Ore HElXs i P. M nt m,0b Imto im on FIRE ALARM BOXES Ml ..kii'i Corner tr Iiofll n Orr ,;tral U"',c,)rJ, edeHuii" .... i,jr iion' IHlDOt rccolf" fornor 22 23 24 22 23 24 42 43 44 (2 63 64 66 jT& S. TIME TABLE FWM Portland Leaves Arrive , Portland. 8t. Helena ., 8:10 a.m. :lla. m. A'" ,12:26p.m. 1:33p.m. ,7"' . 6:16 P. t3 p. m. ii :16 P- '" P- m To Portland Leaves Arrives fit. Helen. Portland 7:6ll(i. m. 2:16 a.m. 11:16 a. m. 12:20 p. m. 3:31p.m. 4:40 p.m. 8:62 p.m. (:60 p.m. ..... iavo for station about 20 loitiM In advauco of above time. Triln. o. . 1,0. ko. U bONC OF AMERICAN RAILKUAU MAN .. .... .. Ik. inumt to th scanui heeding r iniwiiur ;. ..w Its curving cluwa Ld both may Wit through day and night, snn me wings win uuTor psme. hve re the wings of the eaglo and our stool-llnm! ttpa are sprraa f'rom inure 10 nor wm mo roor; irotu norm 10 ine uuu stream's bed. lA ih soldier look to hla rifle, and th sailor look to i lie And wht limy need, with an eagle pood be sure limy win gei from mo. IVt ire the wings of the eagle, flecked with our labor a loam, I With frulptlit ii tul ninll we blued Ilia trull tor a mighty nation a homo. lAiln peace wn baTO been your aer- rant, no In war we will De your lave, I And our wings will hum, and our puliu-i drum till the fluga of freedom wave. Wo are the wing of the eagle, eager to prove our worth; Pitted by skill to do your will with the bent trained men on earth. Then loud us with the burden and Ore the opening gun. And rvnii'inlor, Sam, the railroad muii, la ever your loyal aon. Southern Pacific Hulletln. ALIEN ENEMIES MUST SURRENDER FIREARMS Utter From HUtrb-t Attorney new ly HUI4-4 Itaiuii-rmeiitH. "April 12, 1917. "Editor Ht. Holers MUt, Ht. Helens, Oregon. "I):inr Hlr: I beg to Inclose you herewith copy of eortulu notices which I have thin day mulled to all postmasters In Columbia county to be posted In tholr respective locali ties Since sending out these notices I have received from the United Btuto. district r.ttorncy for Oregon a c py of tho president', proclamation referred to In said notlcos, from which I llnd tlmt tho proclamation applies to "alien enemies' only, and doCnoN them to bo 'all natives, cltl xens, denizens or subjects of Ger many being males of the ago of 14 ymrn and upwards who shall be within the United .Slr.tos and not actually naturullsted.' The persons referred to and doilgnnted In said nc.lrcr, thereforo, Inuludo and mean only rui'h mulo Germans residing or 'itilng within Columbia county who uro of the agu of 14 years or over and who havo neither been born within the United Htutes nor received their full naturalization papers. "Tho United Stales district attor ney has requested me to cause a notice such as the ono Inclosed to be published In all the papers of this county. 1 shull appreciate It, there- ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY. APRIL 27. 1917 HOW TO SELECT FOODS 4Umm pis ml Ms Offer Huggert Ions for tin ting Must for One's Money. Tho following suggestions on get ting tho most for for one's money uro from the United States Depart ment of Agriculture Farmers' Hul letln 808, "How to Select Foods." Use cereals (flour, meal, cereal bronkfurt foods, etc.)- freely, taking yulns to prepare them with great care and to vary tho kind used from lay to day If necessary to keep peo ple from tiring of them. Remember that a quurt of whole milk a day lor each child, to bo used as a beverage and in cookery, is not too much. I'lan carefully both In buying and In serving. Do not be ashamed to plan closely, (thrift In food means providing enough food, neither too little nor too much. ! Notice carefully how much of such' staples as flour, sugar, milk, cook ! ing fat, etc.. Is used each week for a month, and see if there are any wayj ' of cutting down the quantity needed.! Huy nouperlshable materials In quantities If better prices can be se cured and there Is a good storage' place lu the home. Neighbors can Jiniotimes club together to get lower! rates. Kstlmale carefully how much of i any material will be needed before! laying In a supply, then see that! YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION When brought to our store, Will be accurately and carefully filled and none but the best of drugs u:ed. So both you and he will feel perfectly safe. WE ALWAYS HAVE IN STOCK a large line of Toilet Articles, Stationery, Magazines and Druggist's Sundries Deming's Drug Store Phone 13 ST. HELENS, ORE. 4 fore. If you will publish the Inclosed i nono aated by careless handling notice together with this letter, as' Try 10 nialte the dishes served of explanatory thereof, In the next pub-'ucl' "lze tllut t,loro w' be enough Mention of your paper. ! 10 "sfy the appetite of the family "Yours very truly, j tt,1(1 110 unnecessary table and plate "OI.KN It. MET8KKK, ! wa"l- "District Attorney." j I)o 1101 ue above noticing whether stirtl 'tta thl"S usable is thrown away To All Allen Hesldents and Inhabit-!11" ,no which always ants of Columbia County, Oregon, shows how thriftily food Is used in a and to the General Public: household. Whereas, the president of the ; inmu..i i . United States did on the 6th day of ' ' aterlaU be April, 1917. proclaim and publish a mad" ""active and the diet can be proclamation making It unlawful for pleasantly varied by a wise use of any alien thereafter to have In his different flavorings. J. L. WILLIAMS & SONS Successors to I'erry & Graham A Full and Complete line of General Merchandise The Dependable Kind Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries Free Delivery Give us a trial and you will be satisfied Phone 34 WEST ST. HELENS, ORE. NOTICE OP SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. In the matter of the Estate of An drew J. Rupert, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that pursu ant to an order of the above entitled Court made April 12, 1917, In the matter of the estate of Andrew J. Rupert, deceased, authorizing the sale of all the real property of said estate at private sale, the under signed, the executor of said estate, will from and after Saturday, May 12, 1917, sell at private salo to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confirmation by Bald Court, all the following described real property be longing to said estate situated In Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 19, in Block 11, In the City of St. Helens; Lot 20, in Block 11, ex cepting therefrom a strip of land 4 feet In width and 100 feet In length. In the form of a rectangle, off the entire south side of said Lot 20, In the City of St. Helens. Terms of sale, cash, ten per cent to accom pany bid, balance on confirmation of sale. All bids to be directed to An drew King, at St. Helens, Oregon. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, April 13, 1917. ANDREW KING, Executor of the Estateof Andrew J. Rupert, Deceased. 17-5 OF "Finicky" tastes In food often pre vent the use of many valuable ma terials which mlglit be the means of "LEND A HAND" Tlmt U WliHt Hi Public Is Invltml to Ho In a (fcNKl Work. or her possession any of the follow ing articles, to-wit: "Any firearm, weapon or imple ment of war, or component part thereof, ammunition, maxim or other; saving money. silencer, bomb, or explosive, or ma- j Oood food ,,, are lmportanl torlr.l used In the manufacture of , , ... . explosives; any aircraft or wireless . prt ot Per""' hygiene and thrift, apparatus, or any form of signaling ! Children get such habits by having device, or any form of cipher code, ' suitable amounts of suitable foods or any paper, document, or bookg,rved to them and then being ex written or printed -In cipher or In I .,,, , , , ... which there may be Invisible prlt-1 P0'1 ,0 eB ht " before Ing." l,,ew- and which said proclamation was l True economy lies not only in buy on that date published In all the j ng wisely but also In making the newspapers oi ine oi wreBou. ; ,,,,.. do1.h1.., . ,,,., , ,,, Now, therefore, by the direction , of and undor the authority ot the; United States government, all for-1 elgn subjects or aliens residing or The following letter from dcorge PilmiT I'm nam, prlvato secretary to liorornoi Wlthycombe, Is llf ex planatory. Thono who know anything i! conditions at tho penitentiary will tn-e Hint anything which will fur nlah Imnntim with useful employment lcnrc.il I y to he deslrod, and the pub Meat Ion referred to does this, even it in a tnmll degree. It Is probable, therefore, tlmt tho small sum It Costs will Im well expended and may ac cmiipllxli more real good than many other dollars given as outright charity: "Killtor St. Helena Mist: I am wrlllnif to you as4a newspaper man, wklng your help for a lltllo newspa per which Is published lu Oregon un hr peculiar dirflcultleti and which, It looms to me, deserves the encour Kcniciit of our stato press. '"I.oimI a Hand' Is tho paper In question. It Is edited, printed and published monthly by Inmates of the tstii press. "The little mngnxlne Is doing good ork. Inside tho walla It helpa make ll'o worth living, recording Incldonts of Interest and offering prisoners op portunity to express themsolvos. On ho 'ouuido' It performs a useful 'unction in tolling peoplo about Pfhioii happenings and prison hopes. "The subscription rato la $1 per :ir. ihn men who create the mag "hie want to make It a little larger ana tiottnr. They can do thla If the niconio liicroaHes, and subscriptions the only revenuo. "O one makna n rani frnm tlin ! Publication; it simply trios to be elf-supporting and there Is no profit ' ii for anybody. "TIiIb lettor is to ask If you are wnng to Mend a hand. If you are, n i you run a littlo story about ninguxlne, telling your readora hit It Is and asking thut some of 'm Hcnd In subscriptions, which would bo addrossed to 'Lend i ""''d,' itox 1. Kouto 6. Balom. Ore on? Or won't you collect a fow sub ""Iptlong yoiirBolf nnd send In the "w Fraternally, O. P. PUTNAM." being within Col u in hla county, Ore gon, are hereby notified to forthwith deliver up and surrender within twenty-four hours of the date of the publication of this notice to the near est peace offlmer, sherln, deputy sheriff, constable or police officer any and all articles, apparatus, docu ments or materials hereinbefore enu- .,.! liluinii'u. !,low f . ii .... . , . - A detailed receipt for such arti-i"-' ... .. cles surrendered will be given to the l" "l" ' i-arnm. ae- owner by tho proper officer to whom sed, the undersigned the admlnls ....;.i.:,,i ...,,i m .niriB. wilt he trator of the estate of Martin Carntff, returned to tho owner at the close .1 I? ffif 1 Of thO War ym, ,t w mo iubiicbw uiuuci, Failure to comply strictly within """" " ', '" '" " twenty-four hours with the mandates "" uUJv;v io Ld term, of this notice will .object cb' T, court he person or porsons coming within " " . ... ' , ... .h. f...oin ,.rnia,n.. of May, 1917, all the right, title, In- on to summa y arrest, and any and Jfrest and estate of the .aid Martin a such articles found , Ms or her : - .ceased at me of h J Dated and posted this list day of , ------ - "I A deep Hoa cable costs $1,000 por "'" nd has a useful life of 80 yars. - longest hlKh-vnltas-a trans. mission line conveys electric lla-ht, Power nnd energy from the Slorra. to '"' AiiKoios, 250 miles away, and to H"n Francisco, 22B mllca away, at a irossuro of 150,000 volts. NOTICE OK Aimi.NIHTKATOK'H HALE OK REAL ESTATE AT PltlVATE HA I.E. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Mar tin Cam Iff, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of the County court of the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, made on the 10th Your Spring Suit You should order it now. Come in and look over my line of woolens. During the past month I have made suits for seme of the t est dressers in the city, and they were ENTIRELY SATISFIED Let me demonstrate to you That for Style, Fit, Work manship and Good Material, my tailored garments are above the standard. J.F.RYAN MERCHANT TAILOR St. Helens, Oregon VVyvyyVTWTYVfTTrrTTTTTVTTTTTTV NOTICE OK APPOINTMENT ADMINISTRATOR. In the Matter of the Estate ot Jacob Lengr.cher, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Jacob Lengacher, deceased, by the Coun- -ty Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and has qualified. All persons having claims againBt said estate e.re hereby notified to present the came to me at 1225 N. W. Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon, with vouchers duly verified, within six months from date hereof. Date of first publication March 23rd, 1917. Last publication April 20, 1917. IDA LENGACHER. B. F. MULKEY, Attorney. Electricity is expected to play an 'mportant part In the defense plans .f the navl advisory board of which Thomas A. Edison is chairman. Practically all of tho new United States silver coins aro being stamped out by electrically-driven presses in tho Philadelphia mint. CENTRAL MARKET RAY MORTON Phone 60 The Market of Purity and Quality of Meats both Fresh and Cured. Greatest assortment of Lunch Meats in town. Highest cash price paid for Hogs and Veal. Anrll. 1917. UI.KtN K. Mr.lBM.ll, District Attorney for Columbia County, Oregon. PERMITS ISSUED BY A trial will t e appreciated. VTrryyTyTyTyTTTf Prompt Delivery A Los Angeles farmer has equipped i specially prized mule with an elec tric tail lamp to prevent accidents from automobile traffic at night. Dr. Stone's heaves. Price druggists. Heave Drops cures' $1; for sale by all otherwise acquired, other than or In addition to that of said deceased, at the time of his death, ot, in, and to the following described real prop erty, situated In Columbia County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Tho NW14 ctatp ITMnTMITirP I of Section 32, Township 4 North, 1 Range 2 West of the Willamette Mer. One hundred and five permits to" containing 160 acres, more or .ipproprlate water and ten permits to Terms and conditions of salo: Cash construct reservoirs, Including thein Gold Coin of the United States; rrlgntlon ot land aggregating 16.778 ton per cent of the purchase money ... ui 10 be nil Id at the time of sale: bal- acres, the aevo.opmem o .. conflrmatton of Mlo bjr the horsopowor .and water supply Tor 7 1 County court. All bids or offers municlr.Ultlos.'wIth an estimated cost ; mut be in writing, and mailed to Be Fair to Your Wife Save her the Wash Day Drudgery. Let us call for your laundry. Our work will satisfy you St Helens Steam Laundry Geo. Watkins, Prop. A Homelndustry of construction totaling Jt)0,ii, were Issued by State Enginoer John 11. Lewis during the first quarter of tho year 1917. During tbls period 4 permits wore Issued in Multnomah county as roi lows: To F. N. Averlll, of Portland. for domestic and power for home use; to S. M. Davis,' of Troutdale, from Ulg Crook for the development of 19 horsepower; and 2 permits In the county of Multnomah, both In connection with water supply for the Vista House along the Columbia Illvor Highway, the cost of con structing the works being estimated at $15,000. During thlsorlod one permit was issued In Columbia county, that to the city of St. Helens from Milton creey for a municipal supply. Soiled dishes accumulating in the average home may be washed, dried and ntorlllMd In an electrlo dish washor at an average cost of five cents a week. , An automatlo typewriter oporated hv oloctrlclty Is used In many bust .... offices to turn out circular let ters which cannot be distinguished pounds said administrator at Scappoose, Col umbia County. Oregon, at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making ot the sale. x Dated April 12th, 1917. First publics t Ion Aprl 13, 1917. Last publcaton May 11, 1917. JAMES LEONARD, Administrator of the Estate ot Martin Carnlff, Deceased.- W. A. HARRIS & Q. A. GORE, Attorney, tor Administrator, St. Helena, Oregon. In 1909 the value of sugar beets per acre was exceeded by four other crop. hops, tobacco, sugar cane and sweet potatoes. The acre value of beets was nearly tour times the value of corn or wheat, and more than four times the average acre value of oil cereals. Amateur wireless operators recent ly relayed a wireless message from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast In loss than three hours. Factory made butter In the United States Increased from 627,145,866 pounds In 1909 to 786,013,489 nounds In "1914, and factory-made cheese Increased from 311,176,730 in 1909 to 877,608,109 Spring Goods Are Arriving CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES, 75c to $1.50 Dainty and seasonable patterns in all Dress Goods. Shoes for each .member of the family. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND NOVELTIES Children's Middies and Ladies' Lingerie Waists M. ROSENTHAL E. W. KETEL St. Helens, Ore. Contractor--Builder ESTIMATES, PLANS Cement Work a Sieclulty Plume Connection WHY EXPERIMENT? To the PUBLIC! STEAM, TURKISH AND SHOWER BATHS Every Day at Kaleva Hotel Courteous treatment and sanitary arrangements. Visitors to inspect will be welcomed from those written by hand. pounds in 1914. in lomiH-'titloii with ALL OTHER FLOURS received the highest possible ward, the GRAND PHIZIS at Panama-Pacific International Exposition Use the best and you are always satisfied MASON, EHRMAN & CO., p8SSfeSS?" : r George's Market ST. HELENS KIJF.S1I AND SALT MEATS PHONE 48 Prompt Service