ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY. MAY 24. 1918. 5 The TOGGERY It is No Trouble to Find t What You Want in Men's Wear at an Exclusive Men's Wear Store Buy Your Auto Duster Now New and, Pretty Patterns in DRESS SHIRTS NIGHT SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS Black and Tan Dress Sox 25C All Colors Guaranteed Sox 3 for $1.00 Engineer and Firemen's Sox, Black and Tan ZUC Men's Separate Trousers in Neat Stripes; Worsted and r Cashmeres J3.00-$4.00-$5.00 Khaki and Whipcord Pants all sizes. All in one Work Overall Suits, both Khaki and Blue. JUST ARRIVED A beautiful line of Panama, Straw and Light Felt Hats. Caps in big variety. SUIT CASES AND BAGS The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx "Dick for Duds" CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS St. Helens t Let Your Rent Money Buy a Home We have several good houses that can be had on very easy payments of a little more each month than voii would pay for rent. Some have good garden tacts in connection. Five-room house and 22 lots, close in, on paved street, for $2300.00. Easy terms. Apartment and store building with large tract of ground on paved road. Good income. .Easy terms. The best buy in St. Helens. Ten-room house, close in, $1700.00. $200.00 down Payment, balance $25.00 per month. You can rent rooms enough to pay for the place. . Also have several hundred lots in all parts of the J'ty from $100.00 and up, and on payments of $10.00 down and more. Call in and see any property that interests you. Rutherford Realty Co. Opposite City Hall Compare Your Baby's First Four Years Withjhis In 1013 little Mnrle was horn In vft Inge not fur from Mezleres, Ir the Ardennes. lu IDH Murie l father, culled to the colors, fell at the Murue. And Murle and tier mother stuyed In the village, which was now In the Germain' hands. In 1015 a poster was pasted up on th door of the village church, i.ud that night Marie's mother vanished, along with a score or more of oiner women. In 1010 Marie was still llvlug In that village existing through the charity of the few elderly folk the Germans permitted to stay. In 1017 Marie, with all the children under fourteen year and all the old peoplo left olive In the village, was bundled Into a crowded car and shipped Into Germany, round through Switzerland and thence Into France, arriving at Evlan. She waa underfed, of course, emaciated, sickly, dirty, too lightly dressed for the time of year. And she cam luto Evlan with oot a relative, not a friend left In all Franc to take care of ber. Who took ber J Your Red Cross I Over ther In Evlan your lied Cross took charge of ber, cared for ber In the Red Cross Children's Hospital, clothed her, fed her, built up ber strength, taught her to play and then helped the French authorities find her a UOMK. Multiply Marl by BOO and yog will bav some Ide of Just one day's work your Red Cross doe at Evlan. It I only on of the Red Cross activities In Franc, t be sure hut for Just that on aloo can you help being proud of It? Can you help being glad yon ar a member of It, supporting Its great work of humanity? Can you help want. Ing It to go on helping the Maries and the "grand daddies" that com in at Evlan I THE TRAIN THAT SAVED A NATION How the Red Cross Helped Roumania. Great Wheat Stocks Isolated. It's the shortage In ships that Is putting the Allies and the United States on wheat ration. Great stocks of wheat are Iso lated In India, and Australia. At great sacrifice In ship space and use the Allies are forced to se cure some wheat from Argentina. On January 1, Australia bad stored 100,000,000 bushels of wheat Uiat was ready for ex port but there were no ships. Then enme the new crop with an exportable surplus of 80,000, 000 bushels. Now Australia has approximately 180,000,000 bush els waiting for ships. India, at the same time, hud 70,000,000 bushels of wheat stored fur export. During April &O,O00,OiiO bushels more out of the new crop will be added to the pile. Argentina closed the last ship ping season with 11,000,000 bushels of wheat left In the stock available for export. The new crop will add 130,000,000 to the left over. It Is not a problem that the wheat does not exist In the world It is entirely a problem of shipping, which has thrown on America th obligation of divid ing our stock with the Allies. WAR'S NEED FOR GOOD COWS The profitable dairy cow helps to feed our armed forces and will help uo win the war. but the low-oro duclng, unprofitable scrub 'is little better than a slacker. The unprofit able cow mny enjoy perfect health and have a large appetite; she may even belong to one of the best cow families, but If she Is not an eco nomical producer she should be con verted Into meat. The present, however, is not the time to dlnpose of dairy herds; rather It Is the time to enlarge and improve them. The city, the country, and the army need more dairy products; the dairy cow also assists greatly in maintaining permanent soil fertility; and the carefully selected, well-bred well-fed dairy cow may still be kept et a profit. Let the. slogan, there fore be: Careful selection, intelli gent breeding, and skillful feeding, tract, together with Interest ss there. In specified and a reasonable sum for ctorney' fees, together with cost and disbursements of said cult. This summons I published by vir tue of an order of the Honorable James A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 20th dav of May, 1918, directing the same to be published in "The St. Helens Mist" a newspaper of general circu lation published In St. Helens, Col umbia County, Oregon. Date of first publication: Mar 24. 1918. Date of last publication: June 21st, 1918. R. SLEIGHT, Attorney for Pb.intlff, Postoffice address: 1521 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. 1758 Eq. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Laura H. Northup, Plai'itlfX, vs. James Benjamin Paul, Jane Mor rell, nee Jane Paul and George Morrell, her husbaad, Frederick D. Paul and Nora Pail, his wife, Pru dence L. Ingles and Clinton S. In gleg, her husband, ChRrles William Paul, Elizabeth Lane, nee Eliza beth Paul and William Lane, her husband, Delia Bennett, nee Delia Paul and Kenet!i BenneU, her huuband, ar.d Lyd'a B. Ncrthup, Defendants T: Ciarle William Paul, defendant ab?ve named: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the answer and cioss-complalnt of the said defendant Lydia B. Northup filed against you !n the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date cf the first pub lication or this summons and if you fall to answer for want thereof the sr.ld Lydia B. Northup will take a decree foreclosing her mortgage upon your undivided one-eighth Interest In the following described real pron- erty, to-wlt: The Southeast quarter (SE of the Northeast quarter (NE ) and the Northeast quarter (Ms 14 ) of the Southeast quarter sk U) and the South half (S of the Southeast quarter (SE ) of Section twenty-five (25) in Township six (6) North, Range five (6) West of the Willamette Meridian In Col umbia County, Oregon. This summons Is served upon you by publication in the St. Helens Mist for six successive weeks in pursu ance of an order made by the Hon. James A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1918, prescribing six weeks lor publication thereof. Proper Food for Weak The proper food f t ana. mm mv be all wrong for another. Every on should adopt a diet suited U hU ice and occupation. Thou hi k weak stomachs need to b etoeeiallr careful and should eat aiowlv and masticate their food thoroughly. It i also important that they keep their bowels regular. When they become constipated or when they feel dull and stupid after eating, they should take Chamberlain' Tablet to strengthen the stomach and mov the bowels. They ar easy to take and pleasant In effect. AU Bute Call at Hotel Courteous Treatment .... STOP AT ORCADIA HOTEL Til OS. ISBISTER, Prop. Chicken Dinner Sunday, S8e RATES 91.00 'PER DAT AND VT Special Rate to Regular Boarder ST. HELENS ROUTE ia WilluMtt. SlMb THE PEOPLES BOAT STR. AMERICA Leave Portland dally - 9. m. (Sunday 1:1 p. m.) Arrives St. Helen - - : p. m. (Sunday 1:10 p. m.) Leave St. Helen - - 1:11 . a. Arrive Portland - - - 10:1 a. m. H. HOLM AN, Ageat Makes all way landing. Wharf foot Alder street Phones: Mala I 111, A-4204. FRANK WILKIN8, 8t Hlan Agel H. H. NORTHUP, ar Lydia B. Northup. Attorney for P. O. Address: 404 Piatt Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dated and first publication this 24th day of May, 1918. M HOVEN Steamer RUTH SAFE. SPEEDY SERVICE TOWING, JOBBING Passenger accomodations for 100 Landing at City Dock HUMMOXS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Peninsula Lumber Company, a cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. Jesse Leroy Wright, Defendant. To Jesse Leroy Wright: In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap- 1 nve yoo beard of what happened pear and answer the complaint filed to Roumanls when that stricken nstlon I '"fV?8' y,oxl ln !he.above.u ntf? I within six weeks from the 24th day tood In rags and starving before th:0f May, 1918, the date of the first hocked eye of th worMT We had ' publication of this summons, and If thought ourselves grown used to trag-! u f,a" 8 V i8we,r,', for nt,the.ri?" ., . . . " : of t)ie plaintiff will apply to the edles until this greater horror struck C0Urt for the relief demanded in Its blow that 'roused still untouched complaint, to-wit: yoiimthlea. For a decree of strict foreclosure ' ! against you of the land contract de- And yet we felt so helpless, you snd BCribed in the complaint whereby you L so terribly weak In our ability to of-; agreed to purchase the following de fer aid But were we? Aft.r .11 scribed premises in Columbia Coun ' a- 1 wor" " A"er '" tv, Oregon, to-wlt: The Southwest were we not the very ones who car. quarter of the Northwest quarter of rlcd new life and hope to th heart of Sec. 16, Tp. 5 North, Range 2 West, ,. ..i v.. and described in snid contract as "7 u" 'uur """.Lots 30 and 33 in Tract Unit A of JU,,E9- Deer Island Farms, according to an Fighting with the desperation of d' unrecorded plat thereof, unless you spalr, the shattered Roumanian arm pay the amount due upon said con sul! struggled to beat off the Kaiser tract, together with Interest as there-1 bloody Huns, who were mercilessly ,n specified and a reasonable sum 1 .n-MAun AAa tnsatliart with I trampling the life out of the llttl1"' ' VUIHB H11U U1EIUU1 BOlUVtl lO If, DM1 VI DUll. This summons Is published by vir- k lug Join. And th Kaiser smiled bru tally as he saw hi wolve at workl,0 n. nn nTAar , fh Honnrnhle and knew that from behind the lines, ! james A. Enkln, Judge of the above attacking the fighting men of Uouuia nla from the rear, entering the home where mother clung to th frail, dis torted form of their bablta ws star vation. No country around Roumania could help her and America wa too far away. Thousands would dl befor supplies held In our own country could be sent her. linn wss eona. Death hv hnnve and by the dripping sword of the Kat-1 ser was closing In. A brav little na tion wa being torn to piece. Then cam th miracle. One morn Ing the streets of Jassy, the war capi tal of Roumania, swelled with sound of rejoicing. A city where the day be fore there waa heard nothing but th wall of the starving and the lamenta tion of those mourning their dead now wa awakened by shout of joy. You, my friend ; you who have help ed In th heroic work of th American Red Cross, had (on to the rescue ol Roumania. A train of 81 big freight cars packed to their utmost capacity with food, clothing and medicine, tons upon tons of It, bad arrived In Jassy after making a record breaking trip from th great store house of th American Red Cross In Russia. Other trains followed It ; thousand were fed and clothed and nursed back to health. For weeks and even to this day th brave people of Roumania are being cared for In countless number by out own Red Cross. So was Roumania helped, and when hlstorv records how this last fragment of a sturdy nation was kept out of th hands of the terrible nun it will glv the victory to your American Bad entitled court made on the 20th day of May, 1918, directing the same to be published ln "The St. Helens Mist" n newspaper of general circula tion published in St. Helens, Colum bia County, Oregon. Date of first publication: May 24, 1918. Date of Inst publication: June 21, 1918. R. SLEIGHT, Attorney for Plnlntiff. Postoffice address 1521 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. Ever- Fresh Groceries We make a point of never keeping; Groceries WE SELL THEM. That's the reason why you are always sure of getting FRESH Groceries when you come to us THEY DONT HAVE TIME TO BECOME STALE. We are determined our customers shall have the best if it is to be found in the market. When you buy it of us, its Freshness and Purity is GUARANTEED. We solicit YOU. Larsen & Co. Successors to A. S. Harrison, St. Helens SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Peninsula Lumber Company, a cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. Gust Swan- son, Defendant. To Oust Swanson: In the Name of the State of Ore son you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you ln the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 24th dry of May, 1918, the date of the first publication of this summons, and it you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court -for the relief demanded ln Its complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of Btrlct foreclosure against you of the land contract de scribed In the complaint whereby you agreed to purchase the following de ocrlbed premises In Columbl. County, Oregon, to-wlt: The East one-fourth of the Southwest quarter Northeast qunrter, and the West half of South east quarter of Northeast quarter of Sec. 23, T. pB North, Range 2 West, and described r.s Lot 43 and East half of Lot 44 in Tract Unit C of Deer Island FnrniB, according to an ur recorded plat thereof, unless you For the Best Meat trade here. We handle only the very best. Prices lowest Central Meat Market THE BEST MEAT MARKET IN THE COUNTY Phone 60 'Free and Prompt Delivery Cross. pay the amount due upon said con-