RT 1 1 T?T pits . mitil KIPAY, APRIL 27. 1917 S r Ho Eggs, Milk or Butter The following; recipe shows how an appetizing, wholesome cake can be made without expensive Ingredients. In many other recipes the number of eggs may be reduced one-half or more by using an ad ditional quantity of ROYAL Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. EOOLU. MH.KtrM, BUTTEJUXM CAKE I rae kfewe eugar tu . up. weler tmiwlid ralelni .ub ahorleniril The old mtho4 (fruit eake) caUed lor 2 If I leaapoon autmae; I teeepooD elnnemen H leaapoon Mil f nM flttu I laaapoona Roral Raking Powdar mnt Wtl have been found lla wttb DIMtCTIOWl P the e)M Infredlente Into eeueepen Ihtae mlnuiee. Whan eool, odd tha limit and bekltie powdar whtah iXad lotathat I mil wall. Bake In moderate ovan In loaf pan doun Ma la cooler la boat ) lot tl or 4 mlnvlaa. tat wit h white Icing. Booklet af raelpaa which economise In af ic and other eapeneWe Insredletite, mailed ha. Addraaa Roral tualnf Pawdar Co, U William ltroot. Now Vat a. BAKING POWDER Mailt from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes, adds none but healthful qualities to the food. No Alum No Phosphate COLUMBIA COUNTY GIRLS WIN PRIZES (,iie ItnuMin Why Columbia) County Mrntihl Nii.M.rt Itiuul Bond !wue. 8uatur W. I). Wood, of IlllUboro, Iwrotly offered prize fur the best piparca why enrh county should vote I lor Ih proposed road bond Issue. The ruin of lh contest were: Content A Subject: The benefit iKrulnR tu IIih county In which tho writer It t resident from the Ira proiMiietit of Ilia rondo described la I ;h. 16,000.000 bonding act. For the kwt argument, a Ant prize of f 6. Tor the tecond best argument, a irlwof !. Thorn are 36 prlxes and 31 iMond prizes In this content. Nlowlnx U the first prle essay, 'on by Anna Kllerton. Clatskanie. OrefoD, a frealunan In thn Clalskanlo rlh school : Tlx Value of ;hm1 llotuU In Colum- lila County 0n of tho gravest problems con- (rontlnit the people of Columbia raiinty Is good toad. This has been t peat problem of every nation ail empire since the beginning of M'tory and will continue to b tor time to come. It Is that way with "rjr Halo and county aa well. Owing to the mountainous condl- itoa of this county It was necessary build the railway along the Col nbli river, snd consequently touch Inionly a mimll portion of tho nort!. nd of tha county. Therefore people Inhabiting the otber aoc tlom must rely mainly on roada for Bin of traveling and transporta tion of products. The need of good roads In Colum- M county H plainly shown by the 'it Increano In populutlon. growth industries and agriculture, lly building good roads on through the mi off htnd of this county, aa U "111 done, thousands of fertile are opened to settlers, and It wl be hut a short time until all of iani will be reclaimed. This l cause a greater Increase In popu "", inereiiy causing an Increase commercial affairs. are llvlllir III n i,i,i-l..,t nf ir.l . fw.u., ... n,v. lllliriu.. . . r....v.,u, ,, Butoiiiobllea are '" tttklnK He Place of liorscs, being "Of efficient and Atnnnii.linl fn rtr for tho auto to do this, It Is """ary to build on,l rn.rtu In ''me of war good rouda are the only wns wo have of transporting our ,rooPH and nrllll,.rv ...A .l. ...... - mo 1 H U provn ,y le condlttone In iifope. Following Is the annnnd nrl.A Ia),l Won llV M .. a r. Oregon: Reanons Why Kvery Voter of (oluml.l. . . " uniy MhouKl Vote e I,MM),MM Ronil Itond. (1 U is paid by the automobile ! TIioho who do not own cars Its limit and without stata aid cannot finish Its part of the highway. (7) The auto truck can take a farmer's produce right to the con sumer, thus cutting out drayage at each end and helping to cut out the high coat of living. (8) A team can haul a much larger loud over good roads. (II) Auto bust.es can take you to Portland much cheaper than the train. It Is much handler tor one. (10 1 The wormcn should sup port this Ihsuc as there will be one half mlltlou dollars spent for wages thl time should cover a multitude oi Bins. And every young man, no mutter from what walk In llfo he m iy tome, that signifies a wllllng ne:w to stand by the flag should bo Klvon kindly words of cheer wher ever he may go. Vours for tho boys in blue, N. O. LA HA BEE. (Kd. Note. The sentiment ex .irexsud by Mr. Uraboe is right. We believe, however, that our corres pondent did not mean to insinuate r cant any reflection on tho parties mentioned.) DOGS SOME VALUE , Deer Island, Ore To the Editor of the Mist. Dear Sir: In reading over the :ommuiilculed column In the Mist of Hie last Issue I reud with interest m article on the worthlessness of dogs In general In Columbia county. With all due respect for the gentle man's opinion, I beg to take Issue with him on the subject. It appears that he has In mind the city dog, aud If so I agree with Mm n point. There are, no doubt, many worthless cur dogs there; many that "would be Included In the ellnilno- .lon of the dog from our scheme of production," especially those little, 'wed off animals with their tails curved half WBy over their backs and hen back again. The writer of the article referred o asked the following questions: What good la a dog? How many :hlckens could be kept on what dogs uf Columbia county eat? Must Col umbia county go to the dogs? The dog Is man' best friend, and tlways faithful to the teachings of his master, therefore if he is a "parasite and a pest" It Is not his fault. What good would a horse'be if It wasn't for the training given It hy man? The article refers to the damage done by dogs to sheep. That Is true, hut aa the owner Is respons ible for such damage the best way to remedy the evil Is to prosecute the owner of the dog, but not the dog Itself. I have been Informed by re liable authority that where there arc inn n y sheep, the method used to pre ventgduinage by dogs lb to raise the puppies on a sheepskin, with the wooly side up. It se:ms that they have an affection for the sheepskin, regarding It somewhat as their mother. Take a dog and lock him up and do the same with some chick ens, then It would he more profitable to feed chickens, but how many chick ens .could farmers keep without a dog? Also, how about cougar, wild cats, skunks and other varmints; how would we face them if, to econo mize, we destroyed tho dog? We have some good game laws, but the most useful creature for the protec tion of game Is the dog. One cougar will destroy more deer In a year than 100 ordinary hunters, and one dog will tree a cougar. What we want is not more dogs, but better dogn, end while we are considering the dog as a factor In the high cost of living, let us not over look the hog, not necessarily having "four legs either," and then we will he more In sympathy with our much abused friend, the humble dog. ((espectfully submitted, GUSTAVE J. JASPER. A Man ami Ills Wisdom A wise man la never less alone than -when he Is alone. Swift. A paste made of kerosene and wood ashes will hurry a slow fire with little danger to Its user. I'ulverslty IteadH to Meet The heads of the leading univer ilties and colleges of the nation are expected to meet In conference In Washington, D. C, within a few weeks, to discuss the needs of the nation. COMMUNICATED To the Kdltnr of ho St. Helens Mist Dear Sir: In your Ibsub of April 10, your correspondent from West St. Helens, In making mention of some of the young ineu enlisting, has left an imprnniilon that should not apply to any young man who har offer :d his services to our nation at this tlino. The part Mr. Koblnson and Mr. Kelloy took In the matter was very commendable, and wo do not think cither of them did It to eul. i any notoriety, and as to the voce. t Ion purtiucd by tho mother In raising hor boy, so long as It was lionost, It should not bo a subject of comment, whether it bo tho waahtub or typowritter, and even though the clrcumstnnces under ordinary condi tions would warrant thn Implied sentiment, tho fact that ho has of fered bin services to our country at iAai i a iv is lis I iri 11 II II la I I am ii 1 aV iw tWi Hlrfh Grade complete Autemobile m i i HUM INDEPENDENT AUTO CO. Agents ST. HKI.KNH, OltKGON IN KQl'ITY. SUMMONS. Walk Through Our Bakery We will sell you a Maxwell Five-Passenger Touring Car for $725. On May 1st the price will be raised $30. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW and save this increase. There is no better car made than the Maxwell, price considered. Independent Auto Co. ihouid not oppose It as the good roil bennnt them. tor i. wnlng cars should fa- to 8" 11,9 1111,0 extra tl,cy hBve ttved i "censos will soon be wear ,ttck of unnecessary inM t,lulr Cur' wl,e' running on ,0("l road. The ViiIiia . .1.. I .... j -a ii.. 'fount v -" ui mo lunu Oi l"o tu,... .WM1 1)6 Increased from ten to ""r-nve or cent ') When i. i (, ,' tl,e county will have more "enenti 8"""d 0I Blde road' thu ftolr, . tl'0IM, not B1Jcent to the Tha county has boen bonded A Special Inducement is offered to you if you will visit our store. For the Next Ten Days we will give a discount of 10 per cent on all purchases of $5 and over. We have a full and com plete line of Dress Goods, Dry Goods, and Notions. Our stock of Ladies' and Men's Shoes is complete, and we are offering special bargain prices on broken lots and sizes. You Cannot Afford to overlook this money saving event. Visit our store and be convinced. Wm. Black Manager. The Government Needs Your Aid In order to reduce the high cost of living and increase the food products, each vacant lot or piece of ground should be cultivated. NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN You can't successfully cultivate the ground unless you have the proper implements. We have a large supply of Hoes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Garden Cultivators and other tools you will need for the garden or farm. We are selling these necessary articles at the lowest possible prices. Come in and inspect our stock, you'll probably find just what you want. St. Helens Hardware Co, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THIS STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OP COLUMBIA. Noyes-Holland Logging Company, a corporation (Substituted as plaint iff In place of Portland Lumber Company), Plaintiff, vs. Stlna Lotta Bergbom Pettersson, Ma tilda Josefina Oustafsson, Gustaf Uustaffson, Adellna Maria Karls son, Anders Johan Karlsson, Al bertina Christina Johanson, Carl Johan Johanson, Vendla Enblom. PerPersson Lundberg, Svea Han nanla 8elen, Olof Selen, Carl Her man Lundberg, Frida Josefina Linder, K E. Llnder, Naeml Svens son, Emanuel Svensson, Eva Soder gren, K. Theodor Sodergren, Alma Lundberg, Sven Johan Lundberg, Johan Edvln Bergbom, Carolina Bergbom, Axel Herman Bergbom and Anna Sofia Jonsdotter Berg bom, also all other persons or par ties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To Stlna Lotta Bergbom Petters son, Matilda Josefina Gustafsson, Gustaf Gustafsson, Adellna Maria Karlsson, Anders Johan Karlsson, Al bertlna Christina Johanson, Carr Jo han Johanson, Vendla Enblom, Per Persson Lundberg, Svea Hannanla Selen, Olof Selen, Carl Herman Lund berg, Frida Josefina Linder, K. E. Linder, Naeml Svensson, Emanuel Svensson, Eva Sodergren, K. Theo dor Sodergren, Alma Lundberg, Sven Johan Lundberg, Johan Edvin Berg bom', Carolina Bergbom, Axel Her- man Bergbom and Anna Sofia Jons dotter Bergbom, also all other per tons or parties unknown, claiming any right, tltlo, estate. Hen or inter est In the real estate described In the complaint herein, the above named ; defendants: ; IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON: You and each and all of you are hereby required to appear ana answer tne amended and sup plemented complaint of the plaintiff filed against you fn the above en titled cause on or before Thursday the 31st day of May, 1917, the date prescribed by the court in Its order of publication herein, said date be ing more than six weeks after the Ldate of the first publication of this summons, ana 11 you ian 10 appear and answer on or before that date, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above named court for the relief prayed for in its said amended and supplemented com plaint, to-wit: For the Judgment and decree of said court quieting its title i to the land therein described, and adjudging that it Is the sole legal and equitable owner of said land and premises, and every part thereof, in fee simple, said real property being situated in Columbia County, In this state, and described as follows, to wit: Northeast, quarter (NEVi) of Sec tion six (6), in Township seven (7) North, Range Three (3) West, Wil lamette Meridian, being Lots num bered one (1) and two (2), and the south half of the northeast quarter (SV4NEV4) of said Section six (6). in said Township and Range, and containing 157.46 acres, more or less; That by said decree it be adjudged that you, and each and all of you, have no etsate, right, title or iuter : et whatever in or to said land? or premises; I That by said decree you, and each and all of you, be forever enjoined : ana debarred from asserting any 1 claim, estate, right, title or Interest whatever in or to said described land or premises adverse to this plaintiff, and for such other and further relief aa to the court mal seem just and equitable, and for its costs and dis bursements herein. This summons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 19th day of March, 1917, which order requires that said summons be published once each week for six consecutive weeks. The first publication is on March 30, 1917, and the last on May 11, 1917. GLENN E. HUSTED, alwiuc; ivi i laiuiiu. i 1220 Yeon Building, Portland, Orx and examine the way we do things, how we buy our flour, etc., the kind It Is, how we store it, handlo it, mix It, bake It, and then you will be con vinced that thero is no more cleanly Bakery to be found. You will then know that you can rely absolutely on the purity' and wholesomeness of every loaf of bread you buy here, also rolls, cake, and fancy breads. One visit will convince you. St. Helens Bakery J. K. HuniNey ' Phone 05 H. M. TERRY THE MOTOR TROUBLE MAN Expert Machinist. Bring yonr auto troubles to me. Marine work a Kiterialty. Shop nt St. Helena garage. Phone S7 PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE Mortgage Loans On Improved Farms at the lowest rates and on long time. Repay able in such installments as the borrower may wish. Liberal prepay ment terms arranged. No commissions charged. Loans closed promptly. Mortgages purchased. WM. McMASTER 701 Corbett lildg. Portland, Oregon ST. HELENS ROUTE via Willamalla Sloush THE PEOPLES BOAT STR. AMERICA Leaves Portland d iily -2:30 p. m (Sunday 1:30 p. m.) Arrives St. Helens - - 6:00 p. m (Sunday 3:30 p. m.) Leaves St. Helens - - - 6:15 a. m. Arrives Portland - - - 10:15 a. m. H. HOLMAN, Agent Makes all way landings. Wharf foot Alder street. Phones: Main 8323, A-4204. "&- FRANK WILKIN'S, St Helens Agent. Phone 97. St. Helens, Oregon. Teach your dollars to have more cents. YouK Printing S. HEUMANN, Prop. PURE FOOD BAKERY WEST ST. HELENS, OREGON WILL DELIVER BREAD HOT FROM THE OVEN TO YOU PASTRY OF ALL KINDS AND FANCY CAKES A SPECIALTY Ask for Pure Food Bread at the leading Krocera: A T Kiblan, Perry Graham, A. 8. Harrison, Williams A Hall Co Italian Importing Co., Oacar Erlckson, Warren Ore., Dread nd Pantry, Centra! Confectionery, W. H. Drower, Prop. Your business is judged by its quality as a man is judged by his clothes. No "smudge" work at the Mist We do class Printing. Reasonable prices for High Class Work. 'Shows Time in the Dark "RADIOLITE" (Radium-Lishted) Makes the Dial Glow Ingersoll has brought out a luminous substance called "RADIOLITE". The light giving power of "RADIO LITE" is ienuine RADI UM in minute proportions. On the figures and hands of Ingersoll watches this substance glows in the dark more brilliantly than pure radium. And this glow con tinues as bright as ever for six to eight years. Quick as a glance on even the darkest night you can read the time with an Inger soll "Radiolite". See The Four Models At This Store "RADIOLITE" 2 tha regular lnf ar son with luinlnoua. hguraaand handa. "RADIOLITE" TWO IN-ONE la whlta holder for table or bureau. "RADIOLITE" 8trap Watch M-tha watch moat widely ueed by eoldiere WATERBURY "RADIOLITE" 4 the amall tewelrd Waterbury with RADIOLITE" dial. VON A. GRAY Jeweler St. Helens, Oregon