St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 05, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Adm Stump was burled on Thurt
, . ,na th honi of III daughter,
d7. " .. Atam Bin n r
W. U
I'oiunroy. Aaam mump
k-, In 81. Cliarlee county. Mis-
""ri. on ! H" 4 f March. llU.
u.dron 011
ta 1851 and wttlMl ou the Columbia
Lib betwetm Portland end Van-
iV 1" 11,55 ''" oluu,,, '
im lit regiment Oregon Volunteer.
1865 and l5 ,n Ul
idlta war. He came to Bor.ppooae
' lg8 nJ ha melded there unt'.l
..death. In 186 Ie wa mr.rrled
uBuun PuvmII. thore were two ehll
Ln from 1Mb union, Mary D. Pom
.rorsnd Jmnes N. Stump. In August,
II 1, he nmrrl.wl Mathilda Grant
m dld Fobrunrf 5, 1111. Mr.
tuffi? to survived by one daughter,
,o gramlclilldrnn and three great
' g j Duller, our auction bona on
lh 8. P. 8 uldenly taken
(llb a Mvere attack of blllou colic
bit Sunday. He le around now look
.. .rmr hhi work but atllt feeta tho
iffeeti of the severe pain.
Dr. Hatfield waa called Monday
iHht to Muro, In eaitern Oregon, to
im hto brother-ln-lnw, who la quite
itriouily HI with acute articular
rhuroUm and heart coinptlcatlon.
Tb doatur will return the latter part
lfthwk and may bring Mr. Wooda
vlth him.
Hri. Koy Price ipenl Sunday In
Fred Grant ha born Buffering with
I ce of blood polaontng In both
hinds but la hotter ut tula writing.
Mlu Wend, a former tnaeher here,
ind Mln Field were gueata of Dr.
md Mr. Dlatchford for the week
Mirjorie Holladay la on the alck
Hit. 8he was too III to go back to
tollrge on Monday. Helen Watt re
turned Monday.
Ufa Drown came home from the
otpltsl on Tuesday.
Mr. Ellmore, who Urea out by
Grant Lynch, I quite III.
Our little frlnnd Ardath haa the
Mrs. Samlnlrom left on Wednes
day morn I m for Tacoma.
The Johnston left Monday mora
toC (or their new home, University
Park, Portland.
Mra. Vernon Cooke received a telc-
r. m TiiAailav n n timi nln m Ilia ufrt
irrlral of her husbnnd In France.
Choir rohearaal wa held at the
koma of II. F. Nl block Friday eve
ilnf. Norman Miller la on hie way to
Harvard (at lant).
Word rerelved from Herman Mil
ler, Fred Wdit, lien Copeland and
Guy Whltnny, In France, atate all
ira well.
John Wuttson, of California, for
merly of Scappoose, la apeudlng a
few days with hla alater, Mra. Scott.
Mra. Cel. Weaver left on Thurs
day to Join 'her huaband at Oolden
dale, Wash.
Mra. Iloven came up on Tuesday
ad took Grandma Bingham to Gohle
for an Indefinite atay,
Mr. Scudder la having hla hi'M
repaporud and painted. Mr. Grow
ell It doing the work.
Mr. and Mra. Campbell are horn
from Alunka, and are occupying tholr
Vera Tipton, a alator of Iluby Tip
ton, wan married in Portland to
Alonio (rookbaura, both of Htlls
boro. Jnaiiuln Miller and family, of Pros
cot I, spout Sunday with hla brother,
W'llhur Mlllor. J. E. Miller and
family also were gueata at dinner.
Mr. and Mr. Charlea Rush, of
Portland, were gueaU of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Miller on Monday.
J. E. Miller took a truck load of
food to Portland Monday for Rev.
C II. Johnston.
James Monahan Is the new super
intending for the Nehalem 'Logging
and Timber Co., taking Mr. Redy's
Edward Bruehl, known as Mr,
"rill, was found dead at hi home
on Wednesday by Mr. Kammeyer and
Mr. Hill. He would have been 76
years old next August. Coroner Llm
bar WttH notified.
J m Jakes haa purchased the Jess
Morgan property and ha taken pos
elon. Andersons, who were occu
PHi'it the Morgan property, moved
Into the Freeman cottage, where
Jakes had been living.
Elolse Darker, of Beaverton, spent
me week end with her grandpa, Dr
Congregational church Sunday
"ohool, io a. m.; morning worahlp,
ll:H; evening service. 7:80.
minister from Portland will occupy
it pulpit
Mr. Sheeler vacated the D. W
i'rlce house on Tuesday.
The Easter program on Sunday
ai very attractive. The collection
fr the church building fund amount
d to $13.80, and was Immediately
nt to the building eocloty,
Dan Freeman made another trip
o Vader .. Wash.. n Tuwdar for
more treatment for hi rheumatism
'A utility shower was ,!, ,,,
Johnston" on Saturday hy tMIr
Scappoose friends. All articles vr
gathered together at the posloflWe.
and unrlng their absence from ,,,
the box was left at the door for tlx m
to Ond upon thnlr return.
n rand ma 1 1 ....... . , ...
...... r , Bounding some
eating the building of warehouses In
every Grange district ln the county.
The local branch of the Red Cross
will give a pin social nnd entertain
ment on Friday night. Mrs. U. F.
Baker has appointed a large commit
tee of ladle to look nfler the details.
Ms m.Jk .
time with her d.u.hi.. u.. . '"V ",u w- ""'"a nnd
Umberaon. ! ,. "' "arbara and Mr- nD1 Mr-
Mr and Mra J 11 uv.. . - Fa"' a" of Portend, spent
fined Uev c' U j. , .Tueaday with tholr brother and .later
im . . . Jol",Hlon. Mrs. I Mr. nnd Mrs. John Fnrr
Th. 1 Ii , daughter of Mrs. N. F. Baker, spent
nf Mr. r , J"', UlB '" "n.l with her mother. -
noon TheT wa. . r?r T'M "r0wn' ot Warren
rneetin. , T buM""", "c,'00, 8""y 'th friends In
meeting and the ro.t of the lima ! Portlund
w.a donated to aewlng for . worthy! The committee of ladle. In r.,.r
Th 1.1 im . o '
Political Announcements'
I hereby announce myself a can-'
dldat for the republican nomination 1
aa county coroner. If nominated and ;
reelected I will give the office the
same businesslike administration
that I have endoavored to do during
the past two yeara. I
T. 8. WHITE.
To the Votera of Columbia County,
I hereby most respectfully an
nounce my candidacy for County
Representative aubject to the will of
the Republican party at the coming
primary election. If nominated and
elected, I hold myself duty bound to
use my best efforts to secure the
much needed amendment and revl
An endowment life-insurance
policy will provide
money for your old age or for
your family when you die.
For full Information write to
The Oregon Life Man
P. O. Box 800
St. Helens
. w meeting on of the bond sale are bendlnc everv . " . :ruoa menamenl na revi
the fourth Thursday of each month 'effort in . X .? tlon ot the '"' " laws of this
In Disc of meeiinr . .1 ' . K over the toD on the atate so that no one could afford to
a place OI meeting Oil the snriinl ; uln . .u .v. .
Tk... . ,,., . - ...- in.;i,o ;uriviuB, ana every """ mo 10 ko aeunqueni. I j
Thuroday. The time Is to be devo'.ed resident of the district Is called upon "Obedience. Punctuality and Dill-! S
I w vii umii iv.L in fjauou upon t , .
to Red Cross work that week. ui.i-in ... t.. . . i gence" shall be my slogan
yr . "...-.... .iniiHion. mr. inat Wnrrenltes are called upon to
To the Voters of Columbia County.
i nereoy announce my candidacy
n . ii. ii I n f
bet ot. Helens Best
Its Pasteurized
None Superior Made I
Johnston and UlpHlo was held In the use. nnd never ... mr a
church last Thursday evening. Then, for Its ue than at present. An urgent
waa a large attendance. Kiuwriim!in.i i. .
were made by Mr. Crowley, I,r. show their patriotism, and the old ' 1' .H",,???,
niaiciuoru. rror. iioiiHnn. m i i,..n. "n, . jj. . - . -
St, Helena Co-operative Cream
ery Association
ny llieir needs you shall knowlmnrv olaniinn it
eroj. mrs. wstis nna Mnrjorle Hot- them" Is being applied In this su- elected, my policy
laaay ana Kev. C. II. Johnston. Ajpreme effort.
Vocal solo was rendered hy Mlxsi Mrs. T. E. Grewell returned home
Helen Watts snd a trio hy Mr. 8unduy, sfter a two weeks visit with
Cooke, Helen W'ntts and (ilpsle John-, her daughter In Portland,
ston, and a male quartet hy Messrs. Perle Grewell and wife and Peter
Hod eon, Jobln, Duncan and Nlnloek. Larson spent Sunday with their
The eholr presented Mrs. Johnxton I father and mother, Mr. and Mra. K.
and Olpsle with two largo bouquets V. Ijirsen.
aa an appreciation of their great as
sistance with the music. The dneo
ratlona were remarkably attractive,
artistic baskets of daffodils and Ivy
were used. During the social hour
the ladles served punch and wafers.
Everyone Is sorry to see tho John
stons leave Scappoose, and we
our loss Is someone else's gain.
r)rMMM Hi-IkmiI Niti-.
pupils of Marshland
nominated and
will be for re-
treochment in county expenses with 1
no patronage to relatives. I will not
favor any increase ln salary during!
my Incumbency. I have no corpora-;
tion, clique or coterie to serve, but!
will serve the people. If I receive'
the nominitlon and am elected, I will'
not hold the office for more than two
Respectfully submitted,
O. A. C. White Leghorn eggs for
hatching, 81.50 for 16, postpaid. Or
der early. T. C. Meehan, Deer Is
land, Oregon. 16-tf
! Lost A brooch consisting of two
Jap coins connected. F.lnder please
return to Thatcher's cigar store.
Studebaker Touring Car, 7 passen
ger, 6 cylinder, Series 1 8. All neces
sary accessories. Including Hydrome
ter Cyrlnge and Vulcanlzer. Good
; Kelly Springfield tires cn rear and
1 Cord on front wheels, two extras. Car
has been driven 6000 miles.
I Will trade for yonng beef stock,
1 good cow and calf, a few hens, pigs
jor brood sows, saddle horse and sad
I die. harrow, cultivator. Also want
Canadian field peas for seed,
j If you want a real car you are
I overlooking a snap If you up
I this chance. P. P. Morgan, Warren,
j Oregon. 16-2
j Lost One sorrel mare colt 3-year-i
old, white star in face; also one dark
sorrel mare colt 2-yer.r-old. white
face. Reward of $10 for return to
Mrs. Burns' ranch, on Carico road
3li miles west of Deer Island. 16-3-
I hereby announce myself as a can-'
dldate to the office of County Judge 1
The pupils of Marshland school.
District No. 10, made an excellent the comlna; prlmarIes,.to be helrt
record In the sales of Thrift Stamps,
and ten of them are eligible to mem-
fell hershlp In the Rainbow regiment.
Following are the name of the ten
leaders ln the campaign:
On Friday morning Marjorle IIoI- Name. Amt. of Sales
adayfl a former student of tho high Vera Kent 8307.02
school now attending the V. of G., Tommy Armstrong 266.40
gave a very Interesting talk before Gladys Hallhorn 229.17
the assembly. I Arnold Grahnm 53.68
Friday afternoon the Warren base-1 Harold Wright 63.43
slon ot the Republican voter of Col
umbia County, Oregon.
Very respectfully,
ball team came to Scappoose and was Harold Colvln
To the Voters of Columbia County.
I respectfully announce myself as
candidate on the Republican ticket
for State Representative from Colum
bia county. If nominated and elect
ed, I promise to faithfully look after
the interests of the county and state
and support only such- measures as
52.90 ! my Judgment will be ot benefit to
the people.
Respectfully submitted,
defeated by our boya by the score of j Evans Colvln 61.00
20 to 9. Scappoose played a strong Electa Colvin 51.92
game and Warren scored but two, Willie Armstrong 60.00
runs tttl the eighth Inning, one In'Mllkred Kleger 61.09
the eighth and six In the ninth. Harry I The above pupils are eligible for
Cloninger, who pitched for Heap- j membership in the Second Rainbow
Douse, waa master or tne situation itegiment, having soia si least du
at all times but his oupport was won-1 worth of Thrift and W. S. S
bly In the last Inning. Wendell West est ln the campaign was stimulated
waa the Individual atar of the game. : by a prize of one W. S. S. given by
Annie Stoltenberg was absent from Mrs. Fred Colvln, the teacher, to the
school on Friday afternoon. pupil making the largest sales.
fth ...mU. nl Thrift anil War THa rAniAlmler of the sales made
... .'......... 1 .n. 1. ,,-: To the votera of Columbia county
stamps in scnooi .ihouii.. im. .uuiuv,,., . I respectfully announce my candl-
1,183.26. Mrs. itawieiu s room scnooi amounted 10 uppruiiumieiy
leads, having $367.75. $1,235.
u.mri.1 Pouch haa cone to Port-i
To the Voter ot Columbia County.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office ot County
Clerk of Columbia County, Oregon,
on the Republican ticket at the pri-
Interi i niary election, to be held May 17,
I make no "CAMOUFLAGE"
House and lot now occu
pied by me. Price and
terms on application.
Logged-Over Lands
near St. Helens. '$25 to
$50 per acre. Good soil,
-near schools.
For sale or trade for lots
or Jajids.
Acreage in St. Helens
2 to 10 acre tracts on easy
terms. '
St. Helens, Oregon
land, where she will possibly under
go an operation for her lameness.
We all wish her the best of success.
Waldo E. Sllbeck and Elsie Lam
berson attended the "llirlli ot a Na
tion" In Portland Friday aiternoon
Mrs. Noer was In Warren last
Mr. and
In St. Helens
Stophinla Oljbowskl spent the week . Thoinns Sunday.
. ur. vlHit- A birthday party was given
vnu in t? fniniii"si 1
i ' iurday at the home of Belva Voigt,
Carrie Setven spent Sunday In '
Portland visiting friends ana ron-
dacy for County Judge subject Xo the
will of the Republican at the coming
primary election.
It my administration aa County
Judge meets with your approval, I
trust I will be favored with your sup-
nort. 1
I Should I be nominated and elected
Mrs. Geo. L. Pearl were I will give the county a clean, bust-
n aanl ( Is a a n fl rwrvcr raaaa Ctrl nri Inlet ro - 1
Expert Machinist. Bring your
auto troubles to me. Marine work
a specialty- Shop at St. Helena
Plmne 97
' tlnn and favnr Tin one section ot the
county over any other section.
Sat-! Respectfully,
in nonor 01 ner unneem.. v.,.-- Republican voters ot Colum-
Those present wore Jenny Belle Link, bla county: 1
; Joyce Hyherger, Opnl, Verna and j I hereby announce my candidacy
' Harold Hunter. Ruth Hovon. Irene for the Republican nomination for
I.. ... ir u. 1 vw- r 1 County Commissioner, second term.
M. Metcalf. Ada J. Neer, Grace O. nomlnftted and elected I promise
Pearl, Haxel and Lilllrn Brown, t0 give to the county the best service
I am capable ot rendering., mis, 1
think, Is all that any man ought to
Warren Is to have a warehouse for; jjnme Catherine and Lucille Welter
the markoting of the produce of the nnd nolva Volgt.
residents of this fertile Bpot. Ded-; Mr, and Mrs. D. Link were In Port-
nite action was taken at a meeting mn,i Tuosday.
held Saturday night in the Grange N0 anj Mamie Welter were home
hall which was well attended. While ' BBl we6Kl roturnlng to Portland
there were a goodly number present j Tu08jny.
manv who will he benefited by the; A gervlce flag with nine stars was
establishing of a warehouse did not : u,,fU'-led heie by the Red Cross last,
show enough Interest to come. Rut;prdtty, Those represented on It nrej
that la the case In nil enterprises, a Nlcii Thomas, Josepn Aiexanaer, jonn
few will originate and work up the i patrtck, Chester Link, Ernest Llnk.j
matter and a number will look on, Harry Cooper, Arthur Durbee, Arthur:
.hrw cold water or wait to see If ! c00per and Emil Verhaeghe. Any-j
they cannot secure the benoflt of the,one knowing of others who should be
other fellow" labor before taking onyjrt,pregented will please report to Mr.
action themselves. Over Hylierjcr.
subscribed, and a committee consii- Mr8. cooper ana son uougias, 01
lug of K. F. Larson, A. L. Morns aim ; Portland, spent tne wees euu i mo
A I. Larson was appointed to see ; home 0f Mra. Burchart.
those who were not present, uui trana nnines unu mi uu w
are favorable to the enterprise, for j per gpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
the purpose of securing tne mi"a. Larson ana lumuj,
needed. County Agent
Very respectfully,
Steamer RUTH
Passenger accomodations for
- Landing at City Dock
. much interested ln the pro
tJVJYJ v 0 w 11
Ject and talks encouragingly. lh"
plan were made uy
C M. Hyskell, P. C. Jacobson, A. L.
Larson, K. F. Larsen, Cnrloton Lewis.
Washington Muckle. W. J. Ku lorton
end others. The only objection to
the warehouse come irom it.o
do not aorhave no: taken the trouble
to understand Its workings. Actum
will be taken at once 10 ob.
erection ot the building.
Miss Zella Bendura was
the hospital suffering from a sovero
.....I. - tnnalllllo. f
, will call a meeting of
nil those who have joined the home
guard on Wednesday eveu...B. . -ganlaatlon
purposes. Over SO name
were .ecured and a lively organic-
tion Is assured. ,
and Mr. A. L. Morris were Portland
vUltor. last week. Mr. Tarbell and
Mr. Morri. attended the joint meet
Ing of the Granges noiu in
March 26. Mr. Tarbell
Henry Giles, of Forllana, spent
Easier at the home of her uncle,
Henry Welter.
Mrs. Buchanan, of Portland, spent
the week end with her daughter,
Mrs. Lena Stuart.
Harry Bishop, Otto Cnntwell, NIc
Weltor. Henry Giles, Frank Giles nnd
Herbert Pearl were In Kr.lama Fri
day evening.
Ernest Archibald waa home over
Saturday. He nnd Russel Maklnster
left Sunday for Portland, where they
will embark on the sail hlp Berlin
for the Alaska fish canneries.
Miss M. A. Kearn attended teach
ers' institute ln Rainier Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward King spent
Monday and Tuesday in Portland.
Loita Johnson, of Hammond's
Camp, Rolnler. spent Saturday and
Sunday with Mra. L. N. Lengacher.
Mra. I. J. Archibald apent the
week end ln Portland.
Miss Susie Ketel visited her sister,
Mrs. S. F. Alexander, Sunday.
. " Mra Anna Speek nnd children,
who have been visiting Mr. L, N.
ni,.mtitn nounty rep-
was appoinum - .
rTsentaUve tor the purpose ot advo-
(Continued on Page Six)
Three Big Events
California Cyclone
Will battle with
Bantamweight Champion of the
Pacific Coast
For the
TED HOKE, Oregon Wonder, vs.
JOHNNY YOST, Undefeated Welterweight
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, Moose Hall
Tickets on sale at Thatcher's Cigar Store
For Lease Small house of four
rooms, garden ground and orchard,
ln Bachelor Flat. Apply to J. W.
Saxton. - 16-tf
! For Sale I have Clover hay,
oat straw, American Wonder and
Burbank seed potatoes; also a
BOO lb. pony, cheap, or will trade on
larger horse, colt, cow or calf. C. J.
Larson, Warren, Ore. 16-tf
! For Sale Eight 3 and 4-year-old
colts by Alcazar. Six registered Hol
stein bulls. Reasonable price. Jack
Appleton, Deer Island, Ore. lS-tf
For 8ale Good work horse 8
year old, weight 1550 loo John
Josephson, Warren, G.-egou. 15-tt
Lost A lady's kid glove for the
right hand. Finder please return to
Mist office. 14-1-
! For Sale at a Bargain Two brood
mares, one Percheron colt one year
old, one set double harness nearly
new; one new Champion mower, one
potato planter and digger combined.
, One one-horse corn planter and one
! cultivator, almost new. All of these
tools are ln first class condition and
, klmost new. The mares are good
animals and will drive single or dou
ble. If you need any of these arti
cles. 4on't wait, but phone or call on
I William Muckle, St. Helens, Oregon.
: Phone 70. . 14-tf
l ;
! To Trade One yearling colt for
i hay, oats or straw. Also lot plowing,
! cabbage and tomato plants for sale
at the greenhouse. Wm. Brasmer,
St. Helens, Oregon. 14-2-
i For Sale Two good milk cowa
and four heifers. Carl Hummelt,
Houlton, Ore. 14-2-
j Wanted Overland automobile
owner to bring their Overland cars '
. to the Overland Service Station at St.
, Helens Garage for repairs or adjust
ments. J. F. Dopplmaler, agent for
Columbia county. 14
j Cascara Bark, Oregon Grape Root
' and Fox Glove leaves wanted. Che
1 hall Produce Co., Aberdeen, Wash.
For Sale Extra choice Single
Comb R. I. Red eggs for setting;
; laying strain. $1.50 per setting of
IS. Mr. J. W. Allen. 13-tf
i For Sale Mare, about 1200, 4
! years old. C. T. Fisher, Mountain
(View Tracts, near Warren.
For Sale Young horse yeara
old, we'.ght 1500 lbs.; cheap. P. H.
Lund, Warren, Ore. 12-tf
For a good job of masonry or
plastering, see L. E. Gulker. Phone
evenings, 106F13. ll-3m-
For Sale Good 5-room house and
two river view lots; fine garden soil;
house partly furnished. Cash or
terms. For particulars call J. F.
Ryan, the tailor. 10-tf
For Sale Residence lot In St. Hel
ens. Inquire at Mist office. -u
For Sale Work team heavy draft
horses, mare 4 years old, horse 5
years old. Also 25-acre ranch. W.
J. Johnson, on C. (J. Moyer place.
Bachelor Flat. tf
For Sale One-horce buggy, nearly
new; leather trimmed. Wm. Skuzie,
Warren, Ore. 6-tt
For Rent A store building cen-
trally located. Will remodel to suit
tenant. H. Morgus. -u
I have 30 choice lots to sell. Will
sell all to one person or one at a
time. Harold P. Ross, Bank Bldg.,
St. Helen.
For Sale Two houses and four
lots, on Hemlock street. Price 98,600.
Torms. Inquire at Columbia County
Bank. 4ftt
A. M. P. M.
Lv. St. Helens 7:30 1:30
Warren 7:45 - 1:4S
Scappoose 8:00 8:00
Ar. Portland :20 8:20
Lv. Portland 10:00 4:00
Ar. St. Helens 11:50 6:50
Saturdays and Sunday
Special trip leaving St. Helen 6 p. m.
Leave Portland 11 p m.
A natlon-wtde organization ot mer
chants Is being nude to promote sales
of war-savings securities ln dry goods
and department s ores.