ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY, JUNE 14. 1918 MIST MISTINGS 1 1 Wanted to Rtllt A f iirnUhml 8 i apartment or partly furnished house. 4 Cull for C. P. Morgan at Mist office. Mr nnil Mm Kmnialt nutflr nf Miss Edrie LaBara visited friends Hlllsboro were hero Wednesday on la Portland Wednesday. 3 short visit to E. E. Quick and famt- A Oswald Petulng was a business , ly. visitor In Portland Monday. A. L. Stone returned this morn- -O Von A. Gray was a business vlsl-jing form Portland where he attended tor In Portland Wednesday. jthe Grand Lodge of the Masonic A. S. Harrison and wife returned ; order. Friday from an extended trip to t'al-j it. Clifford Stokes and Miiw Opal lfornia. ; D. Hand were united In marriage at The steamer Klamath left out the Methodist parsonage by ltev. A. Tuesday night carrying 1,000.000 feet S. Hsey Tuesday afternoon. The of lumber and a large passenger list, j newly married couple are well known Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Ilrakke of Port-iin St. Helens and have many friends land, spent the week end with Mrs. 1 who extend congratulations and best Brakke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W11-' wishes. llr.m Muckle. William Barber, a fo mer St. JOHN A. WILLIAMS IS A BENEDICT lake llrido Who Wan II In KncW heart In ItoyliiMwl liny until few Community Sing tomorrow night, 7:30 o'clock. Cashier A. L. Stotio of the Colum bia County bank was a business vis itor in Portland Wednesday. Names of men who have recently reached their Slst birthday mid re gistered for army service found on o ma r. Mr s.wl Mr. R 11 Intl.. u lll ci tupany Is a benedict. motor to Portland tonight to be'1 r"acheil St' ll,,,,"l's frl,"ulH U,M nrrisml HI ll.o rri,l...,H,r Dv.M.n 1 I'll Mil)' .lid of the Jefferson high school and wit-' r': MIhh lMiorali Kvans of H ness their daughter, Miss Alma, re-11'1"0- Wl""'""'"- Tll nmrrliige Is celve her diploma. I,ll, itoni of 11 romance which In- Community Sing at Courthouse on ' '" 1,1 Chicago 30 years ago. All Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock vVfllimim boarded at the home id Preparation for great sing on JulvjH"' hrlde's motlier and fell In . nv 4th. Or. Emil Knna will conduct. ith Miss Kvans. They were eiiguT- John A. Williams. ! ...... . ..I -....I. .....I lnaiL Will li I II OIHIIS UK" Vl-t-ili-nnn-in hiiii in.n I iirer of the C'jiuniblu County 1 .11 111 lit- Word 'ia t ho ws united in m:i.-- 1000 singers are wanted anil you George Domineyer has bought a Helens boy, writes his sister.-MissI r one of them bo there ed to he married hut before the wed uling date, there was a lover's ipiar- A. K. Austin litis received word "'I Ulmum packed up ami H't Bale was made throueh E. I. Hallaeh. I rived In Franca nn.l U nnw I.. ,rHvora his son Lcland that he and for Ci-llfornia. Neither of tho couple tievc. Oakland Six automobile. The ; Ine Barber, that he has safely ctlveH" local agent for the Oakland company. 'duty. Barber volu-iteerod about one I ''"H who recently enlisted In ! "er married, perhaps always clur- Mrs. M. H. Alvord and daughter ' year ago and was assigned to the: the murines, lmvo arrived at the islilng the hope that time woulil Miss Mary and Mr. H. P. Boss 'signal corps. Until recutly lie was i training station in California and, so ''ring them together. When Williams motored to Chehalic, Washington, stationed In New Jersay. fi". are well pleased w ith the branch ' I1 out his Interest in the milt nml Saturday, returning to St. Helens cn ; nr. Lcwe, Portland's well f 8rvice wlllcl1 tly entered. 'wit ' t renewed the ae.iuiln- Sunday evening. i 5LrV k F 8 in- ' Yesterday'a report from General j tntico of his sweetheart of boyhood "Doc" Oswald Demlng accompanied j D0Wn r'e P U , ' ' j Pershing gave the names of four; 'lays. A reconciliation was eNeclid by Miss Eugenia Demlng and Miss! f , i, e eu8 Ba fr ay,( Oregon boys severely wounded In and the long postponed wedding UUllO t, 11 JUU HID IU MUUIfl UUUl I : . , ...... I It to! 111. .action. They were John Culbertson ' solemnized. '" "u' """ Bl" lf .l..,l,.,.,l I All I........... ' Tl. 1J....1,,.. Ill-uwliil V...11 " V l.tlOHHIlia Ullll nilfCIll Itl'StUll. U . .Ill- 11.11 III. ......v , .. gives the following ncount of the Margueritte Kankin, motored Portland Wednesday and spent the day with friends there. Miss Marguerite Rankin of Cali fornia is the guest of her friend, Miss them a 1 thorough examination. If you do not need glasses he will not sell them to I It. Beed and It. G. Zeisler of I'ort- jyou. Scores of Columbia County re ferences. Merrill, of ltc:elie:ttcr, llt'zik.ih C-iplcs. pioneer resident .a large donkey engine to move the any young man who Is Interested In of Coluinlilr. City, was unite,! In mar- BeTlin Yoeman has written his trees which they are logging. -M wishes to enter Cnt-le Sam's, rlage to Miss Emma L. Ilarson at uncle, ex-Mayor Ballagh, that he is First Lieutenant George Gore has marlnn service. , Cathlument, Wasliin-ton 011 Tuesday, safe In New York after his fourth , written a St. Helen's friend that lie According to Frank Wilkins, who, June 4th. Tho l,rld has been the tlip across the big pond. Berlin was is now on the firing liae and lias been : luis k"pt 11 cl0!te tal) 0,1 the rlver for housekeeper lor Mr. Caples for the a member of the Oregon Naval Mill-(for ihe paot month. Lieutenant many yeat, the Columlla this year paat several years and Is well known tia at the outbreak of the war and ; Gore, who is In the artillery, corps, I w.111 not 'lo 1iny Broat damage. , In Colunl.U c:iy. was sent to Bremerton for further j said he was sitting under a tree writ- Wlllle the rlvfir' hn8 been raising! The groom is pust 80 years in at-e training. Afterwards he was assign-j lug the letter, but close enough to his ra,pldly durinK tho Pas- week. Mr. ; and Mrs. Caples is years of age. ed to duty aboard the cruiser South ; dugout to reach it quickly when the W"kins Bays lhere ls no rean to The happy couple were In St. Helens Dakota and lias been serving on her I Hun artillery resumed their shelling, i feel uneas' Rs 10 flool conditions. ! Wednesday, retu-iilug from a short for more than a year. To date" he J A great many shells had been falling for aftei' te" days or two WPfiks- Ule w"l'll'iR trip. They will make their has made five trips acroes the Atlan- end the American artillerymen were I waler wlU b,'Kln t0 fil11- rhctn liom on the large estate ..r 11... 11c cenvoying troop and merchant j sending back their compliments to 1 M,I,W vessels. tl,e jun gunners. . LI BEET Y THEATRE St. Helens' New Moving Picture Playhouse FRIDAY Theda Bara in "IU BARRY" A Truly Fine Picture. The story f the greatest, adven turess In the history of France. ALSO A FIXE COMEDY HATIRDAY Lon Tellegan Hushaiiil of 1 ui- noted Geruldine Farrur in THE BLACK WOLF ALSO COMEDY SIXDAY Doug. Fairbanks in "IN AGAIN, OCT AUAI.N" Mutt and Jeff Comedy anil Hearst's I'athe News MONDAY Montague Love In '.'THE AVAKEXIN" a story of an outcast who made KoI. .Good Comedy also. TUESDAY Frances X. Bushman anB Bcvery Bayue In "L'XDEIl St'SPIfTON." Also fine romiily. THURSDAY , The Wonderful Kitty Gordon In "THE C RUCIAL TEST," too good to miss and fine romedy WEDXESDAY Bryant Washburn in "I WEXTY-OXE" story of boy who got away from his aunt'N apron strings and made Kood. .t'om -dy a;o and sei onil episode of "THE HOUSE OF HATE," featuring beuutirul I'enil White ami Antonio Moreno. ST. HELENS GIRLS S ENLIST IN NAVY motor- re out 0f x 1:1 me mountains, groom at ('aides l-amllm- Wi.i.i. i conseyueniiy, a 1 10011 Is unlikely. acres 1 the river from Coliimbl- City Wllklns usually guesses it right and - . this year lie Is positive that his fore-! On account of the very poor water cast is correct.. i pressure for tho past feW days, ,. I linotype and press in the Mist office ! which aro furnished power by a water commission a freilt tinrl itt II... t: , .... . NMisses Marie Walker and Marcel- . ' " ' . n" ia Richards eulisled in the navy i.n T, "V "'B a "m,! Uyeomanettes. for either land o, Z' "n 1h 1 'T "r,!HS"r '" l"R wn,"r service. They are now subject to call j Z L JlX7 """ ""' H""U"1 Uytime. Their eniistmeiK will add 1m u? a " .T'"0',, " )wo more stars to the service flag fas ows , ? '"" ,,r'!SSU,'U of the Christian Endeavor society of LZlZ 0 J n" ' C,ml" the C, church and make,;'0"""" tU "'" '"""rty- . atot:il of seventeen menibo-s of that 1 " society in the service of their coun- try Both of tho young Indies are well known In St. Helens and have scores of friends who will watch tiller pro gress in the nnvy with much interest. CHURCH NOTICE Methodist Episcopal Church The Friendly Church Albert S. H'sey, Pr-.stor Sunduy school, 10:00 a. 111. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Epworth League, 7 p. m. Evening services, 8 p. m. The subject of the morning ser mon will he "The Stewardship of Life." To euvo and not to destrov: to help and not to hinder: to cheer and not to discourse; to bless and not to blight; to end a friendly hand nnd smile; these are the "outward signs cf the inward grace that dls- poseth men to righteousness." There's n comfortable pew, and a welcome Tor you. Congregational Church ltev. A. It. Spearow, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. , Christian Endoavor, 0:4G p. m. Evening Service, 7:45 p. m. Ileal Goapel Sermons. REWARD $25.00 to party finding pair rather light Bay Mares; one weighing about 1300, the other 1250; branded with lazy K on right stifle ; lore tops have been roached but grown out five or six indi es; should have colts with them. Phone or wire me. collect, Payette, Idaho. J. H. IIANIGAN, Sheriff, Payette County. .Mra. Ge.irgo WIIho:i left Friday for San Francisco to visit her son Harry Wilson, yoeman, 1'. H. navy. Tho work In the S. K. dlsdlcl office, .here lla.'ry has been for tho past several mouths, Is almost roinpleled and he expects to be in siv. service about July 1 Hi. Ml-s Ethel Lynch accompanied Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. James EIIIm,;,, . lolnled chairman r.nd dlv,,P, ger for school district N,, . , VY. 8. 8. cnmpalni. The ,10 ' " ilrlve In to raise 6B . TWi for district No. 2. Kvory'J. ' Irlct In the lii.i u.... W"001 , "iiiiw hai i given a quota to be s.,l,scrii,J u 7 I ho niolilh of June ""nI land. happy event: Before they adjourned Saturday The marriage of Miss Deborah Eugenia Demlng. Several ?enra aeoi . ' laflenioon, the county court appoint- Evans, HIS Park avenue, to John Miss Ranklu was one of the teachers! 1118 luRt re8ular meeting or the ed J. T. Taber justice of the peace A. Williams of St. Helens. Ore , took la the St. Helens school. jWomans Club before closing for thej i iiKtrict Number 2 to fill the va- ili:oo In Chicago at high noon on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Broughtou iBUI,,mer 8eason wiU 08 ueUl at the: CiUlcy cauged by the death of the late Wednesday .In the presence of a few ill leave tcday for Portlard from , '"sldonce of Mrs. Flora Owen. Tues-, n. i. Watklns. The Judge has al-! ii tliur.te friends tho marriage ser whlch place they . will motor to.,la-y- June 18tl1' insteaJ ot Wednes- ady entered upon his new duties. : vice was read by the ltev. K. y. Wil Eugece to attend the commencerpent ' day- At tllls t,me tliere 08 ai. The employes of the St. Helens Hams, pastor eme.-tlus of the Well exercises ot the U. of O. Mr.lrPrt of t,,e counc" r federated! Lumber company will have Sutur-' Ington Avenue Congregational Broughton's sister is a member of ,cllus which will be held In Portland, day afternoon off during the summer' church. Chicago. In the east parlor the graduating class. ( June 15th. Also, plana will be made ; months. Instead of goln to work of the rainier House, which had District Attorney Glen ' Metsker ! for the final cii. nieetins of thel at g o'clock as formerly they did, 'been tastily decorated with pink left Friday for North Carolina to at- , club- ! they now begin the day's labor at rcsen and pink a-d white cn: nations, tend to some private legal business. c- D- Morgan of Nampa. Idaho hag 7;80 and make up enough time so iMnner was served to the wedding Defore returning to St. Helens he will a"cepted a position as linotype opera-las to have holiday on Saturday after- p'rty In the dining room of tho l'al-, visit Washington, New York nnd 'or 'n 'ie M'st office, succeeding F. noon. . mer House, after which Mr. and Mrs. Boston and wil be absent from St. i A- Lymburner, who has gone to, The Columbia County bank In . Williams left for a short wedding Helens a month or more. .California. Mr. Morgan ia, an ex- having printed the baseball sched- trip. The brde wore a traveling suit ' " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross arrived PeHenced newspaper man and for.' ulos of the Shipbuilders league for : of dark blue serge. tan hat .ti.d 11 In St. Helens several days ago and i several years has been In the employ tbe second half of the season, and j corsage bouquet of pink roses. She. will spend the. summer months with ;of tlle Numpa Leader-Herald. His those of their patrons who are Inter- was unattended. Mr. and Mrs. E. A: Ross. They j f-'-mlly will come to St. Helens a ozted In baseball nay secure one or The announcement of the wcdclug 1 came from California in their auto- soon as Mr- Morgan can obtain a more of the sciiodu'es by calling at : comes as a complelo surprise to the! mobile and while some of the Bpots ; ouse- ; the bank next week. ; Mends of the hi ido aiul groom, in the road were quite rough. the)X Company Mechanic Burrell Graves . Coroner White was called to Kerry j hcth of whom aro well known here enjoyed the trip. own from Camp Lewis Sunday Tuesday to hold r.n inquest over the Mrs. Willlrms has lived here for n Paul C. Morton, representing Ma-0 sPend the day with home folks, body of Gust Lybock, who was killed number of years v.-lui her brothers, eon-Whrman & Co., wholesalers oflBurre11 states that his company will in the tunnel when c. cave-In burled John and Hon Kvans, and Mr. Wll Portland, was in. St. Helens Monday 1 SCOI Ieave for active service as mniy hlni- under tons of earth.. The body Hams was engaged in the luercanlllc calling on the trade. Mr. Morton if those in the first drafts have bo-. of the unfortunate man was not re-; business here for several years. He has recently asquired an interest 4n 'ome well trained soldiers. At Camp covered until the 11th. His neck, left th's city fo' the we:t about in a large body of standing timber In I Lewis there are now more soldiers back and arms were broken. years ago. Columbia county and Is now making han at any time in the past. . j A. J. Iteming, tho Hexall druggist The bride lef. for Chicago on arrangements to log It. George Perkins, a member of the of St, Helens, has been appointed an Tueialav afternoon accomranled bv i bnerman nines returned Monday ; EOth engineers, writes his sister, Mrs. 1 enrolling agent ror the U. S. Ship- Mrs. L. M after attending the Bankers conven-'H. F. McCormick, that he has safely PiS Hoard, to enroll young Amerl- Wis. lion In Bend. He speaks highly of the nrrlved in France and with other , C1'"s from 21 to 30, for service In hospitality shown the visitors by thel members of hlo company Is busilythe Merchant Marine. He received OCTOGENERIAN TAKFS Bend people and was favorably im-jengaged In logging. The logging isjnotice of his appointment this week YOUTHFUL Bl'IDF pressed with the Bend spirit of pul- done with mule '.earns and George j En,I already has received several ap- . ling together for the interest of Bend Bays there is absolutely no need for plicanto. He will be glad to meet and Eastern Oregon. Silk and Wool W o luvt- just rivcivi-.l a sliipnii'Mt of lliis p pttlar il..ih j the sluik-s that aro in tin- tMi-aU'st ilomaml.,;,. .... 1.1.... 1 ! 1 , K"v' ui.,., t.i. in, ..iiiiii tmii, mi nise aim ,1.. i. nniic, n.i, 1 .i) Mini-, .iMiii- Ki-fcn, mil nisc and iv lilne. t- uffvr t!ii-M- al $2.50 tho vanl. w liioh is a vorv li , t 1 ... I'iiiv viiii.iniuiiii; 1 ui I'liniiil Ladies' Shoes 0 oai i v I lit- I'u - Dunn make ami aro nfforiny; tlicm at ji iul:i r prioos. liv Imv an tiiikiiuwii nr inforior make wlion vnii oan uot :in l't & Dunn at t lie saiuo jirioo. V. E. AUSTIN St. Helens, Orecon FRIDAY, JUNK 14th "Stainless Barrier" TRIANGLE PLAYERS AND Wm. S. Hart in "Hoofs and Horns" SATURDAY. JUNE 15th ROSE OF T'lE SOUTH WITH Peggy Hyland AND THE WOMAN IN THE WEB SUNDAY. JUNE 16th' Haby Marie Osborne IN "THE LITTLE PATRIOT" Proceeds Ro to The Red Cross MONDAY, JUNE 17th William Russell IN "THE MIDNIGHT TRAIL" TUESDAY, JUNE 18th A BIG DOUBLE Douglas Fairbanks in "The Lamb" AND Charley Chaplin in "The Pawnshop" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th 'HUMDRUM BROWN" WITH Henry B. Walthall THURSDAY, JUNE 20th "Rich Man's Darling" IT'S A BLUEBIRD Gem Theatre Good Music-Good Pictures-That's Why-