ST.. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. AUGUST 3. 1917 "Results are Better" MITCHELL Mitchell Motor and Service Co., Seitttf "mult arc better and coat of operation coruitWrably lower while using Zero-lea." BUICK J. D. Laupr. Sttramenro "have found 7erolene to be a aatisfactory lubricant tor Buick automobile." DODGE H. O. HArriaun Cu.. Sn Kroiuucii "give perfect aarufaction." MAXELL Cu.ler Lrc, OAUnil "Zerulene ha given u perfect aatiafaction." r- - -r ZEROLENE The Standard Oil few Motor Cars Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors becauae the records of their service de partments show that Zerolene. correct ly refined from California asphalt-hasa crude, give perfect lubrication leas wear, more power, least carbon deposit. Dciler every here Slid at our servite nation.. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) For traSon, Zerolene HearyDuty M espeutlly recommended. T.. - a The Pleasure of Motoring Now is the time for the family to enjoy their MAXWELL V&JJ Five Passenger Touring Car $755.00 F. O. B. St. Helens GOODYEAR TIRES ACCESSORIES GASOLINE REPAIR SHOP INDEPENDENT AUTO CO. J. H. FLYNN, Manager St. Helens A. T. KIBLAN GENERAL MERCHANDISE West St. Helens (Houlton) Phone 35 Our Cannery Will Start in about ten days, and we will be ready to buy your LOGANBERRIES BLACKBERRIES BARTLETT PEARS PRUNES CABBAGE and in fact all of your produce which will make good foodstuffs. THE NATION NEEDS FOOD .and you can help by saving all of your farm produce and bringing it to us to can. oD your bit and we will do ours. Columbia River Canning & Produce Co. L. Rosasco, Manager Phone 55 St. Helens I 'WWW WWW' ij CORRESPONDENCE ft. A. rV A A AAA rV jtV A A j SCAPPOOSE WARREN James Leonard Is enjoying a Hhorl ; vacation with Ills family. Andrew Cholic Is taking Ills family i out in u splendid new Maxwell. ' Kev. Taylor, of St. Helens, prencli ; eil Sunday evening to tlie Congrega ! tlonal people. J. CI. Watts uiul family, with Ciyp sy Jchnston anil Kvnn Lnpham as guests, loft for their cottage at Sea side, where they will spend n couple of weeks. Mr. ami Mrs. Nililoek, the Misses Maude Duncan, Kvu liarrlson anil Arilatli llaggey went to Warren Tucs- j Mr. ami Mrs. A. II. Tarhell luM 'the pleasure of' entertaining their ohl j friends, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jauie ; sou and daughter Louise, from i Maine, the hitler part of last week Tho Dorctis society held Its niouth i ly meting at tlio ('. O ltahlgren liome last Saturday afternoon. Miss Slgno Anderson, who has I been In Portland for several months, ! returned to spend the remainder of the slimmer at her homo here. ! The t; range had an unusually Jn- teresting meeting lust Saturday eve ning, when County Agricultural Agent Howard gave an Illustrated lecture on dairying. After u short business session, they opened the doors to tlio general public und there were many besides the ('.rangers who i day night to uttend tlio farewell j party given In honor of Uulph Spnl-jok advantage of tho occasion to jding, who has Joined the aviation ! more about dr.lrying. j and wireless service. I John Johnson, who sold his farm Scnppooso Lumber Company has Attorney Adams of Portland, has, I been shipping carloads of1 lumber, with his family, been moving to As- some of It going to Iowa points. j torhi, whero they will make their 1 J. (i. Kilpuck, representing the I home for a It me. j Hoys' and tilrls Aid Society, spent 1 Sunday in our town. 1 Prof, und Mrs. Darker were week lend guests of Pr. and Mrs. Huttleld. j Mr. Mertl. who was working for the Warren Construction Company 'on tho Multnomah county road, was 'accidentally struck In tho back with j.i rock and null? budly Injured. I Miss Marjorie lloladay entertained about eighteen of her girl .friends I last Monday evening In honor of Miss i Kva West, who Is soon leaving to attend school at Berkeley. People here are praying for a good rain shower, but Miss Kva was blessed with a handkerchief shower. Miss Marjorio served un elegant lunch to her gueats. Mrs. Margaret Washburn is enter taining her nephew, Kverot Hansen, of Minnesota, for a few days. The Price family, Mrs. E. M. Watts, Miss Maude Watts, I.elaml l.npham and Victor Watts motored to Cnt;cude locks hist Sunday. Judge Cooper took an accidental , full while working ubout his new I cottage, Btriking his hack, which j which causes him a great deal of ! trouble. Dr. Peel of St. Helena warn called to attend him. Mrs. Ada Holaday hud as her guest , last Sunday Miss DHsua Ilalley, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Marcott became' the proud possessors of a bouncing ; boy, which cume to their homo on the 2 2nd. , Mr. and Mrs. Niblock, Herman and i Norman Miller, Kva (iarrison and ', Arilatli llaggey motored to Portland i to see the play "Very Cood Kddie." Hurl Smith entertained bis high school friends la:it Saturday night. Tlio pavilion on the Houeymun farm was used for the young people to trip tho light fantastic. The monthly choir party was held at tho home of Mis Lorlol lllutcli ford. A bonfire at the creek afford ed pleasure Plenty of watermelon , furnished the end of '.lie chapter. I Ihitunry Christine llowmnn was born in Stockholm, Sweden, Jan. HO, 184 5. The demonstration given hero un der the direction of our county agri cultural agent was not as well ut tendedUB might have been expected In this time when tho preserving of fond Is of such great Importance However, thoso who did attend re ceived valuable Instruction and felt well repaid for coming. It is to be hoped that tho canning demonstra tion to be given at a later date will be taken advantage of by all house- I wives. I Hoy Spalding has been appointed 'station agent to take the place of ; his brother Halph, who left last week to join the army. Tho Ire cream social given at the Lutheran church last Tuesday eve ning was well attended. The pro ' gram consisted chiefly of musical , numbers. The proceeds went to the Voting People's widely. ! Miss Klsa Kngstrom cumo up from : California last week for a couple of j weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Scarburg, of Hachelor Klat, and friends in Warren. COLUMBIA CITY A. S. Harrison and wife were among those who have recently visit ed this town for favorably located lots. He found several which were to his liking. Harold HuniKardner has been spending several days here visiting bis father and brother. Many people were visitors in our town Sunday, looking over the work which is being done by the Somar strom company. The new hotel Is rapidly Hearing completion, und we understand that construction work will soon begin on another hotel so us to provide quar ters for the men who will work In tho shipyard. Mr. Williams and son left for n j visit with relatives In California. He I said that California was away uhead of Oregon on roi.d building and In i some other ways, but he liked (Ire I g( n just the same. Auction Sale WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15. Sale to commence al 10 A. M. AT OHN A. WATTSON'S PLACE Three milessouth of Scappoose. V2 mile west. Take new road at Joy place on Portland and St. Helens road. . The following property, to wit : Tw o l ine Work Mai cm, Mnglo or double, well broke and gentle, six yeiii-M old, weight I .KM I ba. each. One two-) cnr-ohl I Illy, tine four-yeitr-ohl unbroken Colt, Standard hreel sired by Oregon Patch, he hj Joe Puti liciin; he In ii good irHe'l for it race hor-e, he Is bred In the purple, will make n line roadster or aihllfr. A I ho Ii In mother, II yonr ohl. 1 will give you bolli of their breeding on day of mile. One I Illy one-yciir-ohl. Six milk rmiN, Mime fresh mid some to freshen mioii, the ilutcN of which will Ih given at kale, nlmi their ! hreeil. I our yearling HelferH out of my best cons (two .lei-M-js uiul two llol. Mteliis). Household uihhIs, Tahlcn, IikIis, !. K cry thing giMit. I'liiinliitf Implement, Harrow n, CultivutorN, Mowing Mm bine, llorw Hake, Twit Horse llronili ast Heelcr, Plows, I Use Hnrniw, Hog Motor, Cows' Drinking Cups, Patent Stan chions, all kinds of l'lc. Stump Pull er, Siieilllug ItroH. Slashing Axes, two (irillilslones, .og Chains, mill u lot of other useful Imds. Nails. One Milk Curt nml Milk Cans, 1. S. Sepitriitor, one two. burse Huh Slisl with Ihix nml spring seat, giMitl as new. (Inn Top Huggy, one I'rn.ier ( ait, one lop ljiunilry Wagon, one one horse Wagon, one low down Wagon, One l-horse Stover (.itsoliiie l!ll gine, one l-'iiirhitiiks-Morse (l-hurse (hisoline Kligliie, one No. Ill Simillie Kiisilage Cutter anil lilower Colo plele. Portable rat-proof reeil Cutis buhl j'.l siicks of fissl. Hay l ork nml ltoie. Iliiruens, one Sailille. ( lib kens, nml many other things too numerous to mention. Terms will Ih made known on day of sale. Time will be given purchas ers to suit, on kimhI security, ami n liberal discount for cash. John A. Wattson, OWN Kit W. J. FULLERTON. Auctioneer I UCr) i.i ncii i NOON TRY OUR ""HI A rur Mil 1 1 a .. , . tory house m ', 'roo, WIIIIIIUII.III . I ' rwv"Q. . ! Ten doll urn reward rT"" ..I.I i . . . ' "T nit. ,i ulilrn .,,, Ih , - wb:k a i t i.i... ."i I tuivn !tf. i.... i . wnrH mil in- r ... --i i ' . " CtiW. iii'iiiirn riiiniitir r....i. n . " noon' a. HIIU'H rtlMf ulll . V - F'ft miuii: n.o- phono 108, JliuiMur Klat0 vim ii ir aiitru u k..i . -ru- liwulnl In 1 - "in ii niihri.. . iiinnuiirv nr 111 lik I k ... r .......... n m on km iiiru. uv mm.. ". injnu a-js or ii Ul II r.ll.M.t.t II I.I Jk .l.... Ml .. ' 7. , ' ,LV- r.u, aetn. iieieuu, tiregon. ror Maio All or purl of m, i.. ui .v .err. in w est mi Hm or i un on n. n. niy. Mini m. ,.. ror nunj mho modern hom. ., ceiient location, with ln.tin(..i VI. .LV A I....U..I.. I .. lSe Columbia County Abstract l' I pauy aooui iins nt rnce. Money to Loan We litre Hot! iM.irnrllv I un. .1.,., ..., .1.1.. .. uiumiiia , ouiuy Abttrtr. ( ompuiiy ror rune riecu tiali." n i liablgren. Warren, Ore. Phone 10!-' iti-t. 1 want lo buy nil the beet ui stork cattle you huve. Mirkrt pnn paid; cash. Geo. Wilson, Bl Hd. ens, Oregon. I'hone D-8. ll-U Wanted A good, reliable tin hand. Must huve rvferi'ncn. It liiiro of 1). II. Itlchey, llul ii, Da Island, Oregon. Hi Mrs. Adda Miller, of Kstacadu, Slio came to Minnesota in tlio spring i vlHit',(1 friends in Columbia City this of 1870, where she was married to I w,,'k- H'-fore returning home, she John Johnson in 18711. They cumcwi11 "I"'1"1 some days with friends In to Oregon as pioneers In 1879, re turning to Minnesota for a few yours when they removed to Scappocr.e in 1881. Their first home lu this neighborhood was on the Columbia slough ut the Scappoose landing, in later years called Johnson's lund- ing. From a fall which occurred j nine years ago she sustained injuries j that have chained her to the bed and j lo a life of helplessness, entirely do-j pendent upon others for care. Her! suiTorlng was brought to a close on ' ln:t Sunday, .tin 29tli of July, at 4j p. m. Sho was 72 years 0 months i ,01,1. j i Deceased leuvns her husband; three children, Albert Edward; Kr riest Hernliuidt, both of Scappoose, i and Agnes Kvelyn, of Portland; and ia brother. Olio Ilowmiin. 1 Funeral norvlces were conducted from the Cougrcgutioiiul church on Tuesday afternoon. Itev. Taylor, of St. Helens, assisted by Mrs. May ICietchell, conducted tho services. In terment took place at Falrview ceme tery in the family plot. Many neigh bors and friends gathered to pay last respects to the departed. Many floral offerings warted out u perfume or love and syinputliy of old-time friends and new acquaintances to tho bereaved. St. Helens. REMEMBER THAT TIIK HKST AND COOI.IIST I'LVCK I'OK DANCINt;. TIIK HKST KIOOU AND HKST Ml SIC IS AT West's Pavilion AT WKST'S I'Altlx, SIAPPOOHK A I 'INK I.I'M 'II MIDNK.IIT IS HKHVKD TIIK NHXT DAN'CK WIM, I IK SATl'ltDA V, Al (JI HT 4. AND A COHDIAI, INVITATION KXTK.NDKD TO A 1,1,. TIIKItK Wll,l, HK )N(K vr THIS l'l,A( K K KltV TWO WI KKS. COMK. IS An Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. INSURE WITH ME AND PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST I. W. W.s AND ACCIDENTS General Insurance HAROLD P. ROSS Bank Bldg.. St. Helens "Ahlilo With Mb" In memory of Mrs. W. A. Crowder, by Knimn Knglert. Abide with me, Oh, darling, stay; Our hearts are lonely end sad Since, on angel wings, you flew dwuy Cun we ever more bo glad, liven with change of scene anil faces new Our lonely hearts uro sore, Ilecause, my love, wo think of yon And long for you tho more. I Aim so. sweei cniiii, neip ie:'ii us right, Although your face we cannot see, Pleaso lead us on "with kindly light" Ob, darling child, "ubldo with me." Mother. AUCTION SALE ON TUESDAY. AUGUST 7. AT 10 O'CLOCK I will sell at Public Auction, at my place in YANKTON all of the following: Two head of horses, one heavy draft horse, one saddle horse head of milk cows. cominR fresh i, November Two Jersey Heifers. One sow and eiRht piKs. Four rabb.ts. One sprinr, wagon and set of hames One set heavy harness. Plow, cultivator and shovel plow TERMS W. J. FULLERTON. Auctioneer. J' L' BUTTS' 0wner Kor Sale (iood C-room houuiri corner lot, with linn garden lull. til tree and berries. Also I-rooin Wait that would rout for $( 00 per noitk. Well lof'ntltd A luirL-iiln .1 tl'tl t'2h0 rash. but. 115 to nor monll i (iiumtilu t ounty Atmtrarl Co. i For Sale A lino boms with beu tlful view, at b Biirrillcn. A chitn rui onu Ul ni. lieteiiB lino uuiua on easy tortus. Columbia Couitj Abstract Co. Tho Government tiecda Kirmertu well as Fighters. Two million thrn hundred thousand acres cf Onwut California Railroad Co. tirant Undi. Title revests In Culled Htiitei. To H opened for liomestciiiln uJ nit ( (i n t a In In k some of ber.t lund left It I'nlted Htates. Largo Copyrl'htd Map, showing land by accttuDi u iiescrlpllou or mill, cllmatn, niniin, elevatloiiH, temperature, etc., bjcoiH' ties. Postpaid One Dollsr. unni Lands Locating Co., llox 610, Tort laud, Oregon. Kor Sale Young Jcrney lielfer. 10 to 10 months old. C'loTerhlll Karin, Deer Island, Ore. Wanted For cur tilled ilulry, l milkers, (looil wages and food conimodutlons. Address or apply t' Cloverhill Kurui, Deer Inland, 0; gon. 30-U Kor Sale Two Porchcron mir" coltH, two and three yenr old fa" BlslerH. Will make HUO Ibi. iil re at Mist office !!. Do you need a good milk cow! U so, see mo. I luivo several flrnt elm milkers, (leorgo Wilson, St. Helm"; Ore. Pbniia 11-HX 28-U Kor Halo Cheap A iiumber of work horses and milk cows. AddreM Jack Appleton, Deer lsh'.nd, 0rco. I huve desirable lots for snle near tlio now Columbia City Hotel. -jiinlru of or addresii Willis "u"1'1; nor, Columbia City, Ore. J0 " i ..II Kor 8alo Heglsterod Jersey o calf. O. W. Terry, lloulton, orjj gon. I can take 75 head of cuttle oo pasture. Chris Matlileson, on B vies Inland, at McCortnack IMnce. :t 2-:tx Kor Sale Toam of inures, weight 2500 Km.; double harness and 21 Inch wiiKoti; single buggy a'"1 iiess. r. K. Ilrockwuy, 'rl1""".; Oro. l'hono 1UK12. For Sale 1 work term, ' 32-K olght ror OIIIU A will n .... - . :i000, well broken, und harnnnfl. atrong lumber wagon $260.00. dross, J. Hchnildt. Ouk Orovo t ream ery, Hcappooso, Oro. ! Kor Halo Twelve head of yotinl grade Jersey cows. 7 fresh, balnnw noon fresh. 8. W. Saxton, Hcnpp"""8' Oregon. LOST Oil STUAYKI) One four year ohl rod and wlilto cow, muley, with calf or to culf noon. ' havo hole In right or left oar. Klve head of yearlings and t" jynnr-old Ilnlatoln branded D. ' ; on right hip. Reward for lnm"1 ; tloti. DAVK COONS, l'hono 108-F-ll Warron, 0'