St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, June 16, 1916, Image 1

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    jl, Helens Will Celebrate the 4th of July. Great Attractions Assured. Co
aa 1 . a, .1
fc. tfi c . a: -1-611 (I II El I
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NO. 26
cDfiM CT iin rue Mim ii.i -. . i -
L, Km"'"'"'"" "' i on-
itt i-:nj")ti.
j3JiiPr HuIIukIi wiit hl While
to Salem Sunday to eiiKiiKn Hi"
U't (Salcinl club f I1') Inter-
i Leau. from tin score II
nillul Hi"1 Wlilli Sox gnvit their
i i wry entertaining UMil rinse
4 However, wit ratlin buck
:. itoilmrl riul of a 6 to 6 mo, re.
. ,:iinJ.iu" wan good, close In
irtiple haiullnit dill their change
ailmliunw ticket"
in H"t. Peterson, tlin li'inliiff
, wir unable In (allium tln do-
iT o( MlK-rti. tin' former O. A
.'lilnT, ami wjlki'il liuck In llin
iT' lii'iu'h with llii' Ha inn lint
:h had IjIIiiI tu con unit with
liltln tille Klul.uln Sclberts
'J IIX Mi'l uiialil waited anil
riml on four whin ones. Stnv-
il'juiiliil, m'liiHiiK Mlrkny to llilril,
II looked tut If wo won ll score
Mnvre mnl Hrukko worn
Ui. Mourn went mil on mi ousy
lu I In' lti-lii-r mnl Hrukko wua
il oul iin strikes, t'mplri) Huyni'
0 tll . I:i CVell wurci tllllll
A lliii- U'ti-k ill I ln Wnlrr I'rniil
Iih U I'llliil In l.lmil.
Tin) IiiiikhIiimi'Iiii'h'h iilrllin linlnn i
U'iiiiuiarl!y Hi'ltlml, tint vurlmiH vch-:
tinlu Ihmii iiwnitliiK i'.iri(o put mi extra!
Iiinii uiiil mil) il ciiiiiplnluil IiiiuIIiik. '
Tin rliniiiiiT Klamath li-fl nut Hut-
u-iluy nlKlit, liniiiiil fur San I'nilro anil I
.an li'Ko. Hlu rarrlml u ourt'o nl!
iiiuro tluiii u minimi feet i.r lumlii-r,
i.lmi it i pUHMftiKm.
Tlin iili'iunrr Wupamii lefi nut Sun
ilu (nr Hoiillinrn Callfnnila purtK
Hit cutro ciiiulnti'il ( IuiiiIht ami
Tlin mnnmiT Tdiiplu K. Dnrr Infl
ilnwn ilvtr Tumiilay lilKlit, aflnr tali
I n It on n partial ian;n (nr San 1'i-ilrn
Tin iitnamnr llitwilnlii, fuplalii Tilt
Iti'itH, uirlvftl lii Saturday iilKlil mnl
aflnr titklui; nn "( fjO.itOU fri t of liim
Imr lift out Tin-winy dIkIiI fur Sun
Tin KtnuiniT O. M. Clark 1;: ex
piTtnil tlilH nuirn Iiik mnl will take u
hiukIkii mi-lit uf IuiiiIht fur tint Mc
('iiiniirk yard nt San Uli'tco.
Ti n ill. i kn it I - til m IIh uru plli'il
ut falllliK In m-n Hint twit iif din , llisjli wild luuiln';- ami tn'Vnrul mIimiiii-
ililrlki'H wnm Jin.t hi lilf.u iiImivd nrn urn nTpndi .l ilurliiK tlin iimi In k
''i bnl nr tin. p.-,,k f Mount ! wi . I..
i k iiliuvu tlin plai lit l.uiiiiu of
ii'm.liia rlvnr. TIiiih i imIi d our
-if fur 'inrliiK Sali-m put urn
c In tin. flrnt nn Seymour! walk,
Miu A,,ll, (i,,im f11P M,.,)(.rH,, : uriiitH Vminii Ti-iinis ( lull in Hist
IUidIviiI. Hiilit. ul' liiiPr-l'liili K1.1I..M.
Snverul iiidiiiIilts of tho St. Helens
Tennlu t'lult went to I'ortluml Sun
day to mei.'t tlio Vernon club In the
firtit of a r.erletj of chili mutcheti to
lie played. The Ku.nn aturteil on the
two courts ut 10 u. in. uml lusted
until evening.
The St. Helens pluyers only lout
two mutcliCH during the whole day,
uUIiiiukIi they were liudly hundicap
pel by slipping on the graveled cluy
courts. Glen Metsker, although lie
had not played for two ycurs, staged
a come buck by giving his opponent
a hard fight In both vinglcs and dou
bles. Tho ladles team, composed of Miss
Mildred Allen and Miss Addy Adams,
simply Mwamped their opponents and
In tho return match to be played In
St. Helens courts on the 25th. will
Ijilior KuviiiK Machinery Iiihtulhil
uml Iti'udy for Hcunoii'k Itun.
The Si. Ili'lciiH Wnniau's I'lub held
Its lata regular meeting of the club
)ei r Wiiliiesilay ufternuon, ut the
Inline nf Mrs. J. W. I lay, when u re-ci-ptinn
was given to the members
and Invited giiests.
It lining Klug Itay, the rooms were
very lamefully decorated with flags
and u prolusion of I .a Franco and
Cartili.-o Testout roses.
There was a short business ses
sion which was followed by gullies.
Miss Josephine Moorhead favored the
cuiiipuny with u piano solo 11 mi kindly
responded to an encore.
Very dainty refreshments were
then served.
Nine of the visitors gava their
iinmes for membership when tho club
opens for sludy In the early fall.
Among the visitor, present wero
Mrs. Win. lloss, Mrs. J. M. Ruther
ford. Mrs. I.. It. Hutherford, Mrs. May the Multnomah lui.'.ea championship. ' to u- T,,is niachino will save a vast
Newton of Deer Itlund. Mrs. J. 8.! I.. It. Hutherford won from A. W. : ''-""'"t of hand labor.
Ilrown, Mrs. Kllu George, Mrs. Hubu Grant, the Y. M. ('. A. cliampion, and : The cannery is now working on
IliakeKley, Mrs. Cora lloyce, Mrs. Jas. i H. t,. Ilurdeck, a former partner of ; rheubarb. The strawberry crop is so
Klllsun, Mrs. M. K. C.raveB, Mrs. Myr- V. A. I.arned. Rutherford and Turner short that uo attempt wil be made
tie ltkketson, Mrs. Hlshop Moor head, also won from Grant und Burdens In to care for the small amount that
Miss Josephine Moorhead, Miss Elsie the doubles. Luster Wellington und might ho offered.
Some extensive improvements are
being made at the Columbia Hlver
Canning and Produce Co., und ull is
bustle und business getting ready for
the season's run.
A new warehouse 50x30 haa been
added to the west side of the muin
building and an addition capable of
storing two carloads of cans has been
added on the east side. These two
buildings were much needed and will
afford plenty of storage room for the
Two new capping machines have
been received. These machines are
ut the very latest design and are
capable of cupping 40 cans per mn
iute. The capacity of the flrBt ma
chine was about 30 per minute.
A new blanching machine has also
play Mrs. Constance Meyers and her j b(jen recnived which is capable of
sister, who played in the finals at ; ,UK1"S cure ot 811 tl,at can ue Ied
Halted for I'erry In ninth.
St Helens 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 II 2 5 !
Hits 12(10 01011 S.
SiiIimii 10 0 2) 0 2 0 fl !
i.aliln error ullnwlng him to! lilts 0 12 1113 0
.'Mini. Ins inn. In 11 good strut nfj Units Jumleson, Armsplger 3, j
lilrd Ik.ii(., and scored mi Wll- Mirtmi. Seymour :i, Wllr.on, I In user, !
mil at flrni .Miller. Struck out - Hy Si lbcru, 14; I
; i.u 1, 1.1 r. . i.u i. ....... i 11 '
,i , 1 117 in'llHMini.ll, I., I.J ...KIM.', w. .........
3 llio ,.(-,,, e put across two. .,.,,. .M,,r. Two-bus. hits!
Initti SMi.l AriitHprigiT both sill-J - - Jiimleifoli, Snlberls, Wilson, Slev
I ('it 1111 i rmr liv l imt linsiuiiiin J"1"'1. Hmu' on balls Off Sel
s tHitli ,1 u Htntion anil ,,,,rt"- :l; off l""'-l'l';'". 2- 'Slr,r
den,, .11,1 ., ' . I flee I1IIMWIIM.11. Jones. Sacrifice
, a T"'" fly -Miller. Htolcn Seymour j
(urth.T r;c..ritiK until th rourlli, ! 2. lilt by bull - Armsplger. l inplre:
11 Sidi'iii attain deiii. d tin. home ; - Huynen. Time of i:::me-1 ; 4 5. 1
' HiiittuT was safe 011 Stevens' i
r. Junes saerlflc -d him to sec-j Noli' uf Hie mi j
1 -"'I 1m stored when Miller i St. Helens should have rightfully
"M a hIiikU Into right which , 1 ti. winner of the game. The;
w! Iniu lln. c-rt'i-k and wait t-ulled ' umpliluit was di'cl.l.'.lly off color ami
"""''' 1 ,,u ..1 i,.t.ui tu.. riuiH Mnori) was
' fifth a walk, a stolen Imso'safo at liocoml by a quarter of a
union's .loiilil,. added iinother blorl:, uml If the portly umpire. Mr.
10 "ili iu's rullertluiK In u it... 1. .. ..... 1. ...I 1, .Let. H.n Irou'i'.e to !
"M 4 '0 2 In favor of Salem. In j turn mound and see the pb.y It would
""mil ht. Helens chalked up have been called safe. This decision .
iune:mtl, ,.,.., Arliimirlifni. ...1...... ,t .. u.,.r.. Wil wnlll.l Sill!- ,
1 . 'n'1' 1 unit..-., un v. "
"'I'D first when (Mil full,., I 1,. ., : .... .. , i.,..ui,i..,,i 11, ,v thai hit furnish !
""i"- "ml took third on Perry's ' n,u umpire u revolving chair so his
iTiHro, scoring on Dnnalilson's long j 200 pnunds of fifth can more easily!
! ri'Dler. lu 11
WIlBfk with Ve IIKea.,,... II .. : , .. ...... fl,l
fi ,ii,i . . Hie MUiciii tans in" .1
HKl'il but wtis forced at third i .1,,, s, Helens tilav-i
UUIIIT I ch,,!,.,, s , . .
ri( 1, ' - :.i s tlin liiin.l oiumi. 11117 i. ii.....h"
-u... e,-or,i, a,,,, score.l ',,,.....
-ful,,,, ,o slop Wl.sonV,,,,;,,,,
v. hut, wiison later ,, , ..... cni.un In ei-eillled-
Jo.,t, ,.,, , with wa of tho fluke variety. 1 n
"'""'I to Stive "K""y li' " 1,1,0 CrWk "m' U"
" "" elgliili m .1 .. ! ''' ",uUl ''" wu" l" Wlutl
lliiilditiK rermits .i unteil $25 A im
propriated for Fourth of July
iV.V. ' Vi . ,"T,t.i a -r?s .a r.
KlfeetlvD tomorrow, me name of siuiion on the S. I'. & S. 11. 11. now known as Houlton will be changed to
St. Helens. Tho above is a picture of this station, nlso of an ordinary size box car. The population of St.
Helens is now almost 2,000. With a steady growth in the city, there are some who think the present struc
ture will nut bo adequato to care for the heavy traffic in and out of the city.
'ive Lost mid Ten .Missing Vetl
Valued ut $l,(t(Mt,(MK.
decisions were bad, to say
I'liillp, Mrs. H. K. l.ullaro, Mrs. Julia ltmibcn Sten played their usual STEAMER BEAR
Thompson. "eu"y Kuu'e una won everyining uiey
The following members wero In at-1 wero In. Reuben Sten aud Miss Mil
tendance; Meadames I.. I., linker, ! d red Allen nlso won their mixed dou
Irene M. Hay, Kl'flu C. Urown, Marga-; bios matched from Mrs. Ella Ralph
ret Southaid, F.llzahclli Islilster, Ivu ! and J. h. Dreed in straight sets. Mar-
D01I1I Charlotti) Allen, Ollvo Sten, ley Turner won from C. V. Ralph, a The steamer Hear of the San Fran
Llllla' Crouue, Minnie Doleshal, Ida brother of Mrs. Constance Meyer, in cisco & rortland Steamship Company,
Shliiit Hiinnali, May R. Moor-iliio most exciting niatcli of tho day, iwhich left from Portland Tuesday at
lie.ul Similiter. j 1110 piay running xnree uunu sets. 1 v- .u. mi., u neuvy cargo una luu
The pluyers ull report 11 lino lime passengers ana a crew or 82 men,
and royul entertainment by the ludies' struck on Sugur Loaf rock off Cape
of the Vernon club, who served a Mendocina, Cal., Wednesday night
1 chicken dinner and a luncheon In , about 10 o'clock, and lute reports
tlio lionin rubl.e:'.
... . .......
Tho White Sox win ntivu u ."
of , , , :.:r : a.,w ....
"''ii.uml ,,. , n.ett. river. In tlin nieatilime, we
M cffnrt to tl tl, score. Arm-
n'' " unit umv 1 ... 1 1
a... ' ".iiinriru Willi IM1U . .. i.t.
f:,t , .. next r'.umluy'H Ki'.
rl;M"m, linnl.,., ' ,.'. I U..K llruilfonl UMK.'egallon. Hullagh
rlng Army ahead of hlm " ' llwn "lH "WnV
"""''nn,, Mruck out, l-etersuili'"" ' w,n """""'
'1 11 liuiiv fly I,, i. 1 I in,,.'! But tllscourilgnd. WO re-
infill u i-iiiiu tint 1 mi.' 1 "
""" ' "taUIng from tho port Hide, i member when tlio New York flints
HIlS swlnirs. .....1 ll.eiwero liwuy down about the "(10
Wuh r...... 1 . .. . .. ...i .I... ivini and
iniirii', i niMi uu-ji i.u "
. Hi. HeleitN won some flfleon straight guinea.
. 1 . . .. - ... .1... ........i... II nvi.ri.ees we
Wn 1. A. H. I'O. A. K.I I.OOIIIIIB ui m """
Ml,, ','.lf..'. ft 0 1 0 0 ,,i they are now III snconil place In
j tho Nctlnoiil League's percentago col
umn. Cheer up.
K i'i.
fwre. ,
t"m, o ; ' ' "
'""PlKnr, cf" "
l "...
. '."'Iitwu. ,
Norton .... ..
'.'""Hintv. o..
'""' if ....
""if. c
hi. ff
rbB. it":"
Total, .
All. II. I'O. A. K.
.4 0 2 3 1
.2 1 10 0 1
.401 10
. 4 2 7 1 0
. 3 1 0 0 .1
.3 0 2 0 0
.3 0 0 4 0
.110 0 0
.33 0 24 10 5
All. II. I'O. A. K.
.51 1 20
.3 2 0 0 0
. 4 0 2 2 1
.4 2 10 2 0
.4 0 0 0 1
..32 9 27 12 5
Intt'i-CIIV U'tiKiif SlNilliiK
Woodburu J
Huluiii ,
lliudfords 1
Heavers '
Kirk Patricks "
Bt. Helens J
.4 55
Tho well known firm of the Muckle the evening. They also wish to thnnlt stnte she is a total loss. The sea was
Hardware Co. has changed owner
ship, and will succeeded by V. E.
Stevens and H. K. Cornlhwnlte of
I'urtland. Stock taking will com
mence next Monday.
Mr. Cornlhwaltu has disposed of
A hard warn stock In rortland and it
will re.iulro this week to finish the
Inventory, when tho work of Invoic
ing the t,tock at this pluco will com
mence. Mr. Stevens Is well known In this
city and Is an active young business
man aud will make good. His part
ner Is an experienced hardware man
and bus exercised good Judgment by
investing In St. Helens. Wo wish
thn new firm unlimited success.'
Council met Monday evening with
all members present.
Councilman White asked further
time to report on gutter near Cen
tral store.
Councilman Allen reported on the
mutter ot oiling certain streets. The
mayor stated that he had interviewed
the county court on tho matter and
proposed that the city pay its pro
portion of expense. Suggested that
the mayor ascertain how soon the
court will do so.
Councilman Muckle reported on
sewerage from Aiken septic tank.
Recorder orderpd to notify health
officer to examine and report on the
Committee on moving picture
houses reported that the lirinn place
Is as safe as any.
Mashal reported on crosswalk near
Congregational church and suggested
that a couple of loads of rock bo
used with the lumber.
Mayor suggested that a flag pole
be placed on tho City Hall.
A. T. Kiblan asked permission to
erect a garage on vacant lot, which
was granted.
Application of J. H. Wellington
to erect chicken house on lot 22,
block 19, was granted.
1'ei.itlon for oiling atreet read and
ordered placed on file.
An agent ot A. G. Long Co., in
reference to purchase of tiro hose,
presented claims which were laid
Ordinance regulating picture
shows read third time and passed.
Ordinance apportioning and assess
ing tlio cost of sewer improvement
in Sewer District No. 1, Sec. "B,"
read third tiiiKs and passed.
In the matter ot the connection of
tho toilet of J. II. Collins, a motion
was made and carried that J. II. Col
lius be given notice to connect with
sewer within ten days, and unless
connection be made, a warrant will
bo Issued for his arrest.
Councilman Ballagh was instruct
ed to look after the fire hose mat
ter under discussion.
A. T. I3arnett, as a committee,
asked the council for a donation for
tho Fourth to July celebration. Oi
motion the sum of $25 was appor
tioned. Councilman White reported that
there was about 400 feet of good
hose and that tho city needed GOO
or 800 feet more, and repairs to
carts. Also suggested that hydrants
bo made to conform to the size of
the hose. Referred to committee on
fire and water.
Kuntlny'H Itiwiills
At Montavir.a Montavllla 5, Kirk-
""ATs'itlmn-Salem 0. St. Hol.mK 16
At Woodland -Heavers ID. W"
"l,Atr,'wo..dburn - Woodburu 10.
HrndfordM 2.
Mr. Mctsker for the use of his auto smooth but there was a heavy log
In assisting in tho transportation. ( ("apt. L. M. Nopander of the Ill-fated
The St. Helens Tennis Club is vessel, ordered all bouts launched in
helping to Weep St. Helens on tho mi endeavor to save all souls, but at
map as they have only lost one match this writing it is known that at least
with outside teams and is said to ' five persons perished and ten ure
outrank any club lu tho stuto outside missing. .
of Irvingtou und Multnomah clubs, The magnificent steamer Is a total
where the stato championships tire less. The battleship Oregon was in
hold. ' the vicinity and aided In the rescue
Come out on the 25th and boost I of the unfortunates, as did other ves
for your home teams. Mrs. Meyer, ! sols summoned by the Rear's wire
besides being the sensation In the j less calls for help. -Multnomah
ladles championships this : The Bear was a sister ship of the
your, won the diving champlonshp of Beaver and was a vessel of 4503 gross
tho United States at the Pnnnmu ex- tonnage. Sho had a double bottom
position at San Francisco last year. and water tight bulkheads, and was
Sho will play with her sister, Mrs. considered unslnkable, but it is pre-
Urady, who is almost ns famous as Humed the sharp rocks tore large
a diver and cwlmmer. No admission ' holes In tho vessel. She was built
Is charged and It will bo worth while ut Newport News in 1910, und since
to see all of these people play. i that time has been on the Portland-
. 1 San B'rancisco-Snn Pedro run. She
HOME AGAIN Wtts val"od at close to $1,000,000.
1 ' Whore the Bear was wrecked has
Fred Morgus and Cecil Ross, who 1)Pen tll0 Bcene of n wrecks. and
1 br . ..Inform and i.eated to Its, have been attending tho University of ls Ullowll ng tle ..Graveyara.. of the
,peakors planum aiti 1r,.ved homo Friday night. ..,,,, n, .
,.i.ieltv T ils I.UlllllUg is ""I""; - , aiiuuiii u. mo nu-
,1 rnl.venl.-nc3 as It. sometimes Fred Is taking u course In commerce mim)us rock8 mld roof8 which extend
" ., n Lou end while tho build- while Cecil is fitting himself for a out illto th
Tl 1 ord accominodutions doctor by taking tho pre-n,ed.Cj
..... ... i.,.,t nrotoct tlio course. Both of mose young men; Mrs. J. S. Ilrown and daughters
""' '. 1 .,....,. v other at- expect to return when tho full sea-1 left Thursday to visit home friends
una (O.s mui v;.,i.i" . ... .... .... ... .., .
Tlio fair board will open bids next
Miu.d.iv for tho erection of an audi
torium on the fair grounds ns per
notice published elsewhero. The pro-
. .... 11.11..., w 1)0 4UX1.U. wuu
Helens to Celebrate the Fourth of
While it is not definitely decided
who will have charge of the program,
it is an assured fact that St. Helens
will celebrate the Glorious Fourth.
An executive committee has been
chosen and it is now working out the
details as to program, entertainment,
etc. A canvass was made among the
different business men and a substan
tial sum subscribed which assures a
good program with attractive prizes.
It is understood water sports, base
ball, tennis and a competitive shoot
by tho gun club will be among the
main attractions, with many races,
and laud sports thrown In for good
measure. It is also possible that both
the third and fourth will be cele
brated. In the next issue of the Mist
a complete program will be given,
but in the mennttme hold yourself
in readiness to be in St. Helens for
the celebration will bo well worth
the while.
tract inn Hmt '""'V 1,0 "" lmuJ'
1I011 of the university opens.
in Minnesota.
Prof. L. L. Baker and family left
Thursday morning for the summer
vacation. Mrs. Baker and children
will stop In Portland and will also
visit Tillamook and other coast re
sorts. The professor will go to Eu
gene, whero he will attend the sum
mer course of tho state university.