c 7 ' i-.T.:.-' TVrV- . . ST. HFI.ENS MIST. FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1918. . Imist mistings The steamer Wapama, laden with ,a million feet of lumber and carry ing a capacity passenger list, sailed ! Saturdoy night bound for San Pedro. Mrs. V. E. Lidyard was a Port land visitor Wednesday. . H'.'.S. Mason was a business visitor in Portland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McCormick spent" several days in Portland this week. Dr. Mann, of Ltnnton, was tn St. Helena Friday, looking over the field wllh a view ot soon setting the First National Bunk started. i Earl Austin left Wednesday to spend the week-end at his old home jilt Woodhurn. During his absence, i A. E. "Austin is looking after the 1 business here. I Jyi Ernest Johns is in St. Helen en- ing a week of vacation. Mrs. Johns and son have been here for the past ten days and will return with Mr. Johns to Linnton, when his vacation is over. One Day Only, Sunday, May 26th LIBERTY THEATRE The Gladstone Vaudeville ROAD SHOW : . ' Radiating all that is Bright and Colorful . 1. Hazel Gladstone Incomparable Acrobat 2. The Yuma Girls Singers and Dancers 3. Signor Carlo Fessia Accordionist 4. LouiSe Lee Lyric Soprano 5. - Emolyn Stone Bits 0f vaudevme 6. Chas. Fessia and His Queen of -..-.' Jazzscopation - Prices 25 and 50c None Can Afford to Miss It. All Can Afford to Go SATURDAY, MAY 25 Theodore Roberts in "THE AMERICAN CONSUL" ALSO Big Act of Vaudeville Consisting of Five Native Hawaiians in a wonderful por trayal of their Haunting Melodies. Special Feature for THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Watch the billboards. Big Dance at City Hall After the Show 9:30. . MONDAY AND TUESDAY Dore Musical Comedy Company Appearing under their own Mammoth Tent Theatre Seating 1000 People. Traveling in their own Pullman Cars. Featuring the Eminent Swedish Character DICK LONSDALE AMERICA'S FUNNIEST COMEDIAN Supported by a Wonderful Company of : Singers and Dancers MOSTLY GIRLS A Bevy of Pretty Girls- -Classical Musical Numbers Entire New Show, Funnier Than Ever Ladies and Children are Especially Invited A TWO-HOUR PERFORMANCE POPULAR PRICES ' Doors Open at 7 :00. Performance at 8:15 . t iir. laws june o. Miss Carey Joseph, of Portland, is a guest of her friend, Mrs. L. l. Ross. Mrs. Herthau Woods spent Sunday in Portland, the guest of her sister, Miss Walter. Mrs. E. C. Brown, after a success ful year as teacher in the Warren school, has returned to St. Helens. She will be here several weeks be fore leaving for the Monmouth Nor mal College, where she will take a summer course in pedagory. Mrs. Annie Sherrill of Lenore, North Carolina, is a visitor at the home of her brother, J. A. Large. Mrs. Sherrill is principal of the Lenore high school and a well known educator of the Tar Heel State. Mrs. Serena l Morton, of Port land, Is a guest at the home of Mr. end Mrs. 8. C. Morton. Dr. J. II- Klyun, manager of the Columbia County Auto Sales Co., Is In Portland today, trying to secure another shipment of Maxwell cars. The steamer Klamath is expected in today and will load a full cargo of lumber for southern California delivery. She will sail Tuesday or Wednesday. Jacob George was a business ithr in Portland Thursday. F. P. Nutting of the Internal Reve nue office in Portland, has been in at. Helens this week checking up the theaters and public dances to ascertain if Uncle Sam is getting the revenue required from places of amusement. Superintendent L. L. Baker at tended the war confeerence in Port land Thursday. H. S. Mason and Sheriff Stanwood were also in at tendance. 1 he Lountry Doctor proved a great success and after the expenses were paid, added over X) to the student body treasury. The Seniors have had their class picture taken. A large number will be developed, as it is expected that everyone in town will want one. Miss Pauline Paulsen, daughter of Mrs. L. Paulsen of this city, has been elected as teacher in one of the elementary grades in the Portland schools. Miss Paulsen is now teach ing in South Bend, Wash. Her many friends in St. Helens will congratu late her on her promotion in the educational field. Some students have not yet paid their Y. M. C. A. pledge. If you happen to be one of these, please turn in the amount you pledged to Caly Stanwood as soon as possible. The question of whether you pay or notis left largely to "the individual, since it is impossible for the com mittee to see everyone personally. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Christie entertained Tuesday evening, in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Mr. Christie's son, Frederick W. Christie. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed and delicious refresh mcms were served. 1 hose present were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Christie Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Christie, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ingham and Mrs. Iva Dodd. t7 1. T1 . i ran j nompson, somewhere in Prance, wishes through the Mist to thank the men who sent him the big box. 1 he kindness will not soon be forgotten and when he helps put the Kaiser where he belongs he will come back and thank them again. Prof. J. B. Wilkerson, principal of the ernoiua High School, is in St. Helens this week assisting Superin tendent J. W. Allen with the Eighth grade examination papers. Prof. Wilkerson has just closed a very successful term" of his school. N Professor J. B. Wilkerson reports that the Veronia school raised $81.65 for the Red Cross, which, he considers, a very trood showing Mrs. Harold Broughton left Wed nesday for Portland, where she will visit relatives for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lidyard have as their guests, Mrs. Melhuish, mother of Sidney Melhuish of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cook and family, all of Kent, Wash. Mr. Coo kis the representative of the Carnation Cream Products Company. The steamer Ernest H. Meyer ar rived Tuesday morning and is tak ing on a lumber and piling cargo for California delivery. The vessel will probably clear tonight. John Johnson wont to Portland Thursday and brought back his now 20-paHKHngor White auto bus. Un fortuntitoly some Blight disarrange ment of the machinery occurred aud It will be several days before the uew bus Is on the depot run. Horn to Kev. and Mrs. A. A. Heist, at Portland, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alexonder, of Coble, are receiving congratula tions over the arrival of a 10-pound boy at their Goble home, Tuesday afternoon. Karms. according to an unrr-curuou plat thereof, unless you pay the amount due upon aald contract, to. gether with Interst as therein speel tted and a reasonable sum for attor ney's fees, together with costa and disbursements of said suit. This summons Is published by vir tue of an order of the Honorable James A. Enkln. Judge of the above entitled court made on the ioth day of May, 1918. directing the same to De published n "The Bt Hsi-TT a newspaper or J", published tn St. luiL! 'UliJ ngon. Win, County. Oreicon. Hi i ""J pu,,llcon: I)at ot last publication. . I18. '! ... 8LEIQHT Postoffleead'lGr!.! VIUIC.. I'ort In ml w - via, J. V. McMiimis went to Portland Wednesday night as a representative of the ship caulkers, to take to the Portland I'nion the contribution to the Red Cross, made by the caulkers in the St. Helens and Columbia City yards. F.ach caulker gave a day's wages, so the amount contributed was close to $450. For the convenience of the high school students, it has been ar ranged that they may work for the Red Cross Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. The Red Cross will meet in the basement of the Metho dist Church. Every student should arrange to spend at least one after noon in this work. This is one of the ways you can do your bit. Resolutions of sympathy adopted by Mizpah Chapter, No. JO, O. E. S.: Once more are we called upon amid our many and varied activities to pause and consider the uncer tainty of human life, the absolute certainty of death. To the sister and relatives of Dean Iilanchard, Mizpah Chapter No. JO, extend their sincere and tender sympathy, and commend them to the loving care of Him, who doeth all things well. As narrower grows the earthy chain, The circle widens in the sky; These are our treasures that remain, But these are stars that beam on high. Fraternally submitted, JACOB GEORGE, LILI.A M. CROUSE. CORA LARABF.E. CHURCH NOTICE Methodist Episcopal (liunli "The Friendly Church," Albert fl. Hlsey, pastor. Sunday, May 26, will be observed in a fitting manner as Memorial Sun day. , It has long been the cuHtom for the Grand Army of the Republic, and other patriotic organizations, to assemble in the church to pay honor: to the soldier dear of the nation. Of all the customs of our country, we would this year observe this day In a fitting manner. We therefore extend a spoclal In vitation to the public, and to all the patriotic organizations of our com munity to worship with us next Sun day mornng. Special music and an appropriate address will make the service of more thun passing Inter est. Spoclal evangelistic services In the ovenlng. notice for Marie Congregational Church Sunday, May 26: Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Y. P. S., C. E., 6:J0 p. m. Topic: "Doing His Will," Walker, leader. Evening service, 7:J0 p. m. The Sunday morning and evening services at the Congregational Church will be conducted by Rev. A. R. Spencer. In the morning, the theme of last Sabbath morning will be pursued. The subject will be, "The Poverty of a Sinner." In the evening the scries of hist Sabbath evening will be concluded. The subject will be, "Why Study the Bible?" The attendance of last Sun day was exceptionally larire. but there is always' room for one more in God's house, so eomr Barney Admundsen came up from Seaside Saturday night to spend Sunday at home. The Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Company is mak ing extensive improvements in their plant at Seaside, Mr. Admundsen reported. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE a in. i a ur UHKUON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA " Peninsula Lumber Company, a cor poration, nainurr, vs. W. E. Smith Defendant. ' To W. E. Smith: In the Name of the State of rw. eon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the uimniiint m. against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 24th dav of May, 1918, the date of the first uumicauon or this summons, and If you fall so to answer, for want there of the plaintiff will anniv . court for the relief demanded In Its wiiiiuiui, iu-wii; For a decree of strict foreclosure against you of the land contract de scribed In the complaint whereby you agreed to purchase the following de scribed premises In Columbia Coun ty, Oregon, to-wlt: The Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Sec 10, Tp. 6 North, Range 2 Went and described In said contract as LotH i and 2 In Tract Unit A of Deer Island Dependable Merchandise ! "Headlight" Overalls and Jumpers When you buy a dress suit you are particular to select one that fits you perfectly, so why not be particular about tne sun mat you live in six nays oi tne weeK. Headlieht" . .i. u.. ..: ii . . K Kciiiuciiis uic iiiuuc uy uiiiuii iuuui uuu arc Cut 10 ht, and sewed so they won't rip. Headlight wearers are satisfied customers. "Koveralls" for the Kiddies ixuvciaua la a (juuidi name tur a ennu S play ju but there is but one make of garment under that brand All the others are imitations. We have the agency here for "Koveralls," and will be glad to supply you with the best play suits on the market. "WURKSHU" 1 ' r f We have received another shipment of Brown Canvas Shoes for the shipyard workers. You had better get your pair now while we have all sizes. SEE OUR STOCK OF LADIES' SILK WAISTS. Another shipment due in a few days. AUSTIN'S St. Helens, Oregon in FRIDAY, MAY 24 Ruth Storehouse THE PHANTOM HUSBAND" SATURDAY, MAY 25 "THE LAST MAN" "THE WOMAN IN THE WEB" and THE OFFICIAL WAR REEL SUNDAY, MAY 26 Mabel Normand in "DODGING A MILLION" MONDAY, MAY 27 Herbert Rawlinson in "A FLASH" TUESDAY, MAY 28 Wm. S. Hart IN A FIVE REEL PLAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 A TRIANGLE FEATURE PLAY AND A COMEDY THURSDAY, MAY 30 ' Little Zoe Rae in "DANGER WITHIN" Gem Theatre THE PICK OF THE PICTURES ME