f INDUSTRIAL REVIEW J RAILROADS WILL DEMONSTRATE VALUE That the railroads of tlio country will demonstrate: their importance and value to the country in time of war, under the present organization, ts the view of President William Sproule of the Southern Pacific Com pany, who recently made a tour of the company's lines from the Mexi can border to Portland. j "President Wilson's message to the! American people," said Mr. Sproule,! "has aptly referred to the railroads ; as the 'arteries of the nation's life,' j saying that upon the men who run -them 'rests the immense responsibil--it y of seeing that those arteries sut-( fer no obstruction of any kind, no i inefficiency or slackened power.' i American railroads accept this re-i sponsibility. I "The president's message indi-l cates that production and proper dis tribution of the country's resources' constitute the most important task ' now confronting the nation as a ne cessary feature of the problems of war. It is tho duty and desire of every man in the railroad business to make tho transportation machine even more efficient for war than it ' has already proved itself in time of peace. "Tho usefulness of the railroads can be realized to the full without material changes in tho organization, which is flexible already, as shown ' by the ease with which the Pacific. Coast roads handled the armies that visited tho Panama-Pacific Interna tional exposition. "In war times the important place of the carriers in industrial life be comes conspicuous. The railroad ' man who helps to keep the trains running in the time of his country's need, and he can do that better than ho can do anything ele for the na tion, is helping to fight his country's battle as well as hiu brother who goes to the front. Each in his place is doing his part. His training and experience are necessary in his pres ent position. A man can t.e taught more quickly to handle a rifle than he can bo taught to repair a loco motive or run a trr.in. It is not im probable that the government will hold it as important that the trans portation service keep its ranks in tact as that the military anil naval services bo brought up to a war footing. "In any event, what the railroad men are to do will be determined by the desire of the government. They stand responsive to the needs of the country, ready to serve in whatever manner may bo best. The railroad service will not be found to be a comfortable place for slackers." .H'VTIO.N Kt'MMONH court, directing publication ik! T) ..... .i!ii'p nu this I In the Ht. lluloim M1.1 ..""J Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 18 1 45 41 S '24 44 V 49 it 3 47 19 w-gsn XOTICK OF SHERIFF'S KALK ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREUON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. John Loberg, Plaintiff, vs. Hannah Morris and A. L. Morris, her bus-, band: and Fred Hoskins and Mary, L. Hoskins, his wife. Defendants. By virtue of an execution, Jmlg-' ment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 23 day of March, 1917, on a Judgment ren dered and entered in said court on the 20 day of March, 1917, in favor; of John Loberg, plaintiff, and against j Hannah Morris and A. L. Morris, de-. tendants, for the sum of $1180.00 j with Interest thereon at tho rate of : 7 per cent per annum from tho 16th : day of December, 1916, until paid, and for the further sum of $125.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 20th day of March, 1917, and the fur-' ther sum of $34.65 vosts and dis-, burscments, and the costs of and : upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described ; real property situated In the County: of Columbia, State of Oregon, to wit: ! That property situated in the Jo siah Fullerton D. L. C. in Twp. 4 North of Range 2 West of Willa mette Meridian In the County of Col umbia, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: Be ginning at the Iron pipe at the North east corner of the tract herein sought ti be described and the Southeast corner of the N. P. Olson farm; thence South 10 degrees West 257 feet to a large stake; thence South! 88 degrees 35 minutes West 2990 feet to the Southwest corner of the Fullerton D. L. C; thence North 3 degrees 17 minutes East 257 feet to an iron plpo situated on the corner' of tho N. P. Olson farm; thence North SS degrees 35 minutes East to the place of beginning, containing 17H acres and being In Section 26, in the above named township and range; also the right of road from T(,E rlRCnT r0rRT OF THE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE said tract of land through the N. P STATE OF OREGON FOR COL- STATE OK OKEUON. FOR COL Olson land to the main county road A corNTy l MItIA COUNTY. ??Vn?i Z,rZ . J I r Marguerite Falls. Pl-lntiff, vs. Harry In the Matter of tho Estate of Chrls- 18 " h W. PaH. Defendant. ; ti-.a Heizenreler. Deceased. Morns, ner nusDana. , To the above named defendant.. Notice is hereby given. That Henry Now Therefore, by virtue of said Harry W. Falls: W. HeUeiire'.er has been duly ap- execution. judgment order, decree In ti,e nanie 0f the St:tc ef Ore- pointed administrator of the estate and order of sale, and in compliance Ron you are j,eralv required to ap- of Christina Heizenroter, deceased, by with the commands of said writ, I pear an(j answer tlie complaint filed the County Court of Columbia Coun will on Monday, the 30th day of ;lttiast yolJ i the above entitled ty. State of Oregon, and hag duly April, 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M. at ( ourt an',i caU8e on or before the qualified for said trust. All persons the fiont door of the County Court 2nd day of June, 1917. said day be- having cLilma agaiimt said estate are House in Columbia County, Oregon. ' tng more tilrn glx weeks from and hereby notified and required to pre at St. Helens, sell at public auction afler tlie 20th day of April. 1917, sent tho same, duly verified and with (subject to redemption) to the higfi. tno day of the first puoication 0f proper vouchers, to the administrator v umuci iui iusii in nau.i, uu wic tll3 summons; and if you fail to so at his residence. Warren, Oregon. appe?r rnd answer, for want thereof, within six months from the date of T.IMntlff will apply to the Court for this notice. rim IN T1IK v i......lf lli.Tomlnllt. TO CHARLES CROOK. Tho above named defendant: In the name of tho Stale of Ore Igon. you aro hereby required to ap pear and uimwer the complaint filed i against tou In tho above entitled milt OLIVER M. HinK, Attorney fr PU, ' Klmt publication March 1( Lust publication April 27,' AUK VOU TUMI iii.ki, wr, fATAItllll; If ao. you x ho ii 1.1 try or u .23 J5 25 1 within six weeks from tho date cil tno ! first publication of this summons, to ! id ii... sth dav of Aurll, 1917. and 'if you fall to appear or uimwer for j M( U-TONF,. the great catarrh want thereof, the plaintiff will lply , ,y. U collUlIlli oplll, " ! " """",Z,,, -wlV oV a decree' l'c" - of It ,m J IdisHolvliiK tho bonds of matrimony thercforo produce the drug habit d I heretofore and now existing nmweeii i recoiiiiiienil that nil you who n j plaintiff and defendant, upon tho j wlh clUurrh try , , " grounds of cruel and Inhuman trout - .,.,, ...,,, " , 'n ment. and for such other and further ''"rful remedy It come. n 0e relief as to tho court may seem jiimi , i ooiu nun recommends and equitable. j IMu: riiartnucy. HI. liuleni Service of this summon 1 made : : : of . mZrTA. - Eakln. Judge of the nbovo entitled , "rinis runuu. 0' F tourse. chlldn-n, you suspected what you'd get :n your lost ptctur when we told you that the bird made a great feast nnd that U was the name of a country :it war. Turkey. Sure! Sharpen ymir soft pencil, begin at S'o. 1 and you'll get a bird that is n.iteil f..r Its wisdom. It ts "acred 111 history ind legend. Is fnund In muny places anil has funny Inoktna eye. It llvr on eld mice and reptile. Kinlh nut the i!i'!urp r.r.1 r e what you hive. SIMMONS NOTICE TO UF.'.ilTORS right, title and interest which the within named defendants and each and all of them hnd on the 16th day ie ro(lfs praye(i for ln h?r com Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, March of March, 1916, the date of the mort gage herein foreclosed, or since that date had in and to the abovo de-' pi"aln,lfr and defendant be dissolved. oli iircu ijiuptriij. ui ail , iai L iiitrieui. to satisfy said execution, judgment order nnd decree, interest, costs and accruing costs. The above described property, sold pursuant to me judgment oraer ana ,hi3 gunlmons w:,8 niP(o an(1 entered IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR COl, uW auu u.uer i aiB. .uiijeci the above entitled Court and Cause UMllIA COUNTY, io i..!,! i iuiiRHse ui t , m i hub on ,,e Hth d..y of A.)rl A D 1917. OREUON plair.t, to wit: That the bonds of 29th, 1917 mrtrimony now existing between Mh.MU W. HEIENRETER, Administrator of the Estate of ret asiue, and declared to he at an Christina Heizenreter, deceased, end absolutely, and for such other W. A. HARRIS & IJ. A. UORE, nnd further relief as may seem to the j Attorneys for Administrator, Court to be meet and equitable. i St. Helens, Oregon. 15-5 An order for the publication of STATE OF sale is made subject to this said first mortgage. Dated this 24th day of March, 1917. First publication March 30th, 1917. Last publication April 27th, 1917. E. C. STANWOOD. Sheriff Columbia County, Oregon. NEWS NOTES OF OREGON'S PROGRESS SIMMONS Salem will have one of the largest fruit and vegetable process factories within the state. The Wittenberg King Company has decided on the erection of a $150,000 plant that will give employment to 200 persons. Work has been started on the con struction of a sawmill at Austin Tho capacity of the mill will be ISO, 000 feet per day and will require the services of more than 100 operatives. Land in Oregon Is valuable. Near Athena 300 acres, including improve ments, wa3 sold for $54,000. Coos county has appropriated $20, 000 for the erection of an armory a' Mj.rshfield. A cheese factory will begin opera tions May 1 in Eugene. Citizens of Albany are making ef forts to have a fruit cannery located nt that thriving city. Work has been started on the $S0, 000 plant of the Standard Oil Com pany at Marshfield. Fanners at Independence and sur rounding country aro becoming en thusiastic about beet growing. Much improvement work is to be done in Astoria $250,000 will be spent In paving streets aud $50,000 in sewer work. Tho Wilson shipyards at Astoria have been taken ever by a new man agement. They expect to build 12 .ships within the coming 18 months. From Forest Grovo comes the re port that work on the Gales Creek and Wilson River railroad will start loon. The company expects to ex tend the road into Tillamook. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Chester B. Bunzendahl, Plaintiff, vs. Grace W. Bunzendahl, Defendant. by tho Honorable R. S. Hr.ttan, a In the Matter of the Estate of Aug-1 judge in tho above entitled Court. ; ust William Schmidt, iKxeased. i D. D. HAIL, ' Notice is hereby given that the Attorney for Plaintiff. ; undersigned has been appointed ex Date of first publication April 20, ccutor of the estate of August Will 1917. lam Schmidt, deceased, by the Coun- Dnte of last publication June 1st, 'ty Court of Columbia County, State 1917. of Oregon, and has qualified. All i persons having claims against said ORDINANCE NO. 202 estate arc hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the under- An Ordinance Prohibiting utterances BR"el. t room 708 Chamber of Com and actions of disrespect toward nierc,- Portland, Oregon, within six the American National Flag and niontlls fro"i the date hereof, the Government of the United DaU'd t,lls 9th of April. 1917. States of America, and providing HERMAN SCHMIDT, a penalty therefor. r-xceutor of said Estate. Jv 'JI !"ed defendant- Grace The City of St. Helens does ordain U LACHMAN, E. J. MENDEN- . uuiucituaiu. , ,i i In the name of the State of Oregon ' cn.. t .A an!! aarnsweerrebtl reQUired, ZTtZltZ HALL, J. N. I'EARCY. Attorneys for Executor. XOTICK TO CREDITORS. Court and Cause on or before the 2nd or tear down, destroy or remove any such 1 ,1K ' 't NTi COURT OF THE "'AIR ur ijiir.iiU.N, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Oscar E. Hunter, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tho unit vn l it ... lllllllrlirnon IiQO Aaak a h.inl .. -.1 l -itef. ntfvif, ' l "rIiL!ti,.C Pr any hope for the d-feat there- Administrator of the Estate of Oscar n wit- Tk ih ,nn i. m.,r of- or of a"y unlt or 'rco thereof. "nter. Deceased, by the County mony now exist ng betwJ nlalntifi 1 r p,",,lcly CXpreas 8 l"P" for the del ojirt of the State of Oregon, for S, "defendant be dissolved se as de 1 8,ruc,,on of l" Pr0P"ty of said gov- timbta County and ha, qualified. d tda'tober'rn'end a'so! T. JliO. ..b' si . Kl 'T ln" -nv,nij vi baiu fiut;i ii iiiiil Kiiau "-"; "tuHifu lO day of June. 1917. said day being ; 8 . more than six weeks from after the 1 ,. , , , . h1V . .i v .. . 0 dav of ADril 1917 the rinv nt a" i er at or defy ,t"' Na'onal the tLt : Dubllcitlon of tnis sum KVernment of tl,e Unlted S,atPS- or lens;,rfndPifbyoautl?ai1 to TZZ a and answer, for want thirf nlolnt. u -'ru.1 l" - Bovriiineni or any lutely, and for such other and further relief as may seem to the Court to be guilty of a misdemeanor. present the same, duly verified as by C?Mfn . . . 1 U IV rnnillpaH en tki. .. .1 l be meet and eoultahle . ""-uuu - nr person violating " u":rsigne(i, ot aT order for the nnhlleatlnn of ,he Pulsions of Section 1 of this o"1 of Gus C. Moser, 1524-29 .!,. .,, i. JJ!, ,0rdlnBnce sliall. upon conviction Yeon Building. Portland, Oregon this summons was made and entered thereof, be ounlshed I v n fln nf n, within six months from he h 1, ' in ine aoov enllea court .na Cause lefig tlian Ten r.,'- hereof. - 1 by he Honorable It S Hattan a N,et'-' I)oll" a"d ost9 of nd first published March JudRe ofthe ; prosecution, and in default of tho lth. 1917. judge of the above entitled Court. , Dayment thereof shall be Imprisoned; EUGENE HOCH. JU.. Attorney for the Plilntlff ! In the Clly ia" or compelled to work : Administrator. Date of first du bl lea 1 1 o n A or 1 1 2 0 1J,,t 8ald flne and cos,s' at tne rate GUS. C. MOSER, . 1917 Publication, April 20. of one day for each TwQ CtoI)ars of, Attorney for Administrator. na'to f in nMi,i ti, i, urM flne and costs so due Rnd nn-! 1917 Paid- Section 3. Whereas, tho NOTICE TO CREDITORS . States of America is at war foreign enemy and many foreigners! In the matter of the estate iam M. Elliott, deceased. '"ere- mlnlstrator of the estate of Jas H im K.e"ny- dcceasetl, by the County Court , hl ot ('olu"lu'a ounty, State of Ore- ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters unclaimed in the St. Hel ens, Oregon, postoffice for the week ending April 21, 1917: A. F. Asplund, Mrs. Thomas Haugh, J. S. Maston, Joffle Stewart, Chester Vincent, Herman Wheeler. Letters unclaimed by May 5, 1917, will be sent to the division of dead letters. IVA E. DODD, Postmaster. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. United, in THE COUNTY COURT OF THE with a. STATE OF OREGON. FOR COL eignerg! rum rrn-w, 1 UUl iare Inclined to show disrespect for in the Matter nf th. v.. . , of Will-! tho flag and American Institutions.! "b" KennJ Deceased ' Jl"'- ; whereby the health, peace and safety ! S:.,.e"?.yV .ec,ea"c f k. .i . , t .... - . . . . . . .viiive uereov ?iven iim n t iuiieB is iiereoy given mat in? oi uie i uy oi si. Helena Is leonar- v i j v. " undersigned Mark W. Elliott has heen idlzed. therefore an emereenrv I. h.. ut. auly aPPo'nted ad appointed administrator of the es- j by declared to exist and this tate of William M. Elliott, deceased, nanca shall become operative All nHI,i A. . I 1 , . ... ...)!.....!.. - . . .. uiuct pciaum iiiiiids uuiaici, uyun us approval ny me E(,n anil hao Hulv , ,,,.iifi..j . . . claims against the said estate are Mayor of said Cltv , f'n.an' "as duly qualified for said hereby notified to present the same. Read the first time April 9, 1917.'nJ!iin't .iin ISl, vJn" u c,alms properly verified, as by law provided.) Road the second time April 9, 1917 S'S and S.nirS f.e.by noli- to the said administrator at the law) Read the third time and passed dulv vermii ,i nttlle 8amo' office of Glon R. Metsker In the Col-! April 9. 1917. ot 1 ' pr0per vouc"- lumbla County Bank Building at St.! Approved April 9. 1917. A T at hl re8'-; 1 Helens. Oregon, the same being the! S. C. MORTON. miL from ih. Hf "; .Tr."n,n 8lx: ; place for the transaction of the busl-! Mayor. na,prt tl ,date tM nol,c,, uess of said estate, said claims to be ; Attest: E. E. QUICK. i , st' Helena. Oregon, March . R- L. KENNY, I Administrator of the Estate of Jas. B. Kenny, Deceased. i presented within six months from the 'date of the first publication of this, : notice, to-wlt. within six months of: ; the 6th day of April, 1917. I MARK W. ELLIOTT, Administrator of the Estate of , William M. Elliott, deceased. ULE.N K. METSKER, Recorder. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIKE! See E. E. Quick, St. Helens, and i Insure vour rtmnerty In th. n,Ann ! rire Kener Association of MfMInn-!' fi """'i" priiucu m ono of The dally output of 40,000, 000 vlllb. Oregon. Don't put It off. Attorney for Administrator. 16-5 .Mch6tf W. L. WARREN. Agent French scientists, p.fter careful In vestigation, have decided that blind soldiers will make good wireless operators. j Brewers in the dry states are re-: Poultry raiser say that electric In modelling p.nd equiDDing breweries pnh.inr. hth . mi,,.. . iai iicrvuiiiaKU ' , . . .with electricity for manufacturing of chicks than are hatched by any! ji.o a:iu uairy proaucts. , ether artificial method. the most modern electrified printing plants In the world, the United Stales bureau of engraving and printing In Washington, would cover eight acre- Always trado In your home town. Through Service via Choice of Routes To the Centers of the East TWO HIGH CLASS TRAINS DAILY PORTLAND SPOKANE CHICAGO CENTRAL OREGON "OWL" Standard and Tourist Sleepers tetween Portland and Bend, new industrial center and gateway to homestead lands. Week-end low round trip fares frcm Portland to Deschutes River Fish ing Resorts and Carson Hot Springs. AN OCEAN TRIP ON RAIL TIME TO CALIFORNIA The Nortl; Bank Road and SS. Northern Pacific. Low fares include meals and berths. Leave St. Helens today, arrive San Francisco 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. NEW PICTORIAL MAP OF COLUMBIA RIVER COUNTRY, PRINTED IN FIVE COLORS, FREE TO EASTERN ADDRESSES. It. II. Cro.ier, Asst. tii'ii. Pa. Agent, Portland J. O. Illvrnt, Agm Ht. Helen A. T. KIBLAN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes Groceries Our Prices Are Right Our Goods Are Right A. T. KIBLAN Phone 35 Iloulton (West St. Helens) FOR GOOD PLUMBING COME TO ME PLUMBING, STEAM HEATING and SHEET METAL WORKS I also carry a full line of Stationary Wash Tubs and Bath Room supplies. One of my specialties is Steam Heating and Fitting- R. CONSTANTIN St. Helens, Oregon Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAYINC AND TRANSFER All Busineia Promptly Attended Te PHONE IS WM. H. DAVIES ST. HELENS, OREGON