St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, March 16, 1917, Image 6

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Notice is hereby Riven that nt the
genornl City election to ho hold on
the 2nd day of April, 1917, the fol
lowing: proposed charter amendment
will ho submitted to the voters of the
City of St. Helens, Oregon, for their
upproval or rejection, which said pro
posed charter amendment is con
tained in a resolution duly passed
by the Council of said City on the
fth day of March, 1917, which pro
posed resolution is in words mil fig
ures following, to-wit:
mission to me legal voters ot tne
City of St. Helens, at the regular
luuuicipal election to be held in said
City on the 2nd day of April, 1917.
for their adoption or rejection the
following proposed amendment to the
charter of the City of St. Helens, to
be known as Section 81 V4 of said
charter, authorizing the issue and
sale of bonds in the sum of $28,
000.00 for the purpose of refunding
existing indebtedness of the City of
St. Helens consisting of outstanding
Sewerage District Warrants hereto
fore issued.
To amend Chapter VIII. ot the
charter of the City of . Helens, In
Columbia County, Oregon, entitled
"An act to amend an act entitled an
act to amend an net entitled an act
to incorporate the City of St. Hel
ens, in Columbia County, and State
of Oregon, filed in the office of the
Secretary of State February 25,
1889; and as amended by an act to
amend an act entitled an act to in
corporate the City of St. Helens, in
Columbia County and Stat of Ore
gon, filed in the office of the Secre
tary of State ('February 25, 18S9.
filed in the office of the Secretary
or fatate February 25, 1889, filed in
interest on the said bonds and pro- rate as may be determined by the $1,716,018.62 DUE"
vide for a sinking fund the Commis- Common Council but in no event ex- rmiNTIFS ON TAXES
sioners shnll certify that fact to the ceeding six per centum per milium,: UUIN
Common Council and shall also cer- payablo semi annually; provided that' .. .., Uniimiliit-
tifv to the said interest and to pro- the aggregate nniount of said llonds lull ivm on "
inn l(uiiuy.
tify to the said interest and to pro- the aggregate amount oi sum minus
vide for said sinking fund the said issued by the Common Council uiuU-
:i ..I. ..II I..... n.1 uillt a v tli nr.,vlutmi ,f OiIm Km'tllll! kIihII III).
Vlllllllil nil, ill n.j null wiic. a v , .,...... ... ........... -
or cause to bo levied and collected exceed the sum of J2SOO0 00 par
a tax on nil tho taxablo property value. Said Honda shall he dated at
within the City us assessed by the a convenient period; shall be due in
assessor, sufficient to raise money for twenty (20) years from date thereof.
such purposes; providing that all optional on anil nrter ten tiui year, est linn n
money arising from such tax shall from said date of isue; principal and ...( f ril
be credited to and become a part of Interest thereon shall he payable at n.,
the water fund; providing that, the office of the City Treasure,-, SI. ' " "
taxes levied under and for tho pur-, Helens, Oregon, or at the fiscal .charge It
There is duo counties in Oregon ,
ml inn In Washington today II,
10,018. G2 for taxes, penalties. Inter
est and costs on the Oregon and l an-
ant lands for the years;
1914 und 1915. The Interest
luouniuluting on these '
the ran of $18,000 a I
nose of carrying out tho provisions agency . the State of Oregon, In claims at
BPTTDPoravum ' i ,. -f this act shall be levied and col-tho City and State of New York, at ,,!,.
Bfc, ll Kfc.bUL M) by the t onimoTr'lected ,he -, ns 0,1Pr taxes aVt lhe 0,ion 0f the purchaser and shall .. ............ ,iue tho several coun-
C ouncll of the City of St Helens, ,evle(, nd collected. but not oftener , be told by the Common Council at . , ,1V lUvM West.
Columbia County. Oregon, that there .,, , , eac -,, tlu. not ies than par value. The Com- U"". ubulnlMl by Osu .1 .
be and hereby Is proposed for sub- ,.,, .h,j -i.-n , ,., ' .,. r..nn ahull nndi veiir nt the shows that IK uglus count) has torn-
one tier cent of ull the property as-: time of making the annual tax levy I1R l() u :42,442.78, which Is the
sessed within the corporate limits of j for City purposes include in such .ir.,1l( tnm 0f any of tho counties,
said City, submitted to and approved : levy u sum sufficient to pay Interest ' ' ,,,.. milieu next with
by the legal voters of said City at due on the outstanding Honds of this J-uKscn louuiy
the regular election held in said City Issue and nt the beginnnlg of the $2;i.322.7S. Tho only county in
on the 7th day of April, 1913," en-: tenth yenr from the date of the Washington having a claim Is Clarke,
acted and approved by tho legal 1 Honds shnll annually Include in each BIU tho amount Is 11.242. 73.
voters of suid City at a speclul elec-' tax levy a sum sufficient to pay oii'i- . . . ... . ,H,
tion held in said City on July 23. 1 tenth of the totnl amount of the par As i1',,, ' '
tion held in said City on July 23, tenth of the totnl amount of the par
1915, by inserting a section in suid j value of bonds issued hereunder.
Chupter VIII, after Section 81 and1 Resolved further, that this resolu-
claini'i follow:
the sum of $28,000.00 for the pur-: upon Its approval by the Mayor
pose of refunding existing Indebted-; submission to the legal voters of
ness ot the City of St, Helens, con- j City of St. Helens, for their rejei
slsting of outstanding Sewerage DIs- or approval to be voted upon tit
trict Warrauts, heretofore issued. 'General Election to be held on
BE IT ENACTED UY THE PEOPLE 2nd day of April. 1917, ns by
Ti. i-i. vim i ., !,..-.- Resolved further, that s.".ld
"An Act entitled un act entitled an , ,.V , , .
act entitled an act to incorporate the lulk" together witl the ba lot t
City of St. Helens, in Columbia ' P"vUlea by tho City Attorney
County, and State of Ore.on. filed least "ce ' "3 "A'0'"1 n,:W1,,,,
, ';7" ... : of tho c tv of st. ii:
in iuu umce oi uie necreiary oi cviaie , , . , , ,
,i leu... ...j j..i days Immediately nreceiling said
Ronton 79,175.0', j
Clackamas 117,845.78 1
Columbia 64.342.91
Coos 163.218.67!
Curry 8,663.1 (1 j
IKiuglas 342.442.78
Jackson 283.323. 13
Josephine 14 1,232.31 I
Klamath 42,040.43!
Lane 300,631. 3X1
Lincoln 8.452.50;
Linn 47.464.49
Marlon 31.120.85
Multnomah 11,668.05'
Polk 66.979.19
Tillamook 1 1,928.64
Washington 17.171.32
Yamhill 17.374.33
Clarke (Wash.) 1,242.73
Murch, 1 to produce, $1.64 per
bushel, gnmpared with $1 03 a year
ago und $1.34 two yar ago.
Coin on arms State: Estimated
utoeku on farms March 1 iIiIh . r,
134,000 bushels, roiupared with lltl,-
000 bushelH u v-nr ago and 69, 000
liushela two years ago. Price March
1 to producers, 95 cents per bu.ihel,
compared with 92 cents a H'ur ago,
and $t two years ago.
United States: Estimated stockj
on farms M irch 1 this year, 7H9.000,.
000 bushels, compared with 1,110,
559,000 a year ago and 910,804.000
two yenr ago. Price .March 1 to pro
ducers' $1.01' per' bushel, roiupared
with 68.3 cents a year wgo and 75.1
cents two year ago.
Com of Merchantable Quality
State: The percentage of tho 191
rrop which wa of merchantable qual
It)' is estimated at 69 per rent, com
pared with 80 per cent of tho 1915
crop and 7 5 per rent of the 1914
United States: The percentage o,
tho 1916 crop which wa of iner
fhaiitahlo iiallty Is estimated ut 84
per cent, compared with 711 per
cent of the 1915 crop uiid 84.5 per
cent of tho 1914 crop.
Oat. on Farms-State: Estimated
stocks on farms March 1 this year.
4,670.001) bushels, compared with
4,336,000 bushel B y,.ur
2.93O.00U bUMholn lw vu: "
Pi Ico March 1 to producer.,
per bushel, compared ltli to I?''
per bushel a year ago uni j0
per bushel two your aKn. '
i 8tllt": KstlnmtcHl M
on farm Murch 1 till. 5ar
000.000 bushel., compared Wttb
14 8.000 bushel ylir M)
19.000 bushel, two year..,- f
March 1 to producer. 66. contl
tl Hull til llllll .. m...t . I, . . Pt'
vriiionini WIIU 12,7
buhel it year ago and 52.1 .-..:'
hlihel two your ago.
Hnrley on Farm- Htnte: r,,
limted ttock on farm. March 1 ik
year. 1.078.000 buahel. '
with D38.000 bushel u year....
549.000 bushel two year M0 P
Murch 1 to producer, 88 cenu -bushel,
compared with 68 cnt.
bushel n year ago und 78 emu .'
I.....I...I r'
iiiinm i iwu year ago.
United Brute: Estimated Hock
on farm March 1 this yOUr it...
000 bushel, compared with jg j,
000 bushel year ago and 4j,
000 bushel two yeur. ago.
Murch lo producer, 90 9 cnnti (,
bushel, compared with lit e eoni,
per bushel a year ago und 87.7
per bushel two year ago.
A little want ua In tlis Ml ,
I, ring result.
February 25, 1889; and as amended
hv an net to amend nn net entitled
nn act to incorporate the City of St.
Helens, in columiila County, and
State of Oregon, filed in tho office
Pcssed by the Common Council
this 5th duy of March, 1917.
Yeas 4 ; Nays nono.
nt n,e ..I st-in pi Submitted to the Mayor the 6C1
25. 1889. 'filed in the office of the oi'; 1917
Total ..$1,716,018.62
Lane county bus an additional
.mount due on i.everal email tract
: milted from its claim first filed.
A un roved by the Mayor tho 6th
day of March, 1917,-)
Filed March 5, 1917.
tha nfTInn .1.- (5 . ... . -a, 1889, III
February 10 imTand a amended ?f ary 8 ate Kcbr7 , 10,,,
by an act entitled an act to provide 18,9'1:d. as y in,
a definite plan for the construction i B? ent'tled. BB .a,ct to vr?yi a de".-l
1 i.T. . .. .. nite Dlan for the construction ntnl '
we,rcTyof d QUICK. A ' "
gon, at cost of interested property I 1 . , V 1. , 7 1 Recorder. . uary 19 says: An Investigation ot
?eXnrpUrerty"egnemed,LU'- """ l'Ue ,7 ' l" "r,,,,,"m "W
i?,"?!.,.6,,"'1 toil,e:of uroDrty benefited to the nav. 8a J P'OP0'1 umendnient will be as Ittllrm(, lmiy l)t.8l erve the govern-
iJtciii, mc.eui, ihuu in i lie OIIICP ... . , " follows to-wit"
of the Secretary of State February ! T"L"l"el- "KV" .V'f ort ce f An Act to amend Chanter VIII of ''t - "f "'-tUltles with tier-
xx, itfuo; ana also amended by that
certain proposed charter amendment
the Secretary of Smte February 11 "u "tl lu """ "npier tin 01 ... , . ,
1905; r.nd also amended by that cer- ,l,e of tho City of S:. I el- .".y is mni.e ny ,,. r. men-
,,i,mii.j . .1. , 1 ta n Dronoqed Ch-irer nmendmuiit - iiio-i hub ihiti--iii oetiiiiu n 1 en, uirecior 01 inline 01 nun sysiein,
Ktr"o st. J-?.. .f-".. 1. 1- M ex t-uy. It .. de-
tion held therein on August 2. 1909. )ZU TiZ fi'ioaT ''todness of tho City of St. Helen; c,r" lJlal Wln'hu" " work'"1 0,11
;,r1P J , 10 voters ut HakI aDnrove bv sVid voters .T JinX' consistnlg of outstanding Sewerage Ph
XrZlXJ11 iZ XXTaA !?.' Warrant, heretofore Issued. infan
I also carry a full line of Stationary Wash Tubs and
Bath Room supplies.
One of my specialties is Steam Heating and Fitting.
St. Helens.
Inn whereby 10,000 cavalry or
to amenH ti, i,.." . V,." r', . tion same being entitled An Act to "reioioro issueu. , iniauiry. ami coiupime e.iiipuien
St. Helens, under the nr ovimnn. n "mend the C'lu'rU'r of tl,e ('"y of st- 'tl .m pro0!"" amendment be ; CB ,umlj ,.V(,rv 24 hours. U
St. Helens, under the provisions ot ",m,end the 'hl'TT f tl,e ('"y 0f St
Section 2 of Artieln VI ,.r .i. ! Helens, under the provisions of Sec-
stitution of the State of Oregon and ! l!on 2 of Art'-' XI of the Constitu
to provide a system of water works ' of the Sti'-le of 0reSn- all(l ,0
for said City, to provide for the ! provl,le a si's' ot wuter works for
formution of a Hnnni of vin. r,... Kui8 City; to proviile for the forma-
luissioners to construc't"ncfinirn n,illioD of a Hoard of water Commis
i.ii.uiiKB sum system of water works
and to provide funds l,v uu,,i,,
i is understood that other railroads ore
j wording out tho same problems.
sioners to construct, acquire and i
manage said system of water works, ;
and to provide funds by issuing;
honds end otherwise to pajr for the!
same, and to manage and control the
receipts and disbursements of money1
necessary in creating and operating
said system ; to delegate to said
Hoard of water commissioners all the
powers now vested by the Charter
of the City of St. Helens, In the Com-,
mon Council of said City of St. Hel-:
ens, State of Oregon necessary to
give said Commissioners power to fix
rates for tho use of water, to collect
the same, and to provide penalties
for failure to pay water rates, and
for the waste of water by users; to
do and provide for all matters neces
sary for the construction end opera-'
tion of a complete system of water
workB. including the nnrchrc nt onv
. . - . .
existing system, the acquisition
needed land.
f ' " laauillK
bonds and otherwise to pay for the
same, to manage and control the re
ceipts and disbursements of money
necessary in creating and operating
said system; to delegate to said
Hoard of Water Commissioners all
the powers now vested by the char
ter of the City of St. Helens in the
( ommoa Council of the said City of
St. Helens, State of Oregon, neces
rary to give said Commissioners
power to fix rates for the use of wa
ter to collect the same und to pro
vide penalties for failure to pay wa
ter rates, and for the jiaste of water
by users; to do and provide for all
matters necessary for the construc
tion and operation of a complete syo
tem of water wnri. i..i...n- re
purchase of any existing systems, the
acquisition of needed land, rights of
way- reservoir, sites, springs and
streams, and water rights, to provide
funds for paying for the same, "sub
mitted to and approved by the leirul
voters of said City at the regular
election held In said City on the 4th
'lay of April, 1910; and as also
amended by that certain proposed
charter. amendment submitted to the
legal voters of the City of St. Helens
at a regular City election held there
in on April 7, 1913, approved by
wild. voters at said election the same
. being entitled An Act to amend Sec
tion 8 of Chapter IX of the charter
of the City of St. Helens, under the
provisions of Section 2 of Article XI
of the Constitution of the Stute of
Oregon, relating to the Water Com
mission providing that said Water
Commission shall at all times have
a President, who shall be selected
from the r nwn n,,.i, , ", "V"
- .. ,.HiuUC (Mill le 1 HV
Recorder shall be ex-officio the sec
retary of said commission, and in the
c-bsence of one or both ot said oifi
" 1tli.e v"ancy may be temporarily
l ed by the members of the Hoard
then present; also that said Hoard
shall adopt a seal; and also that a
majority of said linr,i .,... "...
tute a quorum for the transaction of! "rrantB on Sewerage District No. 3,
usiness submitted to and approved 2f7,"a d ,VUf ' """"'ed from 143 to
ny the oen vntan. ... i ... s7j. both nr nu va uii fiA n
V7 ""'TJf1!
v -v Tr i
' en nit
tV M
c 1
r 1
f 1
Your Clothes
an- tin- out w ar.l sii of .mr pi-rstuialitv atul position
, in lifo.
"I'lie iiim- coiisi-innstu-Cs of lK-inir well tliossnl will
it;!,) vm. Ik- ;,i vonr l.t-st in t,0 prosi-ncc of oilari
au.l you will ,,k as you w;it to 1)(,k. They art' le-4Mt;iu-.
; i;ti!ore.l wiih full rt'eoirniiioit of the pan
t.iev are to pH. 111 ilu- wcaiir's pcrsoitalit v. Our
pnevs are ream iiuil.k'.
Your preference can he fi,lv sjt,.( llr ;irKe
variety of p:tiu rus ami satisfaction is Kuaranlecl.
MERCHANT TAILOR St. Helens. Oregon
Tights Of WAV. rpuervnlr
sites, springs and streams, an water onntviMr v,otit.tt7o rnn
rights, to provide funds for navin. SPRAYING 1 'RUNES FOR
for the same, submitted to and ap
proved by the legal voters of said
Cfy at the regular election held in
said City on the 4th day of April.
1910," enacted and adopted by the
legal voters of the Citv nt at ni
ens, at a special election held In said
Scene of the Horse Show and Military Tournament
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Uiss ill Oregon 1511,011(1 Annually ,
l) llliilMnilli lis by ). ,. C.
Uarniers are by no means the only'
ones expected to benefit as a result'
I f the operation of the farm loan'
Faced hv 1111 anniiiiUv louu tt ulwmt ! 1 ... 1. . . ...
..o, oy.;v:ai cieuuon neiu in salil ' uunns. 1 no railroad companies also
City on July 23, 1915. be amended 150,000 from brown rot of prunes, soo nulc!l j,,,, , . n..lKUr Kor
by insertln n inlft fhonio- vm 1.. aim . ... ... !. '' " ' or
. " "..-.llini.l.lll-ll.lllllll, If i.vlill J
i ,,'in;u. i.nir- 1
in the Charter as Section Kl U. .hioi.
Section 81 shall red as follows
SeC. 81. For tlm mirnn.. -A . I
fundlne exiKHnf, fn,ii...i" ..utuourg msirict
City of St. Helens. Oregon, consist-: laBt 't'ar wltl' very ravoral,l(' rults
Itlf .f II, a f..ltn...l .1 ', . . 'mil U.,111 tin rni,nntn,l .1.1.. l .1..
... J" 'l tnin JI-UI 111 UH
r.'.llus district.
ainen.1,.,1 . ' U,K
posed charter amendment submitted1 ' "ntiI pttid at 11,0 rHte 'f
a new Sect on after Section 81 and t , . T , , ,nKtl'"M1 lue H. 3. Lovett, chair-
before Section 82 o be designated d';",,""itrilli"'' Hprayln , ,n of the board of the Union Pa-
unuer o, auspices oi mo Agrlcultu- tife, w,o was interviewed In Auslln
ral College Exlenslcn Service. A se- Texas, last week, said: "Railroads
una oi iiiese uemonsirai ions whu ,.., ,i... . . . . .
I .iit.niiiK i.ur re-j
turns on their Investment, especially!
last year. However, that was' un ah-:
normal year. Everybody wanting to
ship at once und tho absence of ocean
shipping havo created a little discom
fort over the country on account of
u c:tr shortage. On my own line j
am luokliu: for better business n-oin
now on hocuuKO of tho federal furm
loan law. Thij establishment of theso
banks and the use of H,0 money by
farmers are going to result In a grout
development of Idle lands, and agrl
iiinuio always goes good witli rull
road Iiiik ness.
w. a. urown. who
All Buftineu Promptly Attended To
PHONE 18 OR 12
Illg Of the follov.'lnir
standing Sewernzo District Warrants
heretofore Issued m-u-it- o...
District Warrants on Sewerag-j Dis
trict No. 2, of said City, numbered
from 45 to 116, both Inclusive, all
for 1100.00 each, except Warrant No
116 which Is for 1108.00, all bear
ing Interest from August 14, 1916
until paid at the rate of 6 per cent
i":r annum; anu sewerage District
The first spray of the series will
tie applied us the young buds are
pushing out und turning white, prob
ably about Murch 111. N. S. Guy lias
promised to lend an outfit for the
work, and cpruys will be applied to
iuu orcuaru oi ll. I. t minium i,u
, mvw m tifio LIlMiriCl ' - -..iij
Varrants on Sewerage District No. 3. nece.aary throughout the season
l-y the lega ' Z Z,?? 73? both" e Z". tTtill . Cl"We'" of " ad '' Htone
the regular election held in said CMv aC"' exce1 Warrant No. 273 which ! '"S "UbJect t0 brOW" rot are w,,rl(
on the 7lh day of April. liv ,,i ,or the HU, "f $47.60, all bearlnir'1"8 llunl for the success of these
aiso as amended by that certain nrn i . ""m tl,e 7tl' ''"V of Atiguat 'lemoiiKtrutiotis.
ni'iReil l'li:,rl,, . . " fu lfllfl linlll r.,.1.1 . . . . ' '
to the legal vo ' " M,lt "er to H r! , , , CO"""CU!" th0 d,"01'-
M. Helens . .. ' ,. !. (.lty.of ape District w.i. .T Orations luut year, and is devotln
1 therein on April i 9 1 X ! JJ1trlct No. 7. of said city, num-i ",uch llmo to 11,0 Btu,I ot Oils dl.i-
......... ut on, notn inclu-1 ' which is growing worse and
rani No riV wlHer','' ,eXCP,t War-' call for careful attention.
nt iri 9'c ,. ,llC1 ,or tl,fi 8U"'
a ...:.:; interest from , (-(Ji,i trr.t,.nti.... r . n..
ut' in iifircin a ii m . . .
proved bv snia ,..'
tinn ,i saiu elec-
ion, the same telng entitled An Act
.amend Section 13 of Chapter IX
of the charter of tho City of St Hel
rns, under the provisions of Section
2 of Article XI of the Constittulo
of the State of Oregon, relating "
he Water Commission, providing
hat said Commission shall apply an
Income from said system of water
works first to paying the operating
expenses extensions and bettermenU
ill f toward pro
'VUKUBL IK lli iinlll -..l.i ...
rate of six per cent per annum, all 16 umou,"''l to 9,295,538 oun-
of which are hereby validated,' the cs, ns compared with 9,063 67 1 ouu-
$500.00 or $1000.00, duly M VT -
signed by the Mayor and counter-! Vorkors eat 900,000,000 fi-
r, , o "ecorder under the cnl "oaves of bro:;d yearly, or nearly
.,i.ii . ' . "" pro- I',,,,,,,,.,,,, a... ... , - '
off tii ,i,i .7,... f . . , . ay'"'5 1 interest coim, ..Li"Y ,""yl.nB and spread their
'.,.. n,u,nui poiiiuis
.... water oouus and the In- i,eiiri.,cr o J '".totiieu inercto
i"icm mereon, ana any monev an . " . ,ut '"ie engraved s g
being : ta such sinking tit TZll by M ty'Zl M, t'T1iC'!l18' w"ere
direction of said Water Commissions, I effect nil h.el2 ln 8.UDBtan: and
tie invested in Improvement warranto 7 .. unuertake and promise, in1
or bonds of tho citv nt at iri. ""ration of the Dremises. tn n.
other warrants or bonds of saldM .'.G..'.! ett?h ' ald bonds at
oi but tor.
or other warrants or bonds of said
i uy. at par; also providing that
should the income from the water
rates not be sufficient to pay the
... uicreui me sum named
3tuTeU " o? !t,d V'n 0f tlle
Stutes of Annrica, with Interest
thereon in like Gold Coin It such
Oil of the coy bean Is a palatable
focd widely eaten by tho Chinese.
This vegetable oil also 4s used in
making pulnts, varnishes, soups, rub
ber substitutes, linoleum, waterproof
xocdB, lubrlcnnlg and printing Ink.
A summary or the March crop re
port for the state of Oregon and for
tho United Staten, as compiled by tl.
bureau of crop estimates (and trans
milled through tho weather buroan)
United States department of agrlciil.'
turo, is as follows:
Wheaf on K(1 mis Stale; Estl
mated siccus on farms Mfirch 1 tlifc
year. 2J40.000 ,,
will. 3,004,000 bushels a year ag,
and 1,82.0., two years ago. Price
on March I in r-,..i ...
. i""uiii, t.6U per
bushel, compared with 93 cents r.
year ago and $1.28 two years ago
l '.Ued States: Estimated stock,
on farms March 1 H,U
00,000 bushels, compared wlti,
901 ono "UM,ieis il yenr ugo and 152,.
90,1,000 two years ago. ,.rl,0 Hn
Your Last Chance
FTF.Il we Wave secured four
more tucmljcrs our "Diamond
Brand" Aluminum Club will be
closed, then we can
not sunply you with
a single set of this
High grade Alum
inum on the most
liberal terms of
$1.00 Cash
and 50 cts.
a Week
Will you le one
of the lin -V foilf?
..,.7. i...-
Will you snare
thi nilvanlaire oi
Von cannot nfWi . UHS Grand Offer?
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