, an' 1
.baseball." j Try a Want Ad. In the Mist. It
"Well," said the storekeeper, "why j will bring results.
Just Arrived
GoCarts and Sulkies
I now have the best assortment I have ever
shown. They were bought some time ago,
before recent advances and I am giving my
customers the benefit of it.
Call and See Them
For Bread from our modern, cleanly bakery. You
will like it and continue to use it.
Cream Rolls, Cream Puffs, Doughnuts, Pies and Cakes
S. HEUMAN, Proprietor
Phone B-114 West St. Helens, Oregon
Stationary Wash Tubs and Bath Room supplies.
St. Helens, Oregon
United States Government Depository
Capital Stock, $25,000
.... President
Vice President
C. G. V 1 1 .SO N A . S. II A R R I SO X
We Pay Interest on Deposits
Temporary Quarters in the DILLARD BUILDING on the Plaza Square