ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1916 6 U'REN'S SINGLE TAX MEASURE A t'lfar K.ilunation ( Tlii Amend- llll'llt. .herself so." From l'rogr:aa mul Vov- value to the pasture luiuls; nml tlmt erty." Chapter 2. p. S. 'so It U with the farmer'! land. "Any one can see that to tax land j Wherefore he having had thin great up to Its full valuo, would amount advantage while he fanned. It would to precisely the same thing as for- be unfair that he should get u het tnally to take possession of It, and ter priee for his farm when he sells, ti, ..n ti.t it nut t.i thu 'iiirimui lilit- Musi hecuuse there are many who lands Improved, and therefore are least aide to hear It. Tue Will Vastly liirrwax lly this aliieudnient one-third of all the land rent taxes shall he set asld to he loaned to those poor who have lands to Improve and who have mi l to me iiignesi uiu- jui ru ' .......... i.i.. i,,,,.,. i 1 tiers." From "Tlio Land question." , want to buy; uml so the utate ougui proveu.emi. u. . p 54 to take awav hy taxation siii'li lii-jiiisu ine uiiit-riuim' !., ........ 1'lt.Mi IMIvers the StraiKlit iim crease. to 7. ,'1,r; Is It not printed in tho Single Taxi All these reasons are set forth Hi urns si an im .....u ...... Review of December. 1912. that in ! what the single taxers have written; shies tin. ini eriimiee i.n.n. 1 " " " Hoston, on the 2tli of November of land I cannot set them down ime-hulfi as liiil.h as Is tollette.l for ull oll.r that year. Mr. U'lten spoke to the ' so well us they. Hut mostly do tlie , purposes; ami ine me ... Fels fund conference In this wise: talk about speculation mid ubotit Idle cre.iseti moie man iiii..-m.... Whatever is done in Oregon here-! lands. i r taxes now- are -"" """ I after, will bo done absolutely along I t'f Idle lands will I first speak. year, of wliien lauii pas n,wuu.u. 1 iinnrv n...- nlln." ! It u-..r tiuiat trill.'iit if all Kiiod llv this a mend ineut , one-half will bo appeared In the Oregon Voter Oeto-i Ami ,.ow Blv i1WM'., .ie wns of tlilnus men desire to buy were cheap.! added to the taxes, and they will he i this amendment: ' and all good things men desire to sell '(C) Public ownership of all land , were dear; and then were all happy; I" Hon s "Full liental Valuo or Sin gle Sux" amendment to be voted on November 7 Is such a vicious measure and cloaked in words calculated to deceive tho voter that the Mist, for the benefit of those who havo not read the whole measure, is publish ing an article by A. L. Veazie which ber 21 and which. If read carefully. should show tho voter that I'ren Is ; ugaln trying to get back to single; tax. It is apparent thut the ti:le of; rent is right. It Is there fore right unci necessary thut all land rent shall be collected the measure, "Full Rental Value hv nnbUe taxation Laud Tax and llomeiiiaker's Loan! "(d ) It is the public policy of Ore Fund Amendment," Is used purposely on to abolish ull forms of land mon in each article to Impress on the 0"?.!(yf ) The wor(,a .,aml U!R(1 voter s mind the titlo he wll see on ; this section mean the fair and Just the br Hot. If U'Rcn's measure Is price per year, as appraised hy pub- adopted every other form of prop erty will he exempt from taxation and land alone will bear the burden. Railroads and public service corpora tions will no longer pay their share of tho taxes. The small man must pay their share as well us liia own, but then let's read Mr. Yeazie'g ex pose of I'ren's attempted crime against the farmers of Oregon: lie officers, that a renter should pay for the use of auy land. The appraised land rent shall be paid to tho public tax collector. "(h) During the year 1917, the state land board shall cause the county assessor and state tax commis sion to appraise the annual land rent price of every lot, tract, parcel and quantity of land. Begin ning on the first day of January, 1917, all the appraised land rent of .. nf , A......... l,..t1 l. .....In,. ...I ci , , ,. Luc iuiiu w . v....vf.i dm.. uc Luuixiru Some think it a great wrong for ni,ii ... The State Would lie the Owner Thus shall the state take away in taxes the "Full Rental Value" of all any to own land but the state onlv Such, called single taxers, seek always to overturn those titles which ull of which the end so the single taxers promise it shall he with the For they do say that the farmers and home-owners shall Hud their land more valuable to keep, but that those who huvo none uml will buy, shall Unit it even r.s Shakespeare, the great poet, has said: "You may buy land now as cheap as stlnckliig mackerel." I. lien. IV. it 4. :t:i7. And no doubt It is true, its the single taxers say that if tills law he made, the price of laud shall he us I Mscation, and If It conn, to hlrth It naught for those who would sell; for: shall bring forth that monster. I.el tho state will have got all, and they . lit. wi.-.e take heed, shall have nothing to sell; but as for cmie out ami vole 307 No, those who would buy, they then must ... ,,.. $'i:i,iiOO,Ot)0 a year laud must pay. t'ities huvo In part been built by laud owners. They have given up neur the half of their ground for streets. I In I lit In km III turn give value In the lands. If single-tax wero law, then would owners strive to ward oil the coining and growth of rllles, because Increase of ground-rents would eat up their Improvements anil bestow no recompense. Owners have paid present values, and it is unjust to roh them. This i: in .'ii.l in 'ii t Is pregnant with cou- III' not tell them the price now; uml never, nave for five vears: and that N'OTH 1 ahull he after thev have fur a tlniei MNAI, ACOU'VI occupied; and not in advance. Iliilliling Not Stimulated ! The single taxers say, that If all ground rent be taken for taxes, then j will men greatly desire to build on considerations granted They bring now for our suffrages, one of their devices, called the "Full Rental Value Land Tax and Home makers' Loan Fund Amendment to the Constitution," the Intent and ef fect whereof are to let no private man any more own land in Oregon; but the state shall he sole owner (save of improvements) and univer sal landlord; and the people shall be all ten ants, and pay the state the worth of their lands in rent, in order that they may keep the possession thereof. Naught else shall be taxed, save by special vote In any year. Confiscation And how shall the state get those lands? The way is plain. Itl'.fcKNTATION OK AMI I'KTI- TION KOK IIVll. NK.TTI.KMKXT IN K.STATH OK ISAIAH McllK.K., IIW'HASKII. Notice Is hereby given that the iiudersigiied has rendered ami pre seated lor settlement and tiled in the County Court of Columbia Coun ty, Slate of Oregon, her Final He- ' and Account ns F.xcrutrix of Itself. So does our reason also ugree; for what shall it prolit a man to own land, if another take the benefits thereof, in taxes or otherwise? And therefore do the single taxers say: "The David's sling of taxation shall slay the Uoliath of land ownership." For they purpose In their hearts the Courtroom of xahl Court In St. Helens, In said County and State as the time unit place for the hearing of objections to tho said Final Ut- j port and settlement thereof. All persons Interested in said e- our state and nation have on solemn the land; and it shall thereby be the i their lots; and' partly they believe owner of all the land; for. ns llanill- tins looiisnness; tor much it Is. ton said "What. In fact. Is nrouertv I not land owii.ts iiuw who tlio ii..ii..n,.iiii iwa ir if" I build, net as a reward both urouiid i port 1 The supreme court of t'ennsvlvunla ' rent and a prol'.t on their cupltal 1 the H,;l1'' )f Isaiah Mellee, Deceased, has said: "It is well settled as a i used to build ? I ""'I the court has. by order, appoint general rule of law, that a devise of j All(' how shall they more desire to ; ,''1 "'i l".v r November, I'Jltl, 'build when they can uet for lheni-it the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. at .... r . , ....i i , il,.. Cii,)....,.., ,.r ....i. I i.. is equivalent to a tlevlse of the land : semes uiert-uy no ground rem, out must pay all unto the state. Likewise it Is with other sorts of Improvements. (iettlng ltiul Nut Matte Cheaper Now let us consider thu doctrine. jthut If the ground rent be ull taken 1 ,al, ur, hereby untitled to present for taxes, the laud shall he free and ll"'lr objections, f uy t,y ,uvei Whosoever will may take it; uvei,0ald Final Report and Petition for that he must pay the ground rent. Hunt Settlement at said time and True It Is, that thus the state will! Place. by such devices as now they bring. ! ''uve ull and tho former owners noth-' Dated First publication. 27th day to take away the land from the own-j " : Ul'""er, I a 1 1. ers; which they cannot deny. Nevertheless, the land shall be; DIKNA WII.KF.S, 1.. i,.n. t ...nt.. ... i mora rnitlv tn liltn ul,,. iulu 11 I lv.itrlv t,. .... . ah ii uiu, il as uiaiu uuu iiuucr&i J ...... . . u r. , mini t- ne neeu out to conliscate the rent 0f Ilenrv Georee to call It ronllscR. now It Is. I Slaplelon & Conley, inereor for taxes, as this umendment Hon; as such It is. I For now may he buy and know. Attorneys for Kxeculrlx proposes. i v . 1( . ,j.,i i,i n., : the nriee. nml when Im Iliu ,i,i it ' . No man has any right but what that thus he spoke; forasmuch as ! ''e is quit; and If there happen a ne, 'aw.u,u.0 ,lim B've!i: and we who "confiscation" alarms tho intended i Rain. It Is his. uiuKe me laws may make and un- victims, which miirhi li..v l..n ! Hut when this amendment shell b. make rights. evaded had some gentler term been Thus may men who think thev i..l-.i n?e nLni. " Ut '1 19 Uot 80 after But this is of no moment; for Tifen ? ii it spfin- , a '9 "lead, it matters not ..tin tl i ?' ff thel'- by what word the thing was named . i."1 " .f.tUe itc? Stutes to save that slew him. ..en lauua tor iiiem, out maytiap the court will say, as did Chief Justice Marshall: "An unlimited power to tax in volves, necessarily, a power to de stroy; because there Is a limit be yond which no institution and no property can bear taxation." If there be those whose hearts are sick at the thought of the wrong they would do, to confiscate the lands thn So shall it he with the land owner- ship in Oregon. When it has been Dr. Slime's lieuvea. Trlco - - ....... ...if, . hi. ii,, in. -ii i ill- . the luw, he dial) know the full price,) "l;lhl', aim never sliull ho bo quit with pay- ing It; and if there comu a gain il ls not his, but yet ho must pay therefor. For this doctrine Is, thut all the gain appertains to the tax eaters and them only. Whoso cannot see. that to huv.. 4G-5 Heave llmpi cures 1 1 ; for aalit by all ; stuck between tho eyes and has ; laIlU 8hu" ue '"ore costly when such ceased to quiver, It will not matter i 8mul ,e tlie law. Is void of under whether tlio slingstono was called I standing. single tax, or land rent tax, or ex-I The doctrine of the single taxers Is, cmption luw, or what the fancy of j t0 lake uwuy 'y taxes called "land man did choose to call It. i rt'bts' the gain in the worth of the Keiistms W hy the Owners Shall Itiw i l;,n1 '' who holds it. ! Their Ml Shall He Teimnls Hut for what reasons shall no pri-, ,iv "'l8 l!iw " man any more shall M inl.Ie. 8 ' Vs "Pl 80 wltnlvate man any longer own laud inTn iunii Oregon, but ull shall be ml? fl'. Wl,, d!em tllat Oregon? tenants and have naught but their rh the nenni.1, m"1 '3 Was 11 E" I'y the i 'n.provements. inpvVni. o ? d 8" tlllnB9 fat:"'rs of country, and of our! Tlierehy shall the state have what rino the, ant,.accor'1"K0tl'Pirdoc- own state , tim8 past that mpn Is abiding and men have loved to winn" to fi,? .? 1" 8Uch 8 I"'11 own the land? Aud were nd men shall have what is wrong to hold them, that iust v thev .,. .i .i.i. . ever i,i.riui,i,,(. ,i ...1.1..1. 1 deserve to he m9,l. ,)... ".,. 1.' "ut B...u i..e.r 011 hoi- i .-- ", "",.""" "''" WHr ,. . . - " e i n assurances tnat mev anti the r E. W. KETKI. St. Helens, Ore, Contraclor-.-Builder i:STIMA'li:S. PLANS Cement Wink u Specially I'lioun Ood service who treats them heirs and assigns should have them? Which Is true; but sundry reasons to the contrary now appear. or other calamity, may all perchunce be swept tway; au in Sun Francisco. When railroads come, and when roads and schools are built with does so But are there those who say: ins amendment has a kind look t. 1.. r 1 ..... ! taxes tin. lumi nu.,w,u 1...., nn tta ffa . . . : 11 10 umi tiioae wun came: , " " a " .1 uil'l anrf if' ,, omlsP1 80,0' tMngH, , earlier, with ox-teams and In divers "'eliy their lands are made to be of . ,, pro. hur(1 waV9 were BClllsh and took the K'eutnr worm, men thu advantiiKe best lands; and therefore all the ad vantage thereof ought to be taken from them in taxes. Owners of timber lands in particu lar shall lose all, because they have pie, are our . friends and surely they would not greet us with fair words and stick a knife under our fifth rib; for do they not love the farmers and home builders' But, truly. It is so as I say; for this amendment was conceived In Hfn1.GCOrBe and BliaPed bv U'Ren; thereon g1evaent3.,etnVtoktheaItaayte,1'e ,aml8 "d i 5 f '"T PceiveY th8t 1U,'r Pt'ple arG i wl,1(,h no PR0"le wer0 realy t( dwell. but have robbed the public these mureoi hiiuii ue luKeu away in the Increuso of land rentH the stata will charge. Is It just, that the land owner lirst must puy to build the road, and then not Improved those lands, but have'aaln UIUHt Pay the state for all the hell them "idle" and let trees grow ud vantage It Is to have the ronri? And Is It best that there shall be no more owners, but only tenants In 1 our state? j Kree liumls j What lands are those which the single taxers say tho unemuloveil deceived xrorue noma IXi if. .,... 1.. i.. . . i...n 1.. . . .. . - If nny still doubt, let them but ' menu ' " a8- j '" he law' amendment j take awnv"'.ai!!, V , iChTy "l?1"8" to They were foolish people to hold Arc they' not the lands which now' wha't Ta neein er ( says-1"6" " 1'" I , T''0y, 8"Ul1 "aVe mBn T "ave 'or? Most ala'h ci.; r . i?' a ,JUilt h01IHis a'"l ''eld them idle, too. assuredly; for the single taxers Dur- getler even as t he ax to iLVC W m W" 8ave(1 M moner pHH "y 111,8 a''lment to "ke away of he chkken " Ck an,""eht some ground, with intent all the value thereof In land rent! For these are the words of George: hrCy?"" "U"d h cannot U ZZ "'T m ' "' lan" ' Kirst ouht t0 1,ave bu" a ,,oue ' Wh,t" ls a "''"rKe fot l e fu iTalu" ' TI 1 afterwards to have saved his thereof; because nothing is it worth I orf"a S ""i.1!".)"' P 'ton;toany man to buy It oVuie oer mnro Veu..r.,.t iu L . 7 . " "u "uvv ,ur ",s looiisnness snail 111s j '"" pay ine mortgage. tMrTtorTaJ no e a BreUt "e .tak.en aWay '? UXe8' t0 ben!,lt I . T,'U8 B"a" t,,e ' ' 'al worth- '!r. u,iir. 1 ii.. . """ soino nouses, according i '"- 10 ine present owners, beenuue n-n,, , K" ,,olltloal vower. no to the Scriptures in such cases. j they must pay the full renta TZ Z connoted VlV o e'T ' tl.'.U.K" 1 In like eV" fiX 8,,a" "e be' w" 10 U" stat UWwU o? ,Z TuA l Yn i . 10 ';P"l'lio has but tho beggarly elements of a! shall bo no cheaper, but dearer a valid tilt ctan'vVoa l,"Jlvllual 'a"", where nature has set many! rather, to him who would occupy ?!.!? f, r r 1 11 . X?'US ,ve ow,,er- stumps and thick brush for assur-ifor It shall cost him more n ami Pvul c-H'la.a,Re '"(' 1 of, an that the soil Is fertile. rent taxes, than to buy under the law Hen If T' Sa, iBfy tlie aw of Ju8" Slla11 Iie ot Pay a "" taxes as ' that now we have. X U,e ,u ,! ,m (! . a,' eco,lomlc require- ,H happy neighbors whose farms aro 1 Much Shall fu. v ments, by abolishing at one stroke all cleared and fruitful' 1 i,,, , """ I ntuxetl private titles, declaring all land pub-! iIe has as much of Nature', bounty 1 1 10 000 OOof m?n "i"0!1 gZ ,re" Ic property, and letting it out to the as they, yea more: he ti.L Z.i!"'0 ,0' rHa lbe1' traclt and uuici ii.mi iiiinroveinpnlM m iin ' - bltfliest l.l.lilora Ir. . ..' -" . " " "r1' u,,u"r . lu'P. no has a sldelilll ctock and Bi,, ,iu, ,u uuU u woiiiu saereuiy , rarm, where he can "sit and look up and $221 241 nik "ti ..1 .. . 1 "'"m,H guard the private r.t tcirov, the atje cowS & S "J Lr. "'"T.,0! .5?" 1 .. . fitful trees grew JoArZ" in tii luuu.iiioi oy .-Natures Bounty, and t he r sides a croi.t mm 1 The first would be unjust; the second flocks and herds Mmo n, , ," Z f8 a, freat BU.m' wl'lch no man can needlesB. Let the Individuals who ' Nature's bounty, now hold It retain It If they want to, It Is only in man's bounty that the possession of what they are they are richer than he, and surely pleased to call their land. Let them of mun's bounty ought not man to buy and sell, and bequeath and tie-; take away any in taxes; but only of vise It. Wo may safely leave them j Nature's bounty, or what the poor the shell If we take the kernel. It is ; boob has bought of Uncle Sam, or not necessary to confiscate land; It ls ; mayhap of tlio stuto. - - , ".-.. in. .nun uuu estimate, for clearing, draining, or -u. ue uuu me iiKe. .oT'in llllal', llln,s are assessed at 125 CO per acre, average; and no doubt the owners will fay more than that was spent in money and labor to Improve them. All that escapes must bo made up llV Dilllil . . . .. "I only necessary to confiscate rent. We i Of that may wo take awav nil. nd .1. " 1 .. 5 ,.Baln81 1,18 occupiers already take some rent in taxation. 1 our consciences will fool trnnrt- 1.0. i.,.,... ... ,' BB exfln'Ptions can We have only to make some changes , cause wo havo his money soaked in our mode of taxation to take it all. , away where he cannot get it back. Be Fair to Your Wife Save her the Wasli Day Drudgery. Let us call for your laundry. Our work will satisfy you St. Helens Steam Laundry Geo. Watkins, Prop. AHomelndustry Children Cry for Fletcher's iUlVb) U n a m lu ii so for over HO yvw.-n, luin borno u10 ,i ,; """"en lAa&FT&Z&U Allow no one to ,' vo , V"'' All CotiiitorfcltM, liiiHittlotiHiin.l "JuNt-UH.,,,,, ' '. ,! 1,11 M'U, txpeilineiit tlmt III Ho Willi mid nliiiim.r il. , i Ur.ebut luIunU und ClUidreu-lixnerleiieo BuiuHt t",'' What is CASTORIa"' Cnsforln In a linnnloMd Nnlmtltnto for Cnstor Oil i Rorlo, lrom and Sootlilnu- HyrnpH. It U .leii!f t (.ontnlim noltlier Opliiiu, Morjililnu nor other N tnitiHtaneo. Hit nr Im Hit uiiiirantee. It destroy. w,l find nlliiyM lVvorlnliiH'MH. I'or inure limn tldrir lI0r'"., Iiiim lict'ii In ennstiint una for tho rellrf of ri.i.Lti I'l.iltilrnoy, VId Colic, ull TiMlliInu; Troubi el nJ HlurrlMi'ii. It r.tiilnt' tlio Ntoiiiui und Hn? liHHlnillatoH tho Food, Iflvlnp; lieulthy und nutural .7'' Tho ChUdrcu'H l'unuccu-'iiio Mother' TrUiid. fc GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ii -rrrr, I SAVE MONEY ONYOUR TIRES I wi: iiivi: ivsr i.i,i:i i imo. 9 I Vi: Wll COMI'I.KTK Vt"l. AN- Ull l.IN; I'l.WT. II' W IIIVK III I 111:1: ntot nil :s nitivti hum in Ull IS. I'lNt'llKKS, IH.OWOITS, Ull KOI K ( ITS AMI (.CNKItAli TIKK I Ull III I'AIIIH. MAKK Til KM j III I "K,; V':XV' II INDEPENDENT AUTO CO. Ull nii.K, (.asuiisi:, Htri'iiis j llll sioitxi.t: Ull a:. i:ts i tut tiik i:i.i:imTt:i Ull (.(mum i: ii niti s 1 l-IKlMITI sr. iiki.k.ns. oiti:. I Confidence in Your Druggist Your .lucinr's Mi'siii.tiuii will ,e carefully and accu rately c.ii)mhiiiiIi'(1 wlieii linuilit to our Mr:. Our siK'i ullv is the of Drills coinpiiiiiuk'.l just as yo' I' wants it. PLAZA PHARMACY Bank Building St. Helens, Oregon We carry a full line of Toilet Articles, Perfumes, DruKKist's Sundries and Candies ffl 1 - i n 1 II Ii 1 W III 11 Ht LYONS BROS. Painters and Decorators All our wink Kiianuiteed anil none l.ut the Im-hI f innli l..lH II Mil. Vr koinI, hotiPHt wmk, ,.,,le tt UN. LYONS BROS. St. Helens, OreKon When in Need of Automobile Tires COMU TO IH Wo liiiiullu tlio (HHiralod hihI nimruiitwd UNITED STATES AND FEDERAL TIRES Nuiib nr better, lHO,IM.; ACt'KHSOHIKH ttiM& ST. HELENS GARAGE, U. S. De Spain, Prop. WK ItliXT OL'U AL'TOH TO Iti:HI0.HIIH.K I'AHTIKS I'Iiiiiio 57 What I therefore propose Is to appropriate rent by taxation. In this way the ctate may become the universal landlord without calling Also, pasture lends have not been Improved. They say It Is growth of popula- lifinellt no land owners unless thev hn Vltrv rlnl. i.. i personal no very rich In 1 in nrnvo proiierly in limnnm.,,. . the land they hold, and such are the best able to bear taxes: whlie tlm ....u.;ii uiiBu irom ttiom will fall lion lu the neighborhoods that gives those who have not . yet Tot tholr E. A. Crouse Architect and Contractor I'luns nml i:HtllatrN l.',,,.,,,,,,,,.,, Now Is a Kooil tinm u. I,ul,, H. lll tMAW HI'KKM PURE FOOD BAKERY ..... . W KHT NT. IIKI.DNH, mi:J() wii-i- ii:i.ivi:ti imiati hot khom thu ovkn to W PASTRY OF ALL KINDS AND FANCY CAKES A SPECIALTY A T Villi '""'.'I ' 00, Ur,'u,X nt ll,e '"" unwrrs: . A. K 'Ian. IVrry t;rln. j, h. rrlMin, WHIlmM '., Iliilliui IniiHiHIiiir .. in (ire,. lreu "im l UHtiy, ( ,.(r t 'oMfectloncy, , , itrower, rn.