ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY, APRIL 27. 1917 4 -I J CORRESPONDENCE 2 WARREN P. H. Lund aud wife were In Tort land Saturday for business. John Rehberg was visiting In Ti gard Saturday aud Sunday. Miss Sally Kkatruni, of Portland, spent Sunday with her parents here Mr. Bowers and wife", of Portland, are now renting H. V. Heizenreter'a farm. Miss Hattie Grewello was visiting her friend Ruby Tipton at Scappoose Sunday. John Garrison, of St. Helens, was visiting with his brother here last Sunday. Poto Larson and Purn Grewelle were visiting lu the Rose City Sat urday. Miss Marguerite Miller and John Kehberg were visiting in St. Helens Friday. Mrs. C. J. Anderson and daughter Helen were In the Rose City Saturday visiting. John Gillan, of Roseburg, Bpeut last week visiting at the homo of his friend, John Farr. Gust Carlson underwent an opera tion for appendicitis at the St. Vin cent's hospital last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Spalding were visiting In Scappoose Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Duncan. Carl Rehberg, of Tigard, and J. B. Kelley, of Portland, were visiting at C. R. Miller's last Thursday. Misses Minnie and Annie Olson and brother Clarence visited friends In West St. Helens lust Sunday. Mr. Frome, of Portland, was visit ing at the home of his friend, Mr. Roberts, Saturday and Sunday last weok. Mr. and Mrs. Jack DUlar and sonB Clifford and Jack, of Portland, were guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Loo ml a' home. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Boesel and son Fritz and Misses Lucy and Carrie Boesel wero visiting in St. Helens Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Duncan and daugh ters, Thelma and Mildred, and Fran ciB Hay attended the boat launching In St. Helens Saturday. C. R. Miller underwent u serious operation for appendicitis last Tues day at the Good Samaritan hospital. He is reported to be doing nicely. Misses Alphlld Berglund, Signe and 1 Hilda Pearson and Messrs. Nase and Krickson wero visiting at the home of A. O. Berglund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Robinson motored from Portland Sumluy and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ncls P. Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mor accl. We are sorry to report that W. J. Fullerton Is all bandaged up from an accident which occurred Saturday evening while he was returning from the grange. Last Sunday communion services W. C. Page made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Albert and Gusto llottarl, who havo beeu staying with thelf cousin, Frederic Maraccl, for the past two or three months and attended school here, have gone to Portland to be with their father. Their many school mates and friends now miss the boi very much and wero sorry to have them leave. Just one game of baseball was played here last week on account o( the weather. This game was between the grammar teams of Scappoose and thla place, which we won with high colors. The game with St. Helens was postponed because of the unset tled weather. No definite day has been set for a future game with St Helens. Frank Beeler says It wouldn't make anybody mad If tho Chehalls road should huppen to be made Into 'essays on good highways for Coin NEHALEM VALLEY I Mrs. O. M. Washburn, Mrs. C. H. Johnston, Mrs. Mutchford, Lorlul ltlatchford and Mrs. James Pomeroy attended the shower lit St. Helen .'ml Sunday with her ulster, Lillian, at the Anllker homo. v recruiting officer ior m Joyce iiyix'rger, wnu ni nm i"- snoko at Vernonla Friday to the high tw0 mouths hus been attending the wZ wa I; Mrs. Mor o ., -chool boys, and Friday and Satur- slllloll school, has returned ,0 which was Kiieii v ....... Aniiinsr tho ..i.i.. ... ll,,l..h tlio term. .. ti lihiii,, i nay eveum - - lllMlui ui i .... ...... Al The Misses Hazel and Helen Watts! oorulls secured wore to of A . Words boys, t unis jmiim, .m.. and Gipsy Johnston wero dinner guests at the home of Mrs. K. M. Watts Sumluy. Miss Eviv Garrison and Mr. Kap pers took an unto trip up the Colum bia Highway lust Sunday. 1. 0. Wlkstrom is Improving these stormy duys by digging ditches and mil (into Rtanlon and V ester Chrla- IcuKon. Our best wishes go with the l.o .1. Mrs. Chi'lstoiiHen and daughter S.'.dlo visited with Mrs. Mow Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kolki nherg took Sun- putting In tiling to drain some of his ' day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Me- lower land. He has planed uboul I'onnl. 11,000 feet of tiling. I Mrs. Rogers and her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Force, of Vancouver.! Mis. ltlchter, who have been spend -.pent Sunday with Mrs. Force's par-; lug the winter lu California for Mrs. ents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Crowley. ' Itlchler's health, returned last week Miss Kva West won second prize i Mrs. uiehter Is very low. offered for our country for the best Pastures aro unusually short Ihb. in-! 'pi lug In this valley; very nine rate prizes. We congratulate Miss Hie mountains. Altogether tho seu- a real road. He and Omer Beeler Ma county. This Is on offer for the spring plowing nas oeen ......... ...... motored to Hillsboro Sunday with ! state and each oountv la offered sena- there Is still snow in some places In Ernest Williams, of West St. Helens, to visit at the home of J. B. Beeler. Owing to the condition of the Che halls road they had to go back to Portlaud and take the Portland Heights road. The boys said it tool; them over two hours and a half to make the trip home and that they had a very Interesting trip. SCAPPOOSE Norman Miller Is employed on the Wist truck at present. Loren Johnson, of the O. A. ('.. spent the week end at home, return ing to Corvallis Sunday evening. James Leonard Is spending a short vacation at home. He flnds time to exercise his muscles in the garden for a change. Hope it will not af fect him as it did Emmet Stevens. We saw him working In the garden about two weeks ago and he declares he has been sick ever since. Lorlei ltlatchford, of Vancouver, spent Sunday with her parents, Or Mid Mrs. ltlatchford. Miss Ellnree Butler and Mr. Al. Hackett, of Portland, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Butler. M. J. Butler spent several days in Portland consulting several physi cians. He hopes to escape an opera tion if possible. Mrs. Golda Campbell, of Clatska nle, spent several days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Washburn enter tained Miss Philip, of St. Helens, Miss Heist, of Salem,. Dr. and Mrs Hatfield, Dr. Blatchford and family, Miss Marjorie Holaday and Miss Ollio Stoltenberg at dinner Sunday. The Northwest Sash & Door Com pany is about to move its mill far ther back, near Mr. Rlckert's place. E. C. Smith has the contract for mov ing the mill, beginning work soon. This Is good news for our laborers. i The Lapham family, of Winlock, will j be residents hero again. West on her successful effort. P. A. Frakes shipped a Holsteln hulj to The Dulles last week and oni to Kalama, Wash. O. Hepworth and James Mc Naughton, of Portland, former em ployers of Mr. Bonnell, Mrs. New man and Mr. Meyers, of Spltzenberg. and Mr. Krueger, Mr. Kapper and Mr. Nelson, of Chapman camp, at tended the funeral of Mr. Bonnell Tuesday afternoon. Earl Pearson wus helping out at i !llol,lil .he tower last Sunday, as the regular! Mr- Jo",,!, W1,K 1,1 employo had other business. i ,lay to '"lve , , . .... ' lone. tie sewing class met at me uome if Eva Garrison. This cluss Is ac "otnplishing a great deal of work. on hi lute, A few nlco days put everyone so busy that tho bowing club last week was not very well attended. Mrs. Webster's Ilttlo boy is re ;overlng nicely from an attack o! ,n u moti lu. The Oregon Agricultural Clu! ;:ivo a candy pull Saturday night at he school house. Mrs. Messing's Infant daughter Is sick with a light attuck of pneu- Mr. Hyherger has iuit ttm i oium hht ce in p for a while, to get In his crops on hi ranch In Gobi. Everyone lu Shlloh llnslii Is lamenting the fact (hat they are soon to lose their rural r.iall carrier. Harvey Jordan. Jack Anllker made u business trip to Portland last Saturday. Trout season is bringing in any fishermen from Portland to llsli In Tldu creek. DEER ISLAND TRY OUR WANTS Wanted People itT running a car for hire u. 1 safety first. Plono A" J. Southard. 1 Lot for Bulo fiSxioofTT gard-in soil; ono hi.., J.' tral Orocory; fur quirk 'V,1' or f Ivo room house ami ,Z , ,:! mile, chcup. It. K;lr . .BNI, Oregon. Vernonla Mon- some hlncksmlthlng went to Ver- i Clifford Bcrgerson nonia Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Throon's twin lioyi Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stevens, Mrs. hllV(J BO pory tlllt r Va was tiladys Frederlckson, Mrs. Mary Roy, calll,,, OV(.r t0 Bee ., Tm,y ur 'Jus Weist and T. S. White, of St. ! ;ml)r0VK at present. Helens, attended tho play Friday ; y Snith brought home a load ol nig,lt- iats Saturday from Mist. Saturday afternoon a large crowd Mr aml Mra uvendar vlslte.l met at the depot to bid farewell to wjt Mrs. 1-uvendar's purents ono day our boys who left to join the navy. ; lRst wot,l They were Dewey Adams. Lester Mr ,, Mr ju)U.llHki vBtlH Adams. Dewey Wren. Clyde Goch-'.,. Mp ,.,, ,lr, umi,!,,,,,,, , George Grunt ( Is forever doing were held at the Lutheran church something to bring himself before and seven members were taken in the congregation, and on Easter Sunday four other members were admitted. The board of appraisers of the Southern Columbia County Farm Loan Association met at tho resi dence of W. J. Fullerton last Sun day to complete their appraisal re port on loan applications. G. M. Farr aud wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaines and their daughter Bar bara, of Portlaud, were guests at the home of their brother, John Farr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Boesel, with their son Fritz and daughter Martha Ryser, wore visiting with Mr. and Mis. Fred Widmer on Sauvies Island last Sunday forenoon, In the after- the public. He went to Portland Wednesday with three passengers, and in some manned unknown to us he managed to get on the car track and let a streetcar run Into the auto and carry It several feet. Mr. Grant Isn't able to tell whether it was an accident or pure awkwardness, but it cost a pretty sum to patcli up the auto. CIiub. Wikstrom tells us he has the "tin Lizzie" in running order again for Mr. Grant. One of the pas sengers, Mrs. Reedy, was hurt, but not badly. Mr. Grant says he was thrown across the wheel on his stom ach In a manner that took his breath, and he thought he was dead. Then he returned home on the train and some careless person put a big valise in the rack above the seat, and It noon they motored to St. Johns and, fell down and hit him on the back spent the remulnder of the day with ! of the head and knocked him over. air. wiumer's parents. Irwin McMurren, of Portland nour and Valdez White, who Joined tho medical corps. Agricultural Agent Howard was with us Wednesday night. A large .irowd met him and enjoyed the pic- lure slides which Illustrated the value vf drainage as regards crop increase. C. C. Thomascn and wife and Prof. Wiley, principal of the Couch school. Portland, caino down Saturday night ind gave a very pood sketch story of "Hen Hur," with illustrations and tongs. The auditorium was filled, u usual. On Friday evening the two-act comedy "Mr. Bob" was givon at Watts & Prico's hall by local talont, under the direction of Mrs. Grant Watts. The houso was well filled by an appreciative audience, who horoughly enjoyed the wit and hu mor of this popular play. The stage was artistically arranger as the liv- ng room belonging to Miss Rebecct Luke. Miss Hazel Watts well rep resented this maiden aunt, with her ?re:it fondness for cats. Her niece, Catherine, played by Miss Helen Vatts, charmingly won the audience n her fondness for fun aud jokes, which was cleverly entered Into by Miss Ardath Hagey as Murlon and Mr. Hob. Gipsy Johnston as Patty, .lie maid, greatly amused the audi ence by her lovo for the dramutlc arts. Lester Adams as Philip Roy son proved the easy victim of much plotting, while Herman Miller as Mr. Brown "came down" nmld much laughter. Armond Duncan highly entertained the audience by his splendid Impersonation of Jenkins, the English butler, who, with great dignity, caused much laughter when he said "If It was only a dog or a orse, ma'am, but I objects to cats." After the entertainment Ice cream Mr. Jublenskl got some outs for spring sowing. Mr. Sharklo and his men have been riulslng the timber north of Timber .ho pust week. SHILOII BASIN A good-time party was given at tho Shlloh Basin schoolhouse Inst 3aturday evening. Games were played, ufter which a basket lunch was served. Ernest Koblo received tho prize for carrying tho greatest number of peanuts on a knife, while Jerome Parmer was awarded prize for the food guessing contest and other prizes wero given. All seemed to have an enjoyable even In. Miss Edna Cooper spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Huwley spent he week end with Mr. utid Mrs. C. H. Kimllsh. Mrs. W. J. Koeiilg, who has been lerloiisly III for tho past threu week ind was takeii to the Good Samarltun hospital lu Portland, Is greatly Im proved and expects to soon return to Peer Island. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Council and Hill, after a two weeks visit with 'rlcuds and relatives in Portland and 'cishII, are ugnln home. Mr. and Mrs. Brown wore week end visitors In Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Wlckershniu. of Portland, visited at the Cloverhlll Car in this week. Itay (ialtteus has been entertain ing a good case of measles during the pust week. Eugene Keelan spent Saturday and Sunday at the homo of her parents There will be a social aud good times dance at the Artisan hall Hat unlay evening. 'red GUI bad as his guests the pust ten days his brother and nephew, who II vo lu the east. Mrs. W. W. Stanley was a Portlund visitor last week. Mrs. Mary Iluinmcll, who has beeu on tho sick list for the pust week, i'i much better. Albert Seffert, Jr., and Robert Iluinmcll have enlisted lu the army. Albert enlisted al Aberdeen, Wush.. and Robert at the recruiting office In Portland. Tho Kraw Klden Klub will lu. entertained by Mrs. Judlseh Wednes duy afternoon, May i. For Hi. I.. u 1. . .. netting, of new pure' tVala' rennonnblo. Mrs. J w n, Helens, ore. ' Allci For Bale A 2G-ncro tract I mllo from Warren, gnu ........ ,, .,, ,:un enll , A ITIMllI .ft, m ' WCM place. It. K. D. service, Md L line near. Living stream ol mi piiicn. i riee iz.uuo; termit John Dolun, Houlton, Oregon. Wanted To tmil iiluno for younc Htni-k n. dress K. A. Uonsnmn, 8t. Hekl good t cow. GEOGRAPHIC BOARD MAY CHANGE NAME The question of changing tho name of Mount Rainier will he considered at a bearing which has been granted by the lulled States geographic the board, In compliance with a request from the Washington state legis lature. Tim hearing will be held at the forent service huuduarlora, At lantic Building, Waiihlngton, I). C, May 2. 1917, tt 10 n. in. mii-l ror Hit lit A sunn of , Mii.i o jears on snout sjuu pounds, linn blirt . yeurs old, weight 11 GO tJ wnu nruuii uw nun live pg(. qi vwihoii, ni. neiens, phone U-l! For Hale Cheap, (-., i an mac atuomoMlo; hat dii.;l nitty as wen as louring body; in good condition. II M. Trrrj I ihimmib mirage, t none i7. For Bain One O. I. c. boir i months out. o. Vincent, Hon; ur. For Suliv Fine modern homt cellnnl location, with beautiful r view. A bnrgaln. ItcAHontble t(rJ See Columbia County Abstract ft pany about this at ( nee. Money lo Ixuii We havs (Sill and 1,000 to loan on good ftrnli security. uong tiuiu, rnwtil rates. Columbia County Abie. Company. A For Sale Ono fresh milk ecJ five heifers; will he fresh la tH weeks. One good work nun. outs unit vetch mixed, ready to i Have Coons, Phone 1 0 H -6 Uubtl Flat. Ill For Rent Two furnished hoiJ Keeping rooms; modern cotmJ ences; reasonable rent. Apply Mrs. Lewis, corner Wlllamettt (Hk streets. : jjjlCKLES ICKLES I ICKLES is a new pupil In our school. He is en rolled In the. fifth grade. Irwin Is staylnc with his mother, who Is em ployed at Mr. Carleton Lewis' resi dence. Miss Lilly Olson spent lust week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Robinson, of Portland. Sho wit nessed the smelt run in the Sandy river on Saturday and was even lucky enough to catch one. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Tarbell had the pleasure of entertaining at their home Sunday, Rev. J. Bowersox, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tarhell with their daughter Iva and grandchildren Ened and Eurl, all of Yankton. Tho Industrial Club met Monday afternoon. Many .enrollment cards were distributed among the pupils, who are all willing to take up the club work in the right spirit. At the next meeting tho different offi cers will be elected and tho work along the different lines will bo thor oughly discussed. Omer Beeler and Harvey Hay wit nessed the launching of tho steamer Frank D. Stout at St. Helens ship- vnrila Knl tnulnnj n 9 . ... i - ..... .. ...oau v. ...uiurmg iney weoK. Although slie was in a serious paddled their own canoe down the I condition at first, sho Is now im Columbla. (proving. Iffl fHn't ftllTA Whlf,. 'hlirlu l.a I .1 , . """" " m, i a win mm u neai nine sura was his stomach or Ills head, but we have 'added to the fund of the Ladles' Aid an luea ue toog mat way to keep society rrom going to war. Dr. Wykoff, of San Francisco, who is connected with the church build ing society, gave an interesting talk on the church building work Sunday night. Rev. and Mrs. Johnston und daugh ter Gipsy attended the Portland Min isterial Association meeting held in tho Atkinson Memorial church on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. John ston and Giphy appeared in the pro gram In three duets. -Mrs. R. J. Frakes and son George E. attended the nuptials of Miss Irene Humes and Mr. Wilbur Hen drixson. The impressive ceremony was performed In the drawing room of the palatial home of the bride's purents. Over 300 guests attended. Both young and old joined In folk dancing until midnight. Buffet sup per was served. N. A. Perry and wife motored down Monday. Mrs. E. M. Watts Joined them and they took a trip to West St. Helens. Mrs. D. Freeman underwent an operation for gallstones one day last Uncle Si tells us that we over looked some very essential points when wo painted his chromo. Now, .eader, taks up your pen and paint as 1'ncle 81 directs: "About two months ago I saw a tall man a sottln' in un uutomoblle at the postofflce. He wore what they told ine was called sideburns. I thot them things looked kinder purty, so when I went home I told Nancy and she said, 'SI, you get in stile now. You kin raise 'em, too.' So I put some cream under my ears and In a few days them burnsides begin to sprout. Now, reader, raise your brush above the ears and kum down south with light strokes. Make Bonie dashes and dots here and there and don't forglt a gray dash sometimes. Then a touch of yuller (that's where I used some hair dye one day) then taper off around under tho ear sorter shaped like the letter V but leave the edges a little shaggy. Now that looks kinder dignified." Ha! Ha! Don't that part of the picture make you think of our neighbor Frank L. Smith? Lay in your supply now, as we are making a special sale on pickles. Sour Gherkins, per quart 20c Sweet Gherkins, per quart 30c Dills, per dozen .20c Ripe Olives, per pint 25c Green Olives, per pint 25c QUALITY GROCERIES are our specialty. We endeavor to give you value received and prompt service. If you are not one of our many customers now, give us a trial order so that we may demonstrate our ability and willingness to serve. ' I wish to announce to my old touiern and to prospective cuitui- tliut I am at homo every Friday Saturday to tttko ordur for Iht bono Corset. Will cull at yourht-j or receive orders by mull it fn convenience. MRS. MOFFKTT. If Houlton, Or Broken Wind-Heaves! (; -, I iiiiu:i i.i uti) L,ji r DrACDajnii is Dr. Daniels! Renovator Powdml A Trua Conditioner A Spring Madlclni for thai Hrd PMllif Try one package Costs 50 cents Mnnry tuck II not utlilM Van uki no rltk with O.nltU' Atk our Ant fgr Dr. DanUla' Frw M A. J. DK.MINO, DruKK'st. ST; HELENS HAN JILE COMPANY Succcttori to THE HALL COMPANY Phone 80 If you don't trade with us we both lose money What I must do is all that con cerns me, not what (he people think. 1 EmorHon, GEO H. 8HINN, Pres. L. R. RUTIircrtPnnn c. oco. Columbia County Abstract Company ST. HELENS, ORECOH .bbCoyn?te.a6,,trict sm '"'Colum BEST WORK LOWEST PRICES J. N. HIBBARD AUCTIONEER l iirm anil Ktock Hule a SerlaJtM A ii) w hero Any Time Clmi'KCN ItcMHomihlo uiik;kiii:i,i. wash. i CONTRACTING I HOUSE MOVING Cement and Concrete Work a Specialty CHARLES REAM St. Helens, Oregon CENTRAL SHOE SHOP is again open. REPAIRING Promptly and Satisfactorily done at Right Prices J. MILLER i; Tl wl ini In be di at it to COLl like IU tiheuli! Serial immII; i,ipro I'M till The ru font lircruii rlter kit I for t rit i hi in Ful I ion Orno huh In