St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 16, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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I Ho Letters In the Mails Today
V. .! Blntvln HArrlA ffllf!lL 1L n i
ping masiuwuius "Mill MB UOIOfS
:,nole of the Splendid Work
Aur Men In Unlfnrm
Touch With the
Linnrn uriTU CTIDQ Ifn
iliUiau nnu aiiUN Aim
Lttfsrioui Wji in Which th
your NlgHDor i boj, or Bom. Boy You Know and Love
OroUi Halpful Knylronmtnt In Cantonment, on Way Ovencas
la front Lin Itanoh and Bayond-flrit to Aid as He Comes
Tottortnf BaokCHr Tour Ihaxa of th. 135,000,000 Required to
Aooompliih This "Last Xrldtoot That Somebody Cares."
T wm ev.ulug on the broaa
Hempstead Plain, Lout; Island,
.bar tha Rainbow dtvlatoa wm
ijbf IU last night b.tore embark-
for Franc. It had been raining
to lb. aflornouu a cold, .Lady
mi downpour and thare wa.
mini to auggmt tha rainbow la tha
nrd up'l of tha camp. Lloaa
i Unas of iudden oaava. housM
HI nan, galharej from 17 different
M. T.L grouna wu gou.a who
li and quagmire.. l'ndr the wal
iiu It waa damp and cold, with a
minting chill. Lit by flickering
iitlM, the lanta were far from cheer-
belter for a mau'. lait nlht la
lira land
ill there vera seven blf tenia
irs aladrlc Hunt, numbera and
iidlloaea mad. tha Bight plaaaaoL
Muiio, Gamee, Ooed Reading ana Cor
yty-rZr 1 1
Wt of the rfor"d to nnofhar than eta
plica can ozpraxa. Btatlatlci ara
! poor anyway when I cornea to
iKkonlng In terma of lore and human
aiarnMa lf put It thla war!
:t lha Y M C. A. la tha biuret ai
Cm comiany tha world hat erer
nd the p.rcrU It la handling
the Ioym end duvotlon of human
rld'a Beat Loved Trademark.
ToU war liaa made ua think bard
"1 faat. Your bj or vour nalnh.
toi buy or eouia boy you kuow and
baa b -a called to do hie ahara
"the big J. b of policing tha world for
Imocrecy uil human Hourly, la It
7 comrorl to you to know that wher
Ua duly may call htm your boy
"II uare a friend tiial will aerta blm
ody. m nd and aoulT Ara you
M to kuow that thla frleud wl.l place
'oki and wagalnea at bU,
loUa ila,. to teach blm what
be a:ila to laarn. cla him a
Wat tetieut anj luvlte blm to
rallgloui mteiinga of tha fallb
wt ha waa brought up In! Did you
"' that thi aahocUtlon provide.
"tlc eqtMimont for bla favorite
a. trachea him guinea If he knowa
nd hold. coucerU. lecture.,
B'la, Ulb a claaaea. dramatic enter
"iBient. and every kind of whole
amuii:uent to keep blm lutereat-
Are yt,u glad to know that thla
'nd will go with htm overeeae, helj
- .-Liu mm rroin a .core of difficult
" dangeroua temptation, and follow
' rltht iii. ir. k. . i... . v
. - - -v - nuui iiu irenca
na beyond It? The la.t contact the
oldlar ha. win, ,lfe h, ,or
' U a cup of t-a given him by the
, ' A free Jl,,t b,,for 0M
"r th. top- t0 B uaild t0 hand truf.
with the enemy. And aa he come
WtoriB, bach from No a.,.n-. Land,
Jwjded. but .trong enough and
in uh to keep on hi. feet,
th. v t0 wound, are dreaaed
,.' c- A- I" waiting for nlm with
wand .wet chocolate, th. great com
w of the man In the trenche.. Do
ondnr that th, ned Trlang'.e I.
' tho boat loved trademark la
world?" On. .oldl.r In France baa
Zl "tU la,t "anct that any-
with Vi'ry t,,,"kln cltl.en could aee
if it, or ,18r own eomethlng
' actu' work being done for our
by th. aaaoclatlon there would be
0 IMitloa of the T. M. O. A. having
tDtal to tha nubile for mnna
tier tv,- i. .J. ...
hilar lnli ntll Wor
hU th i n ln,Unt ' M
'heir motorcara. poor men would
We choorfully donate tho epnce and public this etory In tho Intowat
V'.'l'e Y. M ! A ..,.1 . H.. .rant urnrk t lOy UTO UolllR. bl. IHMtilB
the Y.M.C.A. Does Among
It KAoni. tl.m i
Folks at Home.
CTDinro inn nm
oiiurw Amu ntu IIUAMiLt
Aisoolation Appaala to Your Bot
leaat I. at It. way to you. Each oa.
of our II cantonm.nn, where tha new
national army la bulng tralued, la
ttalag mora than . million ahueta of
thla paper .very DK.nth. In the draft
army alone that means 16.000.000 frta
aierue of lure every month reaching
out from tba great encampinuu. wbera
tha men are being tralnod Into tha
grelaat army thU nation baa evur
dreituej and binding tnam to tha
heart, at bowa. Multiply that by
thinking of all the other places where
Cmla Ham baa men with the flag-In
navy yarda. on the high ana.. In arae
aa: and offlcir' training campa and
"Uv.r There" In Franc. In all theae
plarea man are writing h im. Thoaa
timuaumlng little .hen of notnpaper
gladden million, of hearta a day.
They transfer mure love from one
a. .i m. J :
reapondenee Facllltlee In Y. M.
C. K
la each of theae a aoldler waa alrura
mlng ou a piano; othera were reading
book and magailnea; bundreda were
writing let tore borne. Behind tne
! retard counter at on. end three or four
i young men were buay paaalng out
I Botepaper and envelopra, aelllng
I (tamp, and weighing parcele, which
the men were .ending bom. On. of
th. .oldl.r. .aid to me aa I etood In
tha tent uaed chiefly by nmn from
low.: "We cm. alt the way here
from Dee Mclnea, and we were mighty
lonely. Then we found tnla Y. M. C.
A. on the Job, and U'a been a home
and more than a home to ua. It gave
na what we wanted when we needed
It moat. We'll never forget It. The
boy.' beat friend la the Y. M. C. A."
Pine, Clean-Cut, Upatandlno Fellowe.
How eloa. thoa. b.ncbea were pact
' ed with men, bending over the long
' lablaa abaorbed In tbelr writing!
What an appeal to the eympathtea
! thoaa great groupa of .oldlere make!
fine clean-cut, upatandlng fellow.,
torn, of them mere boy., on. think.
Immediately of the aacrlflce they have
made tot the reat of ua and how pre
clou they are to om. one back bom.
Somewhere, In far off farm or village
er city etreot, there are parenU or
brother, or wive, who would glv. all
th.y poaaea. for on. gllmpae of thoae
.unburned face, aa you and I
them on their laat night before going
acroa. And tt waa with a throb of
the heart that I watched them, bent
over their letter paper, In one after
another of thoae ..van big tenta.
Tbeae were the tent, of the Y. M. C.
A. On that laat night In America the
aaaoclatlon wa. .ervlng the ao'.dler.
la th. beat of all w.ya-glvlng them
an opportuulty to write home. On
prevlou. night, they had enjoyed bo
log bout., niovlea, concert., dramatic,
and a .cor. of healthy entertainment,
a. w.ll aa rellgloua meetlnsa. But on
thle laat ntht home tlea were atrong
eat And perliao. that la tha keynoU
Of the aplendld work tho Y. M. C. A.
la doing among our men In unlform
keeplng thfm In touch with home.
M.glo Word., "With th. Color..
In theae time. thor. are aome let
ter, that mean more to ua tnan any
we have ever read before. They are
written on ehcot. of paper .tumped
with the Star, and 8trlpea and the
red triangle of the Y. M. C. A and
they bear the magic word.. "With the
Color." There re mnny more thun
a million auuh letter. In the mall, now
while you read thla. oue at
. t . w- -vrm a ias
) . ..
l a M -
i mi a 1 IT IX !
rorcga cor,,,,, poBloiu of
ill ea. The work mu. go on, be
caua. there I. no on. th'ng that con
tribute. ,o much to the eplrlt and ef
ne.eni y of the tro pi. The Y. U. O.
A U working nlgM and day to help
the government win thla war. And
v y ,,enily ,hat fy(!n t0 tm thf
work I. a dlrent aaalotance to the
bm.lh, bapplnea. and .trtnth of your
hoy and mine.
Bnapahot. of Kal.ldoacoplc Work.
In all the big cities In France where
our men paj, through In larg. num
ber, th. Y. M. C. A. la oporatlng
bo.itela, where they can get bed. and
nieala at a minimum coat. In London
the American Y. M. C. A. naa erected
a large building for our aoldler. and a
clubhouae for American officers.
There are Y. M. C. A. dug ,ut. right
behind the front line trenches, where
the aoldler. can get hot drlnka, crack.
re and other comfort, at all hour..
Over S.000 men who bad been reject
ed on account of physical disability
have been able to get Into the Drltlih
army by ri-naon of the phyalcal work
of the nntlnh Y. M. C. A.
A fleet of motor cars leavea the big
Y. M. C. A. headquarters In London at
midnight every night to pick up aol
dler. who are wandering about the
.treeta without any wholeaom. lodging
to which to spend th. night. Th.a.
cars are operate! by Englishwomen
ef position and refinement, who report
that they never meet any dlacourteay
at the baud, of the .oldlere. The Im
portance of thla aervlce can be esti
mated by the fact that at least 60,000
aoldlera are on leave In London every
week. Over half of theae deep la Y.
M. C. A. bed. .very night
Entertainment on Vaet Scale.
The Y. M. G. A. baa erectad a big
auditorium, seating 3.000, In each of
lh. big draft campa, and hug. chautau
ua lenU, acatlng 2 BOO In th. otn.r
encampments. The association U run-
Ing a 12 w.ek entertainment circuit
among the campa aud la paylag II
companies of entertuhiera, who are
traveling to SO campa performing be
fore the men.
In each of the draft campa the T.
. C. A. baa ten secretaries tngiged
In educational work. The tssojlatlun
U seeing Vi It that every man who
cannot apeik English Is .aught to do
so In many of tne campa the aaa
elation has a slng'ng director, who 1.
teaching the men to sing th. popular
and nur:l:il alrj that do so much to
keep up their spirits.
Of 04 Y. M. C. A. men at Camp
Dii only three are being paid full aaV
arlea. In ell the campa th. majority
of th. Y. M. C. A. men have left lucra
tive positions to do this work almply
because Ita appeal Is Irreslatlble te
any red bloodod man. Harry Lauder,
the famous Scotch singer and come
dian, now on his farewell concert tour
In th United State., I. giving all hi.
apar. tlm. to the aervlce of the aaao
clatlon and la singing to the aoldler.
at all tha campa ha can reach.
In one of the draft camps the Y. If.
C. A. I. eupprvialng athletics on 120
playing fields, providing full athletlo
equipment. The wlnnera of the Inter
regimental games will play the cham
pions of the other campa.
One of the greatest service, render
ed by the association Is the making
A Red irlangle Dugout In the
out of money ordera by which the men
can Bend their pay home to their fam
ilies. In some of the big camp. th.
Y. M. C. A. Is providing banking facu
lties for the men as well.
Do Your Bit With a Tenner. .
This month (November) the Y. M.
C. A. uiUHt raise $16,000,000 to carry
on Ua work among our aoldlera and
their allies until next July. Of this
$36,000,000 about $24,000,000 will be
Spent on the work with our own troops
or about $10 for every man In Uncle
8am'. uniform. If everybody who ha.
received letter, from aoldler. and sail
ors were to oontrlbute $10 the task
would be eaay. Are your boy's health
and happineaa and clean aoul worth
$10 to you?
Tour town mayor, your pastor, your
sohool superintendent will know who
1. the treasurer of the campaign com
mittee In your county or town. Other
wise .end a check or money order to
Cleveland H. Dodgo, treasurer, 124
East Twenty-eighth .treet, New York
Only aacrlflclnl giving by million, of
givers will make possible the contin
uance of this vast work for American
aoldler. and for those of our allies.
" Typewriter ribbons and carbon pa
per can be obtained at the Mist office,
9T :W--.T53
Tho twelfth annual Western Ore
gon Older Hoys' Conference is sched
uled for Kugeno on November 30,
December 1 and 2, under the direc
tion of the Interstate executive com
mittee of the Y. M. C. A. of Oregon
and Idaho. With the conference on
a wur basis taking as Its themo "The
Cliallengoof War," other stuto organ
izations have folt the need of euch
a conference und are throwing their
Influence most heartily Into the pro
motion plans. The' Boys' Working
Reserve, U. 8. A., under the leader
ship of J. E. Ilrockway and manv
othor Blmllar organizations are co
operating magnificently with the
Interstate committee to bring to
gether at Eugene on November 30
the strongest group of high school
boy leaders that has ever gathered
In Oregon. Tho powerful Influence
of these boys returning to their
homes cfter the conference makes It
well worth the while of everv com
munity to boost for a large a rep
resentation as possible. Kor further
fucts about the conference watch the
noxt Itibuo of tho MlBt.
A little want ad In the ft. Helens
Mist will bring results. Give them
a trlul.
Found An
tweun Columbia City and St. HelenB. i !
Owner can have same by paying for !
nd and proving property. Apply toll
Wm. Olonn, Columbia City. 48-lx j
For Sale A forty-acre tract of fine ! I
bottom land, nnrtlftllv .l.n -nA nnMM
Deer Island and four in I lea from Col-i !
umblu Highway. Can bo divided Into '
10, 20 or 30 aero tracts. Land lays
along running stream. This is the I'
best bargain In Columbia county. ! i
rurucuiars at Mist office. tfi;
Lost A diamond and pearl pen
dant. Finder please phone A-45.
Reward. 48-1:
Wade's Pnrlnliln ri
Saw will make money for you If you
uuvo woou 10 saw. see Mcehau,
Deer Island, or Inquire at Mist Office.
Fer Sale
First class hay, $24 per ton.
Throe sows, bred for spring farrow.
i norougiiDrea pigs, 1U ench.
Three grade Holsteln spring heif
er calves.
48-tf Warren, Ore. Phone 101 F-U.
For Sale Choice King apples,
$1.25 per box at my ranch. Dave
Coons, Bachelor Flat. Phone 108
Fll. 47-tf
For Sale A 1200 pound, gentle
delivery horse, lleht dellvorv wmrnn
and harness. Inquire of Italian Im
porting to., si. Helens, ore. 4 6-tli
Wanted People to know I am
running a car for hire. My motto is
safoty first. Phono A-32 or 64. H.
J. Southard. 14-tf
A 20x5 ft. launch with 4 h. p. 4 cycle ;
engine. This is a nice, roomy boat '
and perfectly safe. j
Also several two and four cycle
engines, carbureters, propellers and
miscellaneous boat supplies. Come
to my garage and look them over. !
You might find Jimt what you want ,
and at a reasonable price. H. M.
Terry, St. Helena Garage. Phone 67.
For Sale To close an estate The
WV4 of NE and E of NW(4 of
Sec. 24, Tp. I N. It. C West of W. M. '
Any one In the vicinity of Mist who j
desires a tract of land should look
this up. Inqulro of Columbia Coun
ty Abstract Company, St. Helens,!
Oregon. 45-tf'
For Sale Milk cows and O. I. C.
pigs. C. J. Larsen, Warren, Ore. 43tf
I buy fat cattlo, milk cows, any size
ot stock cattle, calves from 3 days
old and up, sheep, hogs, pigs aud
goats. Good weighing scales on
ranch. Frank L. Smith, Smlthshtre,
Scappooso, Ore. 36-tf
Ten dollaro roward for one three-year-old
red and white cow with Ayr
shire crop on ears, and young Hol
steln calf. Jack Appleton, Deer Is
land, Ore. 33-tf
I have 30 choice lots to .ell. Will
sell all to one person or one at a
time. Harold P. Ross, Bank Bldg.,
St. Helens.
For Sale Cheap A number ot
work horse, and milk cows. Address
Jack Appleton, Deer Island, Oregon.
Money to Loan Columbia County
Abstract Co. h.".s several thousand
dollars to loan at reasonable rate,
on farm land Locurl'.y, in amounts
to suit. 46-tf
The Sunny Bunk Acreage tract
near Scappoose, Oregon, is just the
thing for gardening and small duiry
ranching, In tracts of five acres or
more at $50 per cere and up, is now
on tho market. Fine view, good,
rich soil; terms to suit purchaser)
Inquire at MlBt offlco or write I. O.
Wlkatrom, owner, Scappooso, Ore
gon. 28-tf
Aluminum Two-quart
Saucepan and Cover
Regular Price $1.33
a "UfutfVrgdap" uiy
! ilm Ilk J
i is m
"Wear-Ever" utensils are made from only the best metal.
Again and again the hard sheet passes through enormous rolling
mills and is pounded by heavy stamping machines.
Aluminum utensils are NOT "all the same." Look for the
Wear-Lver trade mark on the bottom of every utensil. Refuse
Replace utensils that wear out
with utensils that "Wear-Ever"
Clip the Coupon
Get your Saucepan
from us TO-DAY
Bank Bldg.,
St. Helens
A Full and Complete line of General Merchandise
Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries
Our customers receive dependable goods at reasonable
prices. Give us a trial and you will be satisfied.
Phone 34
You Can Save Money
by dealing at our store. We have a large stock of choice
Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes and Notions. We pay cash
for our goods and secure the best prices and give you the
benefit. Give us a trial ; it will pay you.
West St. Helens (Houlton) Phone 35
Your Savings
What are You Doing With Them?
Are you letting them dribble out, a little here and a
little there, for things that will be of little if any benefit
to you?
Or are you keeping them intact so that they may
grow into a respectable sum that will count when you
see the chance for a good investment?
ASavings Bank Account
keeps your money air in a lump, ready at any time you
need it. And if you get the savings habit it is worth
almost as much as the savings themselves.
This bank solicits savings accounts, large and small.
Let us help you toward success.
The Columbia County Bank
St. Helens, Oregon
Oldest in the Count Interest on Savings Deposits
We Serve Only the Best,
Our place has gained a reputation for serving the
best Meals and Lunches. Then, too, we handle Cigars,
Candies and Soft Drinks. Some morning try our Waf
fles ; many people tell us theyre very good.
A nice lunch at any time ; prices reasonable.
and th coupoa
it presented oa
or before Nov
ember 17,1917
Thm mark of
i f "Wtar-Ever" Coupoa Jftll'
h iv w wl" scccn lhi coupon and 89c In par- i.W
'3 meat lot on. V.r-E.r" to-,o.rt L'"f
BLdosV. Saucepan, which ReHl fcgollrlr it S1.35,pro n
!daoP""coiiponataureonorltot ffSXi
Ho. 17, 1917, ana wtiu on ihc coupoo lUla!
'a roar name, adSrcaa ana Sale of purcbaae. rrril
Jutsatt Name - J
j T Aaatcii
e i
f, i
" " RIIU tut tj.V ga-w " -