Veer island n. Merrill went to Port a? L .10 viMt Mr.. Merrill. h i . "' K,"i"u,cl . Wood "'! Mr.. Wakedee U ' . i i,r:,.,v rrturnma ,o Portwn.1 - L Coble h.l Hm .ent an in i le uf tin. vicln- 10 . i.tiv .ml ,,r. k-nrfscin l ' " Saturday, June 1. iia i ut i i will nicnic Th, Pwr -...... - . EV-TVIIIIC Illvlini. Mir. -'-- jJOl t Pastry Bread Cake Coffee and Baked Goods Served at All Hours St. Helens Bakery ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918. W. E. Clark wan in IVtlan.1 Wed nesday. Mr. anil Mn. Sam Sheet re. turned from Dallas Monday. They win uve near wic j nic trctk mills. Mr.. Larncrd and Mr.. John Mrnt the week-end with Mn. All.i-rt Adam.. A idranant nartv was ,; vt; Ucrtruilc Whlnian laM Wednesday evemiiK at the home of Mrs. Leon a.pcr. Mr.. Maud Adam, and two tons were Kets of Mr. and Mm. Fred Adam, last week. The Deer lshn.l IVnn '. CI.. I. ha. been accepted ai a mniihrr of the Slate Federation. Mr. Arthur (iaitrn and little on returned from Kmanitcl hos pital last Friday. A letter from Kucl f.iitrn states he U serving on the Missouri, one of the his six transports. From the date of the establish ment of flying bcIiooIb and campa In tlila country and at Ccmo Borden. Toronto, until April 24, 1918, there have been 102 deaths in flying accidents. 1766 Eq. HCMMOXH Mr.. Robert Hanmill, of Portland, . a Kiirst at the home of Mr.. Leon Jaler. John Gaitrns, atationed at Van couver, is reported on the lick list. Harold I'liKlish and wife were guest at the Ohm. hughs!) home Sunday. foe Holiday was (hakim: hamls with old friend, and acquaintance. Monday. IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OP THE HTATK UK UKKUON (UK THK COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Laura II. Northup, Plaintiff, vs. James P.enjamln I'aul, Jane Mor rell, neo Jane I'aul and George Morrell, her huHbnnd, Frederick I) Pnnl unci Nrrn Paul hln wlffl. Prudence L. Ingles and Clinton S. Ingles, her husband, Charles Will lam Paul, Elizabeth Lane, nee. Elizabeth Paul and William Lane,! her husband, Delia Dennett, nee Delia Paul and Kenneth Bennett,! her husband, and Lydia B. North-! nn nefnnrlfintfl. To Charles William Paul, Elizabeth Lane, William Lane, Delia Henneu and Kenneth Dennett, defendants1 above named: ! In the name of the State of Ore-j gon you are hereby required to ap GROCERS HELP IN 50-50 PLAN SIGN PLEDGE TO CARRY OUT FOOD ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM. POST CARDS IN STORES. Explain New Wheat Ruling to inousands of Customers In sures Greater Food Saving. Grocers of the nation have accepted enthusiastically the 50-50 basis for the purchase of wheat flour and are doing their utmost to explain the new regu lation to the housewife. 'J li s ru ing by " j . i !;. " near and unitwer the comulalnt tiled the U. . 1'ond Administration requires aKainBt you tn the above entitled each piirchaMer of wheat flour to buy jgult wthln six weeks from the date ono pound of cereal substitute, one cf the first publication of this sum klnd or assorted, for every pound of mons, find if you fall to answer for wheat Hour. It was necessary to re- want theroof the said plaintiff will strict the use of wheat flour In order take a decree for the partition of the that the allies and our fighting forces following described real property, to abr.m s,t be assured of an ade- T,'i,a8' ?JSI?rfiLB 8 ... nf thn North Hunt nuartflr INL 4 I qua e supply or wheat to meet their ., he Northeal)t qUarter (NE V ) vital needs, 'ibis supply must come tne southeast quarter (SE 14) from our savings because we have al- Bnd tho Fouth half (S 14) of the iwi n-m uki infiiuni nuiiMiiB. Houme&Bl quaner I or. V4 ; ui dbc- Wheat saving pledge cards were for- tton twenty-five (25) In Township ......l...l I... .1... 1.' 1 a ., . ' ,! A i KInvth Unnca flvo t R AVput -.UlU-TIl I. lltV IVUU Allllllllll-ll BlU'll IV B' - 7 ..-.., .....n" " " - . " " all retail food merchants, and tb .se ' of the Willamette Meridian, in Col arc being signed and posted In stores j umbla County, Oregon. tliroiiL'hnut ibe eoiiriirv This eird ' Tn,B BUinmons is served upon you throughout the country. Hill ru ,.,..... n , fh s, Helens Mist states. "We pledge ourselves loyally to BUC,egH,ve weeUs , pur8Uance curry out the Food Administration pro- I , order made by the Hon, jame8 17 mill Itl tlPPftrilnttr'A With tllla firillfr : a 1T-1.I- T..Ia tlia n tvmra an- Six Scrappy Bouts OF FAST BOXING Liberty Theatre, Tonight St. Helens Acreage For Sale from 2 to 20 im tnu-U lul Hnlng (. W. Mrllrido scbool ll Vint Hi. Helens, at $ I AO to t&V) wr Ht rv, on long time and rwjr ia)mi'iilH. Iwi than Uie rort of an ordinary lot. Now the time to buy. The High way Ui the sea will run along iWr of this tract, I-t us take ps nut In our auUt to look at thin land, nnil you will surtdy Ind Uie bind you want. GEO. II. SHINN, St. Helens, Oregon Kir. Holliilay ay he likes east ern Oregon, but would not mind coming back to Columbia conuty. Ed and Mary Kerlan were home from Vancouver for the werk-end. The ladici of the Columbia Aux iliary wish to thank all thote who o grnrrously helped to sell the chances on the Red Cross cow. iThrir hard work has been well re warded and a nice sum has been realized for the Red Cross, a little more than $.WJ0. A. C. Millrr of Albany came down to attend to some (irange business Wednesday. The regular meeting of the Deer ; Island Grange, Wednesday, May 29, 8 o'clock. cram. In accordance with this order we will nut sell any wheat flour except where the purchaser buys an equul weight of one or more of the following, a greater use of which In the home will SHve wheat : "t'onimeal, corn flour, edible corn starch, hominy, corn grits, barley flour, potHto flour, sweet potato flour, soy bean flour, fvterlta flour and meals, rice, rice flour, oatmeal, rolled oats and buckwheat flour." Some confusion has resulted on the part of the consumer In construing thin "fiO-.V)" rullne to mean thai an equal amount In value of substitutes must be purchased with wheat flour. This is a mistaken idea. The rullr.g j states that the consumer In purchasing flour shall "buy at the same unie an equnl weight of other cereals." One execution to this ruling Is con cerning graham flour and whole wheat A Rnkln. Jndirn of the above en iiiiort fr.iii'1 nn thn zutn day or Slav. A. D. 1918, prescribing six weens lor mihltcntton thereof. f Dated and nrsl puoncaiion mis 24th any or winy, a. i. isib. GEORGE W. GEARHART, Attorney for Plaintiff, P. O. Address, 607 Henry Uldg., Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Peninsula Lumber Company, a cor- poratlon. Plaintiff, vs. Albert Ray I mnnd. Defendant. To Albert Raymond: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 24 day Joe Gorman Champion Featherweight of the Pacific Coast vs. Clare Bromeo This match ia for the Champion ship of the Coaat. Eddie Smith vs. Freddie Cole Lightweight Contenders. THIS WILL BE A FAST GO. Gabe Gabrielson vs. Smoky Baum Middleweight Contest for Championship of St. Helens There will be an exhibition between two well-known Heavyweights and also two good preliminaries. This Boxing Exhibition will be well worth while, so be sure to attend. ST. HELENS ATHLETIC CLUB By F. A. MCCARTHY, Secretary. lload t llsppinesn. Ho amiable, cheorful and good na- : tuerd and you are much more llkoly to bo happy. You will find this dim cult, if not Impossible, however, whon vou are constantly troubled with con stipation. Take Chamberlain's Tab lots and got rid of that and it wilt bo easy. These tablets not only move the bowels, but Improve the appotlte and strengthen the digestion. a . -AID . 1. n W r.A Ami ceruiiiK a,',,,,,,, ....... . qj may, xvio, uio uma ui flour, which may be sold at the ratio i publication of this summons, and if a . .....iu n A..,, tutniift. uf ' vin fnii an tn nriRwpr. for want there- Ol llirew iMiuuun i in" , .u.. w , wheat flour. This provision Is made j of the plaintiff will apply to the !,,. i, uu niiiirniliiuitelv 25 per cent more of the wheat berry Is used in the manufacture of these flours thun stand ard wheat flour. Another exception la that concern Saturday Suggestions Which will aid you in having a nice Sunday Dinner. California Turnips, 2 bunches c California Green Peas, per lb jjc Lettuce, per head 5 and 10c New Cabbage, per pound c Oreuon Rhubarb, 4 lbs "c Green Onions, the bunch " on Hood River Asparagus, the bunch , 20c California Carrots 2 bunches 15c We will also have NEW POTATOES CALIFORNIA BEETS and other Vegetables, and FRESH STRAWBERRIES TRY OUR BULK COFFEE You save the price of the tins and get just as good Coffee. We have it at 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c per pound St. Helens Mercantile Co. court for the relief demanded in its complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of strict foreclosure against you of the land contract de scribed in the complaint whereby you Anoiner cutihuiii i ...... . - ; agreea 10 puri:iie me iuuuwuib m- i i..wi fl.mra rnntnlnlnif less than , ar-rihed nremlses in Columbia Coun-' 60 per cent of wheat flour, which may i ty, Oregon, to-wlt: The Southeast be sold without substitutes, ltetullers. i quarter of Northwest Quarter of Sec. novLc, are forbidden to .,- TJj J flours containing more than I unit A of Deer Island Farms. ac- cent, of wheat flour to any person un-1 ta. tQ aQ unrocorded plnt there-! less the amount of wheat nour sulistl- of un,esg you pay tlie nmount due tutes sold Is sufficient to make the to- up'on gald contract, together with In-! tal amount of substitutes, Including j lerest aa therein specified end a rea Ihose mixed In flours, equal to the to- j 80nahle sum for attorney's fees, to-1 tnl amount In wheat flour In the mixed ; gether with costs and disbursements flour Kor Instance, If any mixed flour of said suit. ...... nour. rur i"""""" ' . . ,,. ia nnl.llnlipd hv vlr- ,s purclnised contiiimng u '"', orhrnoninVl wheat flour and m jr"me;; A."EaUin( Judge of the above tutes It Is necessary that an additional , pntmo(, court made on the 20tn day 20 per cent, of substitutes be l'". Mav 1918, directing the same to chased. This brings It to the basis ot , he pUnllshed "The St. Helens one pound of substitutes for eaeh m 1st" a newspaper of generr.l clrcula nound of wheat flour. j tion published In St. Helens, Colum- . . m.v 110 rrrnniea hin rnnntv. iireeon. spec,,,, ' '--"- ., . -"n;, "V , " nili,,tion: May J. L. WILLIAMS & SONS A Full and Complete line of General Merchandise D17 Goods, Shoes and Groceries SCHOOL BOOKS, INK, PENS, STATIONERY Our customers receive dependable goods at reasonable prices. Give us a trial and you will be satisfied. Phone 34 WEST ST. HELENS, ORE. The CMebraMd BERGMANN SHOE Awarded GOLD MEDAL P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1111 The Strongest and Nearest Water proof Shoe Made FOR LOGGERS, CRUISERS, MHXMEN AND ALL WORKERS THEO. BERGMANN SHOE MFG. CO. 621 Thurman Street Portland ASK FOR THE BERGMANN WATERPROOF SHOE OIL June upon In the case of speclal- ' .,...1 infiuits' and Invalids' food containing flour where the necessity U shown. Some misunderstanding seems to ex ist on the part of consumers in assum ing that with the purchase of wheat ,.ni must confine the additional i ""' . zf II. cruiinvil fiO per cent, purciiiise c . -i substitutes. This Is not the ease. One j JN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Date of first V i I ll 1 9 1 s Date of last publication: 21st, 1918. R. SLEIGHT, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postofflce address: 1521 Yeon Uldg., Portland, Oregon. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Peninsula Lumber Company, a cor poration. Plaintiff, vb. Jonas Lar Bon, Defendant. To Jonns Larson: In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 24 day of May, 1918, the date of the first pub- nounds: rolled oais, o m.uh... ncaiion 01 mis uiuuiuud, these substitutes may be used la .fall so to answer, for want thereof lllO iiBiunt. ..... r -. for the reilet fleninnaea in us com plaint, to-wit: iv. Hnerne of strict foreclosure nnninoi vmi nf tliA Innd contract de scribed in the complaint whereby you agreed to purchase the following described premises in Columbia County, Oregon, to-wlt: The West ute in cake. three fourths or the Boutnwesi quar antine m --". ct.i iik . , 11. M.(i,at nnnrter nf See. Corn C.rlts. 4 .-oun - w. - S I Wett. II.I11I1IH-". m -1 ... n.i.t ra rnnfre Or niav select rrom cue substitutes a sufll.-l.nt amoun o e,. . ,0 bring the total weight of nil substi tutes equal to the weight of the wheat flour purchased. For instnnce, If a purchase of 24 pounds of wheat flour is made a range of substitutes may bc selected as follows : Cornmeal, 8 pounds; corn grits, i... .i... 1 nnnnils: buckwheai, . pounds': corn atarch. 1 pound; hominy 2 pounds; roiieo oiun, 0 These substuuies n 11 mnnnor. Cornmeal. 8 Pounds.-Corn bread, no .... ...nfiins or snoon breafl, one-f.'mrth flour or one-third rice or one-third hominy; 20 per cent, .ubstl- lutes In whole bread. ""!,. .. 1 i....inct Thlckelt.g I'orn oinii"! - . gravy, making custard, one-third nub- JUST ARRIVED A new lot of METAL BEDS White, Ivory, Vernis Martin and Oak finishes. MANY DIFFERENT PATTERNS. Although Roods are hard to get, I now have the best line of Beds I have ever had since in business. Prices right. COME AND SEE THEM. E. A. ROSS ST. HELENS. OREGON BANK BUILDING If you don't trade with us we both lose money. Phone 80 St. Helens, Oregon i;iiru - - - -- . mush, used with meal In making com lolled Oats. 3 Pounds.-Onefottrtll to one-third substitutes In bread, one half substitute in muffins; breakfast porridge, use freely; oatmeal cookie "CkwheTt" Flour. 2 Pounds.-One-fourth substitute In bread, buckwheat Hmnliiv. 2 Pounds.-Bolled for din ner! baked for dinner, with cheese Wee, 4 Pounds.-One-fourth subs tie in wheat bread, one-third .uba l ,u e . " hniled for dinner (a T en . a breakfast food, to hTctnC.ops"r,cae pudding Instead of cake or pie. rice batter cakes. Several grocers have siated that their customer, who atrlctl, observe he 11 wheatless meals each week And necessary to buy ' dltlon to those ordered under the BO 60 plan. -, - v . - cni..m)iiii rnnntv Oretron. nnd de scribed in said contract as Lot 45 and West V4 of Lot 44 in t ract unu C of Deer Island farms. Becoming to ah unrecorded plat thereof, un less vou Day the amount due uponi said contract, together with interstl cs therein specified and a reasonable j sum for attorney's fees, together with , costs and disbursements of Bald suit. rrl-ta airmmnna In nuhlislied by Vir- tue ot an order of the Honorable; James A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 20th day of May, 1918, directing the Bame to be published in "Tne ot. neiens mi.,!" , nawannnnr of general cir- lUICIV . . . . culntton published in St. Helens, Col umbia County, uregon. Date of first publication: way , Date ot last publication: June 21. 191 ' R. SLEIGHT, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postofflce addresa: 1621 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. ! 1 1 1 Tanlac $1.00 per bottle at. DEMING'S DkUG STORE in 1 : 81