St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 02, 1917, Image 3

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Samson In visiting l'"f "later
girls' Saturday club niol with
Vera Prlcn IiihI B: ! u r l n y after-
ih Vera Tipton, i.f I'nrtliiiiil.
tlio week end with Iior nlwl'tr,
is Daymen, of Cornelius, Im
linn a luonlli with her uui.t, Mrs.
Independent Auto Co. of Hi
mi dollrerod a imw Ford to (1
tolloy k.
in total amount of the second Im- !
f Liberty Loan IkiikIh purchuscd
UlIOI.SO wit $ii,f00.
ainlma Krcps, of IIumuiii, WuhIi.,
ending a moiitli with her diiugh-
Mrs. Albert Johnson.
hi high school boya "Tnppn Nil
club -Ms been meeting dully
Im library. Something's up.
Key's sinter, of Denver, Colo ,
called homo on Wednesday by!
snddon death cit thnlr father.
lom. Henry WIhI, who h:iH in
ihu hospital since curly In September,
Ih not expected hoini! for two or throe
weeks. Tint broken bono In bin arm
Iiuh refused to knit nml nhout mi H
111,), Mi.llnl r....... II. 1
...... xiiiiiii .1111 u in ii'ir linn in - .. .
... " "' to 17.65. Fi,
was n-.lH.Ml to put the (.,' almoHt
-itlr.-ly out of ,,.,t. ,t,.Kl a.. ,..
' IMU VElvlRRR 2, 1917
"r! there, besides numerous relu-
I ivou U, ...i .. .
""""" "I"iiiih of real merit
r'"l"rM ami u general ulr of
j-mhiicuimiii p 'rvadod the entire
an old-fashioned iiimtriiin
c:iu"il mud, merriment, Will Clark!
- tilni;. Tho uric- ,,r i ' ",m s,il nn" Mrs. Donsar tho
;,. . , . , '-.n.nn riMIK'MI other.
ouffeo and otlior good things, ifteriAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi
"men an o (1-fHKli iinni
grafted to tho uvm.
Mr. I.ulu H. MiLanclilun loft re
cently for Itimoburg, on a vIkIi to her
liiiiiliainl, who Is traveling engineer
on tho 8. I. U. It.
You rim liiuku money with a Wail.
I'ortalilo (iuHOlluo Unix Saw. Only
$10(1 delivered. Wrlio or call for
particulars. W. C. It. (i. Median
I ! Iiilnnil.
Tho freshmen entertained tho high
nchool Friday evening at u dance In
W'.ltH f: 1'rlcn hull. MIhk Ardalh ll:i
gov furiilHheil tho miiiilr. tefr,..,,.
liiontn worn nerved ami everyone had
a kooiI time.
Services will bo held at the Con
gregational church next Sunday ui
follows: Sunday school, 10: f, a. in
Morning worship, 11:15; text, I'm
14 2-7, "Houls In Prison." Evening
service, 7:30; I. John 1-X, "Self De
ceivers. " Kverybody welcome.
Mr. iiud Mrs. P. A. Krakes and
daughter motored to North Plains
last week, going by way of the old
logging trail. They found tho road
I ! ....
noiiin pretty good spenderB In
tills community.
Make money cutting c.ordwood. ituy
a Wade Portable Gasoline, l)rll(! Suw
$l0 delivered. Terms If desired.
W. ' It. (i. Meehan, agents, Deer
Inland, Oregon.
Walter Freeman nluvn.i
old-time danco music that acts theii
foot ajigglng. The evening's fun was'
ended by singing "auld Lang Syne." ',
A llttlo want ad In the St. Helena
Mist will bring results. j
Many People Saved Money
Will Tuylor, of Dufur, Ore
". um ins coiiHin, Mrs. ('has. Knr
A gentleman of good character
wlshoo room and board with widow
or private family. Pleace state price
of room and board per month. Ad
dress P. O. Box 66, Houl'on, Oregon.
4 6-2-X !
for Sale A 1200 nniinrl rondo'
j delivery horse, light delivery wagon;
r. nun Mrs. h. ( lark have renierl and harness Inr.niro ni iin i
the coltag.. on the Cloverhlll chicken ! p"rtl"8 St. Helens, Ore. 46-tf!
ranch and are moving this week.
The,,. ,.f .1.. ..I . r.or. ""le a registered Shorthorn
. . . ' .nun mree years old. Price reason-
Itra. Oiitchell mudn n flvlnit trio
week, arriving Friday ..venlng ! rm,K" "ml mirr"w- wtl" ''vy
re-nmlmr Haturd.nv i r'l,l",, HotUl tllng they came via the
he Nehalom Timber and Logging """"ow" ro,l1' "
sold It 160-ton Mullet locomo
tu a railroad In Kits'. St. I.ouls
nd Mrs. Joseph Watson unil
I Mr. Hhefnnr iiiiitored from
Mr. Johiialou has organized a boys'
club. Tho club held Its first meet
ing TuoHiluy evening In the lecture
room of the church. The following
rvi. ....... i . . .
nd to spend Sunday with Mrs '"'" i resm-ni, n-v
II Cleave. x.-creiary, i.yie jon
A workman was Injured ut Chap- ;" -r. .m ...nauay; comni.i-
,. caini) Krlday by a b.mvy log roll- "''"" "y. ciiairninn; uob-
over hla body. IK. was taken to'"1 ,'y'"" Kr""Mt n"",n' Tl"-1-ortlai.d
l.oi.pltal. ',v"r'' ""ro1"1 Tuesday.
llltlo duiighter cauin to brighten I
. hiiiiio of Mr. and Mi a. Harry j
nil It. Mrs. Smith will Iih rcmetu-l
red iih Miss Eva Clllott.
hiHt Thurmluy of Mrs. Mary Hammer
to Mr. Pederaon, a Portland floriHt,
has been received.
Klmer I.oyd, who has been In east
ern Oregon, came home Sunday for
his sister's wedding, uud expects to
stay for tho winter.
It. Allison, of Sherwood, and Miss
Catching anil MIhh Jessie Her, of St.
Johns, motored down from St. Johns
Sunday and spent the day with O. J.
MoCon noil.
Itev. J. J. Pacey and wife, of Kaln
ler, spent Wednesday visiting the
Deer Island people und getting In
touch with their work In this place.
They aru enthusiastic and earnest
workers and deserve tho hearty sup
port of the c (immunity. Itoosevelt
has aptly said, "A community with
out mi active church is a community
on the down gn-de." Wo now have an
opportunity to build up an active
church In this community, und let us
welcome that opportunity and make
the most of it, tho henollts that will
ho received are bo much greater than
tha effort required.
The Ited Cross Auxiliary needs at
leust two more sewing machines be
cause so much of the work needs to
ho done on machines. Mrs. Wicker
hIiiiiii rent us a new Singer last week
and It Is Indeed a "joy forever." Will
not someone else further this most
necessary work? Our boys ure now
In the trenches and the call Is urgent
for huspital supplies. The least the
ones left In the security of our homes
J. P. Archibald, Goblo, Ore. i
43-4-x I
Wanted People to know I am
running a car for hire. My motto is 4
safety first. Phono A-32 or 64. H. J
J. Southard. 14-tf ! 1
Kor Sale Wheat and vetch, also '4
Pure BlueBtem und Red Russian win-1 4
ter wheat. A-l for seed. C. J. Lar-! 2
son, Warren, Oregon.
Mrs. K. Morton and son Oscar were
UniUtrotn 6 Kelgenson have the ! transact lug business in West St. Ilel-
n tract for building a concrete '" "'"I Monday.
fcldre at Juckson rreek. This Is a MIhk Helen Larson spent tho week
inch needed improvement. M'nd with her pi-rents. She was ac-
Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of New York, j companled by Miss Ituth Anderson,
' lulling their cousin Kmniett : " ' ortian.t.
They are on their way to Mr. mid Mrs. Stofrio Welgle, of the
Inter 111 California. ; Milton Creek Logging Co., spent Sun-
Adanis and daughter, j "'"V '" Mrs. Nelgle's parents, Mr
nderson. cutert'ilne.1 the Mrs. Ilelinett.
Al.i ill tho lecture room of : Mrs. Milled uud daughter Minnie
i church Thursday afternoon. visited will. Mrs. I). Cole, of West St.
i-'rlinds of (Iiuh. Van Cleave and' Helens last Monday.
Jiully will Im pleased to know they MIsh llllnia Morton was home from jean do is to support this work witli
.....1 1 1. ... U 1. U Wlirre.) !HHf St. ...IllV Iki.Ii .(mo unrl mnniH' Tu- Iririm
inn" iiiiiviu I'li.n in n.fini.". ------ -- - ....... . .... r..
I'licy urn occupying tho Chollc. house. ' Mrs. Haiinlels, now of U est St. boxes of finished work were sent to
Oeoign Taylor, of Portland, spoke ' Helens hut formerly of this place, . Cortland last week, und more work
I behalf of the Antl-Haloon League ' ' very sick with pneumonia. ,eis are urgently, needed.
. Congregational church Sunday' Mr. and Mrs. Iliimgar.lner were out j A very pretty wedding was that of
'ng. The collect Ion was donati d' from St. Helens Sunday visiting old ; Miss Mildred I.oyd and Mr. C. li. An-c-.uih,,.
; friends. While here they attended j d. rson at the home of the bri.l''s par-
ri'siiinan was seen in the hall Sunday school. leuts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I.oyd, Sun-
r. edlly devouring hit physical gei.g- Ilalelmer Lln.llierg or t.rays lilver. , day, October 2S, at 1 o clock. The
laphy. Although be Is In good health bore with his aunt, Mrs Llndbe.-g. j beautiful and impressive ring service
wn are. wondering what color coffin 111111 is attending school. ! was in oil, Hev. A. S. Hisey, of St
l,e would like best. 1 '"' Lllllch Is back at his old llrlrn:.. oiriciating. Tho bride wus
Mrs. Dan C 'owley at slti.m again w ith the Milton Creek sweet and glrllsli In her wedding
luncheon on Tuesday, Mrs. C. II. j Logging ""., lifter nearly three dress of white, and carried it beautiful
Johnston, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Cooper, months layoti wnn a i.r.iKen ausie. shower tiouquct oi carnations ami
Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Cbas Wlckstroni ' There will be a basket social at thej Maiden Hair fern. Mra. A. II . I a pier
rnd Mrs. J unes Pomeroy. ; lliichelor Flat iicnooinouse nuiiiruay, ; of Khlgelleiu was matron oi nonor
November 24, given by the liachelor and Mr. Caples was best man. Twen-
i 2
VOll SALE, CHEAP 'l. 4
A 20x5 ft. launch with 4 h. p. 4 cycle i A
engine. This Is a nice, roomy boat 1 1
and perfectly safe. j j
Also several two and four cycle ; 4
engines, carbureters, propellers and : 4
miscellaneous 'boat supplies. Come A
to my garage and look them over. 1 1
You might find just what you want, J
and at a reasonable price. 11. M. 4
Terry, St. Helens Garage. Phone 67. J
43-tf j4
by taking advantage of our
If you were not among the number who
came to our store, be sure to come tomor
row for we will continue these special prices.
Beef Roast 17 l-2c
Pork Roasts 27c
Veal Roasts 17 l-2c
Boil Beef 14 to 16c
Steaks, 17 l-2c to 22 l-2c
Pork Sausage, Hamburger Steak and other
meats at corresponding low prices.
Our stock is fresh and clean and we offer
money-saving prices on everything. Give
us a trial and you will be convinced.
People's Market
For Sale To close an estate The ' 4
WIS of NE and E of NWVi of i i
Sec. 24, Tp. 6 N. H. 6 West of W. M. !
Any one In the vicinity of Mist who
desires a tract of land should look
this up. Inquire of Columbia Coun
ty Abstract Company, St. Helens,
Oregon. 45-tf
On the Strand
For Sale Two fresli milk cows.
Dave Coons, Warren, Oregon. Phone
108 F-U. 41-tf
Wade's Portable "aaaa..
i I I'M nt Sewing Club. The proceeds will ty-tlvo Invited guests, relatives of the
, j ho used to help build a play shed for brldo and groom, enmo from Portland
Jack Appleton, Deer Isk-.nd, Oregon
We have a second-hand Maxwell
car which we will sell at $650. Has
been used very llttlo and is In Al
shape; fully guaranteed. Indepen
dent Auto Co.
Minx Maud Watts and Mrs. K. M
Wntts,J (1. Watta and family, vern
Price and (lyiisy Johnston metered C
Portland Sunday afternoon to en lot, the children. It Is hoped cverynody ( and Ui.le.ellol.l. Many beautiful pres-
Iho Portland Symphony Orc'iestra. ! will attend and give it helping hand .cuts were received by the young cou-Mi-a.
Sundstroni, w ife of Captain j Max Ilurkhead was busy last week L, among which wus a beautiful
l ttniidslrom. of Portland, was the taking the school census There were xiher tea service, knives, forks and
;uoMt of Mra. Chna. Sundstroni on, about fifty children enrolled tub spoons, china te set uud many other
Thursday nn.l on Sunday Mrs llovd ''ar, the largest enrollment In a mini-1 handsome and useful pieces of china
uud (laughter enjoyed her hospital- '"'r of years. There are thirly-thre:
lly In regular attendance at school.
' Mr. and Mth. Morgan, the laKer t In j
daughter of Mrs. Oakes, have pur-j WARREN
rliuund the Smith ranch, out bv Wick-
ntrom mill, formerly owned by thoi Alfred lledlund, a former pupil of, club entertained their husbands last
bank, and which has boon occupied ! nr school, left for Portland yester-1 Saturday evening in a very successful
by Dan (Just Mr end Mrs Oust ! day, where ho Intends to work. land delightful manner. The lodge
have moved to tholr own place. Ml Ada Now, of Coble, visited room of Artisan ball was gaily deco-Crofesso.-
Podson lias started a j her sister, Mrs. J. Farr, nn.l family ; rated with branches of autumn lenvo
lass of manual training In tho boys' ' tho latter part of last week to attend and a profusion of flowers, while
basement nt school, and at the hub-' tho basket social.
Cestion of Mr. Down, one of the high nr. nn.i airs. .......a.,, ..... ...... . ....v.. ........ - j lixuiire at Mist offico or write I. G
! . .. . i xi - ii.. . ,l iiwii.n'iwl flit urn . u- tl li i lirtrnnr if n ut n m n Ion von nml
nchool teach rn, a clusn in stenog-: nam an.. ........... ..-. I Wlkstrom, owner, Scappooso, Ore
'and linen. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
will he at homo to their friends after
tho first of November, at their home
;on Itacheldor Island, Washington.
; The ladles of tho Krow Kldeon
For Sale Milk cows and O. I. C.
pigs. C. J. Larseu, Warren, Oro. 43tf i
I buy fat cattlo, milk cows, any size
of stock cattle, calves from 3 days
old and up, sheep, hogs, pigs and
goats. Good weighing scales on
runch. Frank L. Smith, Smithshire,
Scappoosc, Ore. 36-tf
Drag; Saw
Funeral Director Kmbalmer
Business Phone 23 Residence K-29
Bank Bldg., St. Helens, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 99
Muckle Bldg. St. Helens, Ore.
With 4 h. p. engine is made of
the very best materials to meet Ore
gon conditions. Weight complete,
285 Dounds. It is fullv guaranteed
by R. M. Wade & Co., of Portland, St. Helons,
tho largest independent dealers ia ,
Ten dollars roward for one three-year-old
red and white cow with Ayr
shire crop on ears, and young Hol
stelu calf. Jack Appleton, Deer Is
land, Oro. 33-tf ! farming machinery la the north
! west. The engine can easily be de-
I have 30 choice lots to sell. Will '
sell all to one person or one at a I purposes. Write for full particulars 0nice In Bank Bldg
umo. laroia r. itoss, iJanK uiilg., i or call at our place for demonstra-;
St. Helens. i tion. We will make a sDecial Intro-! DR. ALFRED T. PEEL
Office in Bank Building
Physician and Surgeon
St. Helens
i lion. no win mane a buuciui uiiru-
1 ductory offer to tho first person in!
For Sule Cheap A number of 1 any community who will Durchase a !
worx norses ana mtiK cows. Address
Physician and Surgeon
t ........ 1 .. 1 1 1
Wnd. At the nrocent hieh nriee nf maouu.u ouuums
cordwood, this 3aw Bhould pay for ; St. Helens, Oregon
itself in 30 days. Price $160 de
livered and terms to reliablo parties.
Money to Loan Columbia County
Abstract Co. br.s several thousand
dollars to loan at reasonable rates
on farm land s.9curi.y, in amounts
to suit. 4 5-tf
The Sunny Bank Acreage tract
near Scappooso, Oregon, is just the
thing for gardening and small dairy
ranching, in tracts of live acres or
more at $50 per acre and up, is now
on the market. Fine view, good.
W. C. & R. G. MEEHAN,
Deer Island, Oregon
The Loyal Order of Moose, St. Hel-1
ens Lodge No. 1238. Meet the first
and third Wednesday of each month.
All visitors cordially Invited.
Mizpah Chapter O. K. S. meets in :
Masonic Hall the second and fourth .
: rtfl. uill (Or.. la l.i cult nn.nlidan. - .
nn .1 Mrs Duncan. Mrs. ltlng-! table covered with snowy white linen . ' IT ""'v ""-"-" , Saturdays of eacli montli
nipliy bus been (darted. Many par-frin lllllsl.oro nn.l visiieu aero i.n
n.iHitro well pleased about this. They their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
('(insider the addition very practical, anil family.
At rehearsal Saturday evening. as N. K. Ilakers, Mrs. Spauldlng and
ii expression of appreciation foe er-Mrs. llncon motored to Tuconia lust
vIccb rendered as pianist, the choir , Wednesday, where they visited relu
i.insented Miss Ardalh llng-y with n: lives and son James, who Is soon go-12-lnch
platen rnd a very handsome j li'K to leave Camp Lewis,
(utglas bowl. Mrs. C. II. Johnston; Wo understand from the county
..l ido tlio presontatlon. Mis. Watts debating last Saturday that there will
mil Mr. Nlblock spoko In behalf of ' he a largo debating schedule arranged
for this Benson. islhmiipbs io say
vases of beautiful flowers was set for
forty guests. Program cards with
Hallowe'en decorations, paper slips
and pencil attached for taking part
in tlio contests were presented at the
door. A well balanced program be
gan tho evening's pleasure. Every
part of tho program was well ren
dered, but Mrs. Nina Bush brought
down tho bouse with tho "Wldder
lSudd," while Mrs. Carey's character
sketch, "A Girl's Heverla in Church,"
was well given. Mrs. Mills gave "An
Old Sweetheart of Mine." Miss Myr
tle Davis and Walter Freeman, with
vocal and violin solos, were greatly
appreciated. Ai tho couculsion of
llin choir Hnd coiiuroitaHoil.
n,.r 1.1.11 carrier. .1. Klsen- Warren will ho there with bells
Matter, and funilly. while on an auto1 Mr. und Mrs. Iloworsox, of Port
1 Ip through Portland Sunday col-; land, spent Sunday afternoon visiting
11. led with n trolley car. The fender a few of their friends hero. Mrs.
. . ..... ........... i.. i., ut.i.. Itoworsnx was In an auto accident
mi. u oti.'y cur cuiik- ,,v' , , ' , .i., p .,., i.,l
. f tho car. dragging It a block audi some time ago. but sue is improving ... ,,ui.u... . -. .....
, I, f Ion was seriously Injured very nicely. "". '"-ranged which were great fun
I ut Mrs Fsen . latter was bruised A lurgo number ..on. Warren spent 1 producers. In tho "Famous People
, " u ho o "M o a o was do- Sunday In Portland, where tho mom-jaml Otherwiso" contest, t e Other
..ollHhed mis Koutek took care of 'hers of the Swedish Lutheran chair, , who, consisting of tho youthful pic
e i.m'J with the other Lutheran tares of those present. Elmer Connel
uXLZT jl.ICH. took nn active part In the I easily took lirst prl,e. Mr. B.akeslee
' .. Information nrogra.u. won llrst In a memory contest, with
Wlir K1CR llllll ('l.llll'n.'l.v . 1 . - , A,l.,..,u n ..Ir.,. unmin,
A rumor ban It (tint mo louniy.mis. n iii,
Athletic Association has scheduled while Mrs. Myrl Davis got tho booby.
Warren and Scappooso to triangle In 'Mis. S. L. Butler curried six peanuts
rrooman Is ablo to bo In tho shop
ffler a Btivore spoil of In grippe. Malt
tlrowell Is better but not r-.bln to re
J . i ... ..u ...,., I. ii nrmiiwl ii tablo on the uolut of n
mimo Ills dutlos ut tlio gurago. Fred a game oi oasse........ ...... o . ' .
Lango Is homo from tho hospital but 'tl.o soason In that particular sport, knlfo tho shortes tlmo a d ro
. nLr tt uoctor" care, (luy Ben-1 Rainier and Catskan.,, will at ce.ved firs """
nott, who has len in th. hospila. Ih. name Unto th. other places In , fc '
;r r?;oiri:r;::sp,r' z v" rr f rwor;r sr.
Stanton is very 111.' Grandma DlnK-'Sa.u,dy night. Every brother and , of candy. All wore thon e. tod a
ham Is about tho same as sl.o has sister dranger und their son John ( tho long table and served with hot
George's Market
PIIOXK 48 Prompt Service
Tllllcum M'rlbe No. 52, Improved
O. H. M., of Yankton, Ore., meets at
its wigwam, second and fourth Sat
urdays of each month.
W. G. BHANNON, C. ot R.
MRS. RUSSELL, Ladles' Masseuse
Moorfteld Cabinet Steam Baths
Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
I Phone A3 8 St. Helens, Ore.
i ,
i Attorney
, Office in Bank Building
' Phono 17 St. Helens, Ore.
Undertaker and Funeral Director
County Coroner
Phone 54 Residence phone 113-2
St. Helens, Oregon
Attorney at Law
St. Helens, Oregon
Attorney at Law
Land Titles and Probate Practice
St. Helens, Oregon
St. Helens Rebekah Lodge, No.
217, meets first and third Thursday
of each month In I. O. O. F. Hall.
! Visiting members always welcome.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Frank
Newbold, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, as administratrix of the
estate of Frank Newbold, deceased,
has tiled her Find Account and peti
tion for distribution in the County
Court of the State of Oregou for Col
umbia county, and that Saturday, the!
1st day of December, 1917, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, at the courtroom of said
Court, in the City of St. Helons, has
boon appointed by said Court as the
tlmo and place for hearing objections
to said final account and for final set
tlement and distribution ot said es
tate. Dated and flrBt published Nov. 2nd,
Administratrix of the Estate of
Frank Newbold, Deceased.
St. Helens Lodge
No 117, I. O. O. F.
meets In the I O.
O. F. building, on
the second and fourth Saturdays of
each month, visiting members are al
ways given a hearty welcome.
E. ADIN ROSS, Noble Grand.
Attorney at Law
Bank Bldg. st. Helena, Ora.
Attorney at Law
Rainier, Oregon
In the Matter of the Estate of Chris
tina Johnson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Ola
Bohnian has been duly aDDolnted sw.
, ecutor of the last will and testamen
Avon Lodge No. 62 Knights of jof Christina Johnson, deceased by
Pythias meets every Tuesday even-: the County Court of Columbia Coun
ing in Castle Hall, St. Helens. Vis-! ty, State of Oregon, and has duly
Ring Knights always welcome qualified for said trust. All persons
E. C. LAWS, C. C. ' having claims against said estate are
REESE R. HALL, K. of R. & S. hereby notified to present the same
uuiy verinea ana wttn proper vouch-
St. Helons Lodge No. 32. j8 Ig?'!,. i
A. F. & A; M. meets 1st Eon within
and 3rd Saturday in each ! th ta "noute. montha the
Visiting brothers cordially
E. E. QUICK, Secy.
Dated Oct. 19th. 1917.
First publication Oct. 19th, 1917
Executor ot the Estate of Chris
tum jonnson, Deceased. I
A llHla mini ml In tlia t TTelon
...... , HARRIS & GORE.
mist win onus resuus. u.etu i Attorneys for Executor
a trial. . St. Helens, Ore.