ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. MAY 3. 918 lend almost overborne by the forces . cf aristocratic and military privilege, J patrots may be divided into three ; great clafsea. These ore here stated ', in the order of merit based on the HEILBORN. . . .Vice President extent and the value of their sacrl and Manager. ft n xinRTnv r.n.. - f I nuec nuu rivt lueir livirs Issued Kvery Friday by THK MIST PIHLISHIXG COMPANY O. D. I'XITKI) KTATKS KKXATOK . II.IKI.KS l M'NAItY SUBSCRIPTION HATES One Year fl.tVO 8U Months 75 cn the battle lines as soldiers and gailorc the fightins men and those cf the ambulance and other support- Entered as second-class muter, Ing corps who f:ice bullet and shell January 10th, 1912. at the Postoffica and poisi n gas offering all that they at St. Helens, Oregon, under the act of March 3rd, 1879. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER HAS MA OK CiOOU The woods are full of men who aspire to be governor of Oregon some of them unimpeachably excel lent, some indifferent and one or two dangerous. I'nder ordinary circum stances there would be the keenest kind of interest in the political cam paign that is under way, but the have for the cause of democracy. 1 Second: Those who cacrifice com fort and prosperity in O'der to serve the army and navy in non-combatant ways as commissary and hospital men. nursis, mechanics, drivers, rlerks, executives, end all the great non-fighting army which supports the r-ffi rts of our fighting men and those of our allies In this couutry and ahioad. Third: Those who continue in use lul civilian employments. especially in t he production of food, munitions and ships, in transportation, road building and the numerous industries directly connected, with the prosecu tion of the war, who practice per sonal economy and the food substitu tions unged by the government, whe give largely of their time and money in furtherance of patriotic and hu manitarian movements, invest in Lib erty Bonds to an amount beyond per - . A. I m STATEMENT OP OWNERSHIP Management, circulation, etc., re quired by the act of Congress of Aug ust 24. 1912. of the St. Helens Mist, published weekly at St. Helens, Ore. The nanus and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager are: Publish er, Mist Publishing Company; editor, S. C. Morton; managing editor, O. I). Hi'llborn; business manager, O. 1). llellboru, all of St. Helens, Oregon. Owners l if a corporation give name and addresses of stockholders holding 1 per cent or more of total c mount of stock) M. K. II axon, A. J. Iteming, W. A. Harris, O. I). Hell born. T. H. Morton. Known bondholders, mortgagees I und other security 'holders holding 1 I per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities None. O. D. UElLllOltN, Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed, before mo tliis the 17th day of April, 191S. S. C. MORTON, Notary Public for Oregon. present circumstances are not onli nary. No one outside the candidates sonal cot,enlmce or expediency, and themselves nnrt their lnmli9t. i. do their utmost by word and deed tc lowers cares a whoop about politics, for interest in the war end desire to win the war overshadow- every thing else. Among all the candidates there is only one to whom attaches more than ordinary interest. That one is Governor Withy-combe, who asks reelection, and who has encourage our people and our allies in the great cause and to smite the heads of those snakes in tlie grass, the agents of German propaganda. These individuals who belong to none of these' divisions are either passive or active servants of the kai rer. Their influence tends to make H OBI i II -1 n t In tha tvnrlrl a otwamtvxani made a record as a war governor u.. j .n.. government under which the heir to that anyone might be proud of. There has never been a moment in this year of war problems when his atti tude has been in doubt, and we must all admit that the patriotic spirit of Oregon's war governor has had much to do' with the bright patriotic rec ord that has been made by the state. : When the I. W. W. agitation was at Its highest point and the governors of other western states were wob-' bllng and side-stepping. Governor Withycombe did not hesit.?te n mo-: ment. He announced that the law must be 3trictly upheld and that noth-'1 ing must be permitted to interfere with the conduct ' of the war. - In every other phase of the state's war activities his position hr.s been equal-1 'iy Arm and resolute." His leadership has-been of the kind that command confidence. - ' This is a time when the usual po- litlcal patter and the usual reason? for displacing one official and put ting another one in have little appeal. ' The fact that looms largest is that under Ggvernor Wlthyeombe's lead ership Oregon has won the admira tion of the entire country. That is the kind of leadership we want. Eugene Register, April 23, 1918. ' the throne openly applauds the action of an army captain In beating a crip pled shoemaker for not sufficient!? recognizing., the officer's high merit and dignity, a government that tor tures and murders men, women and children in Belgium, France and Ser bia and on the seas, a government tlte .basic principle of which Is the tervituda of the great body of the people for the wealth, power and glory of the favored few. Tliere is no longer any neutral camp. I'nder which flag are you fighting? 4 HOW IS IT WITH YOU? To which class of patriots do you belong? If to none of these, you are serving the kaiser. In this great crisis of the world's history, when .the American concern SUPPORT THK HASKHALL CLUB St.' Helens has a better baseball club this year than at any time in the past. Many cf the members are "old leaguers" ozones who can go to any of the minor leagues. The people of St. Helens .ire getting a better exhibition of the national game than ever before and they should sup port the team by attending the games. Any fan who loves good br.Eeball can sea, it on the St. Helens grounds and the better the attend ance the better talent St. Helens will have. Cet in and boost for the home team and back up your boosting by r.ttending the games. ' Because United Sutes i enator Charles L. McNary hrs made gcotl he should be nominated to succeed 'limself in the Republican Primary Ma 17h. From the day he became Senntor !ie has loyally championed the prose cution of the war, and during his erm of office has accomplished more for Oregon than any other member in Congress in a like period. 'Among his colleagues he Is known as "the man on the job," and during .he present war crisis Oregon should :onsider itself fortunate in having an' opportunity to return him nnd not! Political Announcements! AXXOUXCKMKXT I I hereby announce myself as can-1 didate for the republican nomination! as county coroner. If nominated and reelected I will give the ollice thei same businesslike administration that I have endeavored to do duriug the past two years. T. S. WHITE. CARD To the Voters of Columbia County, Oregon: I hereby most respectfully an nounce my candidacy for County Representative subject to the will of the Republican party at the coming primary election. If nominated and be compelled to end to Washington, elected, I hold myself duty bound to new, untrained man. I U8e my 1)681 efforts to secure the ,,,.,.. much needed amendment and revl- Believing that the supreme obltga-islon of the existing tax luws of this ion he owes his country is to help ! Btate so that no one could afford to vin the war. Senator McNary, instead ; ailow their taxes to go delinquent "Obedience, Punctuality and Dili gence" shall be my slogun. Respectfully submitted, , D. W. FREEMAN. -f returning to Ills state to conduct n political rampr.Ign, is nt his post In Washington working for Oregon and iding n the prooecuton of the war. Always since entering the Senate CANDIDATE Foil C'LKHK e has been a friend of our soldiers: To the Voters of Columbia County.1 nd sailors and has introduced legis- 1 hereby announce my candidacy atlon giving them preferential home- !u 'lu,!,!';'0!!?1,'; Clerk ,on l",e .,,, ,,, . ... , Republican ticket, at the coming prl- tead rights and repeatedly cliam-i mary election. If nominated and !ontd their cause when their welfare 1 elected, my policy will be for re-! was in Jeopardy. Urenchment in county expenses with! Championing the cause of the Ore-1 ? J?"0? 8 t0 relav- I ' "t , , ,...,. I lRVr any Increase in bu ary dur ng Ton farmers. Senator McNary pro- my incumbency. I have no corpora mred for them a primary wheat mar-'tlon, clique or coterie to serve, but 'tet, saving thereby several million!'1" erve the people. If I receive dollars to the wheatgrowers of the ' nonunion ana am elected. I will Northwest. Realizfng the present Food Control Law fails to fix prices for many com modities. Senator McNary has Intro 1uced, and Is laboring for the pass ige of a bill, striking nt profiteering not hold the office for more than two terms. Respectfully submitted, HAROLD P. ROSS. FOIt COUNTY juim;k I hereby announce myself as a can didate to the nfftrn nf I'mmlu Ti,,1A nd fixing prices on the necessaries at the coming primaries, to be held -f life. May 17. 1918, subject to the docl- To Senator McNary is due. In ., 81on pe Republican voters of Col- umuiu county, uregon. Very respectfully, MARTIN WHITE. Okott Is playing a safe came; he wins even if he loses, for if the vot ers of Oregon should decide (and probably they will) that they do not ui government ana society as existing j wish Olcott for governor, he will for the freer and fuller development i rtill have two years more as secre of the Individual is being assr.ulted ; tary of state at $4,500 per year. Summer is Coming Some things we have that you might need Hammock, Croquet Sets, Oil Cock Stoves and Refrigerators SPECIAL SALE IN ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS Saturday Only-Regular 78c, SPECIAL, 40c while they last E. A. ROSS BUILDING ST. HELENS. OREGON McNary is due, in a "arge measure, the expansion of the shipbuilding and lumber industries of Oregon. Senator McNary has led ftie fieht i To the Voters of Columbia Count v 'or a diversion to Portland and As-1 1 respectfully announce myself as oria of freight now moving to the West over longer hauls and has suc-,bia county. If nominated and elect--ec-ded In passing In the Sontae a bill ed, I promise to faithfully look after Cor a survey of a channel thirty-five the, lnterests of the cunty and stnto 5, feet doep from Portland to theirTOri ZITJZ to , ! the neonln Respectfully submitted, E. I. BALLAGH. Sehator McNary bus procured: Government contracts for the first time in the state'B history for Ore-! ;on products in large quantities. Government contracts for factories , candidate .To the Voters of Columbia County. I hereby announce myself as a lor the olllro nf I'mmiv for army clothing, and for the con-1 Clerk of Columbia County. Oregon struction of life boats. Government contracts for building yards. Senator McNary is working: For prompt payment of allotments to dependent relatives of our soldiers I ind sailors. For a naval base at tlte mouth of ; the Columbia River. ! For the construction of a coast ; military highway at government ex i penso. ! Sf-nator McNary was born on a : farm In Oregon; reared in the Bap iKt church; educated in the public ! "choola; worked his way through ,on me Republican ticket at the pri-BhiD-'mary elecllon- t0 be "eld May 17, I moke no "CAMOUFLAGE" promises. Respectfully, J. W. HUNT. To the voters of Col umliln rrmntv I respectfully announce my candl- u:y lor county juage subject to the will of the Republicans at the coming iii iniury elecuon. it my administration as County "s uieeis wuu your approval, I truHt I will be favored with your sup port. " Should I be nominated and elected win give tne county a clean tmifi- nesslike and progressive BilniiniUi,o Stanford university; Is a lawyer and i uon "a laor no one section of the farmer and has been a life-lone Ho.i"""11' uver 0Uler section. J. L. WILLIAMS & SONS . A Full and Complete line of General Merchandise Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries SCHOOL BOOKS, INK, PENS, STATIONERY Our customers receive dependable goods at reasonable prices. Give us a trial and you will be satisfied. Phone 34 WEST ST. HELENS, ORE. publican. He was formerly a Jus tice on the Supreme Court and later chairman of the State Republican Central Committee. Space forbids further enumeration of the vast amount of work Senator McNary has done for Oregon, but anyone will realize from the forego ing the Senator hag displayed truly remarkable ability, coupled with ex traordinary diligence and energy. His native State can best show its appreciation of his faithful and effi cient services by nominating and electing him. Thomas B. Kay, State Treasurer. B. W. Sleeman, 1 Bus. Rep. of District 'Council Cnrpentern. Mrs. Geo. W. McMath, Pres. of 'o-oporatlve League. Thoma A, McBrlde, 1 Chief Justice of Oregon Supreme Court. T. B. Neuhausen, VIce-Chalrman Hughes Campaign Committee. Respectfully, S. C. MORTON. To the Republican voters of Colum bia county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner, second term If nominated and elected I promise to give to the county the best sorvlco I am CannhlA nf ranilQ.lnn rri.i.. think, Is all that any man ought to Very respectfully, JUDSON WEED. of The difference between the patri otic American housewife and the one who is indifferent or disloyal Is meas ured by the amount df wheat flour in her kitchen. To the Voters of Columbia County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican renomlnation to the office of County Surveyor at the primary election to be held ay 17 1918. If nominated policy will be al and my best Judgment In all survey ing and engineering problems that may come under my direction. Respectfully submitted, L. J. VAN ORSHOVEN Meats 'Meats Tender, juicy cuts at the lowest market prices. Give us an order Groceries A full line of staple groceries. The stock is fresh. Prices low. People's Market On the Strand, St. Helens, Oregon Now is the time to buy your Garden Seed We have a special line of all varieties, just fresh arrival. Fine Onion Sets at 5c per pound. Better get in a supply before they are all gone. Also have land plaster and fertilizers. We arc now ready to make contracts for this season's produce. We pay $50.00 fcer ton for Kentucky Wonder beans, and fruits and cabbage accordingly. CALL AND SEE US Columbia River Canning & Produce Company Plenty of Money to Loan on Improved Farms 4oneyto n Partially A Farmsat VJ HAROLD P. ROSS Room 11, Bank BIdg. Phone 50 VOfl COUNTY C'LKHK I hereby announce myself as can didate for Republican nomination of County Clerk at the primaries to be held May 17, 1918. O. B. BENNETT. FOH NHKltll K I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Republican nomina tion for sheriff. If renominated and elected, I will give the office the same businesslike administration I have done In the past. E. C. STANWOOD. X p111 sjjr Take your place as a real Amreican Liberty Bond COLUMBIA Oldest in the County COUNTY BANK St. Helens, Oregol