V ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 19lb 8 ? MICT MICTRT.C fl -, lull.'.-, iviuoihmi), inn-. rpi w -r . n raste 1 nib m , 1 our riat at Fred The to Portland Monday. i - Woatherly's ioo cream Watkins' every day., . Try our Marslimallow S inula Royal Confectionery. A. 11. Lake left Tuesday night on a business trip to Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. lloland ot Scuppooso spent tho Fourth in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knglisli of Deer Island, visited St. Helens on tho Fourth. Brick ico cream every Saturday and Sunday at Mason's Place yout order now. Miss Leora Alexander spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Ketel. Help, Help Police, Police. Don't miss the buseball game Sun day afternoon. Attorney M. K. Miller was in Cluts- Fino Box Candies at the' Royal. kal,io Wednesday attending- to legal G. O. Strom made a business trip i ""' Do you know the. Gem Theater Is showing only the best reels? I'ome and you will como gnln. " 11. 0. Uurgess, sawyer at tho St. Helens Lumber Company mill, left Saturday night to spend the Fourth in Portland. Walter Morris and Miss Gertrude 1 Shulack of Portland, accompanied by Miss Juno Creel of Forest 15 rove, I spent tho Fourth-as guest, of Mrs. w. K. ninham. ! 11. C. Musten of Warren, was a : pleasant caller at Ibis ofiko Monday I and remained over to celebrate the j Fourth. Mr. Masteu Is suporinti-n- dent ot the Masten Lumber Co. j 'See the Gem Theater for a good, j clean show. Only the be.-.t e.imedies Tho best assortment ot smoking """'' ,ieaiure are useu. i p 10 tobacco and cigarettes at tho Koyal j lllU0 rckwo ,,SOil LXd:' Confectiouery. 1 lkr,-v- Yo" always get your money's wen u ai tins tuoatre. I Another one of St. Helens good j citizens to surrender soino of his i hard earned coin for a pleasure buggy I is William Muekle. He went to Port- , left Wednesday they will spend will then return Come to the baseball park Sunday afternoon and see a good game of baseball. Tho White Sox play the Klrkpatricks. Tho Koyal has tho largest assort ment ot chocolates in town. Many other kinds, also, to pick from, ot home made. F. M. Miles of t'crtland, was in St. Helens cn Wednesday on matters of business connected with the large holdings he has here. Rev. D. V. Poling, well known in Oregon and of national reputation as a speaker and musician, will occupy tlie pulpit of tho Congregational church Sunday, July 9. Newton Shears of West St. Helens has joined the automobile colony and is now driving a brand new Ford recently purchased from tho Inde pendent Auto Co., tho local agsnts. "CP. Catclicart ij cctlng anient of tho S. P. & S. iiy., rslievliis J. O. Divons, who is en .route east on a vacation. Mr. Catchcart is a pleas ant, accommodating gentleman and is giving the traveling public good service. T. C. Moyer of Wan en, was a call er at tiiis office Wednesday and con tributed to the Mist's exche ni'r. He .reports that during the last rainy weather his hay has been growing to beat the band. Ho wants good wea ther now to harvest it. land .last Saturday and drove a baby Overland and is now busy making the other auto drivers keep out of his way. Miss Kffie Perkins, who Is a trained nurse in the Lime hospital in San Francisco, arrived Tuesday morning to spend a well earned vaca tion with her sisters, Mrs. H. F. Mc cormick and Miss Loona Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. t). Strom arrived here Wednesday to spend the sum mer with their, son, H. O. Strom. They left Fargo, X. ti., three months at'o r.nd have been spending the time at Mr. Strom's reaidencu on the other sido of Portland. Chas. A. Payne of Chinook, Wash., was tho guest of his friend Kees Hall Thursday. Mr. Payne was for merly connected with tho Chinook Observer but has disposed of his in terests and is now numbered among i Ho idle rich. Mrs. Annie and Miss Gladys Payne from Portland, spent the Fourth here at the- guests of . A. S. Harrison and family. Mrs. Payne Is oue of the old Queers of Columbia county and sold her farm on Sauvies Island last fall for $30,000. Slio now makes her homo in Portland. You can save money by taking advantage o! Our Saturday Specials Supreme' Milk, regular 10c ... Clieese lest Made, regular 2: Moni.r,im Salad Oil. half gal., 4 for 25 c c. Special 20c lb. reg. 85c, special . .60c RED RIBBON CANNED GOODS DEPEND ABLE COFFEE are QUALITY goods. Try them. Williams 4 Hall Co. II' VOL' DON'T TIIAIjK WITH IS, WF, liOTH I.OSK MOMCV Phone 80 St. Helens. Ore. Miss Maud Harrison went to Port land this week to take up a business course and will bo absent. ull suni mo. , Wf it. Hewitt, consulting engineer cf'tlio McCormiek company, spent Wednesday In Portland. Mrs. C. M. White and (laughter ot Portland, are the guests of the fam ily of K. K. Quick this week. Don't forget the baseball game Sunday, at 2:30 o'clock. The White Sox" "try conclusions with tho Klik rii)rtcks. Gils Lang drove down from Scup pooso with his rumily la his new I ord and enjoyed the Fourth in St. ! I eh lis. Leo J. Conlill of the local tele phono staff, left Saturday to upend Lhe week end with his brldo a! Sea side. Ho returned Monday. Mrs. J. M. liodgeis and mm Curl, of fl.iP Lake, who hnvo been visiting at" the homo of Mrs. S. C. Morton for ihe past two waok. for Seaside, wh-re i ho summer. They to Salt Lake. A card received from Mrs. A. It. Lake tells of her safe arrival at Jack ion, Mini;., where she in visiting rela-', lives. Mrs. Lake usked that tho Mist be sent her until alio Is ready to re turn to Oregon. The Independent Milk Co. wish to et.press their thanks for their patron age. Our motto Is good milk and .:o:nii. prompt and reliable service May we hope for your continued pa tronage. Will und Herman Ketel and fam ilies and Martin Ketel motored down from St. Johns to spend tho Fourth in St. Helens. Mrs. J. H. Price arrived from San' Fianelsco tills week and spent tho Fourth hero. Sho will probably make her homo In Portland. Tho official statement ot the Col umbia County Hank appears in tills Issue. It sliows a healthy growth and is a splendid index of tho busi-i noss and commercial importance of' St. Helens. Misses lllanche and Mildred Allen left this week for Washington. Misi, Mildred will attend Hullinaii Collcgi and Miss Blanche will take up a homestead in the vicinity where her! brother, J. S. Allen, Is located. Superintendent Allen will leave probably today for S-ilem and will be absent for about ten days. lb will assist in the extiiniualloii of teachers as a member of the stale examining board. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowe of West -!t. Helens, who have moved here re -ently from eas'.Vin Oregon, were sur prised on their return from celebrat ing tho Fourth to find their son, Geo. C. Lowe, and family from Bend, in possession of their homo. They ex pect to locate hero. (5. ('. Lowe i:i a mill man mid expect to secure work here. Tho high altitude of east em Oregon did not agree Wednesday nfler- lhill.-i. IV ice lloiu. neip. - .-.i i Miss Heinleo Matseu oi ioiuh..... is the guest of her friend. Miss Lois Clear. J. II. Price left ,, for Vancouver. H. '.. I'elntt ' called there on shipping mailers. Commodore Jensen, lutiv, i)t y .Hi" Klamath, spent the Fourth ! city, lie left for Astoria, whero he M til superintend the construction of Ihe McCormiek ve.-.sel which ii ow under way : t th. yards In that city. Many compliments have bt Ml paid tTie Strand The;.ler for the excellent leu.lc furnished for Hie pictures. In f:-cl they all s:.y Hie tingle is dimply ( -.real and would In a credit lii cities ,i- .iij times h-.'-gcr thua St. Helens. ,..w d.iy-i music. Is ah.'.oln'.cly csscn i 1 fo,- .the pio.uv p -."eeitleii of ;, ; it .-t -. :.i;d it i.' hoped the S'raiul I'he.-.ii-i- cn curium- rimii-hliiK this iii-h el -as mu.-.ie in eoun.vtlun faith ii. i,- I'.etler than lie.:t" pi-o;;.-.:m.i. Il.n.d Davis and wife and ('apt. K T. W iula and wife meter -d down 1. 1. m Per: land Tiie..di-.y and wen- the ;i.r;i'.s of Mrs Annie Cox. Mr. Duvlh w;-.-i foi iii-rly coinii-ctcil with the Mist, and he nays lie always makes it .-. point to visit St. Ilelei . Hie Fourth of July, Thanksgiving 1,1111 t'h r lut n lo mingle with his old friends, us ho has a warm place In his heart for St. Helens, ('apt. Watts is a son of our old fiiaiul T. C. Watts of Iteuben, ..lid was born and nils.-d in this sec-, t ion. Or. J. (i. Turner, formerly of JPS liowo Turner, the well SS" known eye specialist of I'ort h.ud, will make regular visits to St. Helens every SO days In futuro. lr. Lowe 1 -lives for the east July 6, to be genu several months, and Ir. Tur ner will attend to any of Dr. Lowe's patients who may call during his lib s' -nce. Watch papers for dates later. k4 M M M Sunday evening "TIIE UPSTART" JtJMMlfBftW"poiulnr Hi-roa-n nrtUt MARGUERITE SNOW fivi-ai t Hnllrieul t'OMI Iiv imM Monday Charlotte Greenwood mid Sydney Grant in "JANE" Tlmt Intcriintloiiiilly ltnioa t linn. Ooliiniin Comnij, i i ) x i :s i . " llie ill-iingul-lKtl idiotopUy hlur 'I licoduti- lytihei'ts ill n plelillliitloii lit "MR. CREX OF MONTE CARLO It) I:. I'liil I iM (ipix-nlielm A reiiuirkiible foi-eiii-t nt Ihe present l-UiriMiiii War relnicil for I be flrt time, GO TO CHURCH MelhoilUt Chlireh Sunday school, 10 a. m. 11 a. m., Sermon on "Fulth Shown by Works." Kpworth League, 7 p. m. S p. in., Sermon, Theme, "llreak ng l'p Fallow (Irouild." All are welcome to n 1 1 these ser- vicea. An especial Invitation l-i ex tended to the strangres coming to our city. F. N. SANDll- Kit. ('i ngregatieiial Church Suiola school ill a. HI. Id jular iiioruliiK worship nt 11. o'clock. C!ili:,:ian Kudervor, 7 p. ni. Kel i.i.h l.ixon, h-adi-i'. Kv.-ulng iervii.es at It o'nloek. Itev. I V. Poling i f the "Flying Squad ron" will eoioluct ;:f tlni services of ti- elnin Ii Sunday. Special iiiusic. y y THURSDAY '"r "r,i Jhe Jiinule Comedians. "NAPOLEON AND SALLY," in "Two Chimps and a Chump" A Feature Comedy The Home of "BETTER THAN BEST" Programs all the time. ulljf trmtfc Sliratn 1 nlhi.lii' CliunTi M:;:s will he licl.l In the Catholic with them, cliuri-li Sunda) by Ilev. I'ather llai'np- o they sought a homo along tho shores of tho great Columbia. Steele Moorhoad, who Ik a mem ber of tho Coast .Artillery, Fourth Company of Itom-liurg, bus received oiders to report for annual encamp- ment at Ft. Htevens July 15. He b bugler of Fourth company with rani of Forgeant. A telegrum was received In Portland from tho war department t that tho Coast Artillery will be the next state military organization to be crMiiniunded to tak-j Us post of duty on the Mexican border. Orders Jiuve , becm received to recruit to full war ! strength. ii, at In o'clock a. in. 1'or sale, on reasonable terms, five ac.-c.-; lo-ar St-appiiosc, within one mile of railroad station; colivenleiit to hoohi and eliuiches. Three acres clean il :h1 one acre bearing oreloud. U.-I.'.nc.. loiw l.oing cleared . (lood :o:tac.c :Mi:',d; barn and chleli.-n boti: , woo(l:ilied, etc.. lor further particulars addre.-ai liox i::s, SI. a ., On-gi.ii. No. 18 IUNK ST AT KM i: NT C3 Q E3 Q K O - o I I p li Q S3 Q W O u (A Q Q K O A c; DICK FOR DUDS DICK FOR DUDS DICK FOR DUDS 6tl DICK FOR DUDS d i-i in Pl( mi MEN'S FURNISHINGS THE LEADING CLOTHIER Iteport of the condition of the Col umbia Comity Hank, ult. Helens In tho State or Oregon, at the close or business June liOth; 1911;, Itesoiirecs Loans and discounts . overdrafts, Hcc-ired and 11 tl seen red nouns ami wan Hanking house I- iirnlture and fixture. . Other r:-ul estate owned . Duo from approvi-d re serve bunks ;i:i,72 :t : 1 tu. . .$U7,!iil!).f,s 3 22. 1 7 :'.o,n;i7.74 17,0:111.00 2,Kjri:00 &,(KU.:i7 Let as you out hi -.ii i nn oave jnsi 1, is or run l uliipliiK out if von will iw -himI Ii t iik "rig you mil" pr i ly heforr you 1111. If you get lo "fry In the pan" uu must buve n kimmI gnu mid rifle, Mn miiiiilion nud fi-btng tackle Hint won't break when .Mr. I'iidi UtU .fllf MOOK, ll's Iniitiili.iiig to M-e game nud linvp 110 illl, or lo lioek " one nud b.M. bliii, in 1 ii ? Don't do It. Our stuff's the hcl; It MimiU the tct. A. S. HARRISON & CO. WF. Itl V .) Ki:iX l-'olt I.KHH J ( ash on liuiid ; Other resources 11UH4.1 68.11 THE LOGICAL PLACE TO TRADE. KNOW OUR. test us with qualities! A TRIAL. YOU Headquarters for the WorkingmaiVs Standard Dependable Goods Perfect Tailored Suits OUR SOLUTION OF THE BUYING QUESTION YOU. MEANS MONEY FOR NO OLD STOCK ni- dia LIDYARD, Manager, St Helens, Oregon P DICK FOR DUDS DICK FOR DUDS DICK FOR DUDS Totil1 7.K0H71 l.lllllllillCH apual Block paid In . HnrpltiK fund Undivided profits, l'eji cxpenHt-H and taxek paid PoKtal savings bai.'k' '.l',.' posits ,,. 7)ir n. Individual deposits Hub' jeci to cin-ck Demand certiflenteH ' Hi deposit , M(('aMhier checks outstand 0 1 Ing , Certified checks . . I nnio anil Savings Do- rill, 000, 00 10,000.00 181 00 1 .'19.067.32 G.871.01 .140.20 HO HO P""11" 0, K40.78 ' Total .State of Oregon, ! bla 11s. I A. I,. Btono, (!aHliler of tl. wea'r"".'!.'::"1., ba",k' IU """"' i swear that the nbova Htater-ient ll . "'"lothouMtof my knowledge m,d $270, SOX. H 'ounty of Collin,. Hi A. L. 8TONK, t-IC.IlUli- Jj ; COrtliKCT Attest: WM. M. HOKS g I- It. UUTIIEItFOItl), ! Suhscrlhed ,li Ii1'' "'I1' t r-.i. ... 10 nerore inn DICK FOR mmo S Mv this (ith day of July, iS1(! J- W. DA V. Notary Piihu,.. coniniliialon JAS. MUCKLE 4 SON "GOODS OF QUALITY" WHEN YOU BUY, YOUR NEXT PAIR Of SIK .!: SELECT fflE FLU SI "FOR THE MAN. WHO CARES" COMPLETE LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK SUPERIOR STYLE AND QUALITY IN EVERY PAIR PRICE $5.50 and $0.00 W kj J i , 1820. -:" e:; M.-y