s'p. & S. TIME TABLE From Portland leaven Arrives Portland. Bt. Unions . . H: 10 a. in. :12 a. m. ..12:25 p.m. 1:33 p.m. . 5:16 p. m. 6:23 p. m. . 0:16 p. m. 7:09 p. ni. To 1'ortluiul Leaves Arrives HI. Helena Portland 7:68 a. in. 9:15 a, m. .' ! 1 1:18 o. m. 12:20 p. in. .1:31 d. in. 4:40 u. Ml. !!""!.. 8:62 p. m. :&0 P- m. IDUDtB n niw.vd tlm 17.-!3.. Train. It.. 18. bUNTY AGRICUTU- RAL AGKN 1 WAN l liU . . . .. 1- ....I j. tin tlltt (oluliililu coiiiiij ""l " ......Una urlilf.ll mil. r .rlflllllirill fllFCIltH. I)llt !lt f dm runners uiw cuum lievo this county should employ la ,.... I ...ll..u.. ..v I An al.M Ltlce hnvliiK received requests lor rmutioii im 10 me worn mi cur- ln other c unu unu me fcl on LIST OF TRANSFERS Reported by Columbia County Ab stract Company. Out. 13 IlultolH Lbr. t o. to J K. (luinlilo; IiuiiIh In Hoc-h. 21, 2S, 111), T. N., II. 6 W., lu. Margaret L. Work et ux. to Isaac H. Ilunigardncr; litml In Krc . N., II. 4 W $10. J. Nyslroin el ux. to A. II. Hubh; lot 21 uikI 22, lllk. 2, Col. Park to St. Helens. $7. Oct. 14 Krlirk ()i:troiu et ux. to John Btniiley; lain) In Bee. 24, Tp. 4 N., It. 2 W., $HU. Anna Kolilo ct at. to Itor.a Stan wood et ul.; land In Hit. 20, Tp. C N., H. 2 W l,2r.0. A. I j. Kolii'iiolt et ux. to Arthur Cox; land hi Hcc. 4, Tp. 4 N., II. 1 W., $875. Oct. 18 Anthony Htirdy ct ux. to Thomas II. Hunter; lot X7, llcnyer Homes, $10. ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. OCTOBER' 27, 1916 TELEPHONE OPERATOR noth k to creditors ; TO WORK TEN HOURS , tll0 county ToTof the state of V;""' ,,r"W" h- r"- IntnciatUoacoh .'I. .red an opinion that the Hiuploymoiit Skirlo, deceased. of an operator In a telephone office Notice Ib hereby Riven by the ! for morn than ten hourH a day or ""'"BlKiied, tlie udminiHtratrlx witii more tl, 0 hours a week Is n vie- " fn,,xc,l ' l'ie tttte f, Jacob. , , , . wo Kkuzle, (icccaHod, to tho creditors of ",n ln" ten-hour law. Labor and all nemeim luivin claims neaiiiRt Bald cBtato, to present tliem with the proper vouchors within six months from the date of this notice to said administratrix witli will annexed, at the orrico of J. W. Day, in the Bank building at Bt. Helena, Columbia County, Oregon, tlie same being the place for the transaction of the busi ness of Bald estate. Dated October 27th, 1918. ANNIE HANNEGAN, Administratrix with will annexed of the estate of Jacob Skuzlc, da ceased. 45-5 i oiiiiuistiiiiiier llorr asked for the opinion, declaring that the Heaver ' ici k Telephone Compr.ny was em ploying Us operator more than tea hours a day. XOTICK Notice g hereby given that tho County Headmaster has filed In this office his Certificate of Completion of the following contracts in Itoad District No. . Lower Nelialcm Highway, Sta. 352 to 407, E. A. Gessell, contractor. l.'pper Nchalem Itoad, Specification I No. 1, o. H. Smith, contractor, i Gravelling I'pper Nelialcm Itoad, Sncc Iflrntifin v.. 7 1..1. i . II. Wright i-t ux. to D:ive I'r n- Lindslev. mnimnru lt.M 1'Olt K.M.K 3, lloulevard Acres, chard; tract $123.50. Oct. 17 Btnte of Oregon to Mar- en tM are aecurod. Hem1'1"111 K- Morgan; land In Sec. 8, Tp. 5 W. I- tl.nuii 111! ' ' " . . . 7 N II uiu,....t uinin iHiioitr oi couniv ' "'"' . . ' M II.. I A Liti M ) Kvana. to i oiuiuma - i Lv last '. Mr. KvaiiB ad-jJ"1"'""" '"' 32. Tp. f""' .. . 7 M li I U' tin the Bcappoose nociai i iuiii - today evening. About 76 per- iM ' N A . II. Wright et ux. to , .Headed and after tho matter ' " f " . k discussed a resolution was ,, HHklug the county court to brnprlalK ll.i'OO III Ilia Diulgei to jyonw-half the salary, traveling and ir expenses of a comity ugrlcultu- (l;eiit for IS 17. Thin amount n;U im duplicated by the state and ( total of $3,000 would furnish ,,UR)i funds so a capable man could .employed, one with both practical jpiTlcnrn and BClentltlc training, i. iKrlniltural college confers with way Adil to Italnler Oct. 20 - Wlkter llunomala et ux. to N. II. llcnrlkKcn; land in Sec. 3, Tp. 7 N., It. 4 W.. $1. Oct. 21 N. II. MenrlkKen el ux to John Victor I'um.tla et ux.; laml in Sec. 3, Tp. 7 N It. 4 W $1. John Mauris ct ux. to Anna Ito tner; lot 7, 1.1k. 27, Italnler, $."00. Oct. 23 -Missouri V. Craves lo Iva K. Dcdd; lots 6 and IK, hlk 16, St. Helens, $700. Oct. 21 Mary It. Copclnnd tti i.i fiirmerH mid fanners' criranlza t i. i i i. i i i.. . regarding tho .election of a -l-n ' "l- o.n... .a.... ... .--, atabln man. 1 Saturday evening Mr. Kvana ad-j t-wd a well attended meeting of Yankton grange, which also Lwd a resolution asking the coun- rourt to make an appropriation, i Mr. Kvans conferred with the mlicrs of tho county court, repre- kiatlva grungern and farmer, at t, Vernonlii and Clatskauie. Ho L been invited to apeak at the regu- muntlily meeting of the Clntska (rai)Ki' on the 28th and will also t Coble, Italnler und Warren. Mr. 'ana atnteil that nearly every per il vlaltixl seemed anxloua to have county agricultural agent located ths county. jTlis fourteen Oregon countlua em- Ing county agricultural agents f Coos, Crook, Jackson, Klamath, li.e, Lake, Malheur. Multnomah, amook, Cnlon, Wasco, Wheeler J Vaiiihlll. Over 1,100 are em- j In the I'nlled States, and a lite number In Canada. Tho work thine county agricultural agents era a wide range of activities. rketlng receives a great deal of ti t Inn as well aa better cropa and momiial production. AmoiiR the matters which have n given attention in western Ore fti counties are tho following: Co rrntlve marketing of livestock and fier products, drainage and the use lime, crop rotation, seed Improve' ("'tit, better and more economical f ling of dairy a'.ock, slloa, silage p, row testing and brooders' as rlallons. 17 and 18, Tp. 4 N., It. 1 W $1. All protests against the accentance of these contracts must be filed in the office of the County Clerk, within two weeks of tho date of the first publication hereof. Date of first publication October 19, l'JIO. A. K. BAHNETT, 44-2 County Clerk. IN TIIK COMMON COUNCIL OF TIIK CITY OF ST. HELENS. COL CM 111 A COUNTY, STATE OF OltKCON. In the matter of tho application of John S. Parke and Netta 15. Parke, for the vacation of a portion of Hose Hill, In the City of St. Hel ens, Oregon, together with certain streets therein. TO WHOM IT M Y CONCEKN: NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned petitioners have filed I with tho City Recorder of tlie City of St. Helens, in Columbia County, I Oregon, and on Mondny, the 13th day or November, A. D. 1916, at the hour of eight o'clock In the after- noon of said day, at tlie Council chamber, In the City Hull, in said City, will present to tho Common Council of said City, and call up for I hearing and determination their peti tion to said Common Council direct ed, praying for the vacation of all of Cuttle Over 1.500 head were re-'; Mocks 6, 6. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 celved Monday, llest steers were sold ttn(1 15 ltol, "I". 111 the Francis , . ... . ,, iii . A. Leuiont Donation Land Claim, In i for $8.85, while several loads 'f : section 33, Township 6 north, Range ! good steers went at $6.75, with otherj i WP8t of tho Willamette Meridian ! good louds going from $6.25 to $6.60. In said City of St. Helens, together Cow stuff remained steady from $5 with all that portion ol Lemont street j . . . , , I,, and W alnut street, In said Roso 11111,1 lo $5.50. A couple of good choice., of Waa Wttl,a gtr6et; n cowa brought $6. Heifers sold nl that portion of Spring street and Pa $5.50; bulls, $4.25 to $4.50. Stock- ctlic Street, lying north of Lemont . . ' CI ini.l uml nil nt lt,..wl titrnnt Vrutilr-. ors and feeders were in goon oe- " . , . . . . , ,,, . Iln Street und Pine Street lying mnnd; best steers, $5.60 to $6, with . . , . ,,, (.nlin,.,. number of calves ut $7. city County road. Hogs-There was a very good run; l-TTx nAU(V of hogs Monday, over 3,1.00 wen! j)Hte(I October 2nd, 1916. 42-6 over the scales. A few loads sold at ; $9.35 for tops, with several buds of NOTICK OF FINAL KETTLKMKNT. good prime hogs going at from $9.26 ! r0UN-773L?KT 0F THE to $9.30. Prime hogs were In good; gTATE OF OREGON, FOR COL- doiuand and moved early, other stuff; l'MHIA COUNTY. moved rather slow. ' In the Matter of the Estate of Anders j Sheep There wero more sheep In Stamina Deceased. , Vn no ia inrohv tr I van Illlt till I the yards this week than there hue ulll,errti),nP( administrator of the es- been for some time, over j.smiu neing tat0 0f Anders Staffans. deceased, has i Packers were very liberal I rendered and filed with the Clerk of i.....iu ..f LnniK limn it lit I said i ouri, ins iinui accoui.i. tun m Will sell ihe 450-acre farm belong ing to the Charles Muiklo estate, lo :;if'd in Sections 7-8-16 and 17, in Township 4 North of Ilango 1 West n Columbia county, Oregon, a per son of which lies on the famous SuippooKe buy; 200 acres of which is cleared and under cultivation. All ev I, easily cleared and well watered. I 'or terms, apply to James Muckle, 563 L.'.dd avenue, Portland, Oregon, ir to W. J. Muckle, St. Helens, Oro- im. JAMES MUCKLE, W. J. MUCKLE, MARY CEORGE, F.xoaulors of the Estate of Charles Mucl.le, Decor.sed. 41-tf Timber, Ore., Oct. 20, 1916. To Whom It May Concern: A report having been circulated that foul means had been used re sulting In the deuth of a heifer be longing to a neighbor, the heifer hav ing been found on our place, we be lieve the following statement of facts aro necessary. A heifer was found dead In our pasture and a chargo made that she had been unduly run by certain mem bers of tho family. The facta are that the dead heifer had not been seen. Another heifer, a Jersey, was driven out, but not unduly run or In- borhood congregated and barked during the night. Tlioro were no loose dogs belonging to us that night and no chasing of cuttle was done harm by any of us. We all know the disease which is prevailing throughout tho country. MR. AND MRS. It. L. WILDMAN. (Paid Adv. iiiiE! iire: i irk: fire; See E. E. Quick, St. Helens, and Insure your property in the Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinn vllle, Oregon. Don't put it off. W. L. WARREN. Agent. jured In any wuy. Another falBe'Mch6tf charge was that tho heifer was run all night and that the dogs were j The farm wood lots of the United heard barking all night. The facts . States contain about 10 per cent of aro that we had a female dog tied up ' the total standing timber of the ind a number of dogs from the neigh- country. All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. R. CONSTANTIN PLUMBING, HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK. St. Helens Oregon Don't compare milk and cream Phono 107. I St. Helens Dairy without a trial, i PORTLAND MARKET M. HOVEN Steamer RUTH SAFE, SPEEDY SERVICE TOWING, JOBBING Passenger accomodations for 100 Landing at City Dock PEANUT ACREAGE accent figures compiled by the iu Industrial congress show that to acreage in peanuts In Texas this P" will bo something enormous " report saya that there will be i" Ichk than 150,000 acres, and (J.ulily there will bo half 88 much fro, especially should tho continued iKhl In tlie const countlua cause tanners to plant peanuts Instead tern." There was a beavv domnlid Texas peanutH last year and prices Ki'l anywhere from 62 to 90 cents bushel. It Is said that contracts already being made by oil con Jors for this year's crop, In some IMunces as hleb na 7 5 eents ne Hhcl, and the greatest eagerness in !ng displayed ln getting enough l" to supply the demand for oil f"J ether hv-nrnlnla which has '"'n out of the European war. George's Market ST. HELENS FRESH AM) SALT MEATS PHONE 4S Prompt Service CITY GARAGE Agency for The Chevrolet $570.00 F. O. B. St. Helens Sold on easy terms Hupmobile Service Station Keep a Full Line of Firestone Tires OIL, GASOLINE AND ACCESSORIES Best equipped Machine Shop in the town for Auto and Marine Work Battery Recharging St. Helens, Oregon INDEPENDENT MILK CO. Dealers In received, and a few $8.7&, 25c over last week brought $7; ewes, J5.&0, Is very good. Wethers Heniiind MILK, CREAM BUTTERMILK UNION PACIFIC WANTS 2.500 NEW CARS Out of the market for a year oi moro for new equipment, the I nlon Puclllc is now culling for bids for 2, B00 new cars. Tho construction of ihli equipment would require i&, 000,000 feet of Oregon fir lumber I'bo prospective order calls for 1,500 standard box cars und 1,000 uuto- mobile cars. There Is a probability t lint tho car construction plant ol tho Twoby Uroa. at Portland will be given an opportunity to bid on tin order, as It Is known that the offl cora of tho company aro willing to place the contract in the west if the prices of tho eastern car builders ure lliet. port of his administration of said es tate, and that Saturday, the 28th day of October, 1916, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of said flay, at the Court room of said Court In the Cmirt limiKK in the Cltv of St. Helens. ' . . . it . . 1 1. o TI.,1. .. In Columbia County, Oregon, nasi v e solicit u suaro ui mo oi. uoicuo been appointed by said Court, for the I trade 8nd guaruntee satisfaction, hearing of objections to said final ac- j count and the settlement thereof. All t persons Interested In said estate are RT ,KKVu hereby notified to attend at said time ; "" 43 fcT. Hl.U.NS and place and make and fie their nnrP, objections of said account, if any, LUUU" they have. ,.,,, i,i. The Loyal Orde7of Moose, SU Hel- 1 ated at St. lelens, Oregon, this Nq m8 Me(jt first 27th day of S 6N(, and thlrd Wednesday of each month. UUUIIUU . W V . . V. , ..... -.1 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 .... I ... .1 . .!. P-.-to f n,lor ! vlBllum Buiumuy Stnfftins, deceased. Seton & Strahan, IMntt Building, ; " t'OrilUllU, UlVfii'", iw,.iw " Tho stund of timber on the two great national forests In Alaska is -Kilinaled by the forest service at over seventy billion board feet, while the annual growth, It Is said, produce of wood pulp alone enough for the manufacture of 3,000 tons of wood pulp a day. HAKHY BENNETT, Dictator. WOODS, Sec. tute. 41-6 SIMMONS Mizpah Chapter O. E. S. meets In Masonic Hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. MRS. LILLA M. CUOUSE, W. M. JOHN PHILIP, Secy. in the rincriT court op the or,. . tit. al' ripnnM IV AVn FOR COLl'MUIA COUNTY. Tlllicum Tribe No. 52. Improved Nancy Bacon. Plaintiff, vs. George O. H M.. of Yankton, Ore . meets at W Bacon. Defendant. its wigwam, second and fourth Sat- . ., i ...Jnu. f Aai.li mnnTh Tn C.enree w. llucon, aeieiiniiiii "V":""-. above named: W. G. BRANNON, C. of R. EBER BROWN. Sach. Insure the Happiness of Your Little Ones! Any parent charged with neglect of his children naturally will be come indignant. Still there are some parents who, through carelessness, neglect to provide for their welfare. The little ones must be protected. There is no better protection than a bank account. If You Haven't an Account Open One Today For the Children's Sake The Columbia County Bank St. Helens, Ore. OLDEST IN THE COUNTY St. Helens Rehekah Lodge, No. 217. meets first and third Thursday of each month In I. O. O. P. Hall. Visiting members always welcome. MRS. EMMA LANSING, N. G. MRS. ELLA ALLEN, Sec'y. HELENS-PORTLAND BUS WILL CONTINUE '''auk Hhepard, who oporatca tho Ilelens-Portlund auto line, states HI endeavor to maintain the rsspiit servlco during all of the wln ' "loiiths. The roada have been Nroved o that tho rainy sonson 111 unt make them IninuHsable. So "ulo will be comfortable, Mr, '"Piird luis arranged for a boating ,,Ylfe, the heat of the exhaust and PKlno coming through tho car In 'Pes, something on the order of the "Mil heating system of a railroad Fsch. The hn. II tin litta 1 toft n ft fFrAflt h'venlence to tho traveling public. "u Uly will be pleased to learn that win continue In regular aervlce. Getting out of bed on the nht side is only part of the game. A cup of good coffee will in sure a wonder ful day. Colder, West Coffee ls"JustRiht" Columbia Encampment, No. 77, I. O. O. F. meets in the I. O. O. P. Hall, on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Sojourn ing Patriarchs most cordially invited to meet with us HARRY BENNETT, C. P. C. W. HLAKESLEY, Scribe. St. Helens Lodge No 117. I. O. O. F In tho name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or be fore November 11th, 1916. If you fail to so appear nnd answor for . .. m .l. ..lnlnttfF U.IU Oil. want inoreoi, i" iinm" -r i nlv to the above entitled Court for I the relief prayed for in her com-! ' nlnlllt. tn-Wit: For a docree of divorcement dis solving the bonds of matrimony borotofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff, Nancy Bacon, and for the care and custody of tho minor child, Harold Bacon, and for such other relief as the plaintiff may he entitled to In equity. This Summons Is sorved upon you by publication In the St. Helens Mist, a weekly newspaper of genernl clr ...uiinn. nrintod. published and cir- i.. fv.li,mliln I'nnntv. State ciiiaie.i in nrA, ofiwavs civen a hearty welcome. ? onUTs: rVounty Judge of CAR! IL AAMOND N O. Columbia County. State of Oregon. C. BLAKfciaLkY. beo. until order wbs made dated and enlOT 8eptrth'11,'al,dl Avon Lodge No. 62 Knights of i.. .fw Summons to be pub- Pythias meets every Tuesday even UHUo l in said paper" for six consecu-' Ing In Castle Hall. St. Helens. Vis requires you to ap-ll.ing ,n c .i. onttt fid Court and! JAMfc.s oiUNiNiitt, i.. y.. P1 " ntd eomnlalnt on or before I B. A. ROSS. K. of R. & S. Novomner 11th. 1916. Soptombor 29th, 1916, Is the date of tho first publication of this Summons and Novomber 10th, 1916. will be the date of the last publication thereof . LANG LEY & LANGLEY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. H.Kr i meets In the I O ,JL'- ' rrr o. V. building, on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, visiting members are al- OUR RULE OF BUSINESS is to pay cash and buy in large quantities. In this way we save you money on your purchases. Our stock of DRY GOODS, SHOES AND NOTIONS is complete and the prices are low. Good Groceries our Specialty Try us with your next order A. T. KIBLAN Phone 35 Houlton (West St. Helens) St. Helens Lodge No. 32, F. & A. M. meets 1st d 3rd Saturday ln each mouth. Visiting brothers cordially Jt. J. SOUTHARD, V. M. E. E. QUICK, Secy. niicl II TIIK CKLIOBKATKH BERGMANN SHOE Awurded (iold Mednl P. P. I. E. Sim Francisco, 11)15. Loggers' Cruisers, Miners and Sportsmen. Men's Comfort lress Shoes. Strong Shoes for Hoys. Manufactured by THUO. HKUGMANN SHOE MFG. CO. (121 Thin man Street PORTLAND, ORE. ASK VOU THE BERtiMANX WATERPROOF SHOK OIL