UjMafi Wand-If You Haven't Bought a Bond, Get One OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY PIONEER PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY VOLUME XXXVII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1918 UBERTY CELEBRATION IS ON FOR TODAY PRESIDENT'S REQUEST mrnr Kn to Half Honor l-lag tnrr tn la accordance with the wUheii of !bi Called 8tatoa government whose Mcrtlirr, William MeAdoo, baa do liini today a a legal holiday, Bt. iuImi will celebrate for port of to; of rent, recreation and patriotic haltr to the natlqn'a call In support ,IUn Third Liberty Loan. All atorea ,111 cloas at noon, and beginning prowptlr t t o'clock & program of nrti will be Indulged In at the Khool campus. After n program, a taMball (ante will be ptr.yed between iht married ami single men. la the evening there will be a com snalty aim In front of the court bout, and a soldier recently returned (too the France battlefield will de llitt an address to the essemblage. Tba Liberty Honor King which baa beta awarded to Bt. Helena will be nlied on the city hill at II o'clock and Mayor Baxon wilt take part in the nrtliM. iTtry atnre building nnd realdence ihould dUplay the national colore, tod Ihoie who can possibly apnre the time ihould participate. 01 courie the first thought of tlila Liber; r day ahould be to possess a toad. It la the great American pass aort to freedom. Get youra and aak the other fellow If he baa ht. Mayor Saxon, while not having la tied i formal proclamation, requests the ettiiena of 8t. Unions to take part li Ihli Liberty Day celebration. RED CROSS NOTES The Red Crone la Indebted to Mies hula Hattan for the loan of her wtlaf machine. The baby Jacket donated by Mlsa KMeathal waa raffled Saturday and i won by Mre. J. W. Akin. , Tlia lad li of the Red Cross wleh to thank J. II. Thatcher for hla uaual ud thoughtful monthly gift. A Red Crowi unit haa been organ ic at Columbia City and will work Hh the Bt. Helena auxiliary. Mra. lommaralrotn was elected captain ud ureral of the St. Helena ladlei tot down Thursday to assist Id get Ud a atart. Th ai of captains for each day irii the week at the Red Cross n la Monduy, Mra. E. Dlakeeley; Tly1 Mm. L. O. Rom; Wednes V. Mra, J. McKle; Thuraday, Mre. ' W. Allan: Friday. Mra. T. A. Laws i Saturday, Mre. W. H. Fogle. lia Roaenthal donnted to the Rod froai a beautiful hand embroidered r Jacket. The Indtee are aelltng tlckMa on It for 10 centa each, and proceed dorlved from the aale HI ba uiied to bu material for dothlni for lioiginn bablea. Ws.aad of havlnc the rea-ulnr sew- lDl work hour Tueeday, the ladles " the Red Cross will aUend the lee of Mlaa Minnie Cnlbua at the Mhodttt church parlora. CLIFF B. HARRIS ADJUDGED INSANE WlH D. Ilrrrlil wall Vnnwn In Ot H'leni, wa hrnnrhf In thU filtv Sun. r Sheriff Btanwood r.nd lodged Jan. Hnrrla waa Dlalnlv unbnl- "leed, and after exnmlnaHnn h To- ,or' Peel and Hone ha ni un( to (he w hoapitai at Snlem. Harris for B,y Waa engaged In flatting nenr out recuntly lint, been living on '"tie farm tn the n.mirA- Hill Stry. He lu crazy nn rntlrlnn and " nd when not delivering a aer- " io an Imaginary '.udlence wna "-"lowing the kaloer. It. In hoped "ieH fveral months treatment In the . fc VHtl4lUII V U r" h0BP'al wilt reeult In hie dls- urM 'fom that nBtltutlon. bond LUMBIA CITY SCHOOL The) ludiitu ne rAi....i. r.i. .m vuiuniuid V'll Will ,ITbl Imnrf I. n.. . . - iimiuiu lor me coiuui ? . y choo, Thursday night, at ,,5g O'clock M o i ,u . elnl k , iii vim now. du- Wl. There will be a fine mual- PfOKram followed by a basket eo h DQ "onclng for tlione who wish lomi admlHBln Is 50 centa for ltd i Tn ttnd 15 cenU for children, who br,n basket will be wwtted free. FREE HITTING CDWtpct GOES TO CORNFOOTS t'oMly Miwuin In Klmt lnni,K h, nhiiinIIiii fir ,.f,.Mt, Bt. llolima loMt 8u::di.y' m ine to the Corn foot team by n srere of 8 to 4. McKenno, the (lret man up, con nected with one of Oavlu' fimt oiikh and the ball sailed out to deep cen ter, dynes, In running for the ball, fell over a Inrge rock and the ball went over his heud. and before It could he recovered McKenna waa comfortably settled on the third bane. A hit and several errors mi tie It port able for the Cornfuota to chr.ee over three runn In the first frame, und they followed suit la the second. Clynes, the new mnn secured from Salt lnke. lived up to hln reputation as a slugger. He gathered two hora em, a three-base hit and a long sin gle out of four trlpa to the plate, and was responsible for three of the four runs made by Bt. Heleus. Roth Davis and Sutherland were hit linrd, but the breaks of the game were all with Sutherland. Kddlo Monaor, formerly of the Oakland team tn the Tactile Count League, ployed second bane for St. Helens. Hla fielding was excellent hut he went hltless. Davis, In heading off a runner at the home plate In the ninth Inning, wna badly spiked and was sent to a Portland hospital Wednesday. It Is unlikely he will be In the lineup Bunduy when the fast Bupple-llallln team will be here. Another good pitcher la available, however, so we may expect a fast game. Here's the box sheet: Corn foot . AB. tt. II PO A McKenna, a ... 5 3 8 4 4 Moore, lb 4 2 1 8 1 Colemcn, 3b . . 5 0 0 1 . 1 French, 2b ... 6 1 3 2 3 Qodard, cf ... 3 0 0 2 0 Fltcher, rf . . . 4 0 1 2 0 McNlchols, If . 4 0 1 0 0 O'Bhea, c .... 3 2 1 '7 0 Sutherland, p.- 4 0 0 1 1 Totala 37 8 10 27 McOirmkk. AH. It II 10 A Comprs, If . , . 5 0 0 1 0 Monitor. 2b ... G 0 0 1 4 Clynes. cf 4 8 4 1 0 Btevens, lb . . 4 1 0 12 0 Itynnlng. rf . 4 0 3 1 0 W. M'D'ld, 3b. 4 0 0 1 1 M'Intosn. c . .. 3 0.2 9 1 Davis, p 3 01 1 2 D. M'D'ld. a. . . 4 0 2 0 2 llrakke. 3b ... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals .....37 4 12 27 10 Oornfoot ...33000100 18 Bt. Helons..! 0 0 10 10 1 04 Hiinimarv Errors. Slevens2. D. McDonald. Twolbase hits, Kynning, Davis, McKenna, French. Throe-base Mm i.Vnni-li McKenna. Shea. Ityn nlng. Home runs, Clynes 2, Moore. Btolen bases, French 2. Itnses on balls Oft Davis 2; Butlierluml l. im. nrr nuvla in Sutherland 12. Bturck out Davis 7, Sutherland 7 Tassed balls Mcintosh 1. Wild pitch Davis. Time of game 1:56. Umpire liankin. FARM LOAN BOARD APPROVES BIG LOANS A review of the first year of opera tion of the federal farm loan system shows that 2,808 national farm loan associations were Incorporated, rep resenting about four associations to each Ave counties of the United States. They average 20 members, or a total membership of about 86, 000 farmers. The 12 land banks have received appllcotions for over 120,000 loans, amounting to about 1300,000,000. About 80,000 loans, amounting to over 1160,000.000, have been np nroved. and on 30.000 of those loans over 180,000,000 has been paid to the farmers. BUILDING FOP. SHIPPING BOARD $A.O0,000 Structure to Be Krex-ted as Soon as Site Can Ho Fonml. Offices of tha shipping board In Washington, D. C now scattered in 24 buildings, will be assembled in .....,. which will be erected UIIO Bliuvvwsw " " ns soon m a suitable site can be found. The building will cont $5,000, 000, provided In the board's appro priation, which gave authority for erecting a permanent home. It Is planned to erect a five-story building with 600,000 square feet of floor spaco. ' ; Four automobiles are now main tained to take offloials from one building to another for conierences FARMERS SAVE MONEY ON CLOVER SEED futility Agent Howard DixU-iltub More Than H.IMIO INiunils. Through the services r.nd energy of County Agricultural Agent Dl V. Howard, a number of Columbia coun ty furmers secured their supply of clover seed at a less price thnn Port land wholesale seed merchants were charging. Mr. Howard, through the co-operation of the O. A. V. at Cor vallls, wus put in touch with a large deuler In clover seed and he ordered four tons, or 8,000 pounds. The prlco charged the furmers was 26 cents per pound, when retailers were charging 34 to 37 cents per pound. Mr. Howard had only four sacks of seed left on hand, end fearing these might not be called for he sold them to a Portland wholesaler for one cent per pound more than was charged the furmers. Figured on a basis of ( cents per pound, Mr. Howard saved the furmers of the county close to $4 R0. He recently made arrange ments for a large lot of seed oats, nnd sold these to the farmers at abso lute cost and at a great saving to them. Bo during the paHt sixty days the county agricultural agent has saved the farmers of the county more than one-third of the amount the county Is required to pay him for sal ary. Mr. Howard Is always ready to help farmers who will accept his help and is doing geat work in the agri cultural development of the county. GLASS FOUND IN FOOD IN BUT ONE CASE The frequent and widespread pub lication of statements concerning the presence of ground glass in food stuffs has led the committee on pub lic Information to Inquire into the authenticity of these reports. -It lias been advised by the food adminis tration that thorough investigations of more than 200 of the cases has disclosed only one instance In which ground glass was found In the food stuffn Inspected. The cane in which glass wr.s found occurred at Fort Smtlh, Ark. A ba ker In that town had had trouble wtlh his employes, one of whom, de siring to destroy his employer's busi ness, hud filled with glass a loaf of bread which was to be delivered to an orphanuge. When the bread was Korved to the inmates of the Institu tion several of them suffered lacera tions of their lips. No more serious injuries resulted. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Last Friday afternoon n Red Cross program took the piece of the usual last recitation period. The following program was rendered: Bong, by the school; reeding, Ella Hattan; read ing, Mildred Marsh; recitation, Lucile I.ymburner; presentation of the American Red Crose certificate, Prof. Raker; song, by the school. Last Friday morning a pennant from Camp Kearney, Linda Vista, Cnl., was presented to the high school br.scball team by Robort Dixon, the athletic manager. . The pennant was nent by George Walker, who Is in the medical corps, stationed nt Camp Konrney. - , The St. Helens eighth grade team defeated the West St. Helens grade team last Friday. The game was a one-sided affair, with the final score 19 to 0. The St, Helena high school team has received a challenge from the Scappoose team but the local team has been unable to clash with the Scappoose sluggers, as John Mc- Vey, the pitcher of the St. Helens team, now has the measles. : SHIPPING NEWS i The steamer Hoqulam. carrying 760,000 feet of railroad tlos, sailed Thursday for southern California. i The steamer Daisy Matthews, after taking on 1,100,000 feet of lumber, sailed Thursday night for San Pedro, i The steamer Wahkeena, after tak ing on 1,000,000 feet of lumber. sailed Monday night bound for San Pedro. The vessol Is now under com mand of Capt. O. Belleson, who suo- cnBtlnd CaDtatn Reiner. Captain Bel leson Is well known here and for merly commanded the steamers J. B Stetson and Klamath. It Is reported thai the motor ves sele City of Portland, 8. I. Allnrd m... a a u..lAna ImvA hoon anlri :nnu woi di. iioiDua 'to the French government. ATHLETIC CLUB HOLDS ITS INITIAL SMOKER Hevera! (jood MnU-lie Home llovs Make (JfMd HhoHlng. Secretary McCarthy of the St. Hel ens Athletic Club staged the club's initial boxing amoker last Friday night at Moose ball. The attendance was fairly good and all seemed to en Joy the contests. The first exhibition was a bout betweenVSnm Hattan of St. Helens and Kid Schulti of Port land. Sammy had all the best of the argument and after taking two rounds of good punishment Schultz picked out a soft place on the floor end refused to get up. The two main events of the evening were the matches between Smoky Hnum and Carl Gabrlelson of St. Helens nnd RlllX Ryan and Abe Gordon of Port land. The two local boys went at It hammer and tongs for four rounds, i and the referee declared the bout a draw, which seemed to meet with the approval of the spectators. The match between Ryan rnd Gordon was a classy six-round exhibition. Both are v good boxen, and showed some nice footwork and punching. Before the last bout George Mc Donald, the referee, cr.lled for a con tribution for the Hed(Cross, nnd many pieces or money were thrown Into the ring. It was turned over to a com mittee, who delivered It to Mrs. Thomas Isblster. The collection ('.mounted to $27.38. It la understood Mr. McCarthy will soen stage another exhibulon, and the two St. Helens boys, Baum and GahrlelHon, will ngnin try conclu sions. ' ENGINEERS BUILD RAILWAYS IN FRANCE The official review of the flrst year of war Issued by the committee on public Information contained the fol lowing description of the work of American engineers in France: American engineers have gone Into French forests and done the work of the pioneers of our new northwest. They have frequently been under fire. One of their first tasks was the re construction nnd extension of a rail road 600 miles long to carry our pro ducts from ports of disembarkation to general bases of operation. The First Engineer troops, 1,100 strong, arrived in France about three months after war was declared. Since then the number has been greatly augmented. These troops have been constantly engaged in gen eral engineering work, Including the construction of railways, docks, can tonments, wharves and hospitals. An American army locomotive was built In this country in 21 days and slipped to the expeditionary forces. Many other locomotives, cars, log ging trains, trucks, dissembling buildings and other equipment have been shipped to augment the output and facilitate the construction opera tions of American forces abroad. NON-FIGHTING MEN IN SOLDIER UNIFORM General condemnation, as slackers, of the men In army or navy uniform who are stationed at Washington or at some of the other army or navy posts and stations about the country ought to be tempered by considera tion of the fact that not a tew of them came Into their respective branches of the service by general or direct governmental Invitation. Undoubtedly it Is true that to a large extent the places of non-combatant men in uniform can be filled, by men who are outside of the draft age, but whatever shitting of men may be deemed necessary, credit ought not be denied to those who, called or en listed for a speciflo duty, have been doing It faithfully. Philadelphia Bulletin. BIG MAYDAY DINNER The Ladies' Aid of the Houlton Methodist church will serve an old- fashioned Methodhit .dinner at the Odd Fellows hall next Wednesday, May 1, beginning at 6:30 p. m. The i children who live here, two sisters proceeds will be used to purchase a who live In eastern states and a bro Ltherty Bond. The public is cordial- ther who resides in Los Angeles, Cal. ly invited to come, have a meal to be Funeral services were conducted long remembered end incidentally j Thursday afternoon at the Portland help tbe ladies tn their commendable crematorium, and a number of St. work. Remember the date, next Helens peopla attended the last sad Wednesday, May 1. irltea. NEXT WEEK IS ' , CLEAN-UP WEEK Mayor ('alia on Citizens to (lean l'p Their Premises. ayor ayor Saxon and the council have designated the week beginning Mon day, April 29, clean up week, and every citizen is requested to aid In cleaning up the ,clty. All persons who have rubbish laying around are requested to place tt In some proper receptacle and piece It where the garbage man can easily find it. Other towns in Oregon and Washington are observing the clean up day or clean up week, nnd the mayor hopes the people of our city will aid In the necessary work. MISS CALBUS TO LECTURE ON FOOD Miss Minnie Calbus, of the domes tie science department of the O. A C. will opend a portion of the coming week in Columbia count7 ehd discuss the various phases of the world's food situation. Experts claim that the ultimate outcome of the war de pends on the food situation and Miss Calbus will tell the women of the county how to help the nation along the food conservation line. The fol lowing will be schedule of the meet ings over the county: Scappoose, April 29, 10 a. m. Warren, April 29, 2 p. m. Yankton, April SO, 10 a. m. St. Helens, April 30, 1p.m. Deer Island, May 1, 10 a. m. Goble, May 1, 2 p. m. Rainier, May 2, 2 p. m. Mayger, May 8,' 10 a. m. Qulncy, May 3, 2 p. m. Clatakanle, May 4, 2 p. m. Mist, May 6,' 10 a. m. Blrkenfeld, May 6, 2 p. m. Vernon la, May 7. 2 p. -m". ' At Scappoose the lecture will be given In Jhe Congregational church; at Warren in Erickson's hall; In Yankton at the Grange hall; In St. Helens at the Methodist church; at Deer Island in the Grange hall, and at Goble tn Red Men's hall. County Agricultural Agent Howard will ac company Mlsa Calbus In her speaking tou.. . " NORTH PACIFIC FURNISHES FORESTERS District Forester George H. Cecil, Portland, has compiled a directory giving the mail addresses of forest service, men from this district who are In the army or navy and sent a copy to all forest officers In the dis trict, with the suggestion that they write letters, to their friends , at be front. . This directory shows that one hun dred and seven members of the for est service In the north Pacific dis trict have answered their country's call and joined some branch of mili tary service since America entered the world war. Seventeen other for mer members of the forest service have entered the army or navy from private employ. Two have already sealed their loyalty with their lives. According to this directory. 22 men went from the district forester's office, eleven from the. Olympic na tional forest, ten each from the Ore gon and Snoqualmle forests, eight each from the Washington and We natchee forests, six from the Col vllle, five each from the Rainier and Whitman; four each from the Che lan, Columbia, and Ochoco; three each from the Cascade, Siuslaw, and Umatilla; two each from the Crater. Minam, Santiam, Umpqua and Oka nogan; and one each from the Mal heur, Siskiyou, Wallowa, and We naha. R. S. DANFORTH CALLED Robert S. Danforth, assistant busi ness manager of the St. Helens Lum ber Company, died Wedceaday morn ing In a Portland hospital, after an Illness lasting several weeks. Mr. Dr.nforth came to St. Helens a year ego and accepted employment with the lumber company and durlug his residence here made mr.ny friends ! He is survived by a widow and two CITY COUNCIL HAS A STORMY SESSION JITNEY ORDINANCE UP Metttker and Allen Kngage in Blood ies Duel Ordinance Pawed. Perhaps It was because the council knew, and the outsiders guessed that an ordinance would be passed last Monday night prohibiting fireworks, that they wanted to Indulge In them to tbe last minute, for there were certainly some verbal bombs let loose. dayor Sr.xon, after the usual pre liminaries and without thinking what he was going to start, cleared the decks for p.ction whea he aaked N. O. Larabee end H. 3. Southard If they had anything to say to the council. Well, both of these gentlemen had something to say and it was about the small matter of charging their Fords a jitney license of $30 per year - and rot making proportionate charges on other vehicles. Council men Allen and McDonr.ld tried to ex plain the ordinance and its justness but' the objecting gentleman could not see the point. About this time. District Attorney Melalier came to the rescue of the jltneymen. Coun cilman 'Allen started to explain to him, but M tsker wouldn't listen, and proceeded to tell Allen what he thought of him and ended the sermon by Inviting him outside for a fistic contest. Allen protested that he was not a prizefighter, and just at this time Marshal Potter called Metsker to order and the proceedings were continued with some degree of dig nity. Tbe council finally agreed to consider a readjustment of the jitney schedule. ''"Two ordinances were Introduced nnd IMBflAil rinA ni.nhlMtln , V. a a n purchase or use of fireworks tn the city limits, and another prohibiting chickens, ducks and geeee from run ning at large. Inasmuch as people are now raising war gardens, the council placed an emergency clause on tbe ordinance, and tt is now ef fective. as a matter or information to the chicken owners, It Is thought best to give a few clauses from the ordi nance. Section one reads "If any chicken, ' duck or goooe, or any number of either of them shall be found running nt large within the city of St Helens, It shall be the duty of the marshal of the city to take up and Impound such fowls. If the owner of the captured fowls Is located he shall pay the city a $1 impounding fee.' When the mar shal or marshals capture the fowls it shall be their duy to notify the owner or person in charge of the fowls, and it after three days the fowls are not claimed, then the mar shal shall proceed to sell same, but before so doing shall post notices that he has Impounded such fowls and state when the sale shall be made." '. Section six creates numerous depu ty marshals, for it states, "Any per son upon whose premises any such fowls shall trespass, Is for the pur ple of this ordinance designated and appointed a special deputy marshal fcr assisting In catching any such fowls," but even then the catcher of: the fowl does not get the fowl for keeps, for the ordinance sets forth , very plainly "that every deputy mar- ' shal shall Immediately turn over to ' the marshal such fowl or fowls, to be . by him disposed of as hereinbefore provided." -; It therefore appears that If one of ' these deputy or special marshals ' c:. tenesmi chicken he must lmmedl ately notify Marshal Potter or Depu- ty Blakesley, who, It appears from ' the ordinance, have been designated '' as the official chicken chasers In St. Heietis. Of course this applies to the feathered chickens .only. As stated, the "chicken ordinance" carried the emergency clause, so it Is now unlawful for them to run at large. Councilman Allen voted against the measure' and Barton and McDonald voted for it, and the mayor nlun vntnd In the affirmative, so the ordinance is now a cl.y law. The new council haa been In ses- ' slon twice and each time haa had to ' consular legibiuuuii wiiiuii wuuiu knock out proceedings of the pre vious council.