CHURCH NOTICE iMMlIrt Ki-Iim-oimU Church Z Friendly Church." Albert 8. ,. partor. far'1 ' . i 1 A m Kg worship I oVilork.Tha C": ,. ...r.uon will b. "The r uhiiuii. :30 d. til. UlD.rv''''tt7:30- Subject " ' ..ti.. i.w of Liberty." 'ood music, friendly wolcomo, ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 1918 ping gospel will warm your heart If you worship with us. .-0 come, l.-t UK womhlp and bow down; let us come before the I,ord our Mukor." UNCLAIMED LETTERS Letters unclaimed at the Ht. Ilisl ons, Ore., poslofllce for the wenk end ing Murch 2, 1918: W. A. Orrham, Wm. Lee. Letter unclulrund by March 16 will be sunt to division of doud let ter, i. e. noim. Mr. Homeseeker Attention ! NOW THAT PROSPERITY IS ASSURED AND WAGES ARE HIGH, PUT YOUR RENT MONEY INTO A HOME. WE HAVE SEVERAL PLACES FOR SALE AT PRICES BELOW PRESENT COST OF BUILDING. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT, BALANCE EASY TERMS. 4 IhMtm House rloM In, for $.VMMM on tuny tenns. Hrwer nearly paid. (hxd II ltMim HouiHt with kIotiiIiik pon-li; 2 room ii Uilra partially finished. Uardeu lot all fenrml. Wood. Iiral and chicken euup. HHMM; very ray temm. Large 1 Itoom Hnuaa on hill, rloae to big mill. A bar. icaln at $II(MMM f I4MMH) down, lialancn raay month ly tayinrnta. U arrm with ten acrra dnwHl rewly for crop, blic family orchard. lO room houae with hath, rlty water, at a bargain r will rrnt one yrar for $)lt5.MI. IakiIi this U If you want a place tliat will bring yon good re turn, while you hold your Job. 10 tp-xi Iota near shipyard, all fonrrd, inoftlly garden oil. Hmall building. f,V.(M) down, balance 1 5.00 xr montli. Have S It. furnished apartmrnt with bath. flft.OO per month, and II single furnished at 9IO.OO each. Ht. Helena. If you have anything o aril or rent, are us. Rutherford Realty Company Arroaa the atrrrt from 1ty Hall FARHERS! We have a large stock of Tree Sprays Stock and Poultry Remedies Disinfectants and Louse Powders Also Flour, Feed, Grain and Hay. BUILDING MATERIAL F. WILKINS St. Helens, Oregon Phone 86 ON SHELDON DOCK When you sit down to a meal the meat must be iuirv nnri (nilr nr vnti won't be Satisfied J WM IVIIUVI W J W WW w - We handle the and we want landle the yr 1 -t-q and we wai very best MLA 1 0 your trade Phone us your next meat order. Prices right Central Meat Market THE BEST MEAT MARKET IN THE COUNTY Phone 60 Free and Prompt Delivery YANKTON Charles Hwyggort has purchased - Kurd cnr. MIh Murle Walker spont the wwik ond vlHl-.lng with Miss Ivy Tar bell. Mrs. Kred UrlKg, who has been 'lulte III in a Portland hospital, re turned home IiihI Bunduy. Miss Mary Wilverdlng nnd the MIhkoh Shults, of 1'ortland, visited relatives In Ynnkton and attended the Ited Mom's dance. The Yankton Orange held rn open meeting last Huturday evening. Coun ty Agent Howard was present and demonstrated how to mix a poison for the purpose of exterminating squirrels and gophers. He stated the only way to got rid of those destruct ive little animals was for the entire community to begin about the same lime to use the poison. Good results could he obtained In this wav onlv If only a few use the poison It Is a waste of time and money.. Poisoned barley Is given away free by the Yankton Grange to all farmers of this neighborhood who will nsk for It Guy Tarboll has charge of the distri bution of the poison. The Pneumonia Season. The cold, damp wep.ther of March neems to bo the most favo able for the pneumonia germ. Now Is the time to be careful. Pneumonia often results from a cold. The quicker a cold Is gotten rid of the less the dan ger. As soon as the first Indication of a colli appears take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. As to the value of this preparation, auk anyone who Has used It. Valley. Joe Payne. James Perrv. Charles Whyman. Per cent on honor roll, 66. Alice Armstrong, Teacher. Second CrnriA HlltiV Mrflumnp Edna Chipman, Drusllla Frantz, Kd- rie meenan, laura Hansen, Emma IlooDer. Mam In Wninnr Mlkn Hi. seel, William Hennett, Gerald Hubs, Koss Clark, Robert liunsen, Walter Johnson, Maurice Murray, Robert unver, narry Owens, Ronald Taylor. Per cent on honor roll, 64.2. Mildred Taylor, Teacher. First Grade Lawrence Barnes, Ruby Howard, Gordon Johnson, Orva Oliver, Memo, Uoulby, Annie Pace, Delmar Olson, Dora ilrasmer, Frate Morefleld, Alma L'rle. Per cent on honor roll, 41. Ethel A. Matthews, Teacher. ('hanil)crlaln'H Cough Kcni'ttly a Fav orlto for Colds. J. I... Easley, Macon, III., In speak ing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy says, "During the past fifteen years it has been my sister's favorite medi cine for colds on the lungs. I my self have taken It a number of times when suffering with a cold and It al ways relieved me promptly." titled court, dated the 6th day of March, 1618, first date of publication to be made on the 8th day of March, 1918, and the last publication to be made on the 19th day of April, 1918. W. W. DEAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 334 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore. Kl'MMOXH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Isabel C. Dentz, Plaintiff, vs. George ilentz, Defendant. To George lientz. Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complr.lnt filed herein, on or before the 19th day of April, 1918, said date being six weeks after the first publication of this summons, a period of six weeks being the time prescribed In the or der for publication of this summons. . and If you fail to so appear end an swer, plaintiff will apply to the Court ' for the relief demanded In her com plaint, to-wit: for a Decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as I the Court may deem equitable and juBt In the premises. ! Service of this summons Is made I upon you by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks In ; the St. Helens Mist, pursuant to an , order of the Honorable J. A. Eakln, I Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made on the 4th day I of March, 1918. I First publication of summons on the 8th day of March, 1918. Last publication of summons on ' the 19th day of April, 1918. WILBEU HENDEHSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. PostofTlce address, 311 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Ore. ('A 111) OK TII.WKH To the many kind friends cf War ren and vicinity we desire to express our heartfelt thanks for the many kind acts and sympathy shown us In the sad loss ai d bereavement of our beloved son nnd brother, also for the ninny beautiful floral offerings. HENRY LARS EN, SR. MR. AND MRS. B. 0. BATES. MR. AND MRS. C. A. LYNCH. MR. AND MRS. CHAS. LARSEN. HENRY W. LARSEN, JR. HONOR ROLL OF ST. HELENS SCHOOLS Nu men of pupils neither absent or tardy In St. Helens schools during the report month ending Feb. 22. High fe-liool Florence Lnrson, Marlon Andress, Laurie Llnd, Edw-.rd Malmln, Will iam Perry, Rose Blblan, Luclle Lym burner, John Corslgl'.a, Robert Dix on, Ivar Wellmler, Oury Hlsey, John Masten, Lloyd Merrill, Arlle Morris, Mrx Wilson, Melva flatten, Elsie Morley, Agnes Wicks, Lyola McTag gort, Rachel Rchoonover, Ruby Mays, Joh-s Barton, Harold Chrlstlo, Walter Christie. Alvln Hill. Wade Ruther ford, Clarence Sr.ulser, Lewis Spel ling, Thomns Klblan, Dorothy Akin, Oscar Morten. Per cent on honor roll, 44.7. D. J. Tnylor, Teacher. John (iunun Hrhool Seventh Grrde Beatrice Allen, Gladys Barton, Margaret Boulby, 1 Marllla lllark, Audrey Cooley, Orai Hftt'.an. Nadlne Mace, Marlon Mor-j ton, Averle Shackelford, Enes Wlck-I strom, Wrd Harnett, Harold Corn-1 thwalte, Kenneth Pratt, Jesse Lans-j Ing, Maurice Richardson, Raymond Rutherford, Ralph Smith, Theodore Smith. Per cent on honor roll, 70. Mrs. E. G. Wilson, Teacher. I Sixth Grade Ronald Blakesly.j Lennnrt Johnson, Esther Johnson, i Mary Lope, Edna Lynch, Helen III-1 cen, Robert Graham, Maxwell Coates, Joe Antone, Rashleigh Peel. Laura Stennick, Teacher. Fifth Grade Dollle Antone, Mar garet Coopor, Agnec Hallon, Geral- dine Kettel, Edith Lake, Helen Loyd, Evelyn Peterson, Gwalda Sehrean, Dorothea Snelllng, Marlon Sten, Ce cil Brown, Willie Murttnson, Harry Rubens, Thomas lieebe, Leon Kltchin Per cent on honor roll, 62.6. Ruby L. Hlckethlor, Teacher. Fourth Grade Alfred Blackburn, Ellon Ellefseth, Lyle Gr.rrlson, Carl Gartmnn, Ethel Dixon, Ruth Levi, Fred Lope, Johnnie Mace, Lewis Quam, Mildred Scrlhner, Vernon Moss, Oscar Alberson, Evelyn Ellof seth, Elenora Foltz, Myrtle Gage, Mary McKie, Elmer Fultz, Eunice Ackley. Per cent on honor roll, 66. Edrle LaBare, Teacher. Third Grade Virginia Bushman, Mildred Adams, Murray Taylor, Clar ence Akin, Jack Baker, Henry Deth ntan, Delia lleehe, Rose Cram, Archie Mlllor, Harry Ketel, Runar Johnson, Raymond DeVln. Per cent on honor roll, 32.4. Amanda Lake, Teacher. Second Grade Leroy Hollings worth. Nova Felton. Mable St. Jacques, Fred Cooley, Bernlce Smith, Ole Stone, Loron Wodaege, James Long. Per cent on honor roll, 26. Helen Hall, Teacher. First Grade Helen Hoffman, Hel ena Isach, Nattle Ryan, Marie Mc Gorty, LaVelle Woodage, Evelyn Bass, Randall Miller, Richard Dor tin, Oscar St. Jacques. , Per cent on honor roll, 33.3. Lois Barnett, Teacher. First Grade Elizabeth Long, Gladys Peel, Violet Zolgler, Eugene Retell. Per cent on honor roll, 16.7. Beth Perry, Teacher. Mcllrlde School Eighth Grade Frances Bores, Ruth Chambers, Helen Crawford, Carrie Makld, Madalena Pasero. Seventh Grade Odell Bennett, Hugh Chambers, Barney Rosnsco, Walter Jones, Elbert Kelley, Edith Quinn, Florence Taylor, Helen Why man, Alton Clark, Earl Llark. Sixth Grade Vhada Jones, Wll llamlna McQueen, Lucy Masten, Sam Basoel, George Rosasco, sante Canl paroll, Herbert Thompson, Ralph Monroe. Fifth Grade Jeptha Thompson. Ben Conner, Fred Baseel, Francis Whitney, Hattle Warren, Nora Ba seel, Winnie Milne, Birdie Italnael. Mrs. T. E. Andrew, Teacher. ' Fourth Grade Iva Barnes, Mary Canlparoll, Anna Cossmnn, Amelia Klblr.n, Gladys Masten, Margaret Meehan, Genevieve Morris, Mabel Whyman, Carl Cossman, Beryl Mer rill, Fred Warren, Bramo Canlparoll, Keith Goings, Hazel Urle, Eva Urle. Third Grade Nettle Barnes, Nor ma Brasmer, Mildred CarUon. Vir ginia Masten, Lois Plummer, Pru dence Quinn, James Ketel, Clyde La- ANNOINCEMEXT I hereby announce myself as can didate for the republican nomination as county coroner. If nominated and I reelected I will give the office the .same businesslike administration that I have endoavored to do during the past two years. I T. S. WHITE. Paid Adv. Extra Long! urossea Helicals HI f45iwaJrf II J Patent "S"HooK Fasteners' R. FOR SALE BY A ROSS ST. HELENS. OREGON BANK BUILDING KIMOXS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Anna Matilda Svenson, Plaintiff, vs. Gustaf Birger Svenaon, Defendant. To Gustaf Ulrger Svenson, Greeting!) In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within and not later than six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will take a decree against you as prayed for In the complaint filed herein, to-wlt: for an absolute di vorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing by and between the plaintiff and defendant herein, and for the care, custody and control of the two chil dren, Alice Elizabeth Svenson, age 18 -years, and Anna Marie Svenson, age 9 years, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and meet In the premises, and for her costs and disbursements herein in-1 curred. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof in the St. Hel-i ens Mist by order of the Honorable, J. A. Eakln, Judge of the above en-, i f PROFESSIONAL CARDS J E. A. ROSS j T.'une-al DlrM'tor Embalmer ! Business Phone 23 Residence R-29 Bank Bldg., St. Helens, Ore. i Plenty of Money to Loan on Partially Improved Farms at o, 0 HAROLD P. ROSS Room 11, Bank Bldg. Phone 50 WALTER B. FREEMAN Violin Teacher Deer Islund, Oregon DR. C. E. WADE Physician and Surgeon Phone 99 Muckle Bldg. St. Helons, Ore. S. B. HOSKIN Dentist Office In Bank Building St. Helons, Oregon DR. L. GILBERT ROSS Physician and Surgeon Office In Bank Bldg. St. Helens DR. ALFRED T. PEEL Physician and Surgeon Masonic Building -St. Helons, Oregon DR. S. H. RUSSELL Chiropractor MRS. RUSSELL, Ladles' Masseuse Moortleld Cabinet Steam Baths Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone B-126 St. Helens, Ore. GLEN R. METSKER Attorney Office In Bank Building Phono 17 St. Halena, Ore. CITY GARAGE Agency for The Chevrolet Sold on easy terms Hupmobile Service Station Keep a Full Line of Firestone Tires OIL, GASOLINE AND ACCESSORIES Best equipped Machine Shop in the town for Auto and Marine Work St. Helens, Battery Recharging Oregon ' j jljij T. S. WHITE Undertaker and Funeral Director County Coroner Phone 64 Residence phone 113-2 St. Holena, Oregon Saves Gasoline Electric lighting and starting are real economy features found on the Nash One Ton Truck. The driver shuts off the engine instead of letting it run idle. Chassis, $1495, F.O.B. Kenosha " 2 ton, 1875 " - Quad, 3250 " " Portland Motor Car Co. n m w r p i- r-t- XI II s?m ii m&jii ii E. S. SNELLING Attorney at Law St. Helens, Oregon GEO. H. SHINN Attorney at Law St. Helens, Oregon J. W DAY Attorney at Law Bank Bldg. St. Helens. Ore FRED W. HERMAN Attorney at Law , Rainier, Oregon Clocks- Clocks If you need an Alarm Clock, come in. We have the best makes, and a good line to choose from. The prices are right, too. VON A. GRAY The Jeweler