Dock iuhrl IAVES, Ihrli St vie ' Cle, us I' i.v IP "J "ABU lc Nation, or - IS. 43- IHT WHV THEY ARE I I inc. POINT ISl NOWl l"v . UlUST turKYHlIlJYI ITflll CAM P.tT TUCJ :t UrM'' . I VI l jfT ''I m I-.. IV JT1 1 111.NT " ; IFIRE ALARM BOXES rklrt Corner 22 wrford's 23 t KJV I pltl 63 1 ' j it 81. Helens -rii II iwpot 64 11 j mil l Corner 60 SERVICE I WING I S. P. & S. TIME TABLE GRAY ELY 'S CELEBRATED Chewing plU ST. HELENS MIST. T?RTrA v AUGUST 3. 1917 ft m BE-ORETHE INVENTION OF OUR PATENT AIR-PROOF POUCH GRAVELY PLUG TOBACCO MADE STRICTLY FOR ITS CHEWINO QUALfTV WOULD NOT KEEP FRESH IN THIS SECTION. NOW THE PATENT POUCH KEEPS IT FRESH AND CLEAN AND GOOD. A ttTTLE CHEW OF GRAVELY ENOUOHj AND LASTS LONGER THAN A IO CHtW rjmtmiMAQv m i in. EVERYBODY IS FALLING INTO STEP-BILL POSTER'S BICLBOARD5 ARE. BEING KEADj CHANGE OF NAME Notlco Is hereby given that the Countr Court of Columbia County, State of Oregon, in its order and de cree maae and entered July 17, 1817 ordered and directed that the names' of Frank Gllnleckl und Bertha M Gllniackl be changed to Frank Uores and Bortha M. BoreB on end after August 18, 1917, In accordance with their petition heretofore filed in said Court. And it wan further ordered that public notice bo given by said applicants of the change decreed for four consecutive weeks prior to said date in the St. Helens MlHt, and that proof of such publication be made to said Court: And that after Bald requirements are complied with the said petitioners shall on and after said August IS. 117, be knowTfby the names of Frank Bores and Bertha M. Bores renpectlvely. Dated and first published July 20, 1817. FRANK GL1NIECKI. 31-Gt BERTHA M. GLINIECKI. NOTICE On and after Saturday, August 4, (the Columbia County Bank will close at 12 o'clock, noon, each Saturday. A. L. STONE, Cashier. LIFE IN AMERICAN NAVY ! STATEMENT of the Columbia County Bank of St. It In Not All Drill iil Ih-u.lgn-y for Helens, County of Columbia, Stfkte of tlio KiiIInUnI Man. Oregon, allowing the amount stand ing 10 tne credit of every depositor SIMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COTJIIT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Margaret b. Walker, Plaintiff, vs. ueorge walker, Defendant. Ulf'i Corner it Iherford'i 23 9 4 DDI i . . ' .. Hill 32 A" world lov the sailor," 'umkmIi h i . 1.?" " i To GEORGE WALKER, the above M "I but I'w few know and understand anv nnr r hi. Ho.u I nam?a Pendant lL'. Gray 3;iilm d n,,iV. n, r.i.T . U,'UV"1 m the name of the state of Ore- l.n:r. rv 42 ' depos ts), principal or interest, for a ron. you are herebv renulrp,! m n. L( Hotel 43! ' American people have very '" '"n .J1 V jre7r.' Pear and answer the complaint filed Ur('re'li 4 4 ' lltO I 112: WHO III Its Our Advice It's a Pleasure to Carry that you buy St. Helens real es tate now. In the light of recent developments' prires are likely to advance immediately. We have a few Rood. IiihIiIo lot which we will well at reaHonalile prices, and many kmm1 lots suit able for home building. A small payment down and a little saved each month will soon make you the owner of a desir able lot. ION LARABEE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE . NEXT BANK ULDG. PHONE 67 our Bread and Cake and we carry it for the benefit of the eating commun ity. We receive daily compliments about our Bread and Cake and de serve them because we do our utmost to please patrons. We are extremely careful in our clean, model bakery, and we use only the purest of ma terials In making our bread, rolls and cake. But we do not charge you for our carefulness. St. Helens Bakery J. E. Ramsey Phone 05 KIKE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! See E. E. Quick, St. Helens, and Insure your property in the Oregon Fire Relief Association of MrMlnn vlllb, Oregon. Don't put It off. MchStf W. L. WARREN. Agent. "" ' imi,,.Hi.ui. i , : - - - wear uuu niinwer inn complaint niea knowledge of the, bluejackets tho mL l ?, " ? dal6; U ' 8Balust you l the above entitled suit .. ..-, I;n.ted States W:SUe,r. thuKl-l depositor, and the fact of his death, . to-wit. the 29th , di, - of June. 1917. a on, I 11 KnOWn. nJ If v. . r.rnu. . tli"lr profeHiiloiiHl zeal and en asm, their pride in the service and I mm I'ortlnncl I. I.eavos Arrives nlo. I'ortland Ht. Meiers d 11 7:15 a. ni. 8:12 a. m ; !5 12:36 p. in. 1:41 p. in. ill 6:35 p. m. 6:41 p. in. o 23 :30 p. m. 7:22 p. m. Tu I'urtlnnd Leaves Arrives "lln. St. Helens Portland : ! 7:57 a. in. 9:16 a. in. 11:21 a. m. 12:20 p. in. j 28 3:60 p. m. 6:00 p. m their unswerving devotion to flag and fZZ V 'r'nri i;';' 02 'or wnnt the-e'. t" Plaintiff will country i h nSl 1 " Port" to the court r the relief . . .. .. f.,nV- ' 5 it t 01 prayed for in her complaint herein, Our brave men of the sea," says , r is. J., Unknown .09 to-wlt. for a decree dissolving the Frnnklin n ii,...u.v..u ,,i.,i... . Davis, A. N.. Unknown ...t. t ii... ir..ii m...u """'. ", dv. neiens, ure- 21 bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and American public. All tho people of this great republic should be made thoroughly nc.u:ilnted with the hu- 8tate 'of Oregon, iiiiiu t'lt'iiii'iu ui inu niivy, not merely n popularize, it, for the navy Is popu- County of Columbia, ss. I, A. L. Stone, boing first duly ft 24 8:01 p. m. IILITARY TRAINING CAMPS AND LIBRARIES At tills time when a million of our I ting men uro enteral the mllltury irilco of tho federul government, io( lh illtricult problems prewnt- l:fl'lf Is that of recreation slid '(wUlly the collection, orgiinlnatlon ui dmlrlbulion of reading matter. flKiiblleiia the V. M. C. A. will bo tho 'bW agent directing nil sports, en- Ii'nalnnieiits nnil reading facilities. The theme, however, that I wish u)lmslZM hero and now Is that iii Ii not charity work." We should 'nilcr much nld, especially those of i who live n.-iir the great cumps anil " larKext services will bo to direct "uii.iiiM h i. b. ... .t I '. ' defendant, upon the grounds of cruel " " iu uik niianer, ii. a., unknown 11 t.a i.k,,... ...... . a vur5 ' , 1 Unnown 87; other and further relief as to the Weed, Judson, Clerk, Verno- court may seem Just and equitable. niu, uregon zo Service of this summons is made by publication thereof in pursuance of an order of the Honorable James A. Eakin, Judge, of the above en titled court, directing publication thereof in the Mist and which said order was made an entered on the 26th day or June, A. D. 1917 in the cbove entitled county. OLIVER M. HICKEY, Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland, Ore. First publication June 29, 1917. Last publication Aug. 10, 1917. lar in a .vngiio, Impersonal manner, , f1worl!' depose and say upon oath. . . , ,., , i that I am the Cashier of tho Colum- but to have our citizens know more bla rounty i,anki of gt ,,, f CoU. oi wiiiu uie navy reauy means to ; ty of Columbia, state of Oregon; tho men who compose It." ! tliat the foregoing statement is a full. At 6:30 a. m. the bugler sounds 1 correct and complete statement. 9:00 p. m. I the reveille, acconipr.nled by a clior- Buws leavs for station about 20sof boatswains' pipes with the add nutes in iilvuncu of abovo time. i ,, , ,.. ... . .. i-ii mi nil. iLiiiii, i. u nil iiniiiiuuinB : "Shako a leg!" etc astir much earlier, for coffee must bo served the crew. Then, after a short smoke, comes "Scrub and wash clothes!" Then ni) hands cleun ship After tho ship is cleanud breakfast Is served, and tho bluejacket is usu ally reudy for It. Potatoes, ham and eggs, bread, butter and coffee con stitute a sample breakfast menu, changed each day. After brcakfust comes an hour for smoking and for relaxation, to don the uniform of tho duy and get ready for Inspection at 9:30. From that tlmo until the dinner hour, 11:30, the time Is spent at drill, and after dinner moro drill. There big gun drills, bout drills (with both ours :inil h'.Hs), signuling, deuce or postofflce address, fact of death, if known, and the amount to I the credit of each depositor as re- Tho cooks are ,u,red bjr tne Provisions of Chapter no, vi me uenerai iiwi oi uregon, 1907, and Chapter 214, of the Gen eral Laws of Oregon, 1917. A. L. STONE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 day of July, A. D. 1917. J. W. DAY. Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires May 24, 1920. 30-4t KODAKS 44444 t 4fr We have what you want in this line. Eastman Kodaks ranging in price from $1 to $25 Kodak Supplies and Developing Deming's Drug Store Phone 13 ST. HELENS, ORE. I'ulli'ciiiiii 0f rending mailer ... list ,, i,u..,.. .. ......... ".. practice, collision drill I tiuve already heard It proposed, 11 to "ilmuiin" discarded books from our public libraries to bo used In the "raps. This is tho our form of "charity" that I want to oppose with htover power 1 huvo. There are t"u l reputable uses for discarded '"s; one Is for fuel, and the other ii'or wnsio paper. Let u kindly and generously re Bfnilier that theso are not defectives orii.'p.,.B w,o "desire to ho fed I'll llio crumbs which full from the di mini's tublo" and dirty, filthy tfumhs ut that but thoy are rather "im mid brothers who are giving 'Mr tlmo and service and risking Mr lives us our defenders. They id not deservo the "left overs" but fresh, dean books fitted to their tamos, occupation and environment, l' fresh up-to-dato magazines, not lh" 'asluways of years past. " Ims been said thut men in such UlllllloHH wl, r0n(1 nnyldlnjj; (,t is Krliiips truo. In Alaska men walked lti nillna t0 borrow a muKnzine. Starving men will eat unythlng. But ""r young men who aro dovotlng ""Ir lives In defense of tho country houhl not be driven to suci oxlreml ''" It will bo said, Why glvo new to men when thoy cannot and not be well cared for. Books will money and these books will not 'turned to "civil life." But what lint 7 Many of our young men not como buck either. Let us 1,0 iilKgardly with our books and nionajr. There will bo plenty of hooks and money when the ' past. my clean second-hand books can H,'l. but let us not Insult our de d brothers by offering them what oh" clso can use. They wear the t of wool clothing, much of which I l hlood-stalnod. They wear the I of leather shoes, many of which not he worn out, but thoy will dono their service. Glvo the er good, cloan books and late iir-lnus, whatever may ultimately Hie fate of this matorlal. From o by W. E, Henry, In Library rnul. will cost lie r of t not our both erlsli he Vot ho lie; Imvo HOhll ning; lie tin Jou tiro quarters, abandon ship, clearing ship for action mid at night search light drills. Theso drills aro Inter spersed with special duly, bucIi as coaling ship or landing parties, and lectures by division officers or otheru on timely professional topics. Rarely aro tho men ongagod upon the same task two days In succession, so tho sullor's life has little chance to become monotonous. At 4 p. m., "eight bells," is a per iod of "knock off all work." Plpof again are lighted, or the rnco boat crow has manned the cutor and If tuklng a pull through the fleet. The baseball team or football squad goon ashore for dally practice; the bugle sounds swimming cull, and hundred of men sre soon In the water, with n dinghy crew stnndlng by to aid i tired swimmer or a beginner. IJooks of llctlon or of travel are drawn from tho crow's library, while throughout the ship may bo found men studying for tho annual exam ination for appointment to tho navy academy, older men studying for a warrant and classes In academlo stu dios. Others play checkers, chess or tnrds. Tho cantoen, or ship's store, Is liberally patronized. Tobacco, candy, Bwootmeats, writing paper, toilet arti cles and other needful artlclos are kept on sule. After supper, at 6, the bluejacket's time is his own. There Is a concert by the Bhlp's band, often a few roels of movies. Occaslon. lly there Is a smoker or an Invitation from anothor ship to attond n minstrel show or a program of boxing nnd wrostllng bouts. UnlosB thoro is some spocla! evont taps are sounded at 9, and the sailor's day Is over, except thoso on watch. An account of the sailor's life would be Incomplete without men tioning the muscots. The most com mon pets ore gonts, bulldogs, cats, mdnkoys and parrots. But many ships have bears, pigs and strango tropical animals from Cuba and Mexico, and some battleships have even carried kangaroos from Austra lia. Newark Star Eaglo. The Columbia County Fair dates are Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day, September 19, 20 and 21. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACIXJUNT. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. (n tho Matter of the Estate of August Ketcl, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Sus anna Ketel, Administratrix of the es tate of August Ketel, deceased, has rendered and filed In said court her final account of administration of said estate, and that Saturday, the 4th day of August, 1917, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the court room of said court In the City of St. Helens, in said County of Columbia, State of Oregon, has, been fixed by the Court as the time and place for the settlement of said final account and petition for dis tribution, and the hearing of objec tions thereto. SUSANNA KETEL, Administratrix of tho Estato of August Ketel, deceased. 30-5 To the PUBLIC! STEAM. TURKISH AND SHOWER BATHS Every Day at Kaleva Hotel Courteous treatment and sanitary arrangements. Visitors to inspect will be welcomed J. L. WILLIAMS & SONS Successors to Perry & Graham A Full and Complete line of General Merchandise The Dependable Kind Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries Free Delivery Give us a trial and you will be satisfied Phone 34 WEST ST. HELENS, ORE. Broken Wind -Heaves Help your horse to health and SUMMON 8 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Daisy L. Rand, Plaintiff, vs. Harry W. Rand. Defendant, To Harry W. Rand, the above named Defendant. In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap- tiear and answer the complaint riled against you In the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt, the 13th day of July, 1917, and It you fall to appear or answer ' for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief; prayed for In her complaint herein, to-wlt, for a decree dissolving the; bonds of matrimony heretofore and i now existing between plaintiff and j defendant, and for an absolute di vorce, and for such other and further i relief as may be just ana meet in ' equity. Service of this summons is maae bv publication thereof in pursuance of an order of the Honorable James A. Eakin, Judge of the above en titled court, directing publication thereof In tho Mist and which said order was made and entered on the 9th day of July, A. D. 1917, in the above entitled county. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plantlff, Portland, Ore. First publication July 13, 1917. Last publication, Aug. 24, 1917. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL AtXXHJNT. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COL UMBIA COUNTY, STATIC OF OREGON. S In the matter of the Estate of Daniel Keller, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the l above entitled estate, has filed his. flnni account, ana tnat tne Hearing ; of objections thereto will bo had in i the County Court of the County of. Columbia, State of Oregon, on the! anh dnv of July. 117. at mo nour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said date. GOTTLIEB KELLEU, 28-5 Administrator. ' Dr. Daniels' Renovator Powders A Tru Conditioner A Spring Medkln lor that Tired Foaling Try one package Costs 50 cents Money back If not Mtlellod Von take no rlak with Daniels' Ak our Agent for Dr. Daniels' Free Book A. J. DEMING, Druggist. ICE CREAM We handle the famous WHITE CLOVER ICE CREAM Pure - Nourishing - Re freshing CIGARS TOBACCO CONFECTIONS EDDIE'S PLACE E. B. Woods, Prop. Phone 96 CITY GARAGE Agency for The Chevrolet $630.00 F. O. B. St. Helens Sold on easy terms Hupmobile Service Station Keep a Full Line of Firestone Tires OIL. GASOLINE AND ACCESSORIES Rest equipped Machine Shop in the, town for Auto and Marine Work Battery Recharging St. Helens, Oregon CENTRAL MARKET s RAY MORTON Phone 60 The Market of Purity and Quality of Meats both Fresh and Cured. Greatest assortment of Lunch Meats in town. Highest cash price paid for Hogs and Veal. A trial will be appreciated. Prompt Delivery WHY EXPERIMENT? In competition with ALL OTHER FLOURS received the liluliest possible uward, the GRAND PRIZE at Panama-Pacific International Exposition Use the best and you are always satisfied MASON, EHRMAN & CO., p8RECAoNND