ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. APRIL 27. 1917 8 lAAAAAAAAA Al Mrs.. Webb was a Portland vli(or Mrs. S. C. Morten was a Portland j MLiiday. MIST MISTINGS visitor Friday. A. S. Harrison and wife motored to Tortland Wednesday. Mrs. L. L. Raker was a Portland visitor Mouda. S. II. Sonnelaud was in Portland Tuesday transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. L. U. Rutherford were Portland visitors Wednesday. Mrs. A. P. Harnett spent several days in Rainier this week,' visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. JC. A. Rotger and Mr.. Jacob George motored to Portland Wednesday. 1 Mrs. Mary Perkins, of Drain, Is a; George aud Edgar Springsteen are in the city on a visit to their mother, Mrs. Frank Kelly. Mrs. Alice Popejoy is acting as the uresldiug genius of the big ruuge at' the lloultnn hotel. ! Jim Williams expects to move onto his ranch, just a short distance from ! town, in the near future. i The Connor family has moved Into the Mellinger house which was re cently vacated by Al Popejoy. I Mrs. Emma lloyd, of St. Johns, j a former resident of our city, was here this week visiting friends. I Emery Housquet will move next guest at the home of her daughter, week to Railroad Addition, where he Mrs. H. P. McCortuiek. is erecting a modern six-room resi- Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross motored to j dence. Portland Sunday and spent the day Mrs. C. D. White and son Wilton ...1.1. 1 tl .1. T 1 I II t . . wentto Portland Wednesday. They with their friends. Dr. and Mrs. Jeff. cott. A large crowd is expected to at tend the big dunce which will be given by the ship calkers ; t the city hall Saturday evenig. James Sheldon was down from Portland Monday, making prepara tions for the handling of his business when the fishing season starts. Marriage licenses were Issued to Sylvan G. Smith and Inez Chesley, Rainier, Oregon; and John P. Will lams and Annette Blodget, Seattle. The Gem theatre has been giving some mighty good shows lately. Head the coming attractions in their ad. this week. They have some good ones coming. S. M. Hawkins aud wife, of Port land, were St. Helens visitors Sun day. Mr. Hawkins is local manager of the Associated Press in Portland Many St. Helens fans went to Port land Tuesday to witness the open ing baseball game. Had the weather been better more would have gone. Special for Saturday and Sunday will spend several days in the met ropolis. Miles Gensman and I.oralne Potter has a furlough granted them by army officials and took advantage of It to come down to see the home folks. T. S. White w in Scappoose Tues day, conducting the funeral of Joseph Bonnell. Deceased was 63 years of age and was employed by the Chap man Timber Co. Living expenses are high, work is; rushing, wages are good for every-' body except the city officials, and they, of course, are expected to work for nothing. K. E. Jenkins, of Kansas, is In town waiting for his household good which were shipped from his former home some weeks ago. Mr. Jenkins recently bought a fifteen-acre tract of land near the Yankton crossing' and he and family will settle thereon, i Mrs. E. S. Snelllng and daughter Dorothy went to Portland Thursduv Waldorf brick Ice cream; blackberrv , noon- ,hey wl" EPend with French vanilla center. Straw berry and vanilla ice cream in bulk. Mason's, phone 119. Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams, of Akron, Ohio. Mr Williams and Dr. Ross are old-time friends and schoolmates. Attorney J. W. Day was called to Portland Tuesday on a very import ant business (?) mission. It's some thing of a coincidence that the open ing baseball game was also on Tues day. Special for Saturday and Sunday Waldorf brick Ice cream; blackberry with French vanilla center. Straw berry and vanilla Ice cream in bulk. Mason's, phono 119. The commercial club duneo at the city hall Saturday night was a suc cess socially and financially, and a neat sum was realized to be used as a nucleus of a fund for the celebra tiou.'of the launching of the City of St. Helens. Harold Decker, of the V. S. urmy, was down from Vancouver Saturday night to tako in the dance. He stated that all of tho St. Helens boys were getting along all right aud becoming I accustomed to army life. ' Harley Turner, the potato king to be, was up from his Deer Island ranch Sunday. The wet weather has interfered with the planting of his1 crop, but when favorable weather: does come he has the ground all ready to plant spuds. Mrs. L. G. Ross and son John, and Mrs. A. L. Stone and daughter Helen ! left Wednesday morning for an ex-1 tended visit to friends and relatives In the east, Mrs. Ross going to Bour bon, 111., and Mrs. Stone to her old home In Broadhead, Wis. They went via the Union Pacific. days there visiting friends. Sherman MIIbs of the United States revenue office In Portland w.-.s In St Helens Thursday on husinecs mutters. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES An error was noticed in the Scap poose notes last week. Their report claimed a victory in the home dobai-i. when the outcome was a two to one .decision In favor of St. Helens. We aro willing to credit them with wlia' they earn, but no more. Our professor has a new :-ule. Instead tf having our convict .c'A call twice .each day, we now have it three times a day. Occasion ally, on these fine d.iys. It Is deemed necessury to locutu soino students who are inclined to uoltuvo that stroll ing Is more profitable and healthful than study. IaIs Pnyne and Helen White have been absent from school this week. They have both been ill, but we all hepe tho sickness is nothing serious. This Is test week and tho majority of the students are shaking and trembling. A few, however, arc happy they always get an E. Ask L. E. D. how ho knows "Ki plus 2s equals kiss." None of us have given him credit for being wise along tills lino, but this knowledge may be duo to tho fact that ho has two brilliant professors one In higher algebra and tho other In client- ostry. Also, now we happen to think of it, why is I-aurie Lind so absent minded? Mr. Knight announced an old-fashioned spelling match on Wednesday morning. The uophs and fresh vs the juniors uud seniors. The undr clusymeu were very nervous, at lean they seemed to be, for a greut niuny sat down without so much as trying to spell the words. When the period expired tliere were four of the upper- clast-men left and eight of the lower We hope to finish the contest but the four nro suro of victory, and we know they aro invincible. Carl Muhr must have been trying too many prescribed experiments, for he fell asleep in chemistry class on Wednesday afternoon, and when the cluss was dismissed he slept peace fully on. The usually noisy students in tho assembly had to walk on tip toes for fear of waking him. At 3:12 he walked sleepily out from be hind the curtain and was cheerfully greeted by tho ussembly. COUNTY OFFICERS ARE COMPLIMENTED Kx-rt Accountant I'lnd HevordH ' Courthouse In iool HliiiK. Crandall and Roberts, who recent ly experted the books of the various county officers, have rendered their report to the county court. The re port stated that except tor some inlu-m- clerical mistakes the books of the irojsurer, clerk and sheriff were in j ,-cud condition. In closing the r- port the evuerls stated: j "We vcrl led the treasurer's ci.di on hand Junuary 1, and found It to agree with the amount called for by; the cash book. We found the treus-j tiler's bocks in good shape and his hooks carefully kept. '.'.Mr. Harnett has proved himself a very efficient county clerk. All fees collected have been regularly account-1 ed for In fee hook, all records are up to date and In good shape, and ' with the set of bonks recently opened j by him he has one of the best kept , offices In the state." Good roads concern and should Interest every citizen. They reduce tho cost per ton to the producer in marketing his products. This is an ! Important factor in determining the I ultiiuute cost to. the consumer. Good , roads meuu a substantial saving in tho operating cost of 3,000 motor I vehicles In this state aud will effect ! . further suvlng of at least 10 per ent In the department of vehicles GIRL "SEES WRONG" AND BLAME LAID TO MOTHER 1 It U'l.u tij.l K '.. ..... ..... ...hij n liiuu mat she hud been led uxtray fro the straight and narrow path." True, she hud answered the lure of London Town, but theii her mother was to blame; she let her go with the curse of sex ignorance dogging her foot steps. Advanced education now de clares every mother who believes In allowing her daughter to grow to wo manhood with the "Stork fairy tale" endangers her purity. In "The Blind nesa of Virtue." which will be shown at the Strand on Friday. Muy 4, mothers will see Just why this belief ii wrong. I c WEDNESDAY Matinee and Kvcning "A Modern Thelma" Willi THURSDAY "The Sultana" . coined) mchxlriuna in ft parts all IIK.UTIITI.I.Y HANI) COI, OltKI). and Vivian Martin Ruth Roland A story that reads well on pa per but looks better on film Has a plot with a punch. WILLIAM FOX MltAHQ TMHOUCM FoxRTm CORPORATION playing the lending part. USUAL ADMISSION 5 ant! 10c rift. SATURDAY Matinee, 5 and 10c Evening, 5 and Iftc Charlie Chaplin in bis latest knockout "Easy Street" and a ft part World Feature "THE PASSERBY SUNDAY ONLY The ItiK Htoiy of the OIL KIKLDH "SWEET ALYSSUM" with the same hiK cast an played in "The Spoilers" Wheeler Oakman Kathlyn Williams Tyrone Powers and Uttle (Jene I'ruzer THE STRAND THE STRAND THE STRAND The Shererized Store Oh, here is my Shererized shop, Economy's always on top ; For things are at hand, At my instant command; I don't have to trot till I drop. The foods are in sight ot the scale, I'm wasting no time in a sale; I gamhol and smile In the old fashioned style, As I merrily take in the kale. Folks come to my Shererized store, And when they have looked the place o'er. They murmur, "Gee Whiz! How delightful it is? We've seen nothing lik it Lelore!" The customer cheerfully spends, And when from my place he wends, He gives me no knocks, But boosts ar. he walks, My Shererized store to his friends. COME IN AND SEE THIS PURE FOOD $SnERu0ST TBULK GROCERIES C?EUALNLLISS:PLEASED WI 118 A. S. HARRISON & CO. ' We buy and sell for less. AM) OK t'Ol.r.M- Prank nbove v,!tl.';Movs uv ''l inn iTiiix IN THK CIUCI IT CtH'ItT OK THE C?T- T-i:. ....... . ..... omir, ur flKKliON. IN nm THK CtH. N'T Y MA Mary K. Huol, Plaintiff, vs. A. Hllol. tlefeti.lunl To Krank A. Huol, the named Hifai,.l..h( . In the name of the Stale of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap near miH unuwni. . ' , -..o"ci ,uo i-oiiipiaini filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 8th day of June! 1917. said date being more than six weeks from the 27th day of April 1917 tho date fixed for the first pub! Ilcjtlon of this summons, and if you fall to answer or otherwise appear herein the plaintiff for ,le want hereof will ttp to , courl nlflni .Praye1 fr "' 1,er "-' plaint herein, to-wlt: For a judg ment and decree against tl10 defend-' ant that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and held for naught., and such further and other relief as o this Honorable Court may seem Just and equitable. - This Summons Is served upon you ly publication thereof in the St Ilel ens Mist by order of the Honorable .i.i . '"' ,u,ie of Ul en-! "Su. .Si?: duu"1 tl,e 23rd day of . WYATT & f'AMI'HELL, j Attorneys for Plaintiff, Port land, Oregon. 1 9 17 f nrBt pu,'llcatl0" April 27. j9j)ate of last publication June 1st, I I" 1910 the people ,,f California! voted bonds to the amount of tig.' Salmon Season Opens TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917 St. Helens Fish Market m." "V7? w"1' ,, ne "'lumbla "Her hlnook at reaxoimble pHceH. All kinds of Kresh and Cured Klsli and Poultry. S. R. SONNELAND Phono. 42 000,000 for good roads by jonijr. Last fall by a vote of 4 to 1 they approved a further bond issue or 115.000,000 for the purpose. Callfornhms know Investment when they see It. Wttllfnrt 7 t in r ii, . " lv acres or green Sir. America " lK"n ""'"K' a small same a good i LAST WEEK Wc called yotir attention to the larpe line of Shoes we have. Many shoe buyers took advantage of the opportunity to get the latest style sheer at reasonable prices. Those ol you who did not take advantage of ot offer should do so now. FISHINC SEASON OPENS MAY 1 We have a complete line of Rubber Boots. Slickers and Oil Clothing. We would be glad to have out fishermen friends come in and inspect our stock. We can fill your wants. A. E. AUSTIN AT THK MUCKLE CORNER UNION PACIFIC follows the flag Union Pacific System stands able and glad to give to the Nation the same supreme service in time of war as in time of peace. U Friday, May 4th Mallow, ft ami . ICveiilii, ft ,lrt iV ' - "The Blunders of Virtue" The AUrtllnK moral play in 6 lrt. with K,l,, Mayo l ln lending role. Greater than "HYPO . CRITES" l.lay that t i,,otl.r, tttliliikliiK. Ignorance meant rum1 THE STRAND u ui y rrr 1 i THE GEM THEATRE "c "or"e o the Good Movie Pla-ys Sunday, April 29th "T.TTTT T? ttTTOn . . n n . Frobably you have read this story. See it in pictures. 1 4 A t Monday and Tuesday LITTLE ZOE REA IN GLORIANA Zoe and her real mother appear in this play. 'THr'lriTn Tonight April 27 THE VOICE ON THE WIRE" Jhe greatest detective serial ever produced. THE BLUE BIRD PHOTO PLAYS are shown at' THE GEM THEATRE bious bFPO u pun ,il to I (of i lrf It ' Ibi I (.dim ppow luto lutf the (her It mi liitrti hit" t m.i t.i Hi' illl al it hi Ml. but Lit