ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1918 mm mm mm w mm m INDUSTRIAL Review : AA(b A A A AAA y S'rk on now cannery , . hr cotiipieicn. 1t.,M-roMM for 18 k, of 'i,,"'t Pv,"n,lt linr"' iitM Itrown ranch and i '..a turn miles Ht of ,iur6' ,, 150.000. Or,-" C'l.y-Wrk of paving 8 Cluckniniis county 10 coin- outfit no I (I sawmill oh tu I)- .rf Of Employe" r m- """"""r "" .motion corporation plun $16,000 xrmiU'U hull. a....thrllll Nw sh01l 8l I"""1 "lHl 0f ,,Ure- RoiclmrK t ,"iva lrul1 ..(.talilo cannery, mucinim. iu m j'ullcil at ",Kl""ll'K t0 C0Ht 10-- fiotukor liovn gone on record for rtiof $10,000 oaeu ly unuii nmuii Irter fillip ' 8t- ol"", -rKOii. .. 1. ..11. 1 1. .. 1 1 u ..ulni !.... I hit It COUMI "mm iiu"" ........ r other yard, and y U. M. Standi 1, Construct l" Co., Vancouver, ttMliliKti". tlint II could complete Hhlim thoaa or m compoii- ,,,. according to J. W. Hull. asms j,i niiiorvlHor or ill" woouon kiiiii .iriirtlllll division III 1110 UIVIHUlll foimi ,i 0rmtii. R r K I fr r v . . - nvniiir ftiiuuLD BE I notice of shijiih-s silk 'Nl TO SOLDIERS 1 IN t,k ' iiK i'iT court of thk H I A I K OK OREGON F O It The original order tin t tho ap proval of a regl, ,-,,1 or ,,K,r commander whh neensHMrv i.,.r..,.. piekuges might 1;0lll , ,,,. of the expeditionary fo.-rer. linn been moilirieil ho officers wllli tin, r.u.k of major anil hlKlmr may tipp-ovo alilp inonts. The approvs-l cf u cnmtiany commander Ik not sufficient The iiucdHiju of the iililiitiu-nt of parcels to Franco flrMt came to tlm aitoi'llon of tho war dcpnr'iueiit when tint commanding Ki"HTiil of tlm expeditionary forces cabled that congestion of hik-Ii articles reached kiicIi a point that French COI-I .VI.IA COUNTY P. J. llt'tniH, I'ialntlff, v". l'ntr 1'Vltnn. I.o!o Folton and A. S. IIuiiImjii, I)i-fi!inluntH. Ily Vlrt.uo of an Execution, judg ment orilor, (Ioithr and ordr of mile IbhuhiI out of tho ahovo entitled lourt In the hIov entitled caime, to mi! direti!il and ihitert tlm ixth ils.v or June, 11 8, upon a JudKmen tenuereil and entered In said Court on the 7th day of June, 1918, In favor of F. J. Harm, plaintiff, and aKaiiiHt I'eter Fclton mid Lole Keltoi defendants for the turn of $550.00 with liferent thereon at the rate of h per rent per annum from the 30th had l,,uy of AiiRimt, 1917, and tho further 1 sum or J 18.23 with Interest at the riiiin.i.iu .i.,.-. 1.1 . .. .. i'"" 01 u per rent per annum trom I' i nan-im me t,e 30tli day of March, 1818, und the loan. A hoard appointed hy Hie j further Hum of $75.00, anil the furth Hoiretury of war and tho poHtmiiHler ! ('r Bum vl $43.45 costH and dlHliurne Kenerul examined 6,000 fh:Iih of i m,,"tH 8,1,1 tllB COKtg of a"'1 "P"" tl'' p.-.reel-poiit mull nd fi und tli NOTIOK Tit I'KKIHTOKH, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. In the matter of tho Extate of Nich olas Welter, Deceased. Ntolce In lierehy Riven, That Henry N. Welter hag been ddly appointed admlnlHtrator of the Estate of Nich olas Welter, deceased, by the County Court of Columbia County, State of Oregon, and hag duly qualified for said trui t. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to pre ii' nt the game duly veri fied, with the proper vouchers, to said administrator at tils residence in Oolilo, Columbia County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated June 7th,' 1918. KBNKY N. WELTER, Administrator of the Estate of Nicholas Welter, Deceased. W. A. HAKRIS, Attorney for Administrator, St. Helens, Ore. 25-5 Hall lias wugered a din ttr that Own builders can tioat a tooiliMi hull In less than 40 days. The i-.rnit fimltli-l'orter Company lias Hinted a wooden hull In 60 days. All,erAlfalfil being grown sue- . ! ia I'rulrln trtiiuny uii " " Prairies Chrome business assur- m pronperotis year for Grant county. North lli'iid Odd Fellows invosti- tllM cliaucea of cotiHtructlng mod m concrete building for lodgo and (ommiirclnl purposes. Gold Beach Flailing operations In lull iwlng now. Portland- County commissioners ulhorlio more than three miles or hird aurfuclng of Foster lload, pro ildlim Lents with spl-adld tlioruogh tire to Portland. Vale Warm Hprlngs project to lie milted. Will mean from 15 to 30 itiouiwnd acres of now laud In Mai tour lley. Ontario -Ground broken for new uter aysteiu. May bo tlono 111 tnroe noDtha. Dallas I'r.rtlar auryev ahows the irowth of pruno Industry In Folk county. Present total 3.320 acres In Italian prunes. 1 Pendleton I'mnllla Is first county Hie r.rtlelns being sent not only, In the mi'.ln, were r.bsoliitely tnneces:iiiry, hut undeslrublH. The Investigation showed that the amoun: of such tn:iil had reached u total of 500.000 pounds a wolik and was ctnadlly 1 11 -cieiiHlng. Reli.tlves and friends, to a recent statement by tho war de partment, will find they often can do a greater service to soldiers by send ing them money for the purchase of articles in France than by forward ing the articles. Tobacco Is now be ing supplied as part of tlm army ra tions and merchandise of nearly all kludii may now be purchased in France through the hugli general Hloro established by the quartermas ters corps, at lower pricey than charg ed by retailers hero. IMMENSE STORES NEEDED FOR MEN An account of how soldiers are fed at sea Is given In tho daily news paper published on a transport: "Outsldo of providing 210,000 meals at sea, the mess officer of the ship lias very little to do. Very Ut ile. "He Is only called upon to pro vide, by tho regulations, ISO differ ent varieties of food. That" all. Ever try to order 180 different thing ! to eat? Yet this Is tho authentic! list. ! ''Tho food needed to feed several thousand men at sea miiros beyond writ, commanding me to make sale of tho following described real pro perty, situated In the City ofs St. j Helens, Columbia County, State" - of I Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 19 in Illock 40. i ca appears by tho plat of said City j of St. Helens of record in the office j of tho County Clerk of said Columblu ! County, State of Oregon. I Now therefore, by virtue of said j execution, judgment order, decree according n,l orili'r of sale ami In cnniiiliunce I with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday tho 13th day of July, 1918, at 10 o'cock A. M., at the front door of tho County Court House In St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore r.on, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bid der for cash in hand, all the right, ! title und interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the llOth day of August, 1917, tho duto of tho said mortgage herein lorecloscd, or since that date had In nr.d to tho above described property or uny part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and de cree, interests, c osts and accruing costs. Hated this 13th day of June, 1918. E. C. STANWOOD, Sheriff of Columbia County, Ore. By II. E. LaBARE, Deputy. First pub, June 14th, 1918 Last pub., July 12th, 1918 IIItE! Fll IF: 1IHK! FIRE! 1 See E. E. Quick, St. Helens, and i Insure your property In the Oregon Flro Relief Association of McMinn vllle, Oregon. Don't put It off. MchOtf W. I. WARREN, Agent. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 1 STATE OF OREGON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. 1 In the Matter of the Entate of Sam- uel Johnson, Deceased. 1 To Mary Peterson, Alpha Berg, Al. Johnson and William J. Hill, heirs! at law cf Samuel Johnson, de ceased, to Gust Berg, husband of Alpha, Berg, M. Mabel Johnson, wife of Al Johnson nnd to Mary C. Gilbert and Mary E. Flack, and to all persons unknown Interested In the estate of Samuel Johnson, deceased, GREETING: In the name of the State of Oregon You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Col umbia County, at the Court room thereof, at St. Helens, In said County and State, on Monday the 1st day of July, 1918, at one o'clock In the afternoon of Bald day, then and there to show cause, If any there be, why an order should not be made grant-! Ing to the administrator 01 saia es-i tate permission and directing him to sell at private sale all the real prop erty ot said deceased lying nnd being In Columbia county, Oregon, to-wlt, the E. hi of the S. K. V and the S. Vt of the N. E. Vt of section 12, township 6 north, range 5 west of Willamette meridian, containing 160 00 Witness the Hcriorrble S. C. Mor ton, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia county, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 16th day of May. A. D. 1918. Attest J. W. HUNT, i (Seal) Clerk of said Court. it : A . umh- L SMod.l 90 ' T 1 TniirlnO THE THRIFT CAR OVERLAND Considering all of the five essentials for complete satisfaction, the Overland Models are the nearest ap proach to perfection on the market today. Do riot let such a claim upon our part go unchallenged. Make your investigation at once. APPEARANCE, PERFORMANCE, COMFORT SERVICE and PRICE J. F. Dopplmaier Agent for Columbia County, At CITY GARAGE ST. HELENS, ORE. Save for the country's sake. the glutton'o dreams. You get the to make contract with state for road jamiwr j ti,n ship down below the maintenance. Terms or contract pro- j wll(,,r ns, where 7,290 loaves cf tldea fur cjire of ten mile, section of:t)riuI )mve la,l)n ,uKl,,i n onB day, the "Wild Horse road," paved by itale last year. Hatnlun Negotiations practically cloned to secure factory to make itarch products from potatoes. Roftdsport Glanv sawmill for Reediiport to bo constructed. Ship ftrd la likely. Grants Pass The machinery of the Aihlr.ncl mine has been purchased by rtrtlea representing tho "Mother Lode" Intercuts In California, ami Is king shipped away. . Dallas-- Dallas Box Factory doing rustling business, EiiKi'tie Early construction of railroad by federal government from Vaqulna Hay, through Waldport ounty and Its possible extension In to Lane county for purpose of reach ing valuable spruce tracts. Is Indicat ed tiy presence of surveyors who are working on the wost const of Lane county nenr Heceta Head lighthouse, to boro. Eiiftene Crew of men has started ork on old military highway above Oakrlilge in ronneclion with plan of forest service to open this road for motor travel from Wlllnmotto valley to Klamath Falls, cutting off about Inn -.i vv lllllilH, and where you stumble over every variety, from 60,000 pounds of beet to 132,000 eggs, or a compartment of brick Ice cream In a IO-degrcc-ubovn-lero vault. "And If this doeun't suit, you can bump along Into 49,1124 pounds of potatoes, 7,100 pounds of ham nnd bacon, 7.K00 pounds of butter, 9, 200 pounds of Dugar nnd 61,500 pounds of flour. "If you can't get a meal out of this you can still fall back on 4,600 pounds Of cnusago, 8,400 poumln of sr.uorgraut. 26,000 pounds of apples, 19,800 pounds of oranges and 4. 200 pounds of onions. And this ler.ves out 1,600 pounds of jam and 9,400 pounds of lima and navy bor.ns." St. Helens Acreage For Sale From 2 to 21) ai re tracts ad Joining (ic, V. Mi ltrlde school in Wcht St. llnleiiN, ut $1.10 to per aire, on lontf time and eiiKy payments. I -own than the cost of an ordinary lot. X mi ls the time to buy. The High way to tho w'U will run aloiiK side of this tract. Let us take you out in our auto to look at this land, 11 ml you will surely lluil the land you want. GEO. H. SHINN, St. Helens, Oregon DENTAL CORPS TAKES CARE OF 5.000.000 MEN The dental requirements of an "my of more than 6,000,000 men K"-n now ho met by the present force tho dental corps of the Unltod SttM army. Examinations have en closed and no further additions "111 lie mado to the corps for aome 'We. The tinmluir nf rinntul officers expended since war was declared 'font 68 to G.810. Commissions era offered to 5,487 dentist In all! Parts of the country and all but 271 ero accepted. Tho average number of tooth fll "ikb In the army ranges from 226, 0 to 250,000 a month. . Special niiil Infirmaries have boon estnl). Hulled In tho camps and cantonments ,0 which newly Inducted soldiers are "nt for examination shortly after 'flvul In the camps. A school for dental Instruction has "oen established, where 85 officers ro assigned each month to take the J-nmtl,! course. Columbia County Ml SEPT. 18, 19, 20 (SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA . C. S. Akers, Plaintiff V8 I Christina Akers, Defendant. To Christina Akers, the above named . defendant: j In the nsine of the Stn'.e of Ore-1 eon, you are hereby required to ap-i pear In the above entitled cause and Court and answer the complrlni of pHlr.tlff filed agr.inst you la the above entitled suit on or before the 3rd day of Aucust, 1918, said date being more than bIx weeko frcm the dpte of the first publication of this' summons. If you to to appear; end answer, for want thereof the 'plaintiff will apply to the above en-' titled Court for the relief p-ayed for . in his complaint, to-wit: For a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore rnd now exlBtlng between you and the plaln'.lff. This summons Is served upon you by publication In the St. Helens Mist, a newspaper ot nenerr.l circulation in said County and S'.r.te, for a period of six consecutive weeks pursuant to rn order of the Honorable J. A. E.-.kin, Judge of '.he above entitled Court, which said order ia dated nnd made Jure 17, 1918. Hate of first publicrtior. of this summons 13 June 21, 1918 and date j of the last publication is August 2, I 1918, PAULUS E. NEWELL, Attorney for PlaintUf. P. O. Address, 806 Dekum Building, Portland, Oregon. J. L. WILLIAMS & SONS A Full and Complete line of General Merchandise D17 Goods, Shoes and Groceries SCHOOL BOOKS, INK, PENS, STATIONERY Our customers receive dependable goods at reasonable prices. Give us a trial and you will be satisfied. Phone 34 WEST ST. HELENS, ORE. CITY GARAGE Agency for The Chevrolet . Sold on easy terms Hupmobile Service Station t Keep a Full Line of Firestone Tires OIL, GASOLINE AND ACCESSORIES Best equipped Machine Shop in the town for Auto and Marine Work Battery Recharging St. Helens, Oregon f'lminb.,ii,'H Colic and Diarrhoea ItemiHly ' the time to buy a bottle of Now this remedy so as to be prepared in cae that any one of your family "ould hnve an attack of collo or "larrlmen during the summer months. " to worth a hundred times it cost wlen needed. FARMERS Get your Grass and Grain Exhibits Ready Many Cash Prizes for Good Exhibits 1756 Eq. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1 STATE OF OREGON FOR THE 1 COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. I Lrura H. Nortiiup, Plai-:tlff, vs., James Benjamin Paul, Jane Mor rell, nee Jane Paul and George Morrell, her husbard, Frederick D. Paul and Nora Pat!, his wife, Pru dence L. Ingles and Clinton S. In glos, her husbnnd. Charles William Paul, E'.lzr.beth Lnne, nee Eliza beth Paul and William Lane, her, husband, Delia Bennett, nee Delia j Paul and Ken.etl Bonnet;, herj huoband, and Lydia B. Ncrthup.l Defendants. T: Charles William Paul, defendant abrve named: 1 In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap i pear nnd answer the answer and i cross-complaint of the said defendant I Lydia B. Northup filed against you in the above entitled suit within six j weeks from the date cf the first pub ; licntion of this summons and if you I fail to nnswer for want thereof the i sold Lydla B. Northup will take a 1 decree foreclosing her mortgage upon your undivided one-eighth interest In the following described real prop erty, to-wit: The Southeast quarter1 (SE ) or tne Ncrtnea8t quarter (NE and the Northeast quarter (NE U) of the Southeast quarter (SE Vt) and the South half (S ) of the Southeast quarter (SE U) of j Section twenty-five (25) In Township: six (6) North, Range five (5) West, of the Willamette Meridian in Col umbia County, Oregon. .This summons is served upon you by publication In the St.. Helens Mist for six successive weeks In pursu ance of an order made by the Hon. James A. Eakin, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 20th day of May. A. D. 1918, prescribing six weeks for publication thereof. H. H. NORTHUP, Attorney for Lydia B. Northup. P, O. Address: 404 Piatt Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dated and first publication this 1 24th day of May, 1918. FOR LOGGERS, CRUISERS, M1LLMEN SHOE MFG :i The Celebrated BERGMANN SHOE Awarded GOLD MEDAL P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1916 The Strongest and Nearest Water proof Shoe Made AND ALL WORKERS CO. THEO. BERGMANN Thurtnan Street ' Portland ASK FOR THE BERGMANN WATERPROOF SHOE OIL Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAYING AND TRANSFER All Business, Promptly Attended To PHONE 15 WAf. H. DAVIES - ' - Prop. ST. HELENS.OREGON New nunnery We have just received a large shipment of Millinery direct from the east. Come and make your selection now while the line is unbroken. M. ROSENTHAL