ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. JULY 5. 1918 I rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T I t FOOD ADMINISTRATION CREDO By willing sorvlce of a (rea people to do those things: To feed the Allies that thy may continue to fight. To feed the hungry In Belgium and other lands that they may continue to lire. To feed our own soldiera over uoas that they may want noth ing. To keep prices steady and the flow of distribution even that the poor at home may be fed. To make everyone's effort count Us utmost for winning the war for freedom. FOOD CONTROL IN AMERICA IS OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE EAT POTATOES WritAl It's Up to Us. i I "Germany's war of starvation Is a I challenge most of all to America," i says a Food Administration Bulletin, j "Against Germany's lust for dominion, i America's purpose is to establish the i society of nations. Against destruc tion, America's aim is healiug. Against mastery, America's Ideal is service. "We cannot surpass the steadfast Dointf ;mmI Few medicines have met with more favor or nccompllr.lied more good tlti.ti eiinmlierlnln's Colic and liarrhoe:i llemedy. John JanUeu, DHnieny, S:ick., says of It, "I have used Cham berlain's Colic and Hiarrhoea ltemedv myself and in my family, and can recommend It is being an exceptional ly fine preparation." NlMMOvS IN THE CIRCUIT COVUT OK T.i'" STATE OF OREGON FOR TliK COUNTY OF COLIMIUA. Charlotte Ann Gardner, Plaintiff, vs. William Edwnrd Gardner, Pefeud ant. To William Edward Gardner, the above named defendant: nesi of Britain, the courage of Italy.) you are lurt)l)y re(iulm, 'to answer ! ; ti-MMt'H i"i ii i n imn i i it OUR GREAT TASK i i I By Herbert Hoover. If tou could stand in the middle of Europe today aud survey the land to j compared to their death struggl the exaltation of France. "W e cannot excel the Allies in hero against you in the above entitled Ism, in endurance, in fortitude. Our suit within six (6) weeks from the force in battle, though It may be da-! date ot tllB "rst publication of this cisive, will not be as great as theirs. "We can hope to contribute most to the common cause from our larger resources. To relieve desperate pri vation, America can supply food. "Giving up wheat is a little thing in the complaint of the plalntilf summons, to-wit, on the 13th day of July, 1918, and if you fall to so ap pear and answer the said, .for want thereof, the plaintiff hre jtu will take a decree against you as !prayed for In her complaint tr-wll: For the dissolution of tho bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exlst- lts borders, you would discover its whole population of 400,000.000 human beings short of food. Millions of peo ple in Poland, Finland. Serbia. Ar menia and Russia are dyiug of starva tion and other millions are suffering from too little food. Our Allies aud the neutrals are living on the barest margins that will support life and strength. This, the most appalling and dread ful thing that has come to humauity Blnce the dawn of civilization, is to me the outstanding creation of Ger man militarism. The Germans them selves are 'not the worst sufferers. They are extorting at the cannon's mouth the harvests and cattle of the soldiors are plandidly 1 Inn. between the plaintiff and tho i! ! fondant and for the care and custody food sources the human race pos sesses. For the proper nourishment of the child, it is absolutely indispea sable vud its use should be kept up la tha .Itnf uo Innft an nn.ulhla V.l nnlv which our "A little ' thing-yet we can do it;of ,th n,lm?r c',l,d' eorgo Gardt.e- i.i. , ' ..., o..-.i ani for such other nnd further relief with greatness of spirit. Support ng gJ ,Q ie Cour. m , uli(, our army and adding whole-hearted I oquttable service to humanity, it is in' America's j Thlo summons is served uuen you power to defeat forever the passion of : by publication In the St. Helens Mist, conquest, a weekly newspaper of general cir- "Now is the hour of testing. Wheat ' dilution. In compliance with an order is the test." jmnde an entered by the Hon. J. A. ' jEakln, Judge of the above entitled I Court, dated tho 25.h day of May, Give the Children Milk. j 1918. Milk is one of the most important! . Dat0e. aof tlie "rst Publication May Date of the Inst publication July 12, 1918. WILL II. BARD, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NOTICK TO CHKIHTOKS I 1 THE COl'NTY COI'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR COL- I'MIHA COl'NTY. Ill the Matter of tho Estate of h. 1 . Hester. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given Ilia, tho un dersigned has been duly nppoliited executor of tho estate of E. P. Kea ter deceased, under the will of miM deceased, ami wild will has been duly proven, and letters tostlineiitiiry have been Issued lo her out of the above named court and she has duly nualit'icd. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same duly veri fied to tho undersigned at (loble, Oregon, within six months from the d:ite of the first publication of tills notice Dale of first publication is June 28, IMS. JOIIANNAH KKSTKIl. Executrix. Last publication, July 2i, 1918. C. A.REESE st. iii:i.i:ns, oiti:: Painter and Decorator I'stlmales l-'uruislml All Work Guaranteed And I'lmiuilly Attended to them In desolation. If the war were to cease tomorrow, the toll of actual dead from starvation within the Ger man lines would double or treble the 6,000,000 or 6,000,000 of men who have been actually killed by Germany and her allies in arms. The 10.000,000 peo ple in occupied Belgium and Northern France would have died of starvation had it not been for us and the Allies. We must build our food resources to stand ready for any demands upon us by the Allies. It is of no purpose ,to us to send millions of our best to France if we fail to maintain the strength of their men, women and children on our lines of communica tion. This United States is the last reservoir of men, the last reservoir of ships, the last reservoir of munitions and the last reservoir of food upon which the Allied world must depend if Germany is to be defeated and if we are to be free men. ain all the essential food elements in the most available form for ready digestion, but the recent scientific discoveries show it to be es pecially rich in certain peculiar prop erties that alone render growth possible. ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS I IN THE COL'NTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE I COL'NTY 'OF COLUMBIA. : In the Mutter of the Estate ot W'll- liam C. Fischer, Deceased, i The undersigned having been ap- i pointed by the County Court of the It is net enough to take off your hat ! 5,,,,te of r?Kon rSrolu1Ll ..V.0U,lt ' ! Pviiniitnii nf t in L'atntn nf ll I n tvt 1 1 I to the f las-take off your coat and T',, ""rZ'" " . roll up your sleeves, and having made , ' , , . , nrn,,nr.H, ,1 .mull,ln, Uc1'. n0" is hereby given . . . . . , . " to tho creditors und all persons hav- ful for America and her cause. 1 , , , . , , . . . ing claims a,gainst said estate to prc- sent them with the proper vouchers, j, to me undersigned executor nt me ! office of the St. Helens Mist, St. Hel- Mortgage Loans On Improved Farms at the lowest rates and on long time. Repay able In such Installments as tho borrower may wish. Liberal prepay ment terms arranged. No commissions charged. Loans closed promptly. Mortgages purchased. WM. McMASTER 701 Corbet t lililg. Portland, Oregon J RESULTS FIRST YEAR OF f FOOD ADMINISTRATION Now is the time to eat and to pre serve home grown products. Perish able fruits are coming on the market, the gardens are making available daily supplies of food that will take the place of the commercial canned ar ticles that are needed for shipment abroad. Sugar has been made avail able for home canning purposes and the supply is go'od at the present time. The home garden and the canning of its products means more this year than it ever did before because it will play a very important part in keeping the fighting forces supplied with tlie kind of food they need at the time they need it most. i America expects every civilian to do his or her duty in the same spirit as she expects each soldier when the command comes, TO GO OVER THE TOP" without turning to see if his neighbor had gone first. We have often quoted that old verse, "Gather your rus;;s while ye may," and we can well now change It to "gather your vegatables," for by so doing we can accomplish great good. "We stand bnhird our boys In France and we wiil not call it a sacri fice but a privilege to do our bit to ward feeding them Over There." Emma V. Milliken. Conserve, reserve and preserve all of these fine fruits and vegetables that are now within your reach; you will need them tho coming winter. Preliminary Work Began May 19, 1917. Food Control Act passed August 10, 1917. WHEAT EXPORTS (since July 1): Estimated surplus for export, 20,000,000 bushels. Actual shipments to June, 120,- 000,000 bushels. BEEF EXPORTS: Ordinary rate one to two mil lion pounds monthly. . J Largest single month this year, , 87,000,000 lbs. J PORK EXPORTS: T Ordinary rate, 60,000,000 lbs. monthly. Largest month this year, 308.- 000,000 lbs. PRICE OF FLOUR (Minneapo lis): One year ago, $16.76 a barrel wholesale. Present price, $9.80 per barrel. PRICE MARGIN (between farm er's wheat and flour made from it): One year ago the difference was $5.68. Present date ths difference Is 64 cents. IN GENERAL: To the farmer t going to market, 27 per cent T more than last summer; to t the housewife buying in ma'- i ket, 13 per cent less than ist r summer. I And the Allies have been sus- T talned. - ens, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published Juno 28th, 1918. J. BRUCE POLWARTII, Executor. Date aof last publication, July 20tli, 1918. Dependable Jewelry Diamonds Watches Lavallieres Brooches , Pearls Cameos Clocks Vases Cut Glass ' Silverware Wedding and Engagement Rings WATCH REPAIRING VON A. GRAY THE JEWELER St. Helens, Ore. Str. IMLDA I tat oh between St. Helens nnd Portland, 51) renin one way, 7.1 rcntx for the round trip. Tickets good until used. Rout I' RveH St. Ilclcim 7 :.V a. in. Kelmnii'K leaves Portland 2:iil p. in. Arrive at St I lelens 4 i't n. in. C I. HOOGIIKIRK H. M. TERRY THE MOTOR TROUBLE MAN Kxpert MacliinlNt. Itiinj your auto trouble to me. Murine work a Npeclalty. Shop at St. Helens garage. I'lione 57 PRICKS ALWAYS KKASON'AIU.K 4 ft Be a Booster t Insist on getting By eating more perishables here at home we may save others from per iBhing "Over There." ( 'hush of Despondency Despondency ia often caused by in digestion and constipation, and quick ly d:sappors when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. These tablets strimgtelien the digestion and move Un bowels. The man rho knows the com fort of a good -tasting chew sticks to Real Gravely Chewing Flag every time. Lasts longer than ordinary tobacco, too. . Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it XiTlPr if ! ma CravelylattBtoniuchlongcritcoitv no mora to chew than ordinary pin,; Pi B. Gravely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia 4 ST. HELENS BUTTER ft i 5 Your grocer has it. 1 Pastry Bread Cake Coffee and Baked Goods Served at All Hours St. Helens Bakery iSLii;ii2miuAHD Wt "tt tw I 1 6 y in One W The foailing Fenturot of tho Lroi.1. inaMuchini- all com. bmod In on. hani).omBNnwTroii bin. J n.o Wriliiiij Mnchinaof lh Hrt Quallty-ln which ynu w,ll find your own favorite feature of your own favorite typewriter, and the other, beiidea. ImptoTeJ-SimpIified-Modernizcd Simple A rtlntlo-Durable KUlcl. lZStt!"ii"& K"'-Sinai. Shift Ball Bearing-Unlet Vli. lhl.-8ot Tuuch-Liuht Action. In the Woodstock " You Will Find P.rtn tlme-tmitrd worth-while winrii you like In tho mu hine y..u ro mat to, eml you vill .Iho find the favorite feaune of tho olhnr Kl.,n.l.r rnnktia wlurh you wiih your mnrlnno had. Yet Inth. Weedetock you will find this eiraroiraltoooriilKh,.ilntfi,iuro.mui-h lmpro,.d and almollfl.d, to at th, that no otW typc.rlter dooa-niie bt ou.r.torg aay tliia). 1 ' end trial of Uiu eacellent tyoawnter call convince. .wriwjr laveetliate by all mean.-Wo are at Tfo your ,J.;rnce. Im u. .how you how ID' OA e It la to try on: lo . n0"' , Woodstock Typewriter Company. Chicago , I y 4 YOUNG MEN Enroll in the New Merchant Marine Our Government Needs Sailors, Firemen Coal Passers, Oilers Water Tenders, Cooks and Stewards A. J. Deming, Recruiting Agent ;xk fur l'ri'0 IiilWimitloii lluuklrU WHEN YOU WANT ICE CREAM WHY NOT GET THE BEST We carry the Famous Mt. Hood ICE CREAM A Trial Will Convince You SODAS SUNDAES MILK DRINKS MASON'S THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS Cigars Candid art&.U2UrdZ&ta ll I lie I;onl Sfdaii, with its cxcccdinn'v com- I I f"it;il)li- and refined furiiisliiiins. its neat up- liearanee and eveiy-da y-in-the-year utilitr. is an espeeiallyittraetive motor car fur wo- men. ineetini; ,- fully all tlic demands of I ii.iniii.u n -1 1 1 r, j - j t: Aiun:j nu: im.his I who drive hecae of the easy, safe control I Summer and winter it is always ready I never a dotiht altont that nor never anv I I fears for tronhle on the way. Then the cost I II I of operation and upkeep is very small. Sedan ; l W f. o. h. Detroit. I'll Independent AutoCo. St. Helens, Oregon II Let Your Rent Money Buy You a Home Time room Iioiim' untl two uimmI IoIm within two IiIim" lilK mill fur m.lT.VOO. NiiihII ilotvrt piiyiiiont and montlily l".vi In on Imliimc I 'our room lilmHl. u, m,rn t)t tin mHi n ( ,.,irl in fruit nnd K,.,(.n 0ll Kmt(l pon(, xyitU utret,l UnUi ' elly wiili r. Hn huNini-Nu lot In 'iliiiiil,,, my 'locii two Hlilyr,' f:t."(l.0. .l:asy ti-rniN. I'onr room Iiouhi nml imo lot with nnwor rnnM tln. I?10, WKio.oo down nml ImlitiK H ciiay monthly iymrnlH. -Aim. Imve wvrrnl liumlriMl loU ut prlrea nuiKli'K fr"1" "ml ii. fill ,wn ,! !) to M.r ,nllt,. iM lot nml l"'"'1 your hom In your Hiarn tlnut. Rutherford Realty Co. Opposite City Hall '