St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, May 03, 1918, Image 1

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    h Liberty Bond is Victory's Wand -If Ynn Haven't Purchased a Bond, Do So 1
M 1
b 1
i S
NO. 20
Hrli-M HCrfii(tlt"n
Ij, Founclnllon Company's bae-
n,a miinliulliltiri' League
L hare Sunday to meet the
C 3). Helen tuniii, Mid Manager
ittn, reallilnK that liU lub will
tha leaicue leaders, haa
ntthenvd hi loam nnd feel con
tlh.t lie wl" '"I1" Hi" game.
ullj Jamn will twirl fur the
iditloti Company, and lie will be
by "Speed" Mitchell, who
H ibe Portland leugue learn lo
M hr. Mcl'lke. who formerly
mhl lor Denver In the Wmitern
(jit, will do Hie receiving for the
Hdmi shipbuilders and sneveral
Lf aew face will appear In the
Tin Foundation team be bc-
lulled by several hundred root-
k Already a boat hna been char-
U ud doubtless many will come
iilcmoblle. The Foumlnllon band
b tin accompany the boyit, and
F. Hcformlck. not to be outdone
s rival concern, hna secured a
Ljihlcli will lead A pnrndo to the
Ll park.
today lail, the St. Helena team
Hi (am with the Hupplo-Ilullln
ka, itiowcj It real form snd took
i rm by the one-aided score of
llol. HoKland, a recent addition
lbs St. Helen pitching ataff,
ktfi up In good form and held
MtypMlnf team to it few hits.
St Helena now ha a real league
fa, mi the home (ana have the
Wtunlty to whims icood ball
wb. The aucccsa of the Ikrkuo
Mlhi bonis team depends upon the
reduce, and It U hoped that
hi crowd will turn out Sunday
toioon. In order to get a seal. It
Si to worth while to come early.
Ml itated, several hundred peo
i till come down from Portland.
r M (Yum Muk.H. (JmmI Know
ing in County.
Tk lut locul teachers' mooting
th year wu held at Scappoose on
M il The following toucher
wpnwnl: Kobert Down, Alleen
'wnd, Helen Hall, lleth Terry.
C. Mct'owii, I,. I,. Baker, 11. C.
rnoir. Mildred II. Tuylor. Alice
nnnrotiK. Ituhy L. Hlckethler.
aC. Drown, Hilda Mubr, Mra. K.
wm1h, Jennie MuRKlna. Edrle
f8". Mra. Grace M. Keer. Mnde-
F'Ttioiuai, Mrs. Kllle WIIhoii. Mll-
B. Matney, Stella Hasford. Mr.
M B Clark, Ainiuida C. Lake. Jo
""tln, C. K. Lake, Ada Holnday,
1 Kuni., Kthol Noitor, M.
Hatfield, Myrl Duvla, Gertrude
"un, Marie I,. Wnlker, Marie A.
Jamea Dodaon. Arlle M. An-
Ethel Andrew.
Junior Itcd (VoHn U iiiilln irnn.
portanlied throueliout the ooun-
nearly all of ll.n erlmnla or-
Pkt have 100 tutr runt main hgr.
P Mr. Hurold IlrouRhton and
'ml of the Ht lint An a urlmol
rllS a anleiidld work In the J.
movement In ii.o a n.,i.,.
r- Uolh 8t. IlelouB nnd Houlton
ffl nt work mnk!iiK ore-
ftlclea for the hunoflt of the
Vij. nullum ui ilia
I l?' ,ld "re enthuBlBBtlo nbout
LA . ' ,,olt'H achoolB have
L . MMy 75 during the paat
r'kaas J. r n
"W Elnll L. .
. " fiupo huh ueen re-
P " "Mhclor Plate at an In.
t aalarv
Bird U. Clark hnn Inr h
Pi tlm. 1 . . . ' .
ik. " rwoioctoa as tencner
n Pnmn M,,l0' ftt a salary
nnr tiw...ti. mi .
H,, , - mn. i ne i nnpnian
' nai an In,iu.ri,.i n..i. .i i
cunt .1 ii i ...
H ui uciive mem
v- Mar Ik ....i.. . . ,
r"1' iervln in .1.. ... . ...
iin.v 1 lllH iiiinreni oi in
lrU ihi,.,..i.. . . .
" county auporlntendont Iiob
K du I niuny Bcl,ooI " P-
., "K II1A nut n.flnl. M.,l,
'(lel, I . . r m
met. .. . B,!ln lo" Jn Columbia
Live-to. k Kkhlbli ,. v,,ir,.
of the Mhi'IIiik,
Dy I). V, llowi rd.
When the fiirinern of Cnltimhlu
county iiiiH-t at Yankton Hnturday lo
attend the Keinl-unnual I'umonn
Urunge they will undoubtedly got the
aurprlao of their live. Yankton,
famous for It hoKpltpllty, t prog.
re nnd leat of all It products, U
mohlllzlug for a grnnd display of Itn
prUe cuttle and hog. Did you any
a 11,0011 cow and the cluimplon hour
of Oregon? Yen, they v. Ill be there
Huch thing nre common at Yankton
Didn't you know thm right here at
Yankton we have farmer and farm
und funry herd thut tin t he heat?
I'onionn Grunge I thut ort of u
traveling clrcu or pow wow held by
the Grnnger of the county every nix
month. It the place where the
farmer get together and tU the
state legleluture and tlio preKldunt of
the I'nltod Htuti-s where to heud In
nnd decide who Is to be the next
JuhIIco of the peace, governor or
I'nlled Btatea Heuntor. Thl Ih the
meeting that deride whr.t congre
la to do and how much tux wo ure to
pay next year. Oh, yea; If u great
time for the Grniiicer.
Hut I luirn rm till.., ... I... !
done nt I'omou.i. Kvnryono talkH
about how they can make two til.uK r.
of gran grow where one grow now;
how we can have a better school;
bow we should build better rouds;
and last hut not lonst, how we can
live and enjoy life on the farm aa Ih
Intended It should be.
In the afternoon there I to he a
llvimtock Judging contest. ('Iuhici
of beef cuttle, dairy cattle and hogs'
will bo arranged nnd Judged by the
farmer. The pig club member will
have n bnttle ut Judging pig, nnd the
Indies will have epeed content ut
milking cow. Prizes will he offered
for tho winner In ull of the event.'
County Agricultural Agent How
ard will act n Judge In the livestock
event, iim U. N. Uivelace, mnHtcr
of 'the I'omonit Orange, will direct
work of the day. Kr.rmer, If you
are Granger, come out to I'omomi
Saturday. If you am not a Granger,
you iould bo.
ttwmmmmiju.-mjt.. .
Veteran Jewel Medals Arc Given to
Heven Members.
tll.l.-.. H.. n ..... . .
i.r iKu io. a on uie nigiiway Detwee n Oelena nnd Inglis. It la one-half
mile east of tho Didenu Hchooihoue and was built by U. O Herrold who
ha a cont-uct to build ten other similar bridges. Mr. Herrold Is 'mak
ing good progress jind the roud will be open for traffic this summer
The meeting of St. Helens Lodge
No. 117, I. O. O.'F., held Saturday
evening, April 27, was an eventful
one In the history of that lodge. It
was the occasion of celebrating the
99th anniversary of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows and the 25th
anniversary of St. Helens Lodge No.
117. Also a servlcve flag was un
furled in honor of Carl H. Aamand,
Duncan Campbell, V. S. McKay,
Uurrel P. Graves and Fred Shackle
ford, flvj members of the noble
City. J'utliers Have One Hession Free
I-rem Disturbances.
The city council met in regular ses
sion Monday night with all members
present. The minutes of the pre
vious meeting were read and ap
proved. A communication signed by W. E.
Lidyard, J. L. Copeland, H. A. Colt.
Von A. Gray, R. W. orton, V. E.
Stevens, G. A. Mace, James O'Con-
bretbren who have enlisted and some ! nor, Thos. H. Roy, Fred Morgus,
Liberty day was observed in the
high school by a hulf day vacation,
which, to our Joy, took the piece of
the usual afternoon study nnd reci
tation periods.
Work ha begun in earnest on the
St. llelens-Plttshurg road. Contract
or Gessel has a force of men at work
on the grading ,of the second mile on
the Pittsburg hill and according to
Headmaster Ahry, who returned from
Nehnlem the first of the week, is
making good progress.
At the Trenholm end of the road
Contractors Trehorn, Mills nnd Park
er hnvo gotten their equipment to
gether and lieve already done quite
an amount of work. The recent fa
vorable weather bus been of much
benefit to the contrnctorn and if the
rate of progress can he kept up, enrly
in tho summer 11 will be possible to
get over to the Nehnlem.
As hna been previously stated, the
work Mr. Gessel is doing will elim
inate the very steep Pittsburg hill
ind the work being done by the Tre
horn contractor will do away with
(he Wolverdlng hill nt Trenholm. The
Sixteen mile hill will be the only
real bad hill left on the road, nnd the
county court will probably expend
several hundred dollrrs In making
temporary repairs there and at sev
eral other plnces between the Clats
Icanle and the hill.'
Other road work In the county Is
getting along nicely. Contractor Kil-
by has quite n force a; work on the
Fred Watklns, L. A. Austin and G.
E. Chapma3, offering their services
to the city as volunteer firemen, was
read and favorably acted upon, and
the council asked that steps be taken
as soon as possible to organize the
of whom are now at the front right
ing for the cause of liberty and hu
manity, and the presentation of twen
ty-five year veteran Jewels to Andrew
J. Rupert, David H. Pope, Chas. W.
Dlakesley, George W. Grant, WalWr j
G. Pomeroy, John M. Slovens and M. department.
F. Hazen. The presentation address . A , communication was received
was made by Henry 8. Westbrook, from A. McDonald, the young man
grand representative to the Sover- who was Injured ai the time of the
eign Grand Lodge for 1917 and 1918, j Strand theatre fire, asking that aid
Marttl roud and Contractor Handlev unu WB" UB"ereu "-'" ne given, mm ior surgical attention.
will finish the llecver SlouBli cross-ianl elo(luent manner. , The matter was discussed by the
Ing In another thirty lays. At tllU me final act,on.waa taken council and it was decided to give
. , ' : In regard to the' consolidation of a. benefit dance to raise funds for
m, i" the" !fleraRood,8T Ho'toB Lodge No. 189 with St. Hel-Jthe purpose mentioned. Mayor Sax
Mil s und Hi 1 are busy in their res-eng Lodge No m and a ;tnat fs0B Jnted the ollowlng commlt.
poctive districts. A. new bridge Is nll,H I. th nnmval nf the;., ,,, , .
plunned for the Fishhawk and also , n,gnH Ijnrf0 . n,nn -mm, mPt Lf '.v,ii, ,i h i..
a small bridge which will cross Peb
ble creek.
In the lower end of the county
much necessary repair work Is being
done and the Hazel Grove rocd near
Clntsknnie will he extended and re
paired. Around St. Helens, Scappoose and
Itainter, Supervisors dark, Grant and
Plippin have assembled a good crew
.nd have taken advantage of the
Rood' weather to accomplish much
work. So taken all together and con
sidering the shortage of labor, road
bulldlng"ln Columbia county Is going
along at a good rate. ,
Dill to get clams- so he dlched up
crabs and soda water. Among the
out-of-town members attending were
George L. Cunningham, Dr. Harry R.
"tin T . ... if TnmA Tl
V nil, dailies 11. oiicrauu, uumcs u.
FISHING SEASON McKay, Fred Larson, Dan Slavens,
IS NOW OPEN I end a number of other visiting bro
Grand Lodge of Oregon, which meets ; of 'which, will be later announced:,
In May at Seaside," to make the con-s. C. Morton, chairman; E. I. Bal
solidatlon of these two lodges com-llagh, Fred Morgus, Miss Edrle La
plete. ' ' Bare and Miss Jennie Huggins.
The address of the evening 6n:the, .An ordinance to prohibit the dis
history of the order was made by charge of revolvers, air guns and
Past Noble Grand Frank E Weed of bean ; shooters within' the ; limits .of
Woodlawn Lodge No. 171. ' ; the city was read for the third time,.
After lodge adjourned refresh-'nnd passed,, all of the councilmen
meats fere served by Chefs Alfred S. j voting In' favor of the measure." ,
Harrison. Uther W. Clark and Will- The matter of the fire alarm sys
iam J. Fullerton, of elam chowder tern -was brought up and discussed
feme, but the tide wasn't right fori but no action was taken.
H. F. Mccormick appeared before
the council nnd asked permission to''
Kim Is Small ilut Prices Arc Higher
Many Kisliernifn Knjiaged.
The spring fishing season opened
Will Hold Their Annual Picnic Here
Sunday, May I-.
K. I. Ilnllngh, keeper of record
and seals of tho local Pythian lodge, jet 12 o'clock Wednesday, and some
is In receipt of a letter from L. F. ,of the more lucky fishermen made
Clark, keeper of record mid seals of i fairly good catches. The amount of
Holmes Lodge No. 101, Knights of fish delivered to the local buyers,
Pythias, of St. Johns, stn Jng that the ! however, indicates thet a large run
IoiIkc would noiu us annual piciiic nas noi yei reacneu ine river, onuuiu i
In St. Helens on Suadi.y, May 12. a large run come, the fishermen will
Mr. ll.' has made arrangements ; reap a harvest, for tho prices fixed by
w'th the city olllclnls so that the city ; the buying concerns are high, and
Charles Pnrkluen, aged nbout 24
years, committed nulcide near the
Parkinen borne four miles from Mist
Sunday last. The yong man had
been notified to apupear In St. Hel
ens for examination for the army
draft service, but Inster.d of respond
ing to the call went into the woods
several hundred yards from his home
and committed suicide. After he had
Tim Mfmlmit hodv was entertained
by four-nilnute speeches, tho subject j p-rk will he placed ut the disposal are ns follows, per pound: Chinook
.,i.J ti.u nne-x-.imi wns'of the visitors, who will coimi by salmon, HUc; Steelhends, 9Vic;
"Why We Should Huy Llherlv bout and nutcnioblle. It Is expected sturRPO, 9 iM C; Sllve'sldes, fic; shnd. been missing for two days a search
t... n,u. .u,, rai ions were that not less than S00 people will ' 4c. Owing to the high wages paid was made and his body discovered.
,., M,..,.i..v nwimlnir. and Laurie come down to spend the day nnd It ' In the mills and shipyards, many of He
I Ind a senior won a unanimous do- Is probable that they will bring their; the fishermen have given up fishing
clslon over Lucllo Lymhiirner, the own band with them to furnish enter-, to work in these plants, and r.lso a
n.iiresenlutive On Tuesday 1 1 'Itimetu iuthik 1 'V ' '""i uumuiu u .v,,.,.o.,,
" . ..., ,,1 1 .!.... I . .,lK.lo,l In (l.o
Pythlans would assemble ct the city ! United States service, consequently
dock or at the prrk and welcome : there nre fewer fishermen this year
tho visitors. thnn heretofore.
morning the Inst two speeches were
given nnd Florence Van Glider, n
sophomore, succeeded In winning n
unanimous decision over Lawrence
Anderron, who represented tho wear
ers of tho green.
Mr. Marls, of the Oregon Indus
trial Association, Spoke to tho stu-' (iin.tniller of Currency Has Issued
dont body Tuesditjr morning. Mr. cimiter for Institution.
had sent a bullet crashing
through his head and used a rifle for
the accomplishment of the deed. The
S'oung man was a quiet, unassuming
fellow who hod never been away
from home, and It Is thought that the
call for draft Bervlce made him men
telly unbalanced.
Coroner White was called, and af-
ANOTHEF BANK IS (WEEKLY THRIFT AND j tat making a thorough investigation
COMING TO ST. HELENS, WAR STAMP SALES i decided that no Inquest was neces
sary, as it was a piain case oi suiciue.
make certain alterations and Im
provements at the baseball club, and
a majority of the councilmen, as well
aa the mayor, being ardent fans,-
gladly gave the desired permission.
T...F. Robertson, who has served
as marshal In Houlton for the past
several years and served well, was
rewarded for his faithful service by
being - reappointed deputy marshal.
Several other matters were brought
to the attention of the council and
acted upon, and Frank Shepard, own
er of the St. Helens-Portland auto
line, was notified to be present at
the next meeting of the council to
discuss with them the matters relat
ing to his franchise to operate a Jit
ney passenger service in the city "
Mcliride School
..i ti,i nlmiii the com! tuns or l. - , . , miss aintinewa ...
Marls told about tlio co . Anpt,or lmnk w, goon 1)e eHta. i ,,., 247 50
the children In Europe, nnd lio ye g 1Iolons pM(, R wu ,ieMlsg Ann8tr0g'8 . 271.50
could help them by plowing up every National Rank, j Mrs. Andrews' .... 93.50
vacant lot it. our city for the PH' Hor of thn Clirrency has Mr. Lake's ...... 109.60
,.r n.nklnir wr.r irardens. i J . . . ...j ., i t Jolin (iiinini School
'rA HMtss Anna Sten and Corporal Will
lam K. BJorkman were marriea at
i.uiioii tie c arier mm ii. m ""' r mnnn
- t A.fla ... ... anss i orry u iww.ww
Wodnesday niiornoun ... ,"" ! from tt reliable nource tnni M Harnett's 68.25
... -.. .1 .. A I'.uUri ,llll- I ....ii.i ! ..... m
un arctic explorer unu .....;- j Worlc will soon be staricii on n uuiiu- miss Holt s su.zo
venturer, spoke lo tho stuueni mm furnish quarte-s for the bank.
The Llfo of the Eskimos I'M-. clll.rter wttR iBSed to C. G. Wll-
oon, S. M. Mann. J. 8. Mann, D.
Crowley" nnd W. II. DUlnrd, all of
whom nro officers cf the Ltnnton
hank nnd the First Nutlonr.l Hank of
Scrppoose except Mr., Pillard,
e limit
Alaska." Mr. Lewis hrs been in ai
pska over 29 years, and his lecture
was very Interesting anil was enjoyed
by all.
The baseball team will play It
first game of the sei-.r.on horo Friday
afternoon with the Hldi;eflold high
school team nt the school grounds.
The game promises to ho an Interest
ing one and every student nnd cltl
sen should turn out and support the
homo teum.
SO. 75
Two per cent of tho enllHted per
sonnel of tho divisions and detached
units of tho regulur army, national
ftmird. nnd national army, excepting
the coast artillery and. various staff
Mrs. Lnke's 162.25
Miss Laliare's 190.25
Miss Hlckethler's . . 460.25
Miss Stennlck's . . . 313.00
Mrs. Wilson's 277.00
Mr. Brown's 149.76
II Mi School
Senior class $ 61.75
Junior clasa 90.00
Sophomore class 50.00
Freshman class 123.60
the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Sten, Tuesday
evening, nt 8 o'clock. Rev. F. J.
Myer performed the cermony, and!
only the relatives and intimate!
19.76 friends of the contracting partlesi
were present. Shortly after the cere-,
mony the happy young couple left
for Portland, en route to Seattle and
other Sound points, where they will ,
spend their honeymoon.
The bride Is well known In St. Hel
ens and lias been assistant postmas-j
ter for a year or more. The groom j
wr.s formerly employed by the St.
Helens Lumber Company but some
The new social hall In Columbia ' months ago enlisted in the signal
. I ' ..... .i..i...,...,i ir. nil nnil r'v wim dedicated last nlplit with I corns of the U. S. army and was as-
.... n nni-n. U'l I 111! 11CI.1K"V. w I " .
dosed April 26 wltn n jomv i' ' ' apr(!B of omcers' training an entertaining program, which was
hold In the grove near Apiaiy. . , ' . . . , open May 15. Ad-: followed by dancing and n basket so-
'War Savings socunies r. "I , , ttranted to some clnl. A number of people from St.
IJ 1 ininoiwai
The Jury list drawn by Sheriff
Stanwood and Clerk Hunt for the
May term of court Is no follows:
Chas. Overlie, Qulacy.
Henry Newman, Scappoose.
John Q. Gage, St. Helens. '
Geo. W. Ramsey, Scappoose. , ' ;
Geo. McCollam, Mayger.
John S. Smith, ClatsUanie.
H. R. Dibblee, Rainier.
R. C. Jeffries, Yankton.
Lewis 'Snider, Scappoose.
. Elmer Olsen, Goble.
Lester E. McGee, Mist.
Walter G. Pomeroy, Scappoose.
Sardln Saulser, Houlton.
Frank H. Sherwood, Rainier.
Jos. H. Balrd, Clatskanle.
Win. J. Melllnger, Houlton.
Charles Erlckson, Mayger.
Harry West, Sccppoose.
Chas. Carlsoni Mayger.
Melvln W." Brown, Deer Island.
Omer Nickerson, Vernonia.
Wm. Karth. Houlton.
Henry Morgus, St. Helens. s
Geo. A. Graham, Clatskanle.
J. E. Gilmour, Scappoose.
Jus. A. Bacon, Warren.
Teddy Berg, Wr.rren.
Bert Adams, Deer Island. '
William S. Newlun, Yankton.
John J. Banzer, Mist.
C. H. Enrjlish, Deer Island.
organlzod quite S""' I . ....,.,, i,...i t ionKt one sear's
purpose of putting Uie Thr, un p en
sale across. Lnch district nns . nilucuUo,mi institutions which have
Helens attended and all reported a
delightful time. The proceeds, which
amounted to more than $200, will
go to the Red Cross.
signed to duty at the spruce mill In
Vancouver. He Is an experienced
lumberman and has been promoted
3lnce entering the service. The new
ly married couple have many friends
in St. Helens who wish them happi
ness and prosperity. t
Millions of dollars, It is estimated
by revenue officials, will be added to
the government funds In penalties as
a result of the round-up of Income
tax delinquents by the bureau of in
ternal revenue. . . .
P'ary and Fern HM bcUooIb