2 ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. JUNE 21. 1918 Issued Every Friday by THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY O. D. HEILBORN, . . .Vice President and Manager. S. C. MORTON Editor SCB8CRIPTIO?r RATES One Tear tl.tvo Six Months 75 Entered as second-class matter. January 10th. 1912, at the Postofflce at 6t. Helens, Oregon, under the act of March Srd, 1879. oommr OFFICIAL PAPER FACING THE SHADOW S (Awarded First Prize In the Paris "Herald By Private William I. Grundish, United States Army In France When I behold the tense and tragic night Shrouding the earth in vague, sym bolic gloom. And when I think that, ere my fancy's flight Has reached the portals of the Inner room Where knightly ghosts, guarding the sacred ark Of brave romance, through me shall sing again, Death may engulf me in eternal dark Still, I have no regret nor poignant pain. For Better in one ecstatic, epic day To strike a blow for GLORY and for TRUTH, With ardent, Binging heart to toss away In FREEDOM'S holy cause my eager youth. Than bear, as weary years past one by one, The knowledge of a sacred task undone. POWEll HKHIXI) TI1K NATION' In an address before the editorial convention held in the east It was shown that sixty per cent of the American people are served by the country papers and smaller dallies. The smaller newspapers constitute the real driving force and police power of sixty million of the Ameri can people more than half the peo ple of the United States read the smaller newspapers. The farmers, the men and women "who feed the nation, nnd a great part of the rest of the world the think- j ing, influential Americans who do; RIFLES ON HAND FOR 2,000,000 MEN Over Million and Half IVtxlui-rd in V. S. In I'ttNt Year More than 1,600.00 rifles liavoj been produced for the I'nlted Slates army since this iimtry i.tereil the war, Rays an announcement issued by the war department. Of this number 1,140,696 are modified Eu iitlds, 176,790 Sprlngtie' I models l 1903 and 261,270 Russian rifles. , "Besides the rifles nuulo since witr wns declared," the announcement , not live in the big cities read the Lay. ..there ... 60 000 Slirlllrf,.is country weekly and smaller dallies. mo,,e, of i903 , uae 0nIy al)mlt While the city dwellers in flats, 0Ile.,mlf tll8 goI(Uer(l , an arln). and apartments spend their money carry rlfle8 0 (hlg ,he or,,. on canned goods and picture shows. nance Uepartn,ent hM en0U(t rflo8 the readers of the country papers are I SprlnErl(,)(, and ni0,,m(,(1 Enflelds. the great buying class from farm!,-. . ,, nf ni,.,..t o iinn nnn n.n allowing wastage for one year." i I.nst week's nn?diirtnn w:im nine- Ileal power of the smaller newspapers pd nt 35 M0 In lul(1ltlou to Is not yet fully understood by thetho completedi tllere ls tll tractors to Jewelry. The advertising value and the poll great business interests and states n anship of the nation, u:id still lets H predated. equivalent of 100,000 Enflelds nnd 100,000 Springfield made, up In spare parts Blnce the dttclarntlim of war. All the rifles and spr.re parts, with the exception of the Russian rifles, go Into the hands of soldiers goliiu .overseas. The Russian rifles Rre REPAIR OF THE ARMY'S CLOTHES THE GRANGE AN1 NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE The Grange, at their recent meet ing in Salem kicked the Non-Pnrti- san league out of their organization. ; used for tralniK purp0Ee8 am, ,,, s hub oi me pruuimeui memuers oi ; plng th home Km,rd Pomona Grange stated, the endorse-1 ment of the Non-Partisan league at the Astoria convention last year, was put through by trickery. It was claimed that the league was really 1 non-partisan, so the endorsement I '""-terii,Nters Corps K.-,H.rts Slum was given, but when the grangers, "rw" W"rk '" ""'"'"'" found out that the Non-Partisan was' a political party, they gave it the! V garments and worn sl.oef go by. Many grangers would haveiare belng rePall " "used In supported some prominent farmer for !,ilrge nuluer bv "my, a sum master of the grange In preference , nmry of tl,e eeonipllshmeiit of the to supporting Spence, but it was a Overmasters W reclamation choice between Spence and a Port-1 "lvl8ion ianwea lust n'B,,t 8,,0WB land lawyer, and the farmers didn't1 Wlvf 8 "d othe" ' In service think a farmers' organization should mPloe1 repair shop at be headed by a lawyer, so re-elected Fort Sum HoU8ton fiUe,, for ri'Urte a Snrnee Pncalhlv tl.a nl.l man m,.v .""-"-B" -. bui iiiriim per a.v get some of the Non-Partlsnu league notions out of his head Inasmuch as the mnn hnft ?nne nn reenrrt nn lie. ing unequivocally opposed to the I "' "''oes were repaired in April, while leaguo salvaging of garbage, waste and of i motels has shown profitable results i Mobile laundries to durins May, and new shops for simi lar work are being established at various places. Nearly 170,000 pulrs "THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW" I ln enforcing It There ls entirely too Oregon was the first western state I muc" reckless and carelesB driving in to enact the Initiative and referendum trr.vel with The council did the right thing in tr"T ln France ha?e ,,eon dcvcloP l;u, mo niiiiniui-'lll i'.uus, lUUOWlllg KIIC- cessful operation of stiulonur; laundries at camps within tlie United States. STOP THE SPEEUBUGS passing a strict traffic ordinance and the officers will do the right thing NOTICE OF SHKKII rs SALE IS THE CIHCl'IT COl'RT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COINTY F. J. Harms, Plaintiff, vs. I'eter Felton. Loin Kelton and A. S. Harrison, pefendunts. By Virtue of an Execution, Judg ment order, decree and order of bbIh Issued out or tlio above entitled court In the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the IStU dav of June. 19 IS. upon a Judgment tendered nnd entered In said Court on the 7th day of June. 19 IS, in favor of F. J. Harms, plaintiff, and against I'eter Felton and Lolo Felton, defendants for the sum of $560.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum from the 30th tinv of August. 1917, and the further Finn of IIS. 2:i with Interest at Hie rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 3 Dili day of March, 191 S, und the further sum of $76.00, und the furth er sum of $43.45 costs nnd disburse ments and the costs of and npon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the Billowing described reu! pro perty, situated in the City of St. Helens, Col u 111 bin County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 19 in Block 46. ts appears by the pint of said City of St. Helens of record In the office of the County Clerk of said Columbia County, Stato of Oregon. Now therefore, by virtue of sal.l execution, Judgment order, decree und order of sale nnd In compliant 1 with the commands of said writ, I I will on Saturday tho Uth day of July, 1918, at 10 o'cock A. M.. at tho front door of the County Court House in St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore gon, sell at public miction (subject to redemption) to the higher! bid der for cash In bund, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the 30th day of August, 1917. the date of the said mortgage herein loreclosed, or since that date hud In ai d to the above described property or any part thereof, lo satisfy said execution, Judgment order and de cree, interests, c osts and accruing costs. Dated this 13th day of June, 191!). E. C. STANWOOD. Sheriff of Columbia County, Ore. By II. E. LuBAKK, Deputy. First pub, Juno 14th, 191S Lost pub., July 12th, 191S and has enacted more laws by the people and the legislature than any other state. Much of the legislation passed by the people has been without profit to the state and the people realizing this, for the past few years have vot ed down a majority of the measures appearing on the ballot. But the be CAT NEEDED TUNING The landlady bustled up to her now lodger' as he came down to St. Helens. Only recently there was a collision at the corners of two of the city's main streets. One driver was cutting the corner on the wrons wide of the street A f.ivni-lte nlppp for the careless d:-lver tn "nnen her ! breakfast the first morning. up" is at the corner of the Strand and Plaz.". block. This Is a danger ous corner and if the speedbugs are j not dealt with, sooner or Liter, there I lief in legislation and regulation isl wlu De a bad accident .it this place, verv strone and In manv of the west-1 Pedestrians have some rights and em states is a powerful factor in hin dering development. iiney snouiu oe recognizee! autolst. by the Speaking of the difficulties of get ting the insurance business of the state upon a sound basis, Insurance Commissioner Wells of Oregon said: "In America today, the most common phrase Is 'there ought to be law.' If the cook wants to quit, if the .sheets on the hotel beds pre too long, or anything you get angry over the average American repeats the formu la 'there ought to be a law' and every two years ho turns hla eyes hopefully to the biennial calamity TAKE NO CHANCES WITH FIRE Drop no burning mr.tches or to bacco. If you have a camp fire, build it away from logs, trees, or rotten wood. Scrape a clean strip around It, digging down to dirt. When you leave, PUT IT OUT. If no water Is available, use dirt. "Good-morning, sir," she wheezed "Good-morning," said the lodger. "I hope you've had a good night's rent," said the landlady. "No," said the mild mannered lit tle man. "Your cnt kept me awake." "Oh," said the landlady, tossing her head. "I suppose you're golnp to ask me to have the poor thing kil led." "No, not exr.cily,' said the gentle lodger. "But would you very much mind having it tuned?" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA " 1 Amid nnd -! m nlm n ...UIaI, known as the halls of mls-legislntlon ! . ,, , , , : .- i.u L, 1 shall make right the law of the CLMU LUilU LB 1U UUID'JU Willi 1113 ItJIIUW- I War Savings Stamps help provide I c. s. Akers Plaintiff that "Force, force to the utmost, vs force without stint or limit, the right-! Christina Akers, Defendant. 10 i.nristina, Akers, the above named defendant: In the name of the St.n nf riro. ii". mU) t ...I, I 1, I 1 .1 . i.fi, ... . , . . citizens the shibboleth 'there ought , '. '"'""" " Da'a , ace "ere"y required to ap- , h . , I must be used against our enemies. pear In the nbove entl'.lcd cause and 10 oe a law. . Court, and- answer the complr.ini of Under the double system of law- Apparently the only examples of Plnt' agr.lnst you in the making, direct legislation by the peo- terrorlsm wrougllt hy Lon(lon airlSSay""" Aur." "id V,' lives in the legislature, what cannot Lpont the last three years In their l.te of the first publication of this be put over in one way is attempted 1)edroom l summons. If you fr.il to so appear by the other. j ' , i;nd answer, for wr.nt thereof the Oregon can expect no relief at the -.., to tIl(f mnrlnftK nn ,,, ; lln'ILZtl lJil.e J? next term of the legislature, as press' weRtfirn frn, OPBm . , Ml in hiB emi.l,.mt tn-wi- h-J i single word, "kamerad.1 reports state a majority of the legis-i luture will be new members, and of course each of them will have from two to two dozen laws to place on the; politics is adjourned the already overburdened statute books, don't. What worries Congress is why if Summer is Here Some things we have which you might need for summer use Hammocks, Refrigerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Lunch Baskets, Camp Stools, etc. Complete line of Housefurnishings always on hand. For eiee dissolving the bonds of mntri niony heretofore p.-jd now existing between you and t!e plaintiff. This summons Is served ui.on vnn politicians ; by publication In the St. Helens Mist, j a newspaper of perioral circulation In said County and State, for a period - I of six consecutive weeks pursuant to r.n oraer or the Hcnorable J. A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled Court, which said order is dated and made June 17, 1918. Date of first publlcr.tlo-i of this summons j June 21, 1918 and date of the last publication is August 2, 1918. PAULUS E. NEWELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, 806 Dekum Building, Portland, Oregon. K A. ROSS ST. HELENS. OREGON BANK BUILDING SIMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Peninsula Lumber Company, a cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. Jesse Leroy Wright, Defondunt. To JoRse Leroy Wright: In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear und answer tho complaint tiled i. gainst you In the above entitled suit witinn six weeKs from the 24tli day of May, 1918, tho date of tho II rat publication of this summons, nnd if you fall so to answer, for want there of the plaintiff will upply to the court for the relief demanded In Us complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of strict foreclosure ngnlnst you of tho land contract de scribed in the complaint whereby you agreed to purchase the following de scribed premises In Columbia Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: Tho Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sec. 18, Tp. 5 North, Rango 2 Wost, nnd descrihed tn said contract as Lots 30 and 33 In Tract Unit A of Deer Island Farms, according to un unrecorded plut thereof, unless you pay the amount due upon Bald con tract, together with Intorent ns there In Bpecllled nnd a reasonable sum for attorney's fees, together with costs and disbursements of said Hiilt. This summons is puldlslied by vir tue of nn order of the Honorable James A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 20th day of May, 1918, directing tho same to be published ln "Tho St. Helens Mist" a newspaper of general circula tion published -in St. JleleiiB, Colum bia County, Oregon. Date of ilrst publication: May 24 1918. Date of last publication: June 21 1918. R. SLKIGIIT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofflce address 1521 Yeon BIdg., Portland, Oro. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of John W. Patrick, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Col umbia County and hns qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same duly verified, as by law re quired, to the linrlnrulirneH nt T)oi, ben, Oregon, within six months from ine uiilo oereoi. Dated and first nuhllnlieil .Tunn 7 I 1918. T. O. WATTS, Administrator. GLEN R. METSKER, Attorney. 26-6 SIMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR THF COUNTY OK COLUMBIA. Peninsula Lumber Company, a cor poration. Plaintiff, vs. v. E. Smith Defendant. ' To W. E. Smith: In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are linrrlv ra.,,,i....i ... ... pear nnd answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 24th day of May, 1918, the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall bo to unswer, for want there of the nlaintilT win ,.i,. .... court for the relief demanded In na uuiiipi.iuiL, io-wii: For a decree nf kIMm r..-,...i i . - r ""-Closure against you of I lie Tumi .. .. - . ....... vwiilimltl IHJ- scribed In the complaint whereby you .Kiu.:u iu purcuase me following de scribed nremlKPii In ii..n.i.i.. ,7 . r . "nil iiiu Ollll- ty, Oregon, to-wlt: The North wb quarter or Northwest quarter of Sec 10, Tp 6 North, Range 2 West, and uuscnueu in sum contract ns Lots 1 and 2 ln Tract Unit A of Deer Island 'arms, according to an unrecorded pint thereof, unless you pay the amount duo upon said contract to gether with interst as therein s pec -fled and a reasonable hum for attor neys fees, together with costs and disbursements of said suit. This summons Is published by vlr tue of an order of the Honorable James A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 20th dav of May 1918, directing the Hame f, be published n "Tim ki ni ,. ...: - - v. .ivivim HIIHI. a newspaper of gonerul circulation published in St. Helens, Toh Z County, Oregon. Date of flrBt publication: May 24 1 " 1 o. ' 19181 16 f lilHt."u,'"0i,ll": Juno 21, 11. SLEIGHT, r, . . , Attorney for Plaintiff. PoBtoff Ice add rem : 1621 Yeon Uldg., Portland, Ore. How to Open a Bank Account SOMI'. riMf'.S people hesitate to open laiik accounts liccpuse they imagine it involves a lot of bother and DON' T KKAU.K the at!vantaRC3 trained. N'ow let ns show you how easy it is to open a I'hcckinn Account at the Columbia County Hank. I'.ither brinij or send in your first deposit. We will have you fill out a New Account Card with name, address and signa ture then hand you a passbook showing credit for the amount you have deposited and a checkbook for your convenience in making withdrawals. Isn't that simple? Why Not Do It Right Now? ii mi ULU IN COixfrril'lA XotlN I Y FOURTH of JULY CELEBRATION St. Helens Will Celebrate the Fourth and Invites You to Take Part in and Attend Band Concerts Patriotic Speeches Grand Parade Amusements Sports and Races Baseball Games Dancing It Will be a Great Celebration Plan Now to Spend the Fourth in St. Helens WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS AND THE PROGRAM WILL BE PUBLISHED NEXT WEEK St. Helens Home Guard Who Have Charge of the Celebration Sl. HELENS ROllTF ... l W.ll.m.,.. VJP THE PEOPLES BOAT . C" SIR. AMERICA l-eaves Portland dully . .2-3o m (Sunday i:su u. ,., Arrive. St. II,,0II. . . . (Sunday 3:30 d. m.) Uav.H st. Il.(,,a .1B . m Arrives l-ortlaud - . . loiJa I Si H. HOI.MAN, Ag.nl A.de;8uttll,!eoWtay 1,?,,,d",'- Wlwirf foot A-4204. Muln HrM KUANK WILKINS, St Helen. Agent. ST. HELENS-PORTIAND AUTl I HANK HIIEPAUU, I'roi'' 8C1IKI)L'I.H AM. P. Lv. St. Helens ..7:30 Warren 7M Henppoose 8:00 j;JJ Ar. Portland :20 !:5 Lv. l'nrlli.nil 10:00 ": Ar. St. Helens 11:60 : Hatiirdnyi nnd Hundiiji apoelnl trip leaving St. Wuleni 6 p. Leave Portland 11 P ri?T tatjt tr CI7RVICi! i iuinui h